I Was a Teenage Pornstar - 15

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#15 of I Was a Teenaged Pornstar

Crisp is back, and filming commences on his latest scene! How shall he fare?

I was a Teenaged Pornstar - 15


Keh keh keh...after the eager response to the previous chapter, it is a pleasure to continue this story. This is a commission for FriskeCrisps whose fursona appears in the main role, incidentally, or at least one version thereof. I know it's been a few months, but hopefully next chapter will be up much sooner than this one. Heheh. But indeed, definitely one of my more popular commissions, I think, and for that, I am glad to see so many of you coming back!

Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to enjoy these stories as well!




It was a very regular looking room that could have belonged to any high school kid. There was a bed, a desk with a computer on it, a dresser, movie posters on the walls and a football one as well. The room was without occupants, but not for very long. The door into the room opened and a wolf's head popped in to gaze about. His ears were slightly flat with curiosity and possibly antsyness as well while his eyes checked out the room.

After a moment of this, the wolf actually entered the room. He was dressed in emerald green boxer shorts and knee-high white and green striped socks in a tone that matched the underwear as well. The tiny T-shirt licked his torso and barely covered his belly. It looked like an ill fit, when he tiptoed into the room and the fabric stretched over his body.

His tail flipped quietly behind him. The wolf stood in the center of the room and looked around it curiously.

"Hmmmm..." the wolf mused.

He gazed about the room some more, as if he was searching for something. Then he walked over to the bed. He checked the foot of it, and took a long, guilty look towards the door before he got onto his knees.

The wolf's tail swished on the floor like a brush, while he peeked under the bed. The tail made a jump, as if being surprised, before the wolf reached under the bed for something yet unseen.

His eyes lit up at the sight of the pair of sneakers that emerged. They were a handsome pair in white, with black highlight details and black laces that made them look quite pretty, at least in the wolf's opinion. The young wolf quickly got to his knees and then climbed to sit on the bed, with the shoes on his lap. His guilty expression had definitely not subsided while he studied the shoes, turning them around on his paws and checking out their feel. It was obvious that the bulge in his shorts grew and filled the front of the very tight piece of clothing.

"Ooohh..." the wolf exclaimed softly.

He put the shoes gently to the floor again and carefully slipped his footpaws into them. His tail began to wag against the bedspread at the sensation of curling his toes inside the sneakers. It was quite the thrill and obviously made him even more aroused. He even snuck a paw down to rub on his bulge, and moaned softly at the sensation of teasing himself through his shorts.

"Mmmmm..." moaned the wolf.


He almost jumped into the air. The wolf hadn't noticed that a big pit bull had entered the room through the door and was now looking at the seated wolf with a cross expression on his muzzle. He was an imposing sight, obviously much bigger than the wolf he had caught in the act, and his buff body was well visible considering he only wore a pair of tight black boxer shorts to cover his modesty. That was not a great deal, either.

"What's going on here?" the dog yelled.

The wolf whimpered. His ears went flat and his tail tucked between his legs when he quickly kicked the shoes off his feet and and he stood up from the bed. The pit bull stomped across the room and stood in front of the very guilty looking wolf.

"Dude, what were you doing here?" the dog demanded in a gruff voice.

"Uh...nothing..." the wolf said very quietly.

"Bullshit, I saw you were wearing my shoes!" the pit bull barked. "That's weird, dude!"

The wolf stared at his sock-covered toes and whimpered.

"Umm...sorry...uh...didn't mean to..." he stammered.

"Didn't mean to what, pup?" the dog growled down at the shorter, smaller wolf. "Looks like to me you were up to no good!"

"N-nooo..." the wolf mumbled.

"You've got a boner too!"

The pit bull grabbed the erection in question. It made the wolf's tail jump with surprise, being handled so suddenly. He let out a meep and another whimper while the rough dog fondled his bulge.

"That's really kinky," the pit bull said, "getting a bone from stealing my shoes..."

"I wasn't stealing them!"

"Well you were wearing them!" the pit bull pointed out the sneakers in question. "Looked like stealing to me."

"I didn't mean to!"

The pit bull huffed.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson, boy," the dog said roughly.

"P-please..." the wolf whimpered.

"You stay put!"

The wolf submitted to the dog's will and did not move even when the muscular pit bull went over to the dresser and opened the top drawer. The wolf's eyes widened obviously when he saw the pit bull take out a leather dog collar and a leash from inside the drawer. His shock was made even worse by the fact that the items were colored in pink!

