Shift 1.2 - Dreamscapes

Story by Apsidalmosaic on SoFurry

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Jayle may have biten off a little bit more than he can chew as he ventures to finally obtain a dose of Shift from an old friend. In another place, a horny succubus meets a strange male, who seems to know her needs just a little bit too well.


  • Anthro TF

  • M Human to M Wolf

  • M/F

  • Consensual

  • ca. 14K words

31.10.16 Updated Description: In this chapter, the focus lies on my main character travelling around in the city to obtain his much needed dose of Shift. Naturally, reality and chance throws in a few road-blocks. Since this is still an intermediate chapter and given my propensity to introduce a lot of (possibly spurious) side-characters, I (as well as you) shall see how this story will end up in part six someday. Meanwhile, enjoy this little part that has a bit of drama and a nicely done sex-with-tf-scene I'd say.

Plus, I'm unusually productive these days, so stay tuned for more (meaning future chapters) to come.

PS: Thumbnail is Metropolis by German painter George Grosz, painted 1916/17

PPS: smallish update 01.11.16: Replaced text with text from TeX file which should include a few small corrections. Also fixed possessive 's.

Shift 1.2 - Dreamscapes

by Apsidalmosaic

Dated: 10.10.2016


Chapter 2: Dreamscapes


The city flew past. Rusty machines, creaking carts, wooden frameworks, steel cranes, buildings - tall, broad, ornate or simple - rotting brick walls, small tranquil gardens, ancient statues, pompous fronts, buzzing streets, expansive parks, dirty stone, old wooden beams or shining marble - all of it a giant blur littered with people as diverse and colourful as the cityscape itself. Intermingled in its myriad chaotic ways, it was a picture as beautiful and as unsteady as that of a kaleidoscope.

Jayle didn't notice it.

He had other things on his mind right now.

Namely, being turned into a mint-green bipedal lizard while fucking the hell out of his girlfriend atop the kitchen sink. Not the cleanliest of thoughts, but considering his situation strangely adequate: he stood there, groin desperately shielded by his arms while he was squeezed into a corner of one of the beam-trains that flew atop the city. The compartment was clogged - the common commuter traffic to be expected during the late afternoon before Rec Day. Not having to work tomorrow was one reason why he had chosen this particular day for his little quest. Still, he had expected to avoid the traffic thanks to his more irregular working hours and later thanks to Marlons intervention. Unfortunately, Teal had proven himself to be the asshole he was and had, at first, outright denied their request just because he could and only yielded to a compromise after a lengthy discussion that kept both of them working for two more hours. At least the ordeal had left Jayle furious enough to not make anymore errors at work - that, however, didn't help with the shifting, dense blob of people around him nor the sharp elbow that was pushing painfully in-between his ribs.

Fortunately all that daydreaming and yearning that had made his job nigh unbearable today paid off in that very instant. He felt himself clutching Mayas side with hands that were no longer hands but claws, unbelievably smooth from green iridescent scales that covered them and made them feel as if his hands had been replaced by silken gloves. His tool pounded into her, again and again, while her moaning, lustful cries echoed all around him. Even more so, as her back grew the same kind of scales but with a golden tint, whose forms quickly chained downwards along her spine. He felt the same happening on his own back until the growth reached his hips and started to stretch it, almost casually extending it like a band of rubber. No, no, no... more like his midsection was suddenly made of clay, shaped by an unseen hand that pulled at his bones and lengthened his body, slowly crafting a new reptile appendix for him. He knew how it looked as he saw Mayas own addition coming to maturity right in front of him, lifting it gently over his arm as its scaly form expanded. Meanwhile, he could watch her face becoming more lizard-like by the second, with scales spreading merrily and her green eyes changing into a gold, even shinier than her beautiful new scales. Her pupils sharpened into pronounced slits as a bony, yet petite, snout grew in that finally settled itself on his shoulder with satisfied moan. As before, his changes mirrored hers and his face turned numb, flesh becoming strangely flexible as his head reformed. Harsh edges, pointed teeth and slitted nostrils appeared and were shifted outwards into a reptilian muzzle that soon became the masculine equivalent to Mayas. He pushed into her deeply, felt his scaly body shifting its stance slightly when his feet became digigrade claws. It was done, their transformation complete, and he knew exactly what beautiful exotic creatures they had both become. The thought alone was ecstatic and as Mayas scaly fingers danced on his tail he pounded into her with unknown bestial vigour, an erotic gasp escaping her gorgeous muzzle. He was so close to....

The train screeched like a bird of prey as it ground to a halt. People drained from the compartment as if a dam had broken, leaving Jayle to almost tumble out onto a large rectangular platform. Its windowed walls revealed a huge mess of human shapes, machines and scattered structures of all kinds below.

Caleros Plaza.

Remnants of an ancient boulevard commonly described as either the bustling heart of the city, a crawling nest of human greed, or much less poetically, the administrative and economic centre of much of the cities trade. A vast expanse of uneven cobbled stone, built aeons ago as part of the Ubryan empire. The empire was long gone but the boulevard remained and had been turned into a huge marketplace: stands chaotically littered the plaza, with numberless corridors coiling the expanse like veins of a colossal organ. Small brick-buildings stood out from the disorganized rest, serving as front-line offices of the cities merchant companies. In front of them, carts full of wares from the countryside pulled by bucking mules, yelling peddlers who wanted to sell everything from kitchenware down to strange talismans from foreign lands, the occasional cut-purse or protector patrol... Everything could be traded here. And if not, scattered tents or wooden pavilions served as improvised pubs providing a bit of calm in-between the shifting, chaotic entity that wasCaleros Plaza. It was, as always, a maddening view.And yet, he chuckled; somehow earning a heightened brow from a man who was hurrying past. Jayle didn't mind. He couldn't help but being amazed at how similar and yet different this whole place had become. Back then, when he was here during his time at the academy, he had loved days like this: people and goods from all over the world all swarming around this place not unlike moths around the flame of a candle. And he had been one of them. Sometimes he got burnt, but every time the glow of the flame made up for every hardship he had endured. Every time, he had seen something different, something new, something exciting that had fuelled his imagination as well as lot of adventures together with his friends from the academy. But that had almost been another era, more than 10 years ago, when he hadn't discovered the greatest adventure he ever had: Maya...But now he was back, shoved around in this huge ridiculous mess as he tried to make his way to the far side of the plaza, heading for one of the numerous streets that extended from it like rays of a sun made of stone. Fortunately, he still knew the broad outline of the various stands and so, after squeezing through a large cluster of people eager to buy kitchen accessories from a peddler who praised his wares proudly for their quality and low price as well as two coarse looking fellows harassing a merchant in his stall for obvious, dishonest reasons, he ended up where he was meant to be: looking down a street. It was pretty small but straight as a spear, heading directly into the huge shadow that was Jura'el. Morkalov Street, it was called, and wasn't only a connection in a topological sense but in a spiritual sense as well: the buildings slowly changed along its way from the pompous, sturdy brick buildings that towered at the sides of the plaza to the ruined, ram-shackled edifices that marked the district of shadows. The people themselves even became shadier and the protector patrols less and less. It was what had made this place such an intriguing target in his youth - the best way to see something new without risking too much. It was, so he had always said, where one could experience the city in its whole - from its profound greatness down to its darkest abyssal pits.

It wasn't long until he stood in front of his destination. A run-down metal sign depicted a stallion in front of a large keg with bold letters reading: "Oswald's". It was a tavern about half-way between the plaza and Jura'el. A locale he knew all to well. The windows were dirty as always and the door was still the same old charred oak tarnished by numerous unidentifiable stains that he had seen far too often in the past. How long had it been? Ten years? Fifteen? He couldn't remember. What he remembered, though, was the certain feeling of excitement and nervousness that had ran through him each time he had stood in front of this door which was very much alike to how he felt now, albeit for very different reasons. Cursed nostalgia. He opened the door.

