Wolfpack Core - Chapter 14 - Don't Hold Back

Story by Reiji on SoFurry

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#14 of Wolfpack Core

Chapter 14 - Don't Hold Back


Honestly, I've had this chapter lying around my computer for about two months now. Don't really know why I never uploaded it.

Just to note, probably from the next chapter on, I'll be changing the style on how I do my yiff scenes. A lot can happen in just two months... You'd be surprised what they might be.

However, enjoy this chapter. I'll get Chapter 15 done eventually.


Flying into the depths of space... I knew it came with the job description, but it's something I never really got used to. Considering I've only flown an arwing through civilized planets. Actually experiencing it for myself, it just felt weird...

It's actually how I've been feeling ever since my day ended. I struggled to fall asleep, and when I did finally fall asleep, I ended up having nightmares about it as well. What the hell did I do to deserve all this anyway? I can't exactly imagine anyone else who would even go through this... Well, maybe except Terry since our first target just so happens to be his Uncle.

To be honest, I was scared. I didn't know what to expect out of this. Would my last days on this planet be sooner than I had expected or could I live with the fact that my father would have to die at my hands one day? I couldn't even begin to imagine the thought of any of this actually happening, but the reality of it was that I eventually have to face it.

Whether I liked it or not.

I looked out the window of my room not knowing whether it was day or night. To my shock, my internal clock hadn't changed at all. I looked at my cell phone to find it was just about 10 AM, just around the time I would normally wake up on our side of the Lylat System.

I snuggled into Reno's arms acting as if were the last time that we'd ever be able to do this together. I was stuttering in my breathing.

Reno immediately noticed it and woke up. "Huh... Something wrong, Rei?"

"I.. It's nothing..." I stuttered out.

"Don't give me that shit. You kept waking me up everytime you woke up from your own nightmares last night."

"You want it straight, Reno?"

"If I wanted it straight, I wouldn't be in bed with you right now."

"Oh, shut up, Reno. Now I really don't feel like talking to you about it."

"Lighten up, Rei. I was only joking."

"Lighten up? Those are some bold words for someone who's life isn't gonna end in the near future."

"What?" Reno snarled at me. "Don't give me that bullshit. Your life isn't going to fucking end."

"Says who? At this rate, I'm going to fucking die! My fahter could read through all my attacks effortlessly!"

"And who the fuck said that you couldn't work on that while we go kill every other Yakuza leader?! Huh? Don't get mad at me because you can't seem to get your god damn priorities straight!"

"..." I couldn't even think straight anymore at this point. I got up out of bed and tossed some gym shorts on.

"Wait, Rei!" Reno yelled to me, but the door shut behind me.

Emotions were getting the best of me as I stormed off to the living room. Hoping that I could scream there, I soon realized that I would have to hold it in longer since both Terry and Wolf were there chatting.

"Fuck..." I thought to myself. I'm never gonna get a moment to myself, am I?

"Hey, Rei, you look down in the dumps! Why don't you come over here and join us?" Terry yelled to me.

"I'm not exactly in the mood for lawls, amongst several other things that I'm not in the mood for either."

"By the looks of it, it seems like you got into another argument with a certain dragon that's on the ship." Wolf said to me.

"Really, guys, I'm not in the fucking mood for this."

"Would you just lighten up already?" the two of them said at the same time.


I stormed off again hoping that I would be able to just be a lone and scream at the top of my lungs for a while. I made my way to the bridge since it was the only other place on the ship that I could actually look outside from.

I was just so frustrated right now. Am I the only one who thinks this thing is a big deal? Am I the only one worried about this right now? Does anyone here even GIVE two shits if I die? I didn't know what to think. I thought these people cared about me.

Just as I was about to yell bloody murder, Terry walked in to the room.

"Ugh, can't I just vent my anger in peace? What the fuck do you want anyway, Terry?" I snarled at him.

"Whoa, Rei. I'm just here to ask what the hell is up. I didn't mean to offend your or anything." He started to inch backwards towards the door.

I took a deep breath. "No... I'm sorry, Terry... It's just that... Just everything that happened last night is just hitting me now. Honestly, I'm scared to death." I started to just slug to the floor and just started to breakdown inside.

Terry just sat down beside me and just let me cry into his lap. "I've honestly been thinking about it too. Remember? Our next target is my uncle. If the mission is successful, then my mom and

Tak are my only family."

"So... Are you scared of dying also?" I asked him.

"Rei, we're in the military. Any day could be our last. Even the most skilled of warriors fall for all the wrong reasons... We can't change that fact. Everyday, I fear that I would fail my own personal mission. I wouldn't be able to see Tak again or I would never be able to see my mother... Worst of all, I wouldn't be able to be around you three."


