Does it matter?

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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Ok, this story it...well for me certainly a first. I am tackling something I have never tackled before and I am trying to do so in a respectful way. So I have to say I really hope I have achieved that, my patrons have given me a lot of positive feedback. Mostly what this is, is a sweet highschool love story of a football player and a cheerleader, with a bit of a twist.

Does it matter? It is a real simple question, ain't it? Shouldn't be too hard to figure out, only two possible answers. Either yes it really does cause x or no Sir, no it don't. Simple right? Real easy. However, nothing is easy when your heart is saying one thing an your head is saying another. When you are a stupid porky teen... well you know what I am gonna do. Though I think I might be getting ahead of myself. Let me start this story right, you know, from the beginning like.

First billions of years ago there was this big bang and that made the universe. Or, if you like, some super powerful dude, wearing some gay-ass togo and pussy wings, waved his hands and like there the world was. Hell, maybe this is some story being made up by some fat old dude... oh very meta huh (not sure what that means but you hipster types seem to piss your pants about it). There covered all the bases, an I don't even like baseball. Either way eventually people found their way onto the world, they tend to find their way everywhere, especially places you don't want em to. Just ask my mother about what she found under my bed, even though it is my room and she shouldn't ought to have been under there.

Soon as it had people the planet got love, and we have all lived to regret it since. Love is tricky, like some evil ninja it hides in the shadows and you go about your life all happy like. Then one day, when your guard is real low. Wham! Bam! Punch to the nuts! You have been ninja'd by love and you have been ninja'd bad.

The love ninja that took me out was an equine fella, seven foot of snorting muscle. An offensive tackle from the Devils. No seriously that was the team's name, the Redon City Devils. Course Redon ain't no city it is a hick town with delusions of grandeur. I played for the Pike Town Stallions. Just five minutes away by truck, if you push the speed limits a little.

It is a redneck town, I suppose you would call it anyway. Small town USA and proud of it! Now me? I am redneck too, yeap I hunted critters on my Pa's farm for a few bucks. I even drove a truck, a dirty heap of rust on wheels. If that is too stereotypical for you, well y'all ain't gonna like the rest. See I can y'all with the best of them. I wear checked flannel shirts and jeans most days. They are real comfortable ya know? However, ah will try to keep my accent in check, to avoid offending poor city folk peepers.

What is worse than being some redneck hick farm boy from bumpkin town? How about the fact that I am a pig? A damn boar! Oh er sorry about me cussing, you won't tell my Pa, will ya? Ok, good. Now yes sir I am a pig. I play football, I work on a farm every day. I do chores that most of your big body-builder types would cry about. Even so, as a boar I have a genetic predisposition (there is a five star jaw-cracking kind of word and no mistake) to take up more than one of those tiny city-bus seats that are designed for some fictional average fella.

I mean I ain't like some really fat pig, but I got a belly; a plump round gut. Nothing much I can do about it. Trust me I tried everything, well except going vegan but a guy has to have some lines he won't cross, right? Anyway I got muscles too, you should see how my shoulders glisten when I am liften hay bales.

Some would say I ain't bad looking (not just my ma and grandma either). Bit of a tuft of fuzz on my head, well combed. I am stout, but hey five foot nine ain't a height to be ashamed of. My arms and shoulders I'm kinda proud of, I won't lie I tend to walk around in a tank top just to show them off. Sad to say there ain't nobody I can really impress anyhow, save when I drive to town.

Being on the football team you'd think I'd be dripping in pussy, but all that stuff about jocks is a lot more talk than reality. The guys on the team are always talking about how they got laid with such and such. I grew up on a farm I know bullshit when I smell it. Some of them I think have, but none of it was like they said it was.

As for me, well I ain't had much practice with girls. I mean on the farm there's just me, Pa and my mom. She definitely doesn't count. At school, I just feel kinda funny around girls. My stomach goes all hinky and I find myself starting to sweat something fierce. Talking to a pretty girl I find it really difficult, I mean every word that I think to say I worry is the wrong one. So I pretty much just stand there mutely staring, sweating and hoping like hell they don't think I'm too strange. That ain't exactly a way to attract girls, leastways it never worked for me.

Now when this big horse tackled me I went down hard. I felt my head smack into the ground, even wearing my helmet my ears rung and my head spun. For a moment I was held under his weight and then he was gone. That left me with my eyes all dizzy and the world around me seemed to slow. That's when I saw her.

She was dancing on the sidelines dressed in the Devil's cheerleader outfit (the team's dad's look at it and all know they are going to Hell for what they are thinking). Red and gold, skin tight with a really short red skirt. A cheetah, her golden wheat speckled with beautiful spots. Her eyes seemed to be sparkling in the sun and I could swear she was smiling right at me. Truth was she probably was a staring at me, my lame ass blocking had just cost my team some serious yardage.

Inside I felt something twist and I was sweating like...well alright like a pig, stupid silly cliche, why is it horses get the good one? I seen plenty of horses in the shower, not all of them are sporting equipment all that impressive. I knew it right then I really wanted her. Now I'd felt a few things for more than one girl in school, I'll admit I have nutted dreaming about a few of them. This was different, I really just wanted to find out who she was.

Her dancing was flawless, in perfect time and so amazingly graceful. Her movements flowing nicely from one into the next, she was just so pretty. I'm not doing a good job of describing her am I? Think of like the hottest woman you ever saw in film making an entrance. Her hair flicking around, catching in the sun, her lips all pert and glistening like she just drank something. Golden eyes that seem to look at you and she was smiling with her eyes.

Now her chest was a little flat, but that didn't bother me none. I never seen what the guys really like about big boobs, I mean I can only fit so much in my hand. Not sure I'd want more. Plus she was thin, graceful and her hips were kinda plump. I couldn't see her ass then but I certainly could imagine that perfection.

"Get your fat ass up, pig boy!" Snarled Royce (stupid name, his parents have money and think that makes them and their son super special). He was the tiger and captain of the team, he could be friendly but he was not a good guy when we were losing. It was never his fault we lost, he was too good you see, it was always one of the rest of the team's fault. He would pick his target and make them pay with pranks and teasing for a few days. Ain't nothing that evil in it, he just needs to blow off steam. Sadly when he called me pig boy I knew just who was going to be getting the cold shoulder and prank special.

I pretty much sealed my fate the rest of the game by being unable to stop looking at that cheerleader. Coach Rollins pulled me aside after the match, he's a polar bear by the way. However, his growl is far worse than his bite, he wants to get the best out of us and I could see in his eyes how disappointed he was in me.

"Alright Roger, what is going on? You were slow off the mark that whole last quarter and you missed several easy tackles." He asked, he was using his 'I'm just a nice old guy trying to help' voice, so I knew I wasn't in a whole mess of trouble. This was a friendly asking, that was all.

"Sorry Coach, I dunno I took a hard fall early on and I just been finding it difficult to focus ever since," well it wasn't exactly a lie. I don't tell lies, if I can help it. However I had been hit hard and couldn't focus afterwards, weren't my fault the two weren't related.

The old bear looked at me with a little concern, suddenly his face was up close his eyes examining mine. "Your pupils seem fine to me. However, just to be safe I better get you over to the hospital, after you clean up." Coach patted me on the back and I felt a twist of guilt inside. I knew he was at least concerned, and more than that I knew it was a cause of the partial truth I told him. My Mom was always clear about lying, she would be disappointed if I did something wrong, but she would be far more hurt if'n I lied about it afterwards.

Of course I couldn't exactly get out of it then, so he was going to phone my parents and take me to the tiny hospital that served the county. Probably cost Dad a few bucks too, but I was stuck in it and the only way out was through. So long as I kept my tongue still nobody would be any the wiser.

So I did what I was told, and I headed inside. Most of the guys were just coming out of the shower when I arrived. None of them said anything to me, well not to my face. There was a few 'fat pig' and 'lazy porker' comments that I heard. I didn't say nothing about them, I mean if I did it would just get worse. You can't fight the whole team and you'd be stupid to try.

The shower was empty by the time I had undressed and grabbed my towel. I hung my towel up on one of the hooks outside the shower and went inside. Maybe it's the pig part of me, but I prefer baths to showers. Actually I spend so long in the bath my mother often bangs on the door and shouts 'Jesus is watching'. Of course I know he would be getting bored, I mean who wants to watch a fat teenage boar sitting in a bathtub full of soapy water?

Even in showers I tend to linger, I just like the feel of water on my skin. I suppose that is something a lot of people don't get. Most guys have lots of fur covering their skin. I just have some thick curly hair on my belly and back. Though I will admit in the winter, when the world is full of snow and my pants are holding snowballs, I am a bit jealous of my more furry friends.

There is only so long you can linger in the shower, plus I knew Coach would be waiting for to take me to hospital. So I turned off the nice hot stream and made to leave. Only my towel wasn't on the peg, not on the floor neither. What was on the peg was a jock-strap, my very used and moist with sweat jockstrap. Now I may be no genius, Stephen Hawking has nothing to be afeared of me trying to take him on in a battle of wits. However, I am a straight B student and I'm nobody's fool. So I knew what had happened.

When I walked into the locker room, dripping a whole lake onto the floor as I walked, I found it as empty as it could be. None of the guys was there, not that I expected them to be. My bag with my clothes in was also conspicuous (another five dollar word for you rich city folk) by its absence. All there was in there was empty lockers (I checked em all just in case) and a bacon sandwich. I will admit I cussed a bit, "ah son of a bitch!" The sandwich had been the last straw, ah mean they knew it was like waving a red rag to a bull (I tried that once, Rodney punched me for it, he was right, an I did apologize properly).

