Dragon Outlaw: Part One

Story by Gren on SoFurry

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#1 of Dragon Outlaw

Alex is captured by a bestial dragon and forced to do his bidding. (5...

_ Alex is captured by a bestial dragon and forced to do his bidding. (5000 words)_

_2009 Gren Drake

Thanks go to [Dracasis](%5C) for their comments on the beta version of this story!_

Alex crept through the dense underbrush, using a long knife to cut away the excess vegetation. It was clear that no humans had been here for a long time. She moved with all possible stealth as the land had been ceded to the dragons several decades previous when the dragons had pushed the human tenants out of it.

She paused and crouched near the base of a narrow tree that was shrouded with dense brush and she looked out at the ruins ahead of her. Clearly there had been more than the village that had been described to her here; even from the sheltered spot she was in she could see half a dozen partially collapsed buildings and none of these were small.

She hoped to find something of value left behind by the retreating humans; the previous of the remains of a city increased the odds of that dramatically.

Since she neither saw nor heard anything unexpected she left what shelter the tree provided and moved across the fern-covered ground. Her feet repeatedly slipped on pieces of the buildings and rocks that were covered with thick moss, moss that made for really bad footing.

Despite the unseen hazards Alex made it to the backside of one of the ruined buildings. The surface was pitted with crevices, the masonry badly cracked and when she ran her hand over it the surface crumbled beneath her fingers. It was unfortunate as she would have liked to have gotten a view of the ruins from above, but clearly that would not be a good idea. Indeed, she would need to be careful entering or even walking by the builds. Having one of the stone structures collapse on her would be either fatal or grievously injurious. As much as she'd felt out of place in her village and had wanted out of it, she had no desire to die.

She slipped into the ruins of the city, moving along the side of the building through what appeared to have been an alley once. The walls of the buildings in front or behind her were only a few feet across--there was just barely enough space for her to walk between them normally. As she walked she keep her back near, but not touching, the wall of one of the buildings, hoping to reduce visibility and avoid casting any revealing shadows. Thankfully the space between the buildings was dark; she wasn't casting any shadow yet.

The alley opened into a street ahead and as she approached it her nose twitched. A strange scent lingered on the air and it took a few moments and several sniffs to identify it. Decay. There was something nearby that was decay; the odour too weak for it to be close, but she could definitely follow the sent.

Although the odour of decay was not uncommon in the forest, she would not have expected it in these ruins. They had been abandoned too long ago for it too have been something left behind, suggesting that an animal of some sort had made a den in the ruins. A carnivore and a large one at that. There were no signs of animal life in the ruins that she could see and it would require a large creature to drag in a prey animal.

Despite the danger of running into the unknown carnivore, Alex made her way deeper into the ruins. The city that had once stood here was still surprisingly intact. That didn't mean it was in good condition, however, and the street was filled with fallen stones and plants had pushed up between the paving stones. Alex stumbled more than once when the street beneath her feet shifted without warning.

It was less than ten minutes before she started to think she'd be further off without whatever treasure may be in the city; travel, even along wide streets, was treacherous and no treasure was worth breaking a leg in the middle of nowhere for. Just as she was turning around to leave the ground beneath her caved in. She fell and liberal quantities of dirt and stone fell with her including a small bush that had managed to push the paving stones out of the way.

The purpose of the room Alex had fallen into was not clear, but this was just as much because of the stone and earth that had collapsed into the room covering and crushing everything. There were some bits of wood sticking out of the rubble suggesting furniture had been in the room, but the areas around the walls was clear. Whatever the room was used for, it had been done in the centre.

She looked up; the sky was still clearly visible above her and she could see the edges of the pit, all almost ten feet from the ground. The rubble was only a couple of feet at most, leaving an eight foot gap. And even if she was able to jump that, it was likely that the edge would just crumble away leaving her no further off. No, she needed to find a different way out.

One of the walls of the cellar room had a doorway; there was no sign of a door, but whether that was because it had already been destroyed or because there never was one was not clear. It offered the hope of a more tractable escape method however and Alex quickly passed through it.

On the other side was a barren hallway. Wooden supports ran up the walls at regular intervals, holding up braces along the ceiling. As long as the wood was not too rotten she should be safe, at least for the moment.

