The Power of Love: Preparation is the Key To Success (Part I)

Story by SophieB on SoFurry

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#6 of Carthani

The Power of Love

I â€" Preparation is the Key to Success

The Power of Love by Sophie Bell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. It contains scenes of a sexual nature not intended for readers under the age of consent. Feel free to e-mail me or comment below!!

This is part of a story series, but I must warn you that there are no real 'chapters' to this series. Instead, I am simply writing with the Carthani world as a central theme.

In a glorious puff of violet smoke, coupled with a thunderclap-like boom that shook the walls of Fane's study, the spell he had been working on failed dismally. The ferret stared at the remnants of three days of hard work, now little more than charred slag spread across his work bench. The work bench would survive --- years ago, Fane had wrapped it around with so many protective spells that it would probably survive if the entire guildhall exploded, but that wasn't the point.


"Blast and damn it all!" He swore, stomping furiously around the room and waving his arms around like a lunatic. To the majority of the Magician's Guild, Fane was an unexplainable but necessary presence. Things exploded around him. A lot. Spells failed, almost more than things exploded. Still, for every twenty explosions, the young ferret produced one or two spells that were works of pure genius. However, this fact had currently escaped the ferret, and so his arm-waving and cursing continued until he was distracted by the distinct sound of someone clearing their throat.


The ferret whirled, spun, and tossed out a few more choice curses before he landed, facing the calm, bland expression of his most favorite disciple: Minky. Minky, being a name usually reserved for fluffy, frilly idiotic female furs, was nowhere near accurate to describing the almost disturbingly large lynx-tiger hybrid that stood before Fane. In fact, no one was quite sure if Minky had been misnamed at birth, or if he had spent his entire lifetime playing a joke on the whole of the Empire.


"Minky! Where have you been?! I'm pretty sure I summoned you hours ago!" Fane had very likely not summoned Minky hours ago, but that wasn't the point. With the same bland expression, the large fur responded in a calm voice that was at complete odds with his master's. "I apologize, Master Fane. However, before you give me any tasks, I am here to let you know that the Emperor requests your presence in the treasury." Fane stared at the large feline, curiosity overriding his urge to shout, rave, and wiggle his arms in the air.


"The treasury, you say?" Fane had always wondered about the magical properties of some of the things in the royal treasury. Perhaps the Emperor had summoned him to let him study some of those items! Oh, the wonder of it all! Fane's eyes brightened, avarice mixing into the curiosity, and he was practically bouncing with glee. He tried, very hard, to sound serious, but in comparison to Minky's stoicism, Fane being serious was laughable. "Yes, well. If the Emperor summons, I must go!" He reached up, patting the huge feline's arm, and flounced off towards the pieces that remained of his study's doorway, expecting Minky to follow. Slow and methodical as ever, the enormous feline did.




Fane's bright orange robes swished importantly as he whisked his way through the twisting corridors of the palace, scattering slaves as he passed. Minky moved along behind him, as ponderous as a glacier, scattering even more slaves with his size alone. "Summoned to the treasury! By the Emperor himself! Can you imagine, Minky?" Fane raved, as the unlikely pair moved along. Minky did not respond, however, knowing that the absentminded ferret was mostly talking to hear his own voice.


"I shall be the first magician ever to study those magical artifacts! Do you hear me, Minky? Why, I'd be willing to bet that the guild will name me Master Magician by the time I'm through! Yes, yes, I can see it now!" On and on the ferret rambled, and not a few wild boasts and speculations later, the pair arrived at the royal treasury.


While Fane spent his time regaling the bemused guards regarding his up-and-coming promotion, Minky tugged the heavy doors open, revealing mounds of glittering treasure. A veritable dragon's hoard, as was to be expected. Piles and piles of gold, precious stones, and enchanted things lay haphazardly in every direction. In the midst of it all, blending in quite nicely, stood the Emperor himself, a wide smile on his scaly snout.


