ChurchBoy - Chapter 2

Story by Vulupus on SoFurry

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Hi guys and girls and all that in between and neither!

Yeah, I think I some apologies all around. Said I'd finish the story and sort of didn't. Well, I'm sort of back, not really, perhaps, at times and... well, I felt I could muster at least one more story before I venture out into that good night.

It's not as good as I would've wanted, I haven't actually gotten it looked at like I did my previous work but I figured, hey, if it's this or nothing I think we can go with this one. Might go back and change it a bit, fix some errors and such once I'm getting some feedback since it's as raw as it gets.

I might've gotten a few things wrong, it was a long time since I wrote the remake and I haven't got my original documents left anymore so I had to check it up but I might've missed but I think I stayed true to the original as much as I could. I'll TRY to write a third and final chapter but we'll see, I promise nothing this time.

As always, please comment below and be honest, I earn nothing on it if you lie to me.

Enjoy the read.

-- Chapter 2 â€"

Harry awoke with a rapid gasp, body instinctively sitting up in the bed to allow for better breathing. A chilling gust swept through the window, stirring up the curtains at the open window, a welcomed cooling touch to his sweating brawn and brow. After a few more quick breaths he collected his mind enough to remember the dream.

The imagery of Tina, his soon to be wolf mistress, naked in his very own bed, touching herself with one paw while the other seductively beckoned him closer lingered in his mind for a while longer until the dream became a foggy memory. Part of him was thankful for the brief memory since anything more would make going back to sleep that much harder without.

My name is Harry. I've already told you about what happened a few weeks ago during Sunday Mass. Janet became my pet or slave if you so wish and Tina promised me that we'd get together and do the... well, you know what I'm getting at.

That hasn't happened yet. And I haven't so much as dared go to Janet's yet despite her constant reminding to do so if need be. I wonder if she means whatever need might come up or just "that" kind of need.

For those of you just tuning in, I'm Harry Merton and I work in a church despite not being overly religious. It's a job and it's actually not that bad, most of the time I don't do much. Oh, I'm sixteen but don't worry, things are a little bit different from your time. 16 is the legal age now, both for work, alcohol and... well, other things, if you catch my drift.

About that offer Tina made me, perhaps you should be a little bit more clear about who Tina is. Well, Tina is the wife of my boss, Paul Sixhooves, who also happens to be the priest in the church I work at. Tina is gorgeous, only fools would pass up a chance to hit the hay with her. She was a wolf; grey, thick fur all over, from what I had seen anyhow, except for an area of milky white fur stretching from the tip of her chin down over her breast and probably further, sharp, green eyes and blond, curly hair.

Paul on the other hand is a horse or equine which is the more politically correct term these days. Equines in general put most people to shame when it came to body, they were naturally fit and Paul was definitely no exception. He wasn't muscular but he'd still take most guys in a fight.

Anyhow, this is me now, every night a mess to clean up since that day. She didn't specifically tell me so but there was something about how she said it that made me figure I shouldn't touch myself or anyone else or there'd be hell to pay. But Tina has kept her distance since and that was probably the smart thing to do, if I was all fired up like this I wonder what she felt like.

Harry managed to get to the bathroom without waking his parents this night as well. Far too often did he visit the bathroom late at night these days. He blamed Tina, obviously, and Janet because without that dumb lioness he'd never be in this position. He'd still be an innocent teenager whose only concerns in life was his cock, his body, money and friends.

He slid a hand slowly through his sweat-soaked, chestnut brown hair, filtering the strands of hair between his finger before shaking his hand of, sprinkling his sweat against the floor. His blue eyes peered at his crotch, noticing a dark spot and some rather uncomfortable, sticky feeling, fabric glued against his skin. Whispering to no-one but himself, his voice was sweet and gentle:

"Man, either Tina and I do the dirty soon or I'll have to pay Janet a visit..."

Thinking of Janet, the lioness who had so eagerly given him his first real sexual experience that same day, conjured up imagery of all the various things he'd do to her. Her black eyes, partly covered by her black hair, staring back into his as they leaned in closer, his hands stroking her body, raking through that auburn fur, feeling every inch of her muscles beneath his naked skin...

