Too Good to be True

Story by Drayne_the_Wolf on SoFurry

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#6 of A Change for the Better

"Mild hysteria spreads slowly throughout the country following the massive genetic shift in the human populace. Seven riots total have occurred in several major cities, resulting in increased S.W.A.T. and police action. Our sources inform us that the Department of Homeland Security may even be planning to deploy soldiers to enforce defense of primary targets. Safe houses have been established in many major cities for furs who feel that they are unsafe. Humans and furs alike gather at religious and political monuments, seeking aid from the forces that are said to control their lives. The suicide count has now reached over two hundred in both humans and furs alike, and there have been eight total murders following the arrest of the executioner Rook..."

"Turn that off," I said, "we don't want to hear that."

Scott did as I asked and shut off power to our television set. "At least they caught that guy." He said. "I was worried he was going to do some damage." Scott stood up from the couch and walked over to me. He was shirtless, clothed only in a pair of baggy flannel pajama bottoms. His tail, which hung out just above the edge of his pants, wagged profusely as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I couldn't help but smile. The cops had caught Rook and his ‘soldiers,' the police were taking control of the riots, and my boyfriend was in my arms. After a week of paranoia, misery, and pure fear since Rook first rose, things were finally starting to clear. As if that wasn't good enough, it was Friday, and the school had closed today so that the police could go through people's lockers to ensure that no one was a Rook wannabe.

"What should we do today?" I asked, massaging between his shoulder blades. I too wore flannel pajama bottoms, but with a black tank top over my muscular chest.

He responded with a mur before adding, "I dunno, what do you want to do?"

"I hate it when you do that!" I said with a playful whine.

"Oh fine!" he responded with an equally playful whine. He thought a moment before we heard the clanking of plates in the kitchen. "Well, breakfast is a good place to start." He said with a grin. He released me, turned around, and began the short walk to the kitchen, his tail wagging sexily as he moved. I licked my chops at the sight. I was one lucky wolf.

When I stepped into the kitchen my nose was battered with the smell of waffles. Jordon was behind the counter, as was usual (Jordon and Ace had slept overnight again.). Scott was leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets, watching Jordon work, but he perked up when he saw me. He approached me and placed his hands on my biceps, tracing his thumbs across the blue arrows that my highlights formed. "Love your new look, babe." He said with a sexy grin.

I nuzzled the top of his head. "I know, you only tell me a lot."

I can't help it!" he cried, "You look so sexy!"

"It's true." Jordon chimed in. "You are pretty hot." He winked at me.

"Are you hitting on me?" I asked jokingly.

"I might be." He purred, his tail flicking back and forth.

Scott spoke again. "If you two have the hots for each other then why don't you yiff?" he asked.

Jordon and I were both caught off guard at the suggestion. "Are you serious?" Jordon asked.

"Depends," Scott replied, "if you get Chris, do I get Ace?" He asked Jordon with a wink.

"What about me?" Ace asked, walking into the kitchen just in time to hear his name mentioned. His fur was damp, and the only thing he wore was a dark grey towel, also damp.

"We were talking about a boyfriend swap," Scott told him, "for the next time we have a group yiff."

Aces jaw dropped and his tail ceased wagging. "A what?" he asked, just as shocked and confused as Jordon and I.

Scott's grin never faded and his tail actually sped up. "As in Chris on Jordon and you on me." He said. "Next time we yiff."

Ace's jaw remained still. "You mean," He said, "you want my cock... in your ass?" Scott nodded, his tail still beating just as hard. Ace looked at me, mouth and eyes still wide open, then he looked at Jordon, then back at Scott. His jaw closed and his eyes relaxed. His tail began to beat fast and his jowls curved into a devious grin. "Sounds hot." He said, surprising Jordon and I even more. "We should try it sometime." He turned to walk behind the counter to join Jordon, his tail brushing across Scott's groin.

Scott wrapped a paw around the mid of Ace's tail, loosely holding it as it slipped through his grip. A toothy grin spread across his face and he walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist again. "Don't worry, hun," he said to me, "you're still my only love."

