Dragoness in the Dark

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a story commissioned by FA: Sidecord and involves my character, Drakina. Normally she's not quite this nice, but she was having a good time watching this stud and playing with him.

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Dragoness in the Dark For Sidecord By Draconicon

Rumiir knew the legends of the southern dragoness as well as anyone. The blue dragon had heard of them when he was first getting established in his own mountain, and unlike some of the more belligerent dragons of his generation, he'd listened to them. As a result, he had a mountain to himself, while they...

Well, he wasn't sure what happened to them. They hadn't been friends at the time, so he hadn't bothered looking when they disappeared. He imagined that they'd got what was coming to them, though, trying to stake a claim in another dragon's territory. Legend or not, it was accepted fact that whenever a dragon tried to claim territory that another dragon already held, they needed to be ready to defend it. If they lost, all consequences were generally accepted to be the newcomer's fair due.

At the same time...

The blue dragon glided in a holding pattern over one of the last empty mountains on the southern side of the great range. The southern dragoness - Drakina, he'd learned from another dragon that dealt with her - had claimed three mountains for herself, and had somehow managed to hold that claim. He'd heard about that a year ago, but had thought it was nothing more than rumor or legend.

To hear it was true...

He glided a little closer to the border between the southernmost mountains and the rest of the range, shaking his head. To hold one mountain took a fair bit of any dragon's power. To hold three had been impossible, to him.

How? And why?

Curiosity drove him to find out. His common sense told him that this could be one of the worst ideas that he'd had in his life, but Rumiir had never been that interested in common sense. After all, life was something of an adventure. He might as well live it to the fullest.

With a deep breath, the blue dragon pulled his wings in tight and dropped. The air currents pulled him along towards the earth, with only a few powerful guests keeping him from falling too fast. His wings channeled it into a tight descent towards the closest mountain, pulling him down faster and faster.

About four hundred feet from the boundary, he felt a tingle pass over him, and knew that he'd passed through a magical line. The southern dragoness would know someone had entered her lands, sparing him the need to declare himself.

Drawing that big of a magic circle...powerful, indeed.

He flared out his wings a hundred feet off of the ground, and tensed his muscles to keep them still as the air resistance crashed into him. It was like blowing through a wall, his wings slowing him down enough to keep from making a crater as he landed. It still rocked the side of the mountain, though, and gravel fell down from higher up the slopes.

When nothing else happened, he nodded. So far, so good.

"Just have to find one of her cave entrances, now..."

He plodded along, making sure to make a fair bit of noise to let anyone listening know he wasn't trying to sneak in. The last thing that the big blue needed was for them to think that he was some sort of sneak-thief, some weakling dragon that was trying to steal something for himself. He wasn't here for a fight. He was just here for information.

And, well, if other legends of the southern dragoness proved true...

Rumiir chuckled, shaking his head. Somehow, he doubted that those stories were true. There were lustful dragonesses out there, but none of them went so far as that.

Walking along the mountain slopes for about thirty minutes, Rumiir noted several possible cave entrances, but he dismissed them after short consideration. One was too small, one was too toothy, one was too obvious - and likely trapped - and one was far, far too much like a drop-off into the mountain's fiery heart. He ignored them, and instead went with one that was almost entirely hidden beneath a tree and a rock.

Nosing the rock up a little further, he cocked his head to the side as he looked down into the passageway beneath it. It was just big enough for a dragon his side to walk through, and even then he imagined that he'd have to wiggle at some of the turns. It must have been something of a side entrance.

Other dragons would have made their way down without another word. Rumiir wasn't that stupid. He leaned his head down and called out.

"Hello. I am Rumiir, a dragon that seeks entry into your caves."

There was a pause, which was typical. Decisions had to be made, after all. What came next was far from normal.

"CoME in, DraGOn oF tHe NOrthErN MounTAIns!"

