Kiba and Masaru (part 1)

Story by Cailyn on SoFurry

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Here's part of a new story I'm working on. I haven't come up with a permanent

title for it yet. I'm open to suggestions. Please let me know what you think.

Kiba started to regain consciousness. Her bones ached and her muscles

burned. Her eyelids were as heavy as lead but she fought to open them. The

bright sunlight momentarily blinded her and she flinched as she sat up.

"Where the hell am I?" she thought.

Looking around her, she realized she was in a glorious flowered meadow. "Am

I dreaming?" she wondered. Last thing she remembered was falling asleep in

her bed last night. She leaned over to take a closer look at the amethyst

flowers next to her. "What kind of flower is this?" she wondered. " I've

never seen anything like it." They were delicate flowers with large buds

that drooped over like a fuchsia but looked similar to roses. They smelled

amazing. Looking up at the horizon, she saw in the distance some low hills

that looked like midnight even in the bright sun light. Then she really

looked up. The sky was a color she had never seen before, the color of

honeydew melon. There was no smog or ugly brown haze like you would see near the

city. Where could she be, that she didn't even see the pollution over


Feeling less achy Kiba rose to her feet but not before noticing the shadow

she was casting on the ground. Why is there two shadows? The sun should

only cast one. Slowly she turned around, afraid of what she would see, and

gazed in shock at the two suns in the sky. One was about the same size as

the sun she knew but the other sun, the one that shouldn't be there, was

blue. This has to be a dream, because there's no way she could be on a

different planet. Squeezing her eyes shut she wished herself awake. "Wake

up! Wake up!" Kiba mumbled to herself. She opened her eyes slowly but knew

nothing had changed.

As she gazed into the distance, her eyes burning as she fought not to cry,

she realized there was dust rising through the trees on the far side of the

meadow. Was someone coming? A lot of some ones by the look of it, and

suddenly she was terrified. She hurriedly looked around her for a place to

hide. The nearest tree line was so far away but she noticed a boulder nearby

that might be big enough to hide behind. As she trotted over to it she

could hear the noise of what ever was rushing toward her. It wasn't a

vehicle. It sounded like some kind of animals but not horses. She ducked

down behind the boulder just in time as a skulk of foxes ran into the

meadow. They were huge, bigger that any foxes she had ever seen. They

would probably come to the middle of her chest. They came in various shades

red, brown, and tan The leader was pure white. He was also slightly larger

than the others. Their noses were up in the air as the came to a stop,

about fifty feet from her. Could they smell her? Then as one, all ten of

their heads swung her way, as they rose to stand on their hind legs. They

started moving toward Kiba's hiding place in business like strides as if

walking like humans were second nature. "How can they possibly be moving

like people!" she thought.

As they got closer, Kiba swung around and sat with her back against the rock

and searched franticly for another hiding place. That's when she saw him.

A huge coyote slinking up behind her. He would come up to her chin if he

weren't crouching. Talk about a rock and a hard place, now what. She

hadn't heard his approach with her heart pounding in her ears. He was

looking past her at the skulk. Suddenly he broke into a full out run,

straight at her, and leaped clear over Kiba and the boulder in one muscled

burst. Twisting back around, she saw him land upon his hind feet between

her and the oncoming foxes. Suddenly there was a stone grinding rumble and she realized the coyote was

growling out a challenge. The white fox charged. "He must be insane!" she

thought. The coyote was at least twice his mass. They collided like two

freight trains, snapping and snarling. But it was over as soon as it

started and the white fox was on his back, the coyote's muzzle around his

throat. There was blood, too much, and as Kiba jerked to look away she saw

it bubbling from the fox's neck and mouth, as he wheezed for breath and

feebly struggled to get away. She heard the wet snap as his neck collapsed

under the coyote's teeth.

After a couple minutes of silence, Kiba peeked from her hiding place, hoping

it was all her imagination or that they were all gone. The coyote was

standing upright over the dead fox watching the rest of the skulk flee.

When they were out of sight, he swung around to gaze at her. Kiba didn't

dare move or look away, she was frozen in fear. He had a startling amount

of intelligence in his dark bronze eyes. In fact she thought he might be

wondering what to do with her. He was almost amber in color and his fur was

thick and shiny. On a normal canine you would want to run your fingers

through it, it looked so soft. But he was also a seven foot tower of muscle

and sinew with blood dripping from his jaw and down his throat. There were

also a couple of scarlet blossoms where the fox's claws had scored the

coyote's flesh. As Kiba continued to inspect at him in terrified wonder she

noticed his front paws were amazingly hand like, the fingers tipped in

claws. He was wearing a loincloth that she hadn't noticed before, the color

almost blending in with his golden fur.

Then he was coming for her, covering the ten feet between them quickly with

his long legs. He had his paw stretched out to her as if he wanted to help

her up. Horrified she scrambled backwards on her hands and feet trying to

keep him away. The shards around the obsidian like boulder were slicing

into her feet but she didn't even notice. Her eyes wide and fearful.

Suddenly he stopped, his arm dropping to his side. He was looking at her in


"You don't need to be afraid of me." he said. His voice was a baritone

rumble and she would have thought it sexy from a man. "But they will go for

reinforcements and we'll need to be far from here before they get back."

Realizing she could never escape him she sagged in defeat. Only then did it

hit her that he had spoken... and she had understood him. "You speak

Japanese? H... how is that possible?" she asked. "What do you want from me?"

"For the moment, for you to get up and come with me. The rest we can figure

out later." he huffed.