The interior was still the same oak that was present on the door, with wooden panels shielding the walls, sturdy round or rectangular tables with plain chairs arranged in an orderly fashion and a massive bar-counter sitting on the side. Even for today, it was too early for the usual patrons to arrive and the pub was nearly empty but for a group of girls giggling at one of the tables at the far end. Meanwhile, Oswald himself towered behind the counter. A trunk of a man, almost a head larger than Jayle who looked as if he'd be more at home in a factory than in a bar. Still, his current occupation saw the application of his brute strength as he tried to polish the counter in front of him in an effort to make a rather long cut in the wood somewhat less visible. There was a reason why the pub had always been much dirtier outside than it actually was. When it came to dirt of any kind, Oswald kept a tight regiment and his impressive frame had allowed him to enforce the same level of attention on his patrons, too. His huge face immediately lit up the moment Jayle approached him.

"Now, that's a surprise!" the big man yelled as he almost theatrically opened his arms in a greeting. "I'd thought I'd never see you in here again!"

Jayle smiled. "Hi there Oswald!" He extended his hand which was immediately grabbed over the counter and shaken forcefully.

"My favourite government drone! How long has it been that I've seen you here? Three years? Five years?" The man released Jayle's hand. It throbbed a little from the previous onslaught.

"I think it was about five - and it's still as dirty as ever around here...", Jayle answered with a smirk and casually sat down on a bar-stool. "How's your house coming, Os? I hope everything worked out?".

"You bet! Construction's still at it but everything's going smoothly so far even went out yesterday to get the new furniture for the salon. Seems Ms. Oswald didn't like Mr. Creaky nearly as much as I thought she did", he added with an even bigger smile.

"Wait, you kept it?"

Oswald laughed heartily. Mr. Creaky was as much a legend of this tavern as Oswald himself was - an old empty keg of Caleros Spirit ale that some jester had painted a grumpy face on years ago, instantly earning itself the nickname "Mr. Creaky". It had been used as the support for one of the tables but people found it so funny for some reason that it had been removed and placed in the centre of the tavern like an ancient idol. Oswald hadn't objected and the keg had turned into a hallmark of Oswalds for a few months. However, the keg didn't take too kindly to masses of people punching it for fun or spilling their drinks on it and it fell apart rapidly. Eventually, the interest faded and Oswald had silently removed it from the tavern. "Oh but what kind of bartender would I be if I didn't at least keep something so memorable around? Well, I took it home back in the day, thought I'd repair it at some point. Didn't turn out to happen - much to the dismay of her lady-ship'...".

The Bartender finally shook his head, though. "Ha, here's me talking all about my stuff...but I assume there is a reason why I see you here of all places now, right?"


The stool creaked a little as Jayle leaned forward and continued much more quietly than before, ".....I know about your business in the back, Os."

The bartender laughed again as if Jayle had made a joke. Yet, as he rested his elbows on the counter in a decidedly casual fashion to answer, his eyes had been busy checking his tavern for any abnormalities. Jayle wasn't sure if his movements would have been any different if he had actually seen something out of the ordinary - after all, being a bartender in one of the most notorious streets of the city required one to develop a healthy sense of self-preservation. Oswalds face still spoke of amusement and nostalgia but the tone of his voice was instantly serious. "A lot of people do. What's it to you?"

"I need to ask you a favour."

A dry laugh escaped the bartenders throat. "So that's how it is, huh? You greased some wheels for me and now I get the bill, eh?"

"No, that's not what it is! Listen Oswald...." Jayle sighed. He had dreaded this moment. "...I want some of your special stuff..."

This time the bartender wasn't such a good actor and his brows visibly wandered upwards as the request got processed in his mind. "I would have never thought you a user, Jayle. Especially not of my special brand of wares." He mustered him quietly for a moment before he continued. "You know what you are getting yourself into, right?"

"I know enough to know that I want it."

"Does Maya know?"

"She'll be with me"

Another dry laugh. This time, however, not with spite but a genuine easiness and a smile on his face that grew ever more sincere. "You were always good for a surprise, Jayle, I'll give you that." He pushed himself up from the counter again. "Well, who am I to shun a customer? That'll be..."

Jayle cut him off. "There is one more thing, Os. I need to take it with me. Now, before you say anything: I know you don't usually do that and that it carries a risk for you. But I'm ready to pay you for that. A lot."

"Hm, you did your homework..." The bartender paused, yet nodded in appreciation not a second later. "But don't worry, I knew you wouldn't want to spend the night in my little etablissement the second you said Maya will be with you. Don't you worry. I still owe you one, so..." He looked at Jayle intently. "I'll make an exception. Let's call it..." Oswalds eyes shone as he said so and Jayle became sure that this little episode would certainly come back to him in some way. The barkeeper had always been a good friend but he was still a businessman also. "....for old times sake."

Oswald waved his hand at the table in the back where the three girls were still busy chatting "Lily would you come over, dear? We have a customer." One of them slowly stood up and walked towards the counter with a confident gait. A northerner by the looks of it, young with pale almost unblemished skin, carefully braided brown hair and wearing an elegant duo of embellished vest and pants that was not only functional but also carried with it a distinct feeling of dignity. All of which seemed like an odd contrast to a body that was marked by a harsh mountainous climate - small, skinny but resilient.

"Lily, that's Jayle. Old friend of mine." the barkeeper said as her eyes fell on Jayle with the same confidence she had approached with earlier.

"Nice to meet you." She extended her hand in a greeting, exposing what Jayle recognized to be a tattoo right on her palm. It was a wolf depicted in strong black ink with a red dot where its eyes would be. It reminded him of something; something related to the north. To legends. But the memory eluded him.

He shook her hand firmly. "Likewise. You are from the north aren't you?"

"That's what most people think. I'm from Rus, actually" She smiled warmly "...but my parents came from the area around Zronica."

Jayle nodded and was about to ask about her tattoo when the bartender interrupted "You see, Lily here is my personal insurance as to how things need to be handled around here. An asset if you like" That girl? Back then he had sometimes referred to Karl the bumper as "an asset". "....I'll leave you in her care now. She'll get you where you need to be." the bartender finished. His eyes promptly set on Lily again "Get him to Mel and tell him to hand him two shots á maison; and he may take the pure stuff with him"

A visibly amused expression appeared on her face. "Sure thing, Os."

A quick glance and she flicked her head towards the nearest corner of the pub. "Follow me" She turned and led him around the counter, right through an unremarkable door that had previously led to Oswalds storeroom - an old depressive place that had always been much dirtier and much more uninviting than the tavern itself. However, while the storeroom was still there it was now separated by a new wall of solid wood, resulting in a long sparsely lit corridor that led straight on to a much newer - and considering its frame - much more expensive door. Lily had noticed his attentive expression "You here the first time?", she asked casually as she pushed the next door open, revealing a small courtyard beyond acting as a thoroughfare that led up directly to a narrow three story building. The whole area was squeezed in-between lidless brick walls of nearby houses which completely shielded the area from any onlookers. A small, but high wooden gate connected to a nearby alleyway just wide enough to allow carts with supplies for the tavern to pass through unhindered.

"No, I've actually been here before. Must have been years, though. I know Oswald for a while now." In fact, the building across had been Oswalds old home; Up until a few months ago that was, when he had started construction on his new and decidedly larger domicile on the far side of the city and which, coincidently or not, had been also about the time Jayle had first heard about Oswalds latest source of income. It was easy to conclude that this was the place where Oswald was doing his business, especially as Jayle noted a rather long rope, carefully spanned on the wall between the buildings. He had seen similar in his work: put at bell at one end and keep it tense enough and you had an easy way to quickly relay a message if need be. And, naturally, with a business such as his he needed a quick call to a bouncer. That reminded him.......the tattoo....

"Oswald's got a lot of friends - that's for sure. Still, not many know this area here."

"Say, Lily, that tattoo, is that an...." How was that word again? "....Anzekai?"

She stopped and turned around just so slightly to face him with a faint but amused smirk.

"Actually it's called "Ansecey". And, yes, I'm an Auramancer. Comes in pretty handy if you have an angry tiger in the lobby who doesn't want to pay up."