It was like a full chorus had answered him, males and females calling out at once, and the blue almost backed away from the tunnel in shock. Almost. A feeling tingling at the back of his neck told him that it was a bad idea, that any sign of shock and weakness would be an invitation for something to happen, something less than good, less than ideal.

And he was here to find out what was true and what was not, wasn't he?

"Thank you for the invitation..."

He had to force the first step, but the rest came naturally enough as he slipped into the darkness. As soon as his tail cleared the cave opening, he heard the shifting sound of earth moving, and knew that the hole was closing behind him. The southern dragoness was quite the sorcerer, it seemed.

He was intrigued.

Making his way forward by sound and by feel, Rumiir gradually fumbled his way through the dark tunnel. The echoing sounds of many voices guided him onwards, and whenever they quieted, he knew he'd taken a wrong turn. It was a surprisingly efficient guide, and he realized that it quickly sorted out those that were paying attention from those that weren't.

Thankfully, the tunnel wasn't too long. The cramped passageway opened up into a much larger chamber about five fake turns later, and he paused at the site before him.

Most dragons decorated the first chamber of their lairs thoughtfully, knowing that it would be the first real impression that most visitors would have of them. He had decorated his own with a series of patterned gold and iron, ensuring that his own wealth and power were represented on the walls in equal measure. He'd seen others where trophies that had been gained through battle were lined along the walls, and even one where trees ripped from the mountains of others had been displayed.

This dragoness had taken it a step further.

The chamber had a large, arching ceiling, stretching over a hundred feet above the floor, and platforms had been carved out of the rock walls. A full dozen of them, circling in a double spiral up from the floor. On each one, a dragon sat on its haunches, the males displaying a full, throbbing cock, and the females panting and dripping onto their platforms. The females on the spiral almost seemed to have a narrow waterfall of their need dripping off of their platforms.

His eyes widened as he looked around, seeing each of the dragons staring down at him as he walked in. None of the males looked like they were about to leap on him, as some rivals might. If anything, they looked...needy, broken, almost like a female that had tried to be a little too uppity with a mate.

What is this?

Before he could say anything, a deep, throaty moan came from a side tunnel. It was a sound he recognized, of course. He'd had enough dragonesses under him moaning like that for him to know the sounds of a female in pleasure.

Yet, at the same time, it had a bit of a different hint to it. Almost like...Well, if a moan could be said to be smirking, that was what it would sound like.

He carefully walked over to the edge of the tunnel and started to sit down, then stopped himself. If he did, he would be in the same position as all the males that lined the walls, and instinct to him that they had been broken to her service a long time ago. Better not to present himself in the same way.

Instead, he kept on all fours, making sure to hold himself with his head high but not threatening, and his tail even but not tucked. Just enough to show that he wasn't some sort of bitch, while at the same time not being threatening. It should suffice, he thought as he called down the hallway.

"Hello? May I come down?"

"Mmmm, you may..."

That same throaty sound came to her words as much as it came to her moan. Little in the way of shame, he supposed. A good thing in a dragoness.

He made his way down the tunnel, noting the slight decline along the way. Further and further down the mountain, these tunnels went. A part of him wondered if she spread them all through the three mountains, giving her a way to connect all of the land she'd claimed.

It didn't matter, he supposed. If she had the power to watch over all three, what did it matter how she did it? He wasn't trying to take it, after all.

Rumiir stepped out of the tunnel into a smaller but still opulent room. The walls were shaved and polished through a magical touch, looking like a smooth dome leading up to a large, enchanted stone in the ceiling. It bathed the room in purple light that shimmered from dim to bright and back again, giving just enough light at the best of times to see everything, and then just enough to tease at the worst.

Five dragons were in the cavern as well. Three laid on their bellies in the center of the room, and one was similarly positioned before a great pile of piled silver. The last one, laying upon the pile like some four-legged goddess, was the one that he could only assume was the southern dragoness.