Kiba got to her bare feet, limping a couple painful steps then stopping. He

saw the pinched look on her face then faintly smelled her blood over the

gore smeared down his front. He stepped forward and scooped her into his

arms and took off at an easy ground covering lope. They slipped into the

trees and were headed to the hills she had noticed earlier.

"Where am I?" Kiba asked faintly. "I thought I was dreaming but everything

is so real... even the pain." she groaned.

The coyote looked down at her, noticing the crust of blood forming on her

feet. I'll have to clean those well when we're safe he thought to himself.

"You are on the planet Canis." he said. "My name is Masaru. We will be

safe soon, then I will clean and bind the wounds on your feet."

"M... my name is Kiba. Thank you for saving me, I thought I was done for."

she said "But won't they be able to follow your tracks? They seemed to

have a good sense of smell."

"They will follow for a while, but we will lose them. They will not find

us." he growled. "I promise."

Kiba looked down and realized she was being held with her right side against

the sticky blood on the front of his chest. It was all over her arm and

right side. Remembering the fight and gruesome death of the fox, she

started to struggle to get away from it.

Mistaking her struggles for fear of him, Misaru said "Please don't be

afraid of me, I won't hurt you. We need to move fast and you can't walk.

It won't be long."

"But the blood... it's all over me!" she said, her voice rising in fear.

"Just stay calm a little longer. We can wash it off soon."

Realizing her struggles were making it harder for him to run and not wanting

to face the skulk again, she relaxed a bit and took a good look around her.

The trees they were moving swiftly through were tall and slender, the bottom

branches well above her head. They had a smooth bark that was peeling off

and the color of dried blood. The tree underneath and the leaves were

crimson. She had mistaken them for autumn trees about to loose their

leaves. Over the odor of the blood she could smell what could only be

described as a cross between pine and eucalyptus, but not quite either.

Spaced out in the patches of sunlight were huge ferns, taller then her.

They were a deep eggplant color and reminded her of the drawings she had

seen of prehistoric forests. Through her fear she realized it was really

very beautiful. Glancing beyond the trees in the direction they were going

she saw the hills. They were much closer now and she saw they were actually

mesas of some sort. They rose almost vertically on the sides and were flat

on top. The rock they were formed from was obsidian by the look of it.

They would be there in minutes. She could hear running water not far away.

Moments later they came to a stop in a clearing at the base of the mesa.

There was a swiftly moving stream running through it and disappearing under

the base of the cliff. He set her down on the bank near the water.

"How well can you swim?" Masaru asked. "This is where we'll lose them."

"What do you mean?" Kiba asked, looking at the water flowing under the rock.

"This stream runs under the rock and comes out at my home. It's a

completely boxed in canyon in the middle of this mesa. But we will need to

swim with the current to get there. It's the only way in." he said.

She had been on the swim team at school for years, but had never had to do

something like this. The thought brought goose bumps to her skin.

Imagining of the weight of the rock over her head. If it meant safety

though she was game. "Does it take long to get through?" Kiba asked.

"The tunnel is straight and smooth, and the current is swift." Masaru

reassured her. "But you will have to hold your breath for a short time,

there are no air pockets along the way."

"With the water moving so fast how do you get back out?" Kiba wondered out


"The stream winds through the canyon and comes back out of it about 200

yards away." he replied "The foxes will not follow. They are afraid of

water and can't swim. They don't understand that others do not fear it and

will think we went upstream to elude them."

"Well... I'll give it a try" She said. "I'm a good swimmer, one of the top in

my class, but this really scares me."

"You'll be fine. I have some rope hidden in a nitch in the cliff. I will

tie you to me." Masaru said walking toward the wall of rock. He reached

into a hidden hole and pulled out a length of what looked like vine and tied

it around his waist. Walking over to her, he knelt down and reached around

her with the other end. Making sure the knot was good and sturdy he said,

"The tunnel is not big enough for us to go through side by side, or I would

just hold you till we got through. I will send you through before me so I

can help if there are any problems. It goes straight and there are no other

tunnels coming off. It should be easy."

Helping her up, he supported her as she hobbled over to the black hole.

"Just keep your hands in front of you and kick with your feet. The water

will do the rest. I'll be right behind you." Masaru said, "Are you ready?"

"I guess so." Kiba replied, taking a few deep breaths. "Well here goes


Bending down in the cool water, she was glad she was wearing the light

weight shorts and camisole that she slept in in the summer. They wouldn't

drag her down. Taking one last breath she bent down and dove head first

into the dark hole. She felt the current grab her and pull her forward.

The vine at her waist tightened for a second and she knew Masaru was right

behind her. Keeping her eyes open and looking forward, it seemed to take

forever for a light to appear at the other end. She knew it was just nerves

since she didn't feel the burning need to breath yet. Suddenly she was

there and popped up like a cork, breathing deep and still moving downstream.

Masaru popped up next to her a second later. Reaching around her and

pulling her to his chest, he lead her to a calm pool of water that formed

off the of the stream through a small opening in the bank. The water

continued to move swiftly beyond it, back toward the cliff.

"I'll be right back." said Masaru climbing out of the deep pool after

helping her to a shelf like seat at the edge, beneath the water. "If you

wait here, I'll get the things to clean and bind your feet. Also some

ointment to help them heal. The water will help keep them from bleeding

till I get back. It looks as if the blood has washed off your body and


Kiba looked around the small canyon. It was beautiful, like an oasis. The

trees along the bank reminded her of palm trees but the fronds were more

fern like. They looked like feathers. Large lapis blue fruit of some kind

grew tightly bunched at the base of the fronds. I wonder if they can be

eaten she thought as her stomach grumbled in hunger.

