Roll of Fate (8): Dual Memories

Story by Denver on SoFurry

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Note: This chapter has no yiffing in it, so I apologize if that is what was being expected in the continuation. Just a few more clues as to what is going on. There will be more surprises later I promis. Copyright Denver Demchuk 2007

Lesanna: I joined the Chirithan in their work as often as I spent talking with Denver as he stood on the bow, staring out into the sea. Arosha spent more time below decks, complaining about her stomach, moaning about how she was going to die at sea.

"I should curse the day I met that wool headed fool," she groaned from beneath the pillow she had pressed over her head, her muzzle near the edge of the bunk with a bucket beneath it. "He'll be the death of me, and I swear to the gods I'll haunt him for as long as he lives..."

"Oh be quiet," Iridell snapped, rummaging in her bag a few moments and pulling out something. "Here, put this under your tongue..." Arosha did so slowly, only to vomit into the bucket moments after.

"What...the hell was that?" she gasped, making a disgusted face as her body shuddered.

"You don't want to know," Iridell told her, getting up from her bunk and helping Arosha sit up, gently touching her forehead. "How're you feeling?" The wolfess seemed to pause a moment before replying.

"Better. Tired but not as sea sick," she said softly.

"Figured as much. I recommend that you stay away from any of the food they give you from now on," the dragoness said, nodding and heading back to her bunk. "I forgot that for the first few weeks of any voyage, they add small amounts of quill fish venom to their meals. Not deadly in small amounts, but if it builds up in the body it can be lethal. They do it on the belief that it will help them resist diseases and make them stronger. The symptoms will pass in a few days. I'll make our meals from now on..." Arosha nodded, and I shook my head slightly. Even a young Naga could have detected poison in the food, but then again, I hadn't really though much of it at the time.

Meals prepared for myself and the rest of the royal family always had venom added to them, in small amounts. This allowed us to resist any attempts made to assassinate us in such manners. Also, quite a few feral creatures in the jungle preferred to use poisons to subdue their prey. Leaving the cabin for the main deck again, my eyes went to the approaching night as the sun set in the west, stars already visible on the horizon. Denver stood by one of the rails, helping to coil sets of rope for later use, just in case something happened and the rigging had to be replaced.

The crew seemed unaffected by his appearance, now only a few days away from shore, and they more than readily accepted his help in any tasks that needed to be done. I smiled as a thought crossed my mind, wondering what priests would say to seeing the Chosen One stoop to such a thing as manual labor when he was meant to save us from something too horrible to name. I chuckled and shook my head, going to the rigging and starting to climb up to the crows nest with ease...

Denver: ...The guards from Ryodan worked as hard as the rest of the crew in maintaining the ship, mostly to stay active. When not helping out, I sparred with them or asked about any battles they might have seen or heard about. I needed to learn as much as I could and I felt that I had a very short time to do so, though I didn't know why. Alviara had been right about Dream Song being a fast ship, and the Wind Singer seemed to play a constant tune to keep the sails filled with the gentle gusts of air. A day before the Ship Mistress informed me that we would be approaching Antheas we encountered a school of Merfolk. Alviara commanded that the sails be squared away for a chance to speak with them.

It was hard to say whether I was awed or repelled by them. One moment, they looked as most tales said, a strong beautiful people, humanoid torsos and faces tinged many shades of blues and greens. Their lower forms that of powerful fish tails glittering with rainbow colors. Yet at times, their faces seemed to shift slightly, their eyes turning into midnight blue abyss that would pull down even the strongest swimmer their faces becoming slightly gaunt and stretched.

Once they noticed me the Merfolk caused quite a commotion in the water, whistling, screeching in high notes that threatened to deafen the crew. They were all for having us remain for the evening to celebrate, but Alviara told them of the festival taking place on Antheas. Before parting ways, I asked one of them to send a messenger if possible to Ryodan, informing King Quel'thalsed of my intentions. Almost before I was finished, the messenger dove beneath the waters and out of sight...

