Carnal 009: The Dragon & the Knight

Story by Avanti Halfhorse on SoFurry

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#10 of Carnal

Once again I return to tell you another story of carnal pleasures and adventure. Well not really adventure, but carnal fun anyways. This story was motivated by a picture that I'd had as my desktop for the last few weeks, identifiable by the phrase 'No, no, NO! I told you to slay the dragon, not lay the dragon.' As per usual, any scripts, production quotes and blueprints to [email protected] and always remember that you can always read it again.

Remember, doing multiple scenes messes with your tagging. - Avanti Halfhorse (AH: What? It's damn sound advice)

She was woken by the glow of a spring sunrise as it radiated through her room, the cold breeze gently rolling through the window of her summer bedroom. She shivered and pulled her blankets up tightly to protect herself against it, but her daughter's cry rose her from her warm, makeshift nest. The slight chill of the morning breeze quickly woke her dull mind from its slumber as she quickly hopped across the floor to where her daughter's bassinet stood and picked up her unsettled child. The young dragonling calm down as she felt the comfort of her mother's chest against her cheek. She gently rocked her in her arms, smiling at the idea of the return of her child's father later that day. She hadn't seen him since the autumn, when he dropped in on his way to receive his baronship.

"Your father will return today," she said idly to her daughter, "he is a great knight who will make you feel proud. He is tall, handsome and strong."

Her thoughts started to wander to ideas of carnal desires, so she had to catch herself short of becoming too engaged in her own memories. He was to return today, so there would be time for such ideas later.

After breakfast, she and her daughter spent part of their morning on the front verandah of their home, simply resting there in the sunlight and letting their breakfast begin to digest. She looked around at her beautiful house her lover had built for her in their first spring together. He had even used her old cave for her winter retreat. To her, it reminded her of all the fun times they had together.

With the spring sun slowly climbing its way into the midday sky, she set her daughter down to rest before heading off to her laboratory to get back to work. She found her duties as the castle's apothecary rather boring and repetitious, but she had agreed to the job in return for her security and freedom, in addition to her most favourite possessions, her daughter and her daughter's father.

At lunchtime, she took a break from her work and went to warm herself in the sun. As she lay naked in the grass, enjoying the feeling of the luscious green spring grass on her body, she thought back to when she first met her lover. It had been almost two years ago, back when she had been more unlawful in nature. For the entire week around the full moon, she had been driven mad with her own sexual needs. She would spend her days in her own world of sexual masturbation, but it had little or no effect upon her body. At night, she would often let out her frustrations on the nearby towns by mixing potions of a somewhat devilish nature. She had spiked the water supply of one town and made the tongues of the townsfolk blue and numb. In another town, she had spiked the cow feed, causing the cows to make sour milk. She also made all the males of another town grow breasts by spiking the ale. She had made quite a nuisance of herself in that spring and summer, but the buzz she got from being a pest helped her deal with her horniness. The kingdom had sent knights to find her, but they had no luck. Even if she felt she was going to be found, she had made herself more than enough potions to make a getaway.

The night she first met him, she was laying in the grass by her cave, listening to the chirping of the crickets as her paw traced a finger over her lips, gently rubbing her tongue as she thought about her plans for the night. As she thought, she heard the sound of someone climbing up her path. She sat up and saw him walk into her field. He saw her laying there and stopped.

"You certainly look better up close," he said as he drew his sword, but used it more as a stick to lean on than a weapon to threaten her with.

"Who are you knight," she growled, "and what do you want?"

"I don't think the most important thing is who I am, little dragon girl. It's more a matter of who you are and what you want," he replied as he started to unbutton his tunic.

"I am not little," she growled back at him.

"No, perhaps not, but you still haven't laid with a male yet, have you?"

He threw his tunic aside, having taken it off. It was now that she started to play closer attention to him. In the dark light of dusk, she could make out the firm, muscled chest of an anthro-shire horse. He was over seven feet tall and looked to have chocolate brown fur. Her horny mind was already starting to fill with images that made her stomach ache painfully.

"We dragons are hated and rare, you suspect it easy for me to find a mate?"

To be truthful, she had never met a male dragon and all she knew of breeding was what her mother had told her.

"No, I do not, which is why I know you play pranks on the surrounding towns, why you spend the week of the full moon with your paw between your legs. You have never felt the sexual touch of another."

"You think you will stop me from my games by the steel of your sword?"

"Oh no," he replied as he pulled his belt free from his trousers. "I don't expect I will have to use my sword at all."