She certainly fits the stories, he thought blankly as he stared at her. The dragoness was a deep purple in color, and it was only enhanced by the thrumming light enchantment from above. Her snout was slender and straight, coming to a rounded point, and her eyes were a deep, glowing pink, as far as he could tell, as they were slitted at the moment. Her legs ended in surprisingly dainty paws and clawed toes, and her hips and hindquarters were very, very rounded.

He watched in silence as the prostrate female worked over the purple dragoness with a forked tongue, slithering it in and out of the legendary figure's vent. The ruler of the mountain didn't squirm the way that other females did. Instead, she let out contented moans, using a hindleg to pet the dragoness serving her.

The big blue took all of that in within a few seconds, and waited patiently for the dragoness to notice him. She did, after another half minute.

"Mmm, you are a good boy, waiting your turn."

"I'm being a good guest."

"Hmmm, I suppose you are. Mmph...oooh, cheeky. No biting, now. That's for someone better than you to do."

He realized that she was talking to the dragoness beneath her, and tried to ignore the fact that his sheath was swelling from the show in front of him. Rumiir shook his head a few times. The fact that the room smelled of horny dragoness - of multiple horny dragonesses - was not helping him in the slightest.

Drakina - it had to be her - slowly pulled herself up from the pile of silver. She seemed to roll her hips around as she moved, and he could only imagine how it would look from behind. That thick rump of purple scales swaying from side to side, almost bouncing around from the sheer mass of it -

"Oh, Rumiir. Don't go filling your head with too many fantasies just yet."

He blinked, then growled. Belatedly, he felt the pressure of magic in his head, and threw his own power against it. As it pulled away, he felt the power that had been there, and knew that the retreat was a courtesy more than anything else.

"Oh, don't be so annoyed with me, now. I'm just seeing who was paying me a visit."

"You already knew my name."

"Yes, my servants called it out to me after you arrived, but I wanted to see for sure. My latest opponents have been a little sneakier, lately. Not that it's helped them. Has it, little Ferara?"

"No, mistress," whispered the white dragoness that had been licking at Drakina's pussy.

"Indeed, not. Now, you're just an eager little girl for me, aren't you?"

"So, so eager, mistress. Please, let me taste you again!"

"Heh, perhaps later."

Rumiir wondered why he didn't feel more shock at the way that the dragoness was treating her defeated rivals, but he supposed that it made some sort of sense. Intruders on another dragon's land were to be treated the way that the winner decided they would be. Sometimes that was death, sometimes injury, sometimes it was a simple breeding session to give them a more lasting lesson. Drakina's style, of taking them in and using them for longer, was...unique, but it had some sort of precedent. Kind of.

As the purple dragoness patted the head of the defeated rival, he realized that her eyes were glowing. Not just with normal magic, but with an intense magic that seemed almost unnatural. They didn't stop, even when she walked around him, mincing slowly as she looked him over.

He didn't move. It wasn't fear, this time, but almost a sense of pride. Let her look. He had nothing to be ashamed of, and everything to be proud of.

She circled him three times, each time dragging her tail under his chin. Every time she did, he smelled her, could almost taste the scent that was dripping out of her vent, and his sheath swelled all the further as a result.

She chuckled.

"You know, I often get males coming around during the season, but this is the first time that I've had someone come without it being that time, without trying to claim my land. I'm intrigued. Why are you here?"

"I was curious about the legends around you."

"Legends, hmm? And how many are we up to, now?"

"I'm not sure. Probably about twenty or so?"

"And how many depict me as a witch of a dragon, ensnaring anything that comes to me as a slave?"


"Ha! One of the truest, and the scarcest."

She stopped as she stood next to him, her tail near his head and her head likewise near his tail. He felt her gripping at the tip with one set of claws, holding it as she played with it, tugging it about.

"Of course, even that isn't entirely true."

"I would hope not. Or I -"

"Would never leave. Even so, I am tempted. I'm not the only one with a legendary reputation, after all."