With little choice before me I did the only thing I could, I pulled on the jock and stuck my head out into the corridor. Now I (By the ways ah pronounce my Is as ahs, but ah figured as ah was writing if ah kept using ah for I, it would have gotten a bit weary an annoying for you guys reading) fortunately I was as alone as a church mouse on a Monday afternoon. My bag I could see just down the corridor, hanging from the door handle. All I had to do was run down the corridor, past the coach's office and the female locker room (though on days when we host other teams we let our guests change in there, then we snigger cause they is girls).

My heart was thumping faster than the hooves of a stallion at full gallop, but I knew I had to make a run for it. So I did, my own hooves tapping rapidly on the floor as I skittered across the tiles. With a huge sigh of relief I retrieved my stolen property. Then I heard a sound I feared more than my Pa's belt when I was a cub. The sound of a door opening, followed by a gasp. Not just any gasp, this was a soft gentle feminine gasp. Ah knew it wasn't the coach a standing behind me, looking at my hairy naked back, curly tail and my pink rump.

Somehow I knew who it would be, I mean there was two women in the world I would least want to find me like this, my mother was one but she was home cooking a proper Sunday dinner for her boys. That left just one possibility, I prayed I was wrong and turned around (keeping my bag in front of me for decency sake) only to find out I was right.

Standing with her jaw hanging open in shock was the very object of my desire. The cheerleader. I felt my entire body turning pink with embarrassment, "I am so sorry miss. I didn't...the guys was having some fun. They just... ah just... Sorry. I hope I haven't offended you miss."

There was something that changed in her expression, her shock turned to a smile and then a chuckle. Her voice was musical, not like hardcore death metal band, more like a songbird just welcoming in the morning sun. I must admit, even in my embarrassing predicament, I found myself smiling just to hear it.

"It's alright sugar, sounds like it ain't your fault." She said with the grace and graciousness of a princess, not a real one a fairytale one: I could imagine her singing to woodland creatures and them all loving her.

"Ah.... Thank you miss. Sorry again miss." As I spoke I began to edge around the corridor trying to keep my bag in front of me.

"You have nothing to be sorry or ashamed about from where I am standing sugar." My heart skipped a beat and I froze mid-step. In my mind I analyzed her voice, she hadn't been mocking me... it had been a compliment! Then the computer in my brain crashed, blue screen a death.

"Ah...ah...ah... you..." my jaw flapped without a brain to steer it, I was grateful I was still wet from the shower, cause my sweat didn't show. Although I probably was steaming like a wet bull in the full glare of the summer sun.

She giggled and I could feel my knees going to jelly. She suddenly slung her bag off her back and began to rummage. Her cheerleading outfit was gone, she was wearing a pink sweater, loose v neck sweater with a white t-shirt under it, and some tight jeans. Afore my brain could reboot and make me run she was standing up again.

Like a mouse walking right up to a terrified elephant she advanced on me. Before I knew what was happening she had grabbed my left paw. Oh by the gods, her hand felt warm and I was extra glad of the bag. Her touch did things to me, more than that her scent, oh god honey and vanilla she smelled as pretty as she looked. I hardly noticed the feel of the pen as she wrote on my arm.

"There you go sugar, my number. Now you text me today and I will have yours," she winked at me and I swear I felt my heart beating on my chest to try and escape. "Maybe we could... do something... if you like, that is." For the first time she looked a little vulnerable, maybe even unsure and inside my inner man screamed at me to protect this sweet flower with everything I had.

"I will text soon miss, promise," there was no power on Heaven or Earth that could make me break that word. Not when it was given to her.

She giggled again and brushed some hair out of her eyes, those golden orbs stared warmly at mine. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of warm molten gold. "My name's Alex. It has been delightful meeting you Roger, it's nice to meet such a... polite and handsome gentleman."

Now I knew she was just saying that to make me feel good, to make me blush. It succeeded and I returned to my babbling self. If I was real suave I would have replied with some fancy long words and called her a pretty lady, swept her off her paws. "I... I... nice to meet me... miss. Get dressed... ah mean I need to... bye!" With my heart thumping like a stampede of horses I ran for the safety of the locker room. Looking back only once to find her looking back at me, her eyes flicked down and she winked at me.

It wasn't until I was back inside the locker room that I realised: I was wearing a jockstrap, with the bag in front of me so she had been staring at my pink naked ass as I ran. For an eternity I just sat there an panted, then I felt myself sweating and dripping with water. The numbers on my paw were beginning to run.

My bag and I wrestled as I fought to get my phone, panting heavily I bashed in the numbers. Then without thinking I sent a quick text saying "hi". It was a good thing I was too muddled up to think, cause if not I would have sat there staring at my phone until the cowms came home trying to think of the perfect message.

Just that moment the door slammed open and coach Rollins leaned in," Roger? You ok?" He asked staring at me, what a sight I must of been. Sitting panting heavily in just a jock, my clothes all over the floor and my phone in paw.

"I'm great coach!" I replied grinning like the cat who got the cream. Then I realised he was staring. "Sorry Sir, I will be ready in just a second, Sir." I dressed at a speed that superman himself would of been proud of. Then it was into coach's car and off to hospital. Ma and Pa were waiting for us when we got there. Ma fussed over me and I got to feel like pigshit, for making her and Pa worry so much.

When the doctor finally saw me it took just two minutes to pronounce that I was fit as a fat fiddle. My Ma kissed my cheek and gave me a hug right in front a coach. I knew better than to fight it, she would always see me as her little piglet. Mostly I just wanted to get home, Pa had brought his new truck, it was nice and shiney but with just two seats inside I climbed into the back.

I liked the feel of the wind on my face, but just as the truck started I checked my phone, I had a message. "Hi! Is this Roger?"

My pulse began to race again, what was I supposed to say? Should I try and be funny, or smart, or flirty? Or maybe some combination of all three? No, even though I wanted to I knew I couldn't pretend to be something I wasn't. Heck, she caught me almost streakin like some crazy pervert. God knows what she thought of that an he isn't gonna share those secrets with some bumpkin pig. I was on my own, better be myself and disappoint her now, than lie and disappoint her even more later was my thinking. Maybe we could be friends or something, at least. "Yes, is this Alex?"

I smacked myself after I hit send, why ask if it was her, how many random guys called Roger do I think she would giver her number out to. Sighing I realised I had blown it, she would be offended by the implication she was some floozy who gives her number out to loads of guys. The phone buzzed in my paw waking me from my inner doubts. "Yes it is! It was really nice meeting you today."

Gasping and then laughing with relief I stared at the screen. Words from her, typed by her slender fingers for me and it had been nice for her to meet me? Nice, was I just that nice guy she caught in an embarrassing situation? Would she tell her friends? The entire school would know and it wouldn't take long for my school to hear. "I am right sorry afor my state of dress when we met. Someone played a prank on me." I typed out desperately and sent.

"I guessed. A nice guy, like you seem to be sugar, wouldn't normally wander the halls in nothing but a jock. Pity. Although you did look cute, I never knew boars could blush all over."

You could dip me naked in red paint an ah still wouldn't be as red as I became when I read those words. She called me cute, was just too huge an idea to swallow, it was like trying to eat an elephant without chewing. However, with my brain and heart both dancing on pink clouds my fingers decided someone had to save me, "thanks, you wanna do something sometime?"

When I read my message back I couldn't believe what I had said. Every second became an eternity of doubt, would she say no? Was she just teasing me? Was she playing me along so she could embarrass one of their Stallion rivals? Even worse, what if she already had a fella?

"Yes, I'd love to. You free this evening?" I stared at those words for I don't know how long, trying to think of a response. All that my mind could think was 'hell yes!', but cussing at a nice girl is just wrong.

As my Pa pulled the truck up to our farmhouse I typed out, "yes, I'm free. What do you want to do?" Figuring a gentleman would let the lady pick what she wanted to do. After all I didn't know her hardly at all, this way ah knew we'd do something she liked. Although afterwards I learned from my Pa and some friends that a real man chooses the activity and then invites the lady.

"You see the latest Star Wars movie? I haven't ever found anyone to go with and the last showing is tonight." Now I may be a country boy, but I had seen all the Star Wars movies, though I didn't say much about it at school. There's only so many sterotypes a guy can have, redneck is one I am stuck with, fat geek is one sterotype too far. Besides, they would clash some an I think I suit a flannel shirt, better than some Marvel comic superhero shirt.

"I've seen it, but would ah would sure love to see it again, I can pick you up if you want." Everything I had seen on T.V. told me that guys always picked girls up for dates. It was my first date an I was determined to do it right.

"Hey Son! You gonna sit there all day like a cat in a sunbeam? You got chores to do." My Pa's voice called out from the porch. I jumped like a startled toad and then quickly slipped off the truck. Chores, I had forgotten about them.

"Sorry Pa! Ah'll get on it!" I shouted, leaving my sports bag in the truck. I knew that I didn't have time, I had to hoof it double time.

When I reached the barn I felt my phone vibrate, it was another message from Alex. She said, "I'd love a lift sugar, though I think you have already picked me up." All the breath went out of my body and I found my legs were made of jelly. Sophisticated I may not be, but I can spot a spade and call it. This was definitely a date now, she knew it too. A real honest to god date, with a pretty cheerleader.

I was as happy as a dog with two tails, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face if I tried. So I replied that I would see her at seven. Then I said I had to go do some work on the farm. She replied with her address and at the end of the text was three little kiss emojis. Talk about lifting a guy's spirits. Several hours of hauling feed to cattle past in minutes and I felt as fresh as a daisy when I got back to the house.

Of course I didn't smell as fresh as a daisy, I was soaked in sweat. When I was walking back to the house, my dungarees soaked in sweat, my shirt clinging to my body, I caught sight of my truck. The battered old thing was caked in mud, I stopped short and wondered exactly what Alex would think when some redneck pulled up to her house in a truck sporting more mud than metal.

For a moment I pondered asking Pa if I could use his new truck. However, there was no chance in H E double hockey sticks that he would give the keys to me. Plus if my mom found out I had my first date... I didn't even want to think of the risks. So I put off showering the muck off myself and grabbed a bucket and began to clean my truck, I knew I couldn't make her shine, rust cannot be polished, however it could be cleaned.