Had to stop thinking about it, he'd be ready to go in seconds again and then sleeping would be impossible. He looked at himself again in the mirror, tracing the scar above his eyes with his fingertips and for a moment he imagined himself as some sort of hero in a faraway land, sporting sword and shield, fighting dragons and demons. And they'd all know him by the scar on his forehead.

Imaginary thoughts like that calmed his more primal thoughts down. He took a deep breath and pulled his boxers off, cradling his limp member for a moment before tossing his boxers in the hamper. His mother would probably throw a fit about it, talk to him about the bees and flowers and that Maribel girl the next town over, how they'd make a great couple.

She had problems accepting him being sexually active, how would she handle him having sex with a furry, the priest's wife none the less in the church during Sunday Mass? The thought made him smile if even just for a moment before the consequences of such a thing became too obvious, the shame and disgrace that would follow such a revelation.

Tina stood to lose even more if that happened and she wasn't like to take risks with the rest of her life, with her husband, was she?

I didn't sleep much the rest of that night. Would you with thoughts of exile and ridicule weighing heavy on your mind? I kept thinking of Tina, not so much sexually as to why she'd do it. I'd known her for some time now and she'd been like a mother to me, always protecting me from others' lustful fantasies.

It made no sense to me then but as I grew older I'd get the bigger picture.

Next day was Mass, of course. Harry awoke, despite lack of sleep, early as always. He took a shower, took care to wash certain areas more than others and tried to be generally pleasing to the eye and nose and, if God so wanted, to touch and taste too. Once done he looked himself in the mirror and smile. He was good looking on normal days but today was a little bit more special.

Suddenly he realized the time. That extra effort he had put into his looks had cost him extra time and he could almost hear the bus coming down the street. He ran like the wind, grabbing jacket, keys and wallet and whatnot on the go. Trying to pull his jacket on, stuff his keys and wallet in his pants and run at the same time made for some opportunities for bodily harm but he made it to the bus stop in one piece with over a minute to spare.

It just wasn't his day.

Tina had a great morning. She had caught plenty of sleep the previous night, Paul made her breakfast on the bed and she just sat there, watching the morning news while Paul started to prepare for the sermon. Judging by the papers he was reading from, it was going to be a long one so Tina took extra care to enjoy herself as much as possible because Lord knows it wouldn't be much fun once they got to church.

Per normal routine Paul started to stress a full two hours before they were even supposed to be out of the house. Tina remaining in bed probably didn't help his mood any so she finally decided it was time to become the stunning wolf most people credited her for.

Momentarily Paul's stress dissipated as the nude wolf left the bed, stretching and showing her features to anyone who cared to watch at this ungodly hour. Her husband did and she knew it. A last moment attempt to make him forget his vows to God and take her like a brute or a caring wife's generous attempt to alleviate some of her husband's stress?

Regardless of motive, he soon returned his eyes to his papers, much to the dismay of his wife who quickly stepped into the bathroom.

Once there she turned to face the mirror, an irritated look upon her face; brows wrinkled together and eyes narrowed as they stared back at each other. Her blond, curly hair was flattened against one side of her head while the other side was fluffy and quite vibrant. It'd take at least half an hour to fix that alone.

When her eyes were done at her head they drifted further down, paws sliding up her body from her hips, firmly cupping her breast and squeezing them together, black nipples firm from her husband's look. How anyone could refuse to stick their manhood between these two puppies was beyond this poor wife's mind and she turned her head to stick her tongue out in the general direction that she had last seen her husband in.

With that out of the way, she showered and prepared herself with a large supply of feminine products, half meant to cancel out the effects of another product. Once she considered herself female enough after a night's gender-oblivious sleeping she stepped out of the bathroom and rested her eyes upon her closet. Screw it, she said, and grinned mischievously as she picked her dress for the day.

"Jeremy is coming in today, Harry."

Those words were good words. It meant that the priest from the next town over was coming to today's sermon which meant Harry didn't need to do squat. This in turn usually meant he could safely fall asleep in the private booth next to Tina.

"But I need you to finish up last week's paperwork, you've been slipping."

It was true and Harry hadn't tried to hide it. He blamed it on a bad week and Paul had been understanding, as always, and said over and over again that everyone had them now and then.