The ground cover looked like moss but a deep teal, and seemed to cover the

ground of the whole canyon like carpet. Touching it where it draped over

the rim of the pool, she felt how spongy and soft it was. It would be a

great place to sun bathe under better circumstances. About ten feet away

was a fire pit and what looked like a small oven made from the same rock as

the cliffs Crude containers and utensils made from gourds and a copper

colored metal stacked neatly to one side. The ground had been cleared of

moss about five feet out from the pit and a large log pulled up as a bench.

Closer to the water was a wooden rack with vine nets draped over it.

Still further back from the fire pit was the canyon wall. There was a large

cave opening covered with some kind of tan fabric or skin. Masaru came out

as she was looking. His fur had come clean in the stream and she took the

time to really study him. She noticed a starburst of white fur at the base

of his neck. It had been covered in the foxes blood before but now shone

out in sharp contrast to his amber fur. He didn't seem to have an ounce of

fat on him and his muscles were well developed and sleek. He had changed

into a dry loin cloth. This one was bright blue with red and green

stitching in what could be described as a tribal design . His eyes were a

dark bronze. He was beautiful really. He was carrying a large flat basket

with a cloth draped over it.

She looked away quickly when he noticed her watching him. She could feel

herself blush as if caught doing something wrong. He reached the edge of

the pool and set the basket down. Grabbing the cloth off the top, he

unfolded it and she realized it was much larger then she had thought.

Laying it out along the bank, he reached down and lifted her out of the

water and set her on it. It was made from the skin of some animal, a huge

animal if the size was anything to judge by as it was all one piece. It was

soft and warm when wrapped the edges around her.

"After I finish with your feet, we'll see if we can find you something dry

to wear." Masaru said absently as he lifted her right foot, studying it

intently. Then she was gritting her teeth and yelping as he gently began

cleaning out the shards of rock and dirt.


Masaru didn't know what to make of Kiba. She was very tiny, barely coming

up to his chest. She had long dark auburn hair and brown eyes. The flimsy

wet clothes she wore clung to her and revealed a very slim form underneath.

She had good muscles but not very curvy and had high firm breast that were a

little on the small side. Despite the lack of curves... and fur, he found

himself growing warm just looking at her. He covered her quickly with the

skin and got to the task at hand.

As he worked he found himself thinking about her name. It

was uncommon for a female. It was a name usually given to aggressive or

very brave individuals, mainly males. She didn't seem to fit the mold.

Sure she was holding up very well considering the circumstances, but names

were important in this world and needed to be upheld. Maybe her world had

stifled her personality and she needed time in this world to let it shine

through. Maybe that's why she had been brought here.

"So, Kiba, tell me about yourself." he asked, trying to distract her while

he cleaned a particularly deep cut on her left foot.

"W... well, I'm from Tokyo, Japan on the planet earth." she replied with a

sharp gasp of pain. She wondered how much she should tell him. "My parents

moved there from America before I was born. I've lived there my whole


"How did you come by your name? It's a male name here. It means fang." he

asked. "It's seems an unlikely name for a female."

"My folks love all thing Japanese. They were hoping to have a boy and were

going to name him Kiba." she said, sounding bitter. "When I was born I

ended up with it anyway. It's been a hard name to live with, but then I've

never seemed to live up to my parents expectations."

"What do you mean?" he questioned. "All children are a gift and should

loved for who they are."

"I tried to do everything to please them. Make them happy with the girl

they ended up with." Kiba whispered, but his keen hearing picked it up. "I

graduated at the top of my class, was on the championship swim team in

school. I was working to help put myself through one of the best colleges.

Even studying martial arts didn't make them realize I was as good as any

son. They were also disappointed that no guys were ever interested in me so

they could have a son by marriage. I moved out on my own to get away from

them. They won't even miss me now that I'm gone."

"It sounds unpleasant. I'm sorry" Masaru's expression grew puzzled. "What

are martial arts? I don't think I've heard that term before."

"I've been taking Taekwondo for several years. It's a form of hand to hand

combat that uses your hands and feet. Most women take it for self defense,

but I've been studying for years, trying to get my black belt. It's one of

the highest levels of study for martial arts."

"Impressive." he said, looking at her in a new light. That would explain

Kiba's good muscle tone. Still... he just couldn't he couldn't help

wondering why she had been brought here... for him!


Masaru had finished cleaning the cuts on her feet and started wrapping them

with smaller pieces of the soft skins. She realized that the pain of him

cleaning her feet had made her babble her whole miserable life to this

stranger. Toward the last he had begun studying her closely. Did he find

her as distasteful as everyone else she knew, including her parents.

Shaking off that thought, she asked, "Do you know how and why I've been

brought here, and what exactly is this planet? "

"I've only heard stories about this happening and it doesn't happen very

often." Masaru said. "When males of this planet have needs beyond what the

indigenous females can supply, human females are brought here to be their

mates. Usually the humans don't have good lives and will flourish here.

I've never heard of females here getting male human mates though. I'm not

sure how it happens but it causes a sort of psychic electrical connection

that can be felt by the male she is brought here for. Unfortunately it can

also be felt by others that are within a certain distance and they will

usually try to abduct the female for their own. Human females are highly

prized by most males in this world."

"That makes us sound like objects to be collected. Is that all we are here

is pets?" Kiba wondered out loud.

"From the stories, most human females have gone on to do great things. They

are loved deeply by their mates, and seem to function well and as equals in

our society. Not pets." he replied.

"As far as this planet goes, canines evolved to the highest life form here

unlike the evolution of the humans on your planet. On our world, society is

broken up by breeds and the breeds by packs. There are large cities that

are a neutral area for all, but even within the cities they are broken up by

breed. The city's only purpose is trade."