...Entering the cabin provided for my mates and I, I found Iridell reading by the light of a small lamp, Arosha up on one of the bunks snoring fitfully, and Lesanna curled up on the deck on all the cushions she had bought at port, her tail wrapped in a loose coil beneath her.

"How's Arosha doing?" I whispered, shrugging out of my shirt and tossing it on one of the pegs by the door.

"Better. I think she'll sleep most of tomorrow after I get some more broth into her," Iridell said, looking up from her book and smiling warmly to me. "Something with the Chirithan's food was giving her trouble. How about you?"

"I'm good. Just anxious all things considered," I replied, sitting on the floor with my back against Arosha's bunk, eyes closing for a moment. "I hope Indel's people will listen to me..."

"That is for them to decide when the time comes. What you need to do is think about what you will do if they don't listen to you," Lesanna said, tossing some glittering objects onto a silk cloth spread before her. She frowned, picking up the rough gems, shaking them between her palms and tossing them again. "Damn...every time you're close by, I can't get a straight answer," Lesanna hissed, frustrated and shaking her head again. Picking up a particular shard, she held it up the light, allowing me to see two figures that seemed to be 'stepping' away from each other, one of silver the other of black luster, standing out against the amber stone. "The 'Twins' keep turning up, always touching 'Ramsa - conflict', and 'Io - peace'. The rest...just seems to be random symbols that don't hold any meaning. None of the other shards are touching each other so I can't tell what they're trying to say."

"Conflict and peace?" I mused, looking at the gem shards she had indicated. 'And the Twins....'

"...The places Beyond shall be revealed,

Leading to the battle of twins,

Born to two different worlds," Iridell murmured after a moment, confusion and surprise spreading over her face. "Twins....Born to two different worlds? Could it be that the Darkness and the Chosen One are more than just opposites of each other?"

"What do you mean?" Lesanna asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically, carefully placing the gems into a small pouch she had out.

"Probably nothing...but if it is true...what may be coming could be far more than a simple battle between Light and Darkness," the dragoness replied, turning her gaze to me. I remained silent, the dreams coming back to me and one of the faces I had seen within them...


...I was in darkness again, soothing, relaxing in their embrace.

"What is it you seek?"

"Answers," I replied to the whispered voice, not really thinking about who or what might be asking me.

"To what questions?"

"Why? Why am I here?"

"To bring balance, to show hope, to live..."

"What must I do?"

"Remember what was and live for what is to follow the path to what will be..."

"I don't understand...What is the Darkness? Why must the Light be victorious?"

"Do you wish answers or the truth?"

"Are they not the same?"


There was silence for a long moment.

"...the truth..."

I felt myself moving, quickly, but without the actual sensation of wind or time passing around me. My foot touched the ground and I opened my eyes, taking in the large chamber around me.

Circular with five curving support columns placed around its edge, a walkway ran around the edge of it, extending five feet before vanishing in a steep drop. In the center of the chamber floated an ammonite platform that glittered dully, a pedestal near one edge and twin pillars of slim neon blue stone a few feet away from it. Suspended between them in chains was a child in ragged clothing, apparently unconscious. Looking up, I saw the starry sky above the pillars, as if there was no actual ceiling in this place.

Chanting rose from the only apparent entrance leading in or out of the chamber, in line with one of the massive sets of chains attached to the platform. Torches of baleful green flames appeared in the hands of robed figures, men and women with obsidian skin and white flowing hair as they entered the chamber, their faces having the features of elves often depicted in fairy tales and movies. Yet, these were no ordinary elves. They walked along the ledge, spreading out to ring the void around the platform as two other figures emerged from the entrance.

As with other races of creatures and animals in the realm, a Nightmare female walked with measured grace beside a second figure, her midnight features only distinguishable from the rest of the chamber by the flames of her hair, forearms, and lower legs. Chest was bare of all but a wide chain necklace that glittered crimson with rubies. Her waist enveloped in shimmering green silk, a slit along one side revealing her right thigh.

