Scat Stallions

Story by Wolfslut on SoFurry

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***WARNING: This story contains explicit consensual sexual interaction between two well-muscled males, as well as explicit scat play and watersports (that's eating and playing with shit and piss, people, and enjoying yourself doing it). If those aren't your thing, and you still read this, it's your fault.

This is sorta-kinda a continuation of Toilet Tiger (but you don't have to read Toilet Tiger to understand this story). The tiger mentioned is the same one as in Toilet Tiger, and the lion that gets mentioned is the lion from that story too. They've got names now (Jack and Hal).

This story, however, follows two new characters, Jeff and Hank, both of them very sexy stallions~

(Also, lazy story title is lazy. :P)


Jeff grunted as he heaved the weights above his head, his thick arms straining and bulging. He hadn't worn a shirt to the gym today, since he didn't like the feeling of the fabric clinging to his body when it got soaked with sweat. The pale brown horse had been bodybuilding for years, along with his extremely sexy tiger friend Jack. To say the least, Jack had the body of a god--he had muscles that would make lions and bulls jealous, even guys who'd been lifting for years. Unfortunately it was a weekday, so Jack was working out in the stalls on the farm.

Lucky bastard, Jeff thought as he let the weight down slowly, resting it on his solid pecs for a moment before straining to push it back up. The cleft in between the massive muscles deepened as he tried to focus on what he was doing...and failed. Images of Jack sexily stripping off layers flooded the horse's mind. Everything about the tiger was big, top to bottom. He was orgasmic to look at even if he was fully clothed. But then, those sculpted arms as he flexed before taking his shirt off, those chiseled pecs, the cut abs; the broad, muscular back as he turned around, teasing and shaking his hips side to side as he pulled down his pants, revealing the firm, sexy ass, and those thick, strong thighs; muscles so firm that veins were pushed out to the surface of his skin, just visible under the orange and white fur; the black stripes perfectly emphasizing just the right spots on the gorgeous body.

"Jeff, you're getting hard." His spotter was a bigger horse named Hank, who was a much darker, deep chestnut color. He seemed almost nonchalant when he mentioned Jeff's prick. Then again, it was a rather common occurrence, and Hank was glad he'd learned to spot it before it got too obvious. Jeff now wore much looser gym shorts, instead of the tight training shorts he used to, for precisely this reason.

"Damn it..." Jeff would always think of Jack when at the gym, since the tiger used to be there with him every day before he got the new job out on the farm. Hank was pretty good friends with Jack, too, as were a few other guys that would frequent the gym--mostly bigger furs who sported beautifully muscular physiques, strong and masculine...and a little adventurous in their tastes.

Thinking of Jack always made Jeff horny, but the tiger was always involved in something dirty. His job was to muck out the stalls, if he wasn't doing that he was more than likely at his house playing with his shit or watching porn, or both. There was almost nothing that Jack did that someone would want to call "clean," though every once in a while he would go to a bar and pick up a guy for a much more normal sexual encounter. At least that was a little better.

Hank leaned over Jeff, grinning down his long snout. "You want to stop there, before everyone notices you?" Hank had thicker, juicier pecs than Jeff, strong, firm, sculpted abs, arms almost as big around as his quads, and a couple of extra inches in height, making him the more massive of the two by a pretty good margin. Like all of Jack's friends, he had an incredible body, and worked out every chance he got.

"Five more, I'm almost done," Jeff insisted. He tried harder to keep his mind on what he was doing--how much he was lifting, how fast, how long he held it up, what color the bar was, the size of the weights, the veins on his forearms, how big his forearms were... "Done," he said, right as his concentration was threatening to break under the force of his sex drive.

"Good, and I'm finished for the day, so let's go shower off. We can get something to eat on the way back to my place."

"I thought it was my turn to host tonight," Jeff said, a little surprised. "I even got my apartment all set up for it."

"I've got a surprise planned, but it won't work at your house."

"Why not?"

"You'll see, young apprentice, you'll see."

