TSB chapter 3

Story by SirBlood on SoFurry

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#3 of Trials of SirBlood

There was light somewhere in the area nearby as Sirblood ran towards the light he heard a faint voice trying to ward him off. Sirblood paid the voice no attention as he continued at full speed towards the light, feeling that there was something far more important than his own life at risk.

Then just as sudden the whole thing was gone and he sat there in a blank lifeless room in the middle of a ring of torches. Sirblood looked about and to his avial he found Finala sitting on the other side of the room. Sirblood made to get up but to no use. It was just as lucky for him that Finala had gotten up and was now trotting towards him in a lesurely manner taking her time and throwing a little gusto into the swing of her step.

Finala reached Sirblood and her mouth moved but no words came out. Sirblood sat there stunned as she continued to "Talk" and he couldn't hear anything but the roar of the flames.

Suddenly Sirblood was horny and Finala was on his cock as if she had never left. He thrusted into her making her wordlessly croon as he repeated making his pre come out and her vagina wet. She slid against him rubbing his scales as she moved up and down on his cock. Finala was getting warmer by the second as he continued to hump making her murr in contentment while rubbing his neck scales with her paw.

Sirblood kept up the pace as Finala was pumping harder and her vagina growing as hot as a furnace. Sirblood began to soundlessly moan as his cock was throbing in a rapidly throbing lycane vagina. Finala arched her back as a soundless scream came out and her vagina slammed tight against his cock locking it into place as it exploded inside of her. Her vagina milked his dick until it couldn't anymore and let loose, making it slip out into the cold are and onto the cold stone of the floor.... stone floor? Cold stone floor? Dreams didn't have temprature!

Sirblood shot up wide awake as Finala finished riding him while he was sleeping. Sirblood took one look at the Finala and said, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, naughty wolf."

Finala looked back at him with half glazed over eyes and replied, "Don't blame me, your humping woke me up."

Sirblood blushed but didn't look away, "Sorry."

Finala smiled a high smile and said, "My pleasure." Finala then leaned in an planted a deep kiss on Sirblood's muzzle.

"Mmm, what did I do to deserve this?" Sirblood asked without breaking the deep kiss.

Finala finished the deep kiss and pulled back before answering with a hurmous giggle, "You sleep fucked, that's what."

Sirblood murmered to himself as he played around with Finala's tail getting an annoyed look from her.

"Sirblood?" Finala asked after a brief moment.

"Yeah?" Sirblood answer after a brief moment.

"What are all the other dragons like?" Finala asked without sounding to pleading.

"Which one of the thousand clans?" Sirblood always needing more infomation before making his answer.

Finala thought on this for a moment and the answered, "Yours."

Sirblood looked at her trying to see if she was serious, and for all intents she was. Sirblood sighed as he started to tell Finala about his clan, "Well my clan is the Fire Wing clan, ours is a clan of old and mystic ways that predate that silly human bible. It was formed long ago by the Dragons of Fire to war with the Dragons of Ice, in the far away land of Asia."

Finala sat there looking wide eyed at Sirblood as he recalled about his clan, "How did you end up here though?"

she asked feeling sheepish that it might have anything to do with his clan.

"Well long ago I was exiled for refusing to take the life of a captured Ice Dragon, although banished I set back to free the Ice Dragon before her exicution......

It was dark that night like most nights in the moutians, the sun having had set some hour ago, I had snuck up the side of the mountian to the cave where they where holding the Ice Dragon captive.

During some lurking in the shadows I spotted an oppertune time to free her, as they had only one guard behind. I moved up behind him and struck him across the back of the head knocking him out. I didn't kill him, for even as an exile, he and I where still of the same clan.

After that I set off to the cave where they had her kept, she was pinned up against the wall cowering when I approached. I was shamed at what my clan had done to her, for it was obvious that she had been repeatedly raped. Looking closer upon her I saw that she was a light silver color with white belly scales, her wings shone opal in the light of the moon. Her eyes where that of an icey blue, and her talons of a pale ivory.

I made over to the side of the cage and crooned to her as she reconized me and was instantly alert.

And she said to me this, "What are you doing here? It would be your death if they found you!"

I motioned for her to hush then said to her, "And it would be YOURS if I was not!"

She then happily chirpped at this, she rubbed her head against mine as I freed her from her cage.

I then asked her, "What is your name white one?"

She had tilted her head as though preplexed at this, "You called me white one instead of Ice Dragon."

I then answered back, "I am currently ashamed of my clan." I had to look away in sorrow from her as she teared up.

"You forsaked you clan for my life?" she had said on the verge of crying.

I decided to change the subject, "I asked you name and we really must be going."

She had hushed as she leaned into me and made a crooning sound. Then quickly I picked her up and took her over to the ledge, leaping off with her softly whimpering in my arms. I gave her a few lavish licks to calm her down, and she returned them greatful for the rescue.

After flying for what seemed like forever I set down in a clearing some 60 miles from where they had kept her. She had calmed down enough to finally tell me her name, "Thank you kind dragon, my name is Opite."

She had then collapsed right there on the spot making it so that I had to drag her into the nearby cave and make a fire for her and me on the cold night. But I luckily didn't get the chance. For she awoke as I was laying her down and pulled me down with her. She had the begun to clutch me as if she would never let go.

Then we snuggled into the cave together glad for the shared body heat, and spent the nite crooning softly to each other as we held one another tightly. Then we fell asleep enjoying the warmth of each other.

Sirblood finished telling the bit of the story and left Finala hanging on for more.

Finala the asked, "Wait that can't be the end? That doesn't say how you got here!"

"More tommorrow, when I have had more sleep." Sirblood grumbled as he started to fall back asleep.

Finala frowned and looked at him fall asleep before saying, "Fine! Spoil sport!" Then sleep began to take her too.