Unforgetable Moments in Yiff! - Moment 1 - Abercrombie & Bitch...

Story by Guydownthestreet on SoFurry

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Unforgetable Moments in Yiff! - Moment 1 - Abercrombie & Bitch...

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Unforgetable #: 01

Date: ???

Location: Abercrombie & Fitch in the Mall

Type: M/M

3:30PM. It was the middle of june on a hot, humid and unforgiving day. One of our little subjects was driving his way down the interstate. His name is Harley Lambough; and he is one fine lookin' boy. He is a wolf, black and white with ice blue eyes, with a sleek and sexy bod and with a charm that enabled him to get almost any girl he wanted. Anyway, back to the story - he took exit 67 to the Center mall, parked his convertable and walked inside.


"I gotta find something to wear! I don't know where I went wrong but lately my wardrobe has gone to Hell in a hand-basket!" - The words of the other half of this little tale. That would be Luke Waters. Now, it is a little ironic that his name is 'Waters' and he happens to be an otter, but it's beside the point. He's your typical otter, appearance-wise anyway; brown short fur, brown eyes, a stout muzzle, the usual. One thing that makes him unique from most other otters is that he is gay. Possibly the gayest gay to ever gay, to be more exact. I'm straying I know - Luke decided it would be best to start in his favorite store, Abercrombie and Fitch...


"Hmmm... no." A pause. "nah... mayb-... no, no." Harley mumbled out while seeking out a pair of jeans in his size. Size 29x33, what an odd size, but whatever. He finally sought them out and asked an associate to unlock a dressing room. He soon encountered a small red fox...

"Hey, can you unlock a door for me? I wanna try these on." Harley said.

"Sure, I'll get open it for ya." She said with a smile.

They walked over to the little room where she opened the door. They briefly exchanged glances before Harley leaned in and tried to kiss her. The little fox pushed him away and said,

"Woah woah woah - hold up. You're cute and all, but I don't think so..."

"Oh come on baby. Just-" Harley barely got it out before she cut him off.

"Don't try your little charm on me. It's cute the first seven times guys do it, then it just gets annoying." the spunky little fox said raucously. She opened the door, pushed it open and walked away, leaving Harley standing there.

"Hmmm. I can find a million more just like you, girl..." he thought to himself as he went inside, letting the door close, or so he though, behind him.


Luke strutted his way into the store and made a 'b-line' for the polo shirts. After a lengthy time checking out some stuff or, 'sampling the wares' and Luke sarcastically would say, he went to look for an associate, which he soon found in the form of a little female fox.

"Excuse me, can you open a room up for me?" Luke asked politely with a wide grin.

"Yeah sure, I'll be there in a sec..." The little fox said, slightly aggravated.

Luke walked over to the dressing rooms. He saw a door slightly ajar and thought,

"Hey, maybe I don't need Miss Priss after all." he grinned and opened the door. Within a second, Luke realised he'd just walked in on someone changing; a really cute someone!


Harley was just kicking off his pants to try on the store's jeans, revealing his naked body in the process, when he heard a sqeaky hinge sound behind him. His heart skipped a beat. There in the mirror, looking back at him was an otter, leaning against the door frame with a great big grin on his face!


"Hey! Can you close the fucking door!" Harley said in a loud whisper.

"Sure." Luke said as he moved into the dressing room with the naked wolf, pulling the door closed behind him.

"Woah man, I don't play that game. Get the fuck out." Harley said, but the otter ignored him. "Are you high or something? Get out!" Harley repeated, but again the otter did nothing. He simply stood there with a grin upon his face, and a bulge in his pants.

"Relax" Luke said smoothly, edging towards the wolf. "Turn around" He said as he turned the wolf so that he was facing the mirror with Luke looking at wolf's relfection.

"You're about to get your ass kicked..."

"And you're about to get your ass licked..." Luke replied as he suddenly took hold of the wolf's sheath. Harley gasped at the touch of the stranger and the sudden jolt of pleasure it sent ringing through his body.

"Wha-what are you doing?" Luke asked intently.

"Well, Wolfie isn't so mean after all. Look at that, you even look like you're enjoying yourself." Luke said coyly as the Harley looked down to see the tip of his cock slowly creeping out of it's fleshy prison. "Just relax. I'm the one doing the work..." Luke said as he continued to fondle Harley's sheath, sending another jolt of pleasure through him.

Harley wanted to object, but to what could he object to? Okay, sure this was a stranger, a gay stranger but then again, so what? He was getting him off and that was all he cared about. Harley looked at his shoulder in the mirror to find the otter had left his sight, yet a brown arm still crept around his hip, tugging and pulling at his wolfhood. Harley went into ecstasy as he began to feel something warm and wet wriggling around his asshole. It was then that he realised that the otter was rimming him.

Harley went to let out a moan, but nothing came out of his mouth. He was simply in a world of joy and the tongue kept working away at him, all the while the hand on his cock was still going. Luke meanwhile was working with every once of technique he had, trying to pry those loving cheeks apart.

Harley's eyes rolled back in his head. Two mere minutes had passed since the stranger even entered the room and already he was about to cum!

"I'm gettin' close..." He panted out. Luke only moved his tongue more vigorously, trying to get this stranger to cum as quickly as he could. "That's it man - don't stop, ah! Just don't stop!" Harley moaned out.

Harley felt it swelling inside of him, a feeling of an internal explosion welling up until finally, he came. His first jet spurting onto the mirror in front of the two. Suddenly he turned around and jammed his dick into Luke's mouth as he emptied the last of his hot seed into Luke's face.

Luke greatfully accepted and began sucking hard on the throbbing meat in his mouth. Even as Harley was coming down from his high and was going semi-limp, it still felt as though liquid was free flowing from his cock as Luke milked him of everything he had. Finally, Luke stood up, smiled at Harley and turned to walk away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Harley panted out, still stuck in the afterglow of the moments passed.

"You got what you wanted and I got what I wanted. We're done." Luke said dryly and walked out of the dressing room, closing the door behind him. And just like that, he was gone.

To this day, Harley still can't find the same feeling from anyone else he sleeps with. It all keeps boiling down to the one in the dressing room at Abercrombie & Fitch - the one who made Harley's unforgetable moment in yiff.