Infernum Autem Odit Legisperitem

Story by summerlong on SoFurry

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Now, this was one of those little stories where the idea just popped into my head, and I couldn't focus until I had it written out. It's a standalone, so it's not connected to any other stories. It just might SEEM that way, what with, you know, demons. Hm. Demons.

Also, yes, I used google translate for the title. Sue me.


Proofread by SkyWing

Standard boiler plate: This is fantasy, not real. Simple rule of thumb, do not do things to people without their consent in real life. That is bad. No more to say there than that.


Staring intently at his monitor, William rested his chin on his thumbs, tapping his nose with his tented index fingers as he read through paragraph after paragraph of case information. The short, slim, gray mouse was wearing his finest black suit, black socks, and shiny black shoes, with a thin pair of bifocals perched partway up his muzzle. His mid-length black headfur was swept back, showing faint bits of gray hidden by its overall shining gleam. Even with that minor flaw, at twenty-eight years of age, thanks to his ravishingly handsome appearance, he was frequently mistaken for twenty at the latest. It was rare he could be seen not striking a confident pose, wearing a smug, self-assured grin.

And why shouldn't he? By the time he had reached that young age, he was already worth more than the average person could expect to make in a lifetime. The past ten years had been nothing but unbridled success after success, rocketing him to the upper echelons of society. He had a massive corner office complete with a custom Jacuzzi, a pool table, a desk bigger than any commoner's bed. Everything he could want was right at his fingertips. And while he never bothered to get a girlfriend, he had money, and money could buy sex. Yes, he had everything he could possibly want.

Without a doubt, he was content.

Finished another paragraph, continuing onto the next, William felt a slight breeze picking up. An unusual event for a sealed office. Moments later, he detected the wafting smell of sulfur and hickory tickling his nostrils. Quickly realizing what those signs together meant, he let out an annoyed sigh. He turned his chair around to see a bipedal draconic creature standing in his office, facing away, looking out the curved wall of windows with his arms crossed behind its back.

The dragon was at least eight feet tall - not including the pair of black, S-curved horns protruding from the top of his skull, ending in vicious, bladed points - utterly dwarfing the mouse's five-and-a-half feet. He wore nothing but a tattered leather loincloth, proudly displaying his broad, nipple-less chest and powerfully muscular build. A massive, thick tail hung from his backside, barely reaching down to the floors. His body was covered with a spiderweb of vibrant scales, mostly scarlet, with darker crimson ones running from his chin, over his belly, and past the insides of his thighs to the soles of his clawed, three-toed, digitigrade feet.

Turning back to his desk, William pressed the button for his intercom. "Miss Levin?"

"Yes sir?" a chipper voice asked back.

"Please cancel my next appointment. Something just came up."

"Yes, sir. Is that all, Mister Mainz?"

"Mmhmm. Thank you." Letting go of the intercom, he turned back so his unexpected guest. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, hm?"

"You know exactly why I'm here," the dragon growled back, twin trails of smoke wisping out from his nostrils as he spoke.

"I'm afraid you have me at a bit of a loss, Mister..." the mouse trailed off, showing his trademark smirk.

"That was awfully lazy. I'm not going to tell you my true name." Had the dragon's eyes been anything more than solid spheres of glowing white light, it would have been possible to see him rolling his eyes. "If you need something to call me, I'll settle for Helven. Or perhaps just master." The dragon smirked right back, displaying his menacingly sharp teeth.

"I'm insulted." William mocked an offended gasp, pressing his fingertips to his chest. "I assure you, I meant no duplicity. Now, if you have business with me, why don't you take a seat on the other side of my desk. The black chair, please. And we can discuss matters."

A deep growl rumbled forth from the dragon's throat. "If it's all the same, I won't be walking into the demon trap you prepared, either." He turned to face the mouse. "As of five minutes ago, your contract-"

"Can I at least offer you a drink?" William asked, interrupting the increasingly infuriated dragon. Reaching into his desk, he pulled out a pair of shot-glasses and an unlabeled bottle filled with clear, brownish-yellow liquid. He popped the bottle's rubber stopper, pouring a small amount into each glass, and held one out to the dragon.

