Love at Blades Edge Pt.3 - Revelations

Story by Inja on SoFurry

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#3 of Love at blades edge

Secrets and motives are exposed in this short update. Decided to extend it another two chapters after this one.

The days following their encounter with Hyo's old clansmen had been tense, so much had happened in such a short space of time. The impossible becoming possible, their reality seeming unreal after facing certain death and both Hyo and Hageshi making it out not only alive, but feeling stronger than ever before. With her fingers tracing the spot where the scar should have been from the blade piercing her body, Hageshi sat at the table still trying to make sense of it all. The reason for her and Hyo still being alive lay curled about a small melon on the table before her, the long slender emerald scaled wyrm curled about the fruit as if it were a precious horde of loot. There was an undeniable connection between the three of them now, as if Hira had always been a part of them. A light smile gracing the small wyrm's lips as Hageshi reached out to stroke against the silky soft little mane of the dragon, eliciting a faint almost feline like purr from Hira.

A faint tapping at the door to their little cottage breaking the silence of the night, though despite the soft almost musical tone to the knocking both Hyo and Hageshi's nerves would be put on edge. Hageshi would approach the door slowly to place her hand on the latch, with a nod from Hyo whom stood beside the door in the shadows and hand on the hilt of his daito; Hageshi would push the door open to reveal a form cloaked in black standing before them. Palms pressed together as the form bowed politely before her "I deeply apologise for disturbing you at this hour honourable Hageshi, but I believe we have much to discuss. If you would be so kind as to ask Master Hyo to sheath his sword and step aside, I have news which concerns you both" came the measured and calm voice of the apparently male form before her. With only his eyes revealed there was not much to give away what lay beneath the layers of cloth, save for a pointed snout and large ears.

"First tell us who you are, then we will consider letting you inside, stranger" Hyo's voice would come from within the shadows before he stepped into the light, his hand still on the hilt of his sword. The leopard's sharp eyes would scan the form before him, though he would glean little from the well hidden form to make any worthwhile observations. "I am Prince Xael of the House of Tsuiho, of course" even through the mask it was obvious the male was smiling, his eyes twinkling with an odd sort of mischief. "Tsuiho? You're either a robber, a thief or a murder" Hyo would spit with a fierce growl, his daito being drawn in a flash with the point of his blade pressed against Xael's throat. "Granted there are those of my clan whom...well let's just say, do not follow the common law. We're all just exiles, something I believe the two of you are very familiar with right now. You two have been making quite the ruckus in this area and stirring up the royals, it's bad for business you know" still his eyes would sparkle with an odd playfulness.

Try as he might, Hyo found this unknown persons demeanour infectious, catching himself beginning to smile unwittingly as the tip of his blade began to lower. "Give us a moment to discuss letting you in...Prince Xael" the tone was both one of mockery and disbelief, both pouring like venom from Hageshi's lips as the door shut firmly in his face. With a nod back to the table the kitsune would point out the obvious dragon still laying fast asleep wrapped about the fruity horde of treasure. "Could you make it quick? I'm freezing my tail off out here and I'm rather fond of my tail" the somewhat muffled voice of Xael could be heard. With a resigned sigh and not much time to think of a better plan, Hageshi stalked over to the table and gathered Hira up, slipping the half asleep dragon inside her kimono while putting her finger to her lips to try silence him. Looking up at an oddly grinning Hyo she would give a nod for him to open the door. Half expecting Xael to have vanished while out of site, they instead found him a few paces away admiring a little Buddha statue left behind from the previous owners "He's got some nice breasts for a guy, don't you think?" the unexpected comment would catch Hyo completely by surprise and even earned a choked snort under a menacing glare from Hageshi. Deciding it prudent to move things along Hyo would jerk his head back inside, indicating for Xael to enter and rather urgently at that. "For such a nice but, sure does seem to be a mighty big stick up it" Xael would whisper in passing to Hyo as he entered. Thankfully Hyo would be facing the door so his grin and battle of trying not to laugh would be hidden from Hageshi's glare, taking a moment to compose himself before turning back around and looking as stern as ever.

Joining Hageshi at the table by sitting in the seat beside her, they would both wait for Xael to take a seat and begin speaking. Instead of sitting before them however, Xael would begin to unwrap his headdress and remove his gloves, leaving a stunned looking Hyo and Hageshi staring open mouthed at the appearance of a golden fox standing before them. "Best close your mouths before a bird makes a nest in them" Xael teased before taking a seat and leaning forward on his elbows, hands clasped before him.

"You two don't know what you've done, do you?" Xael begun with a sudden air of seriousness as his stare bounced between the leopard and kitsune before him, they looked at each other first before looking back at Xael to shake their heads. "Hageshi was already a rhonin, what she doesn't know is that she was meant to be a gift to the Emperor by way of marriage to one of his sons and thus creating a stronger bond for House Migi. What you also probably don't know is that it was the head of House Migi that had your master killed to achieve these ends as a loyal samurai does not relinquish their post, ever." Xael had expected a look of shock and horror to cross Hageshi's face at this news, but there seemed to be something else going on with her at the moment. Eyes wide and an apparent blush touching her inner ears, the way her arms wrapped about herself as if she were trying to keep warm, the way she was rocking and squirming in her seat most peculiar. "To make matters worse, you met this leopard here and somehow convinced him to break his oath to House Hidari, the way I hear it he was one of their finest samurai and in line to take over command once Buruto was ready to retire. A warrior forged in flame and hardship I hear them call him, a true warrior spirit...are...are you alright Miss Hageshi? You're looking rather pale all of a sudden" Xael would ask with some concern at seeing the kitsune starting to pant and perspire.

