Truth Or Dare - Chapter Five - Final

Story by AvinTelfer on SoFurry

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#9 of Short Stories

The final chapter in the series!

This is where things get hot and heavy. I hope you've enjoyed the story!

If people like it perhaps I'll go back and compile all the chapters together into an ebook?

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you'd like to see a sequel, more of these same characters, or new characters/situations!

Truth Or Dare

By Avin Telfer

Chapter Five

Bo let out a low whistle, "Wow, that was good Zina."

Zina just smiled, her legs spread lying down on her back on the floor in front of Parker and Alex.

The two of them remained silent.

"You can visibly tell," Bo added, gesturing towards Alex's exposed erection and Parkers obvious bulge, "exactly what those two are thinking right now!"

"You can get naked too, dear" Zina pointedly whispered towards Parker.

"Is that your dare?" Bo teased, seeming to be the only male here comfortable enough to speak while Zina presented herself.

"No" Zina rolled her eyes. "I'm not sure these two are still up to play Truth or Dare."

"I am!" Alex spoke up quickly. "I'm just..." he glanced towards Parker, and then Bo. "I am just, frankly, uh, imagining what you taste like."

"Atta boy" Zina smiled. "You know, that offer wasn't just part of the dare. If your boyfriend here wants to see his buck eat some pussy, I wouldn't mind one bit."

Bo didn't look at Alex but instead watched Parker's expression. "You've been quiet, Parker. Zina's offer ok with you?"

The Dalmatian looked at his naked roommate and then proceeded to take his clothes off like everyone else. He then grabbed one of the last beers from the table and chugged it.

"That's the spirit," Zina said, turning to gesture for Alex to come closer.

Alex dropped to his knees and crawled over to where Zina lay. He gently rubbed himself against her paws and legs as his head slid up her body. He darted his tongue out briefly and then rested it just an inch from her wet slit.

Before anyone could say anything else, he pushed in and started lapping up as much of the Lioness as he could.

Zina moaned loudly, in a way Parker wasn't entirely sure wasn't exaggerated for effect. Now naked, Parker began stroking his cock inches from Alex's side.

"After he gets you good and wet, I wanna fuck you next," he said, his voice giving away a slight slur from all the beer.

Zina grabbed Alex by the head, holding onto him and pushing him deeper. "No, he's mine for a while," she said, in-between a few softer, less exaggerated moans and purrs. "It's my turn for a dare. I choose you."

"Dare," he said without hesitation, his hand still stroking his cock.

Bo was also stroking himself on the couch, at the same pace and rhythm as Parker. Alex's mouth continued to make wet sounds, his face getting further pushed into Zina's body again. Alex's breathing became heavy and quick.

Zina opened her eyes and watched her boyfriend as she held onto Alex's head between her legs. "I want Bo to fuck you in the ass."

That made Alex stop for a moment, lifting his head up to see her boyfriend's face.

"Well now!" Bo said as he stopped stroking himself. His paw was still on his hard canine cock.

Parker crossed his arms, standing up and towering over Zina and Alex on the floor. "Didn't we go through this the last few dares? You can't make Bo do something on my dare."

"Oh so, that's your problem? That it doesn't follow the rules?" Zina said with a smile, sitting up a little and rubbing Alex's now wet chin.

"You did say you'd have sex with him if she asked you to!" Alex chimed in with a wide grin as Zina rubbed his fur. He crawled up forward a bit, so his head rested on Zina's breasts.

"Technically, he didn't" Bo replied. "He said he'd suck my dick, not get fucked."

"But wouldn't that be more fun?" Zina stated as she wrapped her arms around Alex's body. "...Oh, Alex, you are quite strong." She squeezed his arms and rubbed his shoulders, and then pushed him back down so he would continue licking her.

Parker looked at Bo on the couch. "How about I fuck Zina, while Alex services his boyfriend?" he suggested.

"No, if you care about the rules, this is my dare!" Zina scoffed. "But, I will accept you giving him a blowjob instead while I return the favor to sweet Alex here."

Zina squeezed her legs, locking Alex in a mild headlock and knocking him off balance. She rolled him onto his back. Spreading her legs again, she twisted herself and held him down with her paw. She licked her lips and began to slide her way down his body.

Bo took his paw off his knotted erection and spread his legs a bit further. "How about it, buddy? Ready to taste another dog's bone?"

Alex let out a yelp as Zina's maw quickly pressed down onto his large Cervidae cock. She purred, still pressing him down with her other arm, so he laid flat on the floor. The deer was pent up from tasting the lioness, and all four of them could tell that he wouldn't last long in her muzzle.

"Fuck it," Parker said, moving past the buck and lioness on the floor. "I'm game."

Parker got on his knees between Bo's legs. The two canine friends looked at each other's eyes for a moment longer, and then Parker turned his gaze down towards Bo's shaft. He was bigger than Parker, but not by much. Perhaps, he was just more excited than he was. He opened his maw and brought the red flesh to his tongue.