Kiba frowned, "You said that the females were brought here to mate with

specific males and that those males could feel their mate arrive. Who was I

brought here for and how will he find me here?"

"Didn't you wonder why I was there to protect you right at that moment. I

was out hunting when I felt you arrive and got there as soon as I could.

The foxes must have been close enough to feel you too. Probably out

searching for me. I'm glad I got there in time." he said with an

unfocused, distant look in his eyes. "You were brought here for me."

Mistaking his distant look for distaste and shocked by his answer she looked

away. Tears formed in her eyes as she replied, "You know, I didn't ask for

this. I'm sorry if I don't meet your expectations. Is there any way for me

to get back so you can get someone who isn't so distasteful to you? It

doesn't surprise me really, I never seem to appeal to any men. I don't know

why this would be any different."

Masaru head whipped around and seemed to nail her in place with those

amazing bronze eyes. "I realize this must all be distressing to you, and

I'm sorry. Honestly, I don't find you distasteful at all, which leads me to

believe, even more, that this is right and will work it's self out in the

end. But... I lead a hard and dangerous life and have made myself an outcast

from my family and band. I would not wish that on any mate of mine. This

is the reason I don't have a mate already, or so I thought."

Suddenly Kiba's stomach growled. Embarrassed more than she already was by

her wrong assumption, she looked down at her hands where they clasped the

skin around her.

"It seems I have already been remiss in my duties to my future mate. I'll

catch some fish for a meal, Would you like a piece of fruit till then?" he

asked, laying a paw on her shoulder. When she nodded but didn't look up he

sighed, "You rest here and stay off those feet. I'm sure you have a lot to

think through. I'll bring you food soon."

As he rose and walk away, she glanced up at him. I've been brought here to

mate with an animal she thought to herself. He is amazing to look at

though. She flushed with the attraction she felt to him, and looked down at

her hands again. How could this have happened she wondered. Sure her life

had been horrible back home but she was use to it. She got by fine on her

own. Although... she had been lonely. She got along better with her dogs and the

other animals she rescued all the time. She could understand them better then people.

Why just last night she had gone to the shrine close to her apartment and wished

for the perfect man for her.

Suddenly she jerked her back straight and really looked at Masaru again.

The shrine she had gone to was guarded by several statues of Kitsune, the

mischievous fox spirit. Could this have been his doing? Sending her here

because he knew Masaru needed her and she just needed someone, anyone to

complete her life?

As Kiba sat there wondering at her mental revelation, she watched Misaru

cast the vine nets across the stream. It hooked on the opposite side of the

stream where a stick protruded from the ground about a foot and fastened it

on a matching stake this side. He walked over to one of the palms and

reached up to pull down several of the lapis fruit. He left a small mound

of them at the fire pit before walking over to hand one to Kiba. He

returned the pit and squatted down to start a fire.

Kiba absently took a bite of the fruit. The flavor made her look down and

really look at it. It had coral pink flesh under the skin. It tasted of

pineapples and mangos... and any other tropical fruit she could think of all

mixed together. Her stomach rumbled again and she started eating with

gusto. It was delicious.

Turning back to watch Masaru, Kiba saw that he already had the fire going.

He was heading to the cave again. He pushed aside the skin and disappeared

inside, reappearing a few minutes later with a stack of colorful skins. He

walked back to her and knelt down at her side.

"These are some skins I've recently tanned and colored for when I needed

them. Do you think you could use them to fashion something to wear?" he

asked her.

Kiba nodded, her mouth full of fruit.

"I know you don't have fur but it's always warm here. We are near the

equator. The lighter the clothes the more comfortable you'll be." Laying

his hand on the stack he said, "Use any of them you like and make whatever

you need."

She looked at the jewel tones of the skins. There were so many, all colors

of the spectrum. "Thank you ." she whispered as she ran her hand over the

soft skins.

"I've got some hard leather I will use to make something for your feet. You

will need them since you don't have the thick pads that protect our canine


Making sure she had the skin held tightly around her, he picked her up and

walked over to the log by the fire. Masaru set her down and went to

retrieve the skins and bring them to her. He set a small knife on top.

As he turned away, he unconsciously ran his forepaw down her damp hair. The

touch was more comforting... and intimate then she would have thought. She

found herself finally relaxing for the first time since she had gotten to

this world.

Kiba watched Masaru walk over and check the net across the stream for fish.

He pulled it out along his wiggling catch. Untangling the fish he cleaned

them on a rock near the water and carried them to the fire. Putting them on

a copper tray, he picked up a small pouch that she hadn't seen on the other

side of the pit and sprinkle a light colored powder on the fish. Masaru put

it in the merrily smoking oven. And started cutting the fruit up in a gourd.

She had a new sense of comfort and wellbeing she had never felt before.

With the warmth of the fire she dropped the skin from around her shoulders.

She turned back to the colorful skins. Masaru was right, she hadn't been

cold since she had gotten here. She wouldn't need much to cover herself. A

few knots here and there should give her something acceptable. Looking

through the colors she picked out a royal purple skin and picked up the

knife he had left to cut it with.


She was running, as fast as she could. She was bleeding again. The rocky

ground had ripped off the soft skins around her feet. Kiba could feel hot

breath on her neck and glanced over her shoulder. Just behind her was the

white fox. The dead white, fox with blood bubbling from it's muzzle and

collapsed throat.

"How can you be chasing me?" Kiba screamed. "You're dead! She thought he

might have tried to answer but only heard a gristly wet whistle. She


"Someone help me! she cried. "Masaru....!"