"Fane, Fane, my wonderful magician! I am so glad you have come! I have a project for you, and you must see to it immediately!" The Emperor waved an enthusiastic Fane through the treasury, and Minky followed, resigned to at least one more explosion before the day was done. The ferret jabbered on regarding his absolute amazement at being summoned, and didn't the Emperor think he was just the fur for Master Magician? Until they all came to a stop, deep within the treasury vaults. This room, in stark comparison to all the others, was bereft of gold and wealth. Minky took his customary position against the wall nearest the door, folding his heavily-muscled arms across his chest.


"Oh, my! Look at that!" Fane exclaimed, pointing quite unnecessarily at the only thing in the room: a unicorn, chained to the farthest wall by a gleaming silver cord linked to his collar, also silver. "It's a unicorn, Minky! Oh, I must study this!" The Emperor, a hint of something devious in his dragon eye, grinned at the overexcited ferret, nearly bowling him over with a friendly pat to the shoulder.


"That is why I brought you here, young magician! To study this beast, and discover its magical properties as a service to the Empire! In fact, depending on what you discover, there might be a reward! Of the promotional sort." Minky stared blandly at the back of the Emperor's golden head, knowing that the dragon was lying. Fane, of course, failed to notice or care. His attention was fully on the unicorn, who had lifted his gleaming white head to regard the estranged magician balefully.


"Yes, yes, I must get to work now, m'lord." Fane muttered, distracted, and flipped a paw absently in the direction of Minky. "Take my slave with you, I am sure he knows the way back." The Emperor glanced at Minky, amusement clear in his expression, and took his leave, gesturing for the feline to remain where he was.




Over the course of the next hour, Minky watched as his exuberant master poked, prodded, and cast relatively harmless spells at the hapless unicorn, who regarded him with a seemingly endless projection of scorn and disgust. Obviously, the captive unicorn was intelligent, and regarded Fane as yet another nuisance to be dealt with.


"Hmm, hmm. Not responding to the usual stimulation spells." Fane muttered, poking at the unicorn with one knobby digit. The unicorn, who by now would have skewered Fane if it were possible, jerked in his bonds, trying to avoid the poking. The skewering was rendered obsolete by the simple fact that the unicorn's horn was capped in the same silvery stuff that made up his other bindings. Magical tools, to bind a magical being.


"I wonder what will happen if I..." Fane muttered, wiggling his fingers over the unicorn, and then muttered some more, spitting out the draconic tongue in the form of a spell (the only draconic words permitted for use among those lesser beings). A brief, pinkish flare occurred, traveling up the unicorn's horn and arcing towards Fane, magically slapping him full in his contemplative face.


"Oh!" The ferret exclaimed, clapping a hand to his own forehead. "That's the key!" More draconic phrases spewed from the ferret's mouth, and in response, both ferret and unicorn were soon bathed in a faint pink glow. Fane looked absolutely delighted, his expression coming close to pure ecstasy. The unicorn, by contrast, simply looked annoyed.


Abruptly, the bound equine spoke, his melodic voice touching the air like a song. What he said, of course, was complete gibberish, insofar as Minky and Fane were concerned. The tongue of unicorns was exceedingly difficult to learn. Still, the general tone of the words, musical and unintelligible or not was: "Leave me alone, you idiotic magician, and go back to exploding your study."


Fane, still bathed in pink light, stared at the unicorn, muttering under his breath. The same draconic phrases fell from his lips, and the pink glow intensified. The unicorn did not speak, but his eyes widened slightly â€" in shock? Distress? â€" before a long, shuddering sigh escaped him. Fane stared at his own paw for a moment, seemingly fascinated by the pinkish glow, before coming to himself with a start and glaring at the unicorn, flinging out his pink paw demandingly. "Speak, unicorn! In a language that I can understand, blast it! I command thee!" To the surprise of all three furs, the unicorn did.


"While I think you're a complete waste of magical talent, I suspect that disobeying you will end up in me being a dragon's snack. So, as I am bound to say because of the stupid compulsion you just laid on me: How may I serve thee, Master?" An entire universe of scorn was in the words that the unicorn uttered, but Fane seemed not to notice. The ferret clapped his paws together, dancing and crowing with glee. Minky, still watching the exchanged, simply waited for something to explode.


