DragonZ Chapters 8 & 9

Story by Azur the m0vi3drag0n on SoFurry

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-----------------------------------------------------Act II-----------------------------------------------------------

--For Lost Times--

"There are two things that matter to me most in my life. One is my crew and the other is protecting the one I love. She means everything to me, Adrian if you say you're going to stop this...I want your word that you will not fail us or at least die trying." ~Fox McCloud~

We had finally entered hyperspace on our way to Snowforge, though the distance from the Ark to Snowforge is about 50,000 light-years away so we had some time to kill. We ran a couple thousand system check on the Soul Calibur and everything was green across the board. "Navigations...check, Thrust Drive...check, Drive Engine Carburetor Amplifier...check, and coffee machine..." Slippy walks toward the brewer and has a cup of Joe poured and fresh out of the pot, "check. All systems are operational sir."

"Good, and by the way call me Adrian. Makes me feel all weird when someone calls me sir." I answered

"Ok then. Uh actually there is one more thing that needs to be done. The ships computer mainframe artificial intelligence needs to be booted up."

"Your kidding? We have an A.I. construct on board?" Gun asked.

"Apparently ssso. That can come in much ussse to our endeavor." Kelsey added.

"Booting her up...one thing about A.I. Constructs is they have a personality and are self-aware so if there is ANY sign of insubordination and or defiance, we kill her" Slippy flipped the breaker on and the ship lit like a Christmas tree, lights flickered blue, green, purple, etc. "Ok...she's online. Construct responds." Slippy spoke into the air.

"Uh excuse me! I do have a name," a hollow graphics image of a female human appeared in front of us, she had what looked like circuits running throughout her body, and was in shades of blue, purple, and green. "I am a class 9 A.I. Construct. I am here to monitor this star-runners status and the crew in it, star-runner 345 codenamed Soul Calibur is green across the board and cruising at a smooth 30,000 mph. So who is the captain and or commander of this vessel hm?"

I stepped forward, "That would be me. Adrian Raines."

"Pleased to meet you sir. My name is Selina."

"Hello Selina and please call me Adrian."

"Ok then Adrian, Would you have me read to you the full 890 page user manual or shall we say screw the manual and wing it?"

"Hell I like you already Selina, skip it."

Selina giggled a bit, "Why thank you Adrian, any questions because I need to do some background check on the maintenance of the ships defense shields."

"Actually yes, estimated time of arrival to Snowforge?"

"We will arrive at Snowforge within 48 hours. I would recommend that the crew get some food in them and some shut eye."

"Agreed. You heard her. You are all dismissed." I announced and walked toward the births, military for bedrooms, and I found a room that had my name inscribed on the front. I stepped through the door and a wave of new house aroma came and hit me in the face like slug from a .45. It felt like I had accomplished something worthwhile in my life, I felt really tired though. I have all these things running through my mind like being in charge of the war and going off to save the dragon race it felt like it is all starting to come crashing down all the sudden and I started to ask myself oh man...how am I going to do this? How am I going to stop this treacherous force? I walked over to a lounge chair made of leather and sank down deep into the cushion, it felt warm and soft as a hundred pillows, and I was in heaven.

I started to day dream about what was going to happen, in the dream I saw myself staring at a blood red sky with black clouds hanging down. Cracks of lightning tiered through the sky and spheres of fire rained from the heavens, and lifeless bodies littered the ground and stained the grass with blood. There I saw a Black Wolf Figure standing in the midst of the carcasses, it turned to face me. It stood tall looking at me and hunched over with a head in its right hand, I looked at it mortified and in horror. It was Sasha's head severed from the rest of her body, then the Black Wolf Figure spoke, "You have something I want Adrian Raines..."

I was brought back to reality by a profound knocking on my door. "I coming," the knocking continued. "I'm coming geese. Keep your panties on." I opened up the door to see Sasha standing there looking at me. "Hey."

"Hey, can I come in?" she asked

"Uh...Yeah yeah. Sure come on in. Uh can I get you a drink or something?"

"No thanks. Adrian, I have been thinking."

"About what?"

She sat down on the couch adjacent to the lounge chair, "Us. I...I want us to start over."