My eyes and jaw relaxed and I closed my arms around Scott's back. I turned to look at Jordon, seeing him sway back and forth as Ace stood behind him, hands on Jordon's hips. When Jordon finally looked over at me I silently mouthed the words, "It'll be fun" At him. Jordon winked back at me and closed his eyes again.

We remained silent in each other's arms for a minute before we were snapped out of our daze by the ding of the waffle iron. Scott slid out of my arms and approached the counter, his plate already being filled with chocolate chip waffles. Ace stepped away from Jordon and started walking towards hallway that led to the bedrooms. "I'll go put something on." He said.

"Who said you need clothes in this house when my parents are out of town?" I asked with a silly grin.

Ace turned around and grinned. "Silly Chris," he said cutesy, "it's impolite to eat in a towel!"

I returned the grin. "So take the towel off!"

Ace shrugged. "If you say so." To all of our complete surprise, amusement, and sheer pleasure, Ace pulled simply on the knot of his towel and the garment fell away. The red tip of his cock stuck out slightly, and his sheath was swelled thick with arousal. We three all gawked at his bulging maleness. He grinned deviously at the faces we were showing. "I'll go put something on." He repeated. He slung the towel over his shoulder and left in the direction of the spare bedroom, tail wagging erotically as he moved.

The three of us returned to our senses and sat at the table. Scott was victorious in the mad dash for the syrup bottle on the table, and we watched as he drowned his waffles in way too much of the rich substance. During his action a small glob dripped onto his finger. He smiled and placed the digit into his mouth, sucking a moment and then pulling it out with a pop. He smiled at me and said, "Taste's thick and sweet, kinda like something else I love."

I blushed and snatched the bottle from him. "Cute." I responded, still blushing.

"I know, right?" he answered."

At that moment Ace walked back into the room shirtless and, like the rest of us, wearing his favorite flannel pajamas. I looked at him with confusion. "Why'd you get in your pajamas? You're just going to have to get dressed so we can go out in a few minutes anyway."

"I don't think we'll be going out today." Ace said, gesturing toward the window. I hadn't even noticed that it had started pouring rain.

"Aww!" Scott whined, his ears flattening against his head, "I was hoping to go outside." Suddenly my phone started to vibrate madly on the table. I flipped the small thing open, seeing my mother's number on the caller ID.

"Hey mom."

"Chris, has it started raining there yet?" my mom said on the other end.

"Yeah, it just started a minute ago."

"Darn it, I was hoping to reach you before it hit." She sighed, then continued, "Look, Chris, the weather people say it's only going to get worse. It may even start to snow."

"What!? It's the middle of March!"

"I know, they said it's one of those freak storms that comes out of nowhere. Look, TSA has grounded all flights in and out of the east coast for the entire weekend. It looks like we can't get home until Monday around noon. Can you guys last that long?"

"Sure thing, we're old enough."

"All right. We'll be home as soon as we can."

"Right. Love you, Mom."

"Love you too sweetie. I'll see you Monday after school."

I hung up the phone and slid it into my pocket. "Looks like we're gonna be stormed in, gents." I said.

I spun around to see Ace talking on his cell phone. "Yeah, of course it's okay with him... yeah... okay, we'll be home as soon as it clears up... thanks Dad... yeah, see you." He flipped his phone shut and put it next to his plate. "Jordon," he said, "Dad doesn't want us trying to come home until the storm clears up, and frankly I don't want to try to." (I forgot to mention that Jordon moved in with Ace and his family).

"Right." Jordon said, then he smiled. "Looks like we get to try that swap a little early." We all grinned; tonight would be an adventure.

* * *

The afternoon was spent with pajamas, movies, various unhealthy snack foods, Portal, music, television shows, Halo, Poker, Call of Duty, and of course simple chat. All in all, a good afternoon. Once night had fallen we all migrated into the kitchen and prepared a group meal. I heated up some spaghetti, Scott made garlic bread, Ace chopped up a salad, and Jordon prepared some meatballs. It was a meal fit for wolves like us (and a panther, ha-ha).