"It worked! It worked!" Fane bawled, absolutely pleased with himself. After a moment or two more of dancing and clapping himself on the back, the ferret subsided, returning his attention to the unicorn and clearing his throat. "Ahem. Tell me all of your magical secrets, unicorn!" He demanded, thrusting a digit into the air imperiously. The unicorn stared at him, rolled his eyes, and spoke between clenched, glaringly white teeth.


"Master, if thee truly wishes it, I will serve you in this capacity. However, this task would consume both of our substantial lifetimes. Perhaps you would like to .... rephrase?" Fane stared at the unicorn, briefly robbed of his speech. But only briefly. "Ah, yes. Well, as to that. What is your name, unicorn?"




"Oh, well nice to meet you Uriel. Uhm. Is there some special limit to your magical abilities?"


"Each unicorn is born with one major magical talent, and a base-line of standard magics available at his .. or her .. disposal."


Fane stared at the unicorn, realizing that he had just learned something that no one else in the Empire knew. Fancy only having one magical talent! It was an incredible waste, especially if you considered how fantastic unicorns seemed to be. Why, there were stories and myths about them! All doing fantastical things! But, now that he thought about it, it did seem like the unicorns in the stories were known for one fantastical thing at a time. With an effort, the ferret drew his mind back to the present.


"What is your magical talent, unicorn?"




Fane, who had prepared another question in his mind, found that the thought had flittered away into nothingness, unreachable. Instead, he stared at the unicorn, trying to fathom what the creature had meant when he said ‘love'.


"Erm, what do you mean, exactly?"


"My magical talent is to manipulate love, in all of it's forms, Master. Shall I demonstrate for thee?"


Fane considered, while behind him, Minky sighed and braced himself, fully expecting something (an explosion) bad to happen. He had been around magicians enough to know that their curiosity was practically insatiable â€" and so, he knew that Fane wouldn't be able to resist. The feline couldn't imagine how the magical talent of ‘love' could equal up to an explosion, but he was fairly sure it was possible. If Fane had possessed a magical talent, it would have been making things explode. A lot.


"Yes!" Fane said, waving his arms about imperiously. "Demonstrate your talent, unicorn!" He glared, just for effect, and then folded his arms, waiting for something to happen. The unicorn rolled his eyes once again, glancing at Minky as if to say Do you believe this guy? Before his head drooped; obviously he was preparing himself. When he looked back up, Uriel's eyes were glowing with the same pinkish hue that surrounded himself and Fane, and looked rather eerie, come to think of it.


"As thee commanded, Master. Look down."


Fane looked down, brows bunching in confusion, and saw only his bright orange robes, bathed in a pink glow. "I don't understand what you----oooh." His bright orange robes were definitely a distraction, as was the pink-glowing unicorn and his mystical spells, but Fane would have had to be a complete idiot to fail and notice the fact that he had suddenly become aroused, and for no particular reason at all.


"That's fantastic!" He shouted, waving his arms around emphatically. "Minky, come look at this! That unicorn just gave me an erection! Fantastic!" Minky, eyeing the unicorn, failed to appear at his master's side immediately. "I am sure that it is suitably fantastic, Master. Perhaps you should have the unicorn demonstrate more of his talent." He said, effectively distracting the excitable ferret.


"Yes! Do that, unicorn! I command you to demonstrate your powers further!!"


The unicorn's head bowed once again, as both Fane and Minky watched. Fane, however, found himself experiencing a curious sensation â€" on top of the curious sensation regarding his maleness. For the first time in his magically gifted life, the young ferret felt ... lustful, he supposed the word was. Fascinating! Fane looked up, directly into the unicorn's pink-glazed gaze, and felt his fascination with lust fade, to be replaced with a sudden and complete need to do things to the unicorn that he could barely comprehend.


"As thee has commanded, Master, I have obeyed. Thee must touch me for the demonstration to attain it's full effect."


Who said unicorns weren't crafty?


Fane, awash in a plethora of new sensations, nevertheless felt the old tug of curiosity return to it's natural place: his mind. His member was also curious, but as it was not a sentient being, Fane was fairly sure he could control it. "Oh, I love unicorns." He whispered, stepping deeper into the pinkish glow that surrounded Uriel, one paw stretching out towards the silver-capped horn.


