Slutcat and Sworddog #23

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#25 of Slutcat

Team Slutcat

In which Adventure Happens and a competition to see who can be the sluttiest ensues. Oh, and sometimes a waterfall is just a waterfall. And other times it isn't.


"Ah yes, reducing men to a puddle. I used to be able to do that," Slutcat commented wistfully as they continued down the road towards the mountain.

The three continued up the road, but soon encountered some Imperials.

"Careful Slutcat," Lydia warned. "The Imperials usually are peaceable enough, but these look to be ruffians. You get that from time to time. Be ready to fight."

"Fight? Why? We've done nothing wrong for them to harass us," Slutcat said, but one of the Imperials had spotted them.

"You've wandered into Imperial business," he said. "Now you must pay 100 gold fine for interrupting us!"

Slutcat looked to Lydia who shook her head slightly.

"Over my dead body," Slutcat replied, firing up her Sparks.

The Imperial backed off a pace at her revealed magic powers, but Lydia pressed the attack and Sworddog joined in. The battle was joined, yet even with their superior armor the Imperials had no chance. Lydia alone was more than a match for them.

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After the battle was over, Lydia began to go through the Imperial's possessions.

"Take everything," she advised. "Especially anything Imperial. We'll be gone from here quickly, but it wouldn't do to have this discovered. Without their Imperial uniforms, they'll just look like ordinary bandits."

"Got it," Slutcat said and took to looting another body.

Soon they had taken everything valuable or identifiable.

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"This sure is a violent place," Slutcat said after they had dragged the bodies off the road, and they continued on.

"I'm afraid it's to be expected. Unless you are an overwhelming force, there are always people ready to do violence for gold. Even Imperials."

Slutcat nodded understanding.

"The Jarl certainly gave me a capable Housecarl though. You're damned impressive in battle, Lydai!"

"Thank you my lord. But let's keep moving. We can still make it to Ivarstead by nightfall I think."

They continued on for an hour, with the only incident a stray wolf attack. Slutcat had gotten so good at handling those that even Sworddog didn't need to interfere. They had become little more than a nuisance. But as they topped a rise, having left Whiterun behind, Lydia stopped and pointed at a huge structure that spanned the river ahead of them.

"The Valtheim Towers," she named them. "The last report we had, the Towers were held by some bandits. We may be able to skirt around them, but they are notorious archers. If they attack we must take refuge from arrows as soon as possible."

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"Noted," Lydia said. "But Slutcat, if I could offer a suggestion..."

"Of course Lydia! What is it?"

"You have gained some substantial weaponry. After the last battle, I believe in the Rule and am quite satisfied with my armor, but you don't use the weapons you have. I could. I could use your bow to allow you to get close enough for your spells for instance. If you would deign to let me use them."

"Lydia," Slutcat cried, "Of course you can! You can have them for all the good they do me! You must speak up if I'm doing something stupid. I'm not trained in this sort of thing. Please don't think you'll offend me and say something!"

Quickly Slutcat gave Lydia all the weaponry and armor she had, including the rather "special" Sword of Dibella she had found in the Barrow. Lydia was especially impressed with it and decided it would be her main weapon at close quarters. Slutcat wasn't too sure if it was the blade itself, or the naked woman on the hilt that inspired her, but regardless it did to seem of a finer type than the others.

As they approached the towers though, against their hopes, a fierce woman dressed in fur armor attacked them without provocation and the battle was on. Lydia was able to kill her quickly, but the arrows started falling the moment the woman was down.

"To the Tower!" Lydia cried, taking an arrow in a shoulder while Slutcat and Sworddog ran for the front door. There they stopped to either side of the door, Slutcat handing Lydia a healing potion after she'd removed the arrow.

"They won't come out. We could possibly run on and make it around the towers, but I'm loathe to leave these behind us," Lydia said as the potion did it's work.

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"Do you think we can take them," Slutcat asked, her blood boiling.

"Do you have more healing potions?"

"I do. I have three bottles I bought at the shop before we left."

"Then I have no doubt we can. What say you? Shall we clean house?"

"Let's clean the towers!" Slutcat cried and threw the doors open wide.

