Growing Urges 4

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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Aron had gotten used to his new size (again), and certainly enjoying it. His history of slipping people in between his legs and not letting them out had begun to take its toll on his relationship with Blake, though. The gryphon was getting territorial about his trainees. His threats came often to keep the big green dragon from stealing them away.

Of course, what the gryphon wanted and what the dragon's belly wanted were likely to end up at odds with one another. And then along came a new rumble.

Oh lord, what was happening now?

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Steam filled the tiled room. There was only one occupant at the moment, but he was a big one. And technically, he wasn't alone. Aron rinsed himself thoroughly under the hot spray, relishing the sensation of the water pouring down over his heavily swollen tummy. It swayed gently as the three much smaller occupants he carried squirmed about inside. He couldn't tell if they were engaged in something tawdry or just moving about randomly. Either way, it felt fantastic. And it kept him from being able to get his shorts on. Given the open-mindedness of the gym, the big green drake decided he didn't need shorts while he was here. Though sometimes it was fun to squeeze into a pair for the hell of it. Today, though, a tank top would be sufficient. Though, it wasn't really terribly good at covering anything.

He really needed to replace the garment. It was a couple of sizes too small. Then again, he could just go without it and do his whole workout completely naked. The idea struck him as a good one and he rumbled away, grinning as he let one of his hands slip down from caressing his active middle to his twitching shaft. A quick bout of self-appreciation, a sticky mess rinsed off the shower wall, another good soak, and Aron shut the water off. He waddled his way back to the lockers, a tiny little towel draped about his broad shoulders. To think only a little over a year ago that towel would have been big enough to wrap around his waist. Now, it couldn't quite do the job.

The green drake dabbed at himself with the towel, trying to dry off as best he could in spite of it being woefully undersized for the job. The entire effort distracted him from his surroundings. He didn't even notice as Blake walked in. Nor did he notice who he walked in with.

"So that's it for today. Stretch real good tomorrow if you get the time, but don't push it. Too much, too fast can be dangerous. We don't want you hurting yourself." the gryphon said.

The short, somewhat scrawny horse just next to him nodded, not noticing the mountain of a dragon drying off just a short distance away.

"Alright, yeah, I can do that. I'm just hoping I start seeing results soon." Henry said.

"Well, that's fine, but don't let that become an obsession. Not everyone gets results terribly quick. We have to build up your endurance first. You have to be able to last long enough to be able to do enough work to make it pay off." Blake said as he looked up, spying his roommate. He glowered a little as they approached.

Henry frowned a bit seeing his trainer's expression change before he turned to see what Blake had turned sour over. His eyes grew huge as he took in the sight of the tall, muscular, and very round-middled Aron.

"Woah! Now that's kinda what I'm going for! Maybe not quite so much in the middle, but I'd take it!" the horse exclaimed.

Aron, finally noticing the two newcomers, turned upon hearing their voices, blushing at the stallion's comment.

"Oh, hello." the drake said.

"Don't fool yourself into thinking everyone can look like that. Aron here is something of a special exception to the rule. We'll get you bulked up, but I can't guarantee you'll be like him." Blake said, still gazing at the dragon, now with narrowed eyes.

Aron shrank a little at the intense stare, unsure what had caused the avian to get put into such a state.

"Well, whatever he's doing, it's working! I'd love to learn his secret!" Henry said excitedly.

"I think it's just how he is, born with genes that leave him predisposed to bulk up faster than most. Now, I'm gonna head back out. I've got another trainee coming in soon. You go shower up. I'm going out of town for a few days so I'll see you on Friday." Blake said.

Henry nodded and headed off to his locker to undress. While the stallion was distracted by that, the gryphon practically marched his way over to the big green drake, still glaring at him as if ready to murder the beast.

"You stay away from him." Blake said, jabbing Aron's thick chest with a finger.

"W-what!?" the drake stammered.

"Don't play all innocent with me! I don't want you stealing another trainee of mine! You took Shane, but I kind of handed him to you to get you on your feet as a trainer, and look what happened! I don't want you doing that to Henry too! So keep your greedy gut away from him!" Blake hissed in a loud whisper. It was clear he wasn't actually mad, but playing it up to make his point.

"I...I promise... I won't steal him!" Aron said sheepishly.

"Good. Now I'm going to go meet up with my next appointment. If I don't see you before then, I'll see you at home, honey," the avian leaned up and gave the drake a kiss on the cheek, his mood suddenly shifting, "Remember, keep this one on the -outside- of your belly."

"See you soon. And I will." Aron replied.

The gryphon spun on his talons and clacked his way to the door. Soon, he was gone, off to meet his next customer. Henry meanwhile had watched them share their little peck on the cheek. He stood wrapped in a towel, quietly admiring the drake's form.

"So, are you two an item?" the stallion asked.

Aron turned with a jerk, startled by the voice. He had forgotten he was there already.

"Oh! Uh, hi again. And yeah, we sort of are." he said.

"So, why was he so angry at you? Did you two have a fight?" Henry asked.

"Oh! No, no, no. We didn't have a fight. He's just... well... Blake can be a little territorial about his trainees. He's worried I'm going to steal you away. He made me promise not to." Aron said.

"Territorial, huh? Okay, I can respect that," Henry said, still looking the big dragon over, shaking his head in disbelief, "I gotta say, you look great."

Aron blushed brightly at the compliment and offered a smile.

"Thanks. I'm pretty happy with the results myself. You keep it up with Blake and he'll have you pumping steel like the rest of us in no time flat. Just don't get discouraged if it's kind of slow to start seeing any changes." the dragon said.

"Hey, as long as I get to hang around big boys like you, I think I'll be fine." Henry grinned.

That grin triggered something in Aron. He squinted a little, even tilting his head a bit. After a beat, it hit him.

"Hey, you're not related to Gabe, are you?" he asked.

"He's my big brother," Henry said, "Emphasis on big. I wanna bulk up and be more like him. I'm tired of being a runt."

"I thought so. The good looks run in the family I see." Aron gave the stallion a wink.

Henry blushed lightly, still grinning. He wasn't used to that kind of attention, but he liked it. This whole experience of Gabe showing him around, introducing him to Blake, and helping him get started on the path to building muscle emboldened him. He stepped closer to the green drake, reaching up to feel over one of Aron's thick, dense arms. As soon as he felt how firm the dragon's bicep was, a tingle ran up his spine.

Aron saw the subtle change in the stallion's posture as he felt his arm. It amused him quietly and he flexed it gently while Henry was still exploring.

"You're into body builders, aren't you?" the green beast asked.

"You could say that. If it weren't for the fact that Gabe is my brother, I'd probably be trying to hit on him." Henry said.

Aron nodded and continued to let Henry run his fingers over his well chiseled form.

"I hear some folks don't let that stop them, but to each their own." he said.

The stallion blushed again, biting his lower lip as he made a choice to speak his mind.

"You ever had a crush on someone but you didn't want to say anything to them?" Henry asked.

"Yeah. I think everyone has at some point." Aron answered.

"Well, I'm pretty sure if I told this person, they'd want to distance themselves from me as much as possible." Henry continued.

Aron paused, letting that roll around for a moment before finally nodding in comprehension.

"So you're not the one with the hang-up about that. You're worried that Gabe is." the dragon said.

"Yeah, basically." Henry said, leaning forward to press his face against the green dragon's arm to hide it, terribly embarrassed by his confession.

"That's rough, man. But hey. I'll tell ya what. I'll do you a solid. Gabe and I work out a lot. I'll see if I can't get a read on him about that sorta thing. Since you're workin' with Blake, I'm sure we'll cross paths again and I'll let you know what I find out." Aron said.

"Really!?" Henry asked hopefully, lifting his face from hiding. He could not have hoped for a better reaction from admitting he wanted to do nasty things with his brother.

"Really, really. Now, why don't you go shower? It'll relax you." Aron said coaxingly.

"Yeah, sounds good," Henry said, pulling away from the green beast. He started to clop towards the showers before stopping. He took a breath, bracing himself, then turned back around, "Hey, I know you probably already showered but... I'd kinda like some company."

Aron was gently surprised by this. In retrospect, he realized he probably shouldn't have been, but then he was still somewhat new to this game.

"Well, I guess it couldn't hurt." he said, tossed his towel aside, and climbed back off the bench he had sat down on.

Henry turned about and continued on into the showers, followed closely by the big drake he had been admiring. The spray returned and the green beast stepped in under it, once more relishing the sensation. Henry tilted his head back as the shower splashed his face, matting down his fur and mane. He sighed as he felt the heat seep into his aching muscles. He then turned and looked towards the much taller fellow beside him. The sight of the drake glistening while sinews rippled under his scales was enough to stir him to act.

The stallion stepped over towards Aron, wrapping his arms as far as he could around the swollen drake. The contact was a surprise, making Aron jerk ever so softly with a start, but he dropped a hand down to rest against Henry's back. The big dragon chuckled as he looked down to one side of his gut, gently pressing him in against it.

"Well hey there." Aron said.

"Hey." Henry replied.

"I'm guessing by you wanting company, you had something rather specific in mind?" Aron asked.

"Yeah. Was kind of a crappy attempt at trying to be smooth." Henry said, chuckling a bit.

"Well, it worked, so you're doing something right." Aron laughed, giving the stallion another little squeeze, enjoying pressing him against the side of his heavy belly.

Henry made a noise as he was squeezed, clearly enjoying the experience. Slowly, he began trying to migrate his way around in front of the dragon, slipping his hands down under the weighty gut to find the impressive features obscured by the grand bulge. What he found shocked him a bit. He realized it shouldn't have, considering the drake had been naked this whole time, but laying hands on it all seemed to make it that much more real. Aron just offered a bashful grin.

"Damn! I mean, I saw the thing earlier! I knew you were big, but you had to be only halfway there! You're huge!" Henry exclaimed, giving the pulsing length a firm squeeze in his palms.

"Yeah. I'm pretty lucky in that department too. So lucky that I don't think it might fit if you tried." Aron said, his cheeks flushing more.

"Probably not. But it's not gonna keep me from trying." the stallion replied.

A new warmth, different from the water pouring down over Aron's gravid stomach, began to spread over his length. He shivered and suppressed a moan as the stallion began trying to feed the rather sizable monster in past his jaws. It was quite a feat just to get the head in, and yet this little horse was doing it quite well. In that moment, a familiar rumble caught the green drake's attention. It didn't originate in his middle like so many times before. It was very similar though. It just came from further down. He shivered on his paws as his sac squeezed and churned, the tremble from the 'growl' sending a new bolt of electricity up his spine. It couldn't mean what he thought, could it?

As Aron pondered this curious sensation coming from between his legs, he felt over half of his length slip into the stallion's throat. Henry was fighting hard to keep from gagging or choking, and succeeding fairly well. It wasn't often someone Henry's size could pull off something like this. The dragon was easily as big around as the stallion's forearm, the end near the elbow, and a fair bit longer. Ordinarily, the drake would have been able to stave off climax for a while, but this new rumble in his scrotum was distracting him, leaving him susceptible to a quick burst. Not wanting to bother with fighting it, especially in case Blake walked in on them like this and decided to get mad, Aron permitted himself to just succumb.

A thick, hearty blast gave the green beast's length reason to pulse. It twitched hard deep in Henry's throat, pumping directly into his stomach. The horse grunted and tensed up, swallowing as best he could. It had been only the first good burst. Another came very shortly after, as did more in rapid succession. The stallion felt his stomach begin to bloat, expanding with every steady pulse. And then it died down, the flow dropping to a soft trickle. It took almost a full minute for it to happen. The pressure in Henry's stomach however would not permit him to remain there and soak up the lingering glassfuls of the stuff leaking in. The stallion was forced off the drake's shaft, getting splattered across the face by a few light--for Aron anyway--spurts. Henry coughed and wiped his face as the shower spray helped clean him off.

Aron huffed and reached down to tug the little stallion back against him, grinding forward so that Henry's face mashed against his groin, tucked under his stomach. It was clear the big drake wasn't done and wanted more. The horse, finally able to catch his breath, not even paying attention to his own visibly swollen stomach, leaned in to offer what affection he could. He was eager to please. Henry wrapped his arms around the still throbbing spire, wondering if he would be able to make the dragon explode again so quickly. As he felt over the still plump orbs hanging just beyond, it seemed there was still plenty to be had. He pulled the drake's flaring head to his lips and began licking away at an almost frantic pace. Aron meanwhile could only huff while clutching his belly.

The three inside had been fairly quiet so far, but now they were moving again, making his stomach writhe and swell this way and that. If they kept it up, Henry wouldn't have long to wait at all. And then the dragon stiffened and inhaled sharply. Henry had slipped his tongue into the slit that had provided such a vast injection of protein. This was something new. Aron had never had anyone do this to him before. Granted, he probably had not been big enough for someone to french kiss his junk until these last few months. It was a bit much for him, not that he was against the idea. It was just new and overwhelming.

And it was about to get even more so.

Aron shuddered and growled, feeling the rumble between his thighs again, stronger this time. Then his eyes flew open and he arched his back, halting his steady grinds. The tongue that was exploring the interior of the leaking shaft was suddenly joined by something else, something a lot bigger. Henry moaned, and the vibration of it raced down the dragon's shaft all the way to the base, then up his spine. A large hand moved swiftly to grope at the affected area, and what he found was a large swell taking up the end of his shaft, and the horse's shoulders pressed against head of his rod. How had he done that? How had he consumed the stallion down to the base of his neck in such a manner?

Did it really matter?

In that instant, Aron realized he wanted more. He didn't want to stop at just Henry's head. And Henry, having been shocked by the ravenous spire, seemed all too enthusiastic to accommodate, once he realized what was happening. The stallion began working feverishly to shove his hands in. The drake's length yawned open as this went on, permitting the necessary entryway. The bulge stretching Aron's shaft grew much larger and he felt a strange 'gulp' sensation race down his length. It tugged Henry in up to his chest, stretching the hungry monster even more.

That was it. Nothing else existed. Aron tilted his head back and filled the showers with a dull roar as he began to roll his hips again. The motion in his abdomen didn't help matters. A gush of white surged out around Henry, giving him a chance to push further in, in spite of the pressure of the torrent. It coated his torso and sloshing stomach, adding a lubricating effect. He was much slicker now. The stallion kicked hard with his legs and the bloat of his cum-filled belly sank in. Aron roared again and felt another 'swallow' drag that grand lump downwards. All that remained were the horse's legs, and those were vanishing quickly. The drake reached down with both hands, past his gut, and gripped at his oddly distended shaft, pumping furiously at it, then left that to be done with a single hand as he gripped at Henry, actively pushing him in.

The bulging lumps in the underside of the green dragon's shaft glided downwards, descending into his sac. The pendulous swells ballooned outward as soon as they were required to contain this new occupant. The sensation felt so strange to Aron, but he couldn't stop himself. He needed more, even though it made him feel as if he was pent up from a month's worth of abstaining. He mashed Henry in as best he could, feeling the slit close up around a couple of his fingers, suckling on them as if trying to take its master's hand as well. Aron simply ran with the idea and began pumping those digits into the greedy rod. The horse was now completely gone from sight, slowly sliding down the rippling tube towards the cum-filled chambers below.