"I'm going to show what happens to bad pups like you who don't behave," said the dog.

The pit bull pulled the leash taut between his paws and approaching with a threatening glare on his face.

"Now you're going to see what it means like to be a good boy..."

The wolf whimpered but could do nothing else but to submit to being collared by the much bigger, dirty pit bull. The pink collar was put onto him and secured into place before the leash clipped onto a D-ring by the buckle. Once the dog was finished, he gave it a tug. The wolf let out a meep.


"Down, boy."

The wolf had no choice but to settle onto all fours on the floor. He hung his head down still, and so did his tail, between his legs. He did not give the appearance of a cheerful pup by any means. The pit bull tugged on the leash.

"Look at me, kinky boy!"

The wolf glanced up, with his ears still flat. The big dog smirked.

"That's a proper place for a dirty boy like you..."


He kept the leash tight when he moved to pick up one of the sneakers that the wolf had kicked down to the floor. The pit bull pushed it promptly down against the wolf's muzzle.

"That what you want, pup?" he thrust the shoe to the wolf's nosepad. "Huh?"

The wolf didn't reply anything. He simply stayed still, on all fours and submitting to the rough treatment. The pit bull laughed.

"Such a dirty little wolf..." the pit bull growled. "Gotta see if you can be trusted to obey any commands."

The wolf gave him a shy look. The pit bull unclipped the leash and tossed it to the bed. Then he lifted the sneaker up, higher, to the wolf's eye level.

"You want this, boy?" he shook the sneaker, "you want this?"

The wolf looked mortified when he gave a quick little nod. The pit bull laughed.

"Dirty boy," he repeated his opinion, "okay...you want it...you better fetch it for me then."

He threw the shoe across the room. The sneaker landed on the floor near the closed door.

"Fetch!" the pit bull commanded.

The wolf saw no choice but to obey. He moved on all fours, knees and paws, towards the shoe that beckoned for him as much as the dog's order to get it. Once he reached it he realized that he was at a dilemma - how was he supposed to take it back to the pit bull? Was he allowed to pick it up into his paw, or did the dog expect him to use his teeth? The wolf looked over to the dog who waited, leash in paw.

"Didn't you hear my order?" the dog huffed. "Bring it here, boy! Come on, boy!"

The wolf nudged his paw towards the shoe but got an immediate reprimand and a loud bark.

"NO!" yelled the pit bull. "Pick it up properly!"

That must've meant his teeth, thought the wolf, who blushed furiously. He had no chance but to nip one edge of the shoe between his jaws and carry the shoe quickly back over to where the pit bull stood. He dropped the sneaker down by the pit bull's own bare footpaws and waited for the reaction.

"Hmm...that was better," the dog said, "but we'll have to see if you are really obedient..."

He picked up the sneaker and tossed it to another part of the room.

"Get it, boy!"

The wolf scurried away. The embarrassment of the pink collar and the puppy play stung on his cheeks still, but his boner had certainly not grown any smaller inside his naughty little boxer shorts. He moved awkwardly on all fours, especially with the knowledge that the lewdly grinning pit bull was staring at him and and his every move. He obeyed nonetheless and fetched the shoe from its new location, and carried it in his muzzle without further questioning like the good boy he was.

This time the pit bull even tousled his head furs upon his arrival. He picked up the sneaker from the floor and poked the wolf's nosepad with its sole.

"You're one naughty pup aren't you?" the pit bull laughed.

The wolf looked incredibly guilty. The pit bull only smirked and snapped the leash back onto his new dog's collar.

"That's a good looking boy now..." he chuckled.

The pit bull pulled the leash tighter and made a loop of it around his wrist.

"Now be a good boy and sniff my dick, doggie," he glared down on his pink-collared captive.

He gave a good tug on the leash for emphasis. The wolf-dog tried to look away, but the ever tighter leash did not give him alternatives.

"Come on, doggie..."

His muzzle came up and tentatively took a whiff around the bulge easily visible on the front of the pit bull's boxer shorts. The dog let out a growl when he felt the huff of breath coming from this gesture. He grinned broadly.

"That's right...smell a real man, dirty boy. Nuzzle it."

The command was once again followed. The shy wolf's muzzle brushed against the straining cloth and gave the bulge of doggie meat a proper welcome. His cheeks might've been on fire from embarrassment, but his own erection spoke another message, one of enjoying the treatment.

