The New Place chapter 2

Story by Shardi on SoFurry

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#2 of The New Place

Last week of the summer is usually a time of coming back home and whining about having to go back to school. For Chris it was mostly filled with moving furniture, fetching stuff from the garage and whining about going to his new school. Most of the housing estate residents were already back, savouring last days of the summer break, but he didn't really have had time to meet them. If somebody told him he's had so many things, he probably wouldn't believe. Getting his own things and furniture took him almost two full days, and he also had to help his sister, who preferred to play in the garden, and with furniture overall.

Their new place was finally starting to look like a real home. Old furniture made it easier to get used to it, but Chris was surprised that he actually started to like this place. True, it was far away from everything, but thanks to that it was quiet and the air was a lot nicer than at his old house, probably thanks to that the forest was just few steps away. He only managed to walk around it for half an hour, and it looked like exploring it wasn't favourite way of spending his neighbours free time.

On the first September Chris woke up to the same sound that was haunting him for last few years - his heartless, cold alarm clock. After failing to smash it with his paw few times, he decided to finally leave shelter of his cosy sheets, slammed his paw on top of that little annoyance, finally silencing it and got out of bed, yawning widely.

His room seemed a lot smaller now, that the furniture was there, but it was still pretty spacious. The closet standing in the corner took most of free space. Left from it was standing his old desk (when was the last time he actually used it?), then a TV stand with a small couch in front of it, and finally, a guitar stand and his amp near the bed (turned out, the amp was right at the garage entrance, covered by a box of his sister's clothes). He took a white shirt and dark blue jeans form the closet and placed them on his bed, then headed for the bathroom. It also was larger than in his old house, so it had both shower and a bathtub.

After turning on the water and checking it with his paw to get the *right* temperature, he threw his boxers into a bin with dirty clothes and walked in. He soon lost himself in thoughts again - in about an hour he'll see if his new life will turn out to be a nice experience, or a torture. After washing his chest he slided his paws down to wash his abdomen. When he reached his crotch, he stopped and realized, that he hasn't pawed off in almost two weeks, being busy with worrying and moving out. He slowly started rubbing his shaft and balls, sending waves of pleasure up his body. After a while of playing with himself like that, his cock started getting hard and emerged from it's sheath. Chris leaned against the wall and closed his paw around his member, letting out a low moan. Slowly, he started moving his paw up and down his length, stimulating himself. He soon picked up the pace and started panting, trying not to make too much noise. Soon he felt his sac tighten up as he started shooting his load, fighting hard not to let out a load roar. When he finished cumming, he just stood there, with his back against the shower wall, recovering his strength. Finally he sighed with pleasure and started cleaning himself up, making sure to wash his seed of the wall. When he was satisfied, he walked out of the shower and looked at the clock.


It was 8:20 and all students were supposed to be there for 9 AM, when the official part was supposed to start. Chris quickly brushed his teeth and dried himself off and ran to his room, putting a towel around his waist. In hallway leading to the bathroom he met his sister, waiting for her turn to take a shower. She's already opened her mouth, probably going to say something about how late he gets up, but he didn't gave her the chance. Ha sprinted to his room, threw the towel on a chair and started dressing up like he was going to break some record. He threw on his shirt and started walking down the stairs buttoning it. At the bottom of the stairs he met his mother.

"There you are, I thought you forgot what day it is" she started.

"Unfortunately not" Chris replied, grabbing his shoes and sitting on a step to tie them.

"I'm going to the office today to meet my new boss and co-workers, so I may be back late. There's still some spaghetti from yesterday in the fridge, but if you want something else, everything is in..."

"I know mom. I have to go or I'll be late, bye" he interrupted her and gave his mother a quick kiss on the cheek before running out the door and to the bus stop. When he got there, he bent in half, panting hard from running and looked at his left wrist to check the hour.

"Oh come on..."

He forgot his watch. But it looked that he made it, because the bus just appeared from behind the corner. After a short ride he got out right in front of his new school and saw that there were still many people outside it, sitting on the benches or steps leading to the front door. Sighing with relief, he walked into the building and looked for a list to check his classroom. After finding out that it was number 304, and his class tutor was Mrs. Clayton, he made his way to listen to headmaster's speech. Many students were already there, but the hall was pretty spacious, so he found himself a place near the door and waited. Soon the hall has filled with various furs, bringing their conversations with them and raising the noise level. Suddenly, they all got silenced when a very old looking wolf stepped on the platform near the back wall and picked up a microphone.

"Hello students. My name is Ethan Kay and I'm a headmaster of this school. Welcome back, after two months of freedom and games, it's time to get back to our duties. First of all, I'd like to welcome our new students. I'm glad that you've chosen our school, and I do hope that you'll feel good here. I can guarantee you, that our personnel will try to teach you as much as they can..."

"Well, they'll certainly teach us to sleep" Chris whispered to himself.

