Obey or Change

Story by Lykanos on SoFurry

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When Richard, a not-so-honest freighter captain, takes on a sketchy transport mission, little does he know that he'll wind up a slave. What's worse, he's being altered by nanites, a punishment for every time he steps out of line. Can he hold on to who he is while he attempts to escape? Can he save the rest of the sorry souls going through the same torture? Let's find out!FA: DariusWhitefur has some brilliant ideas and I was glad he came to me with this. It was fun to get to write something so sinister and dark in the ways of forced transformation. Plus, it let me play around with some unsuspecting victims. I'm not a monster... I swear! ... ... ... Ok, maybe I am.

As always, read, share, and enjoy the suffering. Your injection is next!

Obey or Change By Lykanos Wulfheart

Richard Glenson sat in his holding cell, a metal box that extended ten feet in all directions. He'd already tired himself out by pounding at the walls and searching for seams, but all he determined was that it was as he feared: impenetrable. Sagging into his sigh, he was still cursing his luck for putting him in this situation.

The brown haired brawler was the captain of a small freighter ship and occasionally did a little smuggling on the side. It was the latter that brought him to Tentarus, home world of the Zarren. The Zarren were a race of humanoid raptor-like lizards who had forced their own evolution through nanite-based genetic manipulation. Nowadays they were better known for their work as intergalactic slavers, capturing other races and altering them to do the bidding of wealthy clients. Richard had been hired to pick up one of these beasts and transport the creature to its new home, but what he didn't realize is that it was a double-cross. He was to be the beast. One of the competing smuggler syndicates had grown tired of him working in their sector and had paid the Zarren to use the man as one of their slaves, a fate Richard was unwilling to accept.

When the door opened, he took his chance. Launching to his feet, he punched the first reptile in the nose, the six and a half foot tall lizard reeling from the blow. As Richard pushed past, the second alien was ready for him, clawed fingers wrapping around the man's throat and lifting him into the air with ease. Grasping at the green, scaly arm, Richard fought for breath as he kicked wildly. Fierce yellow eyes stared at him as a hissing voice chided the wounded ally. "Sssee? I told you not to go in there. Thiss human is a fighter. Perfect for that princess job."

The other Zarren had a little more brown in his green hue and did not seem pleased as he wiped the trickle of blood from his nostril. "You damn human," growled the raptor as he prepared to show the new slave who was in charge.

Tossing the ruggedly muscular man into the grey steel, the more imposing of the two hissed, "Do NOT damage the merchandissse, Katrl." Richard gasped with his new freedom as he slumped against the cold frame, the smaller lizard still angry from the attack. While the wounded reptile glared, the other commanded, "Take him for augmentation. His training will begin shortly."

"Yes, Goranth," seethed Katrl as he locked his fingers tightly around the man's arm. Forcibly pulling Richard to his feet, the slaver nearly shoved the human back down as the man staggered forward, a throaty hiss directing him. "Move or I'll drag you by the neck, you sack of meat."

Richard was just about to turn around for another swing when he felt the taser pistol pushed against his spine, the same weapon that had taken him down when he left his ship. The defiance evaporated as he moved forward, his goatee twisting with rage while he did as told.

The corridors were long and straight with the roof open to the brown, gently blowing dust of the environment. The first thing Richard noticed was the lack of doors. Besides the line of holding cells he'd been taken from, all the room entrances were open frames, the buildings nothing more than a metal box attached to the dusty corridor. The layout pleased him, his hope was to eventually scale one of the walls and make a break into their wasteland beyond. He'd just need to avoid capture long enough to find his ship and leave. Sadly, that was going to have to wait. With one Zarren to his back and the other unaccounted for, he'd have to play it safe for now.

The captive was herded into a large chamber, the opening wide enough to require a double door if the Zarren actually used such things. On the far side was a digital station, a projected screen half circling a chest high desk. To their right was a long window that spanned the length of the wall, a slit of glass filling in the middle third of the section as it overlooked a series of corralling pens, sectors of four cages attached to an open field, the whole area walled high to prevent escape. He caught a glimpse of distant creatures shuffling about, but only gave it a glance before focusing on where he was headed. He was given a push to the left, the wall a series of bonds, straps, and chains. Standing by a set of human-shaped leather bindings was another of the Zarren, a sickly pale green one that seemed the same size as his guard. However, unlike the drab leathers of the previous two, this one was clearly a scientist, its outfit similar to a labcoat, a thin, clean fabric that dangled for maximum coverage.

Richard twisted so that he could see both lizards, his tone a snide aggression as he said, "If you think I'm going to let you tie me to this wall, you have another thing come-" He was cut short as his body went limp with a tingle of energy. He was completely aware, but only capable of making minor twitches as his captors strung him up, a thick band tightening across his chest followed rapidly by his arms and legs. It took a few minutes for the half-powered stun blast to wear off, but when it did, Richard was furious. He pulled violently at his restraints while the doctor headed to a large column in the back left corner, the object weaving with mechanically glowing blue lines.

While the creature worked at an opening in the rectangular pillar, it spoke with a softer, feminine voice as it teased its coworker. "Katrl, you ssseemed to enjoy that a little too much. Got into trouble again, didn't you?"

Glaring at her, Katrl flicked his forked, blue tongue with humiliation. "Just hurry up, Kassine." Taking the chance to intimidate his prey, he brushed his rough, scaly hand against the human's jaw. "I'm looking forward to watching him ssstruggle."

Richard was more worried by the lady's gruesome smile as she turned back around, an angular needle with a rectangular handle in one hand and three silvery cubes in the other. Two of the objects were tiny while the third was the size of a rubix cube. Handing it all to Katrl, she produced a scanner from her outfit and ran it over the human's face. "No translator implant." Continuing over his entire body, the red beam pierced through his cream colored clothes, the pants and long sleeve overshirt doing nothing to hinder its progress. "And no previous augmentation. A perfect candidate." Tucking her device away, she took one of the tiny blocks and set it on the back end of the syringe, the cube sticking to the handle as if magnetized in place.

Despite his attempts to pull away, the needle pierced into Richard's neck, the shape of matter on top melting into the middle of the handle as he felt something move into his body. Cringing, he tried to resist the invading goo as he blurted, "What the fuck is this shit?"

