How i went from Straight A student to Strait A slut: Chapter 1:How i lost my virginity...

Story by Deathsia on SoFurry

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#1 of How i went from straight A student to Strait A slut...



A sixteen year old raccoon girl lay on her bed writing into her diary about her day in nothing but her panties and a bra...

Dear diary,

As you can probably guess I scored an A on the math test...but more importantly I want to tell you about my my little secret....Tomorrow...I plan on giving my virginity to Jacob a very charming and not to mention hunk of a wolf! He's all I wanted in a mate...and I'm sure he feels the same way about me! You should see him... He's about six feet tall and the quarterback for the furriddle high football team! I know I've told you how he looks so many times but I just can't help myself!

The raccoon girl gave a blissful sigh just before she continued to write once again into her diary giggling to herself as she does so.

Oh and did I mention his size? I didn't mean to see mind you...but was huge! I think he's possibly six inches...if not larger! And to think....I'm going to let him stick that in me...god it's making me wet just telling you about it! But I bet you're probably wondering how I even was able to see his size so I'll tell you. I went to meet him in the locker room after his practice was over with like I always did and when I walked in I didn't see him waiting in the usual spot. so I went looking for him...the pervert was wanking off in the showers! But even so, I got to see his full I know what your thinking."why keep staring?! Let the male have his fun and then act as if nothing happened!" but I just couldn't stop staring at it! He didn't even notice me till after he blew all over the shower wall and you should have seen his reaction! He covered himself up like a complete dork! But it was so adorably cute I couldn't laugh at him so I told him to get dressed and I'd meet him outside. Well that's all for today Diary...I'm sure you know what I'm going to do now that I got myself all horny from telling you...hehe.

The Raccoon girl was just about to stick a paw down her panties when a voice calls from downstairs"Ericka! Dinner time!"

"Coming, mother!" Ericka replied in an annoyed tone. Having her personal fun time ruined was not something she was happy with but the last thing she needed was her mother coming upstairs and bust her playing with herself. With a wine of annoyance and need for the release she would have to wait to get, She slid off her bed, stood up, opened her dresser, and slipped on her night gown and strolled downstairs. Ericka is a six-teen year old raccoon female with a modest c-cup chest and a thin fine body blond hair..

Ericka walked into the kitchen to see her younger brother Josh already at the table eating some celery sticks and fruit. Her family was a family of vegetarians who refused to eat meat so all they ate day in and day out was non-meat foods. Josh is Ericka's younger brother and only thirteen years old. He is about as thin as his sister except for the cub fat that still remained on his belly. Other than that he was a very good looking male raccoon.

"what took you so long?" Ericka's mother asked in a stern tone.

"I was writing in my diary..." Ericka said absentmindedly as she sat down to eat her food.

"More like jamming your paw up your cunt..." Josh said in an undertone at which Ericka flashed him a glare and looked to her mother who apparently hadn't heard.

"Mom! Josh is making perverted comments about me again!" Ericka wined.

"Joshua! How many times have I told you to keep your comments to yourself!" Ericka and Josh's mom said in a stern tone waving a spoon at Josh in a threatening manner.

"Yes,mom..." Josh said with a mock ashamed expression on his face.

Ever since Josh had accidentally walked in on her masturbating, he had been trying every chance he could to either make a perverted comment about her or bust her again playing with herself in some way. If Ericka hadn't known any better she'd bet he wanted to mate her which was a sickening thought which she often shoved out of her mind before she lost her meal when it did enter her mind.

Ericka sat down at the table and began to eat her meal with a dissatisfied look on her face. Even though she wouldn't say it..she herself loved the taste of meat...she would eat a hamburger every chance she could get out of her house.

"So, how was school today?" Ericka's mother asked trying to strike a pleasant conversation while they ate their meal.

"You know mom,the a A on my math test today..nothing new really." Erika said and took a fork full of pineapple and bit into it.

"That's great! Your going to make a great scientist one day, just like your father!" Ericka's mom exclaimed happily.

After ten more minuets Ericka finished her meal shortly after Josh did and went upstairs to her room and closed the door. Now she had some time to take care of her sexual urges without being hassled by her mother.

"Finally...some time to myself." she said aloud and took her night gown off leaving her in nothing but her panties which were soon removed and tossed to the side.

Ericka lay down on her bed with lay strait forward from her closet with the foot of her bed facing towards the door with her desk not far to the side with all her perfumes and ribbons she used to make herself look pretty for school each day.

Slowly she lowered a paw down towards her lower regions and began to slowly rub at her clit with a single digit of her paw earning a soft moan"Oh, Jacob....."She said softly herself as her rubbing increased in speed. She then grabbed her left breast with her free paw and began to grope it as she moaned and squirmed from the pleasure she was giving herself.

Ericka could feel her climax approaching rather quickly now as she began to rub her clit even faster now moaning a little louder this time but quick to slam her muzzle into her pillow to muffle her moans as she groped her left breast even harder now."Oh,god Jacob!" She moaned into the pillow loudly as her climax hit her causing her raccoon cunt to squirt it juices onto the sheets of her bed.

Ericka panted softly in her own afterglow and looked down at the damp spot she had made in her bed then sighed."Why do I always make puddles when I cum? I wonder if other female's have this same problem?" She thought to herself as she stood up off her bed and took her sheets off and went to her closet and opened it and nearly shrieked.