The pit bull clasped his paw down on the back of the wolf's neck and pulled him firmly against his groin. The wolf let out a meep but could not really fight the much bigger, stronger man and his naughty desires. If he was told to worship a muscular pit bull's bulge, that was what the wolf would do. That's what good doggies did, and he desperately wanted to be a good boy and get rid of the pink leather collar wrapped around his neck.

"Now you should suck it properly, shoe boy!"

The pit bull pulled his boxer shorts down under his package so that the elastic pushed both his balls and his sheath upwards and made the dog's tool appear even more impressive. He had a good-sized dick, and the threatening knot near the base only made it look bigger still. A deep musk of sex wafted away and made the wolf whimper again, facing up to such a cock and the male who owned it. He looked down smugly at the wolf kneeling on front of him. The pit bull was obviously very proud of his big prick and let it show. He made his big cock bounce and almost hit the wolf's nosepad with it.

"Suck my dick, wolfy!" the pit bull tugged on the leash again. "Dogs like bones don't they?"

The dog gripped the base of his shaft and bapped the wolf's nose with it. He grinned evilly at the sight of his big fleshy rocket bouncing off the wolf's muzzle.

"Come ooon...suck that cock, yeah, suck it..."

The wolf opened his muzzle and tried to take the tip of the pit bull's cock into his maw. It looked very big, even next to his relatively long muzzle, and the pit bull obviously had big expectations about how this was supposed to go.

"Good boy..." the pit bull growled.

The dog put his paw on top of the wolf's head once more and used this grip to guide his head into a back and forth motion. His lips slid over the wolf's tip and painted it very wet with the wolf's saliva. The newly slippery, musky skin meant that more of it could easily enter into the wolf's sucking mouth. It even looked like his cheeks were bulging from the effort of trying to give as much pleasure to the big dick in his maw as he possibly could.

"There's a good wuff..." grunted the pit bull.

He tugged on the leash some more, but it was mostly for the show. It was obvious to the nude dog that the wolf was fully under his control, and now concentrated on sucking the pit bull's big doggy dick. The pink-collared wolf's new bone was certainly a sizable one, and soon his motions over its length made obscene slurping noises.

"There you go!"

The pit bull tousled the wolf's head furs while he continued to pump into his muzzle.

"Suck my big cock...uh yeah...hmm...fuck yeah..."

The nasty drawlings of the horndog got the wolf blushing like mad, but he was too busy to pay much attention to his embarrassment. He had to work to not to gag when the big canine shaft pumped in and out of his wide open muzzle. It slid over his tongue and poked in deep so that he had to time his breaths through his nose whenever the dick wasn't in to the root. Every huff of breath brought a whiff of musk that made the wolf's own cock throb wildly in his tight little boxers.

Lewd noises filled the room with the rough face fuck that ensued. It looked like the pit bull was intending to really use the wolf's muzzle hard. Big furry balls swung and nearly slapped on the wolf's chin. His paws kept stroking and grabbing on the wolf's head, to keep it steady while he thrust into the wolf's mouth.

"Hmmm...yeah...fuck yeah...yeah...gonna cum...oooh yeah...fuck yeah...!"

The pit bull yanked himself out of the wolf's muzzle. The thick red shaft glistened with saliva and was connected to the gaping maw with a trickle of the stuff that was cut when the pit bull took over the action and began to stroke himself off quickly.

"Here it comes, boy...ooohyeah..."

He needed only a few further tugs on his thick shaft before cum began to spurt from his angry slit. Splashes of the hot, white seed streaked the wolf's muzzle and face. Even his eyelashes got a coating when he quickly closed his lids to stop the spunk from getting into his eyes. The wolf's muzzle remained open, which meant that he got several globs fired directly onto his tongue as well. The pit bull continued to huff and growl while he cummed all over the young wolf's face.

It was a supremely lewd sight, the wolf on all fours with a big bulge on his own underwear and his face dripping pit bull cum. The dog grinned at his work and even used the wolf's head furs to wipe the last dregs away from his oozing shaft.

"Good boy," the dog's tongue lolled out of his muzzle.



Crisp didn't dare to open his eyes yet. They felt sticky, like it was possible the pit bull's cum might glue them shut. He remained crouched on the floor and listened to the sound of people moving around the studio. He wasn't sure what to think about everything that had happened during the shoot. He'd known what was coming but it had still been pretty intense and Crisp wasn't sure he had been quite ready for such rough play.

"Heh heh..."