The unicorn, knowing well the effect his magic had on normal beings, had also allowed himself to become slightly affected. The only creature immune to a unicorn's talents were dragons â€" and this ferret was definitely not a dragon. So, he watched Fane approach, and carefully kept his expression from showing the glee that he was feeling in his heart. He hadn't had a proper fuck in a long, long time, and while this ferret wasn't anywhere near as attractive as one of his mates, he would do for now.


The second that Fane touched the unicorn's horn, he was lost to the real world. He became immersed in the pink, magic glow that was Uriel's world, completely consumed by an overwhelming need to mate with the beast. His member, nearly aching by now, brushed lightly against Uriel's stomach, and the unicorn shuddered. "Come, Master, and I will demonstrate the true meaning of love to thee." Uriel whispered, and bent, claiming the ferret's mouth in a hot, greedy kiss.


Fane shivered, completely wrapped up in the tendrils of seduction that the unicorn had woven. Behind him, Minky simply stared, completely stunned by the effect of the unicorn's spell. The feline would have gone for help, but he was fairly sure that his master would come out of this whole of body and mind, and so, instead of calling for a guard, the large feline simply sat down, closed his eyes, and tried to pretend he was anywhere else. Though, in retrospect, at least there hadn't been any explosions. Yet.


Fane groped and moaned and mumbled, completely at a loss as to what to do. Uriel, however, seemed to know exactly what to do, and guided the spellbound ferret with murmured words, urging him to greater and greater heights of pleasure. Fane rubbed his member up against the unicorn relentlessly, moaning and panting with need, blind inside the pinkish glow. "I need..." He gasped, before his mouth was claimed yet again by Uriel, who devoured the ferret as if he were the last drink of water in a vast desert.


"Let me help thee, Master." Uriel whispered, and shifted, nudging Fane's member between his thighs like an expert, shifting until the head of the ferret's prick rested just beneath the unicorn's tail. His own erection was trapped between them, replacing Fane's. Despite his intent to control the situation, the unicorn caught himself moaning at the friction, a tremor whispering up his spine. "Push, Master." Uriel whispered, shifting his body to help the process along. "I need thee inside me."


Fane, overwhelmed with sensation, was weeping, but he somehow managed to do as the unicorn asked, and with a surge of his hips, buried his member deep into the warm, tight folds of the unicorn's tail-hole, nearly climaxing as he did so. Somehow, though, the ferret held himself back â€" even if he was a virgin, or had been. Clumsily, the ferret thrust, trying to find some sort of rhythm despite the fact that he had no idea what he was doing.


Uriel realized, at that first tentative thrust, that Fane was a complete and utter virgin when it came to the various acts of love. The idea of it nearly made the unicorn laugh aloud, but he controlled himself. Gently, he shifted his body away from the ferret, pushing Fane's member out. It had felt so good, but there were better methods.


"Wait, Master, I will help thee experience love in a better way." The unicorn murmured, and, disentangling himself from the ferret's limbs, rotated his body until he faced the wall, his tail lifted high. Fane, by now having half a clue as to what came next, eagerly pounced on the opportunity, barely pausing to aim before thrusting his member back into the unicorn's tail-hole, moaning and gasping at the feel of Uriel's muscles instantly tightening around him.


He thrust mindlessly, barely able to maintain a rhythm, responding to the magic that the unicorn have woven around them both. His paws flailed, digging into Uriel's flanks, claws biting into the pristine white flesh. Again and again, the ferret forced himself back from the verge of climax. Slowly, slowly, Fane began to realize something: the unicorn was also aroused. In fact, he was humping the wall, moaning and groaning in time with each of Fane's thrusts. Fane, feeling somehow empowered by this, slowed his movements, deliberately restraining himself. After a few slow, languid thrusts, Fane withdrew his member completely, to the delightful sound of an equine whimper.