There sat Josh on the floor of her closet staring up at her with a look of panic on his face. Ericka sniffed the air and smelled the scent of male cum and looked down to see Josh's right paw covered in it.

"!" Ericka said in a shocked tone looking at her brother who clearly was at a loss for words."You-you were pawing off to me she-pawing?!" Ericka asked in a stunned and shocked tone.

Without warning Josh dashed out of her closet nearly knocking her over in the process and out of her room to his room.

Needlessly to say Ericka wasn't sure what to think of this...on the one paw it was absolutely disgusting...but on the other she sort of felt sorry for her younger brother...he had only recently had come to the age were he found female's attractive and the first female he sees nude is his sister...and the only female he's ever seen nude is why he's doing this. In the end she decided it was best not to tell their mother and talk to him about it tomorrow.

The next morning:

Ericka woke up bright and early before anyone woke up as she went over to her dresser and took out a small box and placed on top of her desk. She then went over to her pillow and took a small key out of it,walked back to the box and stuck the key in the keyhole and opened it. Inside was a pair of panties and a bra that anyone could CLEARLY see through which was why she had them locked up and hidden like this....if she wanted Jacob to know she wanted him...she had to make sure he knew it.

"I'll need to thank Alice later for this birthday gift." Erika thought to herself with a giggle as she slipped then panties and bra on. She then walked over to her full body mirror and looked at herself and giggled again."Mom would freak if she saw me wearing this..." Erika thought to herself making note of the fact that her nipples were showing perfectly through the bra and her female-hood was clearly visible as well as her rump through her panties.

Ericka then walked over to her closet and pulled out a Japanese school girl outfit out and smiled with a grin."I'm so glad I convinced mom to buy this for me!" Erika said with a smile as she slipped into the outfit first putting on the blouse following up with the skirt which barely covered up her panties and rump. She then pulled the socks up her legs and put on the shoes and walked over to the full body mirror again.

"Jacob won't be able to resist me!" Ericka said with a naughty grin as she made a turn around and noticed that her tail which she usually had lifted was allowing all to see her rump through the see through panties she was wearing."Hmm...looks like this skirt is too short...hehe...oh well I'll just keep my tail down until I'm ready.

"It's just like Alice said....if you want to do it in school and get away with it...make sure the male has easy access....and it don't get any easier than this...." Erika said aloud with a grin and lowered her tail.

Erika quickly went downstairs to the kitchen to see her mother and Josh in their night clothes still."You guys are up early." Erika said with a smile as she opened the fridge and took out some milk and then to the cabinet and took a cereal box out.

"Josh here woke up in the middle of the night he said after having a bad since he was already up and had to get ready for school in another hour I figured it was a good idea for him to get up and get looks as if we both failed at that eh Josh?" Their mother said with a grin at which Josh chuckled.

"Oh darn it....where are all the spoons?" Erika asked in an irritated tone.

"We are out for now because your father was supposed to do them but never came home last night...the plastic spoons are in the lower cabinet." Erika's mom said pointing to the other side of the kitchen.

"Okay." Erika replied and went over to the cabinet and bent over lifting her tail without thinking and gave Josh a full view of her rump and pussy through her see through panties which caused Josh to go wide eyed and nearly blow a load into his pants just staring at it. Lucky for Ericka their mother was sitting facing away from where the cabinet was and did not see what Josh did.

Erika took the box of plastic spoons out and took a spoon out of the box. She then went over to the table and poured herself a bow of cereal and then poured milk into it and began to eat.

"Wearing that outfit I bought you for your birthday I see..." Ericka's mother said looking at her with a smile.

"Ya...i thought I'd look good in this today." Ericka replied with a smile.

Erika finished her meal,stood up and walked into the living room followed by Josh as she sat down to watch the morning cartoons before she headed off to school.

"Look...sis....umm...I'm sorry know..." Josh said in a genuine apologetic tone.

"It's okay know there are other female's aside from me you can gawk at though right?" Erika said looking at her brother with a smile.

"Ya....but...i like looking at you....i don't know just look better to me than other females..." Josh said with a clear blush on his face.

Ericka wasn't sure how to take one paw she was flattered...but on the other she found it slightly disturbing."Look's not right for you to be looking at me in nothing but my know this right?" Erika said in a more stern tone.

"Yes...." Josh replied as his ears flattened on his head.

"Then stop doing it. Heck...if you want my friend Alice would be more than happy to give me a few in the fur photos for you to wank off to." Erika said in an annoyed tone.

"But I like looking at you" Josh said in a winy tone and then a mischievous grin spread on his muzzle" and by the way...i saw what kind of panties your would flip if she found out..." Josh said with a grin causing Erika to blush and glare at him.

"Don't you dare!" She hissed in an undertone.

"Oh,I'm not going to tell her....but you owe me..." Josh said with a evil grin.

"Okay...fine...what do you want?" Erika replied in an defeated yet pissed tone.

"Oh, I don't want anything right now..i'll collect later when I decide what I want..." Josh said with an evil grin and stood up off the couch and walked away but just before he walked out he turned around and smiled"But if you want to know...i think you look really hot in that outfit." Josh said in a not so confident tone before he briskly walked out.

"Did my brother just call me hot?" Erika thought and shuddered." my luck he'll demand photo's of me in the fur without clothes on....why did I have to have such a perverted brother?" Erika thought grimly as she walked out the door to her school.