It was all finally too much, the mischievous dragon was just too curious, squirming about inside her kimono and licking at everything it could find. Tugging her kimono open and rather blatantly exposing her breasts to a suddenly blushing Xael, Hageshi would grip Hira by the tail and tug him fully out from within her clothing where he was rooting around between her thighs to plop him onto the table. The sudden sight of a real live dragon being presented before him would send Xael toppling backwards and out of his chair, quickly getting to his feet and pointing at the creature before him "That's...that's a...a dragon!"

** **

Once Xael had calmed down enough to listen to rational thought, Hyo and Hageshi told him of how the jade egg had hatched as a result of the love which had blossomed between the kitsune and leopard. "This poses a problem, if Hira was born of the jade egg and from love...I have heard tell of an obsidian egg which was stolen at the same time from the vaults of Hageshi's former master. We need to go have a talk with Chisana Haha and get more information." Even if it was not for the serious tone of his voice, the lack of the playful twinkle in his eyes spoke volumes for how worried Xael was at this latest revelation. Plans were made that night to pack provisions and make the journey to the Sabita Yosei Yado, Chisana Haha's place of residence in the nearest major town.

As the sun was peeking over the horizon at daybreak the three would set off along the road, dressed in plain peasant clothing and weapons hidden to avoid attracting any unwanted attention. What little attention they did garner was easily dealt with by Xael's uncanny charm, a terse meeting with a pair of palace guards scouting the boundaries would end with a shared meal about a campfire and bad singing over a bottle of wine and somehow managing to get the guards to laugh at jokes about their Emperor. It seemed the golden fox might have the ability to talk a cat out of its own skin if he wanted to as palace guards were notorious no nonsense types and usually had a severe lack of humour.

The rest of the trip was relatively uneventful, save for a few lessons in manners with Hira as he once again decided to explore inside Hageshi's clothing without her permission. Eventually the party of three would be entering the main gate of the town and heading to the less than savoury sections. Heading down back alleys and dimly lit passages until the sound of cheer and laughter would be heard. A few steps from the entrance, the door to the Inn suddenly burst open as a large four legged creature burst through and heaved a clearly drunk large bull bodily across the passage and slamming hard enough into the opposite wall to lodge his horns in the wood, keeping him from crumpling to the floor.

"Nice shot Batsu! See, I told you we should have put a bulls eye on that wall for you!" A smaller form would appear on the taurs back, bouncing with glee as she pointed and laughed at the bull stuck against the wall. "Let's get back inside and go to my office, I think you earned a reward for that one!" the smaller creature would cheer with a tug to the taurs ears, using them like reigns and guiding her back inside.

"That's Chisana Haha..." Xael would turn to a stunned looking Hageshi and Hyo with an apologetic smile. "Best head in and catch her before Batsu gets too busy or we'll have to wait until tomorrow to speak with her." With a resigned sigh and setting his shoulders, Xael would push through the door and the crowd beyond to head for the stairs at the back, Hageshi and Hyo close behind. The scent of the opium and other substances was almost overwhelming, sickeningly sweet and making the unaccustomed kitsune and leopards heads both spin, causing them to stumble a little on the rather steep stairs heading upstairs. With a firm knock on the door Xael would announce his presence "Chisana Haha, it's Xael. We need to talk!" he would have to shout over the din of the crowd below, to which an oddly breathless "Come in!" would barely be heard. Pushing the door open Xael would enter first, but the sight which greeted them would stop all three in their tracks.

Batsu would be laying on her back, legs in the air with the small form of Haha laying on her belly and head between the taurs back legs. Raising her face with lips glistening from the taurs obvious arousal, Haha would motion towards the chairs close by for them to sit on. With obvious blushes the three would take their seats, not sure how to proceed as Haha dove back between the taurs thighs, kissing and licking at her womanhood with audible slurps even over the noise from below. Finally breaking his awkward silence, Xael would give a loud cough into his fist to get her attention "We've come to ask about an egg..." he would begin, only to be cut off by a laugh from Batsu whom despite her intimidating size and strength had an oddly musical and very feminine voice "We're not farmers Xael, no matter how often the little one plows me." Even in the dimness of the room Xael's blush would be obvious, again coughing into his fist before looking away briefly. "An obsidian egg..." the golden fox would push on, trying to ignore the impassioned groans of the taur as Haha sucked on her clit while nimble fingers delved between her folds.

"Oh is that all? His old master has it. Stole it right from under the nose of her Houses murdering head after he killed her master" Haha replied without so much as lifting her head to look directly at Hageshi and Hyo.