His trousers and scabbard succumbed to gravity's pull and she felt her jaw drop in awe. Though he still wore a loincloth, she could tell from how the loincloth sat that his size was rather large. She tried to fight against the pull of her sexual needs, but she found herself crawling over on paw and knee to him, her tail curling back and forth in time with her hips.

"Tonight is the night of the full moon," he said as she sat at his hooves. "Your need is at its peek, isn't it?"

She nodded, her gaze fixed upon the large anthro-equine crotch in front of her eyes.

"It is your unsated urge to breed that forces you to play pranks, isn't this also true?"

Again, she nodded with no power in her actions. She tried to resist but she found she could not, her body was set in its own ways. She found herself reaching up and clasping the loincloth in her paws and slowly undoing the knots so she could pull it away from his body. She gazed upon the large furry balls and firm, full sheath in awe. She had never seen a male before, so she was amazed by the anatomy.

"Haven't seen one before?"

She shook her head, her gaze failing to move from his crotch.

"You may touch it if you wish," he said with a smile. "I am more than willing to let you become more, intimate, with it, in time."

With her soft touch, she gently caressed his balls, feeling the gentle sweaty flesh of a fertile stallion. Her mother had told her that dragons had no external testicles, but she was unaware how heavy the testicles of a horse truly were.

Her gentle massaging of his testicles soon elicited a further response. She was startled from her fascination when the the thick, warm flesh of a growing horse cock started to penetrate her vision, the flare just tapping her nose. She looked up at the shire with soft, innocent eyes; she felt nervous about doing something that would earn his disapproval, her desires drove her to breed and he was the only one that would fill her desire.

The scent of a strong musk filled her nostrils and she felt almost giddy. Her mind was driven by animal desires and she wanted more. She pressed her nose against the throbbing flesh of stallion cock, the scent now rich in her nostrils. She held it close to her nose as she inhaled deeply, her mouth starting to water as if she were hungry, but the urge she needed to fulfil sat lower in her abdomen than her stomach. She ran her tongue along the hardening member, the taste of hot stallion flooding her palette. She wanted more of the taste, but as she started to lick more and more of the throbbing member in front of her, he lifted the tip of his cock out of her reach, causing her to whimper and whine with disappointment.

"Open your mouth," he ordered as he ran his other paw over her cheek.

She opened her mouth, now fearful of the denial she would be punished with should she misbehave. His cock was more rigid now, able to support itself as he held it level to her muzzle and slowly slid it between her warm lips and over her tongue. She put her paws on his thighs, either side of his cock, to support herself as he put a paw atop her head, between her horns, and slowly pulled her head along his long, thick length. Her lips encased the warm treat that now filled her mouth as her eyes closed in pure ecstasy. She had never heard her mother talk of such things, how strong or enjoyable the taste of a cock was, as her tongue curled and licked, lavishing it a lot of attention. She soon found the tip of his cock was the most sensitive, so she pulled her head back so only the few sensitive centimetres of the tip were in her mouth and ran her tongue tip over the end and the small opening she found there. Her attentions were soon rewarded with a new taste that filled her mouth as his cock throbbed gently. It didn't feel like much, but the taste was pure overwhelming. She knew it tasted salty, but she could only think of that feeling she got when her fingers slid into her slit that first time of the night as she tried to place the rest of the taste.

"You have a lot of talent for someone who has no experience on the subject," he noted as he rubbed her head. "Your desires to breed must be strong."

He now forced her head closer to his body, causing his cock to slide over her lips and deeper into her muzzle until she felt the tip hit the back of her mouth and slip into her throat. She felt her throat open up and try desperately to swallow the large intrusion of horse cock. He gave a satisfied grunt as he felt her virgin throat giving way to him.

She had never been so intimate with a male before, and the feelings that were going through her right now were things she had never felt before, so unnatural, but she felt as if she wanted more. She could feel the long throbbing cock in her throat sliding back and forth, as she moved her mouth around the hard member. She could feel the member in her mouth becoming firmer and she wondered if what she was doing was correct.

She was caught by surprise as the first glob of semen slid down her throat. She pulled her head back in time for the second glob of semen to land on her tongue. The taste was intoxicating, filling her belly with desires unfelt by her before. She wanted to taste more of the sweet fluid that was filling her mouth, but before she could think, he had already pulled his member free and the third and forth ejaculates landed on her muzzle and face. Whilst she was sad that she was unable to receive them in her mouth, the warm, sticky feeling was still welcome to her. She watched as the last few drops of stallion cum fell to the ground and the large, firm horse cock that was in her mouth a moment or two ago start to become flaccid and hang between the sire's knees.