The figure beside her...

'By the Gods...' I thought, a sort of mild surprise passing through me.

Standing around 6'6" tall, the figure was of medium build with dark brown hair that fell just past the shoulders, slightly unkempt. Deep emerald green eyes glittered with intelligence and strength that were not apparent in the physical form. For all outwards appearances, he seemed to be human...

"Let this mark the first blow against the kingdom's of the Sun! Let the night come to them at last, destroying all that they hold dear!" He shouted, voice cold of all emotion, sending a writhing sensation through all that heard it, the urge to run away screaming in terror filling all in the chamber...including myself. Yet, it was distant, as if I had some kind of protection against it. "With the firstborn of this summer shall I make these words reality! Let all know terror as I am the first to strike at the world, so shall I be the last!"

Shrugging out of the light robe he wore, the man floated swiftly over to the platform, a chant rising up from the dark elves at the same time. Things shifted-

-and I was standing before the small pedestal, eyes taking in the basin of sand, the girl held in the restraints between the pillars and the man behind her, my guts knotting as I sensed what was going to happen to the child. He caressed her from behind, the girl waking at his touch and whimpering, terror keeping her from giving voice to what she felt as tears streamed down her face. She tried in vain to free herself from the chains as he continued to whisper to her, the child's eyes growing wider as things unseen were woven in her mind. His hands moved over her chest and suddenly pushed past skin, flesh and bone, her shriek filling the hall as she arched back, the chant drowned out by it. Flesh and skin started to writhe under her beige skin as she grew, aged.

She became darker, skin taking on a hint of crimson as she was forced into adulthood by the magicks around her. His hands slowly emerged from her chest as flesh became whole, cupping the full breasts of a young woman just entering her early twenties. Her eyes were pained and still held the fear of the child, but they were coppery, like polished metal. I wanted to shout for it to stop, to do anything to keep this from continuing, but I couldn't. He continued to whisper to her, tendrils of shadows flowing from him to wrap around her body, a few reaching out to the sand filled basin.

"Know that, before I take you, you shall be the herald to your peoples end," he whispered, this time loud enough for me to hear as well, his eyes watching as the sand started to move as well, frothing as small mounds appeared, working themselves into spiraling towers and massive domed structures. In moments, a small city rested between use and he smiled, pulling back-

-She screamed louder than ever as I shouted in protest, the man driving himself into her roughly with a roar, blood seeping out from around his member. Pain flashed across her face as she trembled in the chains that held her, followed slowly by revulsion as the man started thrusting in and out of her sex, raping her to gather the energy needed for what he had planned. I saw the threads of magick being woven around them, not only from the rape of innocence but by the Drow and the Nightmare as well, latching onto the woman's soul and drawing it forth. I turned my gaze back to them and felt a wave of sickness pass over me as his form started to change.

Flesh ran like putty off his muscles as they grew in sickening proportions, twisting around bones as his body became massive, a gruesome parody of a dragon with three heads. Bile dripped from the jaws, causing the woman to scream when it landed on her flesh, leaving boils and welts where it fell. His scales were slick with slime and mucus, over sized hands easily taking hold of the woman's legs and pulling her harder onto his member which I noticed was also starting to shift. The sand city glowed bright crimson as the chanting rose in pitch and tempo, the sounds of the creature fucking the woman also growing until with one last scream, she froze, the draconic creature roaring as it thrust hard into her, its member swelling at an alarming rate-

-Blood fountained from her throat and torso as the latter burst apart, spraying the model city with her life's essence as the soul was devoured by the spell. The dragon tore asunder what remained of her as the city crumbled, a loud CRACK! Sounding in the chamber followed by masses of screams from people I couldn't see...and my own...

...shadows enveloped me again, removing me from the grisly scene of death I had beheld in just a few short moments. I curled up, hugging my knees to my chest as I wept for the girl and her soul, knowing all too well that there was nothing I could have done, yet wishing there had been.