Henry landed with a splash in the small lake of seed hanging under the green beast. A new roar ripped through the showers as Aron painted the wall white again, then stumbled backwards and fell onto his rump. He panted fiercely, slowly coming to grips with what had just happened. He had just swallowed someone with his shaft. And it had been amazing. Sure he felt like he needed to go ahead and try to make himself cum again ten times over, but something about that rubbed him in just the right way. He quickly realized that he loved it.

The rumbling had not ceased, but had instead morphed somewhat. Aron reached down, still breathless, and groped at his enormously bulging scrotum. He could feel the stallion's form inside, turning and squirming, fighting and stretching him. It was unbelievable. What was interesting was his sac had not really changed shape much. It had only grown. And considerably. There was no way he was getting his balls back into a pair of shorts now. Thankfully, he had already done his shift at the garage today. No need to strain and stain his jumpsuit.

"Oh god... you okay in there?" Aron managed to get out.

No answer came other than the horse's moaning voice. The walls churned firmly around him, squeezing and compressing him, threatening to try to shrink him to fit into what size the dragon's sac had been before this. But it never managed to pull that off. It just kept churning away, almost like a rough massage. Whatever was happening in there, it sounded like Henry was in heaven.

Aron climbed back to his paws, rather unsteady and a little weak from what had just happened. The new weight hanging under him sent fire up his spine and left his tail stiff and twitching. His member drooled heavily, threatening to explode all over again. It would take a Herculean effort to keep himself calm. After all, he didn't want to kick Henry out until he was good and ready to come out.

The shower took care of the mess, like it tended to, and Aron returned to the lockers, trying to dry off again, but his towel was already soaked. It left him damp and glistening, almost as if he had already worked up a hell of a sweat. The green mountain sat there in front of his locker, eyeing his tank top and the shorts he had brought with him. He sighed repeatedly, taking deep breaths to try and ignore the powerful stimulation racing through him. The white garment stretched hard to get around him, but Aron managed to get it on. His chest, the rippling pectorals he had worked so hard on, strained the fabric almost to the point of ripping. He liked that. And then he turned his attention to the shorts. He couldn't possibly fit into them at this point, right? And he had been planning to leave them off anyway.

But something had occurred to him. People would be able to more easily see something, or rather someone, squirming around in his scrotum without some form of covering. He wasn't ready to let that secret fly just yet. With a great deal of uncertainty, the drake began trying to slip his powerful legs into the garment that would no doubt fail at the most inopportune time. He turned this way and that, squeezing his meaty thighs in, then pulled the garment up over his firm, toned rump. Now came the real trick. There was a significant amount of space for his generosity, sure. But he had just gotten a lot bigger. With a little creative wiggling and space management, the large dragon managed to just barely get the zipper up over the now enormous package.

Those shorts were performing heroically. Aron could feel them creaking and straining, fighting to stay closed and to not rip. The tight confines weren't uncomfortable for him. He still felt Henry squirming about like mad, and the motion of his own sac working to squeeze and compress him. Now that everything was packed in, his shaft curved down over the front, looking somewhat comical, the motion was somewhat muted. Maybe he could get away with no one noticing after all.

Suddenly, a new rush hit the green beast. He grinned broadly and turned to look in the mirror. His gut featured as prominently as ever, just as he enjoyed it. But now, there was a new bulge he could see, and quite easily. He looked over the massive distention hugging at his crotch thanks to his shorts, performing above and beyond their rated limitations, appreciating the sight.

"I bet I could get through a workout out there on the floor and no one would notice." Aron said to himself, giddy at the notion of having a new delicious secret to keep.

Without another word, the jade beast turned and walked right out of the locker room. He paused once out on the floor, looking about to see if anyone had noticed him. So far, he was in the clear. So, he decided to head up to the second level to make use of the indoor track. He wanted to go for a little jog. The drake could only imagine how it might make Henry bounce around, jostled about in his scrotum.

The dragon took to his jog immediately upon reaching the track, fighting a shiver each time a heavy footfall gave his groin reason to bounce, first down, stretching him and his shorts, then back up, mashing the stallion inside back against his crotch. Oh he was going to have a hard time not making a mess. He would probably be staying later than usual to mop up the track if he leaked through his pants. And that was a real possibility.

An hour's jog on the track left the green drake glistening and his tank top dark in the usual places from sweat. His legs burned and his lungs were complaining for more air. It felt good, the way it should feel at the end of a round on the track. Aron found he had begun to prefer the track to the treadmill. There wasn't the risk of damaging equipment with his weight for one thing. It afforded him a greater view of the gym at large rather than just what was in front of him. He liked being able to see if anyone was staring at him. A few leers was the norm. And today, he was getting a few extra. From what he could tell, their eyes were focused either on his swollen belly, or his swollen crotch.

It only brought a grin to his muzzle.

Now though, he slowed to a stop and huffed. A good squeeze from his sport bottle earned him a hearty gulp of water. He always tilted his head back and lifted the bottle over him when he took a drink from it. The act forced him to push his stomach out, and it showed off the steadily growing mass of the arm lifting the bottle. It was a good pose he knew onlookers would appreciate.

"Oh cut it out, you ham." Blake called out with a laugh. He wouldn't admit he enjoyed the pose himself, not publicly at least.

"Hey, I have to give the people what they want. I know they're staring. I just wanna give'em somethin' ta think about when they're in the shower." Aron replied.

"God, do you know how much of a douche you sound like?" the gryphon laughed.

"Yeah... tasted bad comin' out when I said it. At least it was funny, right?" Aron asked. There had been some truth to what he had said, but it did sound kind of self-centered the way he'd put it.

"Yeah, it was. Anyway, while you were 'on tour', giving everyone a shot of your gut and ass, I've been working with Natalie here." Blake said, gesturing to the short, scaled lady next to him.

Natalie lifted a hand to wave in greeting, hir expression one of muted wonder as shi stared up at the tall green drake.

"Hello." shi said.

"Hey Natalie. Nice to meet you. You two about to do some time on the track?" Aron asked.

"We just finished Natalie's cardio. Shi's working hir way up to just about being able to keep up with us when we do our full run. I'm proud'a hir!" Blake said.

"That's impressive! You've been working with feather-butt here for a while, huh?" the jade fellow joked.

"A few months," Natalie replied, "He's a good trainer."

"Hey, credit where credit is due. I know how to get results but this is all you, honey. You're more driven than anyone I've ever trained. It's nice seeing someone who wants it so bad and actually puts in the work." Blake said.

Natalie shrugged softly, not really thinking much about it.

"I've just been doing what you've been telling me." shi said.

"Hey, that's a pretty huge part of it," Aron said, "A lotta folks come in here with lofty goals and ideas that are maybe a little unrealistic. Then they come to find out how much work they have to put in to make it happen, not just in the gym but diet and just better choices all around, and it ends up being too much for them. A lot of'em slide and end up settling. And that's not meant to be judgy. It's just how it is. If they'd set their sights a little more realistically, they might'a felt like they could do more. But it sounds like you've got what it takes. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up as a trainer yourself."

"I dunno about that, but I'm just happy to be making the progress I am." Natalie said.

"You finished on the track or are you just takin' a breather?" Blake asked the dragon, politely cutting in.

"I'm done. Ready to move on when you are." Aron said.

"I'm about halfway done with my run. Gimme another thirty minutes. You two hang out, get to know one another. And don't try to steal hir!" Blake said, rising to a dull shout at the end.

Aron lifted his hands defensively as he laughed.

"Okay! Okay! I get it! I'll leave your turf alone!" he said.

The gryphon nodded and took off down the track. Aron let his gaze follow him for a moment, appreciating the avian's form as he rounded the curve.

"Blake's told me a lot about you." Natalie said.

"Has he now? Well, you can rest assured, none of it's true." Aron laughed.

Natalie frowned a little in confusion, then nodding a little as shi realized he was trying to make a joke.

"Well, I'd like to hope some of what he's told me is actually true. I was hoping to catch you so we could talk a little. Mind if we had down to the juice bar? Have a seat?" shi asked.

"Sure. What did you wanna talk about? If it's related to your fitness plan, that's better left to Blake. He knows where you've been and where you're goin'. And you heard him, he's a little territorial." Aron said.

"It's not about that," Natalie said, "It's about something we have in common."

"Oh? What's that?" Aron asked.

"I'll explain when we find a table. Somewhere a little away from the rest of the crowd." Natalie answered.

Her body language suggested that shi was feeling a little cagey. Something was eating at hir and it wasn't something shi terribly enjoyed sharing publicly. Aron agreed and led the young lady down to the collection of tables and chairs that served as a sort of dining area. There wasn't much actual dining that went on there, but people did congregate to enjoy juice or conversation before or after a workout. At the moment, it was relatively empty which suited Natalie just fine. The pair picked a table off near the far window, making sure to stay away from the path of foot traffic. The big green beast grunted as he eased into one of the chairs, trying to be careful not to crush it under his weight.

"I won't be able to sit in these much longer if I keep going the way I am." Aron said.

"You think you'll get much bigger?" Natalie asked, ever so slightly incredulous.

Aron grinned sheepishly and scratched at the back of his neck, his gaze averted.

"Well, let's just say there's a certain degree of spontaneity to me bulking up. It's difficult to explain." he said.

"Well, at any rate, that's not what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to ask you something. I apologize if it's too personal and you're well within your rights to decline to answer." Natalie said.

"My life's an open book. Lay it on me, Nat." Aron replied.

"Please don't call me that. I prefer Natalie." the lady said, fighting to keep from flinching at the nickname.

"Oh, I'm sorry. A childhood nickname you'd rather not go by?" he asked.

"No, it just... sounds too much like 'gnat'... you know... those tiny, black bugs that annoy everyone?" shi said.

"Oooh, yeah, I guess I can see why that might be a bit of a turn off. Anyway, like I said, I'm fine answering whatever." Aron said, offering a polite smile.

"What's it like for you, being a hermaphrodite?" Natalie asked.

Aron blinked a little, not having expected that.

"Huh? Um... well... it's fine I guess. I wasn't always. I used to be just a normal guy, no extra bits. Then it just sorta... happened. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying it. Why do you ask?" the green drake raised an eyebrow slightly as he returned with his own question.

"That's not been my experience. But then I didn't have the luxury of making the choice to become one." Natalie said.

"I didn't choose it," Aron quickly added, "I was taking some supplements to help me bulk up and it messed with my hormones or something. After I'd finished the full run, I kinda discovered it. Well, my roommate at the time discovered it and because he did, I did too."

"Your roommate at the time? So he moved out or kicked you out because he couldn't stand the thought of living someone like that?" the lady asked.

"What!? No! He loved it! You could say he dove in head first!" Aron said.

"So, why is he not living with you now?" Natalie asked, suddenly confused.

"It's... complicated. Maybe I'll be able to explain some other time. For now though, let's just say that we're still very close." Aron said with a smile, blushing terribly.

Natalie turned to look out the window. Shi was essentially back to where shi started on the conversation, emotionally speaking.

"I envy you. Everyone around you either doesn't care or actually likes the fact that you're... a freak." shi said, adding a tone of resent to the last word, suggesting shi didn't mean to aim it at the green drake.

"Freak?" Aron echoed, slowly beginning to see something just below the surface, "Did you have a bad experience with someone, you know, like me?"

Natalie laughed and lifted her gaze to the ceiling. In hir mind, shi was shouting 'oh if only you knew!' but that wasn't fair to the kindly body builder across from hir.

"I -am- the bad experience. That's what we've got in common. I'm a hermaphrodite too." shi finally said.

Aron's expression softened as realization began to wash over him.

"Oh. And... folks haven't taken kindly to that fact about you?" he asked.

"To say the least," Natalie said, "My family is very... 'traditional' in their views. Two sexes, two genders, nothing in between or beyond. Boy and girl. Nothing else. You can imagine their surprise when I was born."

The lady, hir grey scales matching hir mood, turned to look out the window again.

"Oh... oh Natalie. I'm so sorry. Do you need help getting out of that situation?" Aron asked.

The short lady laughed again, confusing him.

"Well aren't you just a knight in shining armor coming to my rescue? No, thank you but no. I've not lived at home for quite a long time now. But... it still hurts to think about. See, they wanted to wait to see how I would 'express myself' as I got older. Meaning they wanted to see what puberty would do to me. Then, if I looked more like one or the other, they'd seek a surgical solution. I told them I didn't want to, that I wanted to stay both because that's what I was." Natalie explained.

"And they wouldn't have it." Aron completed.

"None of them would. Not my brothers. Not my parents. Not the neighbors, not anyone in our community," Natalie said, sounding like anger was starting to creep in, "So, I like to say I left on my own, but they kicked me out before I could get a chance to make a plan. It's not much fun, being shunned by your family and your people. A sense of family is important to us, even if that might seem a little strange for a kobold."

The green dragon remained quiet for the time being, unsure what to say. The silence drew out as he watched the lady as shi stared out the window. When at last he couldn't bare it any longer, Aron spoke up.

"I'm so sorry. No wonder you don't have a terribly fond opinion of... what we are." he said.

"You don't need to apologize. You weren't part of the group that kicked me out. But, you could tell me how it's been since your... change." Natalie said.

"Oh, well, I'd say it's been pretty positive overall. There are a few little annoyances that come with it from time to time, but it's all very manageable. I haven't had anyone really treat me badly because of it. I'm sure if you hung around the same people I did, you'd have a much better experience." Aron said.

"I'd very much like that, a better experience. Might even help take the sting out of the other part of it." the lady said.

"If you don't mind my asking, what other part is that?" the dragon asked cautiously.

"I said that a sense of family is very important to... I'd say us, but there's not really so much an us anymore, it's just me. So, a sense of family is very important to -me-. And the whole being shunned by my community thing wouldn't be so bad if I knew I could start my own family," Natalie said, letting it hang in the air for a moment, "See, I'm one of the unlucky ones. Being what I am means I can't have children."

Prior to the shift Aron's life had taken, he would likely not have been hit quite as hard by the revelation. But, given how he had progressed over the course of roughly a year and a quarter, he found himself sympathizing deeply with the lady. Without realizing he had done it, the big green drake slipped his arms around his large, round stomach. Natalie thought it a bit odd, but didn't pay much mind to it.

"So, you must feel awfully alone." Aron said, not meaning anything ill by it.

Natalie, sensing his good-natured intentions, nodded softly.

"To say the least. It's been a nice distraction, coming here and working out. Takes my mind off of the fact that I just can't seem to find a place where I fit in." shi said.

"Well, Blake and I would be more than happy to keep you company if ever you're needing to not feel alone. And I promise, no one here will ever treat you badly just because of where you landed on the genetic lottery." Aron said with great certainty that his boyfriend would agree.

"That's very sweet of you," Natalie said, then paused for a while, "I know that Blake is my personal trainer but, would it be alright if I could come talk to you from time to time? I'd like to have someone I can ask about... certain things... and you might have some insight I could use."

Aron smiled, leaning across the table as far as his gut would let him, sliding a hand over towards the kobold. Shi permitted him to rest his enormous palm over hirs, finding it oddly comforting.