He chuckled to himself.

"So you've heard my name, hmm?"

"From gryphons and dragonesses, both. There's few that haven't talked about you in some way. Rumiir, the famed lover, whose cock addicts females to him faster than lightning touches the ground. Rumiir, who makes the ladies scream to the heavens louder than choirs to gods. Rumiir, who will not let up until his lover is as satisfied as possible, and then pushes her even further."

"They say that?"

"I'm paraphrasing, to some degree, but yes."

Flattering, indeed, though he had heard most of it. The gryphon that he'd taken in during the last storm had certainly changed her tune rather quickly after their night together, and he'd yet to have a dragoness not give him plenty of compliments after a night under him.

Before he could make an offer, however, Drakina grabbed his head with her tail.

"Indulge me."

She slammed his head right under her tail, his nose jammed expertly into her vent. The sudden burst of pheromones and lusty scents shocked him, almost leaving him too dizzy to stand, but more importantly, it made his cock shoot out of his sheath immediately. He felt it smack up against his belly, hardening and lengthening to full size in scant seconds.

Her tail continued to squeeze around his neck and hold him still, leaving him barely able to squirm against her as the dragoness started feeling him up, dragging her claws along his cock.

"Yes, yes, you are quite well endowed. It seems that part of the rumors were definitely true, heh."


"Oh, don't worry. I doubt you're weak-willed enough to be enslaved to my scent alone."

That's not the worry, he thought, his hips twitching with the need to breed. The scent of her was...intoxicating, making him feel the need to breed like he hadn't felt in months. He panted, his tongue slowly pushing past his lips and into her, and the taste was amazing.

Yet, rather than moan, she chuckled indulgently.

"Don't worry. You'll get a taste later...If you prove yourself."


"Yes, prove yourself. And yes, I can read your mind. It's not that hard. But I'll be nice. I'll only keep it to your 'talking' thoughts."

She chuckled as she finally let go of his head, letting him get a breath of air. As he coughed and sucked down some clean air, she walked back to her pile of silver, laying on it. Two of the other dragons - a male red and a female blue - walked onto the pile with her. The male had his tongue right against her other hole, licking at her ass, while the female worked at her neck, licking and kissing it.

Drakina gestured at the white from earlier, sending her towards him. Rumiir was still panting as the white dragoness walked over and then turned around, kneeling with her rump in the air in front of him. Her vent drooled copiously, as if she was in heat. With this legendary dragoness, he wouldn't be surprised if there was a spell on keeping them in heat. He forced his eyes away, looking back at the purple one.

"Mount her. Let me see just how good the legendary Rumiir is, and if I'm properly impressed, I'll let you have a turn with me."

"Mmmph...you are...quite the tease."

"I know. But I have so many weaker dragons here that I am getting a little tired of the usual. So, I won't apologize for my high standards."

"Mmm...if you want the best...you'll get the best."

His cock was already hard, begging him to just rut the bitch in front of him. A part of him thought that it might be better to start with some tongue-play, but with how hard it was to keep hold of his own mind at the moment, he wasn't going to risk possible heat pheromones sinking into his brain. Besides, he was just as good with his cock.

The big blue leaped forward, landing perfectly on the white dragoness's back. His cock slid forward with one thrust, and she gasped underneath him, her head arching back on its long neck. Rumiir turned her, forcing her to face slightly to the side, just so that Drakina could get the perfect view of their rutting.

As soon as they were in position, he let himself go. His hips pumped back and forth, hard and fast as he sank his meat into her. She moaned for him, panting and gasping, but he knew that wasn't enough. He leaned forward, biting at her neck.

"You like this cock in you, little bitch?"

"Oh stars, yes...Oh god..."

"You want it deep in you? You want me to rut you all the way?"

"Fuck me, fuck me! Yes! Yes, I need it!"