Helven snarled, backhanding the offered item out of the smugly grinning rodents hand, shattering it against the wall. "I've been doing this since your kind first developed writing. I've already seen every trick a fool like you could possibly imagine. A holy water cocktail isn't going to trick me. As I was saying-" This time, it was a buzz from the intercom interrupting his attempt to give a speech. He dug his claws into his fists, remaining silent so he wouldn't be heard.

"Sir? I heard a crash. Is everything alright?"

Leaning to the side, William pressed the intercom button. "Yes, of course, don't worry about it. Thank you for your concern." Releasing the button, ignoring the polite response from his secretary, he folded his hands and faced the dragon once more. "I assure you, there was nothing in that bottle but the hundred-year-old scotch that is now staining my floor."

"I DON'T CARE!" the dragon screamed through clenched teeth. "I'm done with your idiotic interruptions! There's a meteoric-iron-tipped pen on the table too, did you think I didn't notice? I can't be tricked. Your contract is up, you had your ten years of heaven, now your soul is mine."

"Oh, is THAT what this is about?" William chuckled. "I'm sorry to say, if you're looking to collect on that deal you had made, you're talking to the wrong mouse."

For a moment, the demonic dragon was legitimately stunned. He blinked twice, then held his hand out, palm up, summoning a piece of parchment through a burst of flame. Rapidly scanning through the parchment's text, terrified he had made some kind of mistake, he mumbled, "...the party, Helven, here referred to as 'demonic benefactor' agrees to...blah...blah...great riches and success..." to himself. "AHA!!!" he exclaimed, pointing a claw to a specific section. "After a span of ten years, the signer agrees that their soul will become the property of 'demonic benefactor' for all eternity! Signed in blood, 'William Mainz', by your own hand. Enough stalling, you are mine."

"Except," William said, pointing back to his own chest, "I am no longer the same mouse whose hand signed that document."

"...what..." the dragon replied, his face showing a skeptical sneer.

"You see, Helven, we mortals are ships of Theseus. We contain multitudes! Our cells are constantly growing, dying, being shed, being replicated, being replaced. We may appear to be the same creature, year after year, but the mouse I was at age eighteen is not the mouse I am now, and the hand that signed that contract is, in NO way, my own hand."

"...yes, okay, but, your brain doesn't replace all of itself! That's what-"

"And I'm glad you brought that up! Regardless of what pieces of the brain do and don't change, for we mortals, consciousness it not a persistent state! At some point, between the signing and the end of that contract, the mouse that is I ceased to be the mouse that is he. Perhaps it was October 3rd, 2012, or perhaps it was that very night! At the end of each day, we sleep, we dream, we fade into nothing, only to come back as something new, dying and being reborn without end!" The mouse reclined in his chair, crossing one leg over the other, and tented his pink, furless fingers. "You see, after ten years, I've lived several thousand lives, each one with an independent soul of its own. And, unfortunately, from the strictest definition outlined in that contract, at best, you only have claim to the soul inhabiting this body from the start of the contract to, oh, ten minutes ago. The current me, the soul in control of this body, speaking right now, may not be collected."

Listening to all this, fixating on the mouse's ever-present condescending grin, there was nothing Helven wanted to do more than grab hold his his over-sized ears and twist his head around until it popped off like a champagne cork.

And yet... the damnable rodent had a point. Even if it was all rambling legalese - and there was no doubt about that - it was true. Change was a quality endemic to mortals, and a concept foreign to his own kind. The mouse had simply been the first one to realize that the contract could be interpreted so that he only sold a portion of his soul.

"So as you can see, I have no interest in trying to stop you. Collect your fee whenever you're finished gawking at me," William said, darkly chuckling to himself.

" have no problem sending your younger self to hell?"

"Why would I care? We've never even met."

"Wow... just, wow... I'm an Archduke of Hell, and even I think that was coldblooded."

"It's simply business. He shouldn't have signed if he didn't want to pay. And just in case you were going to try to get some retribution, ruin me, or anything like that, I'm just going to say it'd be a shame if something like this were to get spread around, hm?"