My mind was so focussed on getting the truck clean, that I never heard my Pa sneaking up behind me. Of course the fact I was using my Mom's vacuum cleaner certainly helped him.

"So, what's her name?"

The sudden question made me jump so hard I hit my head on the roof of the truck. "Ow! What do you mean Pa?"

The old boar stood there and gave me a long stare, I knew what that stare meant I had seen it many times. It was the 'boy ah know you are lying, don't make me take my belt off.' "Six months you've had this truck boy, you have never once cleaned her outside, let alone borrowing your Ma's best vacuum to clean inside. So I ask again boy, what's her name?"

My head and shoulders slumped, I know when I'm beaten and my Pa is no dummy, "Alex, her name is Alex."

"She from school?" There was a slight edge to his voice that made me nervous, i shuffled my hooves.

"Not exactly Sir, she goes to Redon High," I mumbled returning to the cleaning of the truck, partly cause I knew time was short, but also to stop looking Pa in the eyes.

"A date?" I didn't reply out loud, just nodded my head as I worked. Then jumped like a nervous flea as his paw landed on the hood of the truck, the newly cleaned hood of the truck. Only there was now something on there as his paw moved, several notes were resting on the clean rust. "Get her some flowers, remember to open doors for her and if you bring shame to your mother I will give your ass such a whooping you will think that hell is a vacation, understand?"

"Yes, Sir." No way I was gonna back talk my Pa, he gave me a smile and a nod then walked away. Fifty bucks were secured in my wallet and I was already making plans for how best to spend it on Alex.

After scrubbing the truck clean I couldn't help but wonder if the mud had looked better, it was ten years older than me. With the mud washed away the rust was plain as day. My mind told me you can't be Prince Charming with a vehicle like this. Then my nose told me that you definitely can't be Prince Charming with a stench like a dead dog. I fled to the shower, time was running short.

Now I know some guys spend almost as long as the gals getting themselves all pretty an the like. Truth is you can't shine a boar to be anything but a boar, so even squeaky clean I was still just a chunky pig. Although I polished my little tusks a bit more than normal, trying to get em looking more white than usual. There weren't much more to my dressing: underwear my usual briefs cause she weren't gonna see them, my best jeans and a nice clean white t-shirt. Then I put on my letter jacket, I was right proud of earning it and it did look good on me.

Lastly I combed my hair, for a moment I thought about using some of Pa's manly hair scents on the comb. I decided not to, he might of got mad as I never asked permission. Looking in the mirror I gave my tuft of hair one last desperate attempt to get it neat. It fought back like a mule, stubbornly refusing to do what I wanted.

My time running short I ran downstairs, only to be blinded by a flash. My mom standing at the bottom of the stairs, old family camera in her paw and tears in her eyes, "my little boy, so grown up and handsome!" Her voice sounded weak and it wobbled a little, but don't let that fool ya, she can slap a charging bull so hard he stampedes in the other direction.

"Aww, Mom it's just a movie," I whined as I took another step.

She shook her head and there were tears on her cheeks, "hush Roger, it is your first date an I want to be able ta look back on it." Another flash blinded me as she took more pictures, I couldn't stop myself blushing. "Ah remember the first day we brought you home..." a soft whimper escaped her throat and that was it. Ah knew I had to indulge her, there was no way to say no to that face.

A short photoshoot later I was in the truck, bumping along the farm track a s fast as I dared. All my good cleaning work being undone by the muddy track. Stopping off for gas I found the place sold flowers too, usually for husbands heading home late an hoping some blooms would stop any feminine rage. My Pa had used the same tactic on mom a few times, "sometimes a man just has to do it son, then apologise afterwards. Flowers are best, not too expensive but by the time your Ma has found a jug to put them in she will of forgotten why she was fuming."

So I picked out a nice looking bunch of pretty pink flowers and placed them carefully on the seat. I arrived at the address she had texted, but the house seemed dark. T'was the normal kinda town house, white picket fence an no yard filled with mud. A quick check confirmed I was at the right place and a nervous grumble in my stomach let me know I was ready.

With a grunt I jumped down off the truck and started to walk up to the door. There was no sounds from inside that I could hear. My stomach was churning as I thought about all the other times I had been pranked, but if she wasn't there...

"Hey sugar," the voice from behind me made me almost leap out of my skin. Turning around I saw a vision of true beauty, dressed in tight jeans, cropped t-shirt; that gave me a glimpse of her slender stomach. Golden spotted wheat framing flawless white stomach, flat and wonderful. However it was her smile that my eyes were drawn to, her eyes lit up when she saw the flowers I had bought for her. " Well, ain't you just the sweetest gentleman." Her voice purred, she was as easy on the ear as she was on the eye: words like honey an a tone to match.

From deep inside me a burning blush rose, spreading like wildfire until from my toes to cheeks ah was a deep crimson, "ah...hi...ah...yes" My stammered words and blushing were nothing to my eyes, those blue peepers not sure where to look: from her face to the floor, sneaking a peak at her midrift no man can blame me for that. Trembling paws held out my pitiful offering, those sweet smelling crimson blooms were not half as pretty as the smile on her face as she took them. Her little pink nose twitching as she took a sniff of the blooms.

"They are beautiful, thank you, sugar." Once more her purring words dripped into my ears. Inside me a heat seemed to be building, feelings an emotions I had only read about afore bubbling around in my tummy, along with the biscuits an gravy Mom had made for dinner. "Is this your truck?"

I nodded and blushed more as I realised that my rust bucket was hardly worthy to carry such a pretty girl. She belonged on a white horse, or some shiney Audi, not some pile of rust so full of dents you can hardly tell what the original shape was. She just gave a chuckle, "awesome, your own wheels. Freedom to roam. Shall we go?"

Alex turned and started walking to the truck. It was then that I remembered what my Pa had told me, about opening doors. I broke into a trot, passing her just before she reached the door and opened it. For a second she looked confused and then her beaming smile warmed my heart again, "such a gentleman!" She exclaimed with glee, as she put her foot down inside and climbed in.

Blushing deeply I closed the door, gentle as I could: which on my old truck was a half slam cause the door was a bit hinky. Then I dashed for my door like my Pa was after me with his belt. I jumped in and we drove away. Inside my head I knew I had to say something, I struggled to think on everything I had seen on the T.V., all those first dates. The guys they were always so smooth, talking to women like it was natural, saying how pretty their hair was and stuff.

"You look real nice." I said, my throat felt dry as a dessert at midday on midsummer. "I mean you look pretty... beautiful! That's the word, your hair is beautiful and your..." my dumb mind went blank, what else was pretty about her? Everything of course! Inside I struggled, I knew I had to say something. "Clothes?"

"Why thank you, you are so nice." There was a little pause, then she added hastily. "You look nice too... I mean handsome, real like dashing in your jacket." If you had an egg you could have fried it on my forehead as I blushed so hard. "So you've seen the movie?"

"Yes Miss... I mean Alex... sorry." It seemed like nothing could keep my trotters out of my mouth. I wondered how everyone else did this, talking to pretty girls is like quantum physics, real hard and most of it is only theoretically possible.

She was gracious and let my slip pass without mentioning it, "ah have been a wanting to see it, but I hate going alone. All my friends think Star Wars is lame."

"I liked the movie," it was true I did. Nothing wrong with lightsabers, space battles and pretty ladies.

"I am sure I will enjoy watching it..." once more there was a little pause before she added. "Especially with you."

You could have cooked a full roast dinner on the heat coming from my face. I could feel myself sweating a little, my palms felt damp. My mind raced as I prayed to the lord God almighty that my deodorant would hold out, I had applied it double strength just in case. "I will enjoy it more, watching with you."

A soft purr reached my ears and I knew my words had been a hit. I felt myself begin to relax just a little, we talked a little more about stuff, Star Wars, school, football. It all seemed a little easier and she made it moreso, never calling me out on my stumbling words or when I slipped and called her miss.

The movie theater was empty, we took two seats right in the middle. Those tight, closely packed seats made me blush so much ah worried I might start to illuminate the room. They are made for the average person, not the average boar. I couldn't help my body spilling out a little, brushing up against her.

Then a miracle happened, Alex took my sweaty paw and lifted it, putting it around her shoulder, as she laid her head against my chest. I'm surprised she could hear the movie over the pounding of my heart, it was a beating faster than the hooves of a herd of horses galloping. My big nose was filled with her scent, vanilla and coconut of her shampoo and some floral perfume. She smelled as pretty as she looked. I couldn't help myself, I kept sniffing her hair, as subtle as I could. While my paw rested on her flank, just above her exposed fur. I wondered about what it might be like to let my fingers slip to the exposed fur, or even more naughtily onto her small, cute breasts. Of course I would never dare do that, I am a good boy an I don't grope women like that. Jesus is watching, but he can't blame me for a wishing I could touch, like any red blooded American man would of wanted to.

Halfway through the movie her arm stroked slowly over my far too large stomach and hugged softly, while her head nuzzled my chest. My little boar was standing to full attention, excited by her embrace. I was never so grateful for the dim light in cinemas as I was that day, watching Star Wars while snuggling with Alex.

After the movie Alex suggested we get a burger and I agreed, even though I was so nervous my stomach was unhappy with the idea. We talked about the movie and she laughed at some silly jokes I told her. Then she got a text from her Pa asking where she was. It was almost past her curfew and so I drove her home. The house was still strangely dark as I pulled up.

"No need to walk me all the way to my door, my Da would probably jump on you with questions," she said as she climbed out of the car, flowers clutched tightly to her chest. I kicked myself for not getting out first and opening her door. However I did get out and walk her to her garden gate, standing there awkwardly wanting to do something, to kiss her goodnight. While in my mind I battled around two options, cheek or lips?