"...That is the truth..."

"I should have helped her..."

"You couldn't..."

"I should have!"

"She was meant to die...You are meant to live..."

"To destroy that...creature?"

"To bring balance...You couldn't save her...but you can still save her people..."

Something reached out to embrace me gently and I clung to it, not quite sure why, but it was better to share what I felt than harbor it alone. Opening my eyes after what seemed like ages, I found that I was no longer in shadows, but in a place of incredible beauty. Light of all colors and none seemed to shift around me and the figure I held. I only knew what her sex was from the form of her body, like molten gold and silver mixing together. Her face was featureless except for the eyes that gazed at me with more understanding than any other creature I had yet met.

"Who are you?"

"I am the sister of Ghiannha, the world serpent," she said softly, light forming behind her into a massive Wurm that was awe inspiring, body crusted in precious metals and gems, the head crowned with a wide head-dress of pure white light. "In time, you will meet me, but not yet. You need to return to yourself. The next phase of your life is at hand as is that of those that travel with you."

"I still have questions," I said, feeling something pulling me away from her, away from this place of beauty and light.

"Seek the answers within yourself. Only you can find the truth you wish for...Only you..."

...I woke slowly, remembering all too well the words from the dream. A dream that had also been real, a vision of other places and things that had happened. My companions still slept and as I sat up slowly, the call "Land Ho!" came from up on deck, along with the sound of many feet running across the deck to the bow of the ship. Quickly pulling on my breeches and a light shirt, I made my way up to the deck as well, eyes going in the direction that most of the crew and passengers now stood.

Ahead and quite visible to the naked eyes lay a lone mountain, rising up out of the ocean and surrounded by smaller spires of stone like small towers meant to protect a castle.

"Antheas," murmured a voice beside me, causing me to jump a little at how close the person had been able to get without me noticing. The Wind Singer had his veil down revealing a surprisingly young face, his expression thoughtful. His eyes shone like polished gold above dark tanned, nearly crimson skin. He looked at me and flashed a white smile at my own surprise. "Birthplace of the sea and all children within and above the waves, or so the Chirithan say. Yet all have their stories of creation, death, and rebirth, is it not so?"

"It is. So there must be some truth for such things to be believed, then again, the greatest lies always hold a grain of truth to make them all the more potent," I replied, nodding my head in greeting.

"True, true....I see that you are a man of philosophy," he remarked after a moments pause.

"Barely. I say what I feel is true for me, and nothing more. I have little understanding of philosophy in most regards since I have seen many try to prove their views as being the only correct ones. What about you? Are you such a man?" He chuckled and wrapped the veil over the bottom portion of his face again, leaving only his golden eyes exposed.

"The wind tells few secrets and asks more questions. In time you may come to understand what it is that philosophy truly means. I am but a man, if a wanderer. That is my truth, but only one of many, and can be as great a lie as any others you may hear. May the spirits of wind and sand favor you, Dark's Bane," he said, bowing his head a little and moving to the stern of the ship to take his place behind the pilot and captain, a song soon filling the air and the sails of the ship...

Iridell: Stretching as I emerged onto the deck, my gaze going to the tall spike of stone that towered over the ship as it slowly made its way into the harbor. Antheas existed on a flat plateau of rock that rose a good eighty meters of the sea, the docks themselves built upon the water with multiple ramps and cranes placed at intervals to help load or unload cargo. Many other ships were present, each with men and women performing tasks or gathering in groups to talk.

The air was spiced with herbs, fruits, and other trade goods, along with a sense of excitement that seemed to be in everyone's expressions. Alviara was greeted warmly by others wearing the heavy chain slung over their shoulders that identified captains to each other. Indel made her way nimbly down from the scaffold lair of silk she had thrown up for herself, her head twisting this way and that to take in the sights and scents of the mountain island. Many on the docks that caught sight of her openly gapped at the arachnid woman, a few even walking into each other and sending ropes or casks of supplies flying into the water or smashing on the wooden walkways.