"It would be my pleasure. And we don't have to meet here to talk about... personal matters. We can go wherever you're comfortable talking about it." he said.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it. It's not exactly something I can just ask anyone about. You know?" Natalie said with a smile.

"Of course. And I promise I'll be discrete," Aron grinned, "Trust me, I know how to keep a secret."

In the back of his mind, Aron was laughing, still drinking in the sensation of the churning between his legs. He could still feel Henry squirming away in there.

Natalie raised an eyebrow, curious as to why the dragon would bring up something like that unprovoked. Shi let it go and climbed to hir feet.

"Well, thank you for your time. I look forward to chatting more when I don't have somewhere to be. If you'll excuse me, I need to run. No rest for the wicked and all that." shi said.

"Looking forward to it. In fact, here, lemme give you my cell." Aron said.

The huge drake tugged the black rectangle tucked tight against his hip in the waistband of his shorts. The little device looked ludicrously small in his large hands, and yet he operated it with surprising skill. Natalie retrieved hir own cell phone and tapped in the number he provided. The two exchanged texts to test, then said their goodbyes.

Aron watched as the little kobold lady took hir leave. Shi was just barely tall enough for the top of hir head to pass his waistline, but shi was in excellent shape. He had no doubt in his mind that if shi were forced to, shi'd be able to take him, climb him like a mountain, then given him hell one way or another. He sighed a little, recalling the story shi had relayed, rubbing his belly. He had not noticed the gentle rumbling that had been present for a while. It was almost dinner time and he was coming down off a good long jog.

"Poor girl. I'd love to give you a family, but I'm pretty sure Blake would kill me. Alright kids, let's go. Daddy's starving." the drake said as he hoisted himself out of his chair and left to go find the gryphon who had introduced him to the kobold.

The gym was less busy the next day. There was an event being held out of town that many of the regulars had wanted to attend. Aron wanted to as well, but he opted to stay and cover for Blake, training his clients while he was away. And he was pulling a couple of extra shifts at the garage to cover for someone who had gotten sick. The drake wasn't bothered. It kept his mind occupied. After all, with a feisty little stallion squirming away in his sac, it was hard to think straight unless he was distracted. Working on cars helped with that.

It didn't help that ever since Henry slipped in, Aron had tried very hard not to let himself give in to the temptation to pleasure himself. He didn't want to let the horse out just yet. And with how Stacy had been pressuring him, he was afraid he might accidentally let Henry slip out and right into her. She probably wouldn't appreciate that. Then again she might. It wasn't a risk he was terribly interested in taking. Even if it was an alluring notion.

Natalie showed up early for hir session. The two talked briefly, mainly for the drake to get an idea of what Blake had been doing with hir, what hir goals were, and what shi felt like doing that day. There was a sort of silent understanding between them that any discussion beyond the workout would come later. And there would be discussion later.

Helping keep Natalie on task and spotting for hir did an excellent job of distracting Aron from the motion in his groin. The little guy just wouldn't quit. Either that or the dragon's scrotum was making all the commotion. Either way, it was exhilarating when he allowed himself the freedom to sit back, spread his legs, and simply enjoy it. His ability to ignore it all didn't save his shorts from the dark moisture stain that invariably developed first thing in the morning and continued to grow. At this point, he was needing to change pants every couple of hours.

Aron's laundry bill was going to be high this month.

"I think I'm done." Natalie said in a huff. Shi fell slack on the padded bench shi was laying on top of, hir arms screaming for rest.

Aron returned the barbell to the stand with ease, offering the lady his congratulations.

"That's great! You did a full set of reps more than your usual!" he said, marking down hir progress on hir chart.

"It sure feels like it. What else are we doing today?" the kobold asked, looking up at the large, green orb that was the drake's gut standing over hir. Strangely, seeing it overhead didn't upset hir or make hir nervous. Something about it was oddly comforting.

"Unless you wanna do another run, that's it for today." Aron said.

"I think I'm good. I could use something to drink." Natalie said as shi sat up.

"Let's get you something then." the drake responded.

Aron helped the lady onto hir feet since shi was a little more spent than shi realized and the two left the weights floor, aiming for the juice bar. It was completely devoid of customers and only a single attendant stood behind the counter. The two put their orders in, waited patiently for their drinks, then found a place to sit. Like their first meeting, they opted for something away from foot traffic so they could have a little more privacy.

The big green drake eased into one of the chairs, listening carefully for any sounds of strain or failure. He didn't want to crush another chair. That would make three this month alone.

"So, Blake tells you not to steal me, then heads out of town and puts you in charge of training me while he's away. Isn't that a bit like letting the fox guard the hen-house?" Natalie asked.

Aron laughed.

"Sort of, but it's more complicated than that. Anyway, I know it was only yesterday when we met, but what's new with you?" he asked.

"Not a whole lot. I go to work. I come to the gym. I work out to relieve stress. I go home. I sleep. I wake up. Everything starts over again. It's pretty routine." the kobold lady replied.

"Sounds kind of quiet. What do you do for a living?" Aron asked.

"I work in a warehouse. I'm about to get muscled out of my job for being too small and too weak. Automation coming in to replace people like me." Natalie said.

"I've been hearing that a lot. Any chance you might be able to stay on to service the machinery?" Aron offered hopefully.

"Not really. I'm not that technologically minded. It's mostly computer driven and I prefer mechanical things. Honestly, I'd rather make something than work a job like that. But it's hard to get your start in the creative field." Natalie said.

"Creative, huh? Creative like what? Woodworking? Painting? Sculpting?" the drake asked.

"A mix of things. I was rather fond of poetry back when I was in high school. Prose is good too. And I know it's weird for a girl to be into this sorta thing but... I really liked metal shop. I loved welding and metalworking." she blushed and looked away, taking a sip of the dark green contents of hir plastic cup.

"Metalworking huh? Did Blake ever mention that I'm an auto mechanic? Maybe I could find you a position at the garage where I work." Aron said, suddenly feeling a swell of enthusiasm.

"That's awfully sweet of you, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have me. After all, I'm small and I'm a girl. They wouldn't really respect me." Natalie said, still not making eye contact.

Aron chuckled and leaned in towards the table, his belly making that difficult. He felt a gentle squirm under his scales as the act compressed his passengers a bit.

"You'd probably like my boss. Her name is Stacy. She's small, a little shorter than you, and she keeps everyone in line over there. I'd be happy to introduce you." the drake said.

Natalie brought hir gaze back to look at Aron. The notion was attractive. Maybe it was worth considering. Hir cynical side was still going strong though.

"The boss I can understand. But do you really think she'd hire someone like me to work on cars?" the scaled lady asked.

"She doesn't discriminate, except when it comes to skill. If you know what you're doing, then she's happy to have you. We've been having some trouble filling shifts lately so I bet she'd love to see what you can do. I'll give her a call, see if she'd be free to meet you tomorrow." Aron said.

Natalie nibbled at the straw sticking out of hir cup, seeming to ponder the notion. Shi'd only just met this hulking beast of a trainer, though shi had heard only good things about him. He had been very kind and helpful so far. Maybe shi could let hir shields down a little with him.

"I don't want to impose. If your shop is hiring, I can just fill out an application instead of bothering the manager directly." shi said.

"It's no imposition. I promise. And Stacy's not a big fan of the usual application method. She likes to meet people before getting them to do a bunch of paperwork she has to look through. I'll put the bug in her ear next time I see her." Aron said, neglecting to mention that it would likely be discussed while the rabbit was either bent over her desk or mounted on top of him. He didn't feel like that information was entirely necessary to share at this point.

"Thanks. Sounds like a pretty nice place to work." Natalie said.

"I will warn you about one thing. Stacy is... very passionate." Aron said.

A red flag started to slowly creep its way up the pole in the kobold lady's mind. Shi brushed a few strands of dark hair out of hir eyes and fixed hir gaze on the green drake towering above hir.

"Passionate... how?" shi asked.

"Well... it's difficult to explain. I guess it's one of those 'you'd have to meet her to understand' kind of things. I promise, she is one hundred percent a fantastic and fair boss." Aron reassured the lady.

"She doesn't sleep with the mechanics does she?" Natalie asked, clearly joking.

Aron almost choked on his juice, not having expected that. Luckily, in that exact moment, a diversion presented itself.

"Hey guys. I'm lookin' for Henry. I told Blake I'd stand in for him while he's out of town, because... well... little brother. But I haven't seen him. He was supposed to be here half an hour ago." Gabe said, having somehow silently approached.

Aron, impressed with the mountain of a stallion's feat of stealth, turned quickly to address him, hoping that his near spit-take would be taken as shock and surprise at Gabe's sudden appearance.

"Oh! Hey... Henry huh? Half an hour ago?" the drake stammered a little. He squeezed his thighs together gently, still feeling a pronounced squirming in his shorts.

"Yeah. I'm a little worried. I called his cell and I can hear it ringing in the locker room. So I figured maybe he managed to sneak in without me noticing but no one knows where he is. Have you guys seen him?" Gabe asked.

Natalie shook hir head.

"I'm afraid I don't even know who he is. I'm still kind of new here." the kobold lady said.

"Oh well... welcome to our little establishment. Aron here hasn't tried to steal you away from Blake yet, has he?" the stallion snickered.

The kobold lady, feeling a little more at ease than shi had been in the last few days, allowed hirself to roll hir eyes and laugh.

"Blake is my trainer, yes. But Aron here is filling in for him while he's away." shi said.

"He does that a lot... filling in." Gabe grinned, winked and nudged at Aron with an elbow.

The green drake felt this might be going in a direction he wasn't quite sure Natalie would like so he tried to redirect the conversation. Unfortunately, he didn't think too far ahead, not realizing that it would eventually circle back to the topic he was hoping to avoid for now.

"Yeah, yeah, hardy har-har. Didn't you say you were looking for Henry?" Aron asked.

"Yeah," Gabe replied, "You seen him?"

Aron found himself caught, not having formulated a sly answer. And he didn't like the idea of lying to one of his friends, especially about this. His mind raced as he tried to figure out a solution, but as he did, he felt a powerful stretch from between his legs. Apparently his passenger was suddenly becoming rather spirited. The drake grunted and shoved a hand down under his massive gut as a tremor passed through him. His expression melted into a look of surprised stimulation. Gabe had seen that look on the drake's face before. The horse's face darkened a little.

"You didn't. Tell me you didn't. Man, Blake is gonna kill you." Gabe said.

"Now hold on! Before you go calling him," Aron said, suddenly taken by the terror of the gryphon's wrath, "It's not what you think. I know where he is... and... well... it's not where you think."

Gabe raised an eyebrow while Natalie sat quietly, now rather confused by this exchange.

"Okay... what didja do? Eat him?" Gabe said with a laugh.

Aron didn't answer. He simply stood up, taking his time as he did so. With two large hands, the green dragon hoisted his weighty middle up. He could feel Jack, Mary, and Shane shift softly inside him. He enjoyed that feeling. In fact, he tended to move his gut around like that when he was by himself. Often in the shower. This time however, it served to give the large horse a better view of what was below, specifically the rather large, rather active bulge of his crotch. Subtle swells could be seen pressing out against the flesh of the drake's scrotum, even through the tightly stretched fabric of his shorts. Occasionally, a hand print could be made out in the writhing chaos. Gabe was stunned silent by what he saw, but not for very long.

"Woah... I didn't even know you could do that!" the stallion cried out in surprise.

"Yeah... um... I didn't know I could either. He's doing okay in there, near as I can tell." Aron said.

Gabe plopped down on the floor right then and there. The heavy thump caused all the unoccupied chairs in the dining area to jump slightly. Immediately, two hands cupped against the dragon's impressive package. Aron bit back a moan, not having really had a chance to let someone else feel over him while he was so stretched.

"Does it hurt?" Gabe asked.

"No... it... it actually feels really good. And I think he's enjoying it too." Aron said. His cheeks were flushed powerfully. He couldn't even bring himself to look over at Natalie. He was sure shi was horrified by this.

Had he dared to steal a glimpse, he would have seen hir watching on with intense interest.

"How long has he been in there?" Gabe asked, now utterly fascinated, staring long at the wriggling bulge wrapped in fabric as if it were a lava lamp.

"Since about this time yesterday. And he hasn't stopped squirming the whole time. I'm not even sure it's all been him. Ya know how things down there tend to... ya know... move? Like when you need to adjust yourself?" Aron asked.

Gabe looked up over the huge gut he knew housed the three the dragon had greedily horded for himself.

"Yeah. Are you sayin' you're... chewing on him or something?" the stallion asked, incomprehension quite plain in his voice.

"No, not like that but... squeezing and churning. Walking or running makes it happen more." Aron answered.

"Well... then maybe we oughta get him out of there." Gabe said with a grin.

Before Aron could protest, he felt the cool air of the gym spill across his crotch. The stallion had pulled his shorts down over the heavy bulge. The drake's shaft flopped out, almost hitting the horse in the face. It was already firming up, drooling heavily. Gabe took hold of the impressive monster with one hand, the other cupping under the moving swells he had just freed. A long, slow lick from a broad, wet tongue sent a jolt up Aron's spine. He couldn't stop Gabe at this point. Nor did he really want to. He'd been holding off on letting himself peak since Henry went in. He just wanted to explode.

Gabe could see Aron's internal struggle, grinning as he leaned in and opened his mouth wide. Warmth quickly surrounded the pulsing rod. The ooze drooling from the broad tip coated the stallion's tongue with salty moisture, giving him reason to groan happily. It wasn't often the big stud got to bottom like this. It was largely because he was something of a size queen. He only wanted one of those in his mouth if it was big enough to stretch his throat. And Aron certainly was. A bulge formed in Gabe's neck as he swallowed the dragon's rod as far as he could. He was something of a natural at it. It made Aron suddenly question why the stallion had so quickly jumped to the notion of him eating someone. Had he experimented with that before?

The horse's fingers curled and squeezed at the drake's churning sac, lifting it up to heft the weight and make it bounce against his palm. The other large hand delved into Aron's shorts, probing about behind the sagging orbs to find the petals that had quickly become legendary for their greed. A sharp jerk shot through the green beast as his nethers were probed. Moisture quickly coated those fingers. It was such a little gesture that brought such a strong reaction. Aron grit his teeth, feeling the urge to raise his tail just as the throbbing of his shaft threatened to do more than just pulse. The soft tickle that came before climax forced the green drake to flex his abdomen, compressing his three passengers against one another. The dragon's eyes shot open as he realized what was happening. One of his hands darted to his crotch, wrapping around the base of his aching rod, gripping tightly.

It was just in time. He could feel the smaller horse's head bump against the heel of his palm, forced up towards the exit by a powerful surge that saw Gabe slurping and gulping noisily. Thick bursts of sticky seed gushed down the big stallion's throat as he pressed his nose against the bottom of that huge gut. Aron had just stopped Henry from taking a one way trip into the slowly stretching belly being filled with a small lake of cum. The large, buff horse grunted as he returned one of his hands to himself, exploring the gentle swell he was enjoying. It only took a few moments, then the flow stopped. Gabe slowly withdrew off the drake's shaft, licking it clean before getting back to his hooves.