He ran his finger over her muzzle and collected up some of his semen on his fingertip, before presenting it to her lips. She took the tip into her mouth and sucked the tasty fluid from it. He gave a smile as she closed her eyes and her tailtip quickly flitted back and forth much the same way a contented cat would.

"You had best clean your face," he noted as he pulled his fingertip from her mouth, "before it dries up and you need to wash yourself."

She gave a not and with her long, serpent-like tongue, she licked up the horse cum he had left on her face, the warm semen in her belly certainly filling her hunger and somewhat subduing the sexual needs in her belly, at least for a few minutes.

As he watched her try and lick the glob of semen from the centre of her forehead, he saw the pool of her own juices that had fallen from between her thighs start to give the grass a rather unnatural glow in the moonlight.

"There's nothing like a female in a drooling heat," he said with a smile, moving his right leg between her thighs so her sex was pressed against his firm shin.

She let out a cry as her animal instincts took over and immediately she began to run her sensitive parts over the soft hair that coated his legs. She hugged his thigh desperately as she rest her cheek against his hip, her nose turned so she could smell the rich aroma of his musk that seemed to seep from his crotch. She was lost in a world of her own sexual needs as she whimpered and crooned in pleasure, loving the feeling that the hair did have upon her aroused flesh, her own clitoris seeming to throb like a dragon's cock would to such pleasurable stimulation. She could feel her body pulse and convulse with the animal needs that filled her body. Blind with her lust and desire, she was caught completely off guard by her climax. She felt her sexual passage grasp desperately at the cock that was not there, pulsing and pulling in vain anticipation. She clung desperately to his legs, her claws digging into his flesh as she cried out in climax. The feeling, though intense, subsided after a few minutes and she fell to the ground, panting with a racing heart. In all her times alone, she had never felt such a rush of exhilaration, such a hit of pleasure. She had never felt so fulfilled before in a post-climax haze. Her world now felt like nothing but a warm glow that filled her belly. If her night ended then under the illumination of the full moon, she would have been happy, but as she opened her eyes, she could see the silhouette of the shire standing over her, and she could feel his smile.

"I am sorry to spoil your afterglow," he said as he knelt down between her legs, "but I cannot call myself satisfied until I have felt a warm wet passage around my cock."

She started to feel her excitement grow in anticipation of her first time. He rolled her over onto her belly and lifted her rump up so her hips were raised. She looked over her shoulder in expectation of what was to come as she tried to will her pelvic muscles to show how ready for him she now was. He lifted up her long tail and hugged it to his chest as he pressed the firm flare of his erect cock against the opening of her sex. Her body convulsed involuntarily as she grabbed the lush summer grass with her paws, unsure if his large size would cause her pain. It slid through her tight virgin passage, slowly deflowering each centimetre of sexual flesh as it went. It slid past where her fingers could reach and she felt the stretch that her tailtip couldn't replicate. She did not realise just how wide and deep he was until she felt his furry thighs against her rump. She could not believe what was happening to her. This was a moment she had only dreamed of before, but now she was actually going to experience her first time, on the night of the full moon.


She had always suffered from her sexual frustrations because now was when she was most fertile and here she was, about to receive the first true breeding of her life from a strange stallion she had only just met. She gave a fright filled little whimper as she realised what could happen to her, but immediately, these thoughts were cast aside as she felt the thick cock within her pull back and thrust firmly back in. She cried out, filled with a large burst of warmth and pleasure and immediately, her body contracted around the large equine cock within, just as it began to retreat back, almost as if her body were trying to hold it in place. As the sharp burst of pleasure and warmth slowly dulled to a warm glow within and her passage relaxed, she felt the large cock thrust forward again and immediately she was thrown back into the large, pleasurable sensation and again, she cried out in ecstasy. Her body tried desperately to hold onto the head-spinning feeling of sexual pleasure, clinging on with the wet, pink warm flesh of her sexual insides, but he seemed to care little for what she wanted as again, he pulled back. She soon recognised the pattern; thrust, contraction, withdraw and relaxation. Each thrust seemed to come just as she started to relax and the warm feeling inside of her was no longer drowned out by the pleasure of the penetration.