She looked up at me and smiled, "I had a wonderful time."

"Ah did too," I muttered my feet shuffling like a lizard on hot sand. "Ah... maybe we could... ah mean if you want too... see each other again sometime."

Brushing her hair back she smiled and took a tiny step closer,"ah would really like that sugar."

A huge sigh of relief escaped my lips, a second date was on. "I will text you... goodnight I guess." As I spoke I leaned down and she... she leaned forward, closing her eyes. My heart was beating so hard it was deafening me. My lips brushed her cheek clumsily in a soft smooch.

I stood back up, face crimson, while she giggled for a moment her paw going to her cheek. "Oh fuck it!" She muttered and two delicate paws, with far more strength than I expected grabbed my jacket and pulled me down. Her soft delicious lips pressed to my clumsy thick ones. I gasped, and yet I couldn't stop myself moaning happily returning the kiss. Her slender paws slipped up my chest and then around my thick neck.

For just a moment her lips parted and our tongues lightly introduced themselves. Her taste was so sweet, cherry chapstick and some exotic spice. I was hungry for more and when she began to pull back, for just a moment I resisted. Then I remembered myself and let the kiss break, I was still panting when she purred,"goodnight sugar!"

She left me gasping for air, while in my jeans a raging erection fought a losing battle with denim. The little boar refused to go down as I drove home, knowing my parents would be waiting for me I pulled over the truck, on the farm trail. Hopping out and into the bushes I unzipped and took my flesh in paw. I replayed the kiss in my head, as I stroked my raging meat. Thinking of what it would have been like to hold her, touch her. Maybe feel her breasts, lick her neck and reach under her shirt.

With a muffled cry I felt my meat throb as I seeded the ground, like a good farmer, squeezing out every drop. Then I wiped myself on some napkins from the burger place. Letting the cool night air calm away the heat of my embarrassment, then I drove home. Mom was waiting for me, with Pa, an they made me tell them every detail. Well I never tole them about the kiss, that was just for me and Alex.

When I was just getting into bed my phone buzzed with a text, "I had a wonderful time, you are a good kisser." The girl could make me blush from miles away and I felt giddy.

Laying down in my bed naked I replied,"I had a great time too, when can we do it again?" After I sent it I suddenly sent a second text, "the date I mean not the kiss." A half heartbeat after pushing the send button I realised what I had just said. "Not that I don't want to kiss you again, it was amazing I can't stop thinking about it."

A minute or two after hitting send I got a reply, "I would love to do it again, the date AND the kiss, sugar. I keep thinking about it and you. I am going to have you in my dreams tonight. My handsome boar."

My little boar stood up to those words and he begged like a good boy to be played with. "I am going to find it hard to sleep tonight, when can we go out again?"

"'It' is hard, sugar? Makes me wonder what you mean by it? I am free next Sunday after football, how about you?" I gasped in shock as I wondered if she was asking about my pecker.

"I just mean it will be hard to sleep cause I keep thinking about you and that kiss. Sunday is great, what do you want to do movies again or a meal or something else?" There was no way I could tell her my pecker was so hard he could be used to smash diamonds. Jesus was watching after all.

"How about stargazing? You could drive us someplace quiet and we could sit in the back of your truck with a blanket and watch the stars and talk. I like talking with you" It did sound good, alone and peaceful. There was many places nearby you could park your truck, and be alone for days.

"Sure, but aren't you worried that people might talk if you are spending so much time alone with me?" The last thing I wanted was to sully the reputation of someone so sweet and pretty.

"Don't tell anyone, probably best we don't let our friends know. I'm a devil and you are a stud! I mean a Stallion, people at school might not understand, plus you know how people gossip around these parts." That much I knew, news travels so fast in our community. I remember half the town congratulating Mr Ross the barber about becoming a father, ten minutes after his wife took the test, an before she had broke the news to him.

"Ok, I won't tell anyone, though I wish I could. The guys will never believe that I could date a girl as pretty as you." That much was true, they had teased me something awful sometimes about it 'little piggy no dates' had been called behind my back. Well now they could whisper it all they wanted, it weren't true anymore. I had Alex.

That was a sweet thought to fall asleep on, but not as sweet as the reply I got, "I know I got the best Stallion from the herd, you are handsome, kind and so sweet. Just talking to you like this is making me feel all warm inside."

"You make me feel all warm too, can't wait for next Sunday now." I wasn't even paying attention to my paw, it was when I got the next text that I realised what it was doing. The soft stroking gently teasing my aching maleness. A soft moan escaped my lips as I thought about what we could do next weekend. More hugging, hopefully some kissing too, just the two of us and the glory of God's creation around us.

"Time for sleep, goodnight my sweet hunk," I blushed as she called me a hunk, my cock throbbing and spraying a jet of pre onto the sheets.

"Goodnight my beautiful princess." I replied and not to be too vulgar I grabbed one of my soft cotton socks. Covering my maleness and jerking rapidly until with a grunt I filled the sock with a heavy load of thick boar seed. My needs seen to for a moment, I fell asleep.

Despite relieving myself twice that night I woke up with serious morning wood issues. Another sock was sullied and that was just the start of my assault on my laundry. Now I ain't the best at waiting for things, I was always the first to bed and first up on Christmas morning. So the idea of a week before I got to see my girl (I asked her she said it was ok to call her that, she said she was already thinking of me as her boar) again, it sat as well with me as a fox sits with chickens.

We texted all the time, it was hard during the school day trying not to let my classmates see our messages. However, the evenings were harder, literally. I was a teenager an so was she, our hormones raging and... well we did flirt a lot. My pecker was abused regular and I some of the hints Alex gave told me that I might not have been the only one in danger of going blind (worth the risk in my opinion). Although I never asked, cause a gentleman doesn't ask those sorts of questions.

When Sunday rolled around again I found myself full to bursting with energy. My performance at the game was one of my best, the coach even said so. Of course all I could think of was my date that night. I blitzed through my chores like a man possessed, then I got my supplies together: some sandwiches (mom made them for me from home-made bread), couple bottles of diet coke (we were both only just 18 and a few years from drinking), blanket and ipod with some chill-out music.

The nerves from my first date weren't there this time, just excitement at seeing her again. I stopped off and bought her another bunch of flowers just some posies pretty but cheap (all I could afford). Then I shot off to pick her up, this time she was standing at the bottom of her garden waiting for me. Her beaming smile hit my heart like a hunter taking out a twenty-one point buck, one shot and down I went.

She didn't give me a chance to open the door again, she grabbed it the second the truck stopped and was in the seat beside me afore I could turn the engine off. She glanced around the empty streets and announced, "I missed you so much, sugar!"

"I....mmmpphh" my words never made it to her delicate ears, for she pulled me forcefully into a kiss. For a moment we both moaned and I felt my little boar erecting his tent for a good night of camping. Sweet vanilla chapstick taste made me hungry for more, only as my tongue pressed to her lips she pulled back with a gasp.

"Let's get out of here, find someplace private!" There was a hunger in her eyes akin to the big bad wolf looking at a wayward piggy in a house made of straw. Of course I was more than four times her size, but that doesn't matter womenfolk don't need to be strong to control you, or drive you crazy. Not that I knew any of that back then, I was a horny boy with a horny girl. Jesus might have been watching but we were both determined to put on a show. Though my plans were just to kiss her, maybe try for second base, at best (I figured nobody hits a homerun on their first at bat).

As for someplace private, I knew the hills and country like only a countryboy can. So I had a perfect spot in mind, it meant driving off road for a bit, city cars couldn't have done the trip, but my rust bucket she bounced and bucked us all the way there. Alex laughed and whooped with delight at every bump, an I laughed too.

Then we made it, top of a hill, where the peak dipped in a little to form a natural lake. Behind us the lights of the city were little stars on their own. However before and above us the moon and the stars spread out in an infinity so beautiful only Alex was prettier in my eyes. We hopped out of the cab and climbed onto the back. Ah had put an old thick blanket down, to protect Alex's clothes afrom all the farm mud.

We sat leaning against the cab looking at the stars and moon dancing in the lake's reflection. We talked a bit about football and school while we nibbled on the sandwiches, neither of us was hungry or thirsty. Alex pressed up against me her slender form seemed to make my body tingle wherever she touched it. I put my arm around her and she put her own delicate paw atop it. Then she shivered a little, ah had more blankets, but instead I pulled off my jacket and gave it to her.

I will never forget the look in her eye as she pulled my musky jacket around her shoulders, pure joy and even a tear in the corner. She pressed up close again, her warmth so stark again the cold night air. We moved as one, kissing softly and slowly this time no rush, no hurry. We had hours and we both had no desire to rush.

Her taste was intoxicating, our tongues were reunited and began to dance together. I kept my paws still, though every instinct I had was screaming at me to touch her, hold her and take her. However, I was a gentleman and gentlemen do not take, they ask for permission. She however, was at liberty to take all I had and I would offer not a single intonation of complaint. Her paw roamed at will over my stomach, squeezing and caressing it, each touch was like a bolt of pleasure, my body yearned for more.

While we gasped and moaned into each others mouths, her paw on mine tugger it, pulling my hand down onto her exposed midriff. Inside my underwear my pecker was making a sticky, musky, mess, as I drooled pre. My fingers wandered through soft fur, wondering at how silky it felt as his slipped through my thick digits. On instinct my paw slipped higher, questing for those sweet mounds I had dreamed of. Only for a feline paw to reach up and firmly pull me away from second base.

Like a good farm boy I took the hint and let my paws wander over her stomach, my fingers lightly stroking her flanks. With a giggle she broke our kiss, leaving me panting and desperate for more. "That tickles, sugar boar." She whispered as she leaned in and began to kiss my neck and her paws slipped under my shirt.