Three more doorways opened off of the hallway and there was a sharp bend at the far end. The first two doorways opened into what appeared to have been bedrooms; the ruin of a heavy-built bed-frame was visible in the corner of each, but neither mattress nor bedding remained. The third doorway lead to a large, but totally barren, room. It was just around the bend in the hallway that she found what she was looking for: a staircase. As an added bonus it had been carved from the earth rather than being constructed of wood. She would not need to worry about it collapsing under her.

Climbing out from the uninteresting cellar, Alex found herself inside a large building. One of the walls had been reduced to a large pile of rubble at some time past and the sunlight streamed in through the opening. In addition, a large chunk of the roof was missing though there was no sign of rubble from it Thus, there was plenty of light for her to see the things that made this broken building far more interesting than the cellar beneath it.

Crates. The building's space was filled with numerous crates, none appearing to have been sitting exposed to the weather for very long. They had open tops, making it easy for Alex to see inside of them. Many, even most, were empty; it was those that held things took her attention.

Gold, gems, jewelry, riches. Not as much as she would have liked, but more than enough for her to live a comfortable, if frugal, life. Other goods were scattered throughout, but she didn't have a chance to examine them. Footsteps were approaching, the ground crunching beneath unseen feet.

Alex pushed one of the larger crates on its side with the top facing away from the hole in the wall and crawled into it. She stared out through a crack in the base. Probably it was the owner of the riches that she heard.

Within moments of her getting hidden, a form appeared clambering over the broken wall and when she saw it Alex froze, panic causing her mind to seize.

The presumed owner of the wealth was a dragon the size of a horse, its hide black as the pieces of jet that lie in the crates save for a splash of ruby red that bridged the centre of its snout and curled around its eyes in thin trails. A red starburst pattern spread along its wings from the shoulder. In its mouth was the corpse of some animal that was surely not large enough to fill the stomach of such a beast. It dropped the carcass just inside the shattered building,. Its nostrils flared taking in the air.

"Thief!" It called. "I can smell you! Come out now and perhaps I will eat you quickly!"

Alex trembled in her box. Even had she wanted to, she couldn't have gone out. The dragon was sniffing the air and the hide on its snout crinkled. "Human. Female."

Alex pulled her arms and legs tight against her body, trying to remain as small and unseen as possible. She knew that the dragon would discover her; she could hardly avoid having it smell her, but she couldn't bring herself to give herself up.

The dragon crept along the ground, sniffing, moving towards the door into the cellar. "You hiding down there? I smell you, female, there's no escape down there."

Alex waited; once the dragon was at the door to the cellar and faced away from her, she slipped from the crate she was hiding in and made a break for the opening in the wall. She made it almost halfway before she was hit solidly in the back. Moments later she realized it was the dragon's massive tail that had struck her.

"There you are," the dragon said as it turned around to face her. As she struggled to sit the dragon placed a fore-claw on her forcing her to remain on the ground. "My female thief. You need punished; you need to suffer, but I think I've got a better idea than just eating you." The dragon dragged the woman away from the wall. It drug one of the crates over with its mouth. Then it slowly released its foot from Alex and let her sit up.

"Don't you try to escape," the dragon said. Alex didn't reply; she was shaking badly enough that escape was the last thing on her mind. She doubted she'd have even been able to; her legs felt weak and it was doubtful that she could even stand. "In the crate you will find a collar," the dragon continued. "It was made by your own kind. Its enchanted so that its wearer can never release it; they can only be freed by someone else."

Alex reached into the crate and easily found the collar the dragon spoke of. A length of chain, maybe three meters worth, was connected to it and at the end was a metal clip. The collar itself was a simple loop of rounded metal so thin it seemed it would break easily. She lifted the collar. It was hinged and opened easily seemingly unable to stay closed. Perhaps, dared she hope, that it was broken? Then again she did not want to be collared, but she definitely did not want to be eaten and that was likely the alternative.

She raised the collar, but her arms were trembling and her hands were so weak that she dropped it. The collar clattered on the stone floor.

"Pick it up. Put it on," the dragon said. Its head was very near her own and she could see its viciously curved teeth.

She picked the collar up once more, this time getting it to her neck. Her skin seemed to pull away from it. There was a click as she closed it. The dragon smiled then pushed away some of the crates to reveal several lengths of pipe sticking out of the ground. Taking one of these in a fore-claw, it bent the pipe in several tight loops and smashed the end of the pipe against the ground until it had flared out several centimetres. He fed the chain attached to the collar through the loops and set the clip onto the chain itself.