Her thoughts were lost in the carnal pleasure of her first experience, but she soon felt the warmth in her belly start to grow. Each thrust seemed to come quicker and quicker, no longer allowing the pleasure from the previous thrust to truly subside before it was called forth again by another hard thrust. The warmth inside her grew and grew, growing with each thrust and soon, it felt like her entire body was filled with a hot throb of sexual potency. She wanted to let go, release herself, let the full force of her surging sexual power free. She tried fruitlessly to release the sexual build up that filled her body. She cried out in pure pleasure, her body racked by the untainted sexual feelings. She could hear the grunting noises of her sexual partner behind her, each loud grunt tying in to each thrust, now neither slowing down nor resting. She could feel her lubricants pouring forth from her body, being forced out with each thrust. She clung like mad to the grass in front of her as she felt the growing tides of her sexual power and before she could brace herself against the building force, she was caught off guard and let out an unearthly scream.

She was raised from her memories by the sound of tired hooves clopping their way along the dirt path to her haven. She sat up and waited to see who it was coming to her home on this day. She did hope that the one climbing her path was her faithful lover. As the hooves seemed to draw closer, she stood up and slowly walked closer to the edge of her high haven and as she looked down the path, she saw a tired horse and his mount make their way up her path. Her heart skipped as she saw her lover slowly climbing his way up the path to their home. It had been a hard winter for her, what with being heavy with her daughter and her stallion off at war. She wanted desperately to run down and hold him close to her, feel his warmth, savour his body, hear his strong heart that beat with a steady pace that sounded like a drum within his chest. She wanted to kiss him as she had when they parted in the fall, but she knew she could not stray far from her home now, lest she not hear the cries of her daughter. She felt so torn, but she knew that he would soon be there.

His slow and tired pace was torturous to her, but soon he was at the entrance to her haven and he slowly walked along the path to their home. She ran to him and grabbed bits of his luggage, which she ran and left on the verandah, before returning to collect more. He soon reached the steps and unloaded his faithful horse as she removed the horse's bridle. With his burden and reigns lifted from his head, the horse walked off to graze. Now she could welcome him home and that she did, with enough force that he fell backwards into the grass as she kissed him, lost in the lips she had missed for so long, and once his shock wore off, he did share in that same passion. Her mind filled with memories from the touch of his lips. Of course, her favourite was the spring of one year ago.

After their first liaison under the light of the full moon, he always returned for the week of the full moon and they would breed like animals in a state of sexual desperation. She learnt that he had actually played a prank on her and had been spiking her food with a pregnancy suppressing potion that did not tame her sexual desires. Of course, she willingly drank the potion from then on, but her feelings started to change. The first winter after that summer was a particularly cold and harsh one and her cave didn't offer her the same protection as it had the year before. When he came to visit her that first full moon of winter, he found her half frozen at the back of her cave, trying to keep herself warm. Without another thought, he ran out and began to collect firewood to start a fire and that winter, he stayed with her, only leaving to get firewood or food. The time she spent with him made her realise the truth of her feelings. In the autumn just passed, she waited for the full moon, not just because of any carnal desires, but because she was despairingly lonely for his company. She was falling in love with him, for none had quite shown her the compassion that he had. Even when he left the cave to collect firewood, she would pine away, waiting his return. When she spoke of her feelings, he did offer her his feelings in return and he spoke to her of staying with her in the spring. He remained true to his promise and as the snows began to melt and the spring blooms began to flower, he left for a few days to organise wood and stone to build her a house, as well as informing the royal court of his new residence. She longed for his return, but he kept his word and did return within the week. Over the next month, he did build her a new home, including a winter refuge in her cave for her to retreat to during the winter months. She loved her new home as it even included an alchemy laboratory for her. She felt so alive and in love in that spring from a year ago, but it seemed her luck would soon run out.

The neighbouring kingdom, greedy for more land, declared war late in the spring and her love was called off to fight. She could feel the sharp pains of lovelorn when she heard her love would have to go and fight, but he had been given a few days to prepare before he left.

On the night before he had to leave, she watched the full moon rise. It was no longer a hated omen in her mind, now it served to her as a reminder of him. As she stood on the verandah, she heard the clip-clop of hooves on wood before a firm set of arms wrapped around her waist, eliciting a purr from her belly.

"Why does my lovely dragoness come out here to watch the moonrise when her bed and lover do call for her?"

"My handsome stallion forgets what desires are drawn forth by the full moon?"

"Forget? No. I know quite well what sort of beast it does make you, but I am still unsure as to why you feel that this animal needs to be reigned in by motherhood."