He was right. The secluded northern tribes had several rituals and legends pertaining to the 'Ansecey' - tattoos as the sign of a natural born mage as they were called elsewhere. They were called the blessed of the gods, each of them a representation of a spirit, an idea made conscious represented in the tattoo - the soul of a spirit but body of a man. There was one thing he didn't get, though: mages were rare and their skills highly sought by aristocrats and governments alike. On top, without proper (and very expensive) teaching only very few were able to handle their raw potential. Why should someone as her work here of all places? What did she get out of it? "If I may ask, why here? Oswald really isn't the type to pay a fortune to anyone."

The smirk was still there but her face seemed serious. "I can see why you are one of Oswald's "friends" - you are good. Let's just say there are things you don't need to concern yourself with." Her braided hair swung around as she turned her head and continued to walk towards the building again. "Come on." A few quick strides later and they stood in what had once been Oswalds living room and kitchen - the living room had been emptied but for a set of tables and a few large benches. The kitchen, meanwhile, had been completely sealed off from the rest of the room by a plain brick-wall, its rough surface only garnished with a small counter. Two harsh looking eyes, framed in a wrinkled and sharp face were currently staring out from it. They shone with amusement the second Lily walked into its field of view.

"Ah...Lily. Back again for your shot?"

She rolled her eyes. "Mel, you are such a dumbass sometimes."

"A come on, I...!"

That was the moment he spotted Jayle.

"Ohhhh! Ohhhhhh! A customer!"

Lily rolled her eyes again and proceeded around the corner, where a small door allowed access to the area that had once been Oswalds kitchen. Laden with wards it was obviously shielded against entry, but Mel was quick to open it just as they arrived. Mel revealed himself to be a small man, perhaps even as much as a whole head smaller than Jayle. Still, his appearance commanded a sort of respect with a sharply cut build visible under his plain clothes which reached up to his face and made him look as if to perpetually scowl. What was currently painted on it, however, was much less of a scowl and more of a somewhat embarrassed, apologetic look that he quickly exchanged with the mage before he turned his attention towards the waiting customer. "So, what I can I do for you?" he said. "I imagine Oswald didn't send both of you here just for shits and giggles, am I right?"

Lily made a gesture towards Jayle "Friend of the boss. He gets two shots to take. Don't ask." Mels brow rose.

"He owes me one", Jayle inserted with a smile.

The man nodded. "Alright, not gonna disagree with the what do you want? We have a variety of choices."

Jayle felt kind of exposed here: the only times he had ever told someone what he wanted were at least kind of private. Who knows how far this would go? Besides he couldn't help but notice that Lilys expression was kind of anticipating what he would choose with the same faint but amused smile she had displayed a few times already. He took a deep breath. "I'd like something feline....and it's got to be....anthro I think you call it." Lily snorted faintly with disdain - she was obviously not happy with what he had said.

Mel didn't mind and just cut in, "Okay. What kind of feline? Also what gender are we speaking of here?"

" you have....cheetahs?"

The man gave him the kind of stern look clerks sometimes give their customers to warn them to not try and waste their time "Yeah. What gender?"


"Okay and the second one?"

"I...ummmm...". Oh crap. Jayle had realized that he had wasted far too much time playing various erotic mind games instead of actually deciding what he himself wanted to be, postponing the decision until, well, he stood right here where he was. Of course, he had certain preferences - no pigs or birds for instance - he wanted something furry or at the very least scaly....a fox perhaps? Those were cool. Horses, well, they had the equipment...still he was unsure and his attempts to come to a quick conclusion proved unsuccessful.

Yet as his counterpart prepared for a deep sigh, intended to express that Jayle had now crossed the threshold of actually wasting his time, Lily intervened "Seems there is still hope for you" she told Jayle before focusing on Mel. "Mel. You already did cost us two customers this week. Just give him the bloody list"

Mel sighed reservedly but complied and went to produce a folder from somewhere behind him. "Look through that - lists all the things we have on sale here. Come back when you know. I'll prepare the first draft up until then."

Jayle nodded but the man had already vanished back into his room. "Thanks..." he paused. "Is he always like that?"

"Kind of. Still does good enough work" Lily removed herself from the wall she had leaned on and casually followed Jayle to one of the benches.

"He's an alchemist, isn't he?"

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"Saw enough of these types back at the academy, they really are a special breed of people. Oh and he has an amulet. Springs into view the moment when you know what to look for" He sat down and opened the folder. The pages where filled with pictures of various animals, old torn photographs and drawings all dispassionately glued on cheap paper. And there were quite a lot, variations over variations almost all from different species. The possibilities seemed endless.

"For someone like you I'd have guessed you to be a little bit more certain about the stuff you'll be buying"

" too." He opened a random page. Macaques. Awww no apes, thank you. He flicked the page. More apes. "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Hmmm", she leaned against a nearby wall casually and crossed her arms in front of her "Frankly, I think you'd make for a good canine."

Something clicked in his mind; A realization. He'd never thought he'd meet one of them. Especially here of all places. "A wolf like you, then?" he asked.

She smiled back wordlessly for a moment. "No. I don't think that would befit you. You are man after all. Still..." a chime echoed through the room interrupting her reply in mid-sentence. She shook her head. "Seems I have to go. Bet Os needs some leverage once again" Without another word she slowly turned around and casually strode towards the exit. She stopped on the doorstep, though "You are a smart person. I hope we will meet again." A moment later and she was already halfway across the yard, her clothes bathed in the yellow-orange of the late afternoon sun.

Jayle just looked after her until she had vanished inside the tavern. A wolf. A bloody wolf. He shook his head. Bloody sure did provide everything people wanted - even if they didn't consider themselves to be people at all. And matter what would happen, he would come back here, he decided in that second. His look fell on the folder again. He had absent-mindedly flipped a page and was now faced with a page titled "slugs". Who in eternity would like to become a fucking slug? He closed the folder with a sigh. He'd probably be stuck all day if he'd really look through all of it. A Canine, eh? That didn't sound too bad...

He went back to the door. A short polite knock later and Mel appeared in front of him once more - this time with an evident look of annoyance plastered on his face. What he went on to say, though, was far from unpleasant: "Good timing. Here's your first shot" He handed him a corked vial. The thing looked expensive, shining like crystal and filled with a wine-red substance that glimmered when he looked at it intensively. "So what's the other?"

"I think I'll take a wolf, male, you have something with black fur?"

"Sure. In fact..." He reached behind him and handed him another vial. "We keep them in stock - strong demand." The moment he had done so, however, he fluently shifted his attention and whole demeanour and looked straight past Jayle "Oh Hi Amy. Here for another round?"

Jayle looked over his shoulder in confusion and couldn't believe what he saw there: it was a creature made directly out of his dreams. An anthropomorphic dog, very short black and rust-coloured fur with a peculiar set of irregularly cut ears peaking out of a rough yet very delicate hairdo whose pompous shortness and crimson tone seemed like an odd contrast to the rather functional animal underneath. It was also evidently female with a body of curves so enticing he couldn't help but stare. Especially as she was clad in a piece of clothing that revealed far more than one would usually want to: a robe made of white silk, proving not only nigh transparent over her dark-furred body but also hugging her body uncharacteristically tight such that her large handfuls of breasts strained against the soft material. A stubby tail poked the fabric over her nothing but curvaceous bottom and her black, round thighs - clearly whoever she might have been previously was far smaller than the creature she was now. But things like that didn't really matter much as Jayle was now far too caught up in practically molesting her with his stare. She was too good to be true.

Plus, she didn't seem to mind much as she just answered his evident stare with a toothy yet reluctant grin and began to giggle loudly. "Who is this Mel? He's just soooo cute!" she exclaimed in perhaps the most girly voice Jayle had ever heard in his entire life.

"errr...he's just a customer nobody that important, really...."

It seemed Mel was not just a little bit upset over being ignored - especially as Jayle went into the offensive and put on the most charming smile he could muster "I'm Jayle, nice to meet you".