Denver stood next to the ramp leading to the dock with a leather coat he had grabbed a few moments before I had awakened. His own gaze seemed to be at the mountain itself, a strange distant expression on his face as I approached him.

"I need to go into the caves," he murmured once I was beside him, eyes filled with hope and sorrow at the same time. "As soon as I possibly can..."


"I need to remember..."

Keeping silent, I said nothing, knowing all too well what he meant. Dreams had been filled with images of men confronting the darkness, each one different in appearance, each one trying a different way of stopping the mass of vile shadows to no avail.

For all the differences in their faces and forms, the light within them, their souls had been the same, strong and unyielding to what lay ahead, all of them linked without knowing it. If Denver was right, this would end inside the sacred caverns of the Chirithan...


Courtesy of the captain, we were introduced to the clan leaders, masters and mistress' of the ships that ran the trade routs of the Chirithan. Most said nothing when Denver was introduced, many looked vaguely ill, others faces had become stone, unreadable and distant. Exchanging glances, they nodded slowly, eyes going to the eldest pair of leaders, faces weather worn and tanned to a dull bronze from years of sailing.

"Is this true?" the elder woman asked, Aramys 'di Thalusen, Mistress of the Sun-runner and Tempest clan.

"It is," Denver said, voice even and cool, hinting at nothing of what he felt.

'Damn. You don't have to sound so hard,' I thought, keeping myself from scowling, radiating an air of calm.

"Then enter the island home of the ancestors, until you return, you are dead to us. May the wind bear you swift passage to the Mothers and Fathers," Aramys intoned, covering her eyes with a hand and turning away. The others echoed her words and actions, leaving me blinking in surprise. These were the people who were expecting their savior, and they acted as if he was already dead. Bowing his head, Denver removed his sword, setting it on the ground before running towards the mountain, my shock growing as I realized that all other Chirithan had imitated the Council, leaving a clear path for Denver to follow. I started to go after him when strong hands held me back, Indel's expressionless face shaking slowly.

"He must be able to face this on his own," she sighed/gurgled, mandibles twitching with uncertainty.

"Like hell he does," Arosha growled, tossing her own weapons to the ground and taking off after him, dodging the few that tried to stop her; Lesanna following in her wake. Wretching myself free, I took to the air, barely noticing that the council had raised a hand to keep Indel from doing anything. Flying low beside Lesanna and Arosha, she grinned at me ruefully.

"I swear, he'll be the death of me yet," she said with a chuckle.

"If he is, that'll make three of us," I remarked. "What fools lovers be..."

"Better to love openly than blindly," Lesanna remarked, shifting to her serpentine form and gliding over the ground as fast as her tail could push her.

"How true..."


Shafts of sunlight cut the gloom inside the cave, paths branching off here and there to other chambers that might have had other uses, ones that didn't matter to me at the moment. I could feel myself being drawn towards the center, unerringly-

"-need to go back," said my companion, stone faced in the literal sense, voice deep and grave with concern and uncertainty.

"I saw this place in my dreams," I replied, standing at the massive arch of stone and looking around. "I had is nothing here for us. Let's go."

"As you wish Andallan-"

-shock froze my steps and I looked around, hearing only the sounds of the sea softly whispering through the echoing tunnels, the air as fresh and spiced with the brine as it had been before. Or had been. For a moment, the air had been cool and crisp, like that of the mountains. Andallan? Where did I hear that name? I continued on the arch seeming closer than before-

-fires illuminated the small valley bowl before the Oracle Arch, enough to number a full army and then some. My companions lay next to me on their bellies, also looking around and weighing our chances of getting past such a force.


"Dancing with shadows is preferable to facing our own kin," Mandark intoned, idly fingering a scar running under his right eye, a gift from the army below us.