"You three have made my life more exciting. Ever since I met Reno, actually, it became more exciting. It's just like, he helped me find what I was looking for in life... You know something to give it a little spice and take me out of the bland trance I was in or something. When you and Wolf were introduced, it just sent it over the top. I thank you for that, Rei."

"Even with the whole 'you kidnapped my brother' thing?"

"Regrettably, yeah... It was a rush... We, as mercenaries, try to take down evil as we see it... It was an odd feeling being on the other end of that... Knowing how much was at stake for both sides..."

"I'd probably feel the same way, Terry... I don't blame you at all... I guess that's just the way life rolls sometimes... You just gotta see where you stop rolling and finally just rest there."

We both sighed.

"You know I care about you, Reiji... I'm just as scared as losing you as Reno and Wolf are. The last thing we want to see is your father winning this struggle. Just understand that... Sometimes you just gotta laugh at life sometimes... You can't live life if you take it too seriously."

"You're right... Thanks. I needed this talk." I got up and just hugged him. "It means a lot to me."

"No problem, Rei. I'm here for you... We'll take down my uncle together... If he'll be less of a burden for my mother's well-being, then so be it. I'll do whatever I have to to make her happy."

"I've got your back too."

"Also, Rei. I heard some yelling earlier. I think you owe a certain someone an apology."

"You're right."

The two of us walked out off the bridge and back into the main living quarters. While Terry went off and did his own thing, I think it was the least I owed Reno that I should apologize to him. As I crossed the living room, someone snuck up behind me and began putting me into a choke hold.

"What the-?!" I exclaimed as I struggled to break free. The grip behind me grew tighter as I began to lose consciousness. My body was set down on the ground. I saw a feint image of Wolf towering above me.

"Lesson number one, rookie. If it looks too normal, then that means something's wrong."

I eventuall passed out. Fuck.

I woke up to find myself in the prison area of the ship. Who would've guessed that Wolf built a prison here on the ship? I was stripped naked and had my hands tied behind the chair I was sitting on. My legs were also tied to the front to legs of the chair as well.

Wolf's voice echoed through the prison. "Pop Quiz. When in a situation where the odds are completely against you, do you, A, comply with whatever the captor says, or, B, struggle to break free in an almost futile attempt?"

Without answering him, I struggled to break free from the chair. The bounds keeping me down weren't on too powerfully, so I could easily break free. As I tried running to freedom, despite knowledge of my location, I was easily stopped by Wolf again who managed to trip me and pin me down to the ground.

"Wrong again, pup. You only use B in a drastic situation. Most of the time, A is your best option."

"So what would happen if I went with A?" I asked as he continued to pin me down.

"You're Mr. Predictable, can't you figure it out?"

I chuckled a bit. "I think I can predict what you want."

In an instant, he grabbed my head and slammed my muzzle into the floor. "Wrong again."

I quickly blacked out. At this rate, we'd probably be at Aquas before I ever get to see Reno again and apologize.

I awoke to find myself in familiar surrounding. My own room. What a relief there. Wolf was sitting beside me waiting for me to show a sign of life. However, I was still naked. I couldn't help but wonder what the hell Wolf did with my clothes.

"About time you got up. You've been out for three hours." Wolf said.

"Well, you slammed my face a concrete floor, which leaves me with two questions. One, how the hell can a ship like this handle a bottom of solid concrete? Two, what the hell was all that for?!" I said in a pissed off tone.

"One, pup, it's metal. You're an idiot if you think it's concrete. Two, you really do suffer from a predictability problem. You keep taking the situation as it is instead of thinking outside of the damn box."

"Well, it's you, what exactly do I have to worry about?"

"That's the problem! What happens if all of this is a facade and the moment the final battle comes I go and betray you?"

"Because, Wolf, I know you better than that. You're not like all the other villians here in the Lylat System. You only do what you do because that's where the money is at."

"How can you be so sure?"

"One, I can see it in your eyes. You're better than everything that's presented in front of you. You don't deserve half the shit that you get. Two, if you really were my enemy, why haven't you killed me yet?"

"..." Wolf grumbled knowing that I was right. I sat up in my bed and shuffled over towards him.

"So are you out to kill me?" I asked him.

"Would a killer do this to you?" He asked as he kissed me tenderly on the lips.

"I dunno, would he?" I asked as I pulled him in closer towards me. He was on all fours as he tried to keep himself up.

"Maybe..." Wolf laid another kiss onto me as he plopped himself onto me. We were chest to chest embracing each other as this would be the beginning of making sweet love to each other.

"Well then, Wolf, show me how a no-mercy mercenary kills his opponent." I said to him.

"I'll like to kill all my opponents slowly, so they feel every bit of pain that comes to them." He tossed the sheets that covered my naked body off the bed. "First, I make them suffer."

