Lilika Trisain - Chapter 1 - The Goblin Balloon Brigade

Story by Zon Liea on SoFurry

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#2 of Lilika Trisain, Adventurer For Hire

Lilika Trisain, an adventurer/mercenary for hire, has been contacted by a man who daughter was kidnapped by slavers. With the man willing to pay her handsomely, she begins her journey to the dangerous country of Keravic; a land where slavery is rampant, sexual perversions run wild, and the dangers go far beyond being mugged in a back alley.

(This particular story used to be on SoFurry quite a number of years ago. I deleted it for various reasons. Over the years, I've seen people mention on scant occasions that they missed this story. So, here it is. I ran it through a spell checker, but otherwise, everything is exactly the same as it used to be before it was deleted from the site. I'm not entirely a fan of how this story came out (the writing in it is rough at best, as this was before I learned basic rules such as spell-checking, proper punctuation, and tenses,) and if I had done this story today, I would have done it differently. But, I figured it was better to repost this story where people could read it, rather than have it languish forever on my hard drive.)

The shop was nicely situated in one of the alleys off the main streets of the port town of Sesua. Sure it was hard to find if you were looking for it, but most of the people that needed to find her knew exactly where she was. It didn't have the flashy storefront that most of the similar shops, just a run-down wooden sign hanging from a post over the door.

Lilika Trisain, Adventurer for hire: Lost items found, stolen items retrieved, monsters slain. Also works as bodyguard, mercenary, security consultant. Flat Fee plus Expenses.

It was a simple sign, but Lilika liked it well enough. It got the point across, and it made fairly steady business, when it was open. Nine months out of the year, Lilika was who knew where, on one continent or the other. While her business ran pretty well, Lilika was never able to get used to the lifestyle of sitting behind a desk and waiting for the business to come to her. She wanted to be out, slaying monsters on her own, finding rare items she could sell for a new sword and a night on the town.

Lilika stood out in a crowd. She was not your average vixen. First of all, she was just under seven feet tall, her hair was dark and often braided down to the small of her back. Her breasts were modest, unlike the vixen whores she often saw down at the shipping docks, and her arms and legs were toned and muscular. Presumably, so was the rest of her, but her chest was covered in a metal breastplate. She believed in functional armor, and thus, wore a pair of pants lined with chainmail, held up by a belt which also held a dagger and her sword. Lilika had seen other warrior women go for what she called the slut warrior look, and tried very hard to be the exact opposite.

Lilika carried a large leather pouch wherever she went, which carried most of her potions and traveling supplies, and from this bag she produced a key, which she shoved into the lock and opened the door to her shop. She ducked as she entered, having to force the door open against the volume of notes and letters that had been shoved under her door requesting her services. "Sorry guys." She said to the notes, in a voice much more feminine that one would expect. "I'm not here to work."

The racks behind her desk were filled with every possible item that Lilika felt she could ever use, from potions, enchanted items, replacement weapons, anything she might need later in the future. She unbuckled her chest plate, letting it fall with a clunk to the floor exposing her white chest fur to the air. She sighed, letting her fur air out before replacing it with a casual leather tunic, also lined with chain mail. She smiled and stretched, testing out the new flexibility and lack of weight.

"God, that feels so GOOD!" She moaned out, turning as she heard the creaking of the floor behind her, her hand instantly on her sword.

"I heard you were back in town, and I need to see you urgently!" Said the man quickly, looking almost panicked as he saw her reaching for her sword.

He was a lion, and judging by the tunic he wore, very wealthy. Most people in this town couldn't afford silk clothing, embroidered so well. Even the dagger on his belt was inlaid with gold and silver, and his hair and mane were neatly kept under close watch, any stray hairs were immediately disciplined and forced back into line.

"You heard I was back in town? I just got off the boat fifteen minutes ago." She said, crossing her arms.

"Word travels fast." He said. "Please. I need your assistance."

"Shop is closed. The boat leaves in a half hour, and I want to be on it. Got a dungeon on the archipelago that's I'm looking forward to looting."

"Please. It is my daughter."

"I told you that the shop is closed."

The lion slammed his hand down on the table, and she turned, thinking he was angry, however, under his hand lay the gold and silver dagger. "Please. Listen to me for ten minutes, and this is yours."