With a grin, the stallion looked down at his stomach. His abs were still plainly visible, though they were pushed out into a taut curve thanks to the hearty load he'd just guzzled.

"Damn, and that was a short one. Usually you go for longer," Gabe said, grinning as he looked down at Aron's sac again, "And I can't help but notice you didn't let him out. Possessive?"

"I just... I didn't want you swallowing him." Aron said, just a little out of breath. Already he was trying to pack his slightly less bloated scrotum back into his shorts. His length would have to wait. It was still rigid and threatened to rip the garment open if Aron tried to force it in. Hopefully he'd soften up fairly quickly.

"Nah, you're just a greedy dragon. When do you think you're gonna let him out? Or is he in for good, like the others?" Gabe asked with a smirk.

"Not sure when. A couple days? Maybe a bit longer? It might sound weird but... it's like he's 'not done cooking in there'. Does that make any sense?" Aron replied, sounding unsure of himself.

Gabe just shrugged and gave his gut a pat.

"Hey, makes about as much sense as everything else you've got goin' on. And you really need to cut loose at some point. You stay pent up and you'll be draggin' him on the ground. Yer sac'll be so big you could sit on it like a yoga ball. If you really wanna make sure he doesn't come out until you're ready for him to, you might wanna look at using a cock ring. That'll be easier than just using your hand." the stallion said.

"That's a good idea. I'll have to find a place that sells one big enough." Aron replied.

"I'll send you a link to a place. They've been keeping me outfitted since I started growing. Thanks for the protein shot. Since Henry's already got a trainer, I'll go get busy doing something else. Catch you two later," Gabe grinned, reaching down to give Aron's wriggling sac a pat, "Don't let the big green monster work you too hard, little brother."

No real response came, not that Gabe had expected one other than the drake's visible shiver. The horse turned and clopped his way back towards the workout floor, satisfied with what he managed to get from the dragon. Aron meanwhile had managed to slowly ease himself back into his shorts. Henry was still squirming away in there and the sudden offloading of mass meant there was less insulation between him and the walls separating him from the outside world. It made it easier for the big dragon to feel every twitch, every kick, every shift. It made him want to pull it back out and paint the floor right there. And then he caught himself, remembering he wasn't alone. Slowly, the big green fellow turned to look at the kobold lady who had been sitting so quietly during the whole encounter.

"So... you've probably got some questions." Aron said.

Natalie remained quiet for a moment, just staring up at the dragon. It was difficult to discern the expression on hir face. Shi appeared mostly stunned, but there was something else there he couldn't quite determine.

After a too-long moment of silence, the dragon spoke again, blushing so strongly he could feel how warm his cheeks had become.

"Look, I'm sorry. You're probably not used to that sort of thing just up and happening right in front of you. It's actually not that uncommon here. In fact, there are days where I just don't wear pants or a shirt when I workout so that Gabe or Blake... you know... have access." Aron tried to explain.

His bashfulness stirred Natalie from hir trance-like gaze. Shi lifted a hand and waved it dismissively.

"No... that doesn't really bother me. I've seen that sort of thing around here once or twice. Blake warned me about it. It's the first time I've had a front row seat and... not gonna lie, that was kind of hot," Natalie said, hir voice beginning to rise as shi continued, "But what's this about you having someone trapped in your nuts!? How is that possible!?"

Aron just blinked, a little surprised at hir acceptance of him having just received a blow job right in front of hir. It took him a moment to unpack that, then realize that it wasn't the strangest thing to have to deal with in this situation. A strong kick came from in his middle, making him inhale sharply. He had been so focused on Henry's presence, he had forgotten to relax his abdomen and permit his kids a chance to stretch.

Before he could answer, his mouth hanging open with words just on the tip of his tongue, shi continued.

"What am I saying? With a monster that big, you could probably swallow Gabe without any real trouble. If the term is 'trouser snake', that's a mutant python you've got. But, how the hell is someone alive inside you like that if they've been in there since yesterday!? Was he already in there when we met!?" Natalie asked incredulously.

"He was. Blake had just introduced him to me. We... got to know one another in the shower... then he just kind of... slipped in. I didn't plan on it happening. One thing led to another and... he was in!" Aron said, still blushing powerfully, "And I have to confess, I've been enjoying it. A lot. First off, it feels really good. He's squirming almost all the time and I feel like I've got the worst case of blue balls in history, but I can't help myself. I love it. It feels like I'm so full I'm gonna pop and squirt him out at any moment. Second, it's like a scandalous little secret, not telling anyone. It makes me want to keep him in there as long as possible."

By now, the big green dragon was looking down at his stomach. He would have been looking at his feet if he could see them over his gravid stomach, as well as the hefty bulge of his groin. He was sure Natalie was disgusted at this point. Shi might be ready to leave and never come back at any moment thanks to this bit of debauchery. If shi wanted to do exactly that, shi showed no sign of it.

"I can only imagine. But you still haven't answered my other question. Just how the hell is he still alive trapped inside part of your body?" the kobold lady asked again, moving from hir original seat to further around the table, sitting down next to where Aron had been seated, beckoning him to sit back down with hir.

Aron couldn't believe how well shi was taking this. He eased back into his chair, moving a palm down to massage at his still churning scrotum. He could feel Henry press outward against that palm, then turn about and pressing his face against it knowing what it was. There came an odd sensation. Did the horse just kiss his hand through his sac? A shiver ran up Aron's spine at the thought. He was actually very much enjoying his stay in there. That made the dragon want to keep him all the more.

"Well, I'm not really sure about the mechanics of it, but it seems to be working just fine. And if that interests you, then boy do I have a story for you to hear." Aron said.

"Does it have something to do with 'the others' Gabe mentioned? And does it have anything to do with why I keep thinking I'm seeing things when I look at your stomach? I could swear I can see something moving in there sometimes." Natalie replied.

"You caught that, huh? Alright, since you don't seem like you're gonna run screaming for the hills, I'll tell you everything. But first, let's get something real to eat. My stomach is growling and the juice just isn't cutting it." the drake said.

"Thanks again for dinner. It was good." Natalie said.

"Yeah, they make a good steak sandwich there." Aron said.

"They must. You had five of them." the kobold lady chuckled.

The big green drake nodded with a blush and a grin.

"Yeah, when you're this big, you kind of need to eat a lot." Aron said with a laugh.

Natalie leaned in against his stomach as they sat on his couch. They had come back to his and Blake's house after dinner. A very interesting discussion had passed between the two of them, censored gently for the benefit of the venue. After all, it wasn't the gym. People out there in the regular world weren't as used to discussions and displays of such lewd things. Natalie had soaked it all up, fascinated by it. Once they were in a more private setting, shi couldn't help but press in against the big dragon's warm, firm gut. Aron was only slightly taken aback, and only because they had only known one another for about a day.

Then again, he had only just met Henry minutes before the horse found himself hidden in a distended dragon scrotum. Aron thought on that for a moment. His life had certainly taken an interesting turn ever since that night with Jack. He wasn't sure what direction it would continue to go, though he did have a feeling that 'bigger' was going to be the theme. As he let his mind wander, he almost didn't notice the gentle motion under his scales. His three passengers were getting restless. It was about that time of day when they tended to get rather active. It was so common these days that Aron had begun to not notice when they started getting riled up. It wasn't until they really got going that he began paying closer attention. At least when he was distracted. Natalie noticed the movement straight away, squeezing against the active dome and exploring its mass with hir hands.

"What does it feel like when they move?" shi asked.

"It's pleasant. Hard to describe, but pleasant. Especially if they move around a lot." Aron said.

"How long have you been like this?" Natalie asked, unable to pull hirself away from his belly.

"Jack's been in there the longest. More than a year. Mary was only a few months after him. Then Shane joined in half a year after that. We've been together like this for six months. So, I started more than a year ago." Aron said, quickly doing the calculations in his head.

"Over a year. You've been pregnant with at least one full grown person for more than a year. That's wild." Natalie said, pressing hir face in against the bulging swell.

"It is. Never thought in a million years that this is how my life would go." the green drake said.

Aron closed his eyes, permitting himself a quiet thrum. He loved it when others fawned over his belly. It wasn't that he wanted someone to worship it, just that the contact felt so lovely. And shi seemed so very keen to keep it up. Natalie turned hir head and pressed a cheek against the dome, able to better hear what was happening deep in the dragon's gut. The noises made hir blush, what shi could hear over the sounds the drake's body made. His three 'children' could really only be doing one thing, shi estimated. When the notion struck hir initially, there was a sense of revulsion, not so much that shi detested what they were doing, but that shi felt dirty for somehow being a voyeur to something that might be meant to be private. Aron's thrum deepened as the wobbling dome shifted more strongly, prompting him to rest a heavy palm against the small lady's back. That seemed to wash away any concerns shi had, encouraging hir to lean in against the stretching, shifting orb.

"Are they doing what I think they're doing?" Natalie asked.

Aron nodded with a grin, his eyes still closed.

"They sure are. They do it whenever they get a chance, at least when they're fairly sure I'm in private. They used to try and make my legs wobble while I was at the gym or the garage. But that had some unpleasant unintended consequences. I don't want anyone else to get hurt because my... situation." he said.

"And you enjoy it?" the kobold lady asked, hir voice softening as if shi were beginning to drift off right there against the big dragon's tummy.

"Oh yeah. It's partly why I don't want to let any of them out." Aron murmured.

"You're so lucky." Natalie said, closing hir eyes and pressing hirself against the softly wriggling gut even more tightly.

"How's that?" Aron asked, opening his eyes a little to gaze down at hir. He couldn't believe how comfortable they'd both become with one another over so short a time.

"You've got your own little family. You take care of them. They keep you company. No matter where you go, they go with you." Natalie said.

"Yeah, I guess we are kind of a family." Aron smiled, bringing his free hand down to gently caress the unoccupied side of his shifting stomach. It was a notion he had not considered until that moment, and it resonated deeply with him.

"Wish I had a family like that." Natalie said.

"You're welcome to hang out with Blake and me whenever you like. You sound like you could use a couple of friends." Aron said.

The green fellow opened his mouth to say something else but then inhaled sharply. His whole form stiffened for a moment before he melted back into a comfortable recline, his lips pulling into a broad grin.

"You alright, big guy?" Natalie asked, sitting up a little. His sudden reaction startled hir a little.

"They just hit a sensitive spot. Almost set me off." Aron said as his eyes drifted shut again.

"Set you off, huh? They can do that without you needing to help?" the kobold asked.

"They pride themselves on that. Ooo, and Henry in the 'basement' down there isn't helping matters. I may have to take a quick trip to the bathroom to tend to things." the drake said.

Natalie sat up completely and turned to look down the green dragon's form. Shi leaned out over the edge of the couch to see his legs spread wide by the still writhing bulge between his thighs. There was a dark stain spreading through his shorts and a pronounced lump pushing up and away from him. Natalie was no stranger to that shape. Clearly he was aroused, but his shorts were just too confining. With that, shi decided to act. It wasn't something shi did casually, but this felt like it was the right time to be impulsive.

The short kobold lady slipped away from the dragon's grasp briefly, then settled on hir knees atop the plush carpet underfoot. Shi had plopped down right between Aron's legs, intending to explore this other point of fascination shi had not paid much attention to so far. Small, delicate hands grasped at the waistband of Aron's shorts and tugged, working to drag the garment down. With a good deal of effort, and a few groans from the drake, shi made progress uncovering the swelling features trapped behind sweatpants fabric. Just as it had with Gabe, the dragon's dark spire spilled out, almost slapping the kobold lady in the face. Having seen how the stallion took the blow, shi had been ready and ducked at just the right time.

Aron sighed in relief as he was freed, then again as Natalie continued hir work, dragging the dragon's shorts the rest of the way down over his churning sac. Not content to leave him like that, shi didn't stop until shi had pulled the green drake's shorts all the way off and dropped them on the floor a short distance away.

"Better?" Natalie asked.

"Better." Aron said, relaxing visibly as his scrotum was finally free and able to feel the cool kiss of the open air.

"Good." Natalie said.

Aron jumped a little as he felt hir hands grip at his quickly stiffening length. He wasn't about to stop hir, but he was curious about hir intentions. Then he felt a pair of small feet press against his thighs; first one, then the other, then weight bearing down on them. He could feel hir hugging his mammoth shaft to hir front, not at all caring that it was smearing clear ooze down hir chest and stomach. Hir scales were smooth to the touch, and quite warm, very similar to his own hide. When had shi gotten undressed? Was he simply that oblivious in his dazed, stimulated state?

His questions were pushed aside as a sharp, startled gasp came from below. Aron's eyes flew open to see Natalie standing atop his thighs, balancing there quite well, only about half of hir visible over his bloated stomach. Shi was now balanced not just on his legs, but on the grand spire shi had aimed to hir groin. He could feel the warmth of hir womanly cleft pressing against his length. And shi was easing it in. How could shi stretch so much? He paused at that thought. How could anyone close to hir size really stretch enough to fit him in? Shi wasn't the first, so why was he so surprised?

Again, his thoughts were forced to focus once again. The tight grasp of the short lady's form sank down over his pulsing spire, making Aron start to pant. Natalie, intrepid in hir efforts, pushed hirself down carefully. A bulge formed in hir stomach as he bottomed out inside hir, stretching hir to fit within hir embrace. Shi grit hir teeth, soaking his meaty intruder until shi was on hir knees. Only about half of him was inside hir, but shi was fighting for breath at this point, thinking perhaps shi could go no further. Shi wanted to. Shi wanted to take all of it. Shi wasn't sure what drove hir to it. Maybe he was in heat and it was getting to hir. Shi didn't know, nor did shi care. Shi just wanted to fit as much of this monolith into hir as shi could.

The kobold twisted hirself left and right, shuddering as every square inch of hir interior was set aflame by the monster shi'd managed to half-consume. Aron groaned and tried his best to hold still. He couldn't help himself. A gentle buck hoisted the lady up, stealing hir breath away. Shi writhed all the more atop him and began trying to shove down once more. As shi did, the drake tensed and clenched his jaw. He could feel something starting to happen that he didn't want to let happen. He could feel Henry's head pressing against his groin, right at the base of his shaft. The dragon moved as quick as he could, clamping down hard around the base of his rod with a single hand. He didn't want to accidentally shoot the horse into the kobold. His other hand he used to carefully and slowly lift Natalie off his member.

The lady fought him initially, but then accepted his will, especially when it resulted in hir laying against his chest and stomach, panting.

"Wh-why did you stop me?" shi asked, half angry at him.

"I can't do this... not yet. I need something." Aron said.

He gave the little kobold a kiss on the top of hir head then gently moved hir to the couch. As careful as a bull in a china shop--because they actually were quite careful--the big drake climbed to his feet and moved to the bedroom. There he found a plastic bag he had tossed on the bed. He'd been shopping with Natalie after dinner. From within the bag, he pulled a cardboard and plastic package meant for a hanging display. Inside was a metal ring of considerable size, too large for him to wear on a finger. Aron bent the cardboard backing and popped the plastic lip, tearing the package open. He retrieved the metal ring from its sales-friendly prison and tossed the scrap container in the trash. As he walked back into the living room, he fidgeted with the ring, marveling at the smooth sides and thick wall.