Kassine picked up the second small chunk of shimmery substance and stuck it in place at the back of her needle. Her tone was flat, as if a professional explaining to a patient. "That was a general immunization. Can't have you bringing in any human diseases. After all, a good portion of our stock started as that." His horrified gaze pleased Katrl who watched with glee. The doctor, on the other hand, remained neutral as she pierced the tip back into his neck, a few centimeters above the last injection. Pushing her finger into the device, the block melted down as it entered him, the rush pumping up into his skull, the initial pressure causing a nagging headache. Again, she explained, "That was a translator implant. Seems the client who will receive you requested her personal guards be fluent in all known languages."

Wincing as the irritation faded, Richard had to know. "Huh, who would that be? And on that note, who sold me into this shitty place?"

Katrl readied for a gut punch but was stopped by Kassine's raised hand. Instead, she took the large cube and latched it in place, the massive block looking awkward atop the syringe. While keeping her gaze on the victim, she first reprimanded her subordinate. "You know better. You'll have your fun in a moment."

"Yesss, my apologies." Instead, the darker Zarran fiddled with a watch-like gadget on his left arm, poking at options while Kassine got back to work.

Redirecting her attention to her worried patient, she sighed. "He's ssstill young and new here. We prefer to use a... non-aggressive form of dissscipline here as you will ssoon learn. As for your questionsss." Pausing, she held off injecting him, her focus the conversation. Tapping the instrument into her reptilian hand, she explained, "We cannot tell you most of the detailss as they are confidential. As for the client, all you need to know is that she is a wealthy dignitary interested in a pair of guardianss capable of variousss roles to support her wellbeing. Based on your inherent physical prowessss and the adaptability of the human genome, you're a perfect fit."

"Wait wait wait," yelled the man as his physician exposed his shoulder, the fabric no match against her powerful hands. As soon as the skin was in sight, she impaled him, the cube liquefying as the nanites rushed into his body. This injection was far worse than the others, the invasive nature of the tiny machines a thick movement that flowed through his veins as they coated the inside of his body. There wasn't any pain per say, more a migrating pressure as they thinned down to something more manageable. Still, Richard shuddered with horror as they settled within him, a growing terror filling his mind as he realized just what it meant: He was at their mercy.

Richard's words were edged with panic as he asked, "What was that?"

"Nanitess," replied Kassine. "If you fail to do as told, an enforcer, sssuch as Katrl here, will augment partss of you until you comply. They're preprogrammed based on the client's specifications. With that..." Loosening his straps, she freed him as she gave his first command. "Undressss."

"Like hell I will," defied the proud captain as he rubbed at his wrists, the urge to attack his abusers only held at bay by the fear of what they could do to him.

Kassine nodded to Katrl, the brownish green Zarren smirking with sick delight as he fiddled with his control band. "You sssmashed my nose. It'sss only fitting that that be your first punishment."

As soon as Katrl's tapping stopped, Richard could feel a surge of blood rush to his face, or what felt like blood, the area growing warm and sensitive. He knew what it meant, the nanites were migrating to his nose and jaw as he dropped to his knees, the pain of them swelling as he clawed at his skin, smooth fingers providing nothing more than a dull swipe against the sore agony. He'd assumed it was nothing more than a pain stimulus until his nose started moving, the tan tissue smoothing as it pushed forward. His lips strained as they darkened, following the shape of his mouth as it crept forward, the whole feature taking on a canine shape. His nose pulled up and contorted as the flesh turned black, not just the tip, but a growing darkness that spread down the forming muzzle.

Quickly, Richard tugged at his clothes, the buttons of his overshirt popping as he ripped it open. Peeling off the white undershirt, he desperately fondled with his pants as he kicked them free. All the while his face continued to creep forward, his wolf-like snout within view. Despite being naked in the midst of strangers, his focus remained the blackening skin that pushed from his maw, his teeth already altering to fine points, predatory and vicious. He could feel something start with his tongue when Katrl ended his torment, the microscopic machines moving from his face and settling throughout his body once again. As it was, his mouth had pushed out somewhere around two thirds wolf and one third human, defined canine nostrils tipping his rounded muzzle. His tongue had started to split at the tip, the rest unfazed due to the mercy of his enforcer. The skin of his muzzle had turned ebony, the tannish pink starting just before his cheeks. Though the shifting had ended, the rapid pace of the changed left the area tender and enflamed, a pulsating heat warning against further contact for the moment.

Scooping up the old clothes, Kassine moved them to a bin near the window as she pulled out his new outfit. The item she handed him seemed a joke. It was nothing more than a long strip of fabric on a string, a basic beige loincloth that he pulled between his legs and tied off, the extra dangling in front to help hide his nudity. Had his face not been embarrassing enough, his pathetic attire brought a feeling of shame as he was told to walk, the strip of cloth narrowing between his legs with each step. "This is humiliating," mumbled Richard as he and the guard left the large room and headed for the pens.

As they moved down the long stairwell, Katrl explained the situation. "You will do as told or you will be changed until you comply. The lesss you resist, the easier this transssition will be for you."

Richard clenched his jaw, the soreness of the shift still throbbing against his altered skin. Keeping his eyes forward on the arch of a doorway into the nearest four-man pen, he asked, "And how does this help me? I just lull myself into complacency as you turn me into an obedient slave?" Attempting to spit in disgust, his new lips failed to function, the blob of spittle oozing down his chin as he was forced to wipe it away. Sticking his tongue out in disgust, he tried to renew his spite as he added, "I don't think so."

"Do as you please," shrugged the sinister reptile. "Those that fail to conform to their conditioning are sssold off to the fighting pits. A human like you, even with the offensssive capabilities we're giving you, may only last twelve fightss, fifteen at mossst."

With a quizzical huff, the man was curious. "And how does one earn their freedom there? Win enough matches?"

The raspy laugh of his tormentor made Richard's heart sink as Katrl shattered his delusion. "Freedom? Ha! Those beassts fight to ssurvive. A win guaranteess another day of food and sssurvival, nothing more. And even that is an illusion. The longest lassting beast sstarted as one of our own. A Zarren who wanted to free some sslaves. He was being altered to sserve as an assassin for some crime bosss, but refused. He lassted thirty five fights before the wounds took their toll." Scoffing, the lizard chided his captive. "If you dreamed of fighting for freedom, all you'll find is death, human."