From what she had seen, she knew it was good craftsmanship, but as she picked it up, she knew she was wrong. It was excellent craftsmanship. Both sides had been honed to a razor's edge, and as she hefted it in her paw, she could feel the balance. The blade itself was just about seven inches from gold hilt to needle point.

"I'll listen, but I won't guarantee my service, and you will not get this back."

"Done." He said quickly, and she was surprised at how quickly he had gotten rid of something that could easily have fetched 100 gold.

"So. Your daughter. Has she run away?"


"The authorities can help you more than I can."

"She was kidnapped up north." Came the short reply.

Lilika looked coolly at him, thinking it over. This was not a good sign. "How far north."

"She was kidnapped from Keravic."

"Sorry. You're on your own." She said, turning back to her racks of items.

"Come on! You said you'd listen for ten minutes!"

"Anything I'd want to listen to does not come after the mention of Keravic. That country is a hellhole, and I'm not going on any trip to Keravic. I went there once, never again."

Keravic was a country up north, past the mountain range. The rest of the continent said that the mountain range was there to keep the filth from Keravic from spilling over into the civilized world. Keravic had some of the biggest cities in the world, but were also hubs for crime and hedonistic activity. Prostitution was illegal in the rest of the country, but in Keravic, it was everywhere, from the streetwalkers at the city gates that the government mandated put their services for free to welcome newcomers, to the upscale clubs where a woman could serve your every need, and if you killed her during the act, no big deal, you just didn't get your security deposit back. The entire country was run by organized crime, and in the cities, drugs and aphrodisiacs were thrown around so much that breathing the air would get you high and the water would make you horny for a week. Thievery was illegal unless you had a license, and casinos dealt in everything from money to body parts.

"What was a wealthy man like yourself doing in Keravic anyway?"

"We were not in Keravic. We were just south of the mountain range. We were taking a caravan back to Sesua, but we didn't get three miles out of town before we were ambushed. We were all robbed, and three of the girls were taken. The authorities wouldn't touch the case."

"Let me guess." Lilika said with disdain, looking at the tip of a crossbow bolt in the dim light of her window. "The Shuya Traders."

The lion nodded. The Shuya Traders were a group that made their living on the slave trade in Keravic. They were always problems in the towns closest to the mountain range. They'd spend two or three weeks hunting, before going back to Keravic with their shipment of fresh female slaves ready for the pits.

"If the Shuya have her, you don't want her back. She's probably in Keravic by now, kneeling at the feet of a rich crime lord and waiting for her next order."

"I don't care. I need her back."

Lilika finished packing her equipment, and headed for the door. "No."

"Double your flat fee."




"Would you like me to keep going?"

Lilika hesitated at the door, wondering how much he would go up to. She charged modestly for her services, but for a job like this, she'd charge fifty gold pieces for anywhere but Keravic.

"If you want me on this, I'll need an expense account. For a flat rate, I usually charge fifty. But this is a special case, and a trip to Keravic. I want a thousand gold, up front. Another thousand when I return her, dead, alive, or insane."

The lion didn't even blink. "Deal."

"Expecting to get rid of me with the threat of money?" He said as he smiled softly at the shock on her face. "My daughter is the most important thing in the world to me. Getting her back is worth any price."

He unclipped a bag of money from his pouch, and dropped it on the counter. "A thousand, as requested. Keep log of any of that money you use while on your journey, and I will reimburse you in full."

"You were expecting to go up to a thousand, weren't you?"

"Actually I was expecting more." He said, jingling other bags of coins on his pouch.

Lilika picked the bag up, and stuffed it into her pouch. "A man with that much money is asking to get robbed."

He shrugged. "I needed to take the risk."

His daughter's name was Lana, named after her mother. She was only sixteen years old, golden fur. Her hair was gold as well, and she was skinny, curvy, and she had been brought up in private school and a wealthy household. He brought a pictograph, one of those newly discovered boxes that could take a still image. The makers claimed they'd make portrait painting obsolete, but the quality was grainy at best, and still in black and white.

"You brought a girl like that to the mountain range? No wonder she was snatched up." She said, memorizing how she looked as best she could. Finally, she tucked the pictograph into her pouch, just in case.