"Now," the dragon said, "I can be assured that you will not go anywhere." The dragon returned to where it had dropped the carcass and quickly consumed it; watching the dragon eat at once made her realize she was hungry and ruined her appetite. Then, seeming to pay Alex no head, it curled up and went to sleep.

Alex immediately went to were the chain was looped around the bent pipe, but she could neither slide the chain off, nor was she able to open the clip. Leaning back against the bent pipe, Alex gave into despair. Tears ran down her checks as she began to weep.

It was several hours before the dragon stirred again; Alex watched the sun as it moved across the sky and the shadows that seemed to drift across the ground. What did the dragon intend with her?

When the dragon woke it looked straight at her. Moving near her, it reached her in only a few steps. Raised a single claw, it tore open the front of her shirt and vest. Its forepaw slipped under the clothing, the points digging into her back.

"Kiss me," the dragon said. "Kiss me and tell me how much you love me." There was no humour in its eyes and Alex quavered under its stare, unable to speak.

"Well?" She felt its claws dig into her back, able to kill her easily. She decided to do what it said. Leaning forward, she puckered her lips and planted a caste kiss on the end of the dragon's snout. The rank smell of its dark hide made her nauseous.



"I love you," she said.

"That much? Your service will begin when I return with my next meal." The dragon let go of her, crawled out of the ruined building and took flight just outside.

The dragon seemed to take quite a while to find his meal. Admittedly, Alex had no way to measure the passage of time, but it certainly seemed to take a long time. Nervous anticipation made it seem longer; what was the dragon planning on making her do when he returned? While she waited Alex leaned with her back against the pipe. After a time the tears on her face were joined by silent raindrops, falling gently through the openings in the building. It was not a storm, but barely a drizzle that fell from the sky.

It was still raining gently when the dragon returned dragging a large, heavily maimed carcass. It dropped this in the middle of the room and looked at her.

"Behave and I'll let you eat. Don't and I'll save you for a snack. Now come here." The dragon flopped onto its side, head and shoulders near the brutalized corpse. Alex crawled to the dragon as her legs were weak with fear and unlikely to support her. As she got near she noticed the splatter of blood across his muzzle. The dragon gazed impassively at her for a moment, then spread its legs, one on the ground and the other raised upwards. Between them was a long slit that rested on a slight bulge. Even as she watched the edges of this slit were pressed apart, wrinkling the smooth hide around them, and the dragon's member expanded outwards, becoming exposed it to the air. It was unevenly tapered, being mostly straight along the bulk of its length, but becoming much thicker as it joined the flesh inside of the slit and tapering down quickly at the end to a size no larger than her littlest finger. There was a slick sheen along its surface as though it had been well oiled. The organ's vivid red was the same as the dragon's markings and stood out clearly against his black hide. Clearly the dragon was a 'he', even if Alex was disinclined to consider the beast a person.

The dragon sunk his teeth into the carcass and tore off a piece, swallowing it whole and letting Alex watch as the bulge from the chunk ran down his neck and disappeared into his torso. Then he licked his lips.

"Pleasure me," the dragon said. "Get me off before I can finish and I might let you eat." A deep rumble echoed from the dragon's chest: laughter. His eyes met hers. "Fail and you will regret it; you will beg to be eaten, torn apart and swallowed in pieces, to feel the muscles of my throat constrict around you, crushing you."

Alex looked at him in horror; although he was clearly exaggerating about her feeling the muscles of his neck crushing her--it was only about as wide as her head and enough of her wouldn't fit at once--she had no doubt he meant what he said. If she failed, he would make her regret it. His penis bobbed in the corner and her vision and she knew she should attend to it, but she couldn't make herself move.

Even as he watched her, he tore a second piece from the carcass and, once again, she could trace its path down his throat. This was enough to jog her into action. She knelt with her knees on either side of his lower thigh, feeling his hide through the fabric of her trousers. Bending over, she extended her tongue and ran it along his member. A shiver run through his body.

Ugh! The organ was the most sour thing she had tasted, almost as bad as his smell. Clearly the creature did not believe in the benefits of bathing.

A glance towards the carcass showed that he was eating quickly now. With a grimace, she returned to her task.

She wrapped her lips around the throbbing red flesh, enveloping as much of it as she could in her mouth and running her tongue along its surface. The strange sheen turned out to be exactly what it looked like; his penis seemed to be naturally covered in some kind of oil, or perhaps mucus.