The end of the stairwell led to a long corridor that extended to their left, the gateway now before them with similar arches lining the hall, all on the far side. The scaled hand grasped Richard's shoulder. Unlike before, it seemed more caring and less hostile, more a warning than a scolding. The voice that followed was equally informative. "Though we do not have doorss here, do not be deceived. These barriersss are more formidable than they appear. If you pass through without the protection of an enforcer, your nanitess will accelerate your changes. Your full transformation will complete within momentsss and we will have no option other than the pitss for you." The moment of kindness was gone as Katrl pushed the human forward and followed after, pointing to the cell on the far right. "That is your new home. Play nice with the otherss." Laughing wickedly, the Zarren left Richard to his woe as he walked back through the invisible barrier and turned down the walkway.

Prying eyes watched as the newcomer looked at his cell, a doorless version of his previous confinement. Nothing more than a ten foot box with a bit of bedding in the back, he opted to remain outside, the stench of the area assailing his newly enhanced nostrils. Backing against the wall outside his bunker, he watched as faces appeared to curiously greet him.

The first to approach was a woman, black skinned and thin, she appeared to be originally human. Wearing nothing save for the same off-white scrap of fabric, she had already undergone some disfigurement. Behind her wagged a fully formed monkey's tail that twitched with unease while her fingers and toes had fused into three digits, the middle longer than the others. They seemed much like the feet of a kangaroo, a soft brown fuzz covering them that matched the tail. When she finally spoke, her voice seemed tired and older than her face let on. "You must be the newest victim. I am truly sorry to see yet another fall into this wretched place."

The other two lingered before the second approached. She looked like a green woman, seven foot tall with four arms. The parts that seemed far more out of place were the reddened insect pincers on either side of her otherwise humanesque face and a shimmery semi-transparent set of wings that sprouted from her shoulder blades. Below her exposed bosom were ridges that seemed like the forming armored plates of an insect. Her feet had similar ridges that worked into stiff toes, two in front with one in the back. She didn't speak, so Richard focused on the other human. "How long have you been here and was this all their doing?"

The darker lady sighed as she sat in the dirt, cross legged and exhausted. "Call me Freya. The one who hasn't come out yet is Zander. I think he's still moping. This woman here has no name, as is her people's custom. She's a Zaxil, so we call her that." Pausing, the lady looked at her hands as she talked. "She was here before me by a few days. I've been in for thirty two days. Zander's still new. Just under two weeks. That's usually when the extremities start to show."

"The extremities?" Richard looked confused as he looked over his own palms, no changes visible as he stared.

"They don't tell you this, but..." Freya leaned back, her clawlike fingers pushing into the dirt to support her delicate frame. "Those changes, they slowly happen to you. If you fight back, they speed you up, but you're always changing. It's to keep us compliant, but really they have an end goal for all of us. From what I've seen and heard... six months. That's the most we have."

"That's horrible," stated Richard as he glanced to the bug-lady's face. "So have you tried to escape?"

With a huff, the reclining damsel snickered. "That's a fool's errand. That gate will force your mutation and get you killed. I haven't seen it, but Zaxil said she's heard the stories. Well, back when she could still speak." Pointing a shrunken, clawed thumb to her companion, she continued, "The arms were hers to start with. It's been long enough that we're sure she gets to keep them. Like I said, the extremities tend to go first. The bug parts are her thing so far. She said something about being a worker drone or package carrier. Not sure which."

Without warning, the green giant let out a muted set of horrid clicks, a language her friend couldn't understand. Richard, with his new translator implant, recognized the words, though it was hard to interpret at first. It was as if he heard the actual sound, but then it was overlaid with his own language. Holding his hands over his ears, he winced as he interpreted the noise. "She said 'This place is the underworld', which I think was supposed to be hell. Then, 'We need to be free.' Or was it 'find freedom'? It's really hard to tell."

Freya slapped Zaxil's rough, green leg gently as she warned the massive woman, "Hush! We don't know who we can trust in here." Turing back to the newcomer, she asked, "How did you understand that?"

Shrugging, Richard crossed his arms as he reclined back against the wall. "They gave me a translator in my injections. Seems I'm supposed to guard some ambassador or high lady of some sort."

From within the far room on Richard's right came a masculine voice, the words thick with an accent crossed between Native American and Jamaican. "A princess, perhaps?"

"Maybe," chuckled Richard as he tried to get a look, only half of the man showing past the doorway. Zander was a muscular human, a bit more defined than Richard and for more tanned. He wore the same beige cloth as everyone else, though his pecs sported something odd. Under his neck, from his shoulders to a triangular point between his nipples grew a luminous kiwi green fur, long and bushy. Aside from that the only other change was subtle and in his digits. Instead of fingernails, he had half-finished claws, black tipped blades that came out of altered fingers, the joints thick and paw-like. His thumb had started to degenerate while the others puffed into something canine. As soon as Zander noticed the new man's stare, he disappeared into his cage without a sound. Glancing to his talkative guide, Richard snorted out, "What's with him?"

Freya looked back to where Zander had stood as she talked. "He's really a timid guy. He's still upset with the serpents. See, he's followed every one of their commands and still he's being changed. He's just in denial is all. We all go through something like that."

Zaxil let out a rough shriek and looked to her new translator as she waited for him to relay her message. Nodding, he said, "She says 'Not her.' Something about punching a guard and 'knocking out the son born of a rotten egg'?"

Freya glared up at Zaxil who was striking a heroic pose, all four arms held to her hips as she puffed out her powerful breasts. Smirking, the smaller woman chided, "You're the most delusional. Striking enforcers and hoping to escape. Ha! I've seen what will become of us and even I'm still not willing to accept it."

"So, how do we escape," whispered Richard as Freya held her thicker finger to her lips. He hadn't noticed before, the other changes more prominent, but her ears were pointed and stretched. They seemed almost elven, twice their normal length with a subtle brown fuzz growing out from the backs.

The reason for her warning became clear as a reptilian face rounded the corner, a familiar enforcer appearing to torment them. Goranth, the largest of his jailors, stood just beyond the gate, his posture imposing as he pointed toward his recent captive. With a sharp hiss, he commanded, "You, the new one. Come with me. It's time to ssstart your training."

"No rest for the wicked," murmured Richard as he pushed off the wall and walked to the barrier. While the man moved, the green lizard-man tapped his wristband, and then pointed down the long walkway. Not wanting another round of torture, the human obeyed.

