Dannys night at the club

Story by Primalspores on SoFurry

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I couldnt think up a better name heh, And yeah this another long one but its in my opinion better then the last long one i did. Hope you guys enjoy.

Sitting at my desk I tie my ears behind my head so they don't get in the way. I load up a match of call of duty. pulling up skype on my second monitor I call my good friend Jill, she is a crow. I turn my camera on and so does she, She's wearing a Purple blouse and her grandma's necklace. "Hey Jill, Ready to kick some ass?" She laughs on the side of the line. "Yeah D, wanna play some nuketown 24/7?" I nod and invite her to my party. "So you ready for tonight?" She asks and I get nervous. "Uh. I dunno you know I don't do well around other people, I don't think a club would be the place for me." in game I'm sitting in a yellow building with a sniper rifle picking off the enemy team. "You can just stay at the bar, I just don't want to go alone. Please don't bail on me!" Sighing I tell her I'm not going to bail. "Thank you! Now get your ass out of that building damn it they figured you out, they are coming around back, We gots ta move!" As she said that a grenade rolls into the room. "Fuck! Go go go!" I yell as I jump from the building, she jumps with me as the grenade explodes.

She lands next to me and one of our team mate walks up with us. I switch to my secondary and we advance back into the building. looking at the score we only need a few more kills to win, but One of our team mates were feeding them kills so they were close as well. slowly we advance up the stairs, as we make it to the top a spray of bullet fly through the wall killing Jill and my other teammate. "Fuck dude it's up to you. he is in the bedroom now and I think I saw another guy before the kill cam ended." I nod at the camera and look down the sights of my pistol and sneak into the room. Jill swears and I hear the enemy's gun go off. "He is at the window take him out we can't take another death!" Diving into the room I look to the corner and see a guy two bullets to the head and he's out looking back to the other guy I land he looks around but doesn't see me and I knife him. "Yes! Victory!" I yell out as the screen goes grey and the teams scores show up. A green text reads victory and it fades to black and back to the lobby. After a few more games I look at the clock and realize it is getting late "Hey Jill it's about that time. I'm gonna hop off and get dressed I'll be over to pick you up in ten. she nods and says "cya soon D" the call ends and I power down my computer and get up.

Yelling out to my little brother " Tanner! Come here." I hear some commotion and then he walks into my room. "Yeah Danny?" I grab my keys and toss my keys to him. "Go crank my car will ya, gots five bucks with your name on it if you do." With the promise of money he runs off and I start to get ready Taking off my school uniform I grab out a pink tank top and some arm warmers. once those are on I go and grab some leggings and a black and pink striped skirt putting those on I grab my long jacket and cover my outfit up and walk out my door passing Tanner I pull out my wallet from my jacket and hand him a five dollar bill. "Thanks man cya tomorrow." He nods and runs off. Once i'm in my car I throw my jacket into the back. before I pull off I adjust my junk and buckle up. I drive out of the driveway and head down the road and stopped outside Jill's house honking she runs out sliding on one of her heels. once she has it on she closes the door and runs to my car. She has on a purple dress red heels. once she is inside I pull off. "Hey D, You ready? I know you don't dress like this often, If you need me you find me ok." I nod and reassure her i'll be fine that I'm just going to stay at the bar and watch her have fun. she nods and for the rest of the ride we talked about what we had been doing earlier in the day. "So D, you gunna try an get some tail why I show mine off?" She asked smirking.

I blush and shake my head. "N-no Im just gonna stay at the bar" She giggles and we finally make it to the club and I pull in and park. Getting out of the car we head inside, The bouncer stops us and IDs us after we show him our IDs he steps aside and lets us in, as we walk past I thank him and he just nods. Once inside the music is loud and there is a sea of people out dancing. "Have fun Jill Just meet me at the bar when you're ready to go home, And please don't get super drunk." She laughs and nods. "Ok D see cha later!" and with that she is off into the crowd. Skirting around to the side of the building I go to the bar and sit down. The barkeep walks over and ask my order, I tell her just some juice. She nods and walks over to a mini fridge and pulls out a juice and slides it down the bar to me, I place a few bucks on the bar and as she walks past she grabs them and I open my drink. About the time i'm halfway done with my drink a very drunk raccoon walks over and takes a seat next to me.