Ericka arrived at school twenty minuets early but that was usual for a female like her so it was nothing out of the normal for her first period teacher Mr. Greyfield to greet her with a cheerful smile as she walked in. Mr. Greyfield was a badger in his thirties who knew Ericka fairly well and taught math in her first period class. "You're in an cheery mood this morning Ericka. Something good happen to you you today?" Mr. Greyfield said with a smile to Ericka as she set her books down on her desk,took out her notepad, and placed it in the upper corner of her desk as she usually did.

"Not yet..." Ericka thought to herself with a mischievous grin and then looked up at Mr. Greyfield."Nah, just happy to be in class is all." She replied with a smile.

Twenty minuets later the rest of the students piled into the classroom and the bell rang just as Alice ran in the door huffing a puffing smelling strongly of musk."Just made it..." Alice said in an undertone as she sat down next to Ericka looking at her with a smile.

Ericka simply looked at Alice and giggled."So who held ya up this time?" Ericka said in a whisper so that Mr. Greyfield could not hear them as he began his lecture on algebra.

"Oh, Gerald did. The guy was taking forever and a day to get off."Alice replied in the same whisper.

Alice was a Fox with an impressive D-cup and is also known as the "school slut" however that fact did not offend Alice at all in fact she took it as a complement and often said it had become a lot easier to get laid with that label on her. Though don't take her for a idiot, she made sure she was well stocked up on birth control so that when she went into heat she was safe. She is also Ericka's closest friend even though they are polar opposites when it comes to their grades.

"You mean the Collie?" Ericka replied in the same whisper to which Alice nodded.

"Though it was well worth it when he did..." Alice remarked and lifted her skirt up to reveal her cum soaked panties.

"It's still dripping out of you?!" Ericka replied in a slightly higher tone this time but not enough for Mr. Greyfield to notice.

Alice giggled at this and nodded"Yep, I didn't have time to clean it out of me this time and I was hopping it would have stopped by now. We got done barely two minuets before the bell rang." Alice replied lowering her skirt.

"Well, I've got something to tell you too, but lets wait till we get out of class or you might squeal." Ericka said with a smile at which Alice gave a questioning glance but did not reply.

"Alice, solve the problem on the board if you would." Mr. Greyfield said looking at Alice whom gulped. Ericka knew she could solve the problem in five seconds flat but Alice....

Alice stood up and walked up the board and looked at the math problem looking nervously back to Mr. Greyfield and back the chalkboard."Umm...well...Forty-two?" Alice replied at which the classroom with the exception of Ericka began to snicker.

"That would be correct....if i was wanting the answer to how the universe was created" Mr. Greyfield joked causing the class to break out laughing with the exception of Ericka once again."Perhaps next time you have some spare time you'll spend it pounding knowledge into your head instead of having a head pound you." Mr. Greyfield said and motioned to the streak of cum down the back of her left leg causing Alice to blush in embarrassment. "Please go the restroom and clean your mess up and do not come into my classroom with male semen dripping from your vagina again." Mr. Greyfield said with a stern glance at which Alice glared at him.

"Just because I turned you down last week gives you no right to embarrass me like this!" Alice shrieked and dashed from the classroom nearly in tears leaving Mr. Greyfield with the entire class staring at him including Ericka.

"I would pay no attention to the lies of a F-grade student if I were you. Now turn your books to page two-hundred and nighty-four and complete the page." Mr. Greyfield remarked in a much unlike him sour tone to the class.

Ericka was not surprisingly the first to complete her page and raised her paw to which Mr. Greyfield replied in his normal cheerful tone."Yes, Ericka?" He asked.

"May I use the restroom?" She asked at which Mr. Greyfield nodded and she left the classroom and headed towards the female restroom.

Ericka walked into the restroom to see a puffy eyed in the fur Alice who was taking toilet paper wetting it down and cleaning the excess cum from her vagina growling in frustration as it fell apart forcing her to pick the pieces out of her vagina and throw them into the trash.

"Here, Take this." Ericka said in a comforting tone handing her a a moist towelette from her purse."That's more durable that that stupid toilet paper." She said with a smile.

"Thanks Ericka." Alice replied with the best smile she could muster and began to clean the cum out of her vagina once again with it making much better progress than she was with the toilet paper.

"Did he really offer to have sex with you?" Ericka asked suddenly which Alice looked at Ericka and scoffed.

"Ya, he did. He said he would give me a A if I let him fuck me. But he's too old for me so I turned him down. And that's when he got pissy with me and why he embarrassed me like that." She replied in an annoyed tone.

"Who knew Mr. Greyfield was such a perverted asshole,he's always been so nice to me." Ericka replied with a look of disgust.

"Ya,well looks can be deceiving." Alice replied having finally manage to clean out the cum from her vagina even though it wasn't completely clean it was the best she could manage with a toilette and at least it wasn't dripping down her legs anymore.

"Hey, Ericka can I borrow your emergency panties?" Alice asked holding up her cum soaked ones.

"Sure." Ericka replied and took a small pink cloth bag out of her purse and unzipped it and took them out and handed them to her. Ericka always had what she called her "emergency panties" in case a tampon wasn't enough to stop the bleeding during her heat cycle or if it started unexpectedly.