"I'm Amy" The girl-woman-dog-thing giggled again and presented her hand - a gesture more ladylike than her doggish self or her apparent girlishness would have suggested. For all her doggyness her paws were petite and human with the short dog-like claws that extended from her fingertips and were unusually painted in a bright red. Jayle wouldn't refuse such an invitation, of course, so he leaned over took her hand into his own and placed a short yet plainly excited kiss on its furred surface. Its hairs proved soft like the silk she wore and left him with a persistent vanilla-like aroma settling into his nose.

He raised his eyes again, "Pleased to make the acquaintance of a real lady" he said with the most wooing undertones he had spoken in a long time. In response she didn't giggle but grinned at him with an unadulterated mixture of thinly veiled lust and the desire to seem at least a little bit resistant to his flirtations. Plain as day, she wanted him. And he was certain he wanted her. Just too bad, he was not out to sacrifice everything he had planned for today or his girlfriend just on such a whim no matter how hot she was.

"So Amy, you still want that shot or not?", Mel interrupted with an audible grumble in his voice.

Jayle shrugged, nodded to her and prepared to leave. She, however, flicked her ears back and threw a single glance at the small man that just spoke to her. "Just ready it, Mel" she growled with surprising harshness before her look returned to Jayle. "You don't want to go already, don't you?" she said with seductiveness almost pouring out of her voice. "I'll bet you make a beautiful wolf..." and with this she pursed her lips and flashed her lids - both rather surreal things to see on a dogs head.

"Uhhh Amy, you see I'm sorry but..."

"Aww you are just too cute!" The thing exclaimed and then quickly took two steps to him and pressed a big doggy kiss right on his lips. While Jayle was certainly taken back by what had transpired yet couldn't do anything but enjoy the sensation. Kissing a human-animal hybrids muzzle was something to be savoured after all. And so he took his time to run his tongue across her black lips and feel her cold, rubbery nose pushing against his cheek. Her own tongue, doggy as it was, did the same with much more eagerness, exploring his mouth with a feverish, bestial need.

However, she was the first to pull away, almost frantically taking a step back, panting heavily and looking embarrassed at the floor. "Sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm not really that kind of jumpy" He wasn't really feeling sorry about it in the least.

"Well it certainly was unexpected...."

"I'm SO sorry. It's the drug - it makes me so..... so lonely...." That was when Jayle smelled something. It was the same scent as on her hand but this time it was stronger, almost demanding in its forcefulness, subtly evoking pictures of lust and pleasure. His manhood twitched eagerly in return. She was in heat and it was turning him on as well. Painting the most vivid picture of embarrassment possible, she crossed her arms in front of her ample set of breasts while she nervously kneaded her arm. "...Do you want to come upstairs with me?"

"Miss....I mean Amy...I'm really sorry but I can't...."

"Aww come on now!", she purred in his direction somewhere between demanding and temptatious "This is a dream and I'm your fantasy. You know this. Now let's go and have some fun!" Well, he kind of knew she was right. This was just another daydream. There was no way he should... "You currently have some time on your hands anyway...." she told him with those huge lids beckoning his mind to relish in the dirtiest things possible. Eh, screw it. Unsurprisingly, she knew of his decision, giggled and proceeded up the small staircase behind her. He followed eagerly.

"But what about me and your shot, Amy?" he could hear Mel yell after him. Jayle wished he'd die in a fire. And so he did.

The staircase opened up onto a room far larger than the house he was in. Plastered in white it was littered with expensive mosaics, pompous banners, animal-pelts and golden braziers that made it seem like the residence of an ancient king. And that is what he had in mind. Especially as everything seemed to be just a pretext to the huge lake of a bed that dominated the room. Made from a single flawless piece of white wood it was covered in its entirety with carvings of lust - scenes of what he was about to do have, hybrids deeply intertwined, kissing or simply fucking in an infinite variety. But of course, the real prize sat atop, on a mess of silken sheets. Amy was looking at him with unadulterated longing, her own robe loosened at the back and ready to be torn off at the slightest tug.

He was craving to join her, but kept his pace steady - he wanted to savour this dream and wanted her as eager as possible. In turn, she shifted on the bedside nervously while her long tongue slid out of her muzzle and ran along its outside as if to relish in a taste she had long awaited and couldn't get enough of. Jayle knew exactly what that was: he approached wordlessly, towered above her just for a second, before he carefully bent down and kissed her deeply. She felt so happy, so excited as their lips converged, leading her to lap at him almost feverishly in an effort to taste as much as she possibly could. He let it happen - felt her canine tongue caressing his face, lips and mouth and leaving a faint semblance of her aroma in his nose that excited him as much as her.

But eventually she couldn't get enough and her paw-hand shot up, gripped the back of his head in an almost feral fashion and pulled him even deeper into the kiss. He objected, slowly but determinedly, and broke off forcefully until she released him with a whimper. She looked at him with maddening need. "Bad dog" he told her with an amused grin on his face.

She whimpered again and laid back on the bed. Sprawled out on the sheets, she spread her legs to show off the large wet patch that had formed on the robe just where her groin was. The smell of vanilla hit him like a ton of bricks and each whiff made his thoughts more sluggish, preoccupying him with the growing, unrelenting hardness in his pants. "Please....take me", she begged but not without a sense of spite, expecting him to be entranced by what she knew to be her own neediness.

That was not going to happen: "Not before you make up for what you did first", he scolded her as he made a few steps along the bedside. Finding her head in close proximity to his crotch, it took her only a few seconds of almost tearing his pants to shreds before she succeeded in finding her personal treasure exposed to her - staunch and unrelenting, his cock only waited to be touched.

He felt her smooth paws squeezing his sack in the most intriguing fashion before he even knew what was happening. She was quick, but, strangely enough, instead of eating his meat like he had expected her to, she took her time to properly worship it first: her cold nose touched him as she carefully sniffed, slowly drawing in his scent and indulging in it for a few seconds before she repeated the procedure a bit farther down his length. Perhaps he should have minded but the occasional wet dot on his manhood or the tickling brush of a whisker turned him on far too much.

Finally, she looked at him expectantly, her eyes giving the perfect impression of a puppy while she panted heavily, just a few centimetres short of his meat. "Go for it, girl", he simply told her and with a yelp of pleasure she dove down and swallowed his penis in whole. Her canine tongue wavered around it, sucked and teased with its rough tissue while her muzzle pushed into his crotch almost painfully. It was a furious tempest of arousing tickles that stirred his balls almost immediately. Jayle just let it happen and let her fury work its course, let her tongue violently coax out pre almost from the first second onwards, while she sucked and eventually started bobbing her head to make his length slide into her canine cheeks. It was a mistake: he had underestimated her skill and he felt his balls tightening to unmanageable levels within barely a few minutes of her treatment, prompting him to audibly groan from the pressure. In response, Amy stopped her bobbing and simply seemed to wrap her tongue around his tool much like a snake coiling around its prey. And much like a snake, she tightened her grip, slowly hugging his pulsing flesh in a pleasurable stranglehold. That sent him over the edge: he almost exploded as he shot out two large salvoes of cum followed by a trickle that almost hurt in its spastic intensity. Meanwhile, she had closed her eyes, relishing in the taste of his spunk as long as she could, even proceeding to carefully lick his tool clean with that long tongue of hers afterwards. And with a final, teasing lick, Jayle resorted to just sigh when she regarded him with that puppy eyed expression of hers again, eager for more.

He carefully removed his clothes, and crawled onto the bed with the vial in his hand. He soon found himself positioned above her, his hands pushing into the mattress right next to her head. She was so beautiful with that canine girlishness she emanated and he kissed her once more, knowing fully well that she both craved and dreaded it - craved because she wanted him so badly and dreaded it because it would keep her needy pussy unfilled for yet another moment. With far less fervour yet equally as needy, she responded again, both enjoying each other for the minute or so it lasted. This time, he could draw back without difficulty and pulled her up, made her sit up like he did. She whined faintly, all dreams to get his dick into her as soon as possible shattered once again. However, he leaned over in a quick motion and tenderly pulled her robe off, revealing Amys half-canine body in all its glory - her fur shimmering from the light, her feet digigrade but petite with red-painted claws similar to those on her hands, her boobs real handfuls adorned with black, erect nipples waiting to be touched and her slit yearning wetly underneath a cover of soaked fur. He appraised her body like an ancient statue, his eyes just drinking in the lush female form that lay exposed to him now. She was so beautiful and looked at him with a defeatist need that would make her do everything. Time to get started. Without a word he opened the vial and a faint sweetness filled his nostrils, before he downed it. The taste was fruity, almost reviving in his forcefulness but paired with a note of chocolate that covered his gums in a gratifying sweetness. He smiled, looked at Amy again, and began to slowly touch her.