"Dancing is dancing, regardless of the partner, what matters is how the courtship of blades ends," Sissay remarked to the other side, her campfire blackened blades already out and resting with their backs against her arms. She smiled, almost eagerly for the challenge ahead.

"Dancing is dancing-"

-My step faltered and I shook my head, images and thoughts fading slowly to the background of my mind. I was closer to the arch, far closer than I thought I would have been after daydreaming twice...if they were day dreams.

"You sure you want to go through with this?" asked a voice from behind me. Turning, I gave a sad smile at the figure that greeted me. It was me, or rather, how I had looked before I came to this world. Dark brown hair hanging to my shoulders, eyes of emerald green looking at me from above a cold smile, no light contained within them. Blue jeans, black T-Shirt, and a jacket that rested on one shoulder to cover his arm like a cloak, he seemed at ease from where he stood, leaning against the granite wall.

"Give me a reason I shouldn't do it," I said, turning away and taking another-

-"Kien? Kien!" I shouted, racing through the nightmarish castle corridors. Creatures dredged from tormented dreams and other dark places of the world rose to confront me, only to fall to the heavy blade at the end of the spear I wielded. Sirens, Demons, Drow and countless other creatures fell like wheat, as if I had become a farmer, reaping their souls for what they had sown. "KIEN!" Bursting through double doors I stopped dead in my tracks, my heart breaking with what I beheld. "KIIIEEEENNN!"-

-staggering slightly, remorse and sorrow crashing over me as I fought to maintain my balance.

"You've certainly made it farther than the others," the doppelganger remarked, pushing himself away from the wall and walking closer. "What do you think awaits you beyond the arch? Hmm? Nothing to save you and everything to rip your sanity apart from your soul. You'll just end up wasting your life and dooming another nation to destruction, along with the world."

"For...some reason...I doubt...that," I told him, smiling defiantly. I was panting for breath, my shirt soaked through with sweat as if I had run for a couple miles or more.

"Really? Well, suite yourself, but what would your mates say if they found you dead for nothing more than a foolish prophecy which could just as easily be fulfilled elsewhere?"

"Why are you so eager to see me leave this place?" I countered, watching his expression falter and a darkness creep into his eyes. "The others never made it this far did they?" He kept silent, face blurring to something terrible before returning to the parody of my own.

"There is nothing here that will help you," he said in a low warning tone.

"Really? Lets take a look then, shall we!" I reached out before he could react, grabbing his shirt and stepping forward at the same time-

-songs followed Us out of town as we rode Mist, the horse knowing better than We did where to go as Our minds were still muddled with mead. Once on the outskirts, the magick inherent in Our blood started to remedy the problem, making Us shudder as the alcohol was quickly removed and any ill effects dealt with. Blaze sang softly about a barmaid surprised from behind by a drunk customer that had raised her skirts, and I had to shake my head and laugh. Of all things a dragon might sing about, this was far from ideal, especially regarding the tales most had heard of such creatures. Beings of great knowledge, terrible power, and users of magicks light and dark, most would hardly believe that they would enjoy tavern songs.

Nudging Mist into a quick trot, I kept searching the night with inhuman eyes for any sign of trouble, just in case some fool bandit got it into their head to ambush us. Last thing I wished to do was kill even in defense, though I wasn't worried about death. Blaze and I had died countless times already, but didn't remain so. In a matter of moments we would heal and become whole again, leaving only a scar over Our heart as evidence that We had been mortal at all.

Screams and shouts came from ahead, my eyes going to the large cluster of flames ahead off the side of the road. Approaching slowly, I saw that it was a gypsy caravan, all the wagons engulfed in flames with dark figures moving around them before going inside the ring of flames. Dismounting, I walked to stand between two of the wagons, ignoring the heat of the flames and watching in disgust as rough men stood around a group of women, children and crones, cruel jests and harsh actions making the survivors cry out in pain and terror. Noticing one of the men dragging a woman outside the burning wagons and into the night, I caressed the hilt of my sword, debating whether I should help or not.