"So guys," Scott started, "you know the spring formal dance is next Friday."

The three of us nodded. "I wonder if they make suits in wolves' sizes." I said jokingly.

"You're bound to find something." Jordon said.

"You're gonna have the same problem, Kitty." I said back.

"Yeah, well, my neck is thinner compared to yours so I don't have to worry about finding a special one!" he mocked back, flicking his ears up and down in quick succession and eliciting a laugh from us all.

Scott gasped, surprising us all. "What!?" Ace asked urgently.

Scott's jaw dropped and he pointed to the window. "Look!"

It was hard to see through the dark, but after a moment we saw that it was starting to snow. "Damn!" I gasped. "I'll go light a fire." I jumped up from the table and left to the living room where I lit a fire in our brick fireplace. I returned to the kitchen to see that the dishes had been completely loaded into the dishwasher. "Thanks for getting my stuff." I said to them.

"No problem." Jordon said.

We all then migrated into the living room and sat on the couches around the fireplace. Scott grabbed his guitar which he seldom played and played a few songs which we all sang along to. One of my personal favorites of his was the song Beautiful by Moby. He sat next to me and played, and we all listened and sat around. I had a feeling that Scott was singing to me.

"Look at us we're beautiful. All the people push and pull, but... let's just go out and ride; talk about the things we tried. Look at us we're beautiful, all the people push and pull, but... they'll never get inside. We've got too much to hide."

Other songs that he played that we all knew were I'm Not Alone by Calvin Harris, Megalomaniac by Incubus, and Still Alive from the videogame Portal (you know you're a nerd when you and your friends sit around a fireplace and sing Still Alive, ha-ha).

Before we knew it it was eleven o'clock. Both the television screen and the fireplace created a flickering light in the room. When we had all had our fill, we decided that we were done with television and it was time to move on to... other things.

I cradled Scott in my lap and he clung like a baby to my chest fur. It didn't take long for me to notice a significant bulge in the loose fabric of his pajamas. I kissed the top of his head and said, "Aww, Scott's feeling yiffy?" I said cutely.

"You bet!" he replied.

Ace's ears perked up. "Wanna put our plan into action?" he said excitedly.

Jordon purred contentedly. "I sure as hell am." He said. I noticed that he too had a significant bulge in his flannels.

I grinned. "Let's do this, then."

Our couch was U-shaped, so Jordon and I took one side and my boyfriend and Ace took the other. Was I a little jealous that my lover was about to have sex with another guy? Yeah, a little, of course. Did it bother me? Not at all. Was I excited that I was about to have sex with Jordon? Fuck yes.

Jordon practically leapt into my lap. Before I could react he pressed his lips against mine, shoving his tongue into my maw. I was shocked; I didn't think that Jordon could be this dominant. It only made things that much more exciting, though. A little challenge brought out the predator in me, and believe me, the predator always knew how to have fun.

While Jordon and I were still making out, Scott and Ace had already worked each other out of their flannels. Scott was hovering on all fours above Ace and grinding his paper white sheath against Ace's jet black one. I watch, lips pressed against Jordon's, as their cocks worked together to slide back each other's sheathes. The sight of their cocks trading pre was enough to send me into a feral rush.

Adrenaline surged through my system as I threw Jordon onto his back on the couch. I leapt on top of him, practically ripping his flannels away. His member stuck straight out, already half erect. My pajamas were stretching to the point where it was uncomfortable. Jordon used the tips of his claws to drag them away from my legs, and my already hardened eleven-incher pointed straight at Jordon's face. Pre dripped in thick globs from my slit, and my balls hung heavy with the excitement. The look of fear, submission, and ecstasy on his face only urged me on. "What are you waiting for, mutt?" he asked with a devious smile. "Take it away."