His hand set down upon her knee and travelled upwards on her thigh. She almost yelped from need but instead just closed her eyes and growled, perhaps purred, from the erotic tingles dancing in her mind. Either way, she just sat still and let his caresses work its wonders. And his caresses were gentle, his hand slowly exploring her butt, squeezing its soft, furred flesh, and enveloping her stubby tail with his fingers. They continued on to her side, brushing across her belly, teasing her in anticipation for the moment they would finally reach her orbs. And then Jayle just had them in his hands, kneaded them fondly and just took in their enticing, furry roundness. She moaned with exasperation.

Jayle, drank in the sensations as much as she did, especially as he felt that the substance was entering his system with every second, its warmth spreading outwards from his intestines and sharpening his lust for the things to come. His hands still felt her nipples poking into his palms as they began to tingle, realizing with some comfort that his fingernails had taken on a black hue. He beckoned her to lie on her back once more. She obliged and spread her legs before him in a way that made his eyes water.

He crawled forward and positioned himself right above her again, this time, however, his hand trailed a path from in-between her breasts down to her navel. Right in conjunction with the motion his hand turned and became a cross between animal and man. His fingernail extended into black claws that were gently poking into her fur, while his touch became softer, as his palm and fingers grew paw-pads that were far less rough than he had anticipated. The change was completed by black fuzz, the first signs of his coat growing in. And not the last, as his chest tickled as well, heralding the appearance of more fur that quickly spread across his pectorals. Amy smiled, brought one of her paws up to him to brush through his expanding pelt; A delicate, enjoyable sensation as if somebody was petting his head gently. In turn, he leaned down to one of her temptatious nipples, took it into his mouth and let his tongue play with it. It was hard and eager to be teased much like the supple flesh underneath. Running his paw over the furred orbs and gently squeezing it from below felt divinely and Amy responded with a sighed growl.

Another light bite, another light pull and his tongue started to feel weird. Longer and rougher, just so much that it couldn't possibly fit into his mouth. It was the tongue of a canine now and his caresses ended with him drawing it across both of her tits. Amy looked at him with a disconnected expression on her face, panting heavily "Please, fill me!". He decided that he would, just not in the sense she'd like to. Parting her legs with his hands he brought his face down to her crotch. The smell was almost toxic now and made his tool throbbed spastically in return. However, he knew the solution to that.

He extended his tongue and slowly licked along her black folds, tasted her sweet muck while one of his paws went down to his needy tool. She wanted to protest, since she still wasn't getting what she wanted, meagrely tried to push him away, but ended pant-gasping from his treatment. And not without reason: the sensations his changed hand elicited on his dick and the taste of her beautiful wet slit spurned him on and made his licks go deeper and deeper into her - teasing her walls with the rough texture of his new tongue. She quickly began to shudder, to squirm under his ministrations trying to both escape and embrace him - they were both so close he realized, as her lips clenched sharply and he suddenly felt an overreaching, vivid wetness on his tool.

He was too close now, too needy to draw back from the edge - he couldn't reign himself in and prepared for the inevitable. Yet it came quicker than both he and Amy realized: as he pushed his face into her for another lustful lick, he found that he didn't need to dive as far down as he needed to - his face had extended slightly, his nose wet not from her juices but from becoming that of a canine, black and coarse, suddenly drawing in her scent much clearer and much more vigorously. That was unexpected and he began to shudder as her more intense aroma instantly forced him to lick out her insides almost ferociously. Only seconds later he came with a loud groan, his tongue brushing against teeth that became sharper within the second; Sharpness, emerging rapidly like the bursts of seed from his dick. At the same time Amy started to twitch from her own climax as well accompanied by a long, drawn-out pleasurable whine that made her tense up and her walls flutter like a flag held in the wind.

Their orgasms lasted only a few seconds, leaving both of them to retreat, panting exhaustively for the moment. Jayle slobbered, his long tongue was coated with her juices and her taste that lingered on strongly. He went to touch his changed face, ran his hand down on it in an effort to see how far he got. His face felt stiff but was still flat, his nose had drawn forward and almost fused with his mouth into a small protrusion - wanted to be a muzzle but not yet was. His torso was completely furred by now, the black hairs eagerly starting to travel up his neck and down his back, towards his crotch and legs. He smiled and felt his new teeth poking onto his now jet-black lips.

Amy meanwhile, stretched on the bed, legs moving about enticingly as she recovered from her own height. Shaking her head slightly she regarded him with exhaustion but also with longing burning within her eyes. The need, the lust, was still there even after the orgasm - flaring up and swirling around inside of them, never fading but instead rising and growing stronger in a blinding pace. Shift really made things easier in that regard. And just like that, his hands were drawn to her thighs again. Feeling her soft fur underneath his pads and he knew that he was ready for another go. Especially as Amys were drawn to her tits, pinching her nipples lustfully with a needy whine. Drawing his paws to her shapely ass Jayle knew what he wanted. It was time to stuff her.

"Get up" he said with a growl that allowed no refusal on her part. Amy giggled, shifted on the sheets, rolled on her stomach and pulled herself up on all fours, presenting her ass to him. Jayle couldn't help but grin at the sight. Once more, his hands found her legs, traced over her rear and stubby tail. Finally, he sat up and rested his tool on her ass. It seemed to have changed a bit, gaining a reddish hue while his foreskin had drawn back entirely it seemed.

No matter. It was as sensitive as it ever was, perhaps even more so.

He let his dick slide along her ass-cheeks and underneath her folds - just as much as a final tease to her as to himself, given how his own tool was tickled pleasurably by her furred bottom. Amy couldn't resist and soon bucked her hips reflexively, trying desperately to snatch up his tool. In vain, as Jayle avoided these tricks effortlessly. Only when his legs started to tingle erotically from encroaching fur did he yield. Grabbing her ass he guided him into her wet tunnel, finally giving her what she wanted. Her snatch turned out to be uncharacteristically tight and he only fit in after the application of a bit of force. Amy just moaned lengthily from the ordeal, rapidly exclaiming "Fill me! Fill me!" while she buried her hip in his own.

With a slow teasing stir he started up the rhythm, drawing back to her entrance only to sink his tool back into her tight embrace a short second later, prompting Amy to yelp in unison. And again, and again as he ploughed on, filling her hard and often. "Yes!" she screamed while he let his hands roam along her sides, once reaching down to grab her swaying tits or brush through her crimson hair. She wasn't the only one who had fun as his tool was massaged expertly by her muscles, contracting itself around it as tightly as possible while still allowing him to mate with her easily.

But even while he was relishing the feeling of parting her walls so many times the changes continued and he soon found himself occupied by his feet that suddenly stretched inhumanely - turned into large paws with his toes growing to twice their size, puffy and with paw-pads, while his ankle was lifted upwards for a stance more suited to walk on the balls of his feet. But it didn't stop there, as he felt a weight pulling on his spine that wasn't there mere seconds ago. It was his tail, expanding behind him in a decidedly pleasurable pull that made his eyes water.

In turn, he stretched himself to feel every muscle in his growing appendix and leaned down onto Amys gorgeous back. Clutching her tits with both paws, he drilled into her with more fervour, driving his tool as deep as possible and hammering against her cervix in long harsh strikes. She just gasped and moaned rhythmically from the sudden onslaught that saw her pussy getting filled like no time before. But no matter how deep he drove, something seemed to push him out; Was working against him even as she started to force her hips into his in return. His tool itself seemed to suddenly deny entrance into her: It felt strange, making him shudder each time it hit her folds. Sensing his confusion, Amy muttered amidst a series of moans "It's your knot........Nhghhhhh!" She panted anxiously. "Push it in!"