Shaking his head, Helven sighed. Even being the Lord of Sin couldn't prepare him for dealing with such a loathsome creature. He couldn't get out of there fast enough.

Then again, part of the mouse was still his, and if he was going to have to admit defeat, he wasn't going to do so without traumatizing the bastard responsible.

"Very well. I'll take... part... of your soul back with me, but before I do, you're going to get a firsthand glimpse of the hell that - someday - awaits you." Helven flashed a wild grin, pulling his scaly lips back, showing every single one of his pointy, threatening teeth.


Snarling once more at his victim's unflappable confidence, Helven drew his arm back, then plunged it forcefully, yet harmlessly, into the mouse's chest. The instant he made contact, the mouse's head flew back, eyes and mouth opening to show an ephemeral, glowing light, and as he pulled back out, not leaving a single mark behind, that same wispy light followed along the tips of his claws. Holding his hands several inches apart, he helped the light take shape, slowly but surely coalescing into a single form.

Blinking repeatedly, trembling at the feeling of his soul being rent before his very eyes, William quickly composed himself. He took care to readjust his tie as he sat upright, watching the mass of light grow solid, taking on a familiar form. It looked just as he once had, still short and thin, with spiked, black headfur, and... no clothes whatsoever. His pert rump, scrawny back, and full body of gray fur was on full display, just inches from where he was sitting.

Once Helven's payment had been fully removed and compressed, the newly formed, much younger mouse's eyes flew open. Taking in a sharp gasp of air, he looked up to see his new owner, immediately flying into a panic. "What's happening? What are you- We had a deal! I had ten years! You can't do-"

Gripping a hand around the new mouse's muzzle, Helven let out a deep, threatening growl. "No more debate. You're my toy now, Willy, learn to deal with it." He let go, leaving behind a metal band sealing his muzzle shut. With a flick of his wrist, he caused a set of thick metal shackles to appear on the new mouse's wrists and ankles, and with a snap of his fingers, a short set of chains bound all four together behind his back, forcing him to drop to the floor.

Effortlessly picking up his effectively hogtied pet, now dubbed 'Willy', he tossed him belly-down on the largely empty desk. He ripped his loincloth off as he approached the terrified, whimpering mouse's face. Grabbing a clump of headfur in a fist, he thrust his pelvis forward, shoving his musky, scaly crotch directly against the mouse's nose. He shimmied his hips, pressing down on the mouse's head, slowly forcing the first couple inches of muzzle past his slit, inside his burning hot crotch.

Giving a few slight pumps of his hips, he felt his mighty cock begin to swell, stimulated by relatively cool, panicked breaths bathing his insides. He snapped his fingers, splitting the muzzle shackle into twin halves, letting his tip plunge directly into the mouse's mouth as it grew.

Purely out of frightened reflex, Willy bit down on the smokey, leathery demon-meat forcing its way down his throat, though the act accomplished little more than a hiss of pleasure from its owner. Having cleared out most of the residual grogginess from his creation, he squirmed and struggled, rattling his chains, biting down several more times. He soon gave up on that particular tactic, realizing he was only making his tormentor grow even faster. Utterly inundated by the dragon's raw musk, he shifted his focus to breathing whatever scant few bits of clean air that were available. Unbeknownst to him, the overpowering aroma was taking hold of his mind, making the supposedly straight mouse's own six-inch cock twitch out of his sheath, poking against the cool wood of the desktop.

Once Helven felt he had gotten hard enough, he gave one additional pump of his hips, slapping the mouse's nose, then pulled the entire length back out. He rested his smooth, knotted, fourteen-incher on the mouse's muzzle, enjoying the dazed, almost cock-hungry stare he was getting from his new toy. Snapping his fingers, the mouse's muzzle-shackle locked itself again, and a slight wave sent him spinning so that his rear and forcibly bent legs were hanging over the edge.