"Really? I was kind of hoping you'd say that," I sat down next to her.

"Yeah. Listen, I didn't want to hurt you that night. I was just shocked and...I didn't know what I was saying and...I felt so bad and I didn't want to call you because I thought that you'd be upset with Me." she stroked her hair back behind her large furry rabbit ears.

"Upset? No...Well I probably would be but, I would have still welcomed you back into my life." a scooted a little closer to her and she moved into me.

"So where did we leave off then huh?"

"Hm, I don't know where 'did' we leave off?" I draped my arm over her shoulders and moved in closer to her and kissed her passionately and erotically. She melted in my arms and embraced the moment. We held each other closely and gave ourselves to one another, her tongue lashing at mine, my arms stroking her smooth angel soft back, and her hand moving down my scarred chest.

"I am truly sorry Adrian...for leaving you." she whispered

"I know babe...I know, but since we got 2 days to kill so..."

"What did you have in mind hm..." she flashed her eyes at me trying seducing me further and it was working.

"Oh I've got an idea. How about you stay with me tonight hm? Sound fun?" I spoke in a deep voice.

"Mmm," she sounded highly pleased with the idea though she had it coming, "All night?" she started to rub at my thighs moving her hand down to up.

"Oh yeah," I got up off the couch and picked her up, "All night long." I carried her to my bed and gently set her down on the fluffy bed and laid down with her. She took off her tank top and had a black lace bra on that caught my attention.

"What?" she looked puzzled

"You have never worn a lace bra. As a matter of fact I don't remember you ever wearing a bra at all!" I laughed

"Yeah well...quit being a bad boy and start being a good boy like you were a moment ago." She stratled on top of me staring down at me, reaching down she ripped off me shirt and twirled it around like lasso. I bit on to the clip of her bra and ripped it off her chest; she made a sound from deep in her throat. I chuckled at her surprise and licked her, tracing my tongue from her breast to her neck and she let out an erotic sigh.

"Ah I still see that you like this kind of foreplay huh..." I asked her.

"Just shut up and do your thing Adrian." she rasped. She reached down and unbuttoned my pant, took of my underwear and throw them to the side of the bed. "Looks like you haven't changed either." She looked down, observed and then looked at me. Then she slowly kissed her way down, and gave this cute husky laugh. "Well at least I know you missed me."

"You have no idea...but, you're about to right now."

"Uh uh...me first." She wrapped her hand around my member and stroked it slowly up and down. Then she slowly took me into her mouth, which was the sweetest heaven I have ever felt. Sliding her tongue up, down, and all around making sure she didn't miss a spot, I groaned and stroked her hair as she bobbed her head up and down mine. The feeling was so strong that I actually began to thrust my hips into her mouth each time she went down, this gave her a rush of ecstasy and continued on with her exploration. I felt so alive and free inside her mouth but was short lived, she pulled off of me.

"Aw...Why...did...you...stop?" I panted.

"Because now it's your turn," Sasha got up on her knees, turned around and presented herself to me. "Come on Adrian...show me how much you missed me." I moved toward her and stood up on my knees behind her, positioned myself and thrusted forward into her hips. She screamed in pure erotic pleasure as I penetrated her deeply. I pulled back out a little then thrusted back into her again this time she screamed louder than before, the rush of pleasure was too great and we lost ourselves in sheer bliss. Pumping inside her now stop, she called out "Oh my god...uh" she couldn't finish. I grabbed on to her breasts and clamped tight on them making her cry out for more.

We were whole again. Just like old times, "Babe...I..." I couldn't talk either; I tried to tell that I was about to cum inside her.

"Adrian!" She looked over her shoulder and peered at me with those neon lime eyes of hers and she said all that I wanted to hear. I came closer and closer to my climax and I couldn't stand holding in any longer. A surge of pleasure shot through our bodies as I emptied into her, she cried out my name, while I howled hers like a raging animal. I collapsed on top of her making her fall down onto the bed, we panted hard and felt one another's heart beat.

"I...I love you...Sasha..." I panted

"I love you...Adrian..." She was drifting into a slumber as she spoke. I was soon to follow. "I...never should have...left you..."