"Oh which reminds me!" Ericka replied and lifted her skirt showing off her see through panties to Alice with a coy grin on her face causing Alice to go slack-jawed.

"I never thought in my wildest days you'd wear those panties I bought you for your birthday. So what's the occasion?" Alice replied with a coy grin of her own.

"I'm going to give my virginity to Jacob today..." Ericka said lower her skirt and blushing to which Alice replied with a loud squeal of excitement as she predicted she would.

"Alright, Ericka! You're going to love sex I guarantee ya!" Alice replied hugging Ericka for a moment and letting her go.

"I know I'll love it, but I'm scared...will it hurt?" Ericka asked with a worried expression on her face.

"Of course it will, having your hymen broke ain't no picnic! But After the stinging and pain subsides you'll be so lost in ecstasy you'll want to do it again five minuets after you've done the first time!" Alice replied with a reassuring smile.

"Okay, and I want to thank you for not making a move on him before we started dating." Ericka said with a smile.

"No problem,I may be a slut..." She said trailing off with a naughty grin before continuing."But I always put my friends before my lust." She finished with a smile and they both hugged once again before Alice got herself dressed and they began to make their way back to the classroom.

"When you plan on doing it?" Alice asked as they walked down the hall in a whisper.

"During study hall in fourth period. Course he don't know it yet..." Ericka replied with a grin.

"Wow Ericka, who knew you had such a naughty side to you.." Alice replied with a grin to which Ericka simply stuck her tongue out with a wink and both females entered the class room in a fit of giggles.

"Please keep your voices down in the classroom." Mr. Greyfield remarked and both females quieted themselves down as they were told. The class ended thirty minuets later.

The next few periods went by like a dream for Ericka and before she knew it her study hall period had arrived.

Ericka walked into the class room and looked around for Jacob who she found sitting in his usual spot at the back of the classroom talking to his friends. Just looking at him thinking about what she was about to do made her wet,but she had to get the message to Jacob first.

"Hey,Jacob." Ericka said in a sweet tone striking the cutest pose she could muster.

"Oh,hey babe. That's a nice outfit your wearing." The wolf replied with a smile.

"Thanks." She replied and just as she had rehearsed in her mind lifted her tail up and purposely bent over in front of him and his friends acting like she was putting down her bag causing Jacob and the other males to gasp and make whistling sounds.

Ericka hadn't thought this part through and immediately stood up and looked at the males and Jacob blushing.

"Wow, Ericka....heh....that's a nice view..." Jacob said motioning for his friends to go away.

"You like it?" Ericka said striking her cute pose again.

"You've got me hard, so I'd say so." Jacob said with a grin.

"Good, Now I just got to get him out of the classroom." Ericka thought to herself but apparently Jacob had other plans as he moved his chair farther back to the corner of the classroom and motioned for her to come over.

"I know you wouldn't wear something as revealing like that unless you had something in mind..." Jacob said with a grin as he undid his pants in front of her but didn't stand up.

Ericka now knew what he had in mind and gave a panicked look"What if the teacher sees you?!" She said in a low whisper.

"He won't. We are on the other side of the classroom and we got twenty desks and students blocking his view." Jacob said pulling his hard member from under his boxers so that it stood like a flag pole from the undone part of his pants.

Ericka hesitated at first unsure of what to do. Sure she wanted to lose her virginity to him,but not like this! But then again they only had forty-five minuets left in their study hall period and she didn't want to pass this up. Ericka slowly walked up to him and kissed him."I love you Jacob...and I want to give my virginity to you." She said softly at which point Jacob's eyes went slightly wide in surprise.

"I was expecting a blow-job and instead I get your cunt, sweet deal." Jacob in a whisper with a smile.

"So, How do we do this? I expected us to leave the classroom and do it in the restroom..." Ericka replied at which point Jacob chuckled.

"Just sit in my lap and I'll do the rest. Oh and grab a book to make it look like we are studying." Jacob replied in a whisper.

Ericka nodded silently and grabbed a geography book from her bag and walked over to Jacob and turned around and began to sit in Jacob's lap only for him to stop her."Wait a sec!" Jacob whispered then she felt him lift her skirt and pull her panties to the side."Okay now lower your cunt slowly onto my cock." He whispered to her.

Ericka did as she was told as she her legs shook slightly in nervousness as she glanced out towards the rest of the classroom that seemed to be too busy studying or talking to notice as she slowly lowered her virgin pussy towards Jacob's rock hard member."Please be gentle..." She whispered in a nervous tone as she felt the tip of Jacob's cock touch her pussy lips and begin to spread them the more she lowered herself onto him. The raccoon nearly shrieked as Jacob gave an sudden thrust into her breaking her hymen in one hard thrust causing her to lose her balance and fall on top of him. They both would have fell backwards if the chair hadn't been sitting against the corner of the room.

"Shh....the pain will go away soon..." Jacob said in a soothing tone as she sat on his lap with his cock inside her up to the hilt.

Just then the unthinkable happened. The study hall teacher walked from his desk and over to them and looked at them both with an curious glance."Is everything alright over here?" The teacher asked staring at them both. Ericka's skirt was the only thing concealing Jacob being balls deep inside her as they both looked at their teacher."Jacob is helping me study for my geography class, and we thought I thought it would be sweet to sit in his lap while we studied." Ericka lied hoping to god the teacher would buy it as she showed him the school book making sure her skirt stayed down.