A knot? He had heard of it - a swelling at the base of a canine dick made to tie two dogs together. So that's what it was, a red fleshy bulb made of tissue as sensitive as his tool. The image of pushing it into her, of stretching her walls so much - that image alone was enough for him to try, so he consolidated his strength for a hard push to overcome the new obstacle. And was surprised at a sudden plop that made Amy cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure as his knotted dick slid in and lodged into her. Jayle just gasped from the pleasure - not only did her damp, slick walls completely envelope this new swelling of his, but it seemed a whole muscle was dedicated to clamp down on the sensitive tissue as well. It felt wonderfully and though his way out was denied by her unrelenting pussy, he tried his best to continue fucking her.

With success, as even the slightest stir he was able to do turned him on profoundly. Amy also, as she continued to cry, gasp and pant from boundless pleasure interspersed with the occasional droplet of pain as his knot stretched her tunnel almost impossibly. He grinned. Unexpectedly, however, it started to lengthen as his face was pushing forward rapidly. Jaws stretched, finally providing enough room for his tongue, while rapidly canining teeth and his black nose were drawn along. It tickled from fur and long, flexible whiskers that sprouted from it rapidly. He just rested his head on her shoulder and growled. Another climax was upon him and with a single large thrust that saw his muzzle complete itself with a crack, his balls ached, contracted and shot out a long sticky stream of man-juice right into her waiting womb. In turn, she yowled ecstatically from her very own height as her slick hole contracted rapidly around his tool in a rhythm designed to coax as much out of him as possible.

Jayle just let himself be captivated in the pleasurable tempest, her body warm, furred and so gracefully curved below him, his own now as much animalistic, strong and full of novelty as he desired. Drawing air with his new muzzle and sensing his tail bobbing on his ass, he hammered around inside her, drunk from his recent additions and drunk from the feeling of coating her insides as thoroughly as he could.

Amy went down twitching in ecstasy, her head burying itself in a pillow, Jayle followed her down- and sideways while his tool saw the deepest push inside just when the last streams of cum were pushing through his urethra. They both came to rest on the mattress eventually, intertwined with each other through their connected hips and Jayles torso pressed against her body that itself pressed into the mattress. They remained like this for a few minutes - the only sounds escaping them, hazy continuous pants of exertion. But recuperation wasn't all: Jayle needed the time anyway for his inflated knot to settle enough to pull out of her gloriously abused hole.

In turn, he rolled back onto his furred ass while she slowly turned around and gently rubbed her soaked entrance. Faint white streams oozed out of her stuffed insides. Still, right under his exhausted eyes, her rubbing turned into ministrations, each touch becoming a little bit more excited and lustful, bookended by fluttering her eyelashes at him seductively as she had done when they first met. It seemed the erotic pull of the substance was stronger than anticipated and as he watched her getting ready for yet another go his dick hardened again as well. He realized that it really had become entirely canine in appearance now, a tapered, knotted, bright crimson pole peaking out of furred foreskin. A toothy canine grin appeared on his face. "Good dog."

Amy giggled while he slowly crawled towards her, intent to start a novel round of fucking, this time by grinding her ass into the mattress as thoroughly as possible.

"Do you really want to start without me?" someone said from across the room.

Jayle knew exactly who it was. It was his dream after all. "Maya...." He jumped off the bed and onto his paws, balancing his anthropomorphic body carefully while he felt his tail wagging on his ass. There she stood, human, naked, slightly plump yet without hesitation or embarrassment in her eyes. He approached her, let his paw roam over her naked body in affection "....I could never do without you". She just smiled at him while Amy joined them too, pressing her boobs into her back and licking lustfully along her neck as she did.

"You know, I've never been a vixen before" she said as her body grew silver fur and her face started to push out into a petite vulpine muzzle. Her emerald eyes just looked at him with calm bliss as her face contorted into a different shape all around her. "Have you decided now?" she whispered.

"...What? " he asked slowly as his hand brushed over her budding tail.

Her face suddenly distorted in anger, her canines enlarging, her muzzle full of bestial fury, while infernal eyes stared at him in hellish anger. She hissed at him with a clearly annoyed male voice...

"...I said "Have you decided now?! I don't have all day."

Jayle snapped out of it. His penis stung into his pants painfully no doubt extending it into yet another incredible tent were the catalogue not still resting on it. "Errr...give me a minute!" he replied hastily. In return, Mel just snorted in disdain and vanished again. Bloody daydreams. He adjusted the bulge in his pants. The page still spelled "slugs" with pictures of some rather colourful yet equally disgusting specimens. He sighed. So, wolf it was then. He straightened, took the folder and approached Mels room as gracefully as possible given that his semi-erect dong brushed along the inner thigh of his right leg with each step he took.

The alchemist sat on a small chair, right in front of the entrance with his legs resting on the counter, leafing through a newspaper he had clearly just picked up a moment ago. He sighed with exasperation the moment he noticed Jayle in the door. "Err...I think I want the wolf".

"Couldn't you have decided that a minute or so ago?" Mel hauled himself up plainly, displaying the discomfort from having to move his legs. "Anyway, you are lucky - wolves we keep in stock. Which one?"

"Male, anthro fur...if possible" Somehow that exchange sounded far too familiar. Mel just nodded, gestured him to step back and closed the door right in front of him. Clearly he didn't want him to see what he was doing back there and the warding symbol on the door made sure that it stayed that way.

It took maybe a minute of different shuffling sounds until the alchemist showed himself again, two small stones rested on his open palm. No not stones, crystals, shining in a milky white, layered and both with sharp broken edges. Jayle was confused. "I thought Shift was a liquid?"

The alchemist rolled his eyes but continued more matter-of-factly than his expression had suggested, "Crush it, dissolve it in water and then drink it." Squeezed in-between two fingers he presented one of them. "Look closely - it's less sharp than it looks and slightly yellowish. That's your cat." It was true. They seemed almost the same from afar but this one showed a light yellow tinge visible when looked at closely. "The other...." he presented the second crystal in the same way as the first, " your wolf. Recognize it's a little more opaque and has some small impurities on its surface?" Jayle nodded. "All right then." The alchemist nimbly slid both of them in a small leather pouch and handed it over. "It's fleeting. Drink it as soon as possible after mixing. Also, use all of it otherwise it won't work. Will last about two to three hours, afterwards you will be exhausted so do it somewhere you can sleep. No repercussions meaning no pregnancy, sudden craving for human flesh or any such stuff. Are we good?" That last part carried the perfect intonation of an annoyed specialist. That guy couldn't have been more of a brat even if he wanted to. Anyhow, it was best for Jayle to get out of this place as soon as possible, so he just resorted to nod silently. "Okay. Goodbye." the alchemist replied sharply and ventured to close the door in a slick, annoyed motion. Halfway through, though, he froze. The bell from before had started to chime. Once, twice, three times and once again until it finally fell silent. Meanwhile the alchemists eyes had widened. "You better go. Fast.", He told him with a blank stare.

Jayle attempted to ask why but the door slammed shut immediately. That was bad. The system relayed messages, so that code just now must have been some sort of emergency signal. Whatever it said, he needed to get out of here as fast as he could. Slipping the pouch into one of his pockets he walked back with a fast gait, around the corner and to the door opening into the courtyard. He was about to step through, yet was thrown back inside by a sudden bout of force that made his ears ring. An explosion. Smoke spread out across the courtyard, ragged pieces of wood suddenly scattered all across it. The gate to the alleyway was gone... Metallic shapes appeared in the haze as the smoke faded. No, not made of metal, humans in silver armour, emblems glittering in the sun, rifles gripped tightly, running towards the tavern and the house. Towards him.

Oh crap....

It was a raid.