"Aww, I was hoping you'd forget about that. I wanted to see what would happen." Natalie said, spotting the very ring Gabe had suggested be used.

Aron chuckled and stood in front of his houseguest who had--until moments ago--been set upon him, ready to be practically launched into space by the blast he was sure to give her.

"You and Stacy both. It's been hell keeping her off me the past couple of days. As soon as I told her why, she tried even harder. And I'll tell you what I told her. He's not done in there. I can't explain it but... I'm not ready to let him out yet." he said.

"Fine. Go on, put it on. Then get back down here so I can finish what I started." Natalie said. Shi was showing hir own arousal, teasing and toying with hir own shaft, aching from what shi had just been permitted to enjoy.

The heavy dragon nodded and reached down past his stomach, still trembling a little from all the motion in his womb. He pressed the ring against the side of his length, using that as a means of finding the end since he couldn't very well see down there. With a little effort, things slid into place, and he could feel the cool metal easing over his still throbbing length. As it reached the base, Aron gave it a twist. The metal inner workings clicked and locked into place, clenching firmly around the drake's member. It was tight enough that he couldn't pull it off easily, but not so tight that it was uncomfortable. Surprisingly, it didn't pinch him. He had been worried that it might. It felt secure and firm, making him feel like he could paint the shower wall as many times as he wanted and never let Henry out. That was exactly what he wanted.

Aron sat back down on the couch, took hold of Natalie with both hands, and returned hir to standing on his thighs. Shi grinned and giggled a little, feeling giddy for the first time since shi left home. He began easing hir down onto him once more. Once shi was well seated on him, he moved one hand around to hir front, brushing a couple of large fingers over hir twitching member. The act smeared hir own sticky dribblings over hir stomach and groin. Shi shuddered, moving both hir hands to cup against his. No one had ever bothered to pleasure hir like this. Save one person, and that had been fleeting. This was so much more. Had Aron known that about hir, he might have simply laid hir down on hir back and treated hir to a thorough oral examination. But this seemed to work just fine.

"Ooo, don't stop that. Please." Natalie said breathlessly, almost begging him.

A rumble filled the green drake's throat, pleased that he was doing something good for hir.

"I'm gonna have to. My gut's too big. But that should be okay." he replied.

The dragon eased the short kobold down on him until shi was halfway down his shaft like before. He had been forced to pull his palm away from hir front, and to make up for it, he pressed against hir back. Shi quickly found hirself grinding up against the very dome shi had been doting on, and the motion under his scales against hir drooling member left hir speechless. He couldn't do it himself, so he was letting his 'kids' do it for him. Something about that sent a jolt of electricity through hir and shi was struck then and there. A thick, sticky burst coated hir stomach and his. A warm splash trickled its way down the vast, dark monster half inside hir. Hir voice caught in hir throat in that moment, leaving hir to simply gasp.

Aron just grinned and began slowly rocking his hips, letting himself give in to the sensations racing through him. His belly, his sac, his length. All he was missing was Blake and Gabe trying to rail him from behind, occupying both options, and he would be a drooling, unresponsive mess. He might have to try and set that up at some point. Provided that Blake wouldn't be mad at him about Henry.

The two scaled lovers pressed against one another, letting flesh glide against flesh. The pace was slow but firm. Natalie was clearly not to be denied what shi wanted. Shi pushed down against the invading rod, feeling the bulge it made in hir stomach push up towards hir chest. Hir tail lashed about slowly behind hir as shi tried to find something to do with it. Then shi remembered something from earlier. Aron had jerked rather strongly when Gabe had slipped his hand somewhere. Knowing what shi knew about the drake, shi had a pretty good guess as to what that was.

With as much will as shi could muster, shi directed hir tail down against the dragon's sac. Shi could feel the small stallion struggling away inside it. It made hir shudder just to think about what could have been. Maybe shi could steal him away sometime. Just not now. Shi wasn't even sure shi could fit him in, but shi wasn't about to let that stop hir from trying. But that would have to wait until later. It was almost impossible to focus, given the size of what was inside hir, but shi strained to think as clearly as shi could. The end of hir tail twitched and squirmed, poking and prodding about as shi searched by touch alone. Shi could feel the dragon's muscular thigh, so shi followed it. It led hir up to his groin, so shi pushed down towards the couch to get under his sagging scrotum.

Aron could feel what shi was doing and shuddered, jerking suddenly as he felt the lady's exploring limb find what shi sought. His petals quivered as the surprisingly naughty kobold pushed hir tail into him as deep as shi could. A groan escaped the green beast and his back arched. The sudden start jostled Natalie, forcing hir down on him a bit further. Shi took this as a good sign to keep going. Shi twisted hir tail about in the warm, inviting crevice, making the big dragon writhe about. Shi couldn't help but smile realizing how easily shi could control him. The more shi assaulted his feminine region, the more his composure melted away. He bucked his hips up into the lady, sinking in further and further each time. In only moments, Natalie could feel the cool metal--though it was warming from his touch--of the ring around the base of his shaft. He had sunk all the way into hir, and the swell he created in hir pushed up to hir chest, forcing hir breasts apart.

Natalie arched hir back and leaned away from the huge gut in front of hir. It afforded hir a chance to let hir hands roam over the shape of his length stretching hir body. The act brought a loud moan from hir and shi almost came again. Immediately, shi hunched forward and rolled hir hips in against the wobbling mass of the dragon's stomach, wanting to feel those prisoners of his press out against hir through his scales. Hir own length twitched away madly, drooling and oozing, leaving a terrible mess between them. Aron had already begun filling the lady, the free-flowing ooze of his arousal painted hir insides, even beginning to drool out between hir legs. Then shi felt something shi hadn't expected.

The swell of the dragon's sac was just below hir, and Henry was struggling quite powerfully now. He stretched the dragon until he bumped into Natalie's rump. Shi gasped and jerked, immediately realizing what it was. Without a thought, shi began trying to press hir backside down against that boated scrotum, wanting to feel the horse inside it fighting up against hir just like the three in the dragon's womb. Something about it stirred a desire shi had not known. Here he was, this enormous beast, keeping four people prisoner inside him, using their squirms to pleasure hir as if to say 'you're next'.

Natalie threw hir head back and screamed. A new surge of sticky white painted hir stretched stomach and Aron's. A splash of honey soaked both their groins as shi was struck. It was the idea that this powerful monster could choose to seal hir away inside him if he so desired and shi wouldn't be able to stop him. Shi latched onto that thought and held fast. Shi had found a button that worked, and shi was going to keep mashing it with all hir might.

Aron meanwhile could feel all hir efforts to press against his various moving swells. He wasn't sure exactly why, but it was clear shi was enjoying it. To help, he curled forward towards hir to pin the lady between his stomach and sac. that seemed to make hir writhe all the harder, approving of the act. Seeing how he was driving hir up the wall, Aron let himself go, not trying to hold back any longer. His jaws parted in a roar of climax. A heavy gush between his thighs soaked the couch and Natalie's tail, the lips slurping away at it as if trying to swallow hir up from there alone. His rigid mast bucked inside hir until the pulsing brought forth a rich, sticky burst, then another and another and another. He began filling the lady with more than just pre, silencing hir scream of orgasm, stealing hir breath away.

Natalie's stomach swelled heavily as hir womb was suddenly filled. Hir hands moved to the growing bulge, unable to believe just how much shi was growing. A pair of large, comforting hands cupped against hir back, giving hir something to lean against as hir belly pushed the two of them apart. Minutes were spent soaking in the sensation. Trickles of viscous white ooze dribbled down hir thighs. Shi wasn't able to keep it all in, but at least not much of it was getting out. The kobold panted fiercely, quickly giving in to hir exhaustion. It had been one hell of a ride.

Aron was similarly tired, surprised that someone so little could so easily get him so riled up. He liked this girl.

"How... how was that? Does that... meet with your... approval?" the dragon asked, fighting to catch his breath.

"Hell. Yes." Natalie managed to spit out.

"Good." It was all Aron could manage to get out.

Several more minutes passed as they remained locked together in such a compromising position. When at last Aron felt like he had mustered enough of his strength again, he carefully and slowly eased Natalie off of him. The kobold lady complained and squirmed in his grasp, not wanting to go. But shi was too tired to be effective. Once the monster was removed from hir folds, shi squeezed hir legs together and tried to clench everything up as much as shi could. The two sat on the couch, the smaller one leaning heavily on the bigger one, both lavishing their swollen middles with tender affection.

"Well, that went a direction I wasn't expecting." Aron said.

"I'll say," Natalie replied, "I've only known you two days and already you've got me looking like I'm knocked up."

Aron blushed and rest a palm on the lady's shoulder, not sure how he should approach that.

"Sorry about that... I guess I should have warned you. I've been a little pent up since Henry crawled in there." he said.

"Sorry nothing! I ought'a be paying you for that! People should be paying you for this!" Natalie cried with a laugh.

The green dragon chuckled, feeling more at ease now. He even dared to lean down and kiss the lady on the top of the head again. Shi saw him coming and tilted hir chin up, meeting him lip to lip. It surprised Aron, but he didn't pull back.

"So, I guess you'll be spending more time with Blake and me?" he asked.

"As much as I can get. And if he's just as naughty as you, I'll be happy to make sure he gets his fair share of rides too," Natalie paused, then laughed, "God, listen to me! It's been years since I even thought about sex and here I am, talking like I'm going to be making a field goal between you two! What the hell have you done to me, you nasty monster!?"

Aron snickered.

"I guess I'm infectious. Now, should I carry you to the shower so you can clean up? Let things out, so to speak?" he asked.

"No. I've got another idea." Natalie said.

Shi had replenished hir energy quickly. Shi sprung up off the couch and moved to crouch between Aron's legs. He leaned forward to watch hir until shi fell out of sight. Then he felt hir hands on his still mostly rigid shaft. The kobold began nuzzling at his member, making him shudder again. He had a feeling he knew what was coming. And then it came. Natalie reached down and began unfastening the ring keeping Henry where he was. Shi slipped it off the dragon and tossed it on the couch before shoving hir hands into the end of his grand length. Aron tilted his head back, squeezed his eyes shut and growled through a deep groan. He wasn't sure this was such a good idea, but he just didn't have the heart to stop hir.

"Natalie... I don't... I don't think you should." Aron stammered.

"Oh don't turn off the whole greedy dragon thing just as I'm about to get in on it! Come on! Do it!" Natalie shouted back up at him.

Aron tried to respond, but then he felt the rumbling from before. It shocked him. Just in that moment did he realize that his stomach had been growling. It hadn't stopped since the juice bar. Even eating hadn't done anything about it. And now his sac was gurgling in a similar fashion, just like it had before Henry slipped in. As he was coming to the realization, he felt a 'gulp' swallow the kobold's head up without any trouble. Shi yelped happily as shi got the greedy monster shi wanted. Natalie squirmed as shi pushed up on hir knees, trying to sink in further. The green dragon huffed as he felt hir smooth form slip in even more easily than Henry had. He could feel every curve of hir, including hir lovely chest. Shi wasn't the most well endowed lady he'd seen, but for hir size, shi was nicely adorned. And he could feel those pert swells gliding against the interior of his shaft. It set him on fire.

Two large hands cupped at the lady's form, lifting hir up and helping feed hir into the hungry rod shi desired to be eaten by. Hir still swollen tummy presented a small slowdown, but not for long. The dragon's ravenous shaft worked it in with little concern to the owner. Natalie felt hirself compressed and squeezed inside the musky, fleshy tube, moaning loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room; Aron and his passengers. The motion in the dragon's middle stopped as everyone inside listened to what was happening. Down the lady slid, picking up speed until the last of hir tail slipped out of sight into the end of Aron's gluttonous member. The dragon huffed and flopped back onto the couch, unable to sit still as his scrotum bulged heavily, now housing two instead of just one.

With a sticky splash, Natalie landed in the lake of dragon seed practically on top of the stallion already soaking in it. Shi politely introduced hirself to the horse, then practically threw hirself at him. The motion between Aron's legs started anew and he arched his back more. What had felt like an intense need for release had just doubled. He felt like he was going to pop, and heaven help him he couldn't believe how much he loved it. Unwilling to let this end, Aron clumsily fumbled about to grab the cock ring Natalie had removed, then shakily shoved it back down over his shaft, locking it in place once it was hilted. He wasn't about to let these two out just because he couldn't help himself.

The rumble in his balls had died down, but the rumble in his middle had not. He was going to need to find someone to shove inside him. He didn't think he'd be getting a fourth so soon.

"Alright everyone, try not to knock me down. I'm gonna try to make it to the bed." Aron said, huffing deep and low.

He climbed to his feet and walked very unsteadily to his bedroom. The bed was his destination, and there he landed with a heavy flop. The springs creaked and the frame groaned as he settled on top of it. The green dragon's belly and scrotum both wobbled heavily, leaving him unable to do much but just hang on for the ride. In moments, he was filling the room with a dull roar as a fountain of thick white splattered his gut. He was going to need a shower.

Finally, after an hour, things settled down, at least in his womb. His scrotum continued to churn away, now happy to have two victims to 'chew' on. As the dragon eased down, he felt a gentle prod from under his scales.

"Hey, dad?" Shane said.

Aron blushed at the reference, having taken a liking to being called that.

"Yeah, honey? You okay in there?" he asked.

"Yeah, we're good. Are you okay? Sounded pretty intense out there." the little wolf said.

"Oh yeah, I'm good. I'm real good. Just... a little tired. Don't you worry about me. Yer dad's made of pretty stern stuff." Aron said with a chuckle, massaging his pregnant tummy lovingly.

"Okay good. I hate to bug you but, can I get the charging cord? Tablet's at ten percent." Shane asked.

"Sure, just a second," Aron said, rolling onto his side to collect a thin cable, then lay flat on his back again and work it down towards his groin until it slipped in, "There you go, should be able to grab it."

A small hand slipped into the passage that never liked letting anything slip out, taking hold of the cord. The sensation of it sliding in deep gave Aron a shiver. A soft, muffled chime sounded in his belly as his lupine son plugged his tablet in, no doubt ready to continue writing. He'd managed to finish the book he had been working on before disappearing into the womb of no return, and even start on another. Sales were good, and the money was affording the dragon and gryphon a comfortable buffer to afford their new home.

"Thanks dad. Are you in bed for the night?" Shane asked.

"Not yet. I'll probably get a shower in a bit, but I think I'm gonna stay put for now. I'm pretty tired." Aron replied.

"I bet you are. What the hell happened out there?" the lupine within asked.

"Heh, get your tablet ready. You'll probably wanna write this down." the dragon said, chuckling deep in his throat as he squeezed his tummy happily.

Aron woke with a start. He hadn't had a bad dream. Quite the opposite in fact. Instead, he woke up as a loud groan escaped him. His shaft bucked wildly as he painted his stomach--and almost the ceiling--in a fresh coat of white. That was the third time in a row he had been brought from sleep by climax. It was becoming difficult to get the rest he needed with Natalie and Henry stowed between his legs. It was an odd thing to think, that he was -too- stimulated. But there it was. They were keeping him awake.