Meanwhile Scott had apparently acquired a bottle of lube from a place that I honestly couldn't care less about. My guess was that he probably had it in his pocket, probably for a few hours, but it didn't matter. Ace was leaning back on his back, mouth agape and eyes shut as Scott ran his paw pads up and down Ace's incredible length, lathering it slick with way more lube than was necessary.

Scott leaned over, still stroking Ace's massive cock, and whispered something into his ear. Ace's lips curved into a devious smile and his sealed eyes shown the pleasure he was receiving. "It feels good..." he said softly as Scott continued to pump his paw up and down Ace's surface. Scott's own shaft was already glistening with pre. Of all the guys I knew, Scott had the strongest balls when it came to pre. He could produce more pre in a minute than all of them combined in five.

He was absolutely beautiful to behold. Everywhere that his pre got to glinted like diamond when it was touched by light, and his fur was tinted orange in the light of the fire. The best part of Scott was his taste. His pre was the perfect combination of sweet and salty and had the perfect texture, but his cum, oh God, his cum was the best tasting that I had ever experienced (not that I had experienced a whole lot, but I imagine that it couldn't get much better). It was always thick and hot, and there was always a ton of it. I stared at his glistening wolfhood, almost wishing that I could stuff his hole eleven inches down my throat.

I was zapped out of my daze by the feel of something hard hit my side. I yipped slightly and looked down at the floor at what it was. I wasn't surprised at what I saw; the bottle of lube. I looked back up at Scott, who winked at me before turning back to Ace. I picked up the small bottle and stared at Jordon, who had until now been enjoying the sight of Ace and Scott just as much as I had been. I leaned back and handed him the bottle. "Get to work." I said with a grin.

Jordon wasted no time in squeezing a huge amount of the clear solution into his paw. He squeezed it together a few times before reaching forward and grasping the base of my erection. I gasped at the cold, wet feeling, and dropped my head back as if it had been held up by a string which had just been cut. I couldn't help but moan as Jordon pumped along my red shaft, which now dripped pre in notable amounts. Jordon's paw-job on me lasted about three minutes before he let go of my throbbing shaft and fell backwards onto his back. I slowly pulled myself forward and positioned my slick tip at his entrance.

"You ready?" I asked him.

"Bring it, hound." He answered.

Ace and Scott released the kiss that they had been holding up to this point, a string of saliva connecting their lips. The string broke on Scott's end and fell, landing on the tip of Ace's cock, sliding all the way down the side, and ending on his notably large sac. He shivered at the feeling of the long string sliding down the most sensitive part of his member and a short jet of pre shot from his tip, landing on Scott's chest. The sight of Ace's pleasure was enough to make Scott crave the final product. He practically leapt onto Ace's lap and quickly lowered his experienced ass onto Ace's cock. The two both let out a groan at their respective feelings and Scott leaned back, supporting himself with both his paws.

I took it slow, seeing as how this was only Jordon's second time. I pushed smoothly and steadily into his tail hole, moaning at the well-known feeling of tightness slowly descended on my cock. I glanced down at Jordon's cock. His long, pink rod was spurting pre across the poor cat's toned abdominals and his sizable balls shifted up and down slightly in time with his heavy panting. The predator within me only became more active at this, and I leaned down so my muzzle was inches from Jordon's. I hooked my arms underneath his, holding him steady by the shoulders as I fell into a pounding rhythm.

Scott and Ace were already hard at work. Ace massaged Scott's rock-solid in time with their sex as Scott's rhythm became faster, harder, and less uniform. His cock twitched and spurted pre across Ace's chest and muzzle. Ace's knot slammed roughly against Scott's tail hole. Ace became bored with their current position after a while. His eyes shot open and in a violent show of force he threw them both up so that Scott was leaning against the back of the couch. Ace kneeled on the black cushions, legs spread as wide as he could, and began thrusting madly into Scott's now even more vulnerable tail hole.