"I'm sorry...ohhhh!" Her paws were so gentle and yet I could feel claws glancing over my skin. I blushed and worried what she would think of my thick hide. However, she just purred and then I felt her teeth on me, making me cry out a little. My paws reached up, caressing her cheeks, the fur so soft and silky it was like stroking a golden sunbeam. "Oh Alex... you're so beautiful". My sincere words were whispered into her delicate ears, my hot breath making them twitch.

A deep cry from my lips echoed down the hills as her teeth bit harder, the pain somehow making her touch that much more pleasurable. "Oh Alex!" Her name tasted good on my lips, like fine apple pie and thick cream. Then one of her paws slipped down over my belly and onto my tent. There was no words my mind was a capable of forming, in my ear someone whispered Jesus is watching. However I think the entire town could a been watching us and it wouldn't have stopped me.

Slender fingers stroked down my thick meat, stroking it through the fabric as her purring grew louder and louder. Her teeth left my neck and she moaned, "fuck, you feel huge!" Those words swelled more than my pride, my cock throbbing into my soaked jeans as more pre drenched them further. My mind was still unable to form words, and then I felt her finger stroking up my zipper. Each tiny bump making my body tremble, my breath caught in my throat as I felt her fingers grasping the zip.

She was a purring like a cat who got the cream, and I certainly had plenty of cream to give her. Suddenly her lips were on mine, her purrs vibrating down her tongue. She was a predator and she was a feasting on her catch. I kissed back up as I felt a tug on the zip, it moved just a few small clicks and then stopped. My cock was screaming at me, begging me to let her release it. Yet all I could do was moan, she swallowed my every gasp and moan. My eyes were lost in hers, the starlight shining in those lustful orbs, I returned the kiss with all the passion I had, giving her my all.

Another tug and another few clicks, she was in no hurry. My paw strayed up her body again, only to be guided back down onto her ass. Now there was something I hadn't expected, I filled both my paws with her soft feminine mounds, with a gentle squeeze I made her cry out. The kiss was broken and then she made a sound I had only ever heard from the farm cats, feral animals. It was a snarl and a meow combined, she returned to the kiss with desperate passion. Biting my lower lip, just when her paw finally pulled hard the mixture of pain and pleasure was so heady, it was like when I found my Pa's still and tasted his shine.

The world was hazy and all I could, see, hear or think of was her. Her soft lips, her warm body and her sweet scent it was stuck in my broad nose choking out all other scents. My desire was burning me up, my cock was pulled out into the cold night air. Only the chill on the wind stopped me nutting the second she grasped my meat. Her slender fingers squeezed my maleness so tightly, possessively it was like she was taking claim to it. Not that I resisted, my cock wouldn't let me, her every touch felt like too much.

My boar meat was soaked and sticky with sweat and pre. She didn't show any sign of disgust, if anything the more her fingers explored the louder she got. My mind could only see one outcome, this was going to be it, we would give each other our cherries and become true lovers. My paws slipped under her jeans, grasping her ass firmly, while I gave my own growl of lust. I may be hers, but she was going to be mine too, every last bit of her.

Gasping loudly she broke the kiss, looking back at my paws under her jeans, "Roger, there's something... we should... I mean... I... ohh fuck it!" She moved quickly , pulling free of my paws, her body sliding down mine as I gave a cry of shock and disappointment. The cry was cut off in my throat as something warm and wonderful engulfed my cocktip.

I looked down in shock, to see my beautiful kitten staring up at my, her lips spread wide around my cock. Then her tongue tickled over my glans and I cried out as pleasure I had never known before flooded my soul. She looked so beautiful, so happy and so perfect. Her black lips glistened as they slid along my meat, my thick rod gleaming in the moonlight as she pulled back up. The cool air and warm mouth heightened every sensation, I couldn't help myself I started to buck my lips.

Part of me expected her to react with outrage as I took control. Instead she merely winked at me, holding still, her tongue dancing on my thrusting flesh, while I desperately fucked her face. My eyes felt dry and yet I couldn't blink, my mind would not let me stop the image before it. Inside I could feel my balls raising getting ready to blow. "I'm....close." I gasped in warning, expecting her to pull off and finish me with her paw.

However, Alex was a cat who loved her cream and she merely purred louder, sucking firmly. The knowledge that she wanted my man milk was all it took to send me wailing over the edge. I roared and the truck rocked as I bucked desperately. Her lips never left my throbbing member, she caught every drop, riding my orgasm out, I felt slight squeezes as she swallowed mouthful after mouthful of my seed. She kept her lips on my boar cock until I was fully spent.

All I could do was pant as she licked my manhood clean. Then she tucked it away again and lay down with her arms around me. I kissed her, tasting my bitter manhood on her lips, the taste somehow far more intoxicating than I thought it would be. My own cock and cum, straight from her vanilla lips, it made my blood fire more. I broke the kiss panting and whispered, "now it is your turn."

My paw reached down and grasped her wonderfully pert buttocks, as I readied myself. I had done some reading up on the internet, ah knew what to expect down there and had a few tips on how to work it. However, her paw landed on mine and she whimpered soft, "no Roger please... I'm not ready yet. Maybe another night."

I pulled my paw back quickly, "I'm sorry Alex , I thought... I thought you wa..."

She silenced me with a finger to my lips and a little kiss to my tusk, "hush sugar boar, I wanted it. I wanted to feel you and taste you. I am just not ready for more. Do... you think we can wait for... to do that sugar?"

Nodding dumbly I agreed, hell I would have done anything for her, "ok Alex... you tell me when you are ready. I don't want to make you do anything you are not ready for."

In her eyes I saw tears and just a hint doubt, I felt guilty like ah had done something I shouldn't ought ta. She had been the one who led things though, an it confused me so much. However, I held her and we kissed more while I basked in the afterglow.

When my phone beeped we both knew it was time to head home. Alex pulled free of my arms and gave me my jacket back. "Alex... I think I love you." I whispered and I heard her gasp, I meant it there was no doubt in my mind what I was feeling was love.

Alex turned to me an I could see tears glistening in the moonlight, "Roger...I... just take me home sugar boar."

The drive back was quiet, I couldn't think of what to say, I felt dumb. Stupid silly farm boy pig, falling in love with the pretty cheerleader, clearly Alex was going places an she probably knew I couldn't go with her. Or maybe she just didn't love me back, after all I was a dumb pig, while she was... perfection.

When we pulled up to her house ah got a feeling of dread, but I had to ask. "So, you want to go out next Sunday?"

"Yes... but I have a thing, with my parents," redneck I may be but I can tell a brushoff when I felt one.

For just a moment I felt a flash of anger, I had opened my heart to her. The least I was owed was an explanation, "Alex, what's wrong? Did you not wanna do anything? I'm sorry we don't have to do anything again, until yous ready. I love you, ah know it an I will wait all year if I have to."

"It's not that... it... oh stupid, stupid Alex. I fuck everything up..." tears were running down her cheeks and all there was in my heart was sympathy and pain. I felt for herh, but the confusion hurt.

"No, you didn't. I mean you did real good... "

She let out a short laugh, she looked at me embarrassed, "sorry I just wasn't expecting you to say that."

"Alex, why don't you just tell me what's wrong? I promise I will do whatever I can to fix it," as I spoke I reached out and she fell into my arms her head resting on my chest. Tears stained my jacket as she shook and wept.

"There's...nothing you can do to fix it. You didn't break it... I did, stupid stupid cat. Stupid broken cat!" She whimpered and I let my paws stroke up and down her back.

"You're not broken or stupid," I whispered soothingly into her ear. " You are my beautiful kitten princess."

"You say that now..."

"And I will say it again, when you tell me what is wrong, I promise!" My words were full of nothing but sincerity and good intentions. There was no doubt in my mind that there was nothing I would not do for my Alex, my princess.

"Oh yeah?" There was something different about her voice, she sounded tired and almost angry. She leaned back and grabbed my arm, with a grunt she hauled it to her chest. To where her cutt-off shirt bulged slightly. She pushed my paw down until my fingers felt her chest, several inches further back than it a shoulda been.

"Alex... I don't care if you only have small boobs, I love you for who you are!" My words came with a slight chuckle, like a flat chest meant anything to anyone. Not all teenage boys want big boobs on their girls and I certainly didn't care.

With a snort she laughed again and shook her head giving me a sad look, then she pulled my paw down to her crotch, "You are so cute, but do you care now?"

My jaw dropped, ah was a solid B grade student including my biology class. Plus I was raised on a farm I knew the difference between a boy and a girl. So I knew what my paw was cupping was a cock with a sizeable pair of balls. "I... I... you're...a"

"Boy, yes by birth at least," Alex pulled back from me as my jaw flapped like a sheet in the wind. "I... I'm sorry, I was going to tell you."

"You were going ta tell me?! There was a time for that, an it was a fore our first date!" I shot those words at him with all the bile an vitriol I could. Inside ah was a confused mess, my emotions were combining: fear, surprise, anger, love, hate and sympathy. It all raged on as I looked at him, or her or... What?! Darker emotions seemed clearer it was them that spoke first, "you lied to me!"

"Well to be fair you never asked if I was..." the words died on her tongue, as I gave her a look that told her far clearer than words that this was no time to try and pretend that an omission was not a lie. "I liked you, you were sweet." Not an excuse, but a reason, only I was long past reasonable.

"You used me... you... were my first... an it was all a lie!" Tears were burning on my cheeks as my paws gripped the wheel tightly.

"No! It wasn't... I mean... I just, you have to look at it from my side..."

"Oh I HAVE to? Do I? I never lied or hid who I was, ya looked me in the eye, you knew what I thought... you knew ah loved you and you used me!" Words were tumbling out of me as fast as my thoughts, I felt myself panting. I felt trapped, my mind struggled to grasp it. My love, my princess, was a prince, no a liar and cheat. He had taken advantage of me, he had lied and used me. Those goldeneyes had looked into mine and taken what they wanted from me. "Get... out!" Those last words I snarled, anger and fear always win in chaos they are always clearer than compassion or love. Selfish emotions come from strife.