The big green drake tilted his head and looked over at the digital clock on the nightstand. It was only fifteen minutes until his alarm went off. He might as well get up. The jade beast rolled onto his side, slowed by the weight of his belly as was usual, and propped himself up. His thighs were forced apart by the heavy, writhing swell of his sac, which made him grin a little. A palm pressed against the weighty bulge, still feeling his occupants churning away inside. It had been a fun day yesterday, hauling both the small stallion and kobold around with him. His shorts couldn't begin to contain the both of them as well as Aron's natural mass, so he simply didn't bother with them at the gym. The freedom he enjoyed, feeling the two orbs bouncing and jostling about against his legs as he jogged, was quite lovely.

A part of him silently wondered if he could get away with simply keeping them both. A much louder, more practical part said no. He had to be able to wear clothes out in public. And he had to be able to get a proper night's sleep. As much fun as it was spending a full day with two riding around in his balls, it had to come to an end. It was time to let them out.

Aron reached down below his scrotum and gripped at a thin cord that ran its way up into him, the charging cable for Shane's tablet. He gripped it and tugged gently. He felt something in his belly slide down towards the exit as he fought a shudder, then there was a soft 'pop' as the cord disconnected from the tablet. Shane would have to do a little hunting to find it, but it wouldn't be the first time. The cord pulled free, the sensation forcing the drake to hike up his tail a bit. He was untethered now, and free to move about.

Heavy paws shuffled across the carpet towards the bathroom as the dragon yawned. His stance had been forced wider by Henry and Natalie, making him fight to find a way to squeeze through the doorway. He'd need to do something about making that bigger. Especially if he had another growth spurt. But that was a thought for another time. For now, he needed to shower. He'd been getting hot while asleep lately, and not just because it had turned so warm out. The dragon was so big it was getting harder to keep himself cool. Aron made a mental note to turn the ceiling fan on and leave it on.

The shower's cool spray was quite welcoming, but soon, he turned the hot water up to keep from getting too deeply chilled. It spilled down over his gravid stomach, which he rubbed lovingly, rinsing away the evidence of his mid-sleep 'outbursts'. It was still grumbling away at him. At this point, the drake admitted to himself that it wasn't hunger, at least not in the traditional sense. No, it was his womb demanding it be given another to protect and care for. At least that was how he liked to think of it. It could just as easily have been his womb saying it was hungry like his stomach did. He didn't like that thought so much so he simply pushed it out of his mind and turned to more immediate matters. The ring wrapped tightly around his shaft was loosened and slipped off, set aside for the time being. This was it, the moment of truth. Would he even be able to get them out? Or was this just a slightly different inescapable prison his body was turning into?

It didn't take much to get him worked back up. Aron huffed and growled, pumping over his extremely generous length, now requiring both hands to make proper use of it. As he worked, he slipped down into a seated position, filling up one half of the shower without any trouble. He squeezed his thighs against the plump, writhing bulge of his scrotum, able to feel the defined shapes of the two trapped inside. A long, loud bellow filled the bathroom, and no doubt startled the neighbors in the house over on either side. Thick, sticky bursts of white gushed forth, coating the floor while the showerhead tried it's best to rinse it all down. Aron grit his teeth as he felt a swell bulge out his length, then push further out along its entirety, shaped just as he would expect a person to feel trapped under his flesh. With a less than gentle shove, the kobold lady who had disappeared into his sac just two days ago came launching back out. Shi landed with a splat, thankfully not hitting hir head on the far wall.

Natalie twisted and turned about, trying to sit hirself up. Shi was drenched, head to toe, in the dragon's thick, sticky essence. The water pouring down on the two scaled creatures helped, but it would take a thorough scrubbing to wash the smell of Aron off hir. Somehow, shi didn't seem to mind that too much. With visible weakness in hir extremities, the kobold managed to crawl hir way across the sticky shower floor and flop against the big green dragon's belly, panting profusely. It was almost as if the act of getting spat out of him was more tiring for hir than it was for him.

"Hey... fancy meeting you here." Natalie managed to utter, trying hir best to pass off the moment with humor.

"I know, right? Weird place to bump into each other." Aron replied, trying to match hir jovial mood.

"How long was I in there?" Natalie finally asked, closing hir eyes as the shower soothed hir aching body.

"Not quite two days. All day yesterday and the night before. It's almost seven in the morning, Thursday." Aron answered.

"Thursday?" the lady said, lifting hir head as concern crept into hir voice, "Damn, I missed a whole day of work. They've probably been blowing up my phone. I should probably let them know I'm okay."

"I actually answered for you. I told them you overdid it a bit on a training session and needed to rest for a few days. Your boss seemed to be pretty okay with it." Aron said.

"He did? Oh, thanks. That was sweet of you. Not a bad cover either." Natalie said.

"From what I see, it doesn't seem that far from the truth. Are you okay?" Aron asked.

"I'm alright. But man, it's wild in there. I kinda wanna jump back in." the lady laughed.

The dragon chuckled, giving the lady a pat on the back as they continued to rinse themselves off, the shower slowly returning to its ooze-free state.

"While it was really fun carrying you both around, I was on edge the whole time. If I bumped into someone or something with my crotch, there went whatever I was wearing, and whatever they were wearing... or the wallpaper. It was a little too intense. Maybe in small doses, I could do two, but not all the time. Maybe I can let Henry out so you two can take turns." Aron said.

Natalie nodded, moving swiftly to tend to the big dragon's shaft. Shi lavished it with affection, trying to help bring him back to orgasm. Hir smooth form felt marvelous pressed against him, leaving the dragon to simply lean back and drink it in. It was then he noticed shi was hir skinny self again, not swollen like when shi slipped into him. He wasn't sure what had transpired to shrink hir stomach, but shi didn't seem to notice or care. So, he opted to put it out of his mind.

A deep, rumbling growl filled the shower as Aron was brought back to peak once again and another hot blast flooded the stall. But no Henry emerged. Natalie frowned, then looked to find one of the big dragon's palms wrapped around the base of his member. He had gripped it tightly enough to prevent Henry's escape yet again. Something had possessed him to stop it before it could happen--even Aron himself couldn't explain the urge entirely.

"Hey, no fair. You said we could take turns. He's been in there longer than me." Natalie complained half-heartedly.

"Sorry. I just can't help it. It's like... it's like he needs to stay in there longer. I can't explain it." Aron said, shivering as he felt the vestiges of climax bring a pulse to his shaft.

His sac contracted around the small stallion, making him more visible than usual. The drake would fill back out enough to conceal Henry again, just as before. But he felt compelled not to let him out. Aron struggled to understand why his body was doing what it was doing. It let Natalie out just fine, but it wouldn't let him release Henry. Of course, if someone could restrain him, then make him cum, Henry would slip out just fine. But Aron wouldn't permit it of his own volition. Not yet. He frowned and sighed, running one palm over his churning scrotum appreciatively; the other roamed over his gravid middle. He felt a similar sense of fulfillment from both swells, but he couldn't piece together the why behind it.

Natalie sat down against the shower wall, keeping hir distance this time.

"Guess I don't really belong in there." shi said, feeling more depressed about being ejected than shi thought shi ought to.

"What?" Aron asked.

"You let me out just fine. But you won't let him out. And you won't let me back in. Guess I'm not really supposed to be anywhere." Natalie said, hugging hir knees to hirself.

"Hey, don't say that. I'm still happy to keep you company." Aron said, then paused as he felt the constant rumble in his belly.

"It's just... I liked it. Being in there. Inside you. For a short while, it was like I'd found a place where I belonged." Natalie said.

Aron shuffled over to sit next to the kobold, wrapping an arm around hir to press hir back against his stomach. At first, shi didn't seem interested, but it took virtually no time for hir to warm up to the idea, and spread hir arms as far around the swell as shi could.

"If it's any consolation, I loved feeling the two of you rattling around between my legs. It just made it too hard to concentrate on work. Or... anything for that matter. How many people can you say you've spent a day in there balls? I'd say that makes us pretty close friends." Aron said, making a strange sort of sense.

"Yeah. I guess." Natalie said.

"So, you'll always be welcome around Blake and me. And I'll bet Gabe would love to get to know you better. You do have somewhere you belong, even if it's not as sticky as that place you just came out of." Aron said.

The kobold lady sighed and pressed hir face against the dragon's belly, squeezing against him as tight as shi could.

"It's just for a little while, I had what these three have. They have each other, and they have you. You're all a family. I want that too. I felt like part of it for a little while and it was--it was wonderful. Maybe instead of crawling back in with Henry, or taking his place since you don't wanna let him out yet, I could climb in here with the others for a little while?" Natalie asked, sounding hopeful.

Aron grimaced a little, unsure about how to approach this. His belly was grumbling, and pretty powerfully. No doubt shi could feel it. He was feeling the urge to slide someone new in. But there were other issues to consider.

"Well, it wouldn't be for 'just a little while'. Once you're in, you're in. You don't come back out. Jack's been in there for what... fifteen months at this point?" he said.

"Honestly, if I didn't have to worry about anything else and just disappear into your gut, that would be marvelous." Natalie said.

"Okay, good to know. But, are you absolutely sure you're okay with never seeing the outside world again?" Aron asked, wanting to clear out any shred of doubt.

"I dunno, probably?" Natalie answered, sounding somewhat unsure.

"You have to be sure. I've already tucked three people away in here, never to be seen again. I can't just go slurping up anyone I want and keep them a prisoner unless they know what they're getting into and they're absolutely sure. I told you there was this growling kind of thing, like I'm hungry, only it's because I need to stick someone else in back when I snagged Mary and Shane? Well it's happening again. I'm going to need to pick someone. But I want that someone to have no doubt in their mind." Aron explained.

"I get it. I understand. It's a big decision. And you're sweet to worry." Natalie said.

"Let me finish showering and we'll talk about it over breakfast. How's that?" Aron suggested.

"Sounds good. I should probably let you do that alone. Otherwise I'm just going to want to keep making you paint the shower." shi chuckled.

"Yeah," Aron laughed, "Probably a good idea. I'll be in here all day at that rate. Not that I'd mind."

"Me neither." Natalie said. Shi leaned up and gave the dragon a kiss on his cheek, which required him to tilt over towards hir to let hir do it.

The two separated and the kobold stepped out of the shower, closing the curtain behind hir. Shi left the bathroom behind and headed out into the bedroom beyond. For a moment, shi considered trying to find where hir clothes had been put, but then thought better of it. Shi didn't need them at the moment, so why waste the time hunting for them? Shi sat down on the end of the bed only to hear a buzz come from somewhere nearby. It was a cell phone on the nightstand. A quick glance informed hir that it was actually hir phone. Aron had been keeping it charged for hir. That was awfully sweet of him. Natalie stood back up and moved to collect it, checking the message that had been left for hir to read.

Back inside the shower, Aron was doing a better job of actually getting clean than before releasing Natalie. He noticed that his belly had stopped complaining. Or at least it wasn't complaining loud enough for him to really notice under the spray. He found it odd that his belly seemed to have moods, but he didn't pay it much mind. He simply did his best to get clean, finding only Henry's motions to be much easier to contend with. Just to be on the safe side, he slipped the ring back onto himself, ensuring that the small stallion couldn't accidentally 'escape'. He still found it odd that he felt so possessive of Henry. He was going to have to let him out at some point. Blake would be furious if he didn't.

He tried to push such thoughts away and carried on with his efforts to bathe. There was a lot of him to wash, after all.

Half an hour after Natalie left the drake to cleanse himself, he emerged, toweling off as best he could. He still felt sticky and sweaty when he left the steamy bathroom behind. The relatively cool air of the bedroom and the rest of the house would help him dry out and feel less moist. Natalie wasn't immediately found sitting on his bed like shi had been before discovering hir phone. Unsure of where shi might have gotten off to, Aron began wandering the house, not bothering to dress.

He found the kobold sitting in the living room, legs folded on the couch, right where shi had been two nights prior. Shi seemed quite deep in thought.

"Hey. Everything okay?" Aron asked.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, sorry," Natalie said, shaking hirself from hir contemplative state, "I was just thinking things over. Have a good shower?"

"Yeah, not bad. May have to look into some way I can keep cool better. I've been waking up sweaty for a solid week with the weather getting as warm as it has been," Aron answered, "Have you given the situation some thought?"

Natalie nodded, getting to hir feet.

"I have. It's extremely tempting, climbing in there with your other kids. But I'm still a little concerned about a few things out here in the real world." shi said.

"Okay, fair enough. Let me make us some breakfast and we can try to hash them out." the green dragon said.

Aron turned and waddled his way into the kitchen, immediately getting started on a simple, but filling meal. He just cooked like it was all meant for him, then began reserving a small portion for Natalie. Or at least what was considered small to him. It was probably still a tad on the heavy side for someone as small as the kobold lady.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Natalie asked as shi walked in.

Aron turned to look over his shoulder at hir.

"I've pretty much got it. Just have a seat and relax. The food'll be ready pretty quickly." he said.

"Okay." Natalie said, moving to sit at the table nearby.

Shi was attempting to get comfortable, rubbing hir arms from the intensity of what had happened all day yesterday. Just as shi had settled, shi heard the buzz from hir phone again. Shi had left it in the living room. With a groan of displeasure, shi got up again and stepped out of the kitchen.

In that moment, Aron noticed his belly quieting down again. He had not even really noticed that it had picked back up, but it had. Slowly, something was beginning to dawn on him. He plated up the steaming offering for the morning meal and sat back down.

"Sorry about that. My boss is blowing up my phone. He wants to know if I'm any better and if I'll be in today." Natalie said as shi walked back in.

That time, Aron noticed his middle start to grumble again. He wasn't sure what this was, but he had an idea that he wanted to test.

"What did you tell him?" the dragon asked.

"I haven't responded yet. I'm not sure what I would tell him. Why don't we figure out this situation first?" Natalie offered.

"Fine by me," Aron said, "But first... I need to check something. Can you walk back into the living room for me? Out of line of sight?"

Natalie blinked and turned to walk back out of the kitchen. Aron held both palms to his belly to add another layer of sensory perception. His gut did indeed quiet down again.

"What am I waiting for or supposed to be doing, exactly?" Natalie called out.

"Okay, come back in." Aron replied.

Natalie did as shi was asked and stepped back into view, approaching the table where Aron was already seated. Immediately, the dragon noticed the rumble return, and grew stronger.

"Care to tell me what this is about?" Natalie asked.

"I'm not sure exactly. One more time, please? Just off to one side where I can't see you?" Aron asked as politely as he could manage.

The confused and mildly annoyed kobold did as he requested. As shi walked away from the table, he could feel his belly settling again. And once shi was out of the room, it had diminished to an almost undetectable level.

"Alright, come back in, and this time, walk around the table and stand next to me." Aron called out again.

More confused than ever, Natalie walked back in, practically marching until shi stood only a few feet from the large, muscular dragon.

"Okay, I'm not moving another inch until you tell me what's going on!" shi half shouted.

"Easy now. I think I just figured something out," Aron said, turning to face the kobold lady directly, "Remember what I mentioned about how my stomach growls at me when it wants me to put someone new in there?"

Natalie nodded, crossing hir arms.

"Yeah. And it goes away when you finally shove someone in." shi answered.

