A Day On The Farm: Chapter 5

Story by Tdrake on SoFurry

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#5 of A Day On The Farm

"Lie down." Kelsey grinned, moving towards the Infernape.

The Pokemon was surprised, and Kelsey could see how unsure he was. His hands trembled slightly in anticipation, but he did as she said. Gently, she moved on top of him and straddled his chest. She ran a hand through the warm fur to calm him. He was muscular, his body honed by years of training, and as she explored the curves with her hand, tracing patterns lightly with her finger.

The Infernape was equally as interested in her body, and as she leaned her face in closer to his, the pokemon brought both hands to her backside, cupping her firm ass through her jeans.

She moaned playfully for him as her face stopped just inches from his. Some of her hair lay against the fur of his face as the two locked eyes.

"You like?"

The Infernape grinned at her, before moving a hand to the back of her head, and pushing her lips against his. Almost instinctively, she opened her mouth to allow his tongue entrance, but to her surprise he didn't take the invitation. Instead, the pokemon continued pecking her, keeping his mouth closed. She decided to take the initiative then, running her tongue across his lips as a sign of her plans. If the Infernape knew what she was doing, he didn't show it. Instead, he moved his mouth down to her neck. Kelsey pulled her face away in order to look back at him.

"Do you know how to kiss?" she asked, eyes gentle as the pokemon looked up at her in confusion, before nodding.

"With your tongue?"

This seemed to confuse the pokemon even more, as he shook his head. In his eyes, Kelsey could see that unease begin to resurface. 'He must not have ever been with a human.' She thought to herself. Suddenly, the jar of peanut butter she accidently brought seemed be a lot more useful. She unscrewed the lid and let the pokemon smell it.

"You like it?" she asked, watching as the Infernape nodded.

Grinning, she dipped a few fingers into the peanut butter and placed it on her tongue.

"Come and get it!" she grinned, showing him her tongue before pulling it back in her mouth. The Infernape grinned again, and pushed her lips back against him. This time, the pokemon pushed his tongue into her mouth, seeking the prize they guarded. She pulled it back as far as she could to tease him, but he was emboldened now. At first it was awkward, his tongue darting around her mouth trying to explore everywhere too fast: A few seconds later she made it a little easier for him, rubbing his tongue with hers. He seemed to get the message.

As the two continued to kiss, Kelsey reached a hand behind her and gripped the base of the Infernape's shaft. It was smaller than she was used to, but far more human like. He moaned into her mouth as she stroked him, soft fingers sending shivers up his spine. The pokemon responded by slipping a hand up her shirt and cupping her breast. What the infernape lacked in size he made up for with his hands. Kelsey gasped as he massaged her, gently squeezing before he teased her nipple with his thumb. As the two parted for air, she quickly threw off her shirt and shorts, the fur of his stomach now tickling her skin.

The sight of her bare body only fueled the Infernape's desire. Bringing each hand to a breast, he worked the girl on top of him, grinning as her moaned out. He was growing more and more confident, bolder. His fur below her opening was moist as she prepared for him.

"God that feels good!" she moaned.

The Pokémon couldn't take much more teasing, as Kelsey used her mouth to kiss and lick the fur of his neck the Infernape thrust into the hand the stroked him. Getting the hint, Kelsey moved away from his neck and placed both hands on his chest. As she positioned herself above him, her lips slid up the base of his shaft. The gentle folds opened easily as they rubbed against him, a healthy amount of her excitement lubricating him. As she came to rest slightly above him, she could feel the warmth of his shaft below.

"Do you want me to go slowly?" she asked, biting her lip in anticipation.

The Infernape shot her a look, before grabbing her hips and slamming her down onto him.

"Damn" she moaned as he pushed inside her, "Guess not."

She ground into him a little, allowing them both to get used to the new sensations.

Kelsey definitely had a thing for fire types. There was something about a warm dick that sent shivers through her spine. As she started increasing the pace of her grinding, she could tell the Pokémon was enjoying her quite a bit too.

Orange hands gripped her hips tight as she slowed her grinding and began to lift up, pulling part of him out of her before slamming back down again. The Infernape thrust a little out of rhythm as he attempted to match her. His eyes, which had been shut tight after the first thrust, were now open as she began riding him. After a couple of thrusts, he began to match her pace with his, thrusting deep as she lowered herself back down. Meanwhile, both his hands had moved back to her breasts, fingers massaging with surprising ability.

"Mmmmm" she moaned as another of his thrusts matched perfectly with her. At first she wasn't sure why anyone would prefer a non canine partner, but she was starting to understand their charms.