"She was taken almost two weeks ago."

"You sure you want her back? You might not like what you get back."

"Yes." He said. "No matter what condition she may be in, she is still my daughter."

"Fine. You go on home; I'll see what I can do from now on."

"I can have a private caravan ready to take you to the mountain range within an hour."

Lilika smiled. "No need. That would take too much time. I'm going over the mountains, not through them." She said as she led him to the door. "I'm off to see the Goblin Balloon Brigade."


The Goblin Balloon Brigade was pretty self-explanatory. Someone, a businessman she figured, had bought up a fleet of ships, before dragging them several miles inland, to a field. Whoever it was had attached gigantic balloons filled with who knew what. After a few hundred massive balloons, the ships would fly. It was a remarkably effective way to travel, however, the same businessman had then left a crew of goblins in charge of the ships. Messy, vulgar, runty little creatures, they stood only about three feet high, with wide, bat-like ears and a pointed nose. Their skin varied in color between shit brown and snot green, and their hands had fingers which were abnormally long in size.

Lilika hated goblins. She had dealt with them in her adventures before, and she knew how tricky they were. If you could get a promise out of a goblin, you could rest soundly knowing you'd get it to the letter, but they adored loopholes. You never wanted to be in debt to a goblin. Anything you accepted from them, a free piece of fruit, a silver piece, anything, would be expected to be paid for whenever the goblin called it in.

The balloon brigade looked impressive in the setting sun, Lilika had to admit. She had hitched a ride on a caravan leaving to deliver a shipment of cargo to the Archipelago, and she was able to get a ride for a few copper pieces. In the setting sun, the fleet of ships almost looked beautiful, as opposed to just plain goofy, and it was almost comical watching the goblins scurry around carrying baggage and crates.

The caravan pulled to a halt, and she thanked the man, and she walked through the gate towards the boarding area. Up close, she could see how tall the ships really were, feeling almost dwarfed, a feeling that never came easy to seven foot tall Lilika.

She caught a whiff of mating pheromones, and as she looked towards the flagship, the Emperor, she noticed several passengers boarding, all dressed in formal wear.

"Probably a few horny canines out to enjoy their honeymoon with their tails raised." She muttered, walking past the ship, which had been decked out in the latest fashion. Even the goblins were dressed in formal wear, and looking none too happy about it. The ships only went downhill from the Emperor. Some were missing coats of paint, others had whole planks of wood missing.

"Excuse me!" She turned to see a panicked canine dressed in formal dress. "Where is the Emperor?"

"Do you know where the ship to Keravic is?"

The canine shook his head and whimpered. Lilika sighed and pointed to the flagship.

"Thank you! Wait for me!" He called out as he ran towards the ship. Lilika sighed, before jerking her head upright as she felt something tug on her tail. She spun around only to drag the little creature with it as she yelped in pain, so finally she had to turn her head to see the grinning goblin gripping her tail.

"Let go." She said, and the goblin released her tail.

"Hear you looking for Keravic! Keravic that way!"

"Next time tap me on the sho...." She looked down at the three foot tall creature. "Never mind."


The ship to Keravic hardly looked airworthy, let alone seaworthy. "That's the ship to Keravic?" She asked incredulously. "I wouldn't piss on that if it was on fire."

The goblin who had led her here jumped up and down. "Keravic ship good! Keravic ship going directly to Wilsor!"

She couldn't ignore that. Wilsor would be the first place she checked; it was the biggest city in Keravic. Lilika approached the ticket booth, or at least, she assumed it was a ticket booth, or had been one in its past life. The desk was a milk crate, and two wooden poles, one broken in half and held together with a strip of cloth, held a sign that said TCKTBUTH in hand painted letters.

"I need passage to Keravic."

"Step right on board."

"I haven't paid you."

"Pretty Vixen. Free ride." The goblin said with a grin, and Lilika could see him staring at her legs and tail.

"Oh no. No no no. Nothing is free with you." She said sternly down to the grayish goblin, who never once let his smile falter. "I insist I pay for this ride."

"Nope! Goblin Balloon Brigade can set prices for anything they want, which can be paid in any currency the GBB demands, and I say ride now, price to be determined later."

"I have money. I will pay for this ride." She said, irritated.