Bo moved his paw to the base of his penis and helped guide himself into Parker's warm breath. He turned his head, not watching Parker but instead watching Zina's head glide up and down his Boyfriend's cock on the floor.

Alex did not say anything, his eyes closed and paws spread out. He moaned, and his shaft twitched in time. He was close. It wouldn't take much more of Zina's soft wet touch for him to orgasm.

Parker rested his paws on Bo's legs and swallowed a bit of his roommate's precum. He decided that he didn't love the taste, but he didn't hate it either. Slowly, he continued to lap at the shaft, trying his best to mimic his favorite moves Zina does on him.

From his vantage point on the couch, Bo could see how well Parker and Zina matched their techniques. Gently, he rubbed the base of his knot with his paw encouraging Parker to match the same slow and steady pace Zina was doing with Alex.

It wasn't long before Alex moaned, and muttered "I'm gonna cum" before yelling out shortly after "I'm gonna cum!"

Zina continued her motion, moving her paw to rub the buck's chest as she took a deep breath in through her nose. Alex's body twitched, and suddenly her mouth was making a much wetter sound as she slid up and down. She slowed her pace and opened her maw a bit wider letting some of the white liquid run down his crotch.

"My buck... was quite pent up," Bo said, in-between a grunt as Parker continued to work his cock.

Zina pulled back from Alex's crotch completely and wiped her muzzle with her paw. She shifted her position on the floor to lie next to Alex, wiping her now sticky paw in the process on Alex's chest and arm.

Alex did not seem to mind at all, his eyes still closed and twitching slightly at Zina's touch.

Parker never turned away, continuing to take more and more of Bo into his muzzle.

"Oh yes," Zina said, as she turned to watch. "That's hot!"

Bo gave out another half moan, half grunt as for a moment he accidentally scraped against Parker's teeth. His concentration on his orgasm, as he continued to masturbate his shaft. His paw pressed into Parker's muzzle with each stroke.

They continued for a few minutes longer. Alex eventually opened his eyes but did not move. He stayed on the floor he watched the two dogs. By his side, he could feel Zina's arm twitch in time with the wet sound of her masturbating while she watched.

Eventually, Bo pushed Parker's muzzle back, giving him full access to his penis again. He stroked himself quickly, almost twice as fast as Parker was moving a second before.

Looking up into his face again for the first time since he started, Parker grinned. "I dare you to cum on my face."

Zina giggled with approval.

Bo's expression grew more distant the closer he came to orgasm. Soon, he gasped, and a string of white cum spat Parker right on the cheek. Parker opened his maw and began to lap the top of Bo's penis, licking up as much as he could and letting the rest drip down onto his muzzle or Bo's lap.

Parker leaned back and moved from a kneeling position to a sitting one. He looked around the room, all four of them were panting and out of breath.

"That-" Bo said, still rubbing his knot "was a good game of Truth or Dare."

"They don't always end up like this, you know," Zina said in a mocking tone.

"They can when we play it!" Alex replied, wrapping his arm around Zina and tickling her.

"What do you say, Parker, think you'd let Zina make you suck my cock again?"

Parker smiled and wiped his muzzle with his paw. He placed his fingers in his mouth one by one, making sure he got every drop of the canine's fluid. "Sure. Only next time, I'm going to fuck you first."

"I can agree to that" Alex said. "But I get his butt first, deal?"

"Deal" Bo agreed. "Now, Zina, Truth or Dare?"

"Still?" she sighed, as her paw still roamed around her slit in small circular motions

"Why not? How about one more?" Bo said with a shrug, standing up from the couch.

"Truth," Zina said, her eyes closed as her paw continued its work.

"Who do you want to fuck you next, Parker or Alex?" Bo gestured to the two men on either side of him.

Parker moved over to Zina's other side, sandwiching her in-between himself and Alex.

Zina's maw hanged open, letting out a loud purr as her paw movement intensified.

"She looks like she might have had enough already," Parker said, his paws massaging his girlfriend's body with confident familiarity.

Still in the glow of her orgasm, she opened her eyes and looked at the two strong men on either side of her.

"Tonight, I think I'm ready for some sleep. Bo, toss me the blanket."

Bo rolled to the side of the couch and grabbed a folded-up blanket on the side. He also picked up some couch cushions and pillows and tossed them to the floor.

"A cuddle pile does sound nice right now" Alex agreed, grabbing one of the cushions for himself.

"We can continue tomorrow," Zina suggested as she turned to one side, positioning herself as the perfect little spoon for Parker.

Bo got down from the couch and joined in. He wrapped his arms around his buck, and soon the four of them were spread out and comfortable in each other's arms. Bo and Zina had their arms around Alex, and Parker had his arms tight around Zina.

"To answer your question though" Zina spoke just before they all drifted off to slight. "Tomorrow morning, why not both?"