Steadying herself with one hand, she brought the now free hand to her folds, where she toyed with herself as his cock moved in and out of her. He was mesmerized as he watched her fingers, and his shaft twitched inside her.

"You getting close?" she asked, feeling herself start to build. The Infernape didn't say anything, but instead brought her free hand, fingers covered in her juices, to his mouth. His tongue swirled around her fingers as he sucked on them, his saliva coating everything his tongue. The sensation was amazing, but she knew that she was getting closer and couldn't tell if he was too. She allowed a few more seconds of his treatment before she pulled her fingers out, grinning.

"Oh no you don't!" she said. Instead of moving her hand back, however, she reached behind her and firmly cupped his balls. The Pokémon threw his head back as she started playing with them. She rode him harder, faster, more desperately as she felt herself getting close to the point of no return. His hands moved away from her breasts as they once again gripped her hips. His eyes were shut tight again as her walls pressed against him tightly.

"Getting hhh hhh close!"

She was wild now as she moved, hands digging into the fur on his chest. The Pokémon grit his teeth as his head expanded a little inside of her.

"In...fer...NAPE!!!" the Pokémon cried, the fire on his head suddenly growing larger as he slammed her onto him. Kelsey moaned as his last thrust sent her over the edge and her walls gripped him tight as he twitched inside her, sending shot after shot of his seed deep into her waiting womb. There was no knot, no tie of the kind that she was used to, but it was still intense.

"So good!" she moaned, hips grinding into him as her hand milked his balls for every pent up drop. The Infernape panted below her as she took everything he had.

Her muscles were a little sore as he finished up inside her, but she put up with it. Waiting until he had softened a little, she moved up off him and helped him to his feet.

"You can find me anytime." She grinned as she slipped back into her clothes and headed around the house to the porch. The Infernape picked up the discarded peanut butter and followed behind her, grinning.

Once inside the house again, she tiptoed to the bathroom, where she took another quick shower, a new record in her book, and brushed her teeth. When she finally re-entered her room, she discarded her old clothes and threw on an oversized t-shirt. The soft fabric of her favorite night shirt tickled her thigh as it covered just what it needed to, but left quite enough of her legs visible to keep it interesting.

Shadow was asleep on her bed, but as she started to climb onto it he began to wake up. She smiled as his tail wagged a little as she curled up on him, once again using his body as her pillow. She sighed as his musky scent put her at ease, her hands unconsciously disappearing into his thick fur. She didn't realize how tired she was until now. Her muscles were still a little sore and she had already had way more sex the past couple of days than she usually had in a month, but she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy it. There were, however, only two days left. Tomorrow, or what was probably already today, and the next day would be all the free time she would have for a while. If she was being honest with herself, she really wasn't looking forward to going back to the way things were.

She sighed deeper into his chest, pushing it all to the back of her mind, and buried her face into the Arcanine's fur. Slowly her eyelids began to droop shut as sleep overtook her. She could stress over her problems in the morning.

Right now, she needed sleep.

Kelsey loved waking up early in the morning, right when the sun began to rise. The way the early morning light shone through her window and lit up her room was the most peaceful part of her day. She stretched her arms before sitting up, the orange glow illuminating her face. She couldn't stop thinking about the last couple of days. Without any parental supervision, she had managed to not only run the farm on her own, but to enjoy the freedom that came with it. She got to do whatever she wanted, spend time with Sarah, and even make a new friend. She wasn't ready to give this up, but she didn't know what to do. She sighed as she pushed her thoughts once again to the back of her mind and was finally started enjoying the sun on her face.

But even the most peaceful of moments could be ruined by a determined Arcanine.

Kelsey grinned as she felt a tongue on her shoulder. His breath tickled as she reached an arm behind her and rubbed his fur.

"Morning buddy."

He responded by moving his tongue up to the side of her neck.

She turned her head to the side and let him lick her face. He was playful, licking her cheeks. She smiled as she lay back down, allowing him to move on top of her. They both knew that there wasn't much time for play, she had woken up a little later than she expected. But letting him take charge felt good. She had spent all day yesterday being the initiator, the boss. It was nice to give up that control and let him take over.

Plus, he was a really good kisser.

When he finished with her cheeks he pulled his face away to admire his handiwork.

"Yes yes..." she said, grinning up at him, "I'm a mess. You happy now?"

Shadow grinned, before finally lowering his muzzle back to her face. He still teased her, lapping at her lips for a few seconds before pushing past them and into her moist mouth. Kelsey sighed in content, arms wrapping around his neck as she kissed him back. Their kiss wasn't frenzied, wasn't messy like it sometimes was. Instead, it was slow, deliberate, and passionate. When they finally broke, a thin trail of saliva connected the two. She sighed again as he nuzzled into her neck and she rubbed behind his ears.