"You said... that ah wasn't broken..."

"Ah was wrong!" For a moment inside me I felt a sadness, I knew a moment had passed, a chance to have been a better man. Maybe I should have been, but words can never be unsaid and you can never be anything but who you are. "Get... out! Now!"

Ah drove off leaving a weeping kitten in my wake. It wasn't long a fore it was my time to weep, pulling over to wail at everything I had lost, everything he had taken from me. It was only when I got a text from my pa asking where I was that I woke from my despair. Then ah drove home, showered, even though I could never feel clean, and went to bed. It was the first time in many years that I cried myself to sleep.

The next few days I don't rightly remember much. School, chores, home, it all blurred together. My phone was checked a lot but it stayed quiet. Not that I expected anything, my social calendar wasn't exactly busy at the best of times. These times certainly did not qualify as the best of anything. Inside me I tore myself apart, I couldn't stop thinking of her... him. I replayed that day many a time and wished hard that it had just been different.

Loss, anger, fear and grief. That wrapped up in a lonely confused teenage package, I was a powder keg awaiting a spark. My spark came in the form of Royce... it weren't what he said, it were the way he said it. I missed a tackle, a one that a should have found easy, but my foot slipped under me and the guy got by. The tiger had snarled something I hadn't rightly heard, all I made out was, "fat pig, son of a bitch."

That was enough, more than enough. In the wilds even tigers know that you don't get in the way of a charging boar. This tiger was about to learn that lesson, he didn't see me coming, but he heard my snarl afore I was on him. He turned just enough for me to make a perfect tackle. His helmet flew out of his paws, t'was not good for him that he had taken it off, I had mine on.

I heard the team shout out, a mix of cheers, laughs and cries to stop. Royce were no coward, for all his failings. He tried to fight back, but his fists just glanced off, thick boar skull plus helmet is more than a match for tiger claws. We rolled together kicking and snarling, then I used my head, literally. The crack as my helmet met his head echoed around the field and all of a sudden ah was on top.

"What do you think of this fat pig now?!" Ah snarled as I pulled my fist back. I was ready to beat him to a bloody mess, only there was something that stopped me. I wish ah could say it was my gentle heart, or a moment of catharsis, but it was a polar bear paw wrapped tightly around my wrist.

Coach jerked me off the tiger like ah was a bale of hay being tossed to the cows. "Roger! Stop, now!" There weren't no disobeying that voice, it held pure authority and it brought me back to myself. Looking down at Royce the helpless kitty laid at my feet.

"Coach, ah didn't..." He stopped my excuse with a look that said 'we both know you damned well did!' "Sorry Coach, he just... shouldn't ought ta have said that about my mom."

"Go wait in my office, now!" There weren't no refusing that order. Besides I felt bad, Royce could be an ass, but he wasn't that bad. He didn't do or say anything I hadn't shrugged off a hundred times afore. It was just a tiny straw and I should have been able to bear it. The team didn't say much as I walked away, they just moved out of my way. I think they was shocked, all my years playing with them an I had never hit back.

The coach's office was small and messy. His desk had piles of papers, mostly science stuff, cause he doubled as the biology teacher too. Sitting there alone I couldn't help but think on what I had done. The look on Royce's face when I tackled him. I could still hear that cracking sound in my ears, of when helmet met skull. I hoped I hadn't done any real damage, he had stopped fighting when that happened. Gulping I felt my fingers digging into the chair, what if I had?

Fortunately I didn't have too long to stew on my worries. Coach opened the door a few minutes later, he shook his head at me. "Well Royce is back on his feet, a bit confused on what he did. I bet it'll be a cold day in hell before he insults your mother again."

T'weren't a funny joke, but I needed to laugh and I did, mostly with relief. "I'm sorry coach, I shouldn't..."

"No! You're damned right you shouldn't!" The sudden shift in his attitude caught me by surprise and I fair jumped out of my skin. "So... girl troubles?"

My jaw dropped open and I felt myself squirming in the chair, "sort of." I couldn't lie, not to coach, not when he was looking at me with such disappointment in his eyes. "How'd you know?"

The bear shrugged his shoulders and leaned back in his chair, "I been teaching kids like you for going on fifteen years. In my experience there are two reasons for someone to snap, girl troubles or parental strife. An I saw your parents recently, there ain't no strife there and I don't think he beats you. Now you ain't the first guy to break because his heart was hurtin,g, and someone chose the wrong time to say something he'd said hundreds of times before. You want to tell me about it?"

"I... you won't..."

"Son, I've heard it all I promise, ya'll ain't got a problem that is gonna surprise me. So tell me what is going on with you, you in love with some girl that turned you down? You knock one up? She dump you? You dump her?" He was smiling in a friendly way now, though I couldn't help but find it slightly annoying how he just assumed he knew it all.

"It's... not a girl..." I whispered softly and I watched him like a hawk, and he didn't flinch. In fact he grinned.

"Ain't nothing wrong with that these days, son. You want to mess with boys that is between you and the boy you are playing with. Course I can understand your Pa and Ma might not exactly be..."

"No! It's not... I'm not... gay!" I was shaking and angry again, maybe for the first time I was just pissed at the world. Things are supposed to be simple: Born, school, love, kids, work, old age and grave. There wasn't supposed to be complications, complications are complicated! "It was one of Redon Devils cheerleaders."

This time the bear frowned, "Son, I have see all the Devil's supporters a good few times, they don't have any male cheerleaders."

"That... is what I thought, until she showed me...that she was a he," all I wanted was the ground to swallow me up as I watched the bear's face. One moment he was sitting there with his supportive all-knowing good natured look on his face...then he was laughing.

"Oh...Jesus, sorry Son...just...I mean, he just...showed you? Well I suppose it's a good thing to find out before you did anything with... " The look on my face told him clearly and distinctly that he was galloping down wrong assumption lane. "Oh! You two... you and this cheerleader was did... no on second thoughts no details. Look Son, it doesn't make you any less of a man to make a mistake, I mean you'd be surprised just how many guys have tried... you know just a little on the side. No harm in exploring."

"But...but... I loved her," there was a soft whimper in my voice. It wasn't exploration, at least it wasn't just exploration to me. I was young and in love, in other words stupid. Tears had begun to run down my cheeks again. "I loved her and then...she...she...has...a."

"Whoa, son. You don't need to say it, ah know what a young guy has down his pants," the old bear smiled and shook his head a little. "Look, Son. I have to admit this is a first for me. I've had guys who realised they like other guys before, ain't nothing wrong with them. Many of them were good players, captains of the team even. I don't judge, but this is a bit different. I suppose it's like when you find out your girl has lied real bad, cheated maybe. It's not an easy fix, life don't have many of those sadly. However, if you want someone to talk to, I can listen and I will do what I can to help."

It was a kind offer, an one I badly needed. Sitting there in his office, I opened up and told him it all, though I may have left out some of the more salacious details. He knew enough, that she was my first and that... ah had no clue. More so at the end I found truths I never even realised tumbling out with my story. "I miss her coach, I really do. I look at my phone all the time, but what am I supposed to do? What can I say?"

"I suppose that depends, you could just say hi. See what happens from there. However, to my mind there are three possibilities your friend feels guilty and he still feels for you. He is hurt by what you did and he can't forgive you. Or he... loves you and that is the most dangerous one. " Coach got up from his chair and moved to his jacket, pulling out a cigar he put it to his black lips and lit it. "Principle asks I ain't never lit up in front of you."

I nodded my agreement as the room filled up with strong, bitter cigar smoke. While he took a puff on his stogie and then sat back down, "Either way I bet he is really hurtin too. If you say hi he might want to be friends, he might want more than that. Question is, what do you want?"

"I want HER! I want the cheerleader who was nice to me, who looked pretty and who said nice things about me. Who made me feel good about myself, ah was just happy to be with her." I was whining like a spoilt cub in a store pointing at the yummy sweets his mom wouldn't let him have. I wanted my sweets and to eat them too.

"Well, Son, she now comes with a penis attached. There really is only one question that you need to answer, an it ain't one I can help you with. There ain't no test on this, you can't sneak a look at someone else's answers and copy." Now I swear he paused for a moment to take a puff on his stogie, just to mess with me. I was hanging on his every word and he knew it. "You need to look deep inside yourself and think on the fact that she is physically a he, and you have to ask yourself' does it matter?'"

"Does it matter?! How can it not matter? She has a penis!" I exclaimed jumping out of my chair in a mixture of shock and anger.

"Yes, she does. However, it weren't her privates you were attracted to was it? You liked the other stuff more, you just spent half an hour telling me how funny she was, how good she made you feel. None of that had to do with what is in her pants." The old bear stood up and waved at me with his cigar. "You are in shock cause you found out something you didn't know about her. Maybe if you'd always known you'd have never got to know her, maybe that would have been a good thing, maybe not. However, that ain't where you are. You like her, or liked her. She has a penis and you need to figure out if that matters to you. Either it does and you will have to live with some heartache and heal up. Or in the end when you look at living with her, or living without her you decide it don't matter... well then things get interesting don't they?"

It was a huge bombshell of truth right to my fragile mind, it destroyed all the barriers I had made. Does it matter? I mean, my parents always raised me to accept everyone, they said that god didn't care about those sorts of things. Gay, straight, bull, pig, predator, prey...none of it mattered to them, or god. Just so long as I was happy. "I... don't know."

"Well, then you had better figure it out, lucky thing for you you are going to have some time to do that. You're suspended for two weeks, school policy for fighting." As he spoke he pushed a piece of paper into my unresisting paws. "For your parents, an I will be giving them a call, I won't say a word of what you tole me, that is for you to tell when you are ready."

"I... thank you Coach," I whispered and then turned opening the door I found myself staring at a frustrated tiger with a bump showing through his forehead. "Royce...I... I'm sorry."