One of the crones stood on shaky legs, shouting curses at the men and going as far as kicking one of them in the shins. A fatal move that cost her life and those of the survivors, the bandits quickly slaughtering the lot of them. Turning away, I ran after the one who had pulled the woman away from the others.

'Leave them. They're not your people,' Blaze stated, somewhat irritated as he sensed what I intended.

'They don't deserve this.'

'You owe them nothing.'

'I owe too much already,' I told him.

The man had pinned the woman against the ground, lying atop her with his breeches undone. She kept still, her face turned away as if already dead, ignoring what was about to be done to her. Gliding over the ground like a wraith, my sword hissed as I drew it, followed by the mans left arm and head parting company with his body as my blade sever them. Kicking the body to the side before she could get sprayed by the blood, I paused to look her over for injuries, then headed off to kill the rest of the bandits...

...Wiping the sword on one corpse, I looked around at the carnage, my stomach knotting for a moment. 'Damn. I didn't want to do this...not tonight,' I thought, shaking my head and turning away. The bodies would be taken care of by nature or man if they had enough decency, but I had no time for the dead now. Going back to the one I had saved, I felt sorrow for her, for losing a family; envy for having known them before they died. It wasn't for me. For Us.

Whistling, Mist approached us and I lifted the woman in my arms, setting her on the saddle before swinging myself up behind her. She made no sound, though her body shook with silent tears. Kicking Mist into a run, we were down the road in moments and out of sight of the dying fires, the horse racing the moonlight to get away from that place...

'Vivian,' Whispered a voice in my mind.

Yes...that was her name as We learned later. She thanked the gods for Our arrival when she was in danger and We laughed bitterly at that. Could have saved what was left of the caravan, but We had waited instead. We had let them die. Damn the Gods and all their children. If they had asked Us to save her, they would have watched them all die. They allowed Us to be cursed with Immortality, and have Our families slaughtered. We owed them nothing, We cared not one tear what happened to their children. Yet We cared about what happened around Us when there was a choice.

Vivian learned about Us as we traveled, meaning only to get her to another place where she could start life anew. Yet things didn't turn out that way. We...I fell in love with her the more time we spent together, and for the first time in a long while, felt that my life had a purpose after all-

-"NO!" He tore free from my grasp and vanished the same instant as I fell through the Oracle Arch again for what had to be the last time. Memories flooded my mind and organized themselves. Sensations, emotions, dreams; all came together and I suddenly knew who I was as well as what. The Chosen One was just a name, a title that the prophecies of this world had given me, but it wasn't who I was. The realization both joyous and painful, making me weep silently, but now I knew.

Standing up from where I had fallen, I found myself in a large chamber, the ceiling of which was broken by many shafts of light from outside, soft blue, as if night had fallen. How long did it take to relive a memory? It didn't matter. I knew, that was it.

Against the far wall a pool was fed by a small waterfall that emerged from somewhere in a shadowed crevice high above. Entering the pool slowly, I felt a shiver and a sense of welcome, my body shifting as the water touched me. Taking a deep breath, I dunked my head under the refreshing liquid...


Arosha: Yipping in pain I dropped the rock I had used to strike the shimmering barrier that kept us from getting into the caves where Denver had gone. The Chirithan's festival was well underway, the night filled with music, dancing and drinks behind us down the slope, but it didn't matter to us. Despite all our attempts to get inside, the wall of shimmering blues and greens had blocked us at every turn. Iridell had taken to meditating not long after the first few times had failed, muttering something about memories. Lesanna and I had even tried to dig under it only to find that it went through the ground itself, leaving us frustrated.

"Calm down," the Naga said for the tenth time, her eyes shimmering softly in the moonlight. "Frustration won't help us or Denver if he is in danger. We need to be able to think clearly." Growling, I shot her a look and she sighed, shaking her head again. A touch on my arm startled me and I looked from the princess to find Iridell standing next to me a relieved smile on her lips, eyes seeping tears of joy.