A knock at her door caught her off guard. She was used to being the first one up. Without thinking, she slipped off the bed and walked towards the door.

"Sarah! This better not be a prank..." she mumbled, remembering the time she opened her front door to a water balloon.

She opened the door with a sigh, eyes locking with the person on the other side.

But it was not Sarah standing there. It was Jason.

The boy had a smile on his face when she had first opened the door, but as he realized exactly how much of her legs and thighs were left uncovered by her nightshirt, his face turned a bright shade of red and he turned around.

"I...uh....figured I'd make....breakfast."

She smiled as she shut the door just enough to cover her body. A small blush began to creep on her face.

"Thanks!" she chirped. "I'll be right there!"

Breakfast was really....nice, Kelsey thought to herself as she started moving towards the barn. It was nice to have someone else cook for a change. It had been incredibly awkward for the two at first, but after they managed to get past it the conversation was incredibly pleasant....

At least until Sarah showed up.

"All right!" Her friend had said, placing the hat on the table before grabbing herself a plate. "It's time for round two!"

"Ugh!" Kelsey groaned, "I remember when this was supposed to be fun...."

Sarah smacked her on the arm playfully.

"Less talking more choosing!"

Kelsey rolled her eyes comically and reached for the hat. After shuffling the collection of cards, she gently pulled one out and passed it to Jason. Everyone had decided to keep the cards closed until after breakfast. And it wasn't until she had distributed the chores and they all left the house did she even bother to open her card.

"Bang the first Pokémon you see." The card had read. It looked like Sarah had abandoned any trace of subtlety. She sighed, putting the card into her pocket as she headed towards the barn.

Right before she reached the barn doors, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning, she locked eyes with Jason's Infernape, who must have been waiting for her to come out of the house this morning. In his hand was a single pink carnation, the flower rather pretty in the light of the early morning sun.

"For me?" she asked, taking the offered flower and placing it behind her right ear. The Infernape grinned as he watched her. She gave him a peck on the cheek and opened the barn. The rush of Pokémon into the pasture created a gust of wind that almost pulled the flower from her hair, but she managed to keep it in place with her hand. Once the barn was empty and the Arcanine had control of the group did she allow herself to walk inside. She made it two steps before there was another tap on her shoulder.

"In...fernape?" the Pokémon asked, pointing to his crotch, where his swollen red shaft was quite noticeable. Kelsey grinned at him.

"You really know how to impress a girl!" she laughed, pulling him into the barn.

She had let the Pokémon take her from behind, leaning against one of the support beams as he pounded himself inside her. He was the definition of sex starved, and it only took him a few minutes after cumming inside her to be ready to go again. She let him with a smile because he had given her the flower. When they were finally done, he helped her with the rest of her barn work before moving off, no doubt in search of more flowers.

By midday, she was convinced that she was the only one actually doing any work. She hadn't seen Sarah all day and she had only caught a glimpse of Jason heading behind the house with his Ninetales a few hours ago.

Exasperated, she decided to head back to the porch and take a quick break. As she took a seat on the front steps, depositing her card and picking up another one, her thoughts drifted back to the events of the morning. The look of embarrassment on Jason's face made her laugh again as it appeared fresh in her mind and she found herself thinking, not for the first time today, that he had looked rather cute.

It was still amazing to her how quickly the trainer had fit into their group. Although she probably wouldn't have admitted it at the time, the fact that they had both seen each other having sex with their Pokémon had allowed their friendship to develop unhampered by the fear of rejection or need to keep secrets. They all understood each other's desires and didn't judge.

Kelsey was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't hear the person talking to her until they sat at her side.

"Slacking off?" Jason asked, grinning as Kelsey jumped slightly. "I can't do all the work myself you know!"

She punched him in the arm and he laughed some more.

"Just taking a break. Jerk" she mumbled, watching as he placed his own card back into the hat and grabbed another one. As his eyes scanned the paper in his hands, his face started reddening.

"Get something good?" she asked, one eyebrow raised as she tried to read what he had grabbed.

He gulped audibly and handed the card over so she could read it.

Blow a Lucario

"Wow, you're right. She's just getting lazy now."

Jason, seeming to forget the card for a few seconds, let out a laugh and took the paper back.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to." She told him, offering to take the card back again. "I could do it."

Jason closed his eyes, the blush still on his face, as he pondered her suggestion. Kelsey could see his face get an even deeper shade of red as he came to a decision.