"Oh come on, Paul. There's... well, please?"

But something was different in Paul today, the same as every time Jeremy popped in to co-host the sermons. Paul became more of a man, much more confident and to Harry's big demise more bossy. He merely shook his head and pointed at the desk that was considered Harry's and said with a stern voice:

"Dude, you've been slacking off for a week. That's six days longer than I should've let you so get to it."

Harry was about to retort when Paul raised a finger to warn him, his eyes looking at him sternly.

"Don't, Harry. Not today, not with Jeremy coming over."

With a deep sigh the young human accepted his fate and walked over to the chair at the desk, sitting down with a loud thud in pure demonstration of what he considered unfair treatment at the workplace.

Paul merely smiled and left for the sacristy on the opposite side of the church. Paul was a nice guy but when Jeremy came to visit it was like another Paul took his place, one of utmost religious belief and tradition.

There was a lot of paper to be done and there was no way out of it. He sat down in the chair and for a brief moment images of "that day" flashed before his eyes and he looked at a spot on the floor that to anyone else would be unworthy of their attention but Harry had spent several minutes cleaning it up so it was a very dear spot on the floor for him.

It made him smile and for some time the work came easier to him. They weren't difficult things to do; schedules to be printed and signed, bills to be checked and paid, memos to be read and replied to, things you'd be surprised went on in a church, in a house of God. You'd think there'd be an exception for this but no such luck.

Tina arrived at the church with her husband and proceeded to take her place in the booth, a sigh of boredom already escaping her lips as she looked at the empty podium at the front of the stage. Paul had run off to the office to talk to Harry about today's sermon. During the drive over Paul had mentioned that Jeremy was co-hosting today which meant Harry wouldn't have much to do... work-related anyway.

The few dedicated Christians who had already flocked to the church stared in disbelief at the wolfess who sat in the private booth up, near the stage. She was wearing a very snug, purple blouse, unbuttoned down to her cleavage, showing off a hint of a black bra, and a short skirt, reaching no longer than half her thighs, matching her jacket in colour. Black stockings and heels finished off the ensemble for today.

Someone approached her, a tall and scrawny tiger, who seemed to grin as he looked at her. He was dressed in a black suit, very formal but somehow it gave him a rather dirty appearance.

"So that's why Paul was so fired up... trying a bit too hard, Tina?"

A low growl erupted from her throat as she looked at him, dipping her head slightly, looking up at him from under her curly fringe. Then she cracked a smile and narrowed her eyes, giving it all a very playful look, speaking only loud enough for the tiger to hear:

"Oh, who says it's for Paul."

The tiger feigned shock and touched his cheek with his palm before grinning.

"My, my, I better keep my eyes on you..."

But before they could finish their repertoire, a hand landed on the tiger's shoulder, pulling him along with him towards the opposite end of the stage where the sacristy lay. Tina raised her paw and wiggled her fingers in a good bye.

"Buh bye now, Jeremy."

With a grin the tiger swung around and followed Paul into the sacristy to change into the proper robes for the day.

This gave Tina plenty of time to set about her business.

Once inside the sacristy, Jeremy chuckled and looked at Paul.

"You do realize she's gonna-"

But before he could finish, Paul stepped up closer to him, wrapped his big arm around the tiger's waist and pulled him in close.

"Don't care what or who she fucks, Jeremy, there's only one thing on my mind today."

Delicately the tiger swung his arms around the horse's muscular neck and stared into his eyes.

"Mmm, preaching?"

Silence was enforced by their lips meeting in a sweet and passionate kiss.

Lost in work, he found himself drifting off into thought, one part of his brain doing the work by routine while the other happily entertained him with other thoughts. For once they weren't of sex which shocked him as a grain of reflection worked its' way into his private little world.

A song worked its' way into his brain and he started to hum to himself, negating the sound of the organ began to sound true in the church. Meant the priests would soon make their entrance and Mass would begin. Like every other Sunday.

Suddenly a knock on the door ripped his wandering mind into a lucid state and he turned his eyes to watch a lioness of the highest pedigree step into the office.

"Hey, Harry. Confined to the office today?"

Every time he saw Janet made him smile these days. And when he smiled, she smiled which made it all good.

"Hey, honey."