"Such a brave, handsome and knowledgeable knight does deserve an heir, would you not agree?"

"I did not first breed you with an heir in mind, nor when I spent last winter by your side. Even now, with your belly at its most fertile, I do not think of my sire. What I am thinking of right now is how much I want you out of your work apron and in our bed with me."

"You are such a smooth talker," she said as she felt the straps on her work apron go slack as he undid the knot holding it together.

She lift the neck strap of her apron over her head and dropped it to the ground.

"C'mere my little green lizard," he said playfully as he grabbed her tailbase and pulled her close for a kiss.

"Stubborn cart horse," she playfully teased before locking lips with him as her back pressed against his stomach.

She grasped his left paw in her own as her right paw held his cheek gently whilst he wrapped his right arm around her middle.

"To the bed," he said with a quiet tone, "I do not want to have to explain grass stains tomorrow."

"Don't you want to bear the trophies of your conquest?" she asked with a sarcastic tone.

"I would much rather wake with my trophy laying next to me," he replied as he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.

Very carefully, as if not to break her, he laid her down upon the silken sheets and gave her a gentle kiss upon the lips. She slipped a paw into his mane and held him close to her, not wanting to let him go. He carefully lay himself down atop her and their bodies entwined together. She held his body close as his tongue played with hers.

"You're still wearing your trousers," she said as she looked him in the eyes. "We cannot get very intimate if I cannot get to your intimate parts."

Her claws gently clasped the top of his trousers and gave them a gentle tug. Realising how irritated she was that she could not get to his sheath, he sat up on his knees and undid the tie that held his trousers in place. He stood up and let the trousers slide down his legs, eliciting from her a growl of approval at the sight she saw; the 60 centimetres of large horse flesh that she enjoyed, especially when it was ploughing into her awaiting passage. She licked her lips as the memories of the delicious taste came back to mind.

"C'mere sir knight," she said rather raunchily, "this dragoness has been a naughty little dragon."

He gave a sly smile as he stood there and gave his cock a slow stroke.

"You have been a naughty little dragon girl, haven't you."

She giggled as she reached down with her paw and opened her vaginal flower to him, wet with the nectar of her desires.

"Come breed me, my stud."

"Yes, milady."

He crawled onto the bed, his gaze staring right back at hers, but she broke the stare the moment his flare slipped between her fingertips. She gave an audible gasp while her eyes rolled back in her head and eyelids gently fluttered. She could feel the long length of horse cock slowly slide down into her body, making her squirm a bit. He simply gave a rather happy grunt when he felt his furry sheath rub against her trembling fingers. He brought their lips together for a kiss and reached down to grasp the trembling paw that she held on her pelvis, unable to gather the thoughts to pull it away, lost in the pleasures her own mind offered. She gave a whimper as he pulled their paws out from between their bodies and the moment her paw was free, she wrapped her arms around his neck to draw him close for a long kiss, drawing his body close to hers for what few more millimetres she could force into her body. She wanted all she could get of his large cock, its warmth was a welcome feeling in her pelvis. They continued to kiss, savouring the warmth the other provided. He slowly rocked his pelvis back and forth, sliding only a few centimetres each time, but the depth he had certainly was a blessing and the rub as he slid back and forth caused her to let out a guttural cry in the kiss. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him close, not wanting the warm, tingling feeling to pass, but this was not to be.

He picked up his pace and began to thrust firmer and pull out farther. She let another loud cry as her own body began to twitch and spasm in anticipation. She knew how close her equine lover was, her body knew how close he was and the two parts worked in tandem for the same goal.

"Cum for me, my love," she begged as her legs tensed up, "fill me with your fertile seed so I might carry your child."

He grunted as he started to thrust wildly, driving himself as deep as he could in hope of his climax. His last thrust was deep enough that the tip of his flare just kissed her cervix in a way that rivalled the one they shared with their lips. And within that moment, he offered up his first load of semen to the awaiting and hungry womb of his dragoness.

She cried out loudly as she felt it, the strong ripples of her own climax rolling through her body in answer to the thick hunk of semen he gave to her in the grips of his own orgasm. She could almost feel each throb of his cock as a ripple forced another load of warm seed into her womb, driving her higher and higher. Her mind was completely awash with pure energy and she was happy. She did not know, but nor would she have cared, had she known, that soon, she would bear his child.

She was awoken from her daydream by the sound of her crying child. She sat herself up a bit and looked back and forth between the direction of her motherly duties and her handsome love that lay beneath her. Both she loved dearly, but her child needed her now whilst her lover had been gone for so long.