She woke sitting straight up, sweating and crying. Looking around her in

terror. She was in the cave on a deep pile of soft furs and skins. Masaru

had carried her here to sleep then gone out to camp just beyond the door.

It couldn't have been more then a couple hours ago. It was still dark

outside the skin covered door.

Then he was there, running through the cave opening on all fours. Standing

upright when he realized there was no threat. Masaru walked over to the

still sobbing Kiba. Sitting down next to her, he wrapped his arms around

her and pulled her close.

" was a nightm...mare." she hiccupped. "The white fox you killed was

chasing me... but he was still dead and bloody. I couldn't find you."

"I'm here now, the nightmare is over." he rumbled. "You are safe with me.

No one can get you here. Do you think you an go back to sleep? You need it

after the excitement yesterday. I'll be right outside the door"

Suddenly she clutched him tighter. "Please... don't go" she whispered. "I

don't want to be alone. Can you just hold me while I sleep?"

Laying Kiba back down on her right side, he lay down behind her on the furs,

warm from her body. He put his arm under her head as a pillow. Pulling her

close with his other arm, he spooned around her. Gods she was tiny, but she

was so warm. This felt so right. As he lay beside her, he felt her relax

and slip into slumber. After a while he started to drift off himself,

thinking he would be happy to remain like this forever.


Masaru woke at dawn as always. Kiba had turned in her sleep and was

snuggled with her face in his chest fur. His long , thick, bushy tail

draped over them both. Her arm was wrapped around his waist and her leg was

between his, bent up to press against his loincloth covered balls. With

the intimate contact, he felt a burning need for her, the pink tip of his

cock had emerged from the sheath and it pressed uncomfortably against the

skin covering him. Quickly and gently he untangled himself from her, not

wanting her to wake and see him like this. She would need time to accept

that he was her mate and he couldn't force the issue. A mating was forever.

It formed a mental link that could never be broken. They would always feel

each others needs, wants and emotions. Be able to find the other, no matter

where they were. Masaru was also fairly certain, from what she had told him

the day before, that she was a virgin. That would make matters more

sensitive No, he could wait. He knew this was meant to be, she would let

him know when she was ready for him.

He stood there and watched her for a moment, a small warm bundle sleeping in

the furs. Her auburn hair fanned out around her head. She had a beauty all

her own. His paw moving unwittingly to rub his sheath and emerging cock

through the soft cloth. Realizing what he was doing, he quickly left the

cave to relieve the burning ache in his balls. If his need for her was this

strong already, he would need every ounce of willpower to control himself.

He was sure his paw would get a good workout over the next few days.

Sitting on the bank of the stream in the bright warm sunlight, he stuck his

legs in the water. Releasing the loincloth from around his waist, he

reached down between his legs and started massaging his balls and sheath

with his paw. His thick pink member emerged quickly. Masaru closed his

eyes and imagined Kiba, sitting in front of him as he knelt on the furs. He

used his other hand to wrap firmly around his cock, he envisioned it was her

small white hands gripping him as she gazed up at him with those big brown

eyes. He started stroking himself all the while thinking of how it would be

to have her do this for him. Breathing hard, his knot began to swell. It

had been so long since he had intimate contact with a female, or even

thought about it for that matter, that it wasn't long before he stiffened,

his head falling back, and shot his load of seed into the stream. He

groaned to keep from howling his need to the sky.

Opening his eyes he saw the evidence of his weakness for her flow away in

the water of the stream. Masaru's breathing slowed to a pant. He stood up,

grabbing his loincloth as he rose and fastened it back on. Pushing all

sexual thoughts of Kiba from his mind was hard but he had things to do.

She would be hungry when she woke. He would need to catch something for

breakfast and prepare it. After setting up the fishing net across the

stream, he dove in beyond it and heading for the tunnel leading from the

canyon. There was a place not far from the exit stream where some cliff

nesting birds had set up a permanent community. He would get a few eggs to

surprise Kiba with. As he cleared the cave, he grabbed the boulder he had

placed in the stream for the purpose of holding himself in place and under

the water. Surveying the clearing through the clear water, he saw it was

empty and pulled himself out of the water. Crouching on the bank, he waited

a few moments, listening and scenting the area. Nothing. He rose, thinking

of the eggs he would surprise Kiba with, and bounded off, on all fours to

the nesting site, in high spirits.


Missing the warmth of Masaru's large furry body, Kiba woke. "He must

already be up and busy" she thought as she stretched. Life wouldn't be

easy, under these primitive conditions, and Masaru would be an early riser.

She sat up, pushing the thick fur off of her. She lifted the camisole over

her head and reached for the clothes she had fashioned the night before.

She had made a halter of sorts. There was a permanent knot between the

breasts and she would tie two more at her neck and around her back to wear

it. The bottom part was half loincloth and mini-skirt. She had cut a long

wide piece of the purple skin, then trimmed away just forward of middle in

the shape of an hour glass. She had braided together long strips of the

same skin and wove it through the large piece, at the back and tummy, so

that after she put it between her legs she could tie both sides at her hips

and have flaps hanging down, front and back, to form a short skirt.

Looking around Kiba saw the basket Masaru had used yesterday to carry the

supplies for her feet. She pulled it close and started unwrapping the skins

binding her feet. Peering at them in the dim light of the cave, she saw

that scabs had formed over the cuts. She would have liked to leave them

uncovered to get air but she couldn't walk on them without opening the

wounds. Pulling out two long strips of skin, she began to truss her feet


Clad in her new clothes, Kiba limped from the cave, pushing aside the flap

at the opening. She scanned the canyon but saw no sign of Masaru. Where

could he be? She relieved herself in the deep hole Masaru had dug for the

purpose on the far side of the canyon. The wound on her feet pulled a

little as she hobbled down to the pool, she knelt at the edge. Scooping up

water, she rubbed the cool liquid vigorously over her face and around her


Feeling refreshed, she noticed the fishing net hooked across the stream.