"Hey there cutie." he slurs his words and I barely understand him. Nervously I respond "Uh hi." shrinking into my seat He leans over and whispers. "Shhh I'm drunk, Don't tell my wife hehehe." He pulls away laughing, after a few seconds of laughing he falls from his seat and I have to stifle back laughter as I reach down and help him up. He is a giggling mess at that point. "Thanks lady, You got a name?" He ask through his giggling. Happy drunks were always the funniest. "You are welcome, My name is Danny, yours?" I ask blushing, He thinks im a girl, guess the outfit is convincing "Chad hehe my names Chad." Chad stops laughing when he sees that his cup is empty. I see him frown and reach into his pocket and pull out his wallet. Opening it there's no more cash. "Aw man the party's over, no more booze money." Seeing this man sad Is almost unnatural. I call over the barkeep and tell her to get two of whatever he wants. She comes back with two cups, I take one and hand the other to him. "One drink can't hurt." I say to myself. Chad's eyes go big and he Surprises me with a hug. "Thank you Danny your the best!" With that he Leans back and Chugs the thing. "No problem, I got paid the other day I can spare some cash." He nods and stands. "Well I think my wife's gonna kill me when I get home but Uh see you around Danny." his voice is still slurred but I had got used to it.

He walked off and I turned back around and sipped on my drink. It wasn't my favorite drink but I paid for it so I was gonna drink it. I noticed another person sitting at the other end of the bar, they had on a hat and a large over jacket, It sorta reminded me of mine. shrugging it off I take another sip and look out to the mass of people dancing, Seeing Jill dancing with a few guys makes me smile. I turn back to my drink and pick it up and decide to take a few big gulps to try and speed up the drinking process, The drink tasted funny but I ignored it thinking the bigger gulps gave a more potent taste. I drank it to half and then set it back down. I started to feel weird, the room got blurry and fuzzy I had a hard time focusing on anything. Standing I try to look and find Jill I feel arms on me and then Im back in the seat. "Woah there baby girl, Don't want you damanged." I cant quite understand the person but my head is telling me that I needed to find Jill right then, I pushed the guy off and got up and made it about four steps onto the dance floor before I collapsed, Everything went black, I could hear but My eyes refused to open and slowly I drifted into sleep.

Once I woke up my arms were restrained behind me and I was tied to some sort of table. I was still groggy and very confused. When I felt hands on me I began to strugle. the man spoke and I looked around, well tried to. I saw he was german shepard. "Who are you!? What the fuck is going on? And untie me damn it!" I yell out confused and angry. A smack to my ass quotes me down. "My client has given me express orders not to hurt you, so quiet down before you piss me off." I nod and his hands return to my body, he slides me around a bit. My legs hang off the table, barely able to hit the floor i'm standing on tippy toes. "There perfect, Now for the before and after photo." A few seconds later I hear the telltale sound of a camera. "There we go. Now let's get rid of these... and this, ooh and this" As he says this he begins to strip my lower half down and I struggle against the binding, which only helps me get rope burn. "Please don't do this, Im a virgin!" I beg but instead I get a hard smack to my bare ass. "What did I say, And a pretty girl like you? A virgin? Ha yeah right, Now lets see the... goods, I've been bloody lied to!"

he yells out as he pulls down my panties. My cheeks are red as roses and my shaft begins to stiffen. "Whatever I can work with this, But i'm gonna need some help from you goat boy." He walks over to the other end of the table and then grabs my shoulders and he forces me further to that side of the table, My head and feet now hang off the edges. I look up at him with pleading eyes. "oh oh stay just like that, I love it when they make that face." To avoid making him mad I held the face and he took another picture. "Ok let's get started, Breath through your nose, trust me it helps." I close my eyes and present my mouth for him, He steps up and I can smell his musk, its so potent and manly. I get harder as he presses the tip to my lips and I taste the salty member. A hand is placed on my head and he trusts in all the way to the back of my throat, I gag and try to spit but breathing suddenly becomes my main objective and I pull air in with my nose. He doesn't go rough but he isn't going slow either. Suddenly He leans down over me Still shoving his Meat down my gullet. His other hand grabs my ass cheek and spreads it. seconds later I feel warm liquid hit my tail hole and trail down to my balls.