"Go be a mother," he said with a smile, "you have more than welcomed me home."

She smiled and nodded before taking off full speed into her house. He simply lay on the grass for a few moments, savouring the warmth and comfort his spot on the lawn gave him. It had been a long winter away at war and he and his mount had spent it living on old stocks of hay, so the fresh smell of spring grass was a welcome scent. He heard his own stomach grumble and he wondered if there was food in the kitchen. He got up and wandered down the hall towards the back. He passed their bedroom on his way and peeked in. He saw his dragoness feeding some crushed fruit to his child and he smiled. She certainly had regained her figure after he had seen her at the end of the autumn.

He had been summoned back to the royal court. Apparently, the king wished to promote him for his actions in the field of battle. He cared little for the promotion or for the ceremony, but his path took him close enough to home that he could surprise his love with a visit, even if it were just for one night. The cold chill in the autumn air told him that winter was dogging the heels of autumn and soon, the first snows would fall. He also guessed that his dragoness would be hiding herself away in her new winter retreat. After untacking his horse and rugging him for the night, he knocked loudly on the front door and waited. He knew she was heavy with child and she was right up the back of the house, so it would take her a few minutes to get to the front door.

"Who dares disturb me this late in the season?" she demanded before opening the door.

She threw open the door and she greeted her lover with a smile when she saw who it was. She was dressed in a thick woollen coat to protect her from the cold, but he could tell from her posture, she was with child.

"Come in, sir knight," she said playfully as she held the door open for him. "Please excuse my appearance, but it is rather cold and I must keep warm, my master does insist upon it."

He gave her a hug as he walked through the door.

"You should return to the warmth of your cave," he said as he leaned back so he might look upon her.

"That can wait for the moment, why are you back from the front?" she asked as she closed the front door.

"The king does see it fit to promote me to Baron, so he has summoned me back to the court to grant me my promotion. I took the extra few miles out of my way to come and see you, as opposed to staying in some inn. I will have to leave early tomorrow though."

"You are here," she said as the two of them walked back to the warm cave, "that is all I care about now."

Now that they had returned to the warmth of her cave, she took off her thick coat and he could see her in the glory of her pregnancy. She had to lean herself back a bit in order to keep her balance, but her belly was distended outwards, as was normal at six months of pregnancy.

"You look beautiful," he said with a smile.

"Stop your silliness," she said as she walked over to the wood stove where she was cooking dinner, "I look like a bloated cow."

"Stop being silly, you're beautiful."

"Then you must like bloated dragons."

"I like beautiful dragonesses who happen to six months pregnant with my child."

She gave a smile as she felt his arms wrap around her belly.

"You also have a beautiful glow about you," he said as he gave her cheek a kiss.

"The midwife says the same thing," she replied as she stirred her soup.

"How do you feel?"

"Tired. I am sleeping a lot and walking is a bit of a challenge."

"But you're staying in your cave?"

"Oh yes, it's much warmer this year."

"I don't want my lovely dragoness to freeze," he said as he rested his head on her shoulder.

They ate their dinner quietly, sharing the occasional smile with each other. After dinner, they moved to her winter bedroom and lay down in her warm bed. They said little to each other, not wanting to spoil the mood with idle chatter, but merely enjoying the embrace of the other. After an hour, he quickly ducked outside to check his horse was okay and upon returning, he saw her laying on her side, tracing her fingertips over the warm spot where he lay.

"You miss me after such a short time?" he asked as he stood in the doorway.

"Part of me worried morning had already come," she replied with a bashful smile, "I was trying to enjoy your warmth whilst it was here."

He lay back down in his warm spot with a huff and gave her a loving smile.

"Can I warm it for you for a few more hours?" He asked as he stared into her emerald green eyes.

"I would prefer that you stayed all winter."

"How could you enjoy my warm spot if I did not leave?"

"Like this," she replied as she rolled herself onto him and sat on his stomach.

He gave her legs a rub as he looked up at her with a smile.

"Are you sure you should be sitting up?"

"The midwife said such things are fine. I have been rather wanting lately and she said it is okay to please myself, even breed if the opportunity arose, as long as I was careful."

"You know the winter leaves much to be desired in regards to my breedings."

"I don't care, I don't want to breed like animals like we do in the summer. Tonight, I just want to feel you. I want to feel your warmth within me."

"Had I known that is what you wanted, perhaps I should have undressed before I returned to bed."