Her eyes widened slightly at the remark and she tilted her head to the side to further her bewildered look.

"Honey? That's the first time you call me that?"

Harry, having just realized that to be the truth, nodded slightly and tried to find a decent answer to why he suddenly had called her that or why he hadn't before. But her soft laughter interrupted any such thoughts and her soothing voice calmed him further as she spoke.

"Don't worry, I sort of like it. Why don't you..."

Knowing fully what she was going to say, he raised his hand and shook his head.

"Please, Janet, no... don't bring that up. I'm trying to work and that does not help."

Barely containing her laughter she winked then turned, wiggling her toned butt at him before walking out, leaving him with her last words for now:

"Well, I can understand that."

"Damn, life was a lot easier before that..."

Again he shook his head then drew his hand through his hair, mumbling calculations incoherently to himself as he counted in his head, trying to keep the bills, taxes and everything straight in his head. He took pride in good math skills although his teachers had always said it wouldn't matter how good he was at math considering his writing was near illegible. That had improved but still when he looked upon the scribbles on the papers he was depressed.

Tina gently rubbed where her womb would be were it on the outside. Her eggs were again ready and the heat she felt was killing her. It was all made worse by watching her husband stand but a few feet from her but completely unable to do anything to satisfy her needs. A part of her wouldn't care if she gave the town the show of their life but she also knew Paul would never be able to forgive her if she did anything of the sort.

What went on behind closed doors was no-one's business and he, in his own words, allowed her little quirks to manifest. But the image was important for a priest, especially in such a close-knit community like this one. The fact that he chose the community over her pissed her off so much and she had to think of something else just to calm down.

In the end she simply had to get him out of her sight so she stood up and left the booth through the hallway that allowed easy access from behind the stage. The church was made of stone and the hallways tended to get very cool, even during the summers, which helped cool her mood somewhat.

Her feet lead the way without any input from her and soon she found herself standing outside the office where she could hear Harry scribble away frantically in an effort to get the job done. Ironically that probably just made the work less which meant he would have to redo a lot of it, buying him no or worse costing him time.

She pondered on simply entering, push him against the desk and have her way with him, knowing well he'd happily help. But a last ounce of dignity made itself heard and instead she merely knocked on the door before stepping in.

Harry looked up and their eyes met, an eerie and awkward silence filling the room. The chanting from the main hall could be heard until Tina finally broke the silence:


Nowhere near as confident as she had been only a few minutes ago, her voice trembled just slightly though she doubted a human's primitive ears could pick up on it.

He didn't say anything but remained silent but his eyes betrayed him as he let them drift, caressing her body all over, taking in her rather provocative appearance for the day. Trying to contain her pleasure she walked up to his desk, leaning gently against it while looking at him.


She said again, making him a bit confused, tilting his head to the side.

There was no way he would be brave enough to take the command here so reached out to gently caress his cheek with her fingers. Hungry for her touch, he leaned his head against her paw and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. She could almost smell the arousal in the room building up, both his and her own.

Suddenly he turned his head and pressed his lips against the palm of her paw. She blushed underneath all the fur and she started to squirm on the spot. She could show a sign of weakness so she pulled her paw back and looked at him sternly.

"Harry, any place we can go and... talk?"

Her words were loaded with intent and Harry wasn't late to pick up on her intent, standing up from the desk.

"Yeah, I think the storage... behind the scene, is a good place to talk."

Storage was where all the various props they used in the church were stored when they weren't used. The church entertained many various productions, leading from music performances to theatre to dancing and much of the prop was owned by the church. Lately they hadn't done as much with the props so a lot of it had been gather dust for a few years.

Harry remembered a very specific prop that they used to use in the various Christmas plays kids used to put up. It hadn't been used for at least a year if not far more but he doubted it wasn't still usable.

Luckily Tina knew the way their by heart and left the office, padding off in the direction of the storage. She heard Harry follow her some way behind, his sneakers sounding even more that her high heels. It was good spot, she thought to herself, down in the basement and some distance away from the stage and people listening intently or trying to listen to anything but the priest.

They could be loud, if God so wanted, but more importantly they would be unhampered by the fear of someone walking in on them. She knew, just as well as Harry did, that no-one really visited the storage anymore.