"No.....I can do it."

"Are you sure?" Kelsey asked.

The boy nodded his head. "Lucario has always been...interested in me, but I was always too embarrassed or afraid to try anything."

"If you want....I could go with you? Give you some advice."

The blush on his face somehow got even redder, and Kelsey thought for a moment that he resembled a tomato. A few seconds later he nodded, a grateful smile on his face.

"Alright!" she said, standing up and offering him a hand, "let's go!"

When they entered the Arcanine kennel, they found Jason's Lucario leaning against a wall inside, drinking from a water bottle. The Pokémon eyed the humans curiously as they approached.

"What....do I do?" Jason asked, the nervousness in his voice returning. Kelsey put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Relax. He's your Pokémon, he's not going to hurt you. If he wants this, he'll follow your lead. If not, he'll let you know. Either way is ok."

Her words seemed to have worked. Jason nodded, steadied himself and nodded at her."

"Ok. First you have to get him...motivated." She smiled. "Try brushing your hand gently against the fur of his cheek and cup his chin."

The blush was still on Jason's face as the two walked over to where the Lucario was leaning. As they got close, she hung back to give the human some space.

"H..Hey Lucario..." Jason mumbled, breathing nervously as he stood right in front of the Pokémon.

The Lucario eyed his trainer curiously, letting out a quick "cario" in greeting.

Slowly, Kelsey watched as Jason tenderly raised up his hand and brushed it against the side of the Pokémon's face. It was a slow, loving gesture and it the caused the Lucario's eyes to widen in surprise. A few seconds later, however, as the human moved to cup the Pokémon's chin, Kelsey distinctively saw his eyes flutter.

The second Jason had cupped the blue chin, the lupine pushed off the wall and pushed his lips against his trainers. The human was in shock, unable to move as the Pokémon kissed him.

A few seconds later it seemed like Jason's brain finally caught up to him.

"What do I d-" he had begun to ask, but by opening his lips he had given invitation for the Lucario to kiss deeper and the Pokémon had jumped at the opportunity. Kelsey saw a pink tongue push into Jason's mouth, cutting off any further communication.

Kelsey smiled and moved over to the pair. She took Jason's hand, the one still cupping the Pokémon's chin, and placed it behind Lucario's head. She wrapped the other around the back of the furry blue waist and whispered "kiss him back".

There was something kinda hot about watching the two of them go at it. It had taken Jason a few more seconds to get used to what was happening but when they eventually parted for air, he had waited only a couple of seconds before pulling the Lucario to him again. They continued to kiss passionately for a few seconds more before the lupine broke the kiss, reached down, and pulled Jason's shirt off exposing his muscular frame. The human shut his eyes and moaned slightly as the Pokémon licked and nibbled his neck before finally kissing him again.

"W-What should I do next?" Jason's voice called out once the two parted for air again. Kelsey saw that the boy's eyes were closed as the Lucario licked and sucked some skin on his neck.

"Reach down and see if he's...excited."

Kelsey could clearly see from where she was that the Pokémon was certainly excited, but she knew it was better for her friend to figure that out for himself.

"Uhh...Wow he-he's excited."

"Get on your knees slowly, but keep your eyes closed. It'll help."

Kelsey watched as the boy did as he was told.

"Good! Now, play with him a little." She said, and then grinned. "You should know what he might like."

Jason took a deep breath, seemingly steadying himself, before gripping the Lucario in his hands.

"Nice and slow at first." Kelsey said, watching the back and forth motion of his hands with approval.

The Lucario was trying it's best to look anywhere but down as his trainer jerked him up and down. Clearly this had been something the Pokémon had wanted for a long time, and it seemed like he was trying to prolong it for as long as possible. Still, Kelsey could tell from the way the Lucario was breathing that this probably wasn't going to last very long.

"He's probably gonna cum soon." She said, smiling slightly as the boy's whole body stiffened.

"W-What should I do?"

Her voice was reassuring, "whatever you want. You can keep going like that, or go faster. If you're feeling particularly daring, you can use your tongue...."

The last suggestion made the Lucario groan.

"I..I guess I could..." Jason began, before slowly opening his mouth.

His tongue barley touched the underside of the Lucario's shaft before the Pokemon's whole body went stiff.

A half moan, half cry was all Jason got before he came--hard--onto his trainer's face. The poor boy was frozen in place with shock. He'd even forgotten to close his mouth.

"It's ok." Kelsey smiled as the boy's face and quite a bit of his chest was splattered with a surprisingly large amount Pokémon cum. It seemed the poor guy had been pretty pent up.