Unnnnnnnnnnghhhhhhhh. Yandra moaned under her own clawed touch. She had promised herself she would work tonight, finishing up some urgent reports for the great Phallus but the lust was getting the best of her again. Her finger was stuck deep down in her panties, teasing her incredibly wet folds, running slowly but determinedly along her outer labia and eventually came to rub her clit evoking a silent gasp. Being a pleasure-demon sure wasn't easy sometimes: the lust when it came needed to be treated like a very bad itch that you were just forced to scratch if you wanted to stay concentrated. Three fingers were resting firmly in her tunnel at this point, spreading her open in pleasurable bliss as they parted her walls again and again. "ahhhhhhhhhhh......" Damn. She needed to focus and didn't want to make a mess. She bit her lip, carefully put her glasses down onto the desk and stood up with visible difficulty, only to rip her clothes from her purple body the second she stood, snatched up one of the big black dildos that lay ready and finally penetrated herself eagerly. Her back immediately arched in perfect bliss from the sudden intrusion while her spaded tail danced through the air wildly. "NGGGGGGGhhhhhhhhh!!!" The thing sunk down into her depths up to its very hilt.

"AAAAAAmhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She trembled, wanted to make her way to the nearby couch but her hips united in a devious conspiracy with one of her hands to practically entomb the thing inside her as she tried. Her hoofs clacked on the floorboard desperately and she tumbled onto the couch. With a visible shudder she came almost immediately when her knees came to rest on the black leather. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" her insides clenched shut, brutally massaging the toy inside, squeezing down on it painfully. Awash in bliss, her twitching body collapsed onto the mattress, where she remained for a few minutes, motionless and exhausted. "Uhhhhh.....", she groaned as her crotch finally ceased shuddering from the afterglow, and she slowly rose again. Her clothes were badly beaten up from her fervour and her claws had torn a lengthy cut into one of the leather cushions. The aftermath was always the most annoying part. She sighed and pulled the toy out from her insides. Like removing the plug from a filled sink, a stream of female juice followed, quickly creating a wet patch underneath her. Ugh, It was always the same when she waited that long, she thought apathetically. Still, she pulled herself up and fetched a piece of cloth to mop it up. No, it was even worse this time, she realized as soon as her gaze fell onto the soaked dildo on the floor and she felt a familiar heat flaring up in her loins. She didn't have a decent fuck in the last four days. She just had been too nervous and determined to finish up a plethora of different reports she had partly been assigned to and partly volunteered for. She had denied her needs too much. She bit her lip. There was no way out. There was only one way to alleviate her horniness. She needed a cock. A real cock. Inside her. Soon. Fortunately for her, she knew exactly were to get one. Or more of them.

The mating-house was as vibrant as always. Shiny neon lights, loud music, lots of alcohol and lots of demons talking, drinking and fucking everywhere with everyone and everything. On a table to the left, a large lizard-like demon was shoving his gigantic, curved penis into the asshole of a small human-like imp, whose dick slapped against his belly violently as he was taken from behind. To the right, three gorgeous succubi made love to athletic incubi as well as to each other on an extended couch, and right next to her a furred yet evidently female demon sucked off an incubus who was busy talking to someone on his cell, moaning occasionally from the treatment he received. Damn how she would like to join in, too. But she had standards. She was in need, very much so, but today she didn't want to to do the seducing she was doing most of the time anyway. She wanted it to be the other way around: just the thought of barely contained sexual tension ablaze between her and her lover, of having a dominant male flirt with her, using her and commanding her...all that send erotic shivers down her spine and made her wet from the vivid mental image alone. Yes that was what she wanted, what she needed to get release. Hence, she took some time to make herself presentable before she left: her hoofed feet were wrapped in black satin and a pair of enticing black stockings accentuated her long perfectly shaped legs. She chose a black-dotted white miniskirt that was perfect to show off and quickly to take off as well. The top was an equally skimpy white vest that left her belly exposed and accentuated her impressive cleavage. Her black hair she left in a large exotic bum, and picked red-tinted round glasses for a touch of exciting mystery. She could already feel some gazes lingering on her as she made her way to the bar. Likely from the three young incubi who were busy jerking off to pretty much everything that was going on. They were cute, though. And one of those dicks inside her, while she was sucking off the other two.... hmmmm.... She bit her lips again, a single fang protruding cutely. First, though, she needed a drink. The bartender was an old demon with a white moustache whose ridiculous large semi-erect dong was strapped to his front and reached up to his shoulders. Its throbbing tip was almost as big as the bartenders head. Hmmmm....dicks..... She bend over the counter showing off her panties to the whole club when she ordered a simple beer and a cum-shot to get her in the mood. She downed the shot first, tasty, thick semen preparing her of what she would certainly want from the tap at some point tonight, then leaned back against the counter in an intentionally seductive manner, beer in hand. Looks like the three incubi had noticed her for real now, were unabashedly pointing at her while strands of pre ran down their erect cocks. She smiled. It was only a matter of time before they'd come over. She'd play the surprised victim, innocently giggling at their jokes until she'd be forced to....

"Looks like someone struck your fancy" a deep, masculine voice said to her. She hadn't noticed the demon who sat at the counter next to her when she came in. And that was truly a shame: He looked very human albeit with pale grey skin, pupiless, cyan-colored eyes and was blessed with a complete lack of hair that made him look strangely alluring. Especially as his face was distinctly male with sharp, defined features and a broad chin-line that looked like if it had been chiselled. On top, his torso laid bare, showing off his toned, athletic abs and his muscular upper body without being too big or too overwhelming. A sword in a scabbard was casually slung onto his back, identifying him as one of the demons from the army or another mercenary out to do the dirty work for some of the counts. But no matter, there was absolutely no doubt about it: she wanted to fuck him, more than anything. She swung around and leaned forward to give him the best possible view of her rack. "They are just boys. I'm more interested in real men." She flashed her eyelids at him. He responded with an amused smile "I can certainly see that. What's your name?" "I'm Yandra, pleased to meet you" she extended her hand which received a gentleman-like kiss.

"I'm Silas." He nodded towards the club "Say, is this place always this busy?"

"Not that much. But you know, it's Friday so everybody here is relaxing from a week full of work"

"Well, that doesn't look that relaxing to me", he replied while nodding towards the lizard-demon who had just collapsed down onto the poor imp, both racked with from their orgasms.

She chuckled. Oh how she wanted to fuck him right here. "You aren't from Lania, then?"

He shook his head "No, I'm from Xan. Came to Lania on an investigation"

So he wasn't a pleasure-demon. That meant she needed to invest a little bit more work. "Hmmm then this must be a rather new sight for you. We pleasure-demons have needs, you know?" with that she put a hand on her thigh and rubbed casually while she looked deep into those big blue eyes of his.

He smiled at her with devious sincerity, stood up from the barstool he sat upon and kissed her deeply. From initial surprise, she practically melted down into his arms when she realized how determined he was. The kiss wasn't so much a result of tense lust but a result of lustful domination. And she wanted every part of it. Especially as he pulled away and regarded her with the same vicious smile from before. "I gather this is what you meant with need?"

"Yes..." she bit her lip again. She was so wet.

"Why won't both of us go somewhere more private?", he commented casually.

"Yes..." her mind felt dizzy. When was the last time she needed to get laid by someone so desperately...she couldn't recall. Still, she followed him eagerly; out of the house, down the street and into a spacious hotel-room. A table with a bottle of wine and two-glasses stood ready - right next to a king-sized bed.... Oh what she could do with him on that....maybe she'd first start by lying down, spreading her legs and then he would tower over here... push her down and then....

"Wine?" he asked, presenting an already filled glass to her.

She almost snatched it from his grip "Thank you...." she whispered and sat down on the bed, intent to provide the necessary position for him to take her. He, on the other hand, took his time, carefully took off his shoes and placed them in a cabinet before he sat down on the bedside next to her.

"So, you are a succubus?" he asked in a smooth baritone that meant business.

Yandra bit her lip again in an effort to not jump onto him right now and took a large sip of wine. "Yeah...." she said innocently, as she almost unnoticeably edged closer towards him. "....we are usually employed to seduce mortal men...make them do our bidding...." the tension was almost palpable now.

"Usually...?" he asked with seductive innocence.

"Yes...I'm more of a secretary"

He raised his brow "Oh?"