As Fane straightened his robes, tugging at the bright orange fabric, the unicorn slowly turned around, staring at him. Had the ferret somehow broken out of his compulsion? Impossible! But as Uriel studied the ferret, he realized that he had, in fact, somehow loosed himself from the bonds that the unicorn had set on him. The unicorn glanced down, nearly whimpering at the sight of his own prick, still oozing precum.


"Yes, well that was very instructive, unicorn, I must say!" Fane exclaimed, and Uriel looked up, despairing at the glint in the magician's dark eye. Somehow, he had lost control of the situation. "However, despite your vows to serve me and whatnot, you lied, unicorn." Uriel blinked, shaking his head in denial, confusion drifting through his foggy thoughts. Fane smiled, baring sharp, even teeth.


"You told me your talent was love, unicorn. In fact, your talent is not love at all, but something else entirely. I shall have to study it further before I can define it properly. You really should have had a better education regarding magic." Fane nodded, and reached into his robes, withdrawing a small golden amulet, stylized in the shape of a dragon.


"You see, my Master gave me this to protect against any magical nastiness a creature like you might think up." Uriel, staring at the golden dragon tick-tocking before his gaze, swallowed hard. This was really not going the way he had planned!! "So, while your pink glowy magic was interesting, it was also ineffective." Suddenly, the ferret reached out, grabbing Uriel's horn and jerking his head down, painfully, to stare into his pink-glazed eyes. "However, I find that I thoroughly enjoyed fucking you. It really was my first time, you know. But, seeing how you seem to react .. hmm, we'll deal with that now, shall we? Minky!" Fane shouted, still holding Uriel by the horn. The feline, still sitting with his back against the doorjamb, slowly stood up. "Bring me the box, you idiot!"


The box was produced, and set at Fane's orange-clad feet. Snorting, the magician glared at Minky, impatiently jerking on Uriel's horn without seeming to realize what he was doing. "Open it, you idiot! And hold this unicorn for me." The feline did as he was ordered, kneeling to flip the lid of the box back before reaching up to take hold of Uriel's horn in one massive fist.


"Aaah, here she is, my own special creation." Fane reached down, plucking a narrow golden cylinder from the box. It was a beautiful thing, engraved with dragons twined together â€" head to tail to head to tail and back, an endless pattern. Reaching into his pocket, the ferret dug around, cursed, and dug around some more. As Uriel watched, half-caught between fear and curiosity, the magician retrieved a slim golden rod â€" no, it was a key! â€" from his pocket, and fitted it into one end of the cylinder. It unlocked with a snap, and the cylinder split, falling into two equal halves. Fane held it up. Uriel stared at the two half-cylinders, confused.


"As I was saying, we need to deal with your reaction to being fucked." The ferret declared, waving the bits of gold about, narrowly avoiding poking out someone's eye. "If you look closely at these, you'll notice that there are hundreds of tiny little barbs inside the cylinder. Mm? You see?" Uriel couldn't really see anything, the way that Fane was waving his hands about, but he was willing to take the ferret's word for it.


"Now, if I did the spell right..." Fane muttered, and reached down, fitting each half-cylinder around the unicorn's exposed â€" and by now flaccid â€" member. The key went in next, locking the two pieces back together. Uriel stared down at where his prick had been, slightly bemused by the golden thing that had been placed around it.


"This will expand a little to accommodate ... excitement." The ferret went on, rapping it with his knuckles. He paused, tilting his chin up to lazily claim the unicorn's mouth, kissing him almost as if they were lovers instead of magician and captive. Despite all odds, Uriel felt himself getting aroused â€" and then felt unimaginable amounts of pain, as the hundreds of tiny barbs that he had failed to remember dug into his prick, which had hardened almost instantly. He shrieked, and would have jerked his head back were it not for Minky's fist wrapped securely around it.


Fane smiled, patting the unicorn's cheek condescendingly. "You'll be so interesting to study, little unicorn." He said, and then turned on his heel, orange robes swishing dangerously as he crossed the room. "Minky! Get the box and come along! We have work to do!"



Not my usual style, but definitely fun to write! I hope I can maintain the humor interspersed through this chapter when I follow it up with another!! Thanks for commenting!