"Right. I think it's more complicated than that. I think it only rumbles when I'm near the person it wants." Aron said, gazing hard into Natalie's eyes, hoping shi might start to see where this was going.

"Okay, and how did you figure that out?" the kobold lady asked, feeling more defensive than really shi should have. Shi kicked hirself for it but stayed quiet to let him answer.

"Because it's been growling at me louder whenever you're close. I think it doesn't just want me to put someone new in there. I think it wants you. Specifically you." Aron said.

That stunned Natalie into silence ever so gently. Partly, shi couldn't believe that a dragon's gut could be able to respond in such a way. Partly, shi was strangely flattered.

"You're telling me your belly is like a divining rod for the next victim you trap in it?" Natalie said with a softer edge this time.

"Sort of. But, I think it's pretty clear that it wants you. It wasn't rumbling while I was in the shower after you left. It was rumbling pretty much all the time while you were tucked away with Henry. It clearly wants someone, and I'm pretty sure it's picked you," Aron said, a smile breaking across his muzzle as he remembered something, "What was that about wanting to feel like you belong somewhere?"

Natalie changed hir posture a bit, stiffening softly. Hir arms uncrossed from their aggravated stance then crossed again as shi looked as if shi were trying to hug hirself.

"You're telling me that your belly is telling you that I belong inside it?" shi asked.

"Well, yeah. I think so." Aron said.

The kobold remained quiet for a little while, contemplating this. Or at least that's how shi appeared. Inside, shi was fighting to stay calm and not let hirself shake with unbridled elation.

"Then I guess that kind of settles it for us, doesn't it?" Natalie asked.

"Not entirely. You had concerns." Aron said.

"Yeah, yeah you're right," Natalie said, moving to sit down in the adjacent chair, "Work is one thing, but I think I can take care of that without any trouble. My apartment is another thing, it and what little I've got in it. I wasn't really big on stuff. It's pretty spartan, but there's furniture and clothes to deal with."

"Blake and I can take care of that for you. We just need the address and keys. Anything else?" Aron asked.

Natalie was quiet for a moment, trying hard to marshal hir powers of cognition and find anything shi might be missing.

"I can't think of anything. I feel like I'm forgetting something though." the lady said.

"Okay, well, if you think of it, we can cross that bridge when we come to it. Now the question that's already been asked, but I feel like needs to be asked again since everyone else went in without the courtesy. Jack and Mary just climbed in without really asking permission. And Shane... I kinda teased him about being greedy, he sounded like he liked that, so I just went ahead and did it. I can't do that from now on. I have to hear it from you. You know what you're getting into, that you won't come back out, ever. And you're okay with it. You have to tell me you want it." Aron said, an earnestness in his voice he didn't realize was there until he'd said his piece.

Natalie didn't hesitate. Shi simply looked him dead in the eyes.

"I want it," shi paused, then let a little smile creep across hir lips, "It's... where I belong."

"Alright. If you're sure, then I suppose we should get you tucked in with the kids." Aron said.

A strange sort of giddiness began to fill him. He was about to adopt another one, and he was genuinely excited for it. Natalie climbed to hir feet and practically threw hirself at the green drake's expansive gut, mashing hir face into the dome.

"Hey everyone. Hope you don't mind one more. Your daddy says it's where I'm supposed to be." shi said.

Those words sent a shiver up hir spine, as well as Aron's. They both deeply enjoyed the thought. A strong stirring came from under Aron's scales as his three passengers pressed outward, making him groan. It looked as if they were trying to embrace the kobold and pull hir straight in like his belly wasn't entirely solid and could just absorb hir.

"The more the merrier!" called out Jack from inside.

"If you'd be okay with it, I could possibly write a book about your experiences." Shane said.

"Write a book? From in there? How?" Natalie asked.

Aron chuckled, rubbing his now wriggling belly.

"Shane asked me to shove his tablet in with him back when he first got stuffed in there. I let him charge it pretty much every night by just sticking the cord in. He writes on it, proofs and edits, then emails it to his publisher. He's already pushed one out while in there, and he's working on a new one." the dragon explained.

"Wait, he writes and publishes books from inside your gut?" Natalie asked.

"That's right," Aron said, "And he lets us keep the money. Well, most of it. He reserves some so he can order things online and have them shipped to the house as little surprises for Blake and me."

"Damn. You don't even have to work. Your belly makes money for you." Natalie said, massaging the occupied dome.

"That's pretty much how Blake put it. You said you were going to take care of the work issue?" Aron asked.

"Right, need to take care of that," Natalie said, pulling up hir phone and dialing hir boss' number, who picked up in short order, "Hey, it's Natalie. I'm sorry I wasn't in yesterday. My personal trainer called and told you I was out of commission. That's right. I was laid up for a while. I'm better now but, I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to come in again. Something's come up and I'm going to have to change my living situation. Yeah, that's right, it's family thing. You know how it is with me and family."

Aron listened carefully, permitting himself to smile when shi mentioned 'family'. It wasn't really the ideal way to end employment, over the phone, but it sufficed. The kobold stayed on the phone a little bit longer, only giving minor details and then very few of those as shi was asked. After a few minutes, shi said hir goodbyes and hung up.

"Alright, that's that. I'm officially unemployed. They're going to mail the paperwork to me finalizing everything. That's the only pressing thing I had." Natalie said.

"Alright, so if you're ready, then let's go ahead and get this show on the road. Everyone make a space, your new sister is coming in." Aron said, standing up.

He could feel all three within shuffling about, trying to figure out how they could 'make room'. As he stood over the kobold, Natalie looked up at him, beginning to tremble lightly.

"What do I need to do?" shi asked.

"Well, you could just climb in on your own like the first two, or I could pretend to be the big, mean, greedy dragon who wants to add you to his horde." Aron replied.

"I think I want to climb in on my own." Natalie replied.

The drake nodded, widening his stance for the lady. The kobold leaned in and kissed the big belly one more time, clinging to it for what was likely to be the last time. Shi thanked Aron, then dropped down onto hir knees to crawl under him. Shi crouched to slip under his sagging scrotum, still churning and wriggling away. By now, Henry's form was obscured again by the drake's impressive production rate. He was going to need to go relieve himself again soon. Especially with what was about to happen.

Natalie found the big dragon's petals right where they were supposed to be and straightened up under him. Hir hands pushing up into the warm, moist slit. The waiting lips yawned open at hir touch, inviting hir deeper, and deeper shi pressed. Aron shuddered as he felt hir start hir journey inward. His knees began to wobble ever so lightly. His hands cupped low against his bloated stomach, wondering just how much heavier and bigger he would feel once shi was in. The thought was pushed away by more immediate concerns, like the fact that he could feel Natalie's head slipping into his canal. The lady closed hir eyes and began trying to stand up under the large beast. The act sank hir shoulders in right along with the whole of hir skull. The walls within rippled and squeezed, massaging away at the girl, encouraging hir onward.

"Don't be shy now, sweetie." Aron called out.

And shi wasn't. A good shove from hir legs sank the scaled lady's figure in right past hir chest. Suddenly the dragon could feel the lovely womanly curve of hir bust. A soft moan, muffled by his mass, reverberated away in his groin and deep in his belly. Shi was enjoying hir entry. Good. That was what he wanted.

Aron gasped as he felt the lady turn slightly, no doubt trying to gain good purchase and pull hirself deeper. Shi didn't need to try, not with this dragon. His walls convulsed and contracted around hir as shi twisted about. A lewd slurping sound saw Natalie dragged in to hir hips. Aron was left breathless by the 'gulp' he'd provided. Then he felt his three passengers above begin trying to push their way down to join the newcomer. It wasn't an effort to escape. They reached down through Aron's passage, making him groan all the more, and began trying to pull their new sibling in. It made the going that much faster.

Another rude, wet sound issued forth from Aron's crotch as his folds hugged at the kobold's thighs, then hir knees. In mere seconds, hir feet were all that could be seen dangling from the green dragon's petals. Hir feet and a length of tail. Those were soon swallowed up as well and Aron could feel his stomach stretch to contain the lady. The grey-scaled girl passed the rest of the way through his passage, hir lower half joining hir upper half in his womb. The new weight gave his belly reason to sag and press down on his hips. The drake shuddered and fought to keep from spilling himself all over the floor there in the kitchen. He hated having to clean that up. The shower was so much better for such sticky things.

"Okay," Aron said slightly breathlessly, "That's four. Never thought I'd go that far."

"Well here we are, dad." Mary said, pressing her face out against the fleshy walls she had come to call home, giving hir dragon a kiss from inside.

Natalie looked around in the crowded chamber. Shi could hear the dragon's rapid heartbeat all around hir, and the warm slick flesh holding hir in was just as oddly pleasant as when shi was sealed away just a bit further below. It had a strange sensation of rightness to it, as if this truly was where shi belonged. Hir three new siblings drew hir into a warm hug, keeping hir centered for the time being. Hands drifted across hir form as they all showed tender affection for hir. It was somewhat timid at first, testing to see if shi was okay with it. When it was clear that shi was, the three grew bolder and began to lightly tease, then strongly tease. Soon, they were outright molesting hir, initiating hir in the ways of what they jokingly called themselves, "The Children of Aron".

Mary's hands were the ones Natalie paid attention to the most, feeling dainty fingers wrap themselves around hir throbbing, almost painful erection as soon as it was found. The naughty raccoon lady leaned in from behind and licked at the kobold's cheek.

"I'm a little jealous. Best of both worlds. Maybe you'll rub off on me." She smirked, letting that hang in the air, its dual meaning amusing the scaled woman.

Natalie leaned back into Mary's embrace, dragging Shane and Jack in close. Shi was the center of attention, at least for now, and shi was enjoying it more than shi expected. None of them were repelled by hir sex, just as they hadn't been repelled by Aron's. They were happy to show hir kindness and love, unlike anything shi had received back home. That was a curious thought to hir now. Back home. That wasn't home anymore. This was. Aron's protective womb was where shi belonged, in the arms of hir three new siblings.

Soft coos and moans of delight began to rise up from under the green dragon's scales. He chuckled and eased himself back down into his chair, patting his belly happily. He could feel everyone inside getting to know one another. This had been the shortest trip from first meeting to adoption out of the group. He wouldn't be able to do that too often he figured. His stomach growled, this time because he was actually hungry. The 'urge' had faded, though he wasn't sure how long it would stay that way. The last two times it had stayed low for six months. Maybe he'd get another six out of Natalie's addition.

Aron shrugged and refused to worry about it. Instead, he took the plate he had fixed for the kobold and poured it back on top of his own serving, a small mountain of eggs, sausage, cheese, and potato. He began eating, not wanting to wait. He had four kids to feed as well as himself. And he was going to need all that energy when he had his next growth spurt. Natalie was fairly small so he was fairly sure he wouldn't gain too much off hir, but that was fine. It wasn't about that. It was about keeping his kids happy and healthy. At least with hir now tucked away, his time at the gym would be free again. He could really push the limits to see how much of a boost he could get from his fourth passenger. He might end up taller than Blake now.


That was what both Aron and Natalie had forgotten! The gryphon was going to kill him for this! He had done exactly what Blake had told him not to do. He had stolen Natalie. The dragon sighed and rubbed his belly idly, finding it hard to get too upset. His womb had chosen hir. He didn't really have much say in the matter. Maybe Blake would be okay with that.

However it might go with the gryphon, the dragon had things to do, and his softly writhing gut was much easier to contend with than two amorous occupants in his scrotum. Henry was still fighting away downstairs, but he had grown accustomed enough to it that he could keep himself composed, though he did need to go let himself have a quickie. It wasn't often he let someone slide in where Natalie had gone. That brought with it all manner of stimulation that he needed to resolve. After breakfast of course. Yes, after breakfast he would go upstairs, get a little relief, then dress to head to the garage.

Stacy was no doubt going to notice his added mass, especially when he started bursting out of his overalls. Aron chuckled at the notion, wondering if he should pretend like he was going through some sort of transformation. The rabbit did have a strong love for light roleplay.

"Alright kids, daddy's gotta finish getting ready for work. Try not to throw me off balance too bad while I'm walking around." he said, patting his very active belly, working to polish off his breakfast.

It had been a long day at the garage. There was plenty of work, and plenty of customers wanting their cars handled first, before anyone else. There was never a shortage of people like that, but those sorts were usually a bit more uncommon than today. Today it seemed like everyone had somewhere they had to be immediately and wanted their ability to go where and when they wanted back under their control impossibly quick. Thankfully, Aron had taken the early shift today, meaning he left in the early afternoon, well before closing so he wouldn't have to put up with the anxiety radiating off customers expecting a miracle before the end of the day. He was able to head to the gym and work out his frustrations, but when he took another look at himself and how his day had gone, he couldn't really complain all that much.

His kids were all happily wriggling away in his gut. Henry was blissfully oblivious to the outside world as the dragon's sac continue to churn in on him. Aron had gained mass, as was how it went with every new addition. It wasn't as much of a jump as before, as he had expected. He began to think that the act was losing its potency, or perhaps it scaled with the size of person he consumed compared to him. His overalls no longer fit properly, forcing him to leave his stomach exposed. The rest he just had to deal with hugging tight against his densely muscular frame. He did notice a subtle difference this time. Instead of simply looking like he was carved from stone, he began to develop a soft dulling in definition. The muscle was still there, but it was almost as if the concept of the 'dad-bod' was trying to rear its head. As long as Aron could still see some tone, especially when he flexed, he was okay with it.

The green drake had been feeling lighter on his feet ever since Natalie slipped into him. It just felt right adding hir to the 'litter' as he had started calling them. He had a difficult time fitting under cars with his belly, prompting him to change positions whenever he could. He even had a little trouble navigating around the gym, and his clothing there covered even less. It was a crowded day, and with so many people that were normal sized, and him standing over them like a movie monster, he had to take care not to step on anyone. Or knock anyone over with his gut.

But now, Aron was home. He sighed in relief when he stepped through the door and closed it behind him. The couch was his destination, hoping to flop down on it and relax. As soon as he stepped into the living room, he knew his plans for the evening had been dashed.

"Hey honey. You look like you've outgrown your clothes again. Almost like you've gotten bigger." Blake said, sitting on the sofa, arms crossed, looking displeased.

"Oh... hey... you're back! I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow!" Aron said, startled by the gryphon's presence.

"The conference wasn't as helpful as I had hoped it would be. It tried to take itself seriously, but it ended up only being another jack-off session. 'Oh look how big I am! Look how much I can lift! My method is flawless!' and not answering any questions about that method. There was plenty of eye-candy to ogle, but at that point, I figured I could just come home and do that for free. Then I come to find out there's even more of it to ogle." Blake said, scowling away. That itself was an impressive feat with a beak.

"Yeah... I uh... I have kinda put on a bit more." Aron said.

"A bit," Blake scoffed, climbing to his feet before crossing the room and prodding the dragon's gut, "If I had to guess, I'd say you've put on close to three hundred pounds. That's how much Natalie and Henry way, right?"

The drake bit his lower lip, averting his gaze in shame.

"It's... it's not like I planned for this to happen. It just... happened." Aron said.