The tiger shrugged, "you clocked me good, next time hit the opposition like that and... well you're good with me." Then he looked up at the coach, "Err...we were going to...some one on one coaching, you said yesterday."

The old bear's grin grew wider for a moment and then he put on a more serious expression. "Of course, why don't you come in and we can discuss some tactics for next week's game. Think on what I said Roger." The tiger shut the door behind him before I had a chance to say anything.

I stood outside the room for a moment, trying to think of what I should do. I heard the squeak of a chair being dragged across the floor inside and figured they were sitting down for a chat. There was another squeak as I turned to leave, I paid it no attention as I walked off. The locker room was empty and I showered alone, well not alone I had my thoughts to keep me company. So many thoughts, how could it not matter? Why did it matter? Did it just matter cause it was complicated? Could I live with dating a boy, even a really girly boy? Could I live without her? So many questions and yet coach was right, in the end it came down to just one. Did it matter? She has a penis...does it matter? Do I love her... or that she is a she? Am I really just interested in pussy, or do I want the cat that it is attached too? Does any of it matter... if she don't want me now?

That was when it came back to me, the look on her face when I had said I was wrong about her not being broken. I have seen that look afore, I saw it on my mom the day my grandfather died. It was more than grief and more than loss, it was the destruction of something in someone's soul. Words can hurt, believe me a fat pig like me knows just how painful a bad word can be. When they come from someone you care about... that is real pain.

With my shower over I dried and dressed, shoved everything into my truck and headed home. Pa was not pleased with me when I got home, no belt though. Oh no there was something far worse, the look of disappointment in mom's eyes. It burned through me all through dinner. I excused myself and fled to my room, of course that was all I could flee from. Inside my room my mind began to ponder on everything once more. It's amazing how many times you can throw the same idea around and come up with a different opinion.

In the end I caved. I dunno what made me do it, but ah grabbed my phone and texted her. One word, real simple like coach had suggested, "hi." There was a moment of struggle when my thumb hovered over the send button, I knew once I sent it... well it would be sent and there's no unsending a text. My thumb twitched all on it's own, and it was gone into the ether and more than that into her phone and paw.

Then I sat and waited, staring at the black screen of my phone. Minutes began to tick by, one after the other. I remember my mom knocking on the door asking if I wanted some cobbler, we had leftovers. There was no way I was gonna turn that down, us pigs we like our comfort food more than most. Then I returned to sitting waiting, all the questions in my mind on hold just awaiting her answer.

It never came, eventually I woke the next morning with a snort, still sitting on the edge of my bed, with my phone in paw. No response, possibly the hardest answer I could have gotten. There was no question, I'd hurt her and she wasn't going to listen to me. Not through text anyway.

One good thing about life on a farm, there is always something that needs doing. So I found it real easy to make myself busy. Feeding the cows, repairing fences, repairing machinery. I even tuned up my truck. Over the next few days I did so many chores I heard my Pa whisper to my mother that me getting suspended was not entirely a bad thing. However, they didn't know that every night I was staring at my phone and wondering if she would reply.

Things like that can't go on forever, either you give up or something happens. I'd stopped staring at my phone, stopped hoping for an answer. Never got up the courage to text again, never figured out an answer to a single one of my questions. Then my mom asked me to drive to the store, she wanted some fresh fruit for a pie. A simple task and then when I get to the country my heart stopped, just for a moment.

In the queue there was someone in a familiar jacket. Just for a moment I thought it was her, but no the girl wearing it was too chunky to be Alex. A lioness by the looks, but she was wearing the same jacket, with the little devil symbol on the shoulders. Just like Alex had worn. Afore I knew what was happening I was back in my truck and driving, only I wasn't headed home.

Ah pulled up outside that same house where I had met her for our dates. Two dates an I was in love with her. I still felt something as I sat there, my stomach was gurgling with nerves. I didn't have butterflies in my stomach I had snakes, fucking pythons romping around in there. My heart was racing, the last time it had beat that fast had been when I lay with her, her head resting on my chest.

Then I climbed out of the truck and headed up to knock on the door. I could hear the echo of my knuckles rapping on wood and nothing else. Nobody was home. I wasn't about to give up, not after coming all that way I sat myself down on the porch and waited.

"She died," a voice called out and my head spun around. It was a wolf leaning over the fence from garden next door. "What?"

"Mrs Nessembalm, she died a few months back. I assume that's who you are here to see." The lupine gave me a slightly funny look.

"No Sir, I came to see my friend Alex. I picked up here last time we, met. I assumed he lived here," I explained standing up from the porch.

"Oh that cheetah... it lives a few doors down," now I am a friendly person an I can get on with most types. However my blood boiled in my veins to hear this lupine fella call Alex an it.

"Thank you....Sir," I replied through gritted teeth and with my fists clenched. Poor Royce had taken the brunt of my rage a few days earlier, right there and then I badly wanted to vent some more. Though fortunately for me I was in control, because there was no bear around to pull me back. Plus the hateful fella would have definitely called the cops.

"You ask me of course, things like that should be locked away from us decent people, there are kids on this street," I stopped in my tracks.

Turning back I shot him a look of utter hatred," indeed Sir, there are some evils that should never be allowed near kids." He gave me a look of hatred in return and I wasn't surprised to hear him mutter "Damn fags," as I walked away.

I wasn't sure which house was Alex's, the hate filled bastard wolf had gestured in one direction. Fortunately for me as I walked down the street I saw a female cheetah coming out of her front door. It looked like she was heading for her car. I trotted forward, "excuse me!"

She looked around and caught sight of me, now I had just finished feeding the cows when my mom asked me to go to the store, and I hadn't changed. So what she was looking at was a boar in dungarees, a dirty flannel shirt and huge hobnailed boots, caked in muck. "Y...yes?"

"Sorry, Mrs Bauman?" She nodded that I had the correct person. "Is Alex home ma'am?"

"Yes, he is in his room. Are you... at school with him?" The look in her eye told me that I wasn't really that welcome.

"We... met at a football match ma'am," I wondered if Alex had mentioned me at all, I was smart enough to know that she'd lied about our dates. I also noted his mother had said 'his room' and she definitely looked uncomfortable.

"He's up in his room, upstairs first on the left. Just... take off your boots please," she said with a nod to my shoes. For a moment I thought she was going to say something else but nothing came.

"Yes ma'am, thank you ma'am." She got into her car and I walked towards the door.

"I'll be back soon," Alex's mother called out from the car as she gave me a meaningful look. I nodded in acknowledgement and kicked my muddy boots off.

Then I opened the door, the stairs were directly in front of me and I didn't waste any time heading up them. The first door on the left was closed and I could hear some music from inside. My heart raced again as my nose picked up a familiar scent, her scent. Reaching out I tapped lightly on the door.

"I said I didn't want nothing!" Howled a familiar and obviously annoyed voice. It gave me more than a moment's pause, she was mad and here I was turning up unannounced, in her home.

There was no going back and ah may be many things, stupid, confused and at the moment quite unhygienic. However, I ain't no coward, this pig don't have no yellow on his belly. So I pushed the door open, "Your mom said I could come up." I muttered as the door swung open.

There she was, still looking as pretty as I remembered. Alex was lying on her bed, with a kindle in her paws. For a moment I just looked at her, she was just like I remembered. Her slender form, slightly plump hips all sprawled out. It took her a moment before she looked around, and it was clear she hadn't heard my words as her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped, "you!"

"Me," I muttered lowering my head and giving a little wave. ", your mom said I could come up."

Alex rolled over and pulled her legs up to her chest protectively, and then shrugged. "Ok, I guess. Why are you here?"

It was a damn good question and ah didn't have much of an answer. 'To look at you and see how I feel' was probably not likely to lead to a happy ending. "I just... dunno I wanted to see you."

"So you come to stare at the freak?" A blind and deaf man coulda picked up on the bitterness in her voice.

"No freaks here, save me,"I said waving at myself, dirty dungarees, flannel shirt and I noticed a hole in one of my socks. Oh yeah I looked like a catch and a half, what girl or guy could resist. "I.. wanted to say sorry."

"Sorry?" Alex's head tilted as she rolled the word around in her mind. "You're sorry?"

"Very sorry," I added nervously shifting my weight from one foot to the other. Working with animals ah recognised something dangerous in her tone. For a moment she shot a look at me. Those golden eyes burned and blazed and I shrank back feeling myself begin to sweat.

Then she sighed softly and I saw those fires cool, "it's... ok. I shoulda told you before... it wasn't like I planned it."

"C...can I ask why you..."

"Dress like a girl?" She asked with a sad smile. "I feel... more like me when I'm like this. It's not like I chose it, I didn't think 'oh what's the best way ta make everyone despise me?' Or 'how can I really make my dad ashamed to be seen in public with his 'faggot son'." she shrugged her shoulders and uncurled a little getting onto the edge of the bed, patting the spot next to her. I lumbered forward and sat down cautiously, like I was sitting down next to a wild bear, that at any moment might decide it'd had enough o my presence and savage me.

"Ironically, it all started at bible camp. They was making us do a play and needed someone to be Mary Magdalene. T'was boys only camp obviously. None of the other boys would do it and I just thought it was silly. Then I dunno just kinda felt right being a girl, ah mean, not acting."

Alex looked down at her feet as she talked. "Afterwards ah... use to sneak inta my sister's room and pull on like her t-shirts and stuff. Ah know most people think it's all like bra's and panties...but it's not that. I just felt like I was... a girl and that felt right. It's stupid but when I wear the clothes my parents buy for me, I feel like I'm just pretending to be who I'm not."

"So... one day I just decided to be myself an it sucks cause... the best I can hope for is for someone to treat me like a boy pretending to be a girl, an just be ok with it. Most just treat me like a freak, some of the girls at school they are nice enough, I guess they think of me as a sort of pet, or mascot. They got me on the cheerleader team, an I am good." A small laugh escaped her lips. "Then, I bump into you an... you see a girl and it felt so good you know. So I just went with it, didn't figure you'd turn out to be so nice. Then you ask me out and I... I have never been on a date, not a real one."

