Untouchable: Chapter 13: Approved Disapproval

Story by Dars on SoFurry

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Sean yawned."Honey are you ok, you look horrible we could reschedule," mom said."No it's fine mom, I just didn't sleep well," Sean said then swooped down to grab the bags dad was carrying before they fell."What's wrong sport, oh, and where's Xander, you two are doing ok, right?" dad asked."Something like that," Sean said uncomfortably, "why did you carry all this at once?""Because your elevator might be my personal version of purgatory here on earth," dad said, "I'm sorry son, things will work out you two have to much history for whatever, it, is to be a real obstacle."Sean wanted to say there is so much more to it dad but only shrugged, "We aren't even boy friends dad.""But he lives with you doesn't he?" Dad asked."Well sort of, his place is on the Eastside and not even near the lake, its just a long drive, so he stays here mostly," Sean said."Well it's good of you to let him sleep over," Mom said, then she gave Sean a dirty look when she found Xander's abandoned soda, "With two people here you should have twice as many paws to keep the place clean.""Or make it messy," Sean said. He paced the room wanting to do things to get ready, and to call Xander or text him but his parents were there, there was nothing left  to do at the moment, and Xander wouldn't answer or read his messages."So sport, do we have enough seats?" Dad asked."Oh yeah," Sean ran to the closet by the front door and pulled out folding chairs and the table extender, "it's only five of us till Neal and Fred get here, and with the table full sized, we can sit at least eight.""Good honey, maybe you should call Xander then we'd have the normal six and your friends," mom said, "do you have a table cloth?""Uh... I have a bed sheet," Sean said.Mom tisked, then shrugged and said, "well it's not like you even want a wife, but I hope whoever 'he,' ends up being, I hope, he likes being neat.""I think I'll have more important details on my mind like, life goals, interests, and, oh... ah never mind," Sean said embarrassed as he tried to hide his thoughts."Oh son, I know what you mean it's important to find that person you can share everything with and explore bodies and minds and pray for, with and during," dad said.Sean cringed at the memory of dad telling him to find that girl that he wouldn't feel ashamed to pray with and thank the alpha for even during sex. "What's wrong honey?" Mom asked and set the table.Sean lied unwilling to explain he had pictured dad praying during sex with her, instead he said, "oh I'm just remembering every stupid thing I said to Xander recently." Which made him cringe again."Was it a bad fight honey?" Mom asked.Yes and no, I didn't realize it was a fight, I guess, till he was leaving, and now he won't text me or call me

back or even answer his phone," Sean said and filled one of his water pitchers."What was it about?" Dad asked then put the prepped turkey in the oven."I didn't realize how he felt and kinda took him for granted," Sean said."You didn't know he was in love with you?" Mom asked.Sean passed her the napkins and sat at one of the chairs, then said, "I did but I... I wasn't, well, I expected him to be looking for someone else like I was.""Do you love him but not in that way?" Mom asked, then set out the utensils.Sean warmed, then said, "I do love him but I don't know if I do in that way, I've never let myself think of him like that. He's like family but also more than family.""That's the person you want to find those feelings in common with, then the love is better than it could be and brews as you find ways to love each other more," mom said and clasped dad's paw."Son, your mother knows more about this than I do, she was my first and only but she is wiser because of her choices before she joined the pack," dad said."I know she joined in early adult hood it's just... complicated," Sean said lamely."If it wasn't complicated, love wouldn't be interesting," mom said. Then the buzzer by the frond door went off to let someone in the building, mom said, "must be Sharron and Samantha.""I got it," Sean said and hit the intercom, "this is unit 423, to whom are you paging.""Oh Alpha! Sean you're so pretentious," Samantha said."Watch your language and I still love you," dad snapped.Samantha said, "Sorry dad I didn't-,""Think, anyway let us in." Sharron interrupted.Sean buzzed them in."See your heart is like that buzzer, if you give permission anyone can come in," mom said."Sadly your mom was a thief, she burgled me," dad said."Please don't talk like that when my friends get here," Sean said then walked back to the kitchen to check he was finished making the salad."What? you find your parents flirting embarrassing?" Mom asked with a coy smile for her husband."If embarrassed means uncomfortable then, yes!" Sean said.Dad chuckled."Hey honey, you set to many places," mom said.Sean paused then put away Xander's normal seat. He half wished that he had rescheduled the whole night."-it was always like that, he's just shy," Samantha said when she entered, "hey all, it's like he just expects me to be the assertive one all the time.""Ethan problems," Sharron said to everyone not in their conversation, "at least he doesn't expect you to be a puppy factory." Samantha looked around the room for Xander but didn't see him, she said his normal bit of the conversation "'you should just be happy you can have puppies.'  If Ethan made more he'd feel the same way I think. Hey Sean where's