She's really done a wonder on their bodies, he thought as he picked up the pace. His legs helped, pushing him up to a better angle as he started fucking her deep, driving his cock into her vent all the way down to the knot. The wet sound of it slapping off of her, filling her to the brim, was music to his ears.

So was the sound of the tongues working over the dragoness to his side, for that matter. He did his best to ignore it, knowing it would only excite his cock that much more, but there was still some effect. The big blue panted, wrapping his forelegs around the female beneath him a little harder, giving her a good squeeze as he pulled her against him.

She was drenching him, soaking his cock and his balls, even his hind-legs with how wet she was. The white panted, her tongue hanging out as he kept biting at her neck, her eyes half-closed. And she begged. Oh, how she begged.

"Fuck me, fuck me deeper! Harder! Oh stars, he's so good. He's so biiiiig!"

That's it. Just keep begging. Let her hear it.

In and out, in and out he went, smacking his knot off of her. Rather than trying to force it in with his grinding, he used the sheer size of it to put pressure on her clitoris, working it over her little nub to get her to gasp more. Soon, she was wiggling her hips, her legs going weak as she fell down, and he had to hold her up as she quivered against him.

She kept whimpering, her begging turning into more and more senseless gibberish beneath him as her vent squeezed down on his knot, begging for it while staying too tight for him to get it in. Rumiir grinned down at her, starting to see just what Drakina had done, and - despite everything - admiring her a bit.

All the weaker, belligerent dragons that had come to her were essentially pulled out of the competition for everyone else, and had become something of a means of safeguarding her own land. They were utterly devoted to her, needing her out of an addiction to what she could give them. They would do anything she said, and wouldn't bother anyone that didn't come to bother her.

"Quite intelligent, Rumiir. A good brain and a good body go well together."


"Heh, it's hard to stop reading it, when you're so loud."

Magical dragonesses. Even more of a busybody than the regular ones. He ignored it, growling louder as he pushed the white dragoness onto the ground, holding her pinned as he rutted her to within an inch of his own orgasm. In and out, in and out. Her vent squeezed him, squishing around his knot, almost taking it three times -


She screamed as she came, her vent squishing down just as he was about to push his knot in. It pumped him right back out, and...he let it happen.

He didn't need his knot to push her over the edge, and he wanted to show off a little. Let Drakina see that he didn't need to go all the way to give a female what she needed. He was that good. Turning from the white dragoness as she quivered and dripped all over the floor, he strutted his way over to the pile of silver. Yes, he was dripping, but he thought that it added to the image he was projecting.

Smirking down at the dragoness, he twitched his cock as he stood by her pile of treasure.


"Mmm, nearly."

"Nearly? How about you let me help you be properly satisfied?"

"Oh, I will."

Drakina smirked, flicking her tail. The two dragons that had been serving her, and the last that was still on his belly awaiting the chance, suddenly darted towards the walls, their tails going up.

"After you deal with them."

"Three more?"

"Breed them...and then you get to breed me, big boy."

I'm not sure if I'm dreaming here. Four free romps, and then one bigger one? This has to be a dream...

If it was, it was a tiring one. Rumiir bred all three of them, and came twice in the process. It didn't slow him down in the slightest, and the two males and one female were utterly broken in by the time he was done, their holes stretched and two of them rather gooey from the whole process. He panted, his legs aching a bit, but he knew that this had earned him the top prize. He turned from the wall -


Only to end up with his head right under Drakina's tail. That wide, purple rump almost swallowed him up, surround him in that perfect shape, and his cock stirred to life again at her scent. He pulled his head back, panting for breath as she chuckled.

"I think that you've earned this, now. Whatever you got left, big boy, is going in me. And then, I'll return the favor."

"Sounds - wait. What do you mean, return the favor?"

"Oh, can't you see through the illusion?"

"Illu -"

Purple light shimmered between her hindquarters, and just past her vent, a pair of balls and a heavy cock dropped down. Everything else remained completely feminine, but she now had a set of male equipment that rivaled his own.