The teacher looked at them and to the school book giving them both a curious glance."So why did you cry out in pain for then?" The teacher asked.

"She tripped and fell into my lap backwards and hit her head." Jacob chimed in.

"Just be careful next time. I understand your a couple and all but no inappropriate play is as long as Jacob keeps his paws to himself I see no problem with this." The teacher said and gave Jacob a stern glance.

"Of course, I'll keep my paws to myself, what do you take me for? A pervert?" Jacob said with a smile.

"Sometimes I wonder Jacob...." The teacher said and walked back to his desk.

Ericka and Jacob both let a sigh of relief."That was too close for comfort! My skirt was the only thing stopping him from seeing your cock inside my pussy! This is why I wanted to do it in the bathroom!" Ericka said in a annoyed tone.

"But he didn't see, now then...where were we?" Jacob said with a grin and begin to buck into her. The only good thing that came out of nearly getting busted was that the pain and stinging had subsided by now and Ericka felt nothing but pure blissful pleasure from each thrust he gave into her.

"Oh god, it feels so good! Alice was right, it hurts at first but now all I feel is Jacobs rock hard cock inside me..." Ericka thought to herself as she did everything in her willpower to keep herself from crying out in pure ecstasy as she began to buck to his thrusts into her raccoon cunt lifting herself just enough to slide him a fourth of the way out and plop back onto him she would have lifted herself higher but she did not want to attract attention to the teacher or students as her geography book was the only thing covering her face which shown of pure sexual bliss and silent moans.

Jacob wanted to reach a paw under her blouse but if he did that their teacher would surely know what they were up to so he just grabbed her hips and helped move her up and down slamming his cock into her each time she plopped back down into his lap.

Ericka stifled yet another cry of immense pleasure however with each thrust pushing her closer to orgasm it was getting MUCH harder to do so."J-Jacob...Put your paw over my muzzle." Ericka whispered with a soft moan.

"A screamer eh?" Jacob replied in a whisper with a grin and did as she asked.

"mmhmm....uhhh.." Ericka replied through her muffled muzzle. Ericka's orgasm was swiftly approaching and all she could do at this point was hope Jacob's paw was enough to conceal her orgasmic cry as she was all but lost in her lust.

"I'm...gonna...cum...soon.." Jacob whispered between soft grunts.

"Cum in me...uhh.." Ericka whispered through her muffled muzzle feeling his knot swell as her orgasm as mere moments away.

"As you wish...uhhh!" Jacob whispered and thrust his knot into her and tied her and with a grunt she felt his hot seed gush into her deflowered raccoon pussy coat her inner walls which was enough to send her over the edge as her vaginal muscles began to spasm and her raccoon cunt began to squirt it juices which would have flooded all over Jacob's pants and the chair if it had not been for his knot inside her.

Ericka fell back into Jacob's shoulder completely forgetting how short her skirt was revealing Jacob's knot still inside her. Fortunately no one was looking in their direction at that moment and Jacob swiftly moved her forward to conceal their act.

After a few moments Ericka tried to stand up however found she was rooted to Jacob's lap"As much as I like your cock in me..can you please pull it out?" Ericka asked in a whisper clearly unaware of the fact that canines can not untie with a female for at least twenty minuets.

"I can't....i knotted you...which means we are stuck like this for the next twenty minuets or so." Jacob whispered back at which Ericka looked at the clock which said that they only had ten more minuets in study hall.

"You could have told me canines do this before we did this! We only have ten more minuets left in study hall!" Ericka replied in a hushed panicked tone.

"Wow, you really are a virgin aren't you?" Jacob joked and received an elbow to the chest for his comment.

"Just great...I'm stuck with his cock in me for the next twenty minuets...." Ericka thought sourly. Just then Alice walked over to them both.

"Hey Ericka, you two studying still?" Alice said unaware of the situation.

"Umm...ya..." Jacob replied sheepishly.

Ericka however had an idea."Alice, we've got a big problem here." Ericka said and lifted her skirt up showing her at which point Alice gasped.

"How long ago did he knot you?" She asked in a panicked whisper.

"About five minuets ago..." Jacob replied realizing that Ericka was asking for help from her friend.

Alice looked up at the clock and back to them."Did you have to knot her?!" Alice said in a aggravated tone and then sighed."I'll think of something..." She said finally and put her paw on her chin.

After a few minuets Alice looked at them and smiled"I've got an idea..however it will be painful Jacob." Alice said and then walked over to them."We are going to have to yank the knot out of her. It won't be easy and well...that's how I got away from Gerald this morning." Alice said and took a hold of both of Ericka's paws."On the count of three." Alice said at which point Jacob nodded as did Ericka.

"One.....two.....THREE!" Alice exclaimed in a whisper at which point Jacob gave a muffled groan of pain and with a faint "POP!" his knot came out of her and she flew face first into Alice who felt to the floor with Ericka on top of her.

"What's going on over there?" The Study hall teacher's voice came from a crossed the room at which point Jacob with yet another grunt of pain stuck his still knot swollen cock into his pants and zipped them up and Alice pulled Ericka's see through panties to the side so it covered her rump and pussy and through the shirt back over her before the teacher was able to come into view to see.

"Sorry teach...we were rough housing a bit.." Alice lied.