The motions required were unfamiliar to Alex as she had never pleasured a man this way, let alone a dragon, but necessity was a powerful teacher. She worked him over, bobbing up and down on his member and playing her tongue against its surface. As she did, she could see that his eating had slowed. Drops of the dragon's precum began to fall onto her tongue and, unlike every other aspect of the dragon she had yet encountered, they had a sweet taste to them.

Though the dragon had slowed in his eating it was not enough. She felt him shift beneath her as he used his teeth to tear open his meal's ribcage and plunge his head inside.

She placed her hands on that part of his penis that didn't fit into her mouth, rubbing and stroking it. At first her touch was light, but gradually she increased the roughness she applied them with. Not only did the dragon not object, he seemed to enjoy the attentions even more.

Thinking quickly about this effect, she lightly grazed her teeth along the length in her mouth and could feel the results as he paused, shuddering beneath her. Her hands slipped up his length, her fingertips exploring the area where it met his body. They slipped between the folds of his hide and his member, disappearing nearly a centimetre into the slit before meeting resistance.

He had stopped eating. After a brief moment of panic she realized there was still a fair amount of meat on the corpse. Of course, it was possible he had simply become full, but she doubted that he would stop if he didn't have to. His head was raised up to the sky, his eyes closed and narrow trails of blood had mixed with the rainwater running down his jowls and neck.

His penis throbbed beneath her lips and hands. The dragon's jaws were parted slightly now, revealing vicious teeth, as he panted noisily.

His hips bucked unexpectedly, nearly throwing Alex off of his thigh. Only by squeezing her thighs together did she manage to stay in place. A veritable eruption flowed from his member, quickly flooding her mouth, his seed running out from her lips and washing down her throat. It was sickeningly sweet, making her stomach roil, but she suppressed the nausea. Throwing up on the dragon would not be a good idea.

Angela swallowed what semen remained in her mouth as she drew her head back. The dragon's member was still pumping out the occasionally spurt of his seed, these landing now on her chest and belly. For a moment there was silence.

"That was not bad; you're a natural at this. You enjoyed it as well." It was not a question and she did not interpret it as such.

"Of course," she said, bowing her head so she didn't have to look at him. She crawled towards the meat and sat on the ground nearby, but when she started to reach for a piece, the dragon grabbed her arm with one forepaw.

"Y-you said I could eat," she said, her voice weak.

"Indeed." The dragon smiled. "You may eat, just not like that. You will eat in a manner befitting a civilized person." He tore a piece off with his jaws and dangled it before her, his forepaw still holding her arm firm.

Did he expect her to follow his example? Her teeth were not suited to eating that way and she would choke if she swallowed it whole. Not that choking might not be better than what he had planned. No other option presented itself, however, so she leaned forward, pressing her face into the bloody meat and sinking her teeth into it. With a great effort she tore the chunk off, though unlike him she did chew before swallowing. Then she did it again. And again. Her jaw quickly became sore, but hunger drove her on.

Unpleasant as raw meat was to her, she managed to eat the entire piece. Her stomach had been rumbling for a bit; even with the entire piece eaten she still felt hungry, but her stomach was unsettled enough with its load of dragon-semen and raw meat that she dared not fill it more. Perhaps she would become accustomed to the diet. Not that the idea of getting used to such a diet was much better than the nausea.

He let go of her arm and patted her shoulder in a disturbingly parental way then stared at her for a moment. "Do you not appreciate learning how to eat properly?"

"Ah," she said. It hadn't occurred to her, but failed to surprise her. It was amazing how quickly she was coming to understand his desires. Or perhaps not; they were not complex.

"Thank you for teaching me," she continued, speaking without tone.

"Is that all?"

Alex's mind went blank. Perhaps she did not understand him as well as she had thought; she had no idea what he was wanting from her now.

"Women!" He turned to the remaining portion of the carcass, sniffed it. "I gave you my seed, didn't I?" He seemed to tune her out as he resumed tearing into the carcass.

Alex shifted back a bit from the dragon; it was a favour to her for her to pleasure him? If other dragons were like this one, she could certainly understand how the human-dragon war had gotten started! Next time she would know what he expected, know the words he wanted to hear. Perhaps if she could avoid upsetting him for long enough she could find a way to escape.

Crawling back into the crate she'd pushed onto its side and put her head on her knees and started to weep. She was soaked, dragon semen and raw meat in her stomach, her face stained red with blood, her clothes were tattered, and there was no hope of rescue: no one knew where she had gone.

She was going to die as the sex-slave of a dragon. More than that, however, she feared she would come to believe the things he made her say.