When he was finally done, the Lucario opened his eyes and looked down at his trainer. Something flashed in the Pokémon's eyes, and with a renewed conviction, he dropped to his knees and pushed Jason onto the floor.

"W-What's he doing?!" the human asked. Already the answer was becoming apparent, as the Lucario moved atop his trainer and began kissing him again in earnest. A blue hand slipped under the human's pants, followed by a fairly loud moan.

"Looks like he's paying you back." Kelsey smiled.

Suddenly she felt a presence behind her, but before she could turn around, a large canine tongue pressed against the side of her neck and she let out a small moan, a small smile on her lips.

Shadow, it seemed, had sensed the charged energy.

She turned around and nuzzled into him. His fur was slightly damp from all the work he had been doing. Her hand reached up to scratch the fur on his neck while she inhaled deeply, reveling in a scent that was earthy and wild. When Kelsey looked up at him, it was almost as if she could see the desire in his eyes.

Like it was their first time all over again.

Her body responded to his scent almost immediately. There was a mixture of butterflies and excitement in her stomach as she returned his hungry look.

The Arcanine growled.

"I'll let you two have some privacy." Kelsey said, looking over and smiling as the two on the ground continued to go at it. Jason, it seemed, had regained his bearings and was moaning and kissing almost as passionately as his Pokémon.

"I'll be right out back if you need me."

Kelsey was a hot and sticky mess by the time they were done, and she was definitely in need of a shower.

"I forgot how much you like that thing I do with my tongue." She said as the two made their way to the house.

Shadow barked once, but the sound came out more as a sigh due to his exhaustion.

The girl grinned, rubbing under his chin as her house came into view. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Jason sitting on the front steps, watching as they got closer. When they locked eyes he smiled.

"Hey!" he said, this voice cheer as the two finally reached the porch. "You got a second?"

"Yeah" Kelsey smiled back. She opened the door so that Shadow could go into the house while the two of them talked, before sitting on the porch next to him. The girl was a little self conscious as she took her seat, almost certain that the boy could see some of the Arcanine seed that was splattered on her arms and neck. If he could, however, Jason didn't say anything. In fact, if she looked closely, she could see a splattering on him too. Whatever he wanted to talk to her about was important enough for him to wait up for her return.

"I just wanted to thank you." He said, turning to look at her with a smile on his face. "My parents...are very old fashioned. They didn't approve of...of anything I did really. They didn't even like Pokémon, saw them as inferior creatures. You should have seen the look on their faces when I told them I was going to be a trainer."

He turned his eyes from her then, focusing instead at the vast land around them. Kelsey said nothing, allowing him the time he needed to talk.

"They never would have approved of...well any of this. Humans and Pokémon? It would make them sick. I never told anyone before....about any of it, but especially about wanting to do it with Lucario."

Kelsey placed a hand on his leg. "You don't have to explain yourself to me. If it makes you happy, then I think you should go for it!"

His entire face changed right before her eyes. His eyes were brighter, some unknown emotion passing through them as he gazed back at her. His mouth curved upward into a tender smile and a faint blush painted his cheek.

"You're amazing..."

His words took her off guard, and she found herself momentarily unable to form any coherent thought.

That was probably the nicest thing anyone had said to her.

Her surprise was evident in the way her eyes shot slightly upward and the blush that blossomed on her face.

When she finally found herself able to speak again, she said the first thing that came to her mind.

"Not really. I mean, I just hang out around a farm all day. You travel the world! You're a Pokémon trainer! That's amazing."

His blush brightened a little at her words, but his smile seemed to get wider.

"Do you want to be a Pokémon trainer?"

His question was so simple, but so difficult for her to answer. Did she really want to be a Pokémon trainer? The idea had occurred to her before. Getting to travel the world and having the freedom to do whatever you wanted....it was the very essence of what she'd been wanting to do the past couple of days. But could she really leave the farm behind? Leave her whole life behind?

"I don't...don't know." She answered honestly, breaking eye contact for the first time as she looked away.

"You could....always come with me."

Author's Note: Wow it has taken me an incredibly long time to finish writing this chapter! In my defense, i've been really busy. I'm still not 100% happy with the ending. For those who have stayed with this story thank you so much! I really appreciate all the comments and reviews I get--it really makes my day! As for this series, there will be one more chapter that will tie up some lose ends, and I've been toying with the idea of a spin off but I don't want to promise anything yet. If you enjoyed some of that M/M goodness, please let me know! I'm still trying to get the hang of writing these types of scenes. Until next time!