Xander?""Not here, and I'm happy to see you both, too," Sean said, then sulked in his seat."Sean we have to love you we are related, I get to like Xander. I guess you haven't patch things up?" Sharron said.Sean said, "Mom maybe you were right about cance-.""How is your research going honey?" mom asked cutting across Sean."Great apart from having to work tonight," Samantha said indicating a medical bag."Oh please don't bring that up Sam," Sean said."Bring what up?" Dad asked."Oh, Sean wormed his way into my research," Samantha said."I thought you said it wasn't ready for the broad canid trial?" Sharron said with a glare for Sean."I'm sorry, I just hate my allergy," Sean said."Is he still trying to date cats?" Mom said."No!-Yes!" Sean, Samantha and Sharron said together."You know that's dangerous, son," dad said."I know and I'm not dating a cat, I just kinda, have a crush," Sean said."Is that why Xander's angry?" Mom asked."Well maybe but he went on dates with someone else the last three days," Sean said, "let's sit at the table or on the couch.""How does that make you feel?" Dad asked."The couch makes me feel comfortable," Sean said."That's not what dad meant and you know it," Samantha said. Everyone stood still but Sean."What is this an intervention! Maybe, I don't like it, or want to talk about it," Sean yelled as he lost his temper.No one spoke for a time."So, uhm, Samantha Sharron, come help me in the kitchen," mom said.Sean noticed dad coming over to talk to him, "I'm going to get my mail I haven't grabbed it in a few days," Sean said, then brushed passed dad before he could pull him aside.He jogged down the stairs and thought, "why can't they all just drop it."He got the mail out of the wall box, there was quite a lot to carry. His phone rang so he pulled it out of his pocket and shifted the mail but nearly dropped his letters and boxes in the process. When he reached to keep them in his grasp, he lost his grip on his phone then flung it across the entry way as he continued to juggle his mail. He heard the phone crack and skitter, broken screened across the floor."Alpha! Fucking, Damnit!" Sean yelled.He finally got a handle on the assorted mail, so he grabbed his phone. But it wouldn't turn back on. He slipped it back in his pocket, fear and annoyance warred in him that he might miss Xander's texts or call, when the door buzzed open and Paul came into the landing."Paul, Uhm, what are you doing here?" Sean asked muzzle heating while the rest of him settled into a cold dread."Are you ok Sean you look horrible," Paul said."Yeah, Thanks," Sean said not able to look Paul in the eye."Sorry... I hope you're ok,

anyway I made you a Litterday cake, you didn't have anything at Purrfection," Paul said."I can't eat that, but thanks," Sean said coldly."I used gloves and a furnet, I was more cautious then they are at the restaurant," Paul said.Sean felt like vomiting again as he pictured his fantasy, at the sound of Paul's confused and concerned voice."You shouldn't be here, or around me," Sean said, as he warred against his feelings to cry, run from or yell at Paul."Because of Xander? Is it because of him?" Paul asked.Sean stepped back away, then said, "why, why would you say this is about Xander, it wasn't his fault."Paul stood there a moment then said, "I don't understand Sean are you ok, seriously?" then stepped toward Sean.Sean recoiled back, and said, "I, I just need sleep.""Do you need help, I mean you dropped your mail?" Paul asked.Sean hadn't noticed, "oh well-.""Sean what's been taking so-. Who is this? mom said as she came around the stairwell door.Sean voice shrugged out, "mom this is Paul, Paul this is my mom.""Hello Mrs. Miller, I've heard a lot about you, I brought Sean and your girls a litterday cake, since they didn't get any at the restaurant Friday," Paul said then showed her the box."That's so sweet of you but Sean can't-" mom said."I wore a furnet and gloves, please would you take it up," Paul said with a worried glance at Sean.Sean didn't speak but his heart raced."I'll take it, I'm sorry but with Sean's recent allergy attack I can't invite you up," mom said and collected the cake from Paul."I'll see you later Sean, when I see Xander I'll tell him to call," Paul said and exited the building.Sean realized and responded to late, he had been stuck in his thoughts about the dream, he gave up and walked to the stair case. "Honey I can tell something is wrong, and I feel like it's more than you're telling me." Mom said."I'm not fine mom, but I just can't talk about it, please I just need a few moments alone, I'll be on the balcony," Sean said.