"It's ok now...we are together now and nothing is going to separate us."

She went still and silent for a moment and spoke faintly, "I do."

"You do what?"

"I do..."

I was taken by impulses of happiness; she had accepted my proposal finally. I held her to me close and she rolled over to face me and buried her head into my chest. We laid there and drifted into our own make-shift world that only we were in without a care in the world. Adrian and Sasha Raines, I liked the sound of it.

--The Mystic and The Spirit--

"I am Death, I am Suffering, I am The Seven Sins, The Second Coming, and I am a GOD! I AM THE DARKNESS!" ~The Darkness~

"You have something I want Adrian..." I was back in my nightmare; there the Black Wolf Figure stood pointing at me and not holding Sasha's severed head. "You have a power that I want and you WILL give it to me."

"What are you saying?" I asked

"You have something that doesn't not belong to a Human. It is useless to you," He walked toward me, extended his arm and opened his palm. Something was holding me in place and I couldn't move, like rope wrapped around me and tied down. "GIVE IT TO ME!" His face changed into a skeleton with razor sharp teeth and was biting my head off.

I awoke sweating profusely, catching my breath back. Rubbing my eyes to see if I was still dreaming, looking around the dark room. I looked over the bed to see my beautiful Sasha still sleeping like a rock, she was rubbing her legs together and erotically sighing, I could tell she was dreaming about me. I thrown the covers over Sasha and got up out of bed, walking over and opening the refrigerator door and picked out A&W Cream Soda. This drink had always helped me settle down, I popped open the seal and took a long drink, burning like cold liquor traveling down my throat. Something caught my attention, I heard a dragging sound behind me, and someone was here watching me. I placed the drink on the counter top and reached for a kitchen knife, moving slowly trying not to make too much attention. The presence moved closer, almost right behind me. Finally I grabbed one and swung ferociously and was stopped be a leathery like tail. It was Kelsey.

"You don't want to do that." she spoke quietly

"Fuck! I nearly killed you!" I yelled in a whisper

"Sssorry Adrian, I tend to do that sssometimes. Hm thatsss weird." She looked into my eyes.

"What? What's weird?"

"Your eyes...they are a bright purple color."

"They're what?!"

"Hold still," She grabbed my head and leaned in to get a better look, "Looksss like you DO have the SSSpirit inside you..."

I looked at her puzzled and lowered my guard on her, "What?"

"Have you been having nightmaresss lately?"

"Yeah? Really dark ones."

"Tell me...isss there a Black Wolf Figure in nightmaresss?" She sounded really worried and urgent.

"Yeah. And he told me that I have something he wants. What does he mean Kelsey?" I began to worry myself.

"Then HE hasss found you. Adrian I am going to explain sssomethingsss to you but you have to promissse me sssomething firssst."

"Which is?"

"Do NOT tell Kiddo about me...at leassst not yet. When the time is right I will reveal myssself to him, but for no he can't know about me. Pleassse!"

"I don't like to keep secrets from friends, especially if it involves Kiddo." I stated.

"Adrian pleassse you have trussst me when I sssay it'sss for Kiddo'sss own good right." She begged and grasped on to my shoulders. I could see a few tears seep out her eyes, she looked so sad and helpless, I looked into her eyes and I saw the pain deep within her.

"Alright Kelsey."

She leaned up and gave me a kiss on my cheek, "Thank you Adrian, ssstand back." I stood dazed and confused; Kelsey slithered backward and started to glow brightly. Her tail became less thick and formed two legs out of it. Behind her two points came out and expanded bat-like wings. Her head shaped narrower and horns extended. I couldn't believe it, another dragon! And a dragoness of all things! She had a mane similar to Kiddo's except her hair was golden same as her eyes; she also had red outer scales and white inner scales just as smooth as Kiddo's, she had tribal markings spiraling, jutting, and curving all over her body. Kelsey was a real looker for a dragoness.

"Oh my god! You...you're a...a...a..."

"Yes I know. I am a dragon, and I have been watching you and Kiddo very closely for about 3 weeks now. And you have a power that a Human shouldn't have." I was still looking at her like a retard, what she was saying was like trying to put a triangle prism into a circle slot. She sighed in aggravation, "How can I explain this...You know the other day when you pushed Kiddo off of Wolf and made him go flying backward?"