Jeff twitched at Hank's sing-song final statement, and clopped off grumpily to the showers. It had taken him a couple hours to get everything ready, since there was a lot to do to make sure a landlord wouldn't be able to tell something like scat play was going on. Disposable plastic on the furniture and floors, good ventilation in and proper ventilation out so no one would smell it and didn't happen at Jeff's place very often because of all the complications. However, there was one big plus: the penthouse apartment had a huge terrace. The outside area was completely private--great for some illicit activity in the sun. So he was bothered that all the effort was going to waste.

He stepped out of the shower with a bit of his mane hanging over his eyes, and was briefly jealous of Jack for not even having one. His hooves echoed on the tile as he grabbed a towel to wrap around his waist, then walked over to his locker to get dressed. Hank was right on his heels, so they were able to leave pretty quickly. Both horses put on their plain black t-shirts, then Jeff put on a pair of khaki pants while Hank was wearing blue jeans. All their clothing fit rather snug, just enough to show off their hulking forms.

Jeff still seemed a little annoyed as they made their way through the parking lot, so Hank spoke up. "Don't worry Jeff, you'll like it, trust me. And if you want, we can have some fun together at your place tomorrow morning, while the sun's out."

"We can? Good." The younger horse was surprised that the normally business-like Hank was compromising. "I was pretty ticked that I went through all the effort of putting it together for nothing. At least your place is closer to the restaurant."

Hank had a nice-sized house, though, for no reason anyone could think of. A few had speculated it was just for the basement, since it had tons of space. Usually it was used as the standard "guy's room" in the house, for watching sports and drinking and screwing around, with a hot tub in one corner. After a few weeks, though, Hank had gotten flooring installed down there that could be very easily cleaned, no matter what the mess was. It quickly became a natural place for more messy sessions, and could accommodate more furs than anyone else could. The hot tub added an extra bonus. Hank liked it for a few different reasons: the easy cleaning, the bathroom down there already, and the fact you could enter from outside. That meant if you were dirty, you wouldn't have to come in through the front door and trek shit and piss all over the nice carpets and hardwood floors upstairs.

The two horses ate lightly, to make sure they'd have some room for a very special dessert. Jeff continually tried to get Hank to tell him what was going on, but the bigger horse kept his mouth sealed tight. Somewhere in the middle of the meal Hank got a text message, and he gave his phone a quick disappointed look, making Jeff look at him questioningly. "It's nothing," Hank had told him before shoving a bite of food into his mouth.

They got to Hank's house, and the older horse parked in his driveway while Jeff parked on the street as usual. Hank waved him to the back of the house. "We're going straight into the basement? Not even going to let dinner settle?" Jeff asked as he approached, expecting the rather obvious answer.

"That's where the surprise is, and there's no reason to wait so long," Hank answered with a devilish wink, accompanied by a wry grin. He unlocked the basement door, and started to pull it open. Before it had slid even an inch, Jeff recoiled.

"God damn, Hank, what do you have in there?! It smells like you stuffed it full of manure from all the animals Jack takes care of!" Jeff took a moment to consider that possibility, and found his horse prick pulling up against his pants. He took a long, deep breath through his nostrils. "It stinks like an outhouse..."

Hank chuckled and slid the door the rest of the way, ushering Jeff in and closing it behind him. The source of the powerful stench wasn't very hard to find. It was coming from the corner, where the hot tub sat. Today, though, Jeff found it held something wonderful--it really was full of scat. Pre from his giant tool was visibly leaking through his shorts, and his erection was straining against them painfully.

"You like it, don't you?" Hank was grinning with his whole muzzle. "Jack and Hal were supposed to be here too, but they couldn't make it. It's all ours."

"Shame..." However, Jeff was beaming, belying his apparent worry. "They'll be pissed at us for leaving them out, you know."

"They can deal," Hank answered, chuckling a little at Jeff's accidental pun. "This way, we get all this putrid shit to ourselves."

Jeff chuckled, then wrinkled his nose and whickered. "Putrid is right. Hot damn that stuff smells. This is going to be the messiest fun I've ever had."

"You've never fucked in Jack's barn, have you?" Hank's prick was getting stiff under his jeans, the stink from the tub burrowing into his nostrils and overwhelming his senses. The thought of the giant pile of horse droppings in the barn was only hastening the process.