"Mmm, I give as well as taking, Rumiir. Don't think that you're getting out of here without your own tail getting plundered."

"How were you hiding that?"

"The same way that I was doing everything else. Magic."

She pushed her ass back, and he groaned as he felt the jiggle against his chest as she worked him back against the wall. It didn't take long for him to be right over her, feeling his cock grinding against her cock and the base of her shaft as she pinned him to the wall with her wide rump.

"Now, let's not start with any disappointments, big guy. I've been watching you. I know you have plenty left for me. And I'm sure that you want my vent enough that you won't complain about just a little pounding afterwards. Am I right?"


He grinned, his claws sinking into her hips as he pulled himself back. Just enough, just enough for his cock to slide up between those curvy hindquarters and up to her ass. He slammed forward, punching his slick cock into her hard enough to draw out a moan.

"You are going to get it...you are going to get it again and again, until you can't walk anymore."

"Heh, challenge accepted - mmm - my stud."

She pressed back to meet him, not hesitating in the slightest as he rammed himself into her ass. Every thrust, every slam took him all the way to the hilt, his knot only just starting to grow as he fucked her ass hard. Unlike the other dragonesses, she didn't quiver or moan, didn't slump forward. She kept him pinned against the wall, using him as much as he used her.

Her tail curled up around his chest and then against his neck, keeping him bent forward over her, and he had no objections to that. He leaned forward, biting at her neck, drawing a few moans from her.

She squeezed on him as he humped forward, her vent soaking his balls as he kept swinging his hips back and forth. He growled in her ear, and she growled back.

"Is that all you got, stud? Hammer me, hammer me good."

"Mmm, with pleasure."

He finally managed to get a little leverage with his own tail, pushing himself forward from the wall and managing to slam himself in deeper at the same time. It knocked her slightly off-balance, and he took full advantage, grinding himself into her ass, feeling her rump squishing against his crotch. Her vent drooled on him, utterly soaked, and her scent, that intoxicating scent, rose higher and higher through the room.

He lost his mind a bit to it, and he wasn't sure how long he went at it. He had flashes of cognizance as he humped away. At one point, he had her up against the wall, her forelegs pressed against it as she balanced on her back ones as he humped away. At another point, he had her against the floor, rutting her raised ass. At another, she'd forced him onto his back and was bouncing on him, her forelegs pinning his to the ground.

It ended with her on all fours and him over her, his knot popping in and out of her ass. She was taking it better than any female ever had, and he was panting for breath after using the other ones. At least she was panting under him, getting close to an orgasm of her own. That was something.

"Gonna squirt, big boy?"

"Gonna cum, big ass?"

"Heh...not before you..."


He growled, pulling her back, his tail working her cock over in a desperate attempt to make her cum first, but he could already tell that it was a lost cause. His balls were already pulling up, his cock already throbbing hard. He moaned as he slammed his knot in, hilting with her as he came.

He was halfway through his orgasm when she came, locking her ass down tight around his cock, holding it inside of her even as he tried to pull it out and spray her rump. It was too tight, and it felt too good.

Rumiir slipped forward, panting as he laid over her, and she chuckled beneath him.

"Looks like you came first."

"Give me...a break..."

"Just the one? I was hoping for a few more rounds."

"You'll get it."

"Good. Now."

He felt her magic surround him, slowly pulling him off and laying him on the ground. The sudden weight of her body over him wasn't a surprise, nor was the thick tip rubbing against his ass.

"You aren't the only one with staying power. Let's just work that cock back up, shall we?"


"Heh, don't worry. I won't break you. Yet."

Somehow, he believed her. He wasn't weak enough to become one of her servants, and she wasn't going to push it just at the moment. At the same time, he knew that if he ever came back here, he'd have to make sure that he was completely recovered and at his best. Otherwise...

Well, even with the ass-pounding, she was a hell of a dragoness. He groaned as her cock sank in, taking it without complaint.

The End