"Payment later or no ride."

Lilika swore. Her tail swished angrily, and she was about to kick the TCKTBUTH right over onto his head before she stopped...if she wanted to get to Wilsor, she needed to get on this ship. "Fine." She said, and she stomped up the gangplank.


Lilika watched the sky from the railing as the ship sailed peacefully over the fields below, glowing golden in the fading sunlight. The launch had gone off better than expected. The ship was only leaning twenty degrees to the left, and they had only lost one goblin: a new record, from how the crew had cheered.

She had met her fellow passengers in the short time she had. There was a group of three human males who she knew were only heading to Keravic for the hookers. When they asked how much she charged, she calmly kneed one in the balls, and she hadn't seen them since. Aside from them was a bunny who was supervising his shipment of carrots (of all things.) to Keravic. Lilika said he wasn't helping the stereotype any.

The Keravic ship didn't do too much in the way of passenger travel. It was all cargo, legal and illegal, being shipped back and forth. While she watched the sun set and plunge the land into darkness, she felt another yank on her tail, and she yelped again.

"What do you want?" She snapped, rubbing her tail as she pulled it from his hands.

"Pretty vixen comes with me! Pretty vixen pay for ride!"

Lilika sighed. "Let's get this over with." She said as she followed the goblin down the stars.

The decks of the ship smelled like rotted wood, and smelled so strong she half expected there to be water sloshing on the floor with each rock of the boat. She was lead deeper into the ship until she reached a cargo room lit by oil lamps. The cargo had been pushed back against the wall, and what looked like the whole crew, she guessed maybe thirty or so goblins, were bouncing on their heels excitedly.

"Pretty vixen pay for ride!" Said the leader. She knew it was the leader, since he was the tallest, and goblins always valued height. "Goblins on ship lonely for months. You fix."

"Excuse me?" She asked, crossing her arms. "You!" He said in his rough voice, a sadistic grin on his face as he and bounced once more. "You pleasure us!"

Lilika twitched, reaching for her sword to lop every single one of their heads off, but the Leader spoke. "We throw you overboard for not paying for your ride! Stowaway!"

The goblins all started chanting stowaway, and moving closer, Lilika trying to figure out if she could take them all.

"FINE!" She roared in exasperation, and the goblins cheered, looking absolutely delighted.

"Get bare!" One called out.

Another joined in. "Pretty vixen no need clothes!"

She pulled her leather armor over her head, and the vixens cheered as her white furred breasts hung in the lamplight. She didn't feel any shame. She had never been shy about her body, but the idea of a bunch of goblins...gross. She released her belt and let her clothing clatter to the floor. She looked at each goblin drinking in her nudity, the red fur that faded to white at her crotch, and the pink of her nipples that could be seen through her fur.

"Not in heat! Get in heat!"

The others joined in again, and she screamed at them, their voices only getting louder. The leader ran up to her. "You get heat for us! Heat for us! Show us! Show us!"

As Lilika sat down, the goblins shushed themselves into silence, all of them staring at her. She opened her legs, and she could see the loincloths tenting up as they saw her body. She closed her eyes, pressing her paw to her slit, stroking the fur there. She blushed visible enough to be seen in the dim lamp light, masturbating herself in front of the entire crew, she could smell their dirty scent, hearing their raspy breathing and excited murmurs as she played with herself. She closed her eyes, pretending she was somewhere else.

Her breathing picked up as she felt the twinges of pleasure coming, her folds growing puffy now. She moaned under her breath, trying not to open her eyes even one bit. Lilika moaned as she slid a finger inside, her thumb caressing her clit. Lilika let out a sigh, her body trembling as her moisture began to soak her fur.

The goblins began to talk.

"Mating scent, we take her now!"

"Yes, lets!"

The leader shushed, and lay down on the floor. He lifted his loincloth, showing his thick member, enormous for a creature so small. "Mate with me, pretty vixen!"

She opened her eyes, looking at the leader of the goblins. "Fine." She said as she crawled over onto the floor, her knees on either side of his hips. She looked into the goblin's face, before closing her eyes, not wanting to look at his sickly grey skin, shining with sweat in the lamplight. She pushed her hips down, feeling the massive length push at her opening.