"He's coming," was all she said, so softly that it could have been a whisper. The barrier melted before I could reply and the sound of footsteps reached us, my heart swelling with relief...Until the figure entered the moonlight.

Just above seven feet tall, silver scales gleamed brightly along with cobalt blue eyes, form definitely draconic in appearance, but slender more than it was muscular. Wings of sapphire spread out momentarily from its back before folding neatly, and its arms spread out in welcome, a smile coming to its lips. A smile that was more than a little familiar.

"Denver!" I leapt at him, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly and letting go of all the pent up emotions at once, whining even as I sobbed loudly. Arms as strong as I remembered held me tightly in a gentle embrace, his face pressed against my shoulder whispering comforts to me as one hand rubbed my back. I became aware of the others gathering around and we all held onto each other, laughing as much as we cried until we had no breath left for questions...


Lesanna: We managed to get back to the settlement, finding Indel waiting for us with her own smile. She curtsied to Denver before telling us that a tent had been prepared just in case we required rest. Denver nodded and asked if she might be able to find the Chirithan leaders. There was much to be discussed and he had more than a few things to explain. Things that he believed all had a right to know. She nodded and skittered off to do as he asked after pointing out the way to our tent.

It was closer to a pavilion than anything else, large enough to be a royal chamber out of Ryodan castle itself and just as well furnished. Layers of carpet provided a soft surface to walk on, with piles of pillows carefully arranged around a low table. Sleeping pallets had been gathered and set all against one side of the tent to form a large 'bed' that we could share. Lamps provided more than enough light and helped keep things warm. As soon as the flap was down, I turned to regard Denver with an appraising look. Much more hansom now than before and he moved with an assured grace that took most years to learn. He caught my gaze and smiled softly, looking at each of us in turn before bowing his head.

"I'm...sorry for taking off like that, but it was the last thing I needed to do to know if I was the Chosen One," he said, voice remarkably unchanged. "Seems I got more than I bargained for..."

"So it would seem," I remarked, tilting my head a little.

"What did you learn at the Oracle Arch?" Iridell asked softly, voice apprehensive.

"That both you and Lesanna were right. This isn't really a battle between light and darkness coming. It's...a battle between two parts of a whole. I'm part of this darkness, and the darkness is a part of me. We're two shards that are part of something greater," he told us.


"The truth. I don't know how to really explain it, but something happened long before this darkness came to be. We were one being, a person known as the Dragon-lord. I don't know why he separated himself into two parts, but the light he cast away into another world, retaining the darkness and his powers. As the light, I died many times, some of my past lives finding hints of what they were but never the memories. They tried to confront him, tried to stop what he was doing and failed. Each time I was born again and came so close to finding what was needed but turned away since it seemed easier," he finished, sighing as he sat down on one of the cushions. "I can feel something at the edge of my mind wanting to remember, but it's like trying to picture the first time one makes love. Its there, but the memory is mostly emotion and sensation. The memory...its rage and loss all at once. I don't know what else to say."

"It will come in time," Iridell said softly, moving to sit beside him, followed by Arosha and I.

"I hope so. It may be the only thing that allows me to stop him," he said softly. Before anyone could reply, the tent flap opened and the leaders of the Chirithan entered, all with cool expressions though some of them looked visibly relieved as they saw Denver. "Please...sit. There is much we have to talk about..."


Darkness: I howled and raged, throwing guards and minions around like dolls, crushing walls and sending objects to the floor where they shattered. All that lived and even the dead fled from my presence, knowing that death awaited them if they remained.

'This time shall not be like the last. He shall end it!' The Wurms words came back, haunting me but with little effect. Memories...They would only help to prepare his grave and all other people that lived in the world, even if I succeeded. That I promised. On the powers of the Darkness, I promised and laughed, the sound filling the chamber along with the howling wind outside...