Now the hand is between my cheeks and a finger is against my hole. It presses in and I groan out in pain as my hole is stretched by his finger, he plunges it in deeper and wiggles it around. He pulls his. member from my mouth and walks around the table, his finger still in me. I hiss in pain, once hes out behind me He pulls me back so my toes touch the ground. plugging a second finger it I yell out in pain. "Gah ow ow please no... stop please" I beg as he spreads his fingers out stretching me out more. instead of stopping he presses them in and wiggles them around, It felt so strange, a warmth washed over me as he hit a spot and while my hole still burned with pain the rest of me felt pleasure. I let a small moan escaped my mouth and he chuckles. "See it isn't so bad, Once im done Ill let you go and this will be all over." With that he pulls his fingers out and wipes them on my side making me feel dirty. He positions himself at my stretched hole. I whined and begged for him to stop but I knew he wasn't going to. He pressed forwards and the pointed tip of his shaft entered my ass and I tensed up. He kept pressing until his shaft forced it way in stretching me wide. I yell out in pain for help for anyone. But I know the loud night club music drowned me out. that no one was coming to save me. He kept shoving it in inch after inch, It hurt so much, I felt like I was going to rip in half. I tried squeezing him out but only seemed to make it feel better for him. He grunts when he hilts me.

I can feel his bulbous knot at the base of his prick. "God you're tight. Guess you weren't lying about being a virgin then. Oh well, won't be this tight for long." and with that He pulled almost all the way out and then slammed back in. I screamed out in pain as he went faster. yelling out, begging for him to stop but he just keeps going. My ass feels raw and I think it might be bleeding. he very slowly begins to slow down and the pain starts to go with it. I look back and he is now just rocking himself back and forth into me and instead of pain pleasure takes over. A moan escapes my lips and it's much louder this time as i wasn't expecting it. He smiles darkly and begins to go faster but not as rough, and i start to moan with each thrust. "Oh my look at this slutty little goat boy, moaning while the big bad dog rapes him. You like being taken advantage of huh? That get you off cutie?" He taunts and then out of nowhere He spanks my ass. I moan out as it's oddly pleasing. He goes faster and harder, I can feel his knot start to stretch its way into me. He was going to knot me, "Oh god please dont, it wont fit!" I plead, but he ignores me and with one powerful thrust he slams into me. My vision begin to speckle with black spots and I almost pass out from the pain, but I can still feeling him thrusting into me, The bastard didn't put it all the way in. Before I can complain he slams it back into me this time it pops in and I yowel out in pain, I can feel his warm seed fill my backside. My stomach begins to bloat as he fills me completely. Tears an down my face as he continued to hump me slowly making my sore hole hurt more. To my dismay He started to pull on the knot. I blacked out momentarily as He tore the inflated member from my ass. A warm fluid dripped from the abused hole. most likely his seed mixed with blood. I heard the door to the room open and then a gasp. Someone yells and then something heavy hits the floor and then arms are on me. Im slowly fading But I hear a voice that i can recognize, I can't tell who but the voice made me feel safe and I drifted off.

In the point of view of chad.

I stood from the stool and told the lady thanks and I walked out side. Reaching into my pocket I try to fish out my phone but come back with my dad's knife. I shake my head and laugh at my drunkenness, putting it back I grab my phone and dial my wife. "H-hey baby Im *Burp* heheh Im- Im a little drunk... I need a ride home." On the other end I can hear her groan. "Chad You know you are not supposed to drink, It's bad for you... You know what don't come home tonight I don't even want to see you right now." with that she hung up. Frowning I put my phone back in my pocket. Walking around behind the building I pull out my E-cig and take a few puffs. Looking around I see the back door for the club is cracked, curiosity took my drunken mind and I slide the door open and look around, it's a long hallway with a few doors. Walking down I quietly open the first door and inside is a control room with a ton of monitors that show the entire night club. Looking in the chair I see the guy is a sleep. I look over the monitors, I see people dancing, behind the counter the bartender is fending off drunken men.