"Pretty vixen whore go faster..." He rasped at her, making her gag at his scent. She obeyed, shoving her hips down to meet his, feeling his smooth skin rubbing at hers through her fur. The other goblins cheered as she slid herself back up again.

Lilika was no stranger to sex, with her lonely days traveling, and the handsome men in bars, or her sexy partners in adventuring. This sex though, was making her feel dirty. She heard a goblin spit behind her, and his long finger massaged something into her tailhole. She tried to lower it, but he grabbed it and forced it up, causing her to gasp in pain.

"Raise tail. Be good vixen." He said in a squeaky voice before his cock was rammed into her ass.

She screamed out at the pain, she was lucky he had been kind enough to lubricate her as opposed to ramming in dry, but it still hurt. As she screamed, a hand gripped her head and pulled her forwards. She felt something warm and slick plunge into her mouth, and she resisted the urge to bite as he started forcing her head back and forth. Lilika choked and gagged, but it didn't matter to the goblin. She almost threw up.

The pain in her ass took away from the pleasure, which she was grateful for. She felt a sharp slap on her ass as well as the sharp nails running over her back. "Work, vixen whore. Work your mouth for ride."

She muffled something, unable to get herself focused with the constant pounding in her lower holes, she was being shoved down and pulled backwards, the goblins giving satisfied noises as the rest cheered them on. Lilika moved her tongue over the cock plunging down his throat, and he made a cheering noise. She coughed as she felt another cock sliding into her mouth along with the first one, making her gasp for breath. When one pulled out, the other shoved in, making it difficult to breathe.

"Vixen slave feel good!" called the one in her ass, and she felt him yank out as another one pushed inside, the warm seed leaking down her thighs providing ample lubrication for the next one. The taste suddenly exploded into her mouth as her throat was doused in the foul tasting sperm. They pulled out as a pair and sprayed the rest of the load onto her chin. "Rub into her skin! Give her smell that never goes away!" They laughed with glee as they worked cum into her fur and hair like one would do with soap. As she tried to protest, another cock filled her mouth.

The crew had formed three lines, one waiting for her mouth, one waiting for her ass, and one waiting to crawl underneath her and use her pussy. Some who had finished waited around until they were ready, and then hopped in a line, others just jerked themselves off into her fur, two goblins rubbing cum deep into her fur at all times.

Lilika had no idea how long it went on, two, or even three cocks at once in her mouth, hands guiding her to lift up before lowering her down on the next goblin to have a turn. She simply let her mind wander freely, experiencing the pleasure as if from a distance.

"I wonder what the price is of food in Keravic..." She thought to herself. "Did I leave the stove on...Another one? How many goblins are there..."

Eventually, it dwindled down from the whole crew to two or three of the night crew before finally, the leader. She coughed as he sprayed his last load of cum down her throat, then sat down, sighing in exhaustion.

"Pretty vixen good. Good for you?"

Lilika forced a laugh. "Didn't make me come once..."

The goblin leader rolled onto his back and laughed while Lilika focused on getting her bearings once more.

"Much stamina! Goblins have much stamina!"

"I can tell..." She muttered, snatching a cloth to wipe her face off.

"Bath in room!" The goblin said, as if providing her a bath was a great service. She stood and followed the little creature, who guided her to a cramped room. She noticed the other passengers giving her strange look. After all, she was covered in cum, smelled unmistakably like sex, and she was holding her clothing and items at arm's length, to keep the cum off of them. the human males grinned at each other. She growled, and they went silent.

The room was wooden like the rest of the ship, and it was designed for someone a foot shorter than Lilika. There was a mattress with a sheet, and in the corner, a very wide barrel of hot water. She could almost smell the steam.

"Holy...I could fit five of me in that." She said as she turned to the goblin. "I INSIST on paying for this. What do I owe you?"

The bath, the hot water, the room, and the food would all come to two gold pieces. She paid it, writing it on a sheet of paper in her expense log. As she sunk into the barrel of hot water, and watching it instantly go cloudy white from the sheer volume of cum on her skin, she thought forward. Wilsor. Did the lion bring her an impossible task?

"Lana..." She muttered, as she let herself drift to her chin in the water. "I'd better find you alive. After all this, if I find you dead, I'm going to kill you."