"Heh, I wish. You guys always talk about it, and all I can do is imagine getting to jump right into that towering mound of shit and smear it all over me." His own rod was already standing straight, pre spreading across the front of the fiercely tented pants that confined it.

"You should probably get out of those before you rip them," Hank observed as he slid the door closed.

Jeff looked down at his crotch, and quickly fumbled his belt off, then undid the button and the fly. His cock almost lunged upward at the release of its restraints, springing forward and stretching his briefs the full twelve inches of its throbbing length.

"Someone's excited." Hank took his own pants off, stepping out of them and kicking them to a random spot in the room away from furniture, and particularly away from the hot tub. He breathed in deep through his flaring nostrils, and rubbed at his huge, half-hard equine tool through his boxers. There was already a sizable stain of sticky precum on them, his cock had been dripping like a leaky faucet. Then came his tight shirt, wiggled off his body with fake stripper gusto, pretending that he was trying to impress Jeff--who'd seen that big, muscular ass plenty of times before, and eaten from it almost as many.

Jeff threw his shirt into the pile of clothes without pretense, and removed his tight briefs by picking up his legs and pulling them off with one hand. They were covered in his slimy pre, but that was much better than what they'd get covered in if he left them on much longer. He let out a sigh as his cock was left open to the air of the room, finally unrestricted and able to stand tall. "Much better."

It took Hank only another moment to remove his own underwear. "Would you like a drink before we get in the tub?" He bowed deeply, putting on the air of a good host.

"Straight from the tap, please," Jeff answered, kneeling on the floor. He put a hand on either of Hank's hips, and licked up the hardening length of the thick shaft, then wrapped his lips around the wide tip. It was only a moment before a torrent of hot piss struck his tongue, and he let his mouth fill before he swallowed any. The flavor was strong and heavy, just was Jeff was expecting from his big partner. Urine forced its way out around Hank's member as it flooded Jeff's mouth, the golden yellow liquid flowing back over Jeff's long equine snout and dripping onto the floor. The pissing horse grunted, and pressed on his bladder harder, the stream striking the back of Jeff's throat and making him gag. The urinal horse was forced to open his mouth to breathe, piss splashing all over his pecs and Hank's thighs, running over smooth, powerful muscles to the tiles. Jeff kept his muzzle wide open so that Hank's firehose would hit right on his tongue, and every few moments he'd close his lips to swallow a mouthful of horse piss.

Hank shook his hips as the stream died off, rubbing his cock on the top of Jeff's main and getting urine all over his dark forelocks. The urinal had a huge smile plastered on his face, and his eyes were shining, headfur thoroughly soaked, along with all the fur on his pecs and abs. A pool of piss and precum was collecting underneath both horses on the floor, mainly around Jeff's knees. Hank looked down at him and grinned. "Look at you, you're just covered. You should take a bath."

Jeff's grin only got wider. "Only if my host will rub me up while I'm in there." He stood up, his big muscles flexing as more of Hank's piss dripped from them.

"What kind of host wouldn't oblige his guest?" Hank nuzzled Jeff's pecs, then ran his broad, flat tongue up the deep crevice between them. "Mmmmm...tasty."

Jeff grabbed Hank's huge, throbbing member with one hand, stroking it slowly, then gave his balls a firm squeeze and let go. He presented his ass to his host, then walked over to the hot tub, taking a long, deep breath through his nose. "I don't know where you got all this crap, but it smells heavenly." With that, he put one foot in, then the other. The shit was still steaming; it was either fresh, which was impossible, or Hank's hot tub had some sort of mechanism that was keeping it heated. Jeff reached down for a handful of shit and mashed it between his fingers, using his other hand to make sure none of it fell. It was hot and slimy, and the texture was creamy, but not smooth--it was actually sort of gritty. He tweaked his nipples with his messy, shit-covered fingers, getting brown stains around the erect pink nubs, and then he rubbed his hands all over his pecs. The warm, gooey paste spread easily over his wide chest, matting down his fur and concealing the natural pale brown with a color that was much dirtier...and sexier. He tweaked his nipples again before stroking his raging erection with the brown substance, and slowly let himself sink down into the mire. It was a wonderful feeling, sitting literally up to his armpits in stinking, steaming shit, and he couldn't help but gasp from the pure sexual fire he felt just from being in the hot tub.