Goranth took the opportunity to teach the new charge about how things worked at the training camp, pausing to let Richard look into the cell close to his own. Inside, the creatures were over halfway through their metamorphoses, a mix of big and small, strong and meek. The sight was revolting, the mutations stealing what little humanity the poor souls had left. Richard could only stare in horror as the proud Zarren talked, his words edged with glee. "Defiance will only rush your sstate. Once a ssslave has made it halfway, they are moved over, keeping with others of their current condition." Moving his prisoner to the next pen, he continued his explanation. "Once finished, there is a little more training to be had, but as you can sssee..." With a sweep of his clawed hand, Goranth motioned to the captive creatures, a mix of predator and prey, furred beast and fleshy servant. All the monsters seemed defeated, their wills shattered. Richard could see it in all of their eyes. They had all given up. No hope of freedom. No fight left. With a smirk, the Zarren finished his thought, "they are far more compliant once they've been broken."

Moving down once more, they came across the final pen, the only doorway with an active force barrier. The blue light of the shielding caught the man's eye as he looked through, savage beings clawing at the walls and even occasionally at each other. Even the tiny animals held a vigorous passion as they tried to fight back, most of the inhabitants still struggling to free themselves from the misery of captivity. The steely grasp that locked onto the man's shoulder made him flinch as his warden explained, "Thisss. Thisss is where we keep the ssorry ssouls that will be ssold to the fighting pitsss. Attempted essscapeess. Unbreakable wills. It matterss not how sstrong or fasst they are. Anyone that does not conform to their training will be sssent to die in bloody combat." Turning the new trainee to face him, the large lizard showed a wickedly toothy grin. "Let thiss be a lesson. Defy and die. Obey and you will live, your future a blessing."

Scoffing, Richard took it as a joke. "Either I can die here or as a slave for someone else's amusement? What kind of choice is that? Either way, I lose."

Snorting with pleasure, the enforcer pushed him onward. "You get to live, your new home a potential blessing. For the money our clientss throw into you, you can be sure that the end will be better than the pitsss."

The hall ended into a massive chamber, a dirt floored arena set up for combat training. The walls were higher than even the pens, though the top was open to the light of the sun. The sides angled in, giving the structure the appearance of a pyramid, though made of metal with the top half sheared off. On the far side was another bunker, three times the size of his little box. There they stopped as Goranth walked to the back, knocking on the first metal door Richard had seen since his initial prison, a slat of metal that almost blended with the frame. After a few moments, Kassine appeared as the door pulled up, a ragged, cream colored robe in her hand. She handed the clothing over to the guard, and then turned her attention to something beside the doorway. Tapping at a console just out of Richard's sight, she hissed back to her compatriot, "Companion augmentation complete."

The large, green reptile nodded with appreciation as he tossed the old clothing over to Richard. "Sssmell it."

Defiantly, the man chucked the scrap of cloth into his keeper's face. "Like hell I will." He knew he was about to receive his punishment, but he didn't care. The proud captain wasn't about to demean himself by sniffing some ratty old tattered rag soaked in who knows what.

Peeling the robe off his scaled face, Goranth was pleased to teach the newcomer some manners, tapping at the device on his wrist. "Let'sss finish that muzzle of yours first." As he spoke, Richard could feel the invading wave build within his body, the pressure in his veins rushing back to his half-formed canid maw. With a scream of agony, the man clutched at the bulge before his face, the altered flesh still alien to him and growing warmer. A loud crunching filled his ears as his bones creaked forward, his mouth stretching to completion. His nose had already finished in the last punishment, but it now stuck out a few inches further, the black flesh furless save for some shimmery purple whisker at the sides. His jowls were that of a wolf, naked and fleshy while the ebony color crept further in, pushing past the rounded bridge of his enhanced nose and up into his brows. Below, it spread to his jawline and blended down to his Adam's apple.

In an attempt to stick out his tongue, the human screamed again as he tried to figure out the searing sensation terrorizing the pink muscle. Quickly, it elongated to flick out, a line of pain splitting the tip. Instead of flattening like that of a dog, it grew thick and narrow, a serpentine tongue that wiggled at the air as he tried to look. The irritation had turned it crimson, though that was to be permanent, purple swirls edging the sides.

The entirety of his face grew hot with swelling as the nanites left, though unlike before, they all migrated together, Goranth smirking as he continued to click. While the tiny machines squeezed lower, the massive lizard shoved the scented fabric into Richard's tender nose, the pain of the change forcing an enflamed wince as he tried to pull away. To his surprise, Goranth had taken a step beside him, the movement far faster than any human. The other hand grappled the back of Richard's skull, forcing his nose back into the rag. "Sssniff!"

This time the man did as told, a deep breath that took in the heavy fragrance. It smelled masculine, a musk that belonged to someone who worked hard, an earthy odor of sweat and toil. The first whiff almost made him gag, his enhanced sense of smell and preference for the ladies making the pungent stink a revolting vileness. The second sniff was far more confusing. Something triggered in his brain, a mix of natural chemicals that aroused him, much to his dismay. He felt compelled by the scent, enticed by it. So much so that he felt a rush of blood as well as the nanites invade his member. A warmth grew as it perked, the flap of the thin loin cloth his only saving grace. Below, he could feel his skin brush against the rough cloth, a stimulating swipe that teased alongside the aroma.

Showing a toothy smirk, Goranth released his victim and moved back to the open door. He handed the scrap back over to Kassine who walked over to a storage container on the far wall, then hustled back to admire the success of the procedure.