He made his way down to my crotch and softly began to lick my balls. My right foot start to twitch as a I felt his tongue go across my balls. My sheathe began to reveal the dick that would soon play a part in this "masacre". When my dick was shown in its full eight inches. The "killing" could now begin.

"So what next?" I asked him.

"Second, I make sure that whoever I kill, that's the last face they'll ever see. I want to make sure when their soul dies, I plague them in the afterlife." Wolf began to strip down the muscle tee and the gym shorts he was wearing.

Like he had said, I saw him in his full naked glory. His well crafted body and the scar on his arm made me think he was an angel from heaven waiting to bring me to the afterlife. Seriously, at this point of ecstacy, if I were to die right now, I'd rather have Wolf be the one to kill me.

He rubbed his muzzle up against my neck and made his way back to my lips where the sweet ecstacy of love flowed through my body. He knew exactly which spots on my body turned me on. As we made out, our cocks started to drip of pre-cum and began to slowly drip out onto my chest.

"Oh god, Wolf..." I muffled through the kiss. "What... Do you do... Next...?"

His lips parted from mine. "Lastly, I show no mercy to my opponent. Make sure that whoever I kill feels everything that's coming to em'."


I leaned over and whispered into his ear. "Fucking murder me then..."

Without missing a beat, like with the rough way he usually does, he took my legs and pushed them up and spread them out, revealing my tailhole for him to bash into. I could see the feral look in his eyes as saliva dripped from his mouth to my hole. He gave me a maniacal scoff as he blindly drilled his cock into my tailhole.

"Augh!" I screamed. While it was painful, most of it was filled with a sense of erotic pleasure that coarsed through my body. Wolf kept drilling into me at a vigirous pace, excuse me for my lack of words, fucking me.

He growled himself into a more feral mode as our moment of rough fucking continued to happen. Even if I tried to snap Wolf out of it, I probably wouldn't be able to do a damn thing about it. Not like I wanted to, but one could only wonder how long Wolf could keep going. He was fucking me at a vigorous enough pace that it was shaking the whole room and he was going at this pace for about ten minutes now. My ass was obviously numb by this point, but any blood that spat out of this or anything I felt go in and out of my tailhole for that matter was just ecstacy. He just slipped me into a trance and I didn't want to wake up.

As I was about to trance out, Wolf picked up his pace again and started to pump faster. His growling started to get louder as well. I knew exactly what was coming. As his crotch pounded into my ass, I braced myself for the next wave of what was to come. Suddenly, he howled loud enough to make it heard throughout the ship. As he did that, a huge wave of cum shot into my ass. As the strong flow hit my prostate, it gave enough sensation to send me over the edge and com as well. We were a hot mess as the mix of blood and semen cracked through my tailhole and flowed on to my bed. Not like I cared since it felt like something I needed for a while now.

But before I knew it, his knot grew tighter and we were soon bound together for some time. Struggling to move into a more comfortable position, he turned me to my side and we were now in a nice spooning position as we both lay there breathing heavily.

"Wolf... How the...?" I questioned him as struggled to catch my breath.

"That's how you kill someone, pup..." He replied as he cuddled me closer. In an odd and mysteriously sexual kind of way, I understood what he meant.

"So was this part of your lesson too?" I asked him.

"Maybe..." I could sense the fatigue in his voice. Obviously my craving for lust tired him out.

"Thanks for making me understand then."


"Maybe sometimes I can't be so spot on with everything I do in battle. I'm obviously not going to be able to hit every shot in battle. Even the best of snipers miss. Maybe I should just learn to let go and maybe just let my instincts take over. Be a little more feral like you in battle."

"Now..." he yawned. "... while the whole fucking you to sexual ecstacy wasn't intentionally part of the lesson, you're right on the part that you have to let go sometimes. The problem is that you're too serious in battle. While it's good to be focused, it's not good to get pissed off at everything that goes wrong. Sometimes you gotta let your instinct and luck take over and just hope that everything works in your favor."

"... Thanks though." I began drifting off to sleep as Wolf's knot stayed deep inside me. Maybe it served as a bittersweet reminder that maybe I've forgotten what I am. I was born a wolf and being raised in such a civil and formal society, I've forgotten what it is to be "wild".

Hopefully, in our next battle, I could try finding out what it really means to be one... But before that battle can come, perhaps I should settle things with Reno first... I drifted off to sleep as I thought about what would come upon myself later that night.

I awoke to surpringly find Wolf still behind me. The knot had since then released itself and retracted back into his sheathe as well as mine into my own. I shuffled to find the cell phone I had laid on the end table on my bed.

1:45 AM

Shit. How long was I out for...?

No, really, how long did the day's events plan out. The only time I ever remember looking at the clock was once I had left the bridge talking to Terry. And that was around 1 PM... After that, my sense of time was just a blur. I tossed on some shorts and made my way over to Reno's room. I could see some light cracking through the door. I couldn't be too sure about what he was doing.