Hank took only a moment to join him, basking in the feeling of the warm scat and quickly sitting down right next to Jeff. The heat helped relax his muscles, though being submerged in so much crap only made his cock throb that much harder. He bent his head down to the surface of the muck, then pushed a little further, getting the dirty filth all over his nose. Then he opened his mouth, and slid his tongue out, venturing a taste. It was unimaginably horrible, and made him gag for a moment, his eyes watering. He steeled his stomach, and bent over again, this time taking a big clod of the dung into his muzzle, chewing slowly. The flavor was a disgusting mix of grassy, meaty, and sweet, with a spicy edge that only waste could have. To the gigantic horse, it was exquisite. His squished it into every corner of his mouth that his tongue could reach, each moment discovering a new and filthy layer to the shit's nasty taste.

Jeff wrapped an arm around his partner, rubbing shit into the back of Hank's mane, then pulled the filthy horse in for a hard kiss. Their broad tongues filled each other's mouths, Jeff hungrily pulling in every bit of scat that Hank had in his muzzle, then further getting all of it off Hank's nose. The dirty flavor made his taste buds scream, but the aroma was so arousing that Jeff's hips bucked involuntarily, shoving his cock against Hank's hard stomach.

Hank broke off the kiss, just long enough to grab two giant handfuls of the scat, and pushed one of them into Jeff's maw, then the other into his own. They both chewed and swallowed, and simultaneously they belched as the dirty slop hit their stomachs. Hank grabbed Jeff's throbbing erection and stroked it for a moment, making the smaller horse moan and hump the tub of shit. The crap moved with him, sinking and rising in sticky, scummy clumps. Then Jeff put both his hands under Jeff's ass, sticking a finger from each into the smaller stallion's well-used rear. Jeff moaned again, and arched his back so far that his giant member rose out of the mire like a flagpole. Hank dove down onto the shitty rod, salivating copiously from the taste of all the shit. The spit mixed with the crap, and a slippery brown lube formed over Jeff's raging tool as Hank bobbed up and down on it, sucking at a steady pace. Jeff yelled out, the sound echoing throughout the basement, and his hips bucked hard into Hank's muzzle. He thrust his cock right down Hank's throat, fucking the big horse's face like a rutting animal. In no time, it was all too much, and Jeff exploded into his partner's mouth, hot horse seed spurting right onto Hank's waiting tongue.

The taste of the cum mingled with the scat, and it was enough to make Hank stop for a moment to moan. The filthy, slimy mixture was strong and pungent, and having it in his mouth was making Hank gag. He swallowed, then swallowed again, making room for more and more as Jeff kept cumming. If there was nothing else the younger horse had on Hank, it was how much he could release in a single orgasm. To Hank, it felt like it would never stop. So he kept drinking the milky brown nectar, reveling in the taste and the gooey, gritty texture of the nasty fusion.

Jeff slammed his hips up one last time, feeling his cockhead touch the back of Hank's throat, then fell back onto Hank's hands, completely spent. His muscles were all tight after the orgasm, showing off his beautiful body even under the thick layer of shit that he was covered in. He gasped for air, huge chest heaving with the effort. "Tomorrow's..." he said, when he finally had breath. "...My..turn." Jeff grinned, then slumped over onto Hank's shoulder, unwilling to put any more effort into holding himself straight. He took a few moments to stop panting before speaking again. "You'd better have some fat, delicious turds waiting for me, pal, after all that."

"Oh trust me, Jeff," Hank grinned slyly. "I've got just what you need, waiting for an order to come up." He patted his belly in the muck, rubbing more of the scat into the fur on his abs. "Too bad we have to clean up before we drive to your place, since we have to get in the elevator to get up to the penthouse."

"We'll get plenty dirty once we're up there, since we didn't shit any tonight. But...we'll worry about that in the morning."

Hank nodded, and leaned against the back of the hot tub, letting the warm shit soothe his muscles as he stroked his hard member--which was still unspent. Jeff had more to expect from than just a few thick logs tomorrow, that was for sure.