I nodded.

"Hey durk durk durk," She snapped her finger in front of my eyes, "Keep with me here. Well that was your Spirit awakening, your Spirit is your source of energy, life, and power. In Dragon Lore, it was said that a Human would cross the stars and bring a beacon of hope to us and unite our kind. You are that Human."

"Son of a...why is it always me?!" she looked at me confused, "Ugh never mind."

"Good because I am going to train you really quickly," she grabbed my hand, "Come on."

I was caught by surprise, "What?" She extracted a claw from her right forefinger and slashed through the air, there was a tear, a hole of some sorts that lead into an unknown world to me. Kelsey walked through it and pulled me in along with her. We came to a great hall made of stone and seemed like it stretched out for miles in 8 directions. Our footsteps echoed as we entered, the halls was abandoned and barren except for an alter with a white and black fire burning inside of it. "Where are we?" my voice echoed.

"Welcome to the House of the Gods. Congratulations, you are the first human to witness this sacred place. Here lies the Dragon Elemental Gods of Fire, Water, Forest, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Dark, and Light. You see that flame?" She pointed to the altar.


"That is the Eternal Flame of Twilight, the combined power the Light and Dark Elements. There hasn't been a God of Twilight for many generations and it should be unlit but, the time has come. And I am curious, at the time when you hit Kiddo, the flame ignited..."

"Oh no. No no no, I'm not what you think I am...I'm just a regular soldier trying to stop an army from invading the Ark."

"I didn't say anything about you being the God of Twilight. But now we have to awaken your Spirit to see how the flame will react."


Kelsey ignored me and turned to face the alter and got on one knee and chanted words alien to me, next she extended her wings and formed a circle with her hands. A Bright light flickered in the circle, I walked toward her to see what was going on and she stopped chanting, "Stand back..."

"Oh sorry." I moved back behind her, she went on chanting. Her hair started to rise and a white aura formed around her body and the flame danced wildly and rose higher, my hair was soon to follow hers but it wasn't the only thing that rose. 7 feet below me, Kelsey was still chanting her words and ignoring my plea for help, the fire arose to where was floating and formed a dragon head. The Fire roared immensely and thrown it's self toward me. "Kelsey?! rrrrRRRRAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!" The fire was neither hot nor cold; I felt it move inside my body the flame was merging its self with me.

"Open yourself Adrian! Free your mind!" Kelsey shouted

"How the fuck am I supposed to do that?"


I tried to "free my mind" as she told me to and I felt the flame fully engulf me. It was inside my mind, and I felt free. Without anything to fear, without regret. I awake and I saw everything for what it truly was, I felt like I was connected to the universe. A sudden power surge exploded within me and I feathered down to the ground below me. I sighed and looked at Kelsey. "Did it work?"

She stared at me astonished, "I...I can't believe it. You posses the Spirit of Twilight!"

"Uh, I still have no idea what you are talking about Kelsey." I was starting to get a little aggravated.

"Sorry. When the Dragon God of Twilight returned to the Heavens, He left behind a portion of his power. He made it to only where Dragons purer than Dragon Elders could obtain it's power. And you are defiantly NOT a dragon...this is very strange." She rubbed her head.

"Maybe the Lore is wrong?" I dared to ask

"No the Lore is nev..." She paused, "Perhaps there is more to His Plan then it seems. I'm going to send you back to Sasha now. I'll talk to you later when I have found out some more information."

"Wait a min..." I was taken through the portal and I was standing in the exact place where I was when Kelsey dragged me through the first time. I shook my head and looked around the room and sighed relief. I walked back to the entrance of my bedroom where I saw Sasha still asleep, she looked so peaceful, so innocent, and so beautiful. She was my light in the dark tunnel, I love her with all my heart, and I will die before I see her hurt in anyway big or small. I snuck into the bed and wrapped my arms around her, she sensed my presence and sigh contently and moved into me. I kissed her shoulder then her neck and breathed in her scent before drifting back to sleep. I would do anything for her. Anything.