Richard was left in the center of the room, his focus the tenting undergarment. He was struggling between modesty and the need to know. While he knew he had onlookers and really didn't want to whip anything out for their sick pleasure, the growing nag was intense. The warmth had turned into an erotic burn, a demanding heat that needed to be soothed. Having had enough of not knowing, the man pulled down on the cloth until the front flap came loose, the entire strip free to dangle from his buttocks down to the ground. When he saw his shaft, he was horrified. It had turned bleach white, black swirls forming over the skin as it crept into his testicles. The shape was in the process of morphing, the tip a dog-like point as the shaft swelled. The hair of his manly orbs shed, smooth flesh remaining as it blackened. His sack gained a bit of extra dangle as they grew ever so subtly, the size to match his expected frame and larger endowment. The burn became an insatiable itch as his penis lengthened, his hand hesitantly surrounding the nagging muscle. The first swipe of his rough hand almost hurt, the flesh below in the midst of change. The second was more pleasurable, his arousal from the scent still clinging to his nostrils and mixing with the euphoria of his enhanced sensitivity. Each stroke grew longer, testing the girth of his altering member. The shape became canine, thick and powerful. He'd started with something above average, though now he held a muscular mass of eight inches in his greedy palm. Each run of his calloused palm brought him closer to bliss, the nanites fleeing the area but leaving the lusty need behind. As he worked, his other hand, as if on its own, fondled his new sack, the hairless orbs heavy with unspent, pent up seed. He was already leaking with eager fluid, his precum a clearness that was tainted with a subtle lime green sheen. The natural lubricant helped ease the irritation, though the slickness only increased his speed and enhanced his arousal. With a hearty groan, Richard was on the edge, his fingers growing clumsy with desire. As they slipped over his pointed tip, his elation erupted. A violent flow of kiwi green semen burst forth, shooting halfway to the wall and soaking the warm, metal floor. Greedily, he continued to pump, each stroke forcing another twinge of seed forth. The disgusting goo oozed down his fingers as he slowed, the white and black shaft stained with a thick, gooey green.

Richard's legs sagged to the side, his butt plopping onto the pile of fabric. Gasping with a mix of ecstasy and humiliation, he couldn't bring himself to look at his captors. He just stared at his load, way more of a mess than any human should ever make. With a voice that was no longer familiar, a seething, guttural growl that made him fear he'd no longer be able to speak, he managed to say, "There's no way. This can't be real."

Goranth sneered as he walked forward. "Humans sseem so obsessed with their sssexual organs. I figured it'd be a fitting punishment." Seeing the defeated stare of the disgraced creature before him, he added a half-mocking, half-comforting fact. "The time of change brings the most powerful urge. Future endeavorss will not be so powerful. Can't have all you humans sssoaking the cagess with your disgusting fluidsss."

Helped up by the Zarren, Richard remained stunned by the shame for the entire walk back. He even slumped into a broken pile when released to his cage, his garment still unfixed and dragging behind, the ebony swirled white flesh exposed to his cellmates. On the way out, Goranth demanded that Zander follow, the sheepish human complying without question.

Richard sat, mortified by his disfigurement and the cause behind it. He struggled with what the scent could have been and what it meant for him. Thoughts invaded his mind as he moped. Will that happen again? Why was it sickly green? Am I homosexual now? I can't be, right? I still find women attractive, right? Right? He was relieved when Freya's clawed fingers pulled him back to reality, her exposed breasts a comfort to his rattled psyche. "Thank god," he mumbled as he stared at her voluptuous figure, his confidence in himself at least somewhat renewed.

"What did they do to you," asked the woman, concern spread across her mocha complexion. "They didn't break you this fast, did they?"

"No, no." Richard forced a smile as he picked himself up and started to fix his makeshift clothing. "They only steeled my resolve. We're getting out of this hell hole, one way or another."

The group remained mostly silent for the rest of the day, especially Zander, who refused to see anyone when he returned, head low and hiding in the back of his cell. He looked almost as broken as Richard when he returned, though there was no obvious sign of a change.

The next morning, Freya was taken out for "manner training", a series of courses to reaffirm what she already knew, how to maintain a sophisticated dining table and living space. Shortly after, Katrl appeared, demanding that both Richard and Zander follow. They did as told, though when they met by the gateway, both men noticed something new. The scent of the other gave an enticing sense of longing, a sensation neither was comfortable with, yet both seemed mildly aroused by. Zander gave a dirty look, but Richard had it worse, his nose far more perceptive and constantly lingering on the fragrance of what he realized would be his partner guard for some spoiled dignitary. Sighing, he walked beside the other man whose focus remained low and defeated.

Once they had made it to the arena, they were ordered to spar. The meek, tanned captive took up a low crouch, his stance more primitive, like that of a tribal warrior, black clawed fingers at the ready. Richard was less than thrilled, his attitude quizzical. With his voice now gruffer, he griped, "Is this really necessary?"

"Do as told, human," seethed Katrl, ready to alter both men.

Pleading, Zander kept his posture, though his words were soft and fearful despite the thick accent. "Please, just do as he says. He'll punish us both if you don't."

With an agitated huff, Richard took up a makeshift boxer's stance, his specialty being hand to hand brawling. Flicking at where his nose used to be made him do a double take, the thumb sliding against his wolfish gums. Sighing again, he groaned, "This just isn't my day." Focusing on his sparring partner, he warned, "Not sure if I can hold back here." Moving up, he watched his opponent and threw a punch. Much to his surprise, the other man was fast, the half-canine hands wrapping around Richard's arm. With a twist of the torso, Zander used the thug's momentum to roll his attacker over his fluffy, green shoulder. Richard landed on his back, a puff of dust erupting with his confusion. Sputtering, he coughed out, "I thought you were a farmer."

The once-timid primal fighter took on another savage pose, his voice rugged and confident. "Hunter gatherer. I know how to fight."

Regaining his footing, the former smuggler was only further motivated to win. Swiping at his actual nose, a brutish action meant to intimidate, he took on a cocky arrogance. "I guess I'd better stop holding back, then.

Both combatants slowly circled until Richard threw a left-handed punch, a fake-out that flinched his foe. Stepping forward, he got in two blows to Zander's face, staggering the primitive as he set up for a strong right hook. To his surprise, the nimble opponent pushed his punch just inches before the iridescent green fur, and then swept a leg low, hooking the back of Richard's knee. It set him off balance, his elbow dropping into the dirt. He wasn't about to go down a second time, at least not so easily. Pivoting in the dust, he grappled the nearest leg. Pulling in his lower body, he tripped Zander and locked his quarry down, his iron grip forcing the savage to scream out in defeat. Looking back to their reptilian taskmaster, he waited for a command. "Excellent. Excellent! Again. We mussst judge where you are to determine the best course for future advancement."

Round after round of heated combat left the two completely exhausted, both men happy to collapse once back in their confinement. Freya and Zaxil had both already returned, though Richard had a sneaking suspicion that the four-armed amazon never had to leave in the first place. Once their enforcer was gone, Freya moved over to check on the battered and bruised men, both equally punished from their brawl.