The study hall teacher simply facepawed and sighed."Please don't rough house in it for after school..." He said in an aggravated tone and turned and walked away.

"Now lets get you to the restroom before that cum starts to trickle down her legs!" Alice exclaimed in a whisper and they both swiftly left the class room.

"Wow....i can feel it seeping from inside me down my feels so naughty!" Ericka said with a giggle as they neared the restroom and entered.

"I can't believe you did it in the classroom and on top of that let him knot you!" Alice exclaimed as Ericka took off her Japanese school girl blouse and skirt and then proceeded to take off her see through bra and panties.

"Hey! I didn't know male canines could do that to females! I'm a raccoon, not a dog,fox,or wolf!" Ericka retorted.

"Okay,okay...but didn't you even pay attention in the sex education class? We had an entire subject about the male canine anatomy and stuff." Alice said which made Ericka blush.

"No, I took a C and didn't attend." Ericka replied.

"Well I did, course my mother gave me a full on lecture no sooner I hit fort-teen about the male Vulpine and canine body part, handed me a carton full of birth control and said, I know your going to fuck a male sometime in the next four years weather I say yes or no so I'm making sure you play it safe. No cub of mine is going to be a mother before she's at least eight-teen." Alice said and gave a smirk.

"So does your mom know your the school slut?" Ericka said as she took a moist toilette and began to spoon out the cum just as Alice was earlier.

"Ya....and she ain't too happy about it either....she's making me buy the birth control pills now." Alice replied with a sigh.

"Why hasn't she grounded you till hell freezes over?" Ericka asked shocked that her mother was seemingly allowing her to be a slut.

"Because she's one of those accepting mothers I guess you could say...basically she's making me pay for them if I want to continue fucking males. She told me if I ever got knocked up then I'd be grounded till hell freezes over." She said and scratched the back of her head."She's a very cool mom and her have had more than one conversation about the male's I've been with. Though she says I'll stop being a slut when I meet the right male,as if! I love sex to much to be tied down to one male!" She said with a grin.

"Your right about one thing Alice, I want to fuck him again and it's barely been five minuets!" Ericka said with a grin and they both simultaneously broke into a hysterical laughter.

"I still can't believe you did it in the class room! Are you in heat or something?!" Alice said after she had managed to stop laughing.

"No-No, it was Jacob's idea! Though I do have to say it was well worth the risk!" Ericka said with a grin having been able to stop laughing herself finally and then groaned."out of the towelettes...." She remarked with a annoyed expression."Can you had me some toilet paper?" She asked with an annoyed tone.

"I got a better idea. Though it's so totally lesbian...but it's the best way to get your cunt cleaned out. I'll lick the cum out. I love the taste of cum anyways" She suggested at which Ericka gave an shocked look.

"You've kidding right? I mean come on, your right that is totally lesbian. And I'm so not bi or lesbian...i mean I just got pumped full of cum for fucks sake." Ericka replied in an shocked tone.

"Oh come, on Ericka we are best friends and it's not like I would be purposely trying to get you off or anything. I'm just helping you out like you did me." Alice said and placed a paw on her shoulder noticing she still was opposed to the idea and smiled"Fine...if you don't want me to lick it out I'll grab the toilet paper, but it's a bitch to use." She said and walked over to the toilet paper roll in one of the stalls and took a bunch off and handed it to her.

After five to ten minuets of trying to clean her the cum out and having to pull pieces of toilet paper out of her vagina she sighed and looked at Alice."Okay, fine you win, lick it out." She said at which point Alice smiled and motioned for her to place a leg up on the faucet bowel.

"Okay, now try to hold still and a try not to orgasm on my face." Alice joked at which point Ericka gave her a skeptical look and said"Oh,ya..sure...lick my cunt....just get it over with..." in a sarcastic tone causing Alice to giggle.

Alice then extended her tongue and dipped it into Ericka's vagina at which point Ericka gave gasp."Holy Hell, Alice....don't do that!" Ericka remarked trying to hide the fact that Alice had just sent a wave of pleasure though her body at which point Alice stood up and swallowed the tongue full of cum she had managed to scoop out.

"Do what? All I did was scoop cum out with my tongue. Oh and be glad you didn't give that guy a blow-job he's very salty...blah!" She said and went down to lick out more cum.

This time Ericka was unable to cover up her enjoyment and Alice made sure to take note of this and began to become more frequent with her licks making sure to get the cum out but at the same time trying to get her friend off.

Ericka tried her best to not let it be known she was really enjoying this however she was failing miserably at this as Alice continued to scoop cum out with her tongue.

Several more licks later Alice had managed to scoop out all the cum so that her inner walls showed no trace of this and she stood up and looked at a very out of breath Ericka with a smile."Well all the cum is gone now you can put your clothes back on." Alice said and began to step back when Ericka placed a paw on her shoulder.

"Don't..stop..." Was all she could say breathlessly.

"But I thought you weren't bi or lesbian?" Alice retorted with a smirk.

"Just fucking get me off already! You pushed me already half-way there damn it and you know it!" Ericka replied in a breathless tone at which point Alice broke into a giggle fit.

"Okay fine, but you owe me for this Ericka." Alice said and resumed her tongue-work.

This time Ericka didn't hold back her enjoyment as loud moans escaped her muzzle as her raccoon pussy was being pleasured by Alice's fox tongue.

