Slutcat and Sworddog #17

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#18 of Slutcat


In which Slutcat wins friends and influences people.


Slutcat and Sworddog crossed the little bridge out of Riverwood. Though she'd gotten directions from Ralof before he left, Slutcat was nonetheless happy to see a signpost on the road pointing directions to the major cities.

"Not exactly a GPS, but it will have to do," Slutcat said.

"You know, it's not a true vector. A true vector needs direction and speed - or in this case, distance."

Slutcat looked at the dog confused. "What?"

"Oh, never mind. At least we can read the writing. Apparently the language hasn't morphed at all in these thousands of years."

"Good thing too," Slutcat noted, "or we couldn't understand a word they say!"

Sworddog looked troubled by that. "Maybe the WABAC machine took care of that?"

"Sure it did, Sworddog. Sure it did..."

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As they turned a corner of the path, a wolf leaped out at them, but before Slutcat could even bring her Sparks to bear, Sworddog had it's throat ripped out.

"You know, you're getting awfully good at that," she said as she doused her spells.

"I am, aren't I? I'm kind of proud of myself! Not bad for a domesticated science-dog." she barked.

"But really you should let me get a few. I'll never level up at this rate."

"Oh... yeah. Good point. Okay, you get the next one."

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Instead of another wolf, it was another Khajiit that they next met. Clad in a orange robe, he spoke in an odd accent.

"M'aiq wishes you well," he said in greeting.

"Well, that's nice," Slutcat said in return. "Whoever M'aiq is. I'm Slutcat and this is Sworddog. We're headed for Whiterun. What's your name?"

The Khajiit cocked his head sideways, as if not understanding her. "This one's name is M'aiq."

"Which one of what?"

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"M'aiq's father was also called M'aiq. As was M'aiq's father's father. At least, that's what his father said."

"Whose father?"

"M'aiq's father."

Slutcat scratched her head and looked at her companion, "Do you know what he's talking about?"

"Not a clue."

"No, this one's name is M'aiq!" said the Khajiit emphatically.

Slutcat chuckled to Sworddog, "I think he named his penis.", then to the Khajiit she said "Well you and your M'aiq have a nice trip."

"Warm sands to you," he replied as she walked away to which she replied, "Don't get sand on your M'aiq!"

"That was weird."

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Then they saw the city through a gap in some trees.

"Oh! Quite a bit bigger than Riverrun and Helgen!" Slutcat said happily.

"Indeed. A walled city. But be careful still, Slutcat. Even in the cities, this place will be more barbaric than anything you know."

"All I know is there will be more men!"

"Speaking of which, I'm surprised you didn't jump on that Khajiit. You were pretty restrained for... you."

"Oh, him? Hell no! A Khajiit is the last man I want to fuck! They don't have birth control here you know."

"Ah... I see. At least you have some scruples."

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Finally they emerged from the hills and were on a path on the flat area outside the city where they passed some small buildings and farms when they heard the sound of a fight nearby. Slutcat ran towards the sound and Sworddog shook her head before racing after.

What she saw was two women and a man fighting a giant in a potato field. Slutcat had her Spark spell out and was attacking the giant from behind while the others were keeping it's attention. Before long it was dead and one of the women stepped up and thanked Slutcat for her assistance.

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"Oh I've just spent the most HORRIBLE night up in that Barrow", she said.

"You handle yourself well. You could make for a decent Shield-Sister," she said, shaking the Khajiit's hand with enough gusto to shake Slutcat's boobs and smiling broadly.

"Oh, thank you lady," Slutcat said, retrieving her hand. "But I'm more into Sword-Brothers I'm afraid."

"An outsider, eh? I'm Aela and this is Farkas and Ria. Never heard of the Companions? An order of warriors. We are brothers and sisters in honor. And we show up to solve problems if the coin is good enough. We don't have a mage though. If you'd be interested, we could use you!"

"Well, if other men look anything like him, count me in!" Slutcat said enthusiastically, but then looked down at her fur-covered body adding modestly, "If you don't mind a furry person that is."

Aela looked at Farkas who returned the look. "Fur... doesn't bother us," she said, turning back to Slutcat. "You could say we're used to it."

"Well that sounds wonderful! But I've got to go meet with the Jarl first. After that I'll drop by. But... before I go..."

Slutcat licked her paw wetly, stepping close to Aela and whispering. "Sorry, but you got some schmutz on your face here. I'll just.... Stand still for a sec..."

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"I'm not sure your invitation still stands, Slutcat."

"Well dammit, how was I to know she wanted it on there? It looked like mud to me!" Slutcat said dejectedly as they approached the city gates, rubbing her cheek.

"Slapped you pretty good did she?"

"I'll say! Strong bitch, that woman!"

"HALT!" said one of the two guards at the gate. "The city's not open to business from the likes of you, Khajiit."

It took a couple of minutes for Slutcat to tell of her mission to the guard. However, when she'd explained her business with the Jarl, he relented and allowed them to pass.

"You know, Mr. Guard... I may be here a few days. Maybe you'd like to come visit me at the local inn?"

"Ma'am!", he protested. "I'm a married man!"

Slutcat looked at the other guard conspiratorially.

"Oh! I see how it is," she said, practically climbing on top of the guard. She whispered into the helmet. "It can be our little secret. Just drop by and ask for Slutcat. No, no need to say anything now. I'll be waiting."

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"You sure know how to win friends and influence people, Slutcat," said the dog as they crossed the small bridge inside the gate.

Slutcat was rubbing her ass now where she'd been tossed by the ungrateful guard. Yet just a few minutes later...

"I'm telling you, I just have a naturally friendly face! Why, in the last 5 minutes I've had 3 strangers tell me all about their personal and business lives!"

"I know! It's like these people are desperate to talk to anyone."

"Not anyone," Slutcat protested. "It's my adorable and open face. I'm just naturally trustworthy."

"Well, you certainly are 'open' anyway."

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Finally after a few stops for directions, the two were climbing up the stairs to Dragonsreach.

"Pretty impressive palace. You think he's compensating?"

"Sworddog, I don't care if his dick is the size of my little toe right now! Besides, they've all got tongues anyway."

"Slutcat! You're getting sluttier than ever!"

"Hell yes I am. Your tongue is starting to look good to me."

"Whoa! Now Slutcat... let's not go there."

"I don't give a fuck because I don't get a fuck! Hey, I'm gonna get some before the day ends no matter what!" she said and strolled into the Jarl's palace as if she owned the place.

"Hey, I doubt it!" said Sworddog looking at the camera before following her inside.

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