"Come now, I can undress you."

He undid the cloth tie that held the top of his tunic together as she pulled his tunic from his belt.

"You seem fluffier than normal," she said as she rubbed his belly.

"My winter coat has grown in," he said as he pulled his tunic over his head and shook out his mane.

"I wish I had a winter coat," she sighed as she ran her fingers through his soft coat.

"But you have a nice warm cave," he said as he rubbed her large belly.

"I also wish I had a chest like the midwife," she sighed.

"Why?" he asked as he held onto her hips. "She's not the one that I adore, is she?"

"No, she isn't," she giggled with a blush, feeling silly.

"Does she have a long, beautiful tail?"

She watched him pull her tail tip out from behind her and give it a kiss.

"No, she doesn't."

"Does she have such fine long sexy legs?" He asked as he rubbed her thighs and hips.

"No she doesn't," she giggled.

"Does she have a sexy body covered in such beautiful green scales?"

"No," she said with a blush.

"Who is about to remove my trousers to make love to me?"

"I am."

"If you ever feel threatened by any other female, remember that I come home to you and that's all that matters."

She smiled at him, feeling rather beautiful now.

"You know just what to say, don't you?" she asked as she leaned down to rub noses with him.

"Pretty dragonesses tend to get the truth."

"You say that to all the pretty dragons."

"All of one, yes."

She turned herself around on his hips, taking a moment or two due to her size and sat staring at his legs.

"What a fine rump my green beauty has," he said as his paws rubbed and squeezed her tailbase.

"You like the view?" She asked as she slowly wagged her tail back and forth.

"I always enjoy the view," he replied as he gave his thumb a lick before pressing the pad against her tailhole.

She giggled and murred at the feeling of his thumb pad against her pucker, so she leant forward, curving her tail towards her back so he could get a better look. As he gave her tailhole and rump a massage, she turned her attention to his trousers, shifting up his body a bit so she could get at his belt.

She took a minute to fiddle with the buckle, taking her time as she enjoyed the teasing that was going on at her rump. With his belt loose, she slid his trousers down his legs and he kicked them onto the floor. His loincloth was now the only thing that kept her from his sheath. She gently massaged and rubbed his sheath through his loincloth for a few minutes. When she felt the warmth of his crotch start to gently radiate from his loincloth, she undid the knots that held it in place, before pulling it out from under him, so he was as naked as she was.

"You grow more fur everywhere," she giggled as she ran a fingertip through the winter fur that covered his sheath.

"My stallionhood isn't fond of the cold," he replied with a smile, "but it seems to enjoy the warmth."

She ran her fingertips over his growing cock.

"The warm touch of a dragoness certainly helps."

"Your warm touch would help any stallion, my beauty."

She ran her paw along his cock, refreshing her memory on just how big it truly was.

"I have missed you, my love," she said as she looked over her shoulder at him, a tear forming in the corner of her eye.

"Don't cry, my lovely dragon," he said as he ran his paws over her tail. "I have missed you just as much as you have missed me, but I am here now, and I wish to forget the sorrows I have felt over the last six months."

She smiled and choked back a sob as she lifted herself so she was kneeling, and taking his cock in her paws, she gently lowered herself down onto his member, letting out a whimper as she felt it slide into her. She had missed the passionate feeling that now resided within her crotch, that feeling and emotion she had when her lover was buried sheath-deep within her. She murred a bit as she made herself comfortable, letting her weight rest on his hips.

"Is my dragon okay?" he asked as he rubbed and squeezed her rump playfully.

"I am fine," she replied, "just waiting for the strength of my legs to return."

She let out a squeak as she felt something move within her.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

She turned her head and looked back at him. He lay there with a grin on his muzzle. He flexed the muscles in his pelvis again and she felt his cock move. She purred this time as she rubbed her belly and looked forward again, only with closed eyes. He would flex every ten seconds or so and she would purr louder as she felt his cock shift and press against her insides. After a few minutes, he stopped flexing. Immediately, she looked back at him the moment she realised the pleasurable sensations had stopped.

"Why'd you stop?" she whined as she looked back at him.

"I cannot do it all night," he replied, "my muscles are getting sore as it is."

"My poor little stallion," she said with a tone of sarcastic sympathy.

She gave her own pelvis a flex, in return for his work and he let out a grunt as he felt her squeeze his cock firmly.

"You're just a tease," he said as he gave her rump a playful swat, "you know that?"

"I wouldn't say any more than you are," she replied with a cheeky grin.

