Kate Finds Relief

Story by ewafvirus on SoFurry

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#1 of Kate and Vash

Vash stumbled into the living room, looking around he decided to lie down on the couch. Sprawling out on the couch, he lay there too tired to try and make the journey up the stairs to his bed. He had spent the last few days putting a lot of overtime at work and it had been taking its toll on him.

It dawned on him that he hadn't seen much of his roommate as of late. He looked around to him to see if Kate was nearby. "Kate you hear," he yelled out to see if he would get a response, but none came. Closing his eyes and laying his head back on the couch thinking to himself," must be out looking for more digimon to fight." Little did he know it was quite the opposite of what he thought.


Kate, a blue renamon, had been busy masturbating trying to hold off her heat that had started two days ago. Lying in her bed, she had hurriedly rubbed herself trying to quench the thirst that her body demanded. She suddenly stopped at hearing her name listening for movement coming up the stairs. "Fuck he's back," she thought to herself trying to figure out what to do next.

She had been keeping a low profile, which wasn't hard with Vash being busy pulling long hours at work, for the past few days. She knew she would probably try to have him quench her thirst that her body was demanding, but she did not want to ruin the friendship that they have developed. After all it was because of him, that she was able to stay in the real world without a tamer and because he gave her room and board while she was staying in the real world.

As she lay there, she thought but all the things he has done for her and yet she hasn't returned any of his favors back since the arrangement that started over a year ago. Slowly her finger stroked her snatch as she thought of the time he had threatened the DDC any attempt to touch her would result in their harm. Then the time he had dragged her beaten ass back to the hotel room after getting in a fight with a tamers digimon and took care of her during her short recovery.

Slowly her finger dove into her all ready wet snatch moving in and out, the thought then struck her. Vash hasn't been with any females while she's been around. It seemed odd that so many his age had paired up and mated with females yet he seemed to haven't done so himself. He spent much of his time doing working or studying for his next state exam.

She had lost it then now she started fantasying about Vash. His scruffy face kissing her lips as her left hand started teasing her nipples. Her right hand now speeding up like a piston pumping in out of her snatch. She imagined his lean body pushing his sex into hers, grinding her hand into her as she moaned quietly.

Trying feverously for almost 15 minutes to catch the release that she needed so badly, she groaned loudly in frustration, as no orgasm was to come. Now going out of her mind as she lie there teasing herself it seemed grinding furiously on her hand it seemed when she heard the door creak open.


Vash had awoken from his nap on the couch when he heard a lowed groan coming from upstairs. Pushing his glasses back up his nose, he reluctantly got off the couch to investigate what had made the noise. Stumbling up the stairs, he failed to listen for any noise, as he was too tired.

Looking around at the top of the steps to see what made the noise. Not seeing any thing he decided to peek into Kate's room to see if everything was ok. He hadn't seen much of her the past few days pulling very long hours at work, that he had sort of missed her company in a way. As he approached the door, a strung musky smell whiffed into his nose. "Damn," he thought to himself," I really need to take a shower," not realizing it wasn't him that he smelled.

Creaking the door open, he looked inside as the strange smell hit him stronger than anything did. His pants quickly tented as the smell started playing tricks on his mind. He was now horny as hell and he really needed the shower he thought to himself as he peeked in door.


"Um," was Vash could muster as he poked his head in the room catching Kate frozen with her hand covering her groin area. Several moments passed as they looked at each other trying to figure out what to say next. Vash's mind was filled with a bunch of incoherent thoughts of screaming voices but none audible for him to pick up.

Kate sat there frozen also unable to think straight. Part of her mind was screaming," Here's your chance now you can have him." Another part, barley a whisper in her mind," you can't do that to him he's helped you out so much." Then the thought came to her mind," this is your chance to pay him back for all the stuff he's helped you out with."

"Vash," Kate spoke in sort of a whimpering voice," I'm sorry but I seem to have a bit of a problem." Vash stood their frozen still as his mind was now racing at the thought of her next words. "I'm sort of in umm...heat and in need of some help, "she said with a pleading voice. Slowly got up off the bed and walked sudectivly towards him, hoping he wouldn't turn her down.

Vash stood there with the intoxicating smell now getting stronger as she approached him with her hips swaying and her tail moving slowly back and forth behind her, pushing the mind numbing smell towards him. His thoughts of how long it had been since he had sex now came to him. The thought of this hot peace of ass now standing in front of him now, pleading for him to help her out with her problem.

Now standing in front of him her tail swaying back in forth, she pulled him into a hug making sure to push her bossism into his chest giving him the pleading look as she held him. His resistances slowly breaking as she leaned her head next to his neck whispering," please I need this."

Wrapping his arms around her, she lifted her head. "Ok," was all that he said before moving in to kiss her. It didn't take long for the two to move back to the bed groping each other as they made out, exploring each other's bodies. He slowly slid down her body, creasing her on the way down, until he saw the flower that emitted the alluring smell.

Now face to face the object emitting the scent that drew him in he began licking to get a taste of the nectar that he now thirsted for. The sudden shock of another's tong sent shudders up Kate's body as her legs began to wrap around his head. Kate began messaging her breast feeling his tong snaking into her snatch. Her hips began to grind into his head into her sex bringing her to the very edge of ecstasy.

Sensing she was close he stopped suddenly pulling out from her legs. "Oh, don't stop I'm so close," she said as she began to rub herself, squirming around on the bed. "I know," he said as he took off his clothes.

After removing his clothes, he moved in-between her legs careful not to be on her tail. He rubbed his rock hard cock on her snatch teasing her. "Please," she moaned," I need it badly. I'm about to lose my mind," she lie their squirming with each rub of his cock on her entrance.

Sliding his dick into her, the feeling of the intense heat from her body along with her body now trying to squeeze the seed from him. He slowly started moving back and forth listening to the moans of Kate with each thrust. She began meeting each of his thrust moaning getting closer to her the edge of her release.

She lifted her ass up off the bed to meet each of his thrusts. He started thrusting even faster feeling the boiling sensation in his balls. He was getting close to coming but trying to hold off as long as he could.

Kate finally tensed up as the flood gates open up for her letting her bask in ecstasy of her orgasm. A small moan escaped her mouth as she clamped down on Vash's prick. The pressure was too much for him as he now let lose his torrent of seed that had built up for several days. The sensation of his seed filling her womb sent Kate over the edge on final time as she grabbed Vash's body pressing it into hers.

Vash finally coming down from his orgasm began to fall asleep. He passed out the pressure subside from his balls as his seed flowing into Kate's body closed his eyes falling asleep.

Kate lying their feeling good as she lie there with Vash's dick still wedged in her as she fell began to tire. Thinking to herself as she would have to pay him back for helping her out so much as dream world toke her also.