Thinking she could help by having a fire ready to cook with, she wondered

over to the fire pit and looked for a way to light the fire. She saw two

small rocks by the stacked gourds and thought they might be flint... or

something similar. Picking them up, Kiba struck one against the other,

going away from her body. There was a flash, as they struck each other, and

a spark blazed toward the pit. "How hard can it be?" she mumbled.

Fifteen minutes later she was still struggling to get the stones to light

the small bundle of dried moss she was using as tinder. She just couldn't

seem to aim the sparks where she needed them. Finally, in frustration, she

blanketed the bottom of the pit with it and tried again. Kiba struck the

stones again and was rewarded with a small curl of smoke. Pulling away

the excess dried moss, she gently blew on the smoking tinder. When it burst

into flame she put on larger and larger twigs and logs till the fire burned

merrily. She grabbed a piece of fruit from the pile near the fire and sat

on the log to wait. As she took a large bite of the sweet fruit, she was

feeling very pleased with herself.


It had taken Masaru longer then he thought to acquire the eggs. The birds

were timid and flew away at any threat to them or their eggs. That was

probably why they lay so many, all year long, to replace their stolen young

and keep their species going. But the bottom nests he could reach from the

ground were empty. Other predators had been here before him. He'd had to

climb the cliff quite a way to find some nests with the little treasures he

was looking for. Climbing the cliff had been slow going, his paws were not

made to find the little cracks and crevasses needed for the ascent but it

had been worth the effort. He had come away with a couple dozen eggs tucked

into a pouch carried at his hip. There would be enough for a few days.

He had also managed to catch a couple of small flightless birds on the way

back to the canyon. They would make a good meal for tonight. He quickly

broke their necks and tied them together by the feet with a leather tong to

make it easier to carry.

Finally he was on his way back through the tunnel into the canyon. He hoped

Kiba would be pleased with his finds. As he pulled himself from the stream,

he saw her sitting on the log by the fire. She hadn't heard him come back

and continued to gaze at the fire. He headed toward her, a smile on his

face. Kneeling behind her, he wrapped his arms around his waist, leaning her

back into his chest. Kiba was so startled she jumped, hitting him in the

muzzle with the top of her head. Masaru fell back on his tail, his arms

around Kiba pulling her with him.

She quickly flipped over and threw her arms around his neck. With her

laying on his chest and between his legs, he felt himself twitch beneath his

loincloth. He hoped she didn't notice. Loosening her grip around his

throat he looked up into her face. He saw concern and relief warring in her

eyes. "What's wrong? Did something happen while I was gone?" he

questioned, looking around the canyon more intently.

"You were gone so long." she whispered. "I thought something had happened

to you...or that you decided not to come back. I'm an unexpected worry for

you that I'm sure you don't need." She looked down, as if ashamed of being

a problem for him. "I didn't know what I would do if you didn't come back?"

Masaru pulled her back to him, rubbing the back of her head. He sat her up

on the log after a few moments of enjoying the feel of her in his arms. He

tucked his legs under him to kneel, his tail curled around his legs.

Holding her hands in one of his, he used the other to lift her chin so he

could look into her eyes. "I'm sorry I worried you. I never thought of

telling you where I was going, or that I was going for that matter. I

haven't had anyone to answer to for ages." He grinned, "I will never leave

without telling you where I'm going again. I just thought you would sleep

longer after yesterdays excitement. I wanted to get you something special

for breakfast."

Kiba's eyes searched his. "Really? You got something for me?"

Reaching for the pouch at his waist, he hoped none of the eggs had broken

when he fell. He pulled out a couple for her to see and lifted the birds he

had dropped on the ground when he had reached for her. She still looked so

unsure. Sighing he set the birds and eggs aside, he added the rest of the

eggs in the pouch to the pile. He wanted to avoid talking to her about his

feelings and their mating till she was ready, but he saw no way around it.

He needed to reassure her and take the fear from her eyes.

He pulled himself up to sit on the log next to her, pulling her to sit in

his lap. "There are a few things you need to know about mates on this

planet, Kiba." he started, then hesitated again to think of how to explain

best. He rested his muzzle on top of her head. "Once intended mates see

each other for the first time there is no fighting it. In most cases, there

is plenty of attraction which turns to a strong loving bond. In the off

chance that the mated pair can't stand each other, there is nothing they can

do but learn to live with the situation. If the pair did try to fight it,

their need for each other would eat at them till they couldn't eat or sleep.

If they continued to fight, it would eventually lead to death." He held

Kiba away from him so she could see his eyes.

"I couldn't leave you, nor do I want to. I never thought I would have the

opportunity to experience these feelings for myself, in my self imposed

exile. I enjoy you being here with me. My need for you has grown more

quickly than I've ever seen. Every touch and caress makes me want you more

than I can stand." As Kiba turned pink he said, "But even with my need so

strong, I find myself needing you to want me too. I can wait till you are


"You want me? No one has ever wanted me." she said in surprise, still


"Then it is their loss. You are mine now and I will never let you go." he

growled, nuzzling her ear.

Slowly she relaxed into him, wrapping her arms around him. "I've thought

you were beautiful and amazing from the first time I had a moment to collect

my thoughts. I find myself wanting to touch you and run my fingers through

your fur. But this is all a little much at the moment, I feel like a deer

in the headlights. I'll try not to take to long, but I appreciate the time

you're willing to give me.