Stepping forward, dropping his heavy cock between Willy's ass-cheeks, Helven couldn't help but shoot a threatening sneer toward the older mouse. To his surprise, William looked totally unperturbed by the acts thus far, reclining in his chair, tenting his fingers over his chest. Hiding a slight shudder, Helven focused on the task at hand, pulling his hips back, aiming his throbbing cock just a little lower, right up against the winking, pink tailhole. Giving a single powerful thrust forward, he instantly sheathed his first three inches inside.

Willy's entire body tensed up at the sudden intrusion, though his cock only got harder, tapping against the side of the desk. He let out a loud groan as if he had gotten punched in his gut, reflexively clenching down, flexing his ass in an attempt to force the dragon back out. Same as his attempt at biting, he had little effect beyond spurring his tormentor on, getting the already massive shaft to grow even larger. Even so, the dragon's scent was continuing to overpower his senses, making an increasingly large part of his mind desperate to get more of the lovely cock inside him, one way or another.

Digging his claws into the desk, exhaling a short burst of smoke from his nostrils, Helven rhythmically pounded his hips, working bit after bit of his ridged cock into the squealing mouse's tight, inexperienced tailhole. The toy renewed his thrashing and struggles, both pleasured beyond all sense and tortured beyond reason as his tunnel was stretched wider and wider. The deeper Helven got, the harder and faster he thrust, and before long, he had successfully gotten his entire massive length repeatedly slamming inside the snug, spasming tunnel.

Moving his hips impossibly fast, to the point he appeared as a blur of shining red, he quickly worked himself to the point of orgasm. His nostrils were belching out unbroken streams of black smoke as he open his mouth in a silent roar. The moment he felt his climax hit, sending a geyser of steamy, hot demon cum flooding the depths of his writhing toy, he slapped a hand on his toy's gray-furred back. Several lines spread out from his palm, covering the living canvas with arcane symbols from his neck to his rear, forever marking him as his.

Mustering all the self-control he had, Helven briefly managed to pause his flow of demonic cum. He roughly yanked himself out of the mouse's gaping, steaming tailhole and flipped him over onto his back atop his bound limbs. Bending the mouse's head back, hanging off the edge of the desk, he flicked his wrist, reopening the muzzle-shackle. With another powerful thrust, he had his entire length stuffed down his gagging pet's gullet. Slapping his palm onto the exposed, gray-furred belly, he smirked, watching the force of his strike sending his toy's twitching erection bouncing in the air. As he resumed firing his stream of red-hot jizz, now directly down into the waiting stomach, a new map of symbols spread out, covering the mouse's front from his neck to the tip of his pre-leaking cock.

Willy began bucking his hips, waving his hard-on in the air, too desperate to cum to even notice his stomach growing increasingly full. At best, he was only able to send flecks of pre-cum about the room as he swallowed an impossible amount of cum, his belly visibly bloating, making him look like he was pregnant. He clenched his eyes shut, whining with pure need.

Feeling even his immense climax gradually ebb, Helven sighed, enjoying the afterglow setting in. Continuing to watch his pet's desperate, fruitless humping, he tapped a claw to one of the new lines marking his fur. The web of symbols lit up, and almost shrieking around the demonic cock still embedded in his throat, Willy shot like a firehose, coating a patch of ceiling with an impossible amount of jizz. Tapping a different line, the flow instantly ceased, and the mouse resumed desperately humping at the air. If anything, having that brief moment of release taken away so cruelly, he was humping even harder.

Helven grinned. His favorite part of taking in new toys was watching them learn he truly owned them, body and soul, to the smallest detail. Looking as smugly satisfied as he knew how, he turned toward William, only to see that the older mouse was... gone. Or rather, he was just returning after getting a glass of water from his personal cooler. Helven's grin quickly faded. The bastard had just watched his younger self get raped into a needy stupor, and he didn't remotely care.

"Oh, are you finished?" William asked, casually sitting down, taking a sip of water.

Helven blinked.

"If you're finished, you should get going. I'd like to get the cleaning crew in here before that mess has a chance to dry."

Helven blinked again.

"Of course, if you were interested in making another deal," William said, tenting his fingers, leaning forward wearing that same damned smug grin, "what would you give me for my next ten years?"

Helven blinked. And sighed. And shook his head. Grumbling, he could only reply, "God. I HATE lawyers."