Leaning forward she covered her face with her paws, "I was gonna tell you, but you brought me flowers and... you were so nice. I just thought it'd be ok, just one date. I was gonna tell you afterwards, but you just... looked so damn sweet and handsome. I didn't want it to end, so I kissed you, an you kissed me and it felt... so right."

She looked up at me an I could see a tear or two in her eye,"so I figured one more date, it couldn't hurt... I would tell you after that. Just... I wanted you and you... damn it you said you loved me. Ah knew I couldn't keep lying to you, not given how you felt and how I felt. So... well you know the rest."

Inside me I felt the urge to put my arm around her, but I held back. "I think I understand..." There was so much more I wanted to say, but I didn't have the words. "It's good that ya have some friends, who accept ya."

"Yeah, the girls are nice, sometimes I feel like one of them, but ah can't go to their sleepovers and stuff." she shrugged her shoulders and looked up at me. "It's funny how ah can be both a dirty faggot freak and a threat to someone's daughter's virginity at the same time."

"If'n it'll make you feel better ah don't get invited to anyone's sleepovers neither," she laughed as I said it, which was nice. I liked hearing her laugh, such a soft purring sound. "It's true though, living out in the middle of nowhere ah never got to do sleepovers when I was a cub. I didn't even have a brother or sister, so most days it was just me playing... myself. At school...ah don't fit in...or maybe ah fit in too well. I'm not smart enough to be a geek, not sporty enough to be a proper jock and I am not dumb enough to need help. Ah think when people look back at their yearbooks an see my picture they'll go 'yeap that Roger he was...there'."

I bumped my shoulder against hers, "then ah bump into this pretty girl, and she smiles at me an gives me her number. Suddenly I had a date, an I pick her up and she looks just real pretty, and actually happy to see me. An then she wants another date and... oh she smells so good and we are kissing. Then she seems unhappy and I promise to make it all better, an then ah break that promise... like a dick. Oh...ahem sorry, I didn't mean to cuss."

Alex burst out in a giggle and bumped her shoulder back against mine, "naw that's ok, you were kinda a dick. Then again no princess blows a guy in the back of his truck before she drops a bomb that big on them. So I guess we are even."

"Even?" Ah couldn't believe she had said that, she looked up at me and smiled.

"Yeah, even."

"So... what now?" I asked looking back at her.

She shrugged again, "I have no idea sugar... what do you want?"

There was a flutter in my chest as she called me sugar again, "I keep thinking about that, an I keep thinking all these thoughts an ideas about what ah could do." My paw trembled as I reached out to hers and took hold of it. "But now that I'm here an I look at you, none of anything makes any sense. An all I want to do is hold my kitten princess and forget about everything. Cause it don't matter, you matter"

She looked at me and I looked back at her, our lips reunited and ah could feel her trembling against me. Suddenly my cheetah was in my arms, kissing me back with passion and need. We moaned in shared bliss, our bodies pressing closer. Her taste was as sweet as ah remembered, her fur soft and silky. My rough paw stroking her cheeks as we kissed, our tongues slipping over one another.

Ah don't rightly know how, but we ended up laying on her bed, kissing. Our paws exploring each other, no more lies and no more hiding. My trembling fingers explored every inch of her divine body. There weren't nothing I didn't like, she was mine an that was all I cared fore. Her fingers scrambled against the tight clasps on my dungarees. I chuckled a little and reached up to pop them. They were tricky devils and they needed a man's touch, just like Alex.

My shirt was unbuttoned and slender fingers stroked across the expanse of boar belly, I broke our kiss with a cry of passion. I looked into her eyes again panting heavily, as though ah had been tossing hay bales for hours and not kissing for minutes. "Ah need you" I whispered as my paws slipped down low an began to unfasten her jeans. Alex gasped and I kissed her again, silencing her with mah passion, while my fingers pushed her jeans over her feminine hips. Oh the delight of feeling my fingers caressing her silky furry and warm mounds. "Ah want you!" My last word was more a growl, a desperate needy animal noise and she shuddered to hear it.

Her paws worked to strip the denim from me, while her purring grew louder by the second. "Ah need you too, my sugar boar." Her words were moaned into my ears and they gave me strength and desire more than I ever thought anything could. I had to have her, my beautiful feline kicked and wriggled under me as her jeans were finally removed. Dungarees were a bit more of a struggle, they ain't made to be easy to get in an out of, but there was nothing that could get in our way.

Eventually our denim was laying atop each other. While ah was laying mostly nude next to my kitten, she purred louder and louder as she kissed and licked my chest. Ah hadn't showered after my chores, but she seemed to treat my musk like a cat treats cream, she lapped it up. Her tongue over my nipples made me cry out in passion.

My boxers were fair soaked with the juices of my desire, then they were pulled down. Ah gasped as she grasped my manhood, my thick engorged meat reacting to her touch. Slender furry digits stroking swollen boar meat, while the cries of my pleasure echoed around her room. Then my fingers found her panties, little lacey things, almost nothing to them.

For a moment Alex shrank back, squirming back, as if wanting the bed to swallow her. I could see the tent in the silk and the stain at the peak which showed her desire. My blue eyes looked up to hers and ah gave her my most reassuring smile, "I love you." I whispered as my fingers slid inside her panties, pulling them down quickly. Her own maleness slipping free and I grasped it, stroking quickly. While she cried out an purred against me, our bodies writhing together as we caressed each other.

Her lips found my floppy ears, she nibbled and then whispered desperately, "ah want you... inside me."

My heart jumped and I gasped at her words, unsure what to say or do. Ah knew I wanted her, but she was asking me to take a leap further than I ever thought I could. In my arms she squirmed and rolled around, her pert golden buttocks wriggled at me. "Ah... are you sure?" My voice trembled a little and yet my cock ached, I knew it was sure even if i wasn't.

"Yes sugar, ah... have practiced, with toys," she flushed with embarrassment as she whispered that last part. Her paw reached under her mattress and she pulled out a bottle. It wasn't something ah recognised, but she squeezed some out onto her paw. I cried out as she grabbed my shaft with her hand, the slick gel cold on my maleness. Not even a bucket of icewater could have cooled the heat that burned inside me for her.

As her paw stroked slowly up and down any doubts or fears slipped from my mind. The sensations that ran up my shaft made my heads spin. When I felt her start to tug I knew I had to follow her guiding paw and she led my maleness right to her centre. My paws trembled as I placed them on her rump, gasping at the feeling, firm muscles flexed under my fingers. While she pulled my cock right to her pucker.

Ah was far too lost in her wants, and my own, to think clearly. When I felt her rosebud against my cocktip there was no going back, ah knew it and I didn't care. My entire body wasn't wanting back, it was screaming at me, begging for me to go forward. An I did, pressing forward with my hips, her ring fought back for a moment, but then ah sank deep inside her. It was like pushing into warm molasses, my cock felt so hot inside her tight depths and I knew ah had to keep pushing deeper into her wondrous depths.

Our voices sang out as one, while I couldn't stop myself I sank deeper and deeper inside her. Feelings like nothing I had ever dreamed over ran up my cock, I could feel her heat and tightness around me. My paws gripped her rear tighter, on instinct my body wanted to possess her. Then I felt my hips pushing to hers as I hilted in her. With a gasp and a pant ah managed to stop, a feat any hero would be proud of as every fibre of my soul was screaming for me to rut. "Are...are you ok?"

"Oh fuck...yes sugar, ah want this, I want you," she whispered, pushing her hips back against me. Her tightness increasing, squeezing my maleness, sparks of pure pleasure flashed in my mind. Animal instincts overwhelmed me for a moment, my hips rocked back and then pushed forward hard. We cried out as one again, our bodies desperate to fulfil our union. She pushed back against me, her body begging for more and mine was only to happy to oblige.

I thrust again, and this time I couldn't stop myself. My hips begin to drum on her buttocks, while my shaft plundered her depths. She purred and mewled like a feline in heat, pushing back wantonly into my every motion. My balls tingled as they slapped off her buttocks. With each thrust she squeaked, so cutely I just wanted to keep going to hear her feminine cries. Yet my young body was far too gone, too lost in the pleasure of her tight depths.

My thrusts grew faster and faster, my breath panting as I gave her everything. I thrust so hard the bed rocked against the wall with a steady thump, like a drummer keeping some crazy rhythm. Afore I knew what was happening I was bellowing so hard my lungs hurt, while inside her my cock began to throb as I emptied all my pent up seed. Unable to think or function I continued to rut her, pumping my seed deep inside her.

Eventually I collapsed on top of her panting. My skin was glistening with sweat and the room stank of our musky union. I pulled myself out of her tight hole and for the first time in my life I got to enjoy the sight of my spunk oozing out of a partner. She was panting too, at some point during our trist she had pawed herself to completion, ah was too lost the the moment to have noticed.

Then I pulled her into my embrace and whispered, "I love you.... My kitten princess." She didn't reply, save with her arms which held me desperately tightly and a deep rumbling purr from her chest.

Ever since that day Alex has been mah girl and ain't nobody I love more than her. Over the years things ain't always gone smoothly, transexuals ain't exactly welcome in more than a few places around here. Of course I always tell her that we don't want to be in those places neither. Ma and Pa love her though, she lives with me in a small house on the farm. We don't have much, but we are saving. It took Alex many years to really make the decision, but she wants to be who she was born to be. Ah just want her to be happy, and if that means an expensive medical procedure... then I will do all I can to get her what she needs. She still has a penis technically, but to me it don't matter, she is my girl.

If you enjoyed this story please consider buying my first book details can be found in my journal It's a sweet romance story with some steamy chapters and some art by Edesk

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