"Lick my cunt Alice.....gawd..i can't believe I am enjoying this but fuck...your good at this!" Ericka said between moans.

"I've had experience with both males and females and to be honest at first I wasn't trying to get you off." Alice replied before she continued her tongue-work.

"Lets just make one thing tongue ain't going anywhere near that cunt of yours.." Ericka said between moans.

"Sure it won't...." Alice said as she stuck a digit her paw under her own skirt and slid it into her panties and began to finger herself.

Ericka managed to look down at Alice at this point and tapped her on the head causing her to stop licking. Take off my panties if your going to be fingering yourself. I don't want your cum all over them." Ericka replied panting now.

"I'll do one better." Alice replied and took off her blouse,skirt,bra, and panties."Now then, if you want to get off you'll have to help me get off." Alice replied with a grin at which point Ericka gave a annoyed look."I told you, I'm not Bi or Lesbian." She replied in an annoyed tone.

"Well, then I suppose you can get yourself off then?" Alice said with an coy grin."Just give it a shot never know, you may like the taste of female cunt..." Alice replied and laid on the floor."Now if you want to get off lay your pussy over my muzzle and start licking mine." Alice instructed to which Ericka grudgingly obeyed.

Ericka stared at Alice's cunt and gulped"Am I really going to lick her cunt?" Ericka asked herself and gave a slightly shocked moan as Alice gave a quick lap over her clit.

"Want more? Start licking." Alice said with a mischievous grin.

"I guess I have no choice..." Ericka thought to herself and extended her tongue out and began to timidly lick at Alice's clit earning a soft moan out of her.

"That's it coony....lick mama foxy's cunt..." Alice cooed and began to lap at Ericka's cunt.

"First I lose my virginity then I'm doing this all in the same day?" Ericka thought as pleasure resumed in her groins as Alice continued to lick her cunt while she continued to timidly lick her clit.

"Put some effort into it coony." Alice remarked at which Ericka turned around and glared at her."Why are you calling me coony for? And this is my first time with a female ya know!" Ericka replied in an aggravated tone.

"Sorry Ericka, I got lost in the moment. But if you want to do this sixty-nine right we both need to be licking each other or you can get yourself off on your own. I didn't mean to push you into this..." Alice said with a look of guilt on her face.

"No, it's okay. It's just....well, I just lost my virginity today and now I'm doing a Sixty-nine with you less than ten minuets after I lost's a bit much to take it ya know?" Ericka replied, sighed and smiled."I'll give it a shot and see if I enjoy it as much as you do because your my best friend." Ericka finished with a smile,bent over and began to lick at Alice's cunt with a great deal more effort into it.

"Oh, shit Ericka! Don't stop!" Alice said as Ericka noticed she was now squirming from under her.

"Just call me coony,mama foxy." Ericka replied with a grin and resumed her licking.

"What ever you say coony, uhh!" Alice replied and resumed her licking as well.

Both females were now really getting into it licking at each others cunts as if they were milk bowls for a cat who hadn't had a drink in days.

"Lick my cunt mama foxy! Uhh...I'm going to cum soon!" Ericka cried out in an half moan. And continue licking.

"That's good to know, now cum for me coony!" Alice said and began to swirl her tongue inside of Ericka cunt along her inner walls pushing Ericka over the edge.

"Oh, god! I'm cumming!" Ericka nearly shrieked and let out a cry of bliss as she came all over Alice's muzzle coating her breasts and chest fur.

"Damn, you taste sweet coony,now make mama foxy cum...I'm so close...." Alice replied and Ericka did not hesitate to resume licking Alice's cunt now able to put her full focus on it having had her orgasm.

Alice continued to squirm from under Ericka moaning softly until she without warning wrapped her legs around Ericka's head not enough to hurt her but it still gave Ericka a slight shock until moments later her reason for doing so became clear as her fox cunt began to spasm and her juices began to flood all over the bathroom floor Ericka lapped at her cunt as her juices as they flooded out much to her own shock and pleasure loving the taste for a few moments until she collapsed onto of Alice.

Both females lay on the bathroom floor panting enjoying their afterglow for a few moments before Ericka spoke. "I suppose this makes me Bi don't it?" Ericka said breathlessly at which point both female's burst into giggle fits.

"I don't suppose you want to do this again sometime in the future do ya?" Alice asked with a glint of hope in her voice.

"I don't know...." Ericka said in a fake unsure tone and pinched Alice's clit causing her to yelp" Okay now even and sure!" She said with a grin.

"What was that for?!" Alice said in a aggravated tone rubbing her sore clit now as Ericka stood up.

"For turning me Bi." Ericka said as she turned around, stuck her tongue out and winked at her as she struck a cute pose.

"Oh I see how it is." Alice said and stood up and grabbed Ericka by the tail.

"Let go of my tail!" Ericka said in an annoyed tone however Alice instead gave it a tug earning a yelp from the female raccoon.

"Nope, not until you kiss me." Alice said with a grin.

"You can't be serious...." Ericka said with a look of annoyance however another painful tug on her tail said otherwise."Oh fine, but you can't let Jacob know or he'll kill me." Ericka replied and gave Alice what began as a simple peck on the muzzle however Alice put her paws around her head much to Ericka's shock and french kissed her.

"Oh and about Jacob, I wouldn't be too worried, from what I've heard about him he loves threesomes with two females." Alice replied at which Ericka gave an shocked look.