He could hear the pit bull laugh a bit. It didn't sound too mean, at least, which made Crisp feel more hopeful.

"Hey Crisp, here!"

He felt a brush of fur and something cool and odd-smelling rubbing over his muzzle.

"Just gonna clean you up a bit!"

Now he recognized the voice as the one belonging to his housemate Marco. The fox's touch was soothing, whatever he did, that cool thing brushing over his face and muzzle. It made him feel less messy.

"Thanks," Crisp said quietly. It felt odd to speak with his tongue covered in cum. He hadn't dared to swallow it down yet, or spit it out.

"You were really sexy in the scene, dude!" the pit bull commented.

The wet sensation spread over Crisp's cheeks and to the corners of his maw.

"There, almost as good as new!" Marco giggled.

Crisp finally opened his eyes. He saw a grinning Marco crouching in front of him, wet wipes in paw. Rufus, the naked pit bull, was busily scrubbing his own still hard dick with a similar wad of faintly smelling wipes. He was all business about it, even if he was still breathing rather quickly.

"Thanks, dude," Crisp told the fox. "Can I have one of those wipes?"

The fox pulled one for him from a little plastic package. Crisp took it and coughed and spat into it to get most of the spunk off his tongue. That made him feel a bit less messy, too.

"You rocked that scene, Crisp!" Marco grinned.

"He ain't wrong!" called out Stefan, the director. The tiger had come about to the set and appeared quite happy with himself as well. "This is looking very good on film."

"It looked really hot when seen live, too," Marco giggled.

"Well done you two," Stefan patted Rufus' shoulder. "Little starting difficulties aside, eh..."

Rufus grunted. The big dog didn't look happy about the mention of his problems at getting the show started, so to speak.

"Happens even to professionals!" Rufus complained.

"At least Crisp did great!" Marco noted loudly. Crisp felt embarrassed by the obvious pride in his housemate and friend's voice.

The tiger director grinned knowingly.

"You're a right little hot porn star in the making, Crispy boy," the tiger spoke to the wolf on the floor. "And Rufus did a real number on him."

"I saved up for two days!" the pit bull chimed in. "Like any good performer should!"

"I could tell..." Marco was practically purring at the pit bull. He got a really good viewing angle on the dog's equipment from where he crouched next to Crisp.

Rufus puffed out his chest a little. His cock drooped out of its sheath still. Crisp was starting to feel embarrassed over watching it just...be there. It was one thing to be sucking it during a porn scene, rather than to have it hang out nearly to his face casually like that.

"Anytime you want to have some real fun..." Marco said.

Stefan coughed.

"Get your dicks somewhere off the set!" the tiger told the fox off.

Marco pouted and drooped his ears.

"Aw shucks."

"Well I'm game, anyway," Rufus Hale said.

"Shouldn't you be setting up Christiano's next scene, Marco?" Stefan told the fox. "There's whole rack of assless chaps with your name on them waiting."

Marco's ears perked up.

"Oooooh...oh right...yes..." he giggled, "I might've just gotten a bit carried away, I guess..."

"Anytime," Rufus grinned.

"Marco..." the tiger rumbled.

"Going, going!" the fox said. He got up from the floor and wagged his tail happily. "Catch you later, Crisp?"

"Uh, sure," Crisp replied to his housemate.

Marco blew him a cheeky kiss before the fox wagged his way off the porn set and towards the door.

"You better get washed up, too, Crisp," the director told the wolf.

Crisp knew that. He felt like a total mess.

"I guess I can take this off too now?" he pointed at the pink collar and leash that were still attached to his neck.

"Damn," Stefan grumbled, "Marco should've taken that to the props room...I guess you'll have to do it yourself. Just take them off and drop them into the bin that's going to the wash-up. I'm sure you'll find it. "

Crisp nodded.

"Uh, okay," he said.

"Same goes for you too, Rufus," Stefan told the pit bull," those boxers are pretty much gone, unless you want to sell them off to a fan or something."

Rufus chuckled at that.

"Oh I know there's a few who would jump on that opportunity," the dog said.

"Undoubtedly," said the tiger. "You can keep that stuff too, Crisp, if you don't mind the...hmm...stains."

Crisp knew that the outfit he'd worn for the scene had received its fair share of the pit bull's spunk. That didn't even include the sticky stuff he had leaked into the boxers.

"Oh...okay then," he said.

Stefan winked and gave a big tiger purr.

"Keep up the good work, Crisp," the tiger boss grinned.



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