Scott let out a loud moan at their new position. It was incredibly tight, so tight that Scott's tip was a few centimeters from his mouth. Scott opened his eyes just enough so he could glimpse at Ace, who looked back into his eyes and knew immediately what he was thinking of. Ace's eyes widened in awe and lust at what Scott did next. I'll spell it out for those of you who can't guess; Scott shot his head farther forward and took a good four inches of his own cock into his maw. Ace gasped at the sight, his pace losing all rhythm that it might have had. After two minutes more of Ace's pounding and Scott's self blow-job, which was better for Ace than any porn he had ever seen, Ace violently shoved his knot into Scott's tail hole, leading them both to climax.

I no longer possessed any control over my actions. I pounded with incredible ferocity into Jordan's tail hole, and the poor cat couldn't register any other signal other than my cock inside him. His eyes, both of which had been loosely shut, suddenly flew open, along with his mouth. He threw himself up to me, wrapping his legs around my waist, his arms around my neck, and his tail around my leg. I quickly took a glance over at Scott and Ace, and what I saw shocked me. Ace was kneeling in front of Scott with Scott's legs draped over his shoulders, teeth and eyes both clenched as he worked hard to shove his knot into Scott's tail hole. Scott, meanwhile, had almost half of his cock in his own mouth. Suddenly, and without warning, Jordan pushed up, rotating us so that I was on my back and he was on top of me. The force and speed of our movement was enough to thrust my knot into Jordon's entrance. This, combined with the sight of my boyfriend blowing himself, was too much for my poor balls to handle, and they let loose what probably was my biggest orgasm ever, along with the other three.

My balls pulled up to the base of my cock and rocketed out a long, thick, and extremely powerful burst of seed. I fired rope after rope in quick succession, and only after I had fired off eleven equally thick, hot ropes did I stop. During my orgasm I was motivated still by the feeling of Jordon's hot, creamy feline seed splattering on my chest. At the same time as the two of us, both Ace and Scott released their heavy loads, and Scott got the first taste of himself ever. His long bursts of cum rocketed towards the back of his throat, almost causing him to gag. The tight feeling around his knot as well as the sight of Scott cuming in his own mouth was enough to send Ace over the edge, and he fired 10 flak bursts of wolf semen deep into Scott, coating his walls with his hot seed.

Unable to comprehend the exhaustion brought on by our massive orgasm, we collapsed onto our respective yiff partners and fell asleep. Scott was able to say one thing before we all passed out onto the couch; "I taste good..."

* * *

"We're going to be late." I said grimly as I buttoned the cuff of my shirt.

"It's a school dance, babe. You show up whenever." Scott replied as he twisted an intricate knot in his tie. He was decked out in black dress pants, black dress shoes, a plain white button-down shirt, a solid black tie, and he soon would don his black sport coat with black buttons. Scott was always a fan of the simple black-and-white look.

"I know, but I still like to show up when it starts, or at least a little after." I was clad in my black dress pants, black dress shoes, a plain navy-blue button-down shirt, a dark red tie, and soon I'd put on my black sport coat with shiny gold buttons. I wasn't fond of dressing up, but it was fun every so often.

As soon as Scott had finished securing his tie around his neck I approached him from behind and snaked my hands around his waist, resting my chin on his left shoulder. He smiled contentedly and stuck his arms up in the air, wrapping them around my neck. He closed his eyes and murred contentedly as I licked at his mane. We were drawn from our embrace by the sound of the doorbell.

"That must be the guys." Scott said.

"Right on time." I replied. "Unfortunately ‘right on time' was gonna be too late all along!" We both laughed and pulled our sport coats on, buttoning them at the stomach as we approached the front door. I was not the least bit surprised to see Jordon and Ace standing on my porch fully dressed up and looking incredibly sexy.

Before I had time to say anything Ace jumped forward and immediately started adjusting my tie. "Clean freak!" I said jokingly to him. I pinched my eyes together and stuck my tongue out at him as a joke. To my complete surprise, he launched his head forward and pressed his nose against mine. His tongue quickly slid out and glided over the surface of mine. The whole endeavor lasted a fraction of a second before I pulled away in surprise, immediately wishing that I hadn't. Ace just smiled at me, finished adjusting my tie, and then stepped back.