"What do you mean?" Ericka asked curiously at which point Alice gave a confused look.

"You mean you two aren't in an open relationship?" She said questioningly.

"No, we aren't which is why I said not to tell him, duh!" Ericka said as she slipped her panties on and bra and began to work on putting her blouse back on.

"Oh poor coon.." Alice replied in a saddened tone.

"What? What's wrong?" Ericka said in an worried tone and a look to match it.

"Jacob has been sleeping with other females the entire time you two have been dating...he offered me two days ago but I turned him down because you asked me not to touch him..." Alice said at which point Ericka had just put her skirt on with a look of horror on her face.

"Y-you mean I lost my virginity to a male who has been cheating on me the entire time?!" Ericka exclaimed horror struck and fell to her knees a few moments later and began sobbing.

"Sweetie, I swear if I had known I would never have coaxed you into doing anything with me and I would have told you a long time ago. I never said anything because that's what he told me and all the other females he's been with.

"He was supposed to be the one...the one I was going to spend my life with!" Ericka exclaimed between sobs heartbroken.

"Coony.....shh..." Alice said and she comforted her heart broken best friend as much as she could before she stood up."I'm going to go have a word with him..." Alice said in a soft tone and walked out the bathroom door

Alice walked down the hallway which was now full of students in between periods and bared her claws on her right paw as she walked up to Jacob who was at that moment no less bragging to his friends how he took Ericka's virginity.

"Oh, Jacob..." Alice said in a sweet tone at which point he looked at her with his usual smile.

Alice then without warning clawed him diagonally a crossed the face leaving fresh claw marks on his face as he fell backward into the locker and put a paw on his face which was now bleeding and stinging from her attack."You little whore! How dare you mess up my face like that!" He said baring claws of his own.

"Bring it on, you fucking cheating asshole!" Alice retorted baring claws on her left paw now as well and the students began to gather around and chant"Fight,Fight,Fight!" as they circled each other a few moments but just as they lunged at each other in a blur of white and black stripes a Tigress appeared between them holding Jacob's wrist with a slight twist and Alice's wrist as well in the same fashion.

"Now, I want to know exactly what is going on here?!" The Tigress asked in a stern demanding tone.

Just then Ericka was walking from the bathroom from all the commotion going on and gasped at the site that beheld her."It's Principle Lightningtail....." Ericka said in a soft tone. Ericka had heard rumors that their principle had been apart of a special army unit under the code name, Lightningtail in her younger years and judging by the scene that beheld her she had lived up to her old codename.

"He had cheated on Ericka! And he had never told her! Ericka is in the female restroom right now sobbing her eyes out because of him!" Alice exclaimed at which point Jacob gave a slight gulp as he had no defense for this.

Principle Lightningtail gave a soft glance in the direction to Ericka and smiled softly and looked at then both with a stern glance"You both are to serve detention for a week for this stunt." Principle Lightningtail stated plainly and then gave Jacob a piercing stare."And as far as I am concerned you deserved those claw marks a crossed her face young cub." Principle Lightningtail said and released both wrists and walked over to the raccoon female and placed a paw on her shoulder for a moment before she continued to walk down the hall.

Alice gave Jacob one final glare and said"By the way, I'd rather be a whore than a cheating fucker like you, oh and I'm happy to be one for the record she said with a grin and turned tail and walked towards Ericka.

"Come on Ericka, lets leave him." Alice said and walked past her expecting her to follow however Jacob had walked up to her by now.

"Look, about what you heard-" Jacob began however Ericka cut him off by slapping him not baring her claws though.

"I can't believe you....i gave my virginity to you! That was something special to me! I hopped you liked fucking me once...because you'll never do it again!" Ericka nearly shrieked and turned and started to walk away.

"Whatever, I can get pussy like yours anytime I want it." Jacob said with a grin and turned to walk himself.

Ericka stopped,turned around and this time claws bared lunged at him clawing and biting at him like a rabid raccoon.

Alice heard Jacob's shrieks of pain and turned around,went wide eyed and dashed over to Ericka who was still madly clawing and biting at him."Ericka, stop it! You're going to kill him at this rate!" Alice said in a panicked tone.

"Good!" was all Ericka could said in a loud growl as she continued to claw and bite at him.

"Coony, come on! Stop it! Please stop!" Alice pleaded with her best friend calling her by what apparently had become her intimate nickname for her since their little fun in the bathroom.

Being called by her nickname clearly got through to her as she abruptly stopped clawing and biting at Jacob who could only moan now in agony.

At this point Principle Lightningtail walked up and stood over the young wolf and looked around."Did anyone see what happened? No? Okay well I'll take him to the nurses office then." Principle Lightningtail said giving no one anytime to point paws at Ericka which if Ericka and Alice had not known any better was on purpose. She then lifted the wolf cub up and began to carry him to the nurses office stopping next to Ericka for a moment to whisper"If you had gone any farther I would have had to expel you..." and continued to walk as if she had said nothing.

"Now that's one hell of a cool principle..." Alice whispered to Ericka who was still in post-shock at what she had done in her blind fury.

"Wh-What happened?" Ericka finally managed to choke out.

"You snapped, and boy did you snap, just how much anger were you holding in there?" Alice asked curiously.

Ericka had no reply to that and the rest of her school day went by as normally as it possibly could...