He didn't understand all the words she had just said but he did get the

gist. They sat for a long while just holding each other. Finally he gently

moved her to sit on the log. He felt his chest clinch with the loss of

contact. "We should get breakfast started.' he said, voice gruff with

emotion. "We still have a lot to talk about and a couple of things to do.

I see you have a fire going, can you cook some of the eggs while I clean

the fish and birds?"

"Sure." she nodded. She grabbed another piece of firewood as she rose, to

get the fire going better. As he got up to get busy, he felt her watching

him. He was bringing back the cleaned and dressed meat when he noticed her

preparing the eggs. He had always cooked them in their shells buried in the

hot coals. Fascinated, he watched as she broke them in a small bowl and mix

them up good. She found his bag of seasoning and mixed a small amount into

the raw egg. Soon they were spread in a shallow metal dish that she had

heated by the fire and was scraping the bottom with a spoon. They looked

like curds in bad milk at first but were shortly fluffy and yellow. They

smelled wonderful.

She split the eggs into two bowls and handed one to him. Masaru took a bite

and the mixture melted on his tongue. "Mmm, these are really good. What do

you call them?"

"Scrambled eggs, I'm glad you like them." she said. "I cook them for myself

often. It's an easy thing to make for just myself. I know a lot of ways to

make them. I don't suppose you have bacon and cheese?" she joked.

"I don't currently have cheese. It's one of the thinks I buy when I make my

infrequent trips to the town a days walk from here. I have to be especially

careful when going to public places. What's bacon?" he asked.

"It's a cured meat made from pigs. An animal humans raise for meat. Bacon

is a popular for breakfast and served with eggs." she replied.

As he finished the eggs he could feel her watching him. Contemplating what

he had told her no doubt. He finished the last bite then said, "I like the

clothes you made for yourself. Lightweight and cool. They will also be easy

to move in."

"They are very comfortable. I never realized how confining the clothes I've

worn my whole life were." she said with pleasure. "I've never felt such


"You'll need to make more. The colors are fine to wear in the canyon, but

for the times we need to leave it you will need more neutral colors. Browns

and tans, maybe green, Those will help you blend in with your surroundings."

he said, admiring how the purple made her skin look pale, smooth and

beautiful. Shaking off those thoughts he continued, "I'm going to make

something to protect your feet. While we work, we can talk more. I'll go

get what we need."


When he returned, he was carrying more of the soft skins in natural colors.

There was also some thicker leather and some matching cording that Kiba

assumed were for making her some shoes. He handed her the skins and the

same small knife then sat with his legs crossed on the ground in front of

her. Pulling a large knife from a sheath at his waist he started sawing

slowly through the thick hard leather.

"I think I should tell you about myself." he said, concentrating on what

he was doing. "About why I live here like I do."

"I remember you saying you were an outcast and lead a dangerous life. Kiba

replied, leading him into his explanation.

"I should explain the hierarchy of the coyote packs first." Masaru started.

"It will help the rest of the story make sense."

"Most coyote live in packs that are immediate family or rarely extended

families. The only reason anyone would change packs is when females mate

into other packs or if a lone male mates into a female's pack. These males

will leave the pack if their mate dies, preferring to be on their own. Most

lone coyote are male but there have been a few exceptions where there have

been females. They are mostly females who have lost a mate and can't stand

to be part of the pack that reminds them of what they lost or if the pack

she mated into didn't approve of her in the first place they might cast her

out. Any pups born from the mating are kept by the male's pack or the

female's if her mate was a loner when they mated." Masaru growled in anger,

"The family pack of the female who lost her mate would not let her back in,

thinking her a failure for not becoming an integral part of her mate's pack.

Like I said, it's not often that a mating is an unwanted event but it does

happen. These lone females don't often survive long or loose their minds,

becoming feral and dangerous. There are no accommodations made for these

unfortunate females."

As Masaru spoke, Kiba stopped what she was doing to watch him. At the anger

in his voice, she wondered what had happened in his life to make him so

bitter. The fur on his neck was standing on end.

"I'm getting ahead of myself." his voice cut through her pondering. "Back

to the pack order. Each pack has an alpha that rules that pack. He can

only be overthrown with a fight to the death. Each alpha is a law unto

himself and is totally dominate. His mate would have authority over the

females but only as far as her mate would let her. But... there is a higher

authority than the pack alpha. There is one coyote that has control over

all the packs. Ken'ichi is an overlord and mainly presides over disputes

between packs but the other leaders follow his actions like he is a paragon

and he can do no wrong. As a result, pack alphas mimic his actions, afraid

if they don't they will anger him. Even if it means they don't follow their

hearts and do the right thing."

"I'm getting the feeling that you know a someone that this has happened to.

Was it someone close to you?" she asked interrupting him. "I can

understand being outraged, but I get the feeling you are beyond that."

"Actually this is where my story begins. Ken'ichi is my sire." Masaru

replied, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself. "He didn't have much to

do with my upbringing since he was so busy and traveled a lot between the

other packs. In a regular pack the pups are raised equally by both parents.

My mother, Akemi, and oldest sister, Misaki, raised me. They were my whole

world back then and I loved them very much. I didn't realize how odd it was that

my father didn't help till I was much older. Nor did I understand how cruel and vicious my

father was till I was about fifteen."

"Around my tenth year, Misaki mated with a coyote in another pack. She

hated him and didn't want to leave her pack, but like I said earlier, it's

inevitable. Her mate's pack resented her, fearing she would bring the wrath

of Ken'ichi down on their heads if they did or said anything to upset her.