"Shall we go?" he said. We all smiled and said something along the lines of yes before taking our respective lover's arms and walking to the school. The storm had long since passed and it was a cool spring evening. The walk to school took us around twenty minutes. We talked about a few things here and there, but for the most part it was quiet.

When we arrived at our high school we gave our tickets to the man at the front door, who then granted us entry. The lobby was decorated head to toe in various shinny ornaments that glistened in the late evening light. It was seven o'clock; we were right on time.

It was your traditional school party; food, music, dancing; the works. The dance was pretty uneventful up until the first slow-song of the night, which occurred around nine PM. Scott and I hovered in the cafeteria, which had been cleared of tables to make room for people dancing. Several couples spun around elegantly in each other's arms. A few just leaned against the wall and cuddled with their mates. Among them was the fox- the other new fur at our school- who was leaning against the wall with a human female clinging to his chest. They made a cute couple, those two. I continued to stare in the fox's direction for several seconds, hoping to attract his attention. Unfortunately he never looked my way, and I was pulled onto the dance floor by a very eager Scott.

"Come on!" he shouted to me excitedly, "The first slow song of the night is about to start!" We took up a spot near the center of the cafeteria and took our positions, placing our paws in the right spots on each other's bodies. We slowly swayed to and fro as the cool notes of the song beat themselves out. I looked down and gazed into my boyfriend's alluring green eyes. Scott was probably the most beautiful creature that I had ever seen walk this Earth. Unfortunately, our fantasizing of each other was cut short by three sounds that came in unison; breaking glass, people screaming and running, and loudest of all, the crack of gunfire.

When the scenario had calmed enough for me to get up off the floor I did so. The first thing I did was look over at Scott, who was lying on the ground with his hands covering his head. He was completely uninjured, but absolutely scared to death. I preformed a quick self examination and determined that I too was unscathed. So then the questions remained; who pulled the trigger? Who took the bullet? Most importantly, why did this happen?

I looked around, still lying on the floor, to see what had happened, and what I saw shocked me. Lying on the floor next to me, a pool of blood forming beneath his chest and a Glock compact in his right hand, was the now vacated shell of Brett Commons, Scott's high school bully. It took me a while but I also noticed that one of the tall cafeteria windows was shattered, and on the ground near Brett's body was the small imprint of a bullet hole. I connected the hole in the window to the bullet hole in the ground, and what I determined from my guess shocked me; the line from the hole to the window was at the perfect chest-height for Brett. The shocking truth of it all had just hit me; someone had assassinated Brett Commons.

* * *

Once the cops showed up they recognized who Scott and I were and had taken us to Police Headquarters for safety. It had been five hours since the event went down, and at two o'clock in the morning you would think that I would be dead tired. I wasn't. I couldn't wait to hear what they had found out.

At long last a chubby human police officer appeared at my side with a thin folder. He extended his hand and said, "I'm Officer Broad. I've been instructed to debrief you on the night's events."

"Yeah," I said, "what'd you find?" By now Scott had perked up and was waiting for an answer just as much as I was.

Broad sighed a long, heavy sigh. "There are a few things you need to know first." He said with a grim expression.

Now I was worried. "What?" I asked.

"First off, Rook is still out there."

"WHAT?!" Scott and I roared in unison.

I spoke solo now. "What do you mean he's still out there!? I thought you caught that son-of-a-bitch!"

"So did we, son." Broad replied. "Apparently the real mastermind Rook had fled the scene the moment that his broadcast was over. The real Rook had used voice changing equipment and heavy, concealing clothing, so we couldn't tell the difference. The guy just confessed yesterday that he wasn't the real deal."

"Are you saying," I continued slowly, "that that madman is still out there?"

"I'm afraid so." Broad answered.

I jumped back in anger, kicking over the chair that I had sat on. "DAMNIT!" I screamed.

"There's more." He went on. "These people were able to hack into a public news transmission and were wielding military-grade weapons. This is no small gang of troublemakers, guys. The Human Supremacy Coalition is a serious threat to every fur alive."

