Secret Love - Epilogue

Story by Buffy the lion on SoFurry

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#1 of Secret Love


It's Friday night and James and I finally finished watching "Plane Crash", the movie we partially watched back when we first had sex.

"Angel Longheart" James says as I get up from bed to switch off the TV. "If it weren't for her you'd probably be engaged to Tracey." he continues.

"Yeah, probably." I say as I climb into bed again.

I move closer to James, I lie my head down on his rock hard chest. I hear his heart beat, I hear him breathe, and I run my fingers through the soft fur on his stomach.

It's been a whole year since He and I got back together. After what we call "The birthday Incident" happened, we went into his dorm for some private time. It was only later that night that we returned to the University house. When we got there, most of the guests were gone already, only Bruce, Tom, my parents and Tracey were left.

My mom and Tracey were upstairs in one of the bedrooms; she was trying to calm Tracey down. Apparently, she hadn't stopped crying ever since I ran out of the house right after almost proposing to her.

As we got to the front door, Bruce came walking out. "Dude, out, now!" he warned me and we stepped back outside.

"How are things inside?" I asked as I saw Bruce glance over to James.

"Terrible." Bruce said. "Tracey can't stop crying, she and your mom is upstairs. Your dad is furious and the rest of us have absolutely no idea what the hell happened this afternoon." he continued.

"Bruce, there's something I need to tell you." I start. I was going to be outright honest about this with everyone that night. I took a deep sigh, "James and me... we are... together." I said, confessing.

"Together?" Bruce asks, it wasn't long until he figured out what I was saying. "Wait a minute, you are "together"? As in, going out?" he asked as I nodded. He glanced over at James. "Uhm... How?" he asked, obviously confused.

"It just happened, I tried to fool myself into thinking marrying Tracey would stop me from feeling about James the way I did, but I was wrong." I said.

"Can you promise me something? Both of you." Bruce asked, we both nodded in approvement. "Please, don't tell anyone else now. Tell them in a week or in a month, because this has been a very shitty day for the few of us still here." he pleaded.

"Bruce, we came here to tell everyone the truth." I said confidently, but inside I was just as afraid they'd write us off, which they most likely would.

"Mark." James interrupted. "There is a place and a time for everything. Now may not be the best time to come out of the closet with your parents and especially with Tracey." he continued.

I thought for a while, back when I broke up with James, I promised myself I'd never hurt anyone like that again. Telling Tracey that her boyfriend left her for another guy might send the poor girl over the edge, not even to mention my parents. My dad would most likely beat the crap out of James, saying it's all his fault and my mom would give me one hell of a preach.

"Okay, we'll keep quiet about it." I said.

Bruce lets out a sigh of relief. We put together a story about how I got cold feet and couldn't get myself to ask her, but that didn't explain why I couldn't see her anymore. Then there was the "gut feeling" excuse, but it didn't make sense. Eventually we just decided to stick with "I don't know why". Then there was the excuse we had to think of about why James was going to stay. After much debate, we decided that he decided not to run away because Tracey and I were together. He found me running, we had a talk and he brought me back. The excuse worked pretty well with my parents, but I still had to talk to Tracey.

I walked her home and told her that I couldn't see her anymore. Other than with James, I broke it to her as nicely as I could. I told her that I wasn't ready for a relationship, engagement or marriage and that I needed some time on my own. She took it pretty well, as anyone would, she cried a lot, but she respected me for telling her the truth.

The week after, James cancelled his request to move to another University. His parents didn't like it much, since it cost them money so Tracey took the offer instead. Her parents paid James' parent half of the transfer money and they were happy.

My parents and Tom still don't know about me and James, but at least I have Bruce to talk to when things get too much for me and I don't want to talk to James. He's an understanding guy. At first he was a bit uncomfortable, but after I ensured him that I'd never hit on him or try to have sex with him, he was a good and understanding friend to both of us.

I'm still lying on James' chest with my head; I look up at his maw. "I love you, James." I say.

James looks back at me and smiles; I stare into those soft eyes of him. I run my hand from his chest down his stomach, down his pants and onto his crotch. I feel it hardening as I massage it underneath the covers. His sincere smile is now a naughty smile, the kind that turns me on instantly.

I get on top of him, "James Wilkinson, I'm going to ride you like a race horse!" I say out loud and we both chuckle, then I go beneath the covers and do what I do best when I'm with James Wilkinson, the one I will belong to until I die.



And that's the epilogue. Mark doesn't want to hurt anyone else in the family so he decided to keep it quiet. It also leaves room for a possible follow up series, but a little later on. I didn't spell/grammar check the epilogue since I'm quite tired, so I'll do that tomorrow night but I don't want my readers to wait any longer since I got such a good response for the epilogue.

I really hope you guys liked the epilogue as much as the rest of the series, and as always all comments and suggestions are appreciated, good or bad, I like to know what my readers think so I can better myself in future pieces.

I'd also like to thank the readers that commented on my pieces, you gave me the resolve to write a chapter every night. Without you guys, I'd just write to a bunch of 1's and 0's. :)

I'm already planning a new series that I'll start writing and publishing as soon as my tiny little break from writing is done. I tried to write at least one piece every week night since 04 Jan', so I think I need a few days' break.

Well, until then. Remember to comment and I'll see you in the next series!