Once down the stairs she took a sharp right and followed the corridor down to an old, brown door with huge metal hinges on it. A large padlock hung heavily just beneath the doorknob, big and black much like the rest of the metal on the door. She heard the jingling of keys behind her and she intently stepped closer to the padlock.

A shiver went down her spine as she felt his arms reach around her, his body pressing up against her back and she could feel his "arousal" pressing against her lower body. He probably thought it was his idea; that he was brave and forward but for now he did exactly as she wished.

When the padlock opened she pushed the door and it swung open with a slow creak, worthy of any horror movie. Her eyes fell almost immediately on what Harry was thinking about and it made her grin with decadent joy.

In the centre of the room stood a small bed. It used to be used in plays, especially for Jesus' birth during the many, many Christmas-plays they put on. Or at least used to. It was cheap work, just a few boards nailed together and a sheep mattress that they used to cover under hay, just so the "actors" didn't get sore from lying on it for a few hours.

She stepped into the room, looked around then smiled to herself as she heard the door slam shut behind her with a heavy, wooden thud, metal jangling in the aftermath.

"Do you like it?"

He knew she did, it was in his voice and was more of a statement than a question. His steps lead up to her and she felt him move in close.

Paul glanced towards the empty booth, a worried thought crossed his mind for a brief second but then he turned his attention back towards Jeremy who was standing at the edge of the stage, preaching like Paul could never. A part of him loved him, another admired and he could never decide which one was strong.

His mind raced with questions. He and Jeremy had only started seeing each other in secret last year but the lies had already been tearing at him then. Now Tina wanted a baby more than ever but his relationship with Jeremy hindered that... well, that and the fact that he wasn't turned on by women anymore.

He had to tell her, he knew that now. Question was only when... It'd break her heart.

Trailing his hands down her sides, once he reach her hips he held her tight and pulled her in closer, pressing his already firm cock against her buttocks, feeling her heath through the fabric of both their clothing, making him tremble slightly.

"Mmm, what's the matter, darling? Excited?"

Merely managing a nod her he rested his lips on her neck and gave her a soft kiss followed by a gentle lick.

Somehow triggering something in him she quickly spun around, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself closer. Both parted their lips quickly and met in a passionate kiss, their tongues snaking together, wrapping around each other, pulling and tugging, competing eagerly for superiority although there was none to gain.

Eager to continue their act he pushed her backwards towards the bed. When her legs bumped into the makeshift mattress she allowed herself to fall backwards, knowing he'd hold on to her, lowering her slowly against the bed. So he did, hands still firmly on her sides, bending forward to hold the kiss in place as they crawled onto the somewhat too small bed.

Her heat had the better of her, she knew it was sinful and wrong to cheat on her husband in the house of God but she couldn't care less right now. Her paws softly caressed the shirt off his body, fiddling with the buttons carefully before pushing it to the sides, glancing down to watch his well toned muscled flex underneath his skin. She trailed a paw along the ridges of his muscles, fingers tracing the outlines further down his body.

He allowed her to undress him as she pleased, trying to keep the kiss in place despite her movements underneath him. Once she started to move too much he broke the kiss and buried his face in her bushy neck, nipping and licking at the soft skin underneath her grey fur, teasing with his tongue before nipping at it roughly, causing her to start a soft growling in the depth of her throat.

Pleasure already coursed through her like none she had ever felt before. Such a young boy, eagerly throwing himself at her like a lovesick puppy finally being allowed to prove his worth One of his hands trailed along her side before slipping in under her blouse, fingers raking through her fur as he pushed her blouse further up, fingertips starting to trace her plentiful bosom, seeming almost nervous to take the final step.

All her doubts were pushed aside as she slid her paw into his pants, feeling the heat of his member pulsating against her leathery pads, wrapping her furry fingers around it and giving it a soft squeeze. She felt his back arch and a soft moan coming from his lips, muffled by the thick fur on her neck.

"Mmm, eager, aren't we?"

Her voice was almost drowned by the lust clouding her mind but he seemed to hear them clearly enough or perhaps it was just a delayed effect of her probing but his hand finally slid those last inches and cupped one of her breast, giving it a firm squeeze before his fingers started to gently caress and trace her areola, causing her nipple to rise firm from his touch.