"You just couldn't stand it. You waited until I was gone, then you shoved them both in that greedy gut of yours even though I told you not to! Does it even matter to you that I asked you not to do exactly that!?" Blake shouted, losing all interest in keeping himself composed.

At that point, Aron started getting defensive, though his efforts to defend his honor were subdued.

"I didn't shove them both in my gut. It was just Natalie. It wanted hir." He said.

"It wanted hir... and what the hell does that mean?" Blake asked, having managed to calm himself a bit but only because he didn't want to shout.

"Remember what I told you about how my gut rumbles or growls sometimes? Like when I'm hungry, only it's not food that'll make it quiet?" Aron replied.

"Yeah? What about it?" the gryphon snapped a bit sharper than intended, his arms crossed in front of him.

"Well, I think... I think it's like a divining rod. It makes more noise the closer it gets to the person it wants in it. I noticed it was making noise when I was spending time around Natalie. When shi was further away, it didn't rumble as strongly. When shi got close, it was like sitting on a phone when someone's calling. A big phone. With a really powerful vibrate function." Aron explained.

"You mean to tell me that you shoved Natalie into you because your gut told you to?" Blake asked, sounding rather skeptical.

"Yeah, that's it exactly. I can't explain why or how, but that's what it's doing. It's picking people it wants inside it. And once they're in, the rumbling stops." the drake answered, feeling like perhaps he was starting to win the gryphon back to his side.

"Right, until the next victim comes along." Blake said in a snarky tone.

"We are not victims!" came a voice from under Aron's scales.

It caught both dragon and gryphon by surprise. Aron gripped at his tummy, still not entirely used to the slight increase in girth. It had been Natalie.

"You know what I mean." Blake said, speaking loudly and clearly so it would easily penetrate the dragon's belly.

"I don't think you understand. I was looking for somewhere to belong. I had no one. My life back home wasn't a life at all. I wasn't happy there, and I wasn't happy out here. Not until I met you and Aron. I chose this just like his gut chose me." Natalie said.

Blake frowned, looking down at the talking stomach rather than into the eyes of its owner.

"Don't you think it's just a little too convenient, this story you're feeding me? You don't want him to get in trouble." the gryphon said.

"Of course I don't. But sounding convenient doesn't mean what I'm saying isn't true. We needed each other. I finally have a place where I belong. I'm happy in here. I've got a family again, a family that loves me even though I'm different." Natalie said.

Blake huffed and glowered down at Aron's belly, finding it odd that he was having an argument with the dragon's gut and not the dragon. So he opted to change targets. He lifted his gaze back up to meet the green drake's, still frowning.

"Okay, Natalie aside, you stole Henry too! Is he gonna claim that he's part of this big happy family in your greedy gut!?" Blake asked angrily.

Aron averted his gaze, his cheeks reddening.

"Well... actually no. He's not in there with the rest of the kids." he said.

"The kids!" Blake scoffed, "Alright, if he's not in there with... 'the kids'... then where is he!?"

"Somewhere else," Aron said, waddling his way over to the couch to sit down, beginning to unfasten his overalls, "Now, don't be angry. This happened right after you introduced us. I didn't plan it or anything. I didn't even know I could do it. He just... dove in."

The gryphon wasn't pleased with what he was hearing, but his morbid curiosity left him to wonder just what the dragon was on about. He watched as Aron slipped his shorts off, exposing what had caused the monstrous bulge. Suddenly, Blake had a newfound respect for the job those pants had to do. Aron had certainly grown, making his mouth almost water at the sight of it. If this kept up, he'd give Gabe a run for his money. Then, he noticed that the dragon's scrotum wasn't the usual smooth pair of orbs. There were odd lumps and deformations. And the drake's package was moving. Then it dawned on him what Aron had been talking about. Blake's eyes widened and he sat down on the floor, moving in close to feel over the bloated swell.

"He's in there!?" the gryphon almost yelled.

"Y-yeah... he is. He's been in there since Monday. I've thought about letting him out but... it just didn't feel right, like it wasn't time." Aron said.

"Is he okay? He's struggling a lot." Blake asked with concern in his voice.

"Pretty sure he's enjoying it. Natalie was fascinated by it so shi decided to dive in with him. I spent a whole day with the two of them in there and it was torture," the drake said, "Worst case of blue balls ever."

"So, Natalie got in through here?" Blake asked, looking up at the green fellow.

"No, shi just spent a day in there, then came out. I had to get one of them out. It was too much to deal with. But I couldn't let Henry out. I had to keep him. I don't know why." Aron said.

"So, is he just gonna live in your balls from now on like 'the kids' upstairs?" Blake asked, his tone turning back to displeased.

"I'm not gonna keep him forever. I can't really explain it right. It's like something is going on and it isn't done yet." the dragon said.

"And how long do you think you're going to keep him?" the gryphon asked expectantly.

Aron opened his mouth as if to answer, realizing the response he was going to provide was wrong.

"Actually, now that you ask, I think he's ready to come out." Aron said as he reached down around his huge gut, groping softly at his pendulous sac.

"Okay, so let him out. Let's see what you've been doing to him that you couldn't let him out for a week." Blake said.

The big green drake climbed to his feet, wincing as he almost knocked the gryphon onto his back with his gut.

"Sorry! Um... not here. It's gonna get... messy." Aron said, turning to head for the bathroom.

"Oh no. You're not doing anything else unless I'm there to see it! I leave for a week and you start going crazy, stuffing people in your dick and in your gut! No! I'm gonna make sure you aren't trying to pull something!" Blake cried, climbing to his taloned feet and following quickly.

"Fine, but it's gonna be cramped, and it's gonna be sticky." Aron said.

"When has that ever stopped me? I wanna see this happen first hand." Blake said, already undressing as they moved through the house.

Aron doffed his clothing as well, tossing his meagerly usable shirt onto the bed as he passed it. The shower was turned on, feeling very familiar to the day he released Natalie. The dragon couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He wasn't sure what had become of Henry. He was still very active in there, but what had compelled him to keep him so long? Carefully, he worked his large fingers over the ring of metal cinched tight around the base of his shaft and pulled it off. A sharp jolt ran up his spine as he finally felt 'free' again. His member twitched and drooled heavily now that the pressure was relieved. Now a new pressure needed to be dealt with.

"Well? Get to it!" Blake said, standing next to the green in the shower, not caring about the spray, but a little uncomfortable being pushed to one side by the big, bulky drake.

"Don't rush me! It's been a few days since I've had this thing off for more than a few minutes! And there was a growth spurt while it was one. Everything's a little... sore." Aron said.

It was true. He was feeling tremendous relief, but aching for more. He gripped his length, too large to fit one hand all the way around, and began pumping. It felt wonderful being able to contact the skin that had been under the ring all that time, not unlike wearing a watch and finally taking it off at the end of the day. His length twitched about in his grasp, but try as he might, the dragon kept 'stumbling' as he approached the end. Three times he drew close, drooling freely onto the floor before shuddering and failing to reach climax.

Blake frowned, giving the drake a prod on the side of his gently writhing stomach.

"Well? What's the hold up?" he asked.

"I... I don't know. I'm having a hard time hitting the mark. It wasn't this hard when I let Natalie out." Aron said, frustrated.

Blake grumbled a little and slipped around behind the big green fellow, taking matters into his own hands.

"Well if you need a little encouragement, then count yourself lucky I'm here." the gryphon said.

Aron turned his head to try to look over his shoulder, curious as to what his roommate was up to. Before he could voice his question, he felt a sudden, sharp intrusion. Blake had jammed his own aching rod in deep under the dragon's tail. The green beast yelped loudly, his shaft suddenly twitching strongly in his grasp. The gryphon pumped hard against the muscular rump he had pierced, growling as he took for himself the satisfaction he felt he had been owed. It had been at least a week since he got to tumble with his boyfriend after all. He was almost as pent up as Aron felt.

With both already so close to the verge, now that Aron was getting 'properly motivated', it didn't take long at all. A short session was fine, just a start for how much Blake intended to ruin his dragon that night. The gryphon clenched his entire form, rocking forward hard, feeling his own impressively sized sac swing forward and slap into Aron's. A hearty burst of heat flooded the green drake's bowels, stealing his breath away. He roared and tightened his grasp on his shaft as he felt a large lump work its way up along the spire. It moved faster than Natalie had, stretching him ridiculously just as before. Henry burst forth from the greedy dragon rod in a hail of white, splattered across him, the wall, and the floor. It was enough to cover the bottom of the whole stall in at least an inch of the stuff. The horse sputtered and coughed, managing to sit himself up as the two large fellows in front of him finished.

Aron huffed and panted, his chest heaving as he settled. He moved a hand to rest on his gut, feeling all four of his passengers wriggle about excitedly.

"Easy in there kids. Daddy's a little winded." he said.

Blake retreated roughly, then shoved his way around the dragon flopping into a seated position. Immediately, the gryphon tended to his trainee, now that he could. He helped rinse Henry off and began giving him a cursory inspection. It didn't take long at all for him to notice something. And it left him speechless for a moment.

"Hey... Aron. You said he went in right after I introduced you two?" Blake asked.

Aron nodded.

"We had a little fun in the shower, then he went in. Just a spur of the moment thing." the dragon said as he fought to catch his breath.

"So, he's been in there since Monday, five days in there." Blake said.

"Yeah, why?" Aron asked.

"Holy shit!" Henry said as he looked over himself.

The small stallion had indeed changed. He had been working towards a more toned form, not so much muscle mass. That would come later. But he was doing well for someone who could only lift so much. Now, he possessed lines and definition that made him look as if he had been cast in steel. He felt over his arms, marveling at the dense, compact, powerful muscle under his fur. He felt over his chest, feeling a subtle tingle as he massaged his new pectorals. His stomach rippled, his abs proudly defined into what had been referred to as a 'washboard'. His legs were equally sinuous, completing the entire picture.

Aron blinked as he took in the changed equine.

"Woah! You're cut! Cut like from stone!" the dragon cried out.

Blake began putting it all together, voicing it as it occurred to him.

"Your sac... it's like a non-stop workout in there. Anyone who goes in, they get worked over until they look like they've been training for months." the gryphon said.

"Awesome! Can I go again!?" Henry cried out in delight.

"No!" Blake snapped, then eased down, "I mean... not for a while. We don't know how intense it was in there. And if it can do this, it's done some serious work on you so you need to take a break from it. At least a few days."

Henry frowned and nodded begrudgingly.

"Alright. I guess that makes sense. Still, it was great in there. Even if it didn't do this to me, I'd wanna go back in. And I know you said you couldn't focus while two of us were in there, but when Natalie joined, it was incredible!" the horse said.

"Yeah... yeah it was pretty amazing. Just not good for trying to get work done out here." Aron said with a tired chuckle.

"You get cleaned up and go lay down on the couch. We'll see you in a bit. Your 'trainer' and I need to have a word in private." Blake said, turning an icy gaze on the green beast.

Aron shrank away from it, thinking he was in serious trouble. Henry nodded, taking the opportunity to lather up and rinse off, showering properly, before stepping out to get dry, then go rest on the couch as he was told. Once he was out of the bathroom, Blake pounced, throwing himself at the green dragon. His beak pressed against Aron's muzzle in a deep, powerful, passionate kiss. It took the drake by surprise, but he welcomed it, wrapping his arms around his feathered boyfriend. Blake groped over the thick frame of his lover, relishing the added size now that he wasn't blind with rage. When at last he surfaced for air, he sighed and looked in Aron's eyes, an earnestness there unlike anything the dragon had seen before.

"Um... penny for your thoughts, honey?" Aron asked.

"We have to capitalize on this." Blake said quickly.

"I'm sorry?" the dragon replied, confused.

"This, what you did to Henry. You sunk him into your nuts, let him roll around in there for a week, then shot him out looking like he's ready for a surf movie. We have to get others in on this. It's a whole new service we could offer! Rapid training! Don't want to wait? Just book a stay in my boyfriend's balls and one week later, you'll be strong enough to lift a fridge!" Blake cried out excitedly.

"Blake, I don't know. It was fun, sure, but isn't this kind of dangerous?" Aron asked.

"Dangerous? You have been carrying a full grown person in your sac for a week, and he came out looking like a million bucks! I don't see how that's dangerous! Hell, you said you managed to fit two people in there!" Blake replied.

"Yeah but I was way too horny to be good to anyone. Let's not get ahead of ourselves okay?" Aron pleaded.

Blake frowned, narrowing his eyes.

"Would you rather I be mad at you for stealing Natalie and making it so one of my customers doesn't need me anymore?" he asked.

"I didn't mean to steal hir! It just-"

"Your belly wanted hir. I get it. You still stole hir." Blake cut him off.

"Well, Henry will probably want you to keep training him. He's probably going to want to work on gaining mass now that he's got the base to start." Aron tried to explain.

"Right, probably. But do you still want me mad at you? Or are you gonna let me try and make this the best thing that's ever happened to the both of us?" Blake asked.

The green dragon dipped his nose, feeling like he didn't have a way out of this one. He was probably just going to stay pent up from now on. He looked over at the circle of metal he'd just been freed from, realizing he'd be putting it back on sooner rather than later.

"I guess we could try it." Aron said.

"Good. I wanna see what it's like in there for myself, see what it is I'm signing people up for. Maybe I'll get that little extra bump I've been looking for." Blake said, squirming down along Aron's swollen form.

The dragon blinked as he felt the bird reach his crotch.

"Wait, what!? You want to climb in there!?" he exclaimed.

There wasn't time for an answer. Already Blake had managed to coax his boyfriend's shaft to swallow up his beak. The green beast threw his head back and moaned loud enough to be heard throughout the house. Henry lifted his head hearing that, wondering what on earth was happening.

Forty minutes later, after a lot of pained but pleasurable noises, and a good cleaning after, Aron emerged from the bathroom. His expression was one of overwhelmed lust. The cock ring was back on and his scrotum bulged heavily, far more than when Henry and Natalie had occupied him. He waddled his way into the living room and grunted as he flopped onto the couch. The horse blinked seeing the obscene size of Aron's scrotum, and how it churned and writhed about. He could hear noises coming from inside, sloshes and gurgles as well as grunts and groans. It sounded a lot like the sounds Henry himself had made while he was in there.

"Woah! You shoved him in there!? I didn't think you could fit someone so big!" he cried out in amazement, moving quickly to the massive bloat.

Aron shuddered as he felt the hands on his sac, forcing a hearty gush of white from his aching rod. He whined realizing he was going to need to have the carpet professionally cleaned now, not realizing he had left a trail all the way there from the bathroom. It had taken so little to set him off. This was going to be a lot harder than with Natalie and Henry bouncing away between his thighs.

"I didn't think I could either. But he wanted to see what it was like for himself. He wants to market it as a new exercise program." Aron said breathlessly.

"Sounds great! How do I sign up? Are there group rates?" Henry grinned.

Aron blinked at him, suddenly deeply worried. Blake was only going to be in there for the weekend, or so the gryphon had demanded. But this was setting the precedent that he was never going to be unoccupied for long. Apparently the business model called for him to stay pent up permanently from now on.

Honestly, it didn't sound all that bad. But he was going to need to do something about the mess.