Richard was the first to speak, his words a friendly joke. "So, how was your day?" He winced as he tried to stand, taking the help of the dainty woman. Zaxil had moved to aid the other, the lower of her right hands waving up as if to ask if Zander needed assistance. His nod was weary, though he seemed to appreciate the kindness.

"What did they do to you two," asked Freya as she inspected the welts.

Flinching from the soreness, Richard stated flatly, "Sparring practice." Turning to the rest of the group, he added, "We have got to form a plan of escape."

While Zander was helped up by three of Zaxil's arms, he protested. "It's impossible. Even if we could get past that barrier, the patrols sweep every few hours."

Grinning, Richard was pleased with the intel. "So we have a window of opportunity. Anyone have anything else to share? If we could get to the shuttles, I could fly us out."

Freya hesitantly glanced to Zaxil before rubbing her own arm with mutated fingers. "I may have some information that could help." Sighing, her tone took on that of a storyteller. "I worked for a baroness who owned a Changed. At the time, I didn't think much of it, but that's why I'm here. Seems the hired help she liked, she'd turn into pets. Well, I had talked with him a few times, the Changed. I listened to his stories of this place. Of what I know, the thing that may help is this. The things they put in us, they take them out when we're done. Probably don't want it getting copied or reversed. Either way, he said they took him into the injection room and used the console to deactivate them. Said they came pouring out. If that's true... maybe one of us could get up there and turn these things off."

"It won't work," scolded the green-furred man. "Unless any of you can read lizard-man, we won't be able to use the device."

Looking to Zaxil, Freya whispered, "The implant." Turning back to the former captain, her excitement built as she pointed at him. "You have that translator implant, right?"

"I do..." glaring, he moaned, "I don't like where this is going."

Clapping her furred fingers together, she beamed with excitement. "If we can get you in there, you could set us free. Turn off the barrier, the things inside us, maybe even reverse it."

After a heavy huff, Richard went silent as he debated their options. It took a few minutes before he shared those thoughts with the others. "If I tried to escape after they pull me off for training, they could easily subdue me, either with force or that watch of theirs. We'd have to go at night..." Growling with a bestial savagery, he hated that he was even considering it. "I could rush the barrier. Maybe I could make it to the console at the top of the stairs before everything changes. If not, I could check for a reverse option, right?"

Patting his arm tenderly, Freya spoke softly, her voice solemn. "There are no guarantees we can change back."

"Shit." Contemplating, he started to chuckle, a cheeriness that was almost disturbing. "I'd rather escape a beast than remain a captive. Fuck it. I'll get to the console and release us all. Everyone trapped in this hell hole." His pep suddenly soured as he came to a sudden realization. "Wait, worst case scenario, who will fly the ship? Where even are the ships for that matter?"

To their surprise, a series of impressed clicks came from the green giant. Richard translated for the rest of them. "She says she can help with both, but first..." The muscular woman patted the potential hero's back with both of her powerful right arms leaving the human staggered, barely managing to keep his footing from the brutal blows. As he reeled, she released a joyous shriek that mixed with a few clicks. Winded, Richard wheezed as he spoke. "Wow, she hits hard. I'd hate to see her angry." Shaking it off, he translated on her behalf. "She wants to know the 'identification' of her intended savior. Sorry, I guess I got all of your names but never gave mine. I'm Richard Glenson, captain of a small freighter vessel. If we can find it, we can get off this planet."

Zaxil let loose a few more high pitched squeals before Richard cut in, "It's Glenson, not Son of Glen, but go ahead." He listened patiently as she spoke, a lengthy series of shrill chirps and rough chittering. Starting with an impressed snort, he relayed the information. "It seems our amazon here was a general in her people's militia. The enemy captured her and sold her to slavery here. Anyways, her skillsets include combat piloting. Seems we have our pilot. Now... for the ship." Glancing up, he added, "You said something about knowing the way?" A few clicks and a buzzing sound burst forth as Zaxil flapped her wings, then leaned down, her lower arms supporting her weight as the upper two drew a map in the brown floor. Grinning, Richard was pleased. "Okay, so they made her use the wings to fly recently. She was able to stay airborne long enough to plot strategic escape routes. Thus her map."

As soon as she finished, Richard took charge, laying out their escape. Sticking his finger in the first pen, he stated, "Alright, we're here." Moving it to the injection room, he continued, "I'll head here, release everyone and, if possible, reverse this nightmare. If Freya is right, we should know if it works. If not... listen for that doorway hum. If it stops, run." Moving his finger over the path, he tried to memorize it with the rest of his fellow escapees. "Alright, you'll all pass me here. Then we turn left, then right at the three way. Looks like it's up for a while, then the ship should be to the left at a four way intersection." Pointing to the mass of green muscle, he advised, "Let Zaxil take point. If she really can floor these guys, that'll help. You may hit resistance at the four way. I'll take up the rear after I release everyone else."

Freya's words were edged with hesitation. "Will we take them with us, too?"

Shaking his head, Richard sighed with a heavy heart. "Like you mentioned day one, we don't know who to trust, who's been broken, or who may try to kill us. As much as I'd like to spread the word, we're on our own. There are more ships. If they can think on their feet, they can get out." Turning to Zander, he asked, "Can you give me an estimate on time between patrols?" The scent of his companion soothed his mind, so he took a few steps back to clear his head. He had to remain focused for the plan to work.

Thinking it over, the well-tanned man seemed uncertain. "Maybe an hour and a half, two hours? Nights here are short, though. We only have three chances before dawn.

"We only need one," stated Richard with confidence. "Everyone have the map memorized?" Looking at each cellmate, he waited for their nods before destroying the drawing with his foot, smearing the dirt until nothing remained of their plans.

The waiting was almost unbearable. Zander had stumbled off to hide in solitude while Freya and Zaxil played some sort of hand-based game, something they'd developed to ease the torment of this place. Richard just stared. Leaning against the back wall, he looked up at the long window of his goal, the room where this torment had started. The idea of transforming bothered him, but he knew it was their best chance... their only chance. As much as he wanted to deny it, he wanted to be the hero. His whole life had been one mistake after another, but he wasn't one to shy away from a fight and this time it was at least a noble cause. Leaning his head back, he took in the dimming light as the sun set, the heat of the day slowly fading. "Fuck me," he mumbled to himself as he solidified his resolve.