He thrust his hips up a bit, forcing himself deeper within her during one of her squeezes, eliciting a squeak from her, to which he responded with a neigh like grunt.

"Does my handsome stallion wish to lift up his knees for me?"

"Now why do you want me to do that?"

"It will give me something to hold onto, so I can move myself a bit more."

He raised his knees for her, planting his hooves firmly on the bed.

"Thank you dear," she said as she rest her rather large belly against his firm legs and braced her paws upon his knees.

With all her might, she managed to lift herself up 10 or 15 centimetres, before letting herself slide slowly back down her stallion's firm length, still buried within her body. They both made squeals and grunts of pleasure with each other at the agreeable sensations and she prepared to lift herself up again. She raised herself up the same 10 to 15 and as she descended this time, she clenched as hard as her body would allow. He whinnied at the strong sensation that ran along his cock. Feeling obliged to enhance her sensations now, he sucked on his thumb again and pressed it against her tight tailhole as he rubbed her rump cheeks. She purred outwardly now, letting herself get lost in the pleasure she was feeling, that which her body was giving her. She swayed her tail back and forth as she slowly lost her mind in the ecstasy. He watched the tip of her tail slowly glide back and forth in front of his eyes, before grasping it in his lips. She was startled by this feeling and looked back to see him giving her a cheeky smile with her tailtip between his lips. She smiled back as she wiggled her tailtip in his mouth as he played with it with his tongue. His warm and playful attitude was a gift to her, for she had missed him. She had missed his presence, his essence, his touch. Her mind, though, became lost in the sensations and she slowly forgot her pains as her pleasures took over. The ache in her muscles became naught but a distant memory, a phantom in her mind. The warmth and touch of her lover drove her mind to bliss. She clutched hysterically at his legs as the overpowering convulsions moved through her body, holding the warm member inside her with wet flesh. She cried and whimpered as she came, her orgasms not as powerful as those in the spring or summer, but still as comforting and enjoyable. The feeling was heightened as she felt the warmth and stickiness of her lover as he filled her with his seed, it splashing against her sealed womb. She hoped the night would never end.

She awoke early, a chill filling her warm bones. He had gone from her bed, but his warmth did linger next to her. As fast as her body would allow, she got out of bed, put her coat on and made her way out to the front verandah. In the dull glow of the morning, crisp with the first snows of winter, she watched him saddling up his horse. She wanted to shout at him to stay, but she knew he could not. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as an emotional chill flowed through her heart. Almost as if he could feel her pain, he looked back over his shoulder to see her standing there. Immediately, he ran over and hugged her as hard as he could.

"Don't cry," he said with a choked voice.

"I don't want to," she sobbed, "but what else can the loyal lover of a soldier do?"

"You'll make me cry," he said as he fought as best he could against his own tears. "I must force myself away from you as it is."

"Just come back to me," she said as she tried as hard as she could to fight her tears.

"I will," he said with trembling breath.

After sharing their hug for a moment or two, they each let the other slide from their arms and held paws, looking at the other. She stood on tip-toe and reached up to plant a soft, gentle kiss good-bye upon his lips, but only a small one, as if she were holding onto the rest for his return. He reciprocated this gentle kiss, taking his own part that he would share with her when he came home.

With a sad and heavy heart, he turned back towards his horse and slowly walked away from her. He fixed up the last few straps on his pack before lifting himself up into the saddle. He looked at her with sad eyes as he turned his horse towards the path. She waved at him as his horse started walking with heavy steps away from her. With a heavy heart, he turned his head forward to begin the trip down the mountain. She continued to wave with great sorrow, the snow continuing to fall, oblivious to the pain that filled the air it fell through.

"Stop standing there my love and come see your child," she said without looking away from her task.

He slowly made his way over to her and looked over her shoulder to see his daughter. The young half-foal was wrapped in swaddling cloth and suckling upon a piece of melon her mother held. Her face and muzzle looked draconic, but between her ears where her splines and head-crest would be, grew the soft white hair of a mane. As he ran a finger over her cheek, she looked up at him with the big, brown eyes of a curious foal.

"She has your eyes," she said with the pride of a new mother. "Her legs are also big and strong, so she'll be a great runner, just like her father."

"And she's beautiful, like her mother," he added as his foal tried to suckle on his finger, "and she also has such soft scales."

"Those will harden," she said as she gave him the melon piece.

He took the melon piece and the young foal sucked upon it.

"I am glad you are home."