Those eyes, those beautiful eyes. Her panties were drenched at this point. She giggled. "In fact, I'm assistant to one of the rulers here....but my main job is actually to report more than it is to organize" He met her gaze. Was that it? Would he act now? Would he jump her? Would he put his arms around her and tie her up? Would he press her down into the mattress and spank her? Would he fill her and fuck needy hole into oblivion? Would he .... He just smiled deviously and she felt a strong, hot hand reaching her thigh. She silently gasped.

"So what do you report on....?" his hand started squeezing softly. "....I guess there are many reports on what you succubi do, right?"

YES! She leaned forward with one hand, ready to receive whatever would come, yet tried to outwardly remain factual. "Recently, one of them got lost, left her post. She must feel...." She met his gaze again. ".....rather lonely.......".

His hand lay on her hip now and he finally leaned over to press one long, forceful kiss on her lips once more - a shocking feeling that sent her reeling for a second. When they parted, his hand trailed on her side and began to descend downwards, eventually teasing the outline of her skirt. It sent a clear message where it wanted to go next. "A lonely succubus....that sounds like something that's not supposed to happen...." and with that, his other hand gently motioned her to lie down.

"YES DO IT", she thought, while her insides rippled with excitement. Especially as he opened her belt without even asking and pulled off both skirt and panties. Her snatch exposed, it reeked and glittered from her juices.

"Looks like somebody was a bad girl...."

YES TELL ME WHAT TO DO. One of his hands slowly ran down her belly and cupped her crotch, gently massaging what was underneath. The first touch almost made her shiver, she was soooo horny that even this slow tease would likely bring her to orgasm soon.

However, he remained strangely calm and looked at her with an unreadable expression. "Why don't you tell me a bit about that succubus who left her post...." More small-talk? He was STILL teasing her. Yet she grunted when one finger gently squeezed her clit as if he knew what she was thinking. She loved being dominated by this.

"She....ahhh...was a seducer....a creature of lust....ahhhh....." she moaned again as her words were rewarded with more forceful treatment of her womanhood. "She.....nghhhh came from Kyl.....uhhhh....Kyla...." Meanwhile, his other hand had found his way to her top, and a single determined pull freed her tits. ".....nghhhh she had a task in the desert...." His hand went on to gently squeeze a black, hard nipple while his other finally found his way into her snatch. "She vanish.......ngghhhhAHHHHHHHHH". Her body spasmed.

"....that was fast", he remarked with amusement as she shivered next to him. "I don't think we are finished yet, though." The orgasm had been forceful and her head still felt dizzy as his form climbed atop her. His head went down to her chest, suckling and teasing a nipple for just a moment, a simple thing yet enough to reignite her lust. She moaned and gently caressed his head as he finished. "Tell me more of that story" he said, making her smile.

"I'd love to" she whispered in return, only to have her response rewarded by yet another deep kiss, his hands appraising her body. She squirmed underneath, a fuck this exciting she hadn't had in quite a while.

Especially as he drew back, looked deep into her eyes and told her with no uncertainty, "You will do as I say".

She smiled at him almost drunkenly, when his hands motioned her onto all fours and he started to unbutton his pants. "Now that is a position you should be more comfortable in, am I not right my little pet?" He had just called her pet. Fucking pet. It was as if he'd known her deepest desires.

"Yes master", she replied eagerly.

"Very good". "Now you want to tell me every single thing that happened to her".

Her brows furrowed cutely. His obsession with the topic was strange. "But....I...can't tell you everything. Some things are reserved for my employer"

She felt a hand brushing her neck. "What was that, my pet?". An electric shock ran through her that made her squeal from the unexpected pain. When the short buzz subsided, though, it left a pleasurable tingle that collected at her nipples. She felt a droplet of fluid escaping her pussy. Once again, this guy knew exactly what she wanted. Still she really couldn't tell him, those were what one'd call "state secrets" or some-such.

"I really can't tell you, though" she said drowsily. "It's work ethic, you know". "Ngggh!" An even stronger shock tore at her insides, her back arching for a second; Her nipples stood on edge from arousal and as the pain subsided she was even hornier than before. Maybe she could do an exception. Just this time. Just once. If he was so interested in that story she'd go along, being used like that...she loved it. And she wanted to play that part tonight so dearly. His hand squeezed her behind roughly. "I'll make an exception......master".

"Good girl" his hand slid along her body to one of her tits and squeezed one of her nipples slightly. "Here is your reward". His other hand came forward. It held a pair of handcuffs. She had no idea where he had hid that thing the whole time, yet she grasped it eagerly and chained herself to the bed-frame. "Very good my pet. You are trained well" She sighed as she felt his hand on her folds, rubbing her entrance slowly She heard him slid out of his trousers. "So....what was that succubus name?", he said while something thick and wet and brushed along her ass-cheeks.


"Is that all?" Another electric burst ran through her, its pain feeling like a pleasurable needle again.

"Lucia of house Salia".

"Good." And with that he suddenly plunged into her with a forceful push. Her hips almost burst from its size. It felt massive. "Now you'll tell me everything in detail...."

"Yes master". And with this, they started fucking in earnest. His tool pounded into her, each of his strokes accompanied by one of the electric shocks she both loathed and loved at the same time. Amidst her moans she told him everything. Every little detail from Lucia's life. How she lived. Of her family. What happened during the incident where she vanished. How the count was aware yet didn't act, didn't pursue her. And how the matter had been left to her to get information for the phallus and how she believed the matter was interesting enough to look into. He fucked her tirelessly. Yet after about an hour and at least three intense orgasms later she had told him pretty much everything. "That...was ...nghhhh...all..." she mumbled amidst panting moans.

"You told me everything?" the grey demon asked and a faintly gasped "yes" was enough of an answer. "I see" he responded matter of factly and he suddenly pulled his dick from her insides.

"What's wrong, master?" she asked confusedly, but saw his grin over her shoulder.

"It's time I had some fun now. Close your eyes."

Did he come during their mating? She couldn't recall, yet her insides clenched from excitement and she obliged, eager for yet another round of vicious fucking. She felt something lying amidst her entrance, hard and obviously not his dick. She smiled as he prodded her with it. A toy, she'd be played with. "Yes. Play with me..." she moaned faintly.

With a quick violent thrust the thing landed inside, its force almost tearing up her insides, its size too massive, too long and too slim for her pussy. She squealed in sudden agony and her eyes flew open. It was his sword. Still sheathed, it was stuck inside her, held securely at the end by one of his hands while the other stroked his dick. His grin was strangely malicious. "What are you...." she was starting to ask, when a familiar feeling erupted from the sword as electric sparks shot through her. Benign at first, their intensity grew rapidly, air escaping her mouth in a painful gasp as her back arched. The pain only grew worse as he held the sword steadily, made no effort to shield her from being torn asunder by her body trying to escape, or the heat that grew ever more painful inside of her. She started to scream and tried to struggle, yet the handcuffs on one side and his sword on the other denied any escape. She screamed as she felt her insides slowly melting, burning away from impossible currents channelled through her body. She screamed as the room was slowly filled with the stench of burning flesh. Her own. She only stopped when a torrent of blood had drenched the sheets and her charred, dead body hang limply on a sword which was impossibly held by a man, laughing maniacally at the scene.

Her eyes flew open. A dream? A bad dream? She was lying on her couch, its warmth an odd contrast to her body that felt uncharacteristically cold. Almost freezing. She looked down at herself. She was naked, bathed in sweat. A nightmare? She couldn't recall and slowly sat up. Her clothes were scattered on the floor. It was half past three at night. Her brows deepened. The last thing she remembered was that she wanted to go out. She had been so horny, so needy, but now that feeling was extinct as if it never existed. As if her memory was all but a dream. It was too familiar. Panic collected in her mind. She staggered onto her hoofs quickly and sped to the bathroom mirror. Her body was unblemished, crystalline beads of sweat glinting in lamplight as not a single speck of dirt was visible on her flesh. "No..." She tried to recall last night....she couldn't.... "NO!!" Tears rapidly filled her eyes as she collapsed to the floor.

Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again Not again........