"Oh god, I can't wait any longer."

Desperately she undid the button on his pants, the zipper almost automatically being pulled down as his heavy manhood was released, flopping down on her tummy, sticking to her fur where the head came to rest from pre-cum flowing from his member.

Pulling her skirt up slightly she then pulled her legs up and wrapped them around his waist, hugging him tightly to her. Meanwhile her paw slid to her own hips and readjusted her panties enough for them to leave her slit exposed to the elements before she gently grasped his throbbing flesh and guided it further down, letting the head rub across her clit and along her slit.

Once he felt his head rested against her soaking wet womb he pushed as if on command, spreading her folds apart with his pulsating cock, burying himself halfway in a single, quick thrust. The sudden penetration caused her to arch her back and squeak out, not having had proper sex in months had left her unprepared for his girth and length.

She wasn't going to lie, she had had bigger; Paul was easily three times the size of the young human and he wasn't the biggest she had tried back in the days. But that was some time ago and because of Paul's absolute refusal to penetrate she wasn't exactly in prime condition.

Harry took no note of her weak squeak and pulled out only to push back in again, harder and further than last time. Her arms dug in under his shirt and wrapped around him, allowing her to hold him close to her as he kept his thrusting up, claws leaving long, red marks on his back.

It was obvious he was no pro at what he was doing, despite being early his thrusting was already irregular and he was going far too fast. This wouldn't last long but his member slid effortlessly in and out of her, she could feel every vein on his member stroking against her inner walls, the blood pumping hard in the boy's cock.

His breath was ragged and rapid, hot breath flowing over her ear, a moan every now and then satisfying her primal needs. Some part of her took pride in making him a man. Yes, Janet had stuck her paw in the jar but Tina got all of the cookies in one fell swoop. He pushed against her hard one final time, burying his cock in her womb then arched his back.

The expression on his face was priceless; jaw hanging, eyes wide and sweat dripping down his ace, strands of his brown hair soaked in sweat stuck to his face. While his seed spilled into her, thick wads shooting out into her over and over, she just growled in satisfaction, toes curling up against themselves and claws digging into his back.

Some might say she became his. But Tina knew better. He was hers. A single phonecall would send him running to her, a glance at the right time would cause his heart to pump hard and her voice would carry the command of a thousand generals.

As his exhausted, young, supple body fell upon hers she welcomed him with a hard embrace, keeping him inside her still, allowing all of his juice to soak into her, the growl now a gentle murr comforting the boy.

"There, there. Felt good?"

Unable to answer, she felt his head move against her neck, indicating a nod. His back fell and rose with each heavy breath he took, body trembling lightly against her as his first, real orgasm began to ebb. After a minute she felt her lover move again, trying to prop himself up on his arms but her tight embrace forbade him and she whispered in her calmest voice possible:

"No, no, not yet."

Too tired or happy he fell back down on her and this made her smile widely, eyes closing slowly

She made a mental note to tell Janet all about it later. How she made him hers. How Harry was now at the beck and call of a wolfess. Janet had given herself to Harry, Harry had in turn given himself unknowingly to Tina... it was ironic in a sense. The dominant one became dominated.

It was hard to tell how much time passed. All I remember was resting on top of her, inhaling her perfume slowly and happily. Then I finally felt her grip loosen and she gently nudged me to get up. I did as she ordered, felt rude not to, and slowly pulled my pants up and buttoning them again. I watched her get up and straightening her clothes again, thinking to myself that there was no way she could make it look like nothing had happened again.

But somehow, some way she managed and it still baffles me to this day how she managed to make her clothes and hair look like she just stepped out of the shower. Must be a woman thing because I looked exhausted, not even having the shirt stuffed down my pants fully. She told me it was okay, guys were supposed to look scruffy.

I had no idea...

We split up, she went back to sit and watch her husband who short her an uneasy smile and she returned it with one of the most confident winks in history, blowing all the equine's worries away for the moment.

Harry returned to his work and finished up just before the sermon ended. It would seem everything was falling into place perfectly. But things were about to change radically for everyone involved, not just because of an affair or hidden homosexuality... no, something of great importance had happened that day... the fruit of which they'd see in nine months.