It looks like someone's heard his little comment, because he could hear a snicker on his left and looked in that direction to see a tiger, now with his paw covering his muzzle, obviously amused by his neighbour. Headmaster Ethan continued his speech for few more minutes, introducing teachers and reminding rules that every student had to obey on the school grounds. Finally, after about 15 minutes he told everyone to go to their respective classrooms and wait for their tutors to give them schedule and more informations. Chris turned around and started heading for exit when someone patted him on the shoulder. He looked back and saw that it was this tiger that has found his comment so amusing.

"Hey, I'm Phil!" the tiger welcomed him, holding out a paw

"Uh... Name's Chris" replied a little disconcerted Chris and shook his paw.

"I've heard your little whisper. You seem cool, but I've never seen you before. You're new, or something?" Phil asked, starting to make his way to the door.

"Yeah, I've moved in last week..." The lion followed his new acquaintance. It was first time a complete stranger decided to start a conversation with him so spontaneously , so he was kind of intrigued with him. Phil looked back at him with a friendly smile.

"That's cool, always nice to see some new faces. So, Chris, what's your classroom?"

"I think that was... 304? Yeah, that's it"

"Awesome! That's mine too! Come on, let's get there before they'll take all good seats"

"Good start..." Chris thought and smiled to himself, following Phil up the stairs.

When they've made it to their classroom, there were only 3 people in there. They took the desk by the window and started talking.

"So, you've just moved in? Where do you live?"

"That'd be last house on the left on Agnus Road... You know this place?"

"Do I know it? Dude, I live there! But mine is second on the right"

"What a coincidence, huh?" Chris chuckled

"Yeah." Phil replied with a smirk. "So, whaddya like to do, pal?"

"Well, nothing unusual I think. I've used to hang out a lot with my friends at the old place. You know, hitting the mall, cinema, stuff like that. Personally, I like bikes and play a little guitar..."

"You play a guitar?" Phil interrupted him. "That's cool! Are you good? Because you see, we have..."

He stopped when their teacher walked into the room. She was a strangely young looking vixen, probably you wouldn't believe she's a teacher if not that she was carrying a register. She sat at her desk and looked around the class.

"Hello students. As some of you may already know, I'm Mrs. Clayton and I'll be your class tutor. First of all, I'd like you all to introduce themselves, so we can get to know each other a little better."

One by one, all students stood up and told their name. When they were done, Mrs. Clayton got up and wrote their schedule on a blackboard. After that, she told them about when will their Christmas breaks begin and other basic stuff. After about half an hour she got up, holding some paper pieces in her paw.

"I have one more good news for you. In order to help you get know each other, headmaster decided to organize a 5-days long trip next week. Of course, some teachers will go with you so you won't waste your lessons." a couple of disappointed sighs could be heard "I want you to give this form to your parents to fill and sign, so we now that they agree for this. Any questions? Then I guess you can go home now."


When everyone's left the room, Chris followed Phil and started their conversation again.

"So, what have you wanted to ask me?"

"Oh, right. Sorry, I get distracted easily" the tiger snickered "So yeah. You see, we've got a little band here, and we're lacking a guitarist. So far Mike's been playing guitar, but he's not really pro with it, so I thought that maybe you'd want to play with us from time to time?" Phil asked him.

"Uh, I've never thought about playing in a band before, but... Sure, why not. I can at least try."

"Awesome!" Phil exclaimed "Do you have time tomorrow after school, so you can drop by to my house? We could see how you'll do then, and you'll meet the rest of our crew. Well, at least Keith, because Mike should be 'round here somewhere..." he started looking around, trying to find his friend in the sea of furs. Apparently he's spotted him at the school entrance "There he is. Mike! Hey, MIKE!" he shouted.

Chris looked around to see who that "Mike" was. And he quickly saw him. Mike wasn't exactly the type of person you'd want to quarrel with. While Chris was pretty high himself, the black wolf was even bigger than him, and better built too. He was wearing a black shirt, almost invisible on his fur, blue jeans and a pair of shades, holding his headfur up from falling and covering his brown eyes. He walked up to Phil and gave him a high five.

"What's up, buddy? Who's your new friend?" despite his look, he had a very nice sounding voice, and Chris thought he must be a vocalist in that band.

"All good. That's Chris, probably our new guitarist!" The tiger exclaimed, giving Chris a pat on the shoulder.

"Hey there, nice to meet you, kitty." Mike said shaking Chris' paw.

"Kitty? Don't you think Ash'll get jealous, Mikey?" Phil laughed.

"Maybe, I'm about to find out. I'll catch ya later. Nice to meet you, Chris. Peace out" the wolf replied and walked away, looking for his girlfriend.

"So, that was Mike. He's our vocalist. I'm the drummer, and Keith is bassist, but you'll meet him tomorrow. He's in our class, but he's using as much of the summer break as he can. Lucky bastard" Phil explained to Chris, walking down to the bus stop.


After saying goodbye to his new found friend, Chris walked into his house with a smile on his muzzle. His sister was already there, watching TV on couch in the living room. When she heard him come in, she peeked out and looked at her brother.

"What are you so happy about, huh?" She asked with a smile creeping on her muzzle

Chris ignored her and headed upstairs, to his room. When he unbuttoned his shirt and put it back into his closet, he threw himself onto the bed and sighed.

"Oh boy..." he said to himself