And in the back room... Is that Danny? Who's she with... wait those are tears. Over the loud music I can hear something and it goes with every movement on the screen. I scramble out of the room waking the guard and run to the next door, I pull it open and it's just supplies running to the next I try the knob but it doesn't budge. Dropping to my knees I pull out my knife and a hair pin and pick the lock once I hear the click of it unlocking I bust into the room. Danny is tied to a table and a man is Stood over her with he dick out looking very pleased. She looks like she might pass out I gasp when I see her back side. Its covered in cum and blood. With my knife still in hand I rush the guy plunging the blade into his side. I pull it to the side cutting him more. Once he hits the ground I run to Danny I shake her and tell her its going to be alright. Behind me I hear the guard run up. "What the fuck is going on!" he yells I turn to him with a pleading face i'm completely sober now. "She was raped, if you had been a wake and was doing your job you could have helped her. Call someone now oh and the guys over there I stabbed him..." The man takes in the information and runs and grabs his phone.

I use the knife to cut the rope. I can see her wrists are are red and sore from her struggle. I try to shake her awake but she just groans... she sounds a lot more like a guy now that i'm not drunk... strange. I ignore it and I think about my 4 weeks of basic training. I throw her over my shoulder and stand with her. Exiting the room I run to the guards room and he is on the phone with the people we need. He looks over and sees shes passed out. "Yeah get here fast!" he closes his phone and walks over and asks me some questions. "Yes I knew her we met tonight, she was nice and bought me more booze. No i don't know the other guy, I panicked. I saw what had happened and just ran at him." he nodded and we could here the sirens outside. So I ran out with her on my shoulder. I was met by the doctor people and they tried to take her from me but I refused and I took her to the chair table thing. Setting her down I look as the nightclub is emptied. A girl runs out looking around seeing me and the ambulance she runs over. "Where is he! Wheres Danny!" She yells out as she makes her way over. He? Is Danny a guy? Why is he wearing a skirt and girly clothes? Whatever i think he still needs help. I look at the back and see the guy I stabbed wheeled out he is handcuffed to the thing. Once the girl is here I start explaining. " She was raped by that guy I saw on the security cameras and jumped into action and now we're here... now who are you?"

I ask she is out of breath and in shock. Im pushed out of the way and she's now draped over Danny's chest. " I should have never pressured you into coming here!" The doctors walk over and ask the girl to move she does and they load Danny into the ambulance. Me and the girl jump in and they close the doors behind us. Once the door is closed and were seated The girl gets up and leans over them and grabs their panties and blushing she lifts his skirt and I get an eye full of his junk... "so he is a guy... huh he makes a cute girl" I say laughing dryly. She chuckles as she pulls them up to cover it up... all it really does is make it flop against his belly. I look away and wait for us to get to the hospital.

By the time were there I've found out that the girl's name is Jill and Danny is what's called a femboy. I told her how he bought me one last cup of booze when i was out of cash. She laughed and said that sounded like something he would do. Once we got there they got him up and into to a wheelchair we follow them to a room where he's is transferred into the bed. They walk out saying they would be back in a moment. I look over and He is stirring in his pain induced slumber.

His eyes flutter open and me and Jill shoot to his side. "What happened!? How did it happen? Did you know him?" attacking him with questions he groans as he reaches down to his rear. We stop when he lifts up and and under him the white bed it red... both me and Jill run from the room looking for a doctor.I find one first. "Hey you we need help our friend is bleeding." I say interrupting him speaking to a nurse. He looks at how frantic I am and looks displeased but still follows me to the room and Jill flows in behind. "Oh this case... his rectum is most likely tore, its going to to bleed but we can't do much until he is omitted by a parent." I look at him dumbfounded, "this poor kid has been raped and is in pain and you need daddy's signature?!" I yell at him he nods and just walks out the door like he doesn't care... and i'm furious.