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The battle took no more than a half hour, but to Slutcat it felt like the whole day as the adrenaline flowed through her and she raced from place to place. Lydia would take on the more heavily armored bandits while Slutcat and Sworddog would remove the threat of archers.

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She was not entirely successful of course, and only Sworddog escaped unscathed by arrows. But the healing potions she had brought took care of that and she ended up finding more than she used in the various chests and tables in the Towers anyway.

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At last the Towers were cleansed of all the Bandits and all the loot was gathered before the three, tired but whole, continued on down the path. Among the items they found was an interesting necklace that Slutcat was convinced was enhancing her magic ability, so she kept that around her neck.

They came to a fork in the road and sat down to rest.

"So, what do you think of the Rule now?" Slutcat asked her Housecarl and lover after they had kissed in celebration now that they were away and safe.

"It really works!" Lydia admitted. "I think my shield is pointless with this armor on! It makes no sense, but I didn't take a single hit - but for the arrows."

"Told you. I don't think it works for men though."

"Well, you've convinced me anyway. I just hope the people back home can get used to seeing so much of me!"

"They'll never get used to it, Lydia. But screw them, right?"

"That's right. Screw them! Um... what does 'screw' mean?"

"Fuck. It's the same as "Fuck them!"

"Oh. Then yes! SCREW THEM ALL!"

"Thats the spirit!" Slutcat laughed and they continued on up the trail, which was rising perceptably higher now as they got closer to the Throat of the World.

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The sun was getting low when they crossed a bridge beside a huge waterfall that Slutcat absolutely had to stop and see so they leaned over the bridge side and took a few minutes to admire the view.

"Oh Lydia, it's absolutely gorgeous!" Slutcat cried over the sound of the rushing water.

"Is it? I suppose it is actually. I'm afraid I don't take the time to smell the roses."

"I don't think there's anything in Nature as beautiful as that view!" Slutcat said, enraptured.

"No, I have to agree. The curve of the water as it arches to fall gracefully downwards..." Lydia said, getting into the spirit.

"...and the parting of the stream to the dark, wet swell underneath where magic awaits. Don't you just want to taste it?" Slutcat moaned.

Sworddog looked at the camera, her head cocked to one side. "Oh brother... That's pushing it Slutcat."

Slutcat looked back. "Too much? Okay. I suppose so. Let's move on..."

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The moon was rising and the last rays of the sun still shone on the high clouds above as they came in sight of Ivarstead and the huge mountain beyond.

"That's Ivarstead. And we still made it before dark," Lydia said, rather proud of herself.

"Look, Lydia. We're back to civilization now. If you want to change out of that Reverse Proportionality armor, you're welcome to," Slutcat said. "I'm grateful for all you did today."

"Oh THANK you Slutcat! I have to admit it was beginning to bother me a bit. It will be so good to get out of it!" Lydia admitted and sat down to change...

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But to Slutcat's surprise, she simply took her boots and pauldrons off and left the ultra-skimpy thong in place.

"Oh, thank you Slutcat!" she laughed, knowing full well what Slutcat had expected.

"But... I mean... you can put on normal clothes now if you want!"

"Sorry to dissapoint you Slutcat. I've gotten used to being naked now. I'm afraid your Housecarl has become a Houseslut!" Lydia said, rubbing herself against the Thane of Whiterun.

"You've created a monster, Slutcat!" Sworddog laughed. "She just might be sluttier than you!"

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"Impossible! I'm the #1 Slut around here Lydia! Don't be getting too big for your G-string. I don't think it stretches!" and she tugged on the thong.

Lydia let out a squeak that set even Sworddog to laughing. Lydia gave Slutcat a sharp slap on her rump to which the khajiit yelped similarly.

"Now we're even," Lydia said, strolling into town and into the Inn, all but totally nude and just daring the locals to say anything.

"Bartender!" Slutcat called. "Drinks all around! A toast to my Housecarl. The sluttiest Housecarl ever!"

Suddenly the stares of the patrons turned into a a shout. "HERE HERE!" They all cried as the bartender rushed to make the drinks.

"And a toast to my Slutty Pussy! The best Pussy Ever!" Lydia replied once they'd all been served.

The patrons were a bit confused by that, but they downed more alcohol anyway with another hearty cheer - toasting either to Slutcat or to Lydia's vagina, whichever they thought she meant.

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