They waited almost half an hour after the guard passed before grouping up to see Richard off. Between the encouraging pats and Freya's teary eyes, strangely Zander was the only one to speak. "Ree-chard... I believe in you." Grabbing each other's shoulders, both men gave a brotherly nod, their scents easing each other's worry. While Richard knew it was all just a bonding protocol set up to mess with their brain's chemical production, he took comfort in the feeling. Turning, he took a heavy breath, and then ran as fast as he could.

As soon as he passed through the archway, it felt like he'd been hit by a ton of bricks. The sudden activation of every single nanite throughout his body dropped him to the ground, his frame reeling in unimaginable agony. His onlookers were terrified as he went down, but he wasn't about to fail. Pulling himself to his hands and knees, he crept forward to the stairs, his changes already setting in. Like Freya had mentioned the day before, it started in the extremities, though it was not meant to happen this fast. Each time his palms touched the warm metal, they burned with the sudden swelling. His fingers and toes grew puffy as sharp white claws pushed out. Unlike the man he was to be paired with, his claws extended farther, wicked blades meant to kill. The thumbs shriveled while his pinky toes melded into the next toe over. Thick callouses spread across his palms and foot bottoms, a deep, inky blackness that swallowed the skin. The tougher flesh helped ease the pain of sensitivity, though each pull forward was another wave of anguish.

As the remaining digits grew powerful, swelling to support a larger frame, something tightened in his back. He'd only just started up the first few stairs when his body writhed in place, extensions of bone pushing past the weak skin. The growth extended from every few vertebrae, a sickening slide that drew his flesh up with it. As they extended, joints formed below the stretched tissue, just above the spine. The bone tips sharpened into spines atop a six inch extension from his back that flexed down at the joint to flatten backwards on top of each other. Pressure at the base of his spine intensified as it pulled out, a tail forming from the horrid twisting muscle. The skin started a light tan, but as it lengthened, it darkened. In a matter of moments, both his new tail and extended spine had turned as black as his face, barbed spines running the length of his body. Just when he thought that torment had ended, another wave of pressure grew below the spinal column, a long, internal venom sack developing within him. The barbs turned deadly as poison filled the bony protrusions, a tiny portion of the lime colored goo oozing onto his blackened flesh.

Though the pain was intense, he'd managed to bite it back into groans and grunts, nothing too loud. The next change forced him to pierce the silence. From his forehead sprouted two nubs that rapidly pulled forth, insect-like antennae as black as his nose assailing his brain with raw, primal pain as the feelers connected to his nerves and overloaded them with stimulation. He could feel the subtle breeze and vibrations of his surroundings through the new extensions, but to his unprepared mind, it was pure agony. As he fought not to touch the dangling stalks, his ears took shape, the round, human design pulling into wolf-like points as they moved atop his skull, naked and dark like the rest of him. As they changed, the rest of his flesh took on its final color, deep ebony that hid him in the darkness of the night.

Under the thickened, black skin, his ribs pushed forward, his breaths growing ragged and gruff as he continued up the stairs, each movement taking all of his effort. The sudden reshaping almost made him lose his footing, the center of his sternum thrusting down until it rubbed the metal below. His chest had turned more triangular, more canine, the new shape making it hard to move with his current shoulders and hips. It was more of a relief when they shifted, the pain receding as they drew in, rounding to lock downward. It was still awkward to move until the bones around his wrists and ankles morphed, the mass increasing to support his growing mass, the torso strengthening to twice its original size. As he grew, the tiny cord that covered his nudity snapped, the sad strip of fabric sliding to the floor and exposing his mostly white shaft, the flesh a stark contrast to the rest of him.

With his body mostly finished, he picked up the pace. Still just a crawl as he learned his new animalistic posture, he continued to ascend. The next changes barely fazed him. Like his partner below, he finally grew some fur. It was nothing more than a triangular patch of long fluff, iridescent indigo, a shimmery purplish hue that draped his shoulders and ran down to his chest. As the outside changed, so did the muscles below. He could feel his neck thicken and stretch, his head pulling up to move before his body, not above. The mutation worried him, locking him into his new stance with no hope of return. He was afraid he may have also lost his ability to speak as his throat tightened with the power of his new torso. His fear was dismissed as a new terror set in, his words escaping as a harsh gruffness that no longer sounded human. "I'm blind!"

His progress up the stairs ended as he flopped in place, his vision blurring as his final mutation set in. Each eye grew as it slowly split, one above and one below. The two humanly brown eyes turned into four as they changed color, skin filling in between the separation. The top two turned a sharp purple while the lower shimmered as a neon green, the color filling the entirety of the animalistic orb. It took several blinks before he regained his sight, the colors of the world shifted subtly as his visual ranges were enhanced. The darkness no longer bothered him, his night vision far more keen than any human. It did take a bit of getting used to, the extra pair of eyes making the hall seem out of focus, as if he was suddenly wearing glasses that didn't belong to him.

With the changes finished, his new, savage proportions an oddity to him, he opened his mouth, panting as his crimson, forked tongue flicked in the coolness of the night. He could feel the nanites go dormant, his entire body achy from the sudden transformation. It took a moment of silence for him to regain his balance and sense of mobility. Tentatively, he reached a massive paw forward, the bestial claws scratching at the steel. The first attempt to rise failed, his body heaving to the side and ribs smashing into the harsh angles of the steps. His grunt was throaty as he tried again, sore and determined. First he moved one foot, then another. Slowly, he figured out the new gait as he climbed, though looking back made him realize he was only halfway to his target and completely different in every way save for his determination.

When he reached the top, he mostly had his legs figured out, but he stopped all the same. He thought through the potential movements which only psyched him out, the first few paces on the flat surface a hesitantly slow wobble. As he relaxed, he smoothed his stride, the speed still only as fast as if he were human. He could tell by his musculature that he could go so much faster, but he was neither ready nor in a rush. He wanted to stay slow and stealthy, though the clack of his claws was still a little unnerving.

