Slutcat and Sworddog #20

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#22 of Slutcat

The Jarl of Whiterun

In which Slutcat levels up and gets some. Almost.


"I feel... weird," Slutcat confessed to Sworddog. "I feel like... Like I have greater potential now, but something is holding me back."

"Do you think that dragon-spooge had something to do with it?" the dog asked, trying to be helpful.

"Not... directly. Let me try something..."

Suddenly Slutcat's eyes unfocused. "I'm seeing something Sworddog. Wait... it's asking if I want to increase my health, magic or stamina!"

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"Sounds like a Level Up to me! What did you pick?"

"Magic seemed right. But now it's asking something else. What 'perk' do I want?"

"What are your choices?"

"Jeeze, there's like a million. But I think Destruction Magic sounds right. 'Novice Magic' looks to be the only choice..."

Then her eyes returned to normal. "Wow! I feel... better!"

"Congratulations Slutcat! I guess you're Level 2 now!"

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"I do feel stronger! Level 2 eh? I guess we're doing okay in this world after all. But now let's go get my real reward! Where's that Jarl guy?" Slutcat said.

They proceeded back to Dragonsreach.

"Finally! No way he's wriggling out of this one. It's time to SCORE!" Slutcat said as they stood at the door.

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Slutcat and Sworddog approached the Jarl who was sitting on his throne, his brother and the mealy-mouthed Proventus standing nearby. She explained all that had happened, including the whole 'Dragonborn' business as well as the weird voice she heard when they were returning.

"So it's true. The Greybeards really were summoning you," Jarl Balgruuf said. "You should go to High Hrothgar and learn what the Greybeards can teach you! You've done a great service to me and my city, Slutcat. By my right as Jarl, I name you Thane of Whiterun. It's the greatest honor that's within my power to grant. I assign you Lydia as a personal housecarl, and this weapon from my armory to serve as your badge of office."

Slutcat took the sword he proffered her, and immediately dropped it clanging to the floor.

"Oh... Sorry Jarl! I didn't expect it to be so heavy. I'll just keep it in my inventory. I appreciate it, really I do! But... we were going to discuss my other talents too, remember?"

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"How could I forget? Proventus, I'll be in my chambers discussing private matters with the Dragonborn. Please see that we're not disturbed," said the Jarl rising from his throne and allowing Slutcat to take his arm.

"But, Jarl Balgruuf! a khajiit?"

The Jarl shot him a look. "Slutcat is clearly no 'normal' khajiit, Proventus! She is the Dragonborn and may well have helped to save this city from destruction! She deserves all the attentions I can offer. On second thought, I think I'll be spending the rest of the evening with her, so you can go and do whatever it is that you do around here."

"Of course, my apologies," he replied, bowing to Slutcat as well as the Jarl.

"That's better. You had best remember that when addressing this Thane of Whiterun in the future as well!" the Jarl said, then turned to Slutcat. "And now, would you accompany me Slutcat? I have been looking forward to discussing your talents in private since last we met!"

"It would be an honor my Jarl," Slutcat smiled lasciviously. "Perhaps you could bestow some of your largess upon me, your humble servant?"

"I will bestow all I am able to summon, I'm sure." the Jarl agreed.

Proventus let out a disgusted sound and shook his head, at which both Slutcat and the Jarl had a good laugh before entering his private rooms.

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Yet even in his private chambers they were not alone as guards were stationed throughout the rooms. They proceeded up a short flight of steps to his personal bedroom however where he stopped just inside.

"Far be it from me to complain, Slutcat," he said while looking at Sworddog. "If your friend were just a regular dog I wouldn't object but..."

"No. You're right. Sorry Sworddog, this is as far as you go. What happens behind these doors is personal."

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Sworddog grumbled under her breath, "Wasn't too personal when you took on three a week ago."

"SHHHH!" Slutcat hissed, glancing to the Jarl. "Hehe, She's such a kidder!" she laughed nervously as she closed the door on Sworddog.

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"And now," the Jarl said as he disrobed and sat on the bed, "let's see if you really deserve that moniker!"

"Oh, I think you'll agree I do indeed!" Slutcat said with a growl.

"My, but you get naked quick!"

"It helps when you're almost there to start with. Now, at the risk of sounding too greedy Jarl, I've been dying to feel that beard!"

"Ah! Like my beard do you?"

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Slutcat took the Jarl of Whiterun's head in her hands and guided it to where she most could appreciate it.

"I like it here!" she moaned.

The Jarl was happy to comply and Slutcat's moans became deeper.

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And deeper.

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And turned into a snore.

The Jarl looked up from where his attention had been and Slutcat turned onto her side, fast asleep.

"Well, I guess you have had a long day. Sleep well, Dragonborn," he said and quietly got up, dressed, and left a naked khajiit in his royal bed.

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Hours later Slutcat roused from a lazy dream involving many men with beards surrounding her.

"Mmm... Jarls..." she said. Then her eyes flew open.

"Oh no..."

She looked around the room, but it was empty.

"OH NO!!!"

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"OH FUUUUUUUUUUCK!" she cried, rolling up into a ball of misery.

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