Jill looks scared and I ask her whats wrong. Danny had passed out again and she spoke. "His father is super anti gay... if he knew he would disown him and probably wouldn't even help him get the help he needs." I nod and think... what could we do. "I mean we still have to call him... just ... I don't know what to do..." she pulls out her phone and bites her lips as she puts in the number and calls. "Yes hello?, this is Jill Danny's friend... no i'm not his girlfriend... no.. Will you shut up and let me talk... He's in the hospital and they can't do anything to help him till you get here and... hello? Hello?!" She taps her phone asleep and puts it back. "He hung up... I don't know if that means he's coming or if he doesn't care..." I nod and look at Danny, he is peaceful sleeping now. I sit down and pull out my phone and text my wife. "Hey Im at the hospital, friend of mine has been hurt so i'm gonna stay here with them, I love you and I'll try to stop drinking" hitting send I turn it off and put it back into my pocket.

A few minutes later A tall goat walks into the room looks at the bed and his face scrunches up and walks back out. Jill jumps up and I follow her out. "Where the hell are you going he needs help!" She yells. "You said my SON was hurt... I don't have a daughter.. And now I only have one son." Jill was about to speak again but I walked forwards. "Your son is in there injured after being brutally raped and you're going to sit here and care how he dresses... get the fuck over yourself and help your son..." He looks me over and shakes his head. "Fine but after this he isn't coming back to my house. I don't want to ever see him again." with that he walks over to a desk signs his name and walks out leaving us. A nurse calls a doctor and he walks into the room and we follow.

The doctor walks over to Danny who is awake now and looks him over, pressing down on his belly the bulge lessens but he groans out. "I need to do a lower body examination, leave if you want... I don't get paid enough for this." with that he starts to disrobe him. first he takes off his top. he glides his hands over his small frame feeling for anything broken. from Danny's expression he doesn't find any. pulling his skirt and panties down. Danny blushes and looks away. Out of respect I turn away but Jill is watching intently, her cheeks red. The doctor instructs danny to lift his legs so he can look at his rear. He complains but I can hear the bed shift with his weight. "Yeah there is definitely some ripping, it will take some time to heal but we really can't help with that, we can help empty you out of the excess cum. Being unable to help myself I look at him and it's just awful. His hole is ripped at the top and bottom it looks more like what a girl would have down there then an ass. There's a pink liquid oozing out of him. I grimace as the doctor places a hand on his belly and presses hard and huge wave of blood stained cum flows from his asshole. Once the bulge is completely gone he stops pressing and calls a nurse in to clean him up. She uses a vacuum like thing and it just sucks it up and off of him. She also grabs a warm blanket and wraps it over him and takes his dirty clothes with her to wash. Being covered and still Danny is more able to talk. "H-hey guys... I don't really know what to say... just thanks I guess." He rubs the back of his head and I walk over and hug him Jill does the same. "I'm just glad you're mostly ok D... but uh your dad found out so yeah you don't have a home anymore..." he looks down and nods and I hug him again tighter this time.

An idea strikes and I lift up. "Hey I have a guest room at my house, My wife will complain but she can get over herself." I say and he looks to Jill she shrugs and then he looks back at me and just nods. "Ok ill text her and we can leave when they come back with your clothes." He smiles and gives me thanks I shake my head and walk over to the chair and pull out my phone. "Hey babe, my friend has no where to stay so i'm going to let them crash in the guest room for a while, Love you." putting my phone back up we wait for the nurse. When she returns she has his clothes nice and folded, she also has a prescription pad. Jotting something down she hands it to him and says it's some mild pain meds for the ripping. He nods and takes the paper. "Oh and you're free to go just sign out." She walks out and he pulls his clothes under the blanket and slides them on. we all stand and walk out of the room. He walks over to the clipboard and signs out. "We also have trauma therapy on wednesdays." Said the nurse behind the desk. He nods and we walk away.