The Quest for the Holy Dildo #7

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#9 of Holy Dildo

The Angel Opens Her Mouth

Angelsong. It's not that it bores you so much it puts you to sleep. It's more that it's so comfy you can't help but to curl up and doze off. Unless you're otherwise engaged...

| Klimmek and his friends watched the two lovers retreat to the privacy of their room.

"That cat's ass is awesome, but I'd hit that angel's pussy so hard she couldn't walk for a week!", said one of Klimmek's friends.

The blow that came an instant later laid the man out cold on the floor as Klimmek looked fiercely at his other friend. "I'll not hear such talk of my Lady Faniel!" he warned his remaining companion.

The Bosmer held his hands up, "I wouldn't dream of it!" | |

| Faniel looked over at the two and smiled, nodding to Klimmek thankfully.

Devilah's voice rang out loud and gravelly with lust through the tavern causing more than a little bawdy laughter, "Dammit, screw these boots. For the love of all that is sacred, Sampson, leave the boots on and fuck me now!!!" | |

| "Lynly?" Faniel asked the bard, "I wonder if you could play something for me?" Faniel asked.

"I'll try my best, Faniel. What would you like?"

"Just... play along to this tune..." Faniel answered as she hummed a melody that was strange but hauntingly familiar to the patrons. A tune none could ever recall again. But, as the two lovers shed their clothes and their bodies mingled in the privacy of their room nearby, the Angel began to sing... | |

| Lynly's hands seemed to continue of their own accord as the angel's voice began. None present had ever heard such a voice, and even the jaded bartender stepped from behind his post and sat to listen. The sounds of Sampson and Devilah's passionate lovemaking seemed not to interrupt Faniel's song but to add a rhythmic counterpoint as their bed began to bang out its own drumbeat against the wall and their moans of ecstasy blended with Faniel's voice as if in harmonic accompaniment. | |

| The song reached it's emotional peak just as the lovers reached their own, and it seemed as if Faniel was vocalizing their own feelings as they fell back to earth, both sated and spent. | |

| A long while later, Devilah noticed she heard no sounds coming from the tavern and asked Sampson if perhaps they should return. But he was asleep so she put her own clothes back on and returned.

Outside, everyone was sleeping except Faniel.

"What happened? What did you do?"

"Oh, it's nothing. They're just sleeping. My singing tends to do that. They'll wake up soon. How was your orgasm?" | |

| "It was... incredible," Devilah admitted, sitting on the floor beside the fire. "I thought I heard singing, but I wasn't sure if it was in my head or not. You've got your own sort of magic, don't you?"

The Angel smiled. "I have nothing. All I have was given me. Sampson really loves you Devilah. That offer to the guards was quite a sacrifice for him. They'll be here soon." | |

| "I know. He's more than I deserve, Faniel. If I were a normal Khajiit, I'd reject them. But... I just can't."

"I understand more than anyone, Devilah. I can't divulge much of what happened before I came here, but I was your Guardian Angel for a little bit. You might say I read up on you. But don't feel too bad. A sacrifice is worth nothing without some little pain. He knows you will do what you will do." | |