"Is there anything else?" Scott asked.

"I'm afraid so." He continued. "The man who was killed tonight was Brett Commons. Witnesses say you both knew him."

"Yeah," I said, my paws curling into fists, "I knew him."

"Well, witnesses say that not even a second before he was killed, Commons drew a weapon from his sport coat. From what forensic data we could gather, we have determined that Commons was an assassin for the HSC. His mission was to kill you; both of you."

"So whoever assassinated Brett..." I said.

"Saved your life." Broad finished. "There's one more thing you boys should know." He said. "We pulled ballistics off the bullet lodged in the cafeteria floor."

"And...?" I asked.

"We pulled this image off the side, and, well, see for yourself." Broad opened the folder and took out a sheet of paper. "Honestly, we have no idea what the message means or who it is talking to."

I read the message that had been photographed and inflated in the image. "Answer your phone..." I read aloud. "I wonder what that means..." I was cut short when my cell phone started ringing in my pocket. I stared with fear and surprise at Broad, who just stared at my pocket. Slowly but surely I drew the small device from my pocket and flipped it open. "Hello?"

"Is this Christopher Ellis?" an unrecognizable voice asked from the other end.

"Yes." I answered. "Who is this?"

"The guy who killed Brett Commons." The man responded. "Look, you are not facing this alone. There are others like me who want to protect you from the HSC. Common was merely a pawn, and in chess you must move the pawns out of the way before the big pieces can move in."

"Meaning what, exactly?" I inquired.

"Meaning that when Rook finds out the Commons failed he'll send in the big pieces, if you catch my drift. Now listen, we must meet as soon as possible."

"How do I know that this isn't some trap?"

"Because I put a .308 caliber bullet through the heart of the guy who was about to kill you. If I wanted you dead why wouldn't I just let him take you out, or better yet, kill you myself? Make no mistake Chris; I am a friend to you, your brother, and every fur on the planet. Now it is imperative that we meet as soon as possible."

As soon as the man said this, the doors to the police station opened and two large men dressed in extremely bland suits entered the building. They wore sunglasses although it was dead night and had coiled earpieces hanging from their right ears. "Uh-oh." I said.

"What?" the man said, "What's going on?"

The two men strode in my direction, flashing two very important-looking badges to the woman at the front desk. When they reached me the one on the right, who had thin black hair, said, "Christopher Ellis?"

"Yeah, that's me." I answered, pulling the mike of the phone away from my mouth but keeping the speaker in place.

"I'm Agent Dent, this is Agent Peters. We're from the secret service." My eyes widened at hearing this. "The President has requested your presence at the White House as soon as possible."

My jaw dropped. "The President?" I confirmed. Dent only nodded. "You mean, the President of the United States, Barrack Obama, wants to see me?"

"Actually, sir," Dent said, "you and your brother, plus your friends Jordon and Legend."

"What for?" I asked, still incredibly stunned at the news.

"Government matter, sir. The President wanted to brief you himself."

I was in complete shock. Obama wanted to see me! What the hell could Obama need with a kid like me? I guess I soon would find out.

"Chris?" the man still on the line said to me urgently, "what the hell is going on there? What's happening?"

I brought the mike back up to my mouth and, unable to explain the situation, merely said, "I think that meeting with you just became a whole lot more difficult."

* * *


DUN DUN DUN! :D I love cliffhangers, they're so great. They piss everybody off except me because I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS HAHAHA

Listen to;

Beautiful by Moby

I'm Not Alone by Calvin Harris

Megalomaniac by Incubus (skip static)

Still Alive from Portal (slow to start)

PS: Still Alive (above) is one of the most hilarious and awesome songs ever created and if you haven't heard it and/or haven't beaten the game Portal you should listen to it, and I don't mean, like, eventually, I mean, like, click the fucking link RIGHT NOW! Plus it's in typography animation so it's so funny xD

Well I hope you enjoyed this installment of A Change for the Better! Until next time, this is Drayne_the_Wolf saying adios and whatever! :D