Making his way to the building, he peered through the barn sized doorway, looking for any signs of movement. When nothing stirred, he took a moment to mess with his eyes, the sudden realization that they were blinking in separate pairs as to never obscure his vision an awkward reminder of his current state. Closing all four, he shook his head and entered the dark chamber, the only light coming from the dim console on the far side. Making his way over, he had to rest his paws on the counter space, his new form unable to stand upright without assistance. His touch activated the light of the unit, screens pulling up with various options. His implant worked perfectly, another oddity for his mind that was getting used to the continuous stream of surprises. Though he could see the characters as they were, various intersecting lines that made strange shapes, his translator overlaid it with his own language, a clear layer of text over the foreign words.

With clumsy paws, he cycled through the categories. He'd found the cell controls, the option to go through and deactivate individual people's units, but the ability to reverse what had been done eluded him. Out of all the text, nothing helped him figure out a solution. Frustrated, he pounded the panel with his thick pads, his irritation wrinkling the skin of his muzzle. His words came out as a primal snarl, "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!"

His tongue flicked with displeasure as he huffed frantically, the disappointment forcing him to sag against the machine. Baring his teeth at the projected screens, he pulled up the controls for cell one's nanites. He lingered over the option to disable them until he was sure there was no hope in saving the units. With a click, he felt the tiny drones spring to life, the rush heading up to his muzzle. Recoiling, he dropped down on all fours, his face flushed with the sudden flow. A stream of silver oozed from his tear ducts and nostrils, a cascade of liquid metal escaping his body and pooling into the two inch cube it started as.

He could feel a sense of freedom as they sat inactive on the floor. Nothing had control over him anymore. He may have been altered, but he was finally a free man. Just in case, he hurried back to the console and terminated the barrier for his cellmates before looking out the long, rectangular window. He could see the three of them rushing out and up the stairs, the trio a mix of glee and caution. Turning his attention back to the remaining prisoners, he went through each cell block and released them from their hells. He had just started to spare cell block three, the group that had passively finished their torment, when his friends appeared at the doorway.

"Hurry, let's get out of here," called Freya in a loud whisper, unable to see the extent of Richard's mutation.

A harsh, growly voice gave her the response, though he had tried to soften his gruffness. "I still need to release the last two blocks. Go on ahead. I'll meet you there." Before they disappeared into the dark hallway, he turned and added a gentler, "Please wait for me."

Nodding, Freya said with certainty, "I swear it." Zaxil pounded her chest with both right hands in an honor bound salute while Zander gave an unusually confident bow.

Getting back to work, Richard finished freeing group three before pausing at the final cell. They had already had their implants removed, or so the screens indicated. Looking out, he waited for some of the others to clear out before freeing the savagery behind the shield. As soon as the barrier went down, a rush of primal fury poured out, the stampede stopping to sniff the air and track their captors. He knew exactly what those tormented souls were after. "Seek your revenge," he whispered to the wind as he turned to flee, the path still clear for the time being.

Making his way down the long stretches, he tested his speed. At first it was odd, the posture nearly toppling the massive alien canine. Quickly, he found his footing, the pace a steady sprint to freedom. He was nearing the final turn to the left when an enforcer rushed out of the building before him. His enhanced vision picked up the hostile in an instant, Goranth, the most imposing of their jailors. The brutish green Zarren charged forward, slamming his fist into Richard's ribs as he spun to make the turn. The force of the blow sent the canid sprawling into the wall, knocked over and winded. In the distance, he could hear his ship whir to life, a voice shouting "Something's coming!"

An iron, scaly grip latched onto Richard's tail as he tried to stand, the force of the tug keeping him on his side. The wicked claws of Richard's hind legs swept at the hulking reptile forming deep gashes as his attacker released with an agonizing hiss of hatred. Twisting his frame, the black monstrosity regained his footing and charged as fast as he could. Back on the vessel, he could hear Freya's panic as she said, "There's a beast rushing the ship! By the divines, could it be Richard?"

Renewed in his determination, he bounded for freedom, even as the first blast whizzed past, Richard's new antennae twitching to warn him. It was a miss, the arc of energy striking the side of the ship with a flash of light. He knew that if that was a stun gun, it was set to maximum power, enough to take down a large predator such as himself. He didn't pause to look back. He was too close to give up.

Just before he could pass the threshold, another blast hit him in the left haunch, the whole leg going instantly numb. The wave of paralysis washed over him as he fell to his chest, his momentum sliding him halfway into the door. The startled woman stepped back, kangaroo fingers clasping over her startled gasp. Zander was terrified at the sight, yet the fragrance of the creature, stronger now that he was a hulking behemoth, let the human know exactly who it was. "Ree-chard? Hurry, help me! It's Ree-chard!"

Tug as he might, the muscular hunter was no match for the extra dead weight, Richard's four eyed face saddened with fear. Freya quickly joined in, her petite frame adding just enough to scoot the man forward. Unfortunately, at their rate, the lizard would have them before they could save the pathetic creature that was still half exposed. In an instant, both rescuers were pushed to the side, Zander standing as Freya fell on her monkey-like tail with a yelp. Powerful green arms latched onto Richard's black forelimbs as he was hefted into the air and carried within the safety of the ship. Before the third blast was fired, Zander had slapped the button to seal them in.

A shrill squeal erupted from the brawny warrior as she slumped the stunned beast against the wall. Barely able to nod, Richard replied, "Yea, likewise," before he glanced to the cockpit. "Get us out of here, please."

Patting him on the head, she did just that, taking to the controls and prepping the launch. A muted slam on the door was the last of their worries as the ship took flight, the group safely airborne and heading away from the facility.

Secure in the stillness of space, Zaxil engaged the autopilot as she joined the others to check on their altered hero. The other two had taken to tending the wounded animal as he rested, helped onto his side as he heaved with each breath, forked tongue flicking. Looking up to the powerful woman, he wheezed, "I couldn't find a way to change us back. I'm sorry, everyone."

"No, I'm sorry," stated Zander. You risked everything to save us. It's not fair that you should have to pay the highest price."

"It's fine," came the exhausted reply. "I knew what I was getting into. Plus, you all made it out unharmed. That's a victory in my book."

Freya petted his right hip as she smiled at him, then the rest of the group. "I can't guarantee anything, but..." Her agile tail reached up from her side, a shiny cube held tight. Dropping it into her furry hands, she spoke with a cheery hopefulness. "With this, we may have hope. Maybe someone can reverse the damage. If not, at least we have a nice souvenir to sell off and make a fortune."

Wheezing out a laugh, Richard gave his best wolfish grin. "I knew I liked you for a reason."