I found him sitting at his desk with a laptop I've never seen before. He was also dressed in just about as much as I was in. He looked up to see who had just entered his room.

"You reek of cum and blood and I heard screams that echoed throughout the ship. If you want me to guess what you were doing, I'd probably win. What the fuck do you want, Rei? I'm busy right now."

"What? Is it so wrong that I came here to apologize?" I asked.

"Humor me, Rei. You flipped out on me for no reason."

"Well, that's what I'm here to apologize for. You didn't deserve any of that. Go figure it would take a whole crew of people knock some sense into me. I realized that Terry is just as scared as I am, but I also have to remember this is our fucking job. It came with the Terms and Conditions of us joining the Military. I guess I was just being selfish."

"..." Reno grumbled to me as he closed his laptop. He walked up to me giving me a nice bear hug. "Well, at least you see my point now." He gave me a kiss on the lips.

I couldn't say anything except lie on his chest as we held each other close.

"You know we're all scared to lose you, Rei... But that's what we're all here for. We're working on a mission together so we could bring just a little more piece to our edge of the Lylat System. The battle is tough, but this is what our life is. I wouldn't do it with any other group of people except you guys."

This was just another one of those times where I couldn't speak. It was at that point I had to prove my thanks. I pulled Reno down and tenderly kissed him on the lips. If there's one thing I love about Reno's kisses, is that with that reptillian tongue of his, it makes him an amazing French kisser. The way our tongues just dance in harmony with each other make the experience even better.

"Feeling better, Rei?" Reno asked. Without saying a word, I dug my hands down his shorts and started cupping his balls in my left hand. Reno laughed as he didn't see it coming. "I take that as a yes."

Even after my ass getting numbed out, I couldn't help but have this session of make up sex with Reno. It was the least I owed him after everything that's gone on in the last few days.

I then took the aggressive position and pushed him back. We fell onto his bed and I contined to make love to him. It was weird but this was the most that I've ever felt in love with him. Even through that petty arguemnt we had earlier, it's like we couldn't be closer. I dunno, maybe I'm just lovedrunk right now or just addicted to sex, but I couldn't help but feel my emotions running on high to him.

After some intense kissing from him. I stripped my shorts of and climbed up on the bed on all fours. I was ready to be the submissive one again.

"Rei... Are you sure? I don't wanna hurt you, especially after that session you just had with Wolf." He said to me in a worried tone.

"You worry too much, babe, just take off those shorts and fuck me already." I replied as I lifted my own tail revaling the hole I wanted him to fuck vigirously,

"Whatever you say..." He threw his shorts off and began to timidly stick his cock in my ass. I knew that he wasn't going to be as rough as Wolf was, and I suppose that's what I love about having sex with him. The timidness shows that kind of a gentle side about him. Being a 6'4" bulk and muscular black dragon, you wouldn't expect him to be a gentle giant.

As he slid in and out of me, the numb feeling returned sending me into ecstacy again. I was panting loudly as I love that feeling of having a slippery cock up my ass. It just makes a bisexual wolf feel good, you know?

Several minutes later, Reno begins to pick the pace up and I know immediately know what's gonna happen.

"Rei... I'm about..." He said as he tried to talk and fuck.

"Give me everything you've got." I said back to him. Not even a moment later, he shot several rounds of cum into my ass. The warm feeling hit my prostate sending me over the edge again as well.

My legs soon gave out and Reno plopped on top of me. His weight started to suffocate me a bit, although I don't think he realized it at the time.

"How the hell, does this keep on happening, Rei?" he asked, "We keep getting into thse arguments and then we end up having make-up sex like everything before that meant nothing."

My air supply was starting to run low. I struggled to break free from him under his weight... I was starting to black out...

"I guess that's why I love you, Rei. There's just something about you that makes me attracted to you. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but I'll figure it out one day."

Black out... Imminent... The white light... Looking... Pretty. Can't go out... Like this...

"What do you think, Rei?" he asked. "Rei...?" I attempted to raise my hand to show I was still alive, but then Reno realized that I was being suffocated under his weight. "Shit!"

He quickly got off of me and I took in a breath of air like I was the first time I had ever taken in a whiff of oxygen. I couldn't help but gasp heavily for air.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry, Rei. I guess I got too comfortable with your fur under me."

"Fuck... You... Re...No..." I said gasping in and out for air. "Shower... Now... Sexy... Beast..."

In a flash, Reno picked me up as we headed to the gym area of the ship. As the cool showers ran, I couldn't help but think how Reno's scales glistened under the light as the water splashed on to his naked body. I couldn't help but just be in awe of his presence.

Turning my shower off, I couldn't help but just go over to him and just embrace him. All I could mutter out was, "I love you," as the water from his shower soaked us both. I really wanted this moment to freeze in time forever.