After about four years her mate died in a foolhardy hunting accident. His

pack, blaming Misaki for her mate's reckless behavior , chased her out and

told my father that her mate was so unhappy with her that he no longer

wished to live and became careless and rash. Never thinking they would lie

to him, the "Great Overlord", he believed them."

"When Misaki tried to return to the pack she spoke to my mother first hoping

for her support. She said her mates pack treated her like a worthless

slave, and kept her guarded at all times so she couldn't escape and tell

Ken'ichi what was going on. When her mate wanted sex, it was with or

without her consent, in most cases he raped her to get what he wanted.

Misaki finally gave up realizing if she was docile, her life was less

painful, even if she had no recourse to make it better. When her pups were

born, they were taken from her and raised by her mate and his family.

Misaki was allowed no contact with them other then serving them. They

didn't even know she was their mother."

"When my mother and Misaki went to my father with all this, he became

enraged that his worthless daughter, who couldn't keep her mate happy, would

try to come back to his pack. Both Akemi and Misaki tried to explain the

truth but he wouldn't listen. He forced my sister to leave and never come

back. Akemi tried to help her when she could as Misaki roamed the outskirts

on my fathers territory. When my father found out he put a stop to it. He

broke my mothers heart, she took sick and died. I took it upon myself to

find Misaki again and tell her what happened. After everything else, the

grief pushed her over the edge and she went insane. One day when Ken'ichi

was traveling to see another pack, Misaki caught him on the road and

attacked him trying to kill him. The guards traveling with him murdered her

to save him."

"I was fifteen at the time. When Ken'ichi returned home after the attack

and told me what happened I was furious. We argued for hours. I finally

told him I would somehow stop his cruelty and improve the lives of all the

packs. My father became incensed and I knew he would kill me. Since I

wasn't strong enough yet to stop him, I ran away and have been on my own

ever since. Ken'ichi has become more cruel over the years and is constantly

hiring mercenaries to hunt me down but they are not very bright and I can

usually evade them. I have been on my own for about ten years now waiting

for my chance." Masaru sighed and shook his head.

Kiba could see his anguish at losing the only people he had ever loved.

Telling her all this had taken a lot out of him, he looked drained. She set

aside her project and limped over to sit next to him on the ground. She put

her arms around his waist and lay her head on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry.

That's the most appalling thing I've ever heard." she whispered, as tears

ran down her face. "Why haven't you tried to stop him before now?"

"He has more guards now. By taking young males from their packs and taking

on mercenaries, he is all but untouchable." Masaru replied. "He has made

life for the packs that he has taken these males from harder. They don't

have the hunters and protectors they require to provide food and safety and

there is nothing they can do. Ken'ichi has become ruthless and they are

afraid. I don't know how to stop him."

"Have you thought about enlisting the help of the packs he is terrorizing?"

she asked. "People live in fear long enough and they will usually rise up

against a tyrant. Maybe if they have someone who could give them a better

life to stand up and fight for, it could give them the hope to fight for

what they want."

Masaru looked down at her with a thoughtful look on his face. "I never

thought of that. I've never had any experience with politics or rebellion.

I think Ken'ichi kept me ignorant, afraid that someday I would overthrow

him. I'm strong enough to take him on now and I'm sure I could defeat him,

I just couldn't figure out how to get to him." he sat up straighter and put

his arms around her also, resting his muzzle on the top of her head. "I

think I know now why you were brought her for me. How do you know these


"One of my favorite subjects in school was history. I was fascinated by

feudal Japan. Each region was ruled by an overlord who had lesser "Chiefs"

who ruled smaller sections of his region. Some of those overlords were as

cruel or evil as your father. Eventually the people they were terrorizing

would rise up and band together. In most cases they took down the bad guy

and reclaimed their lives... but sometimes it didn't work. It's never a sure

thing but maybe it's worth a try." she said slowly, as if really thinking

about what she might be setting in motion.

"I think it might be worth more thought, but I have you to think about now

besides just defeating my father and his cruelty." he stated, nuzzling her

hair. "But I think with your insight, that together we can do this."

Kiba looked up into his eyes and saw hope there instead of the despair that

had been there while telling his story. She smiled slightly as the tears

dried on her face and reached up to run her fingers through the fur on the

side of his face. Masaru leaned closer and brushed his muzzle against her

lips. She could feel his whiskers tickling her cheeks. Heat blazed down

her body from where his mouth touched hers. Kiba shivered with desire... and

a little fear. "I've never had sex with a man and now I'm so attracted to

Masaru, I'm ready to let he do whatever he wants to me and I know deep down

I'll enjoy it." she though to herself. "But I'm still scared and confused

about the whole situation." She pulled away slowly and felt herself blush

to her toes as he looked down at her. She could feel in his gaze how much

he wanted her, his eyes blazed with it.

Seeing the look of confusion on her face, he pulled away a little more and

brushed his paw down her cheek. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." he


"Really, it's okay. I enjoyed it, very much." she said softly. "I'm just

still so off balance with all that's happened. Please don't be sorry, just

be patient with me."

While they continued to worked they told other storied of their lives,

getting to know each other better. Kiba told of her studies, Taekwondo and

her animals. Masaru, of his life with Akemi and Misaki, before things went

so horribly wrong. Later in the afternoon they work together to make their

meal. Anyone watching them would have thought they had been together for

years as they work so well together. They almost seemed to know what the

other wanted without saying a word. When it came time for bed, Kiba asked

him not to leave her alone, they fell asleep wrapped in the comforting

warmth of the other.