Chapter Two - Pain or Pleasure

Story by Tums on SoFurry

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#2 of Chamber of Pleasures

Hours seemed to flicker by, or were they minutes? The large lion lounging by the lapine couple had moved off, and now Teneis was afforded a wonderful view of the rutting rabbits, catching the lust in the eyes of the slavers watching the show. Regais would be thrilled with the entertainment, were he here to see it.

With the thought of his once boss and friend, the cheetah growled, angered. How dare the wolf have him penned? And for refusing a romp in the bedroom! He'd refused before, would again. There was nothing in it for him, was it with a male. While he enjoyed beauty, admired it in both sexes, he was not sexually attracted to his own gender, and the black wolf had known that. His being tossed in here was a betrayal, one Teneis would never forget, nor forgive.

As his thoughts carried his mind from the rutting rabbits, Teneis missed the sound of his own pen opening, and wasn't drawn from private musings until a familiar grip fastened to his shoulder, and the jingle of bells and clank of chains stirred him. Rabbits forgotten, he craned that slender feline neck, looking over his shoulder as Ursula, wearing a wicked grin, unbound him.

"You have been summoned."

The cheetah bared his teeth when he grinned, a look of both amusement and anger, those pointed weapons glinting in the flickering light of the torches that lit the establishment.

"By Regais?"

"You know better than that, pet. When last did our employer bed a slave?" Ursula was right, of course, Regais never took slaves. He enjoyed instead dominating the free.

"Who then?"

The polar bear was grinning at him, and ignored his question as she gave a jerk to the chains he still wore. Cheetah was lifted, felt like a kitten, helpless, and then carried by both the polar and her grizzly companion away from the pens. A glance back and those amber eyes raked the pens, for some sort of help, a sign of a friend. None. Teneis found himself wondering that, were his summoner not a female, would he have wished Regais had convinced him instead.

The room had been dark, frightening, with but a single torch in the corner, flickering and allowing her a light to see by. Shadows had danced at the flicker of fire, over a bed, a table, a reclining chair, and a number of chests and dressers. What they contained the human could not guess, only that this room had no other exit, and before her, at the edge of the table, was the form of a the jackal, lounging there as the door shut behind her, nude now, lacking the garments of before.

But that had been moments ago, only moments. She had known then, seeing the part of his maw, the flash of teeth, and hearing his cruel chuckle, that she had entered hell, and now there was no way to escape it. She had been right, for now she was upon that odd reclining chair, blinded by a strip of cloth, tied down at the wrists and upper arms, a large belt-like strap across her waist holding her in place, half seated, partially reclined back. The position was confusing, horribly comfortable, were it not for the straps. Legs had been left free, but now she could hear the swish of metal, and feel his rough paws lift each leg, one at a time to some object. She knew it, knew now the chair she sat in and she kept up the struggle she had begun, to no avail.

Legs were up in the air, spread wide and held there, strapped onto stirrup-like resting places. She had been set in one of these upon capture, a finger poked into her, to test for her virginity. And now she whimpered, much like the canines who had captured her, hoping this was merely for another such test.

There was the soft padding of his feet, and she knew he had moved away from her, though where she could not guess, human ears lacking the awesome keenness of a furres. He was returning, she heard it in his step, but couldn't imagine why he'd left in the first place.

A sharp pain covered her chest then, centering at her left nipple, spreading from it. Soon it was doubled, as the same sharp pinch was given to the right. Something held to them, something heavy and hard, grasping the soft skin of her areola in the process and tugging at it, weighting supple breasts down. The jackal was panting, she heard it, and ears began to soak her blindfold.

"Please... don't hurt me."

Laughter responded to her plea and the human shuddered as she waited, gasped as one of the clamps was tugged upon, adjusted, tightened. Her body tried desperately to move in the restraints, to arch against the ties, and she cried out again as now a hard slap stunk her cheek.

"You will not move."

Given little choice, Meredith stilled her body and drew her bottom lip into her mouth, biting down softly, waiting for whatever torment the jackal who was now her master would deal her.

Tah'me couldn't hide his grin, not that he needed to, facing a blindfolded slave. The small chain he held was moved forward, through the rings in the nipple clamps, and a tug given. Her gasp was music to his flickering ears, and he tugged again, watching her face scrunch up, her teeth sink into her lip. She had broken no skin yet, but he knew soon that he would smell her blood.

At his side the canine had placed a bag of toys, and so now removed another set of clamps. Labia were external on this human, though not swollen or waiting at all. A pity, that, as they were more sensitive to his touch when the owner was wanting. Pawed finger moved to those labia, touched softly, ears flickering as gasp was caught. Lips were parted and a finger inserted, the dryness halting further movement a while, the human's body stiff, uncooperative. And the jackal laughed, feeling her muscles clench with his sound. She would take a long time to learn that relaxing would make it so much easier.

Canine head was dropped, moving forward and long tongue slipping in place of the now extracted finger. Again a gasp, but it was ignored, tongue moving over the untouched girl, tasting and moistening every bit of her. And then it moved to that little nub that he would later use to torture her, giving a flick to grant her first ever bit of pleasure. The tongue was then dragged downwards, past her slit and to the small hole beneath it, through her cheeks even, before he pulled back, rocking to sit on his heels. She had gasped again, jerked, and he growled now, annoyed that she had moved.

The clamps he had held were put to use now, set to her labia, one each, the gold clamps glittering in the torchlight. Again chains were run through small loops, these then tied about her thighs, holding the labia wide, pinching all the time. She would get no rest from his torment.

From the bag next came a string of beads, and he laughed softly once more, thrilled. They were octagonal beads, not smooth and round, and so would be harder to force into the chit. The first was set to the small puckered hole between her cheeks, and his brown eyes moved to gaze at her face hungrily, looking for the fear. Sure enough he saw it, felt it in the stiffening of her body, the sudden scent that wafted off of her. He noted the crinkle of her nose, but was unable to see it in her eyes. Later, it could wait until later.

The first of the beads was given pressure, and the human cried out softly as he forced it past the hard ring of muscle, into her body. She bit down onto her lip as it was followed by another, slightly larger. Each bead was larger than the last, and the ending bead, well... it may as well have been a plug.

"Please..." came softly, and his ears flickered as he watched the gnawing of her lip, the stain of red as blood was drawn. The third bead was pushed into her, harder to get within than the last two. She was fighting him, which was all the better.

Her breaking would take a long time.

Yaerna was sore all over, but she had thoroughly enjoyed herself, even through the pain. Mr. Malen had been gentle enough with her, taking her by her tail hole, thrusting deeply, but softly until she could take more. It had hurt, throbbed now and stung, but well worth it to claim that the owner of this place had gotten her virginity!

The rooms she passed had soft sounds coming from them. Laughter, screams, the occasional pleas. She passed one and heard bargaining, the deep rumbling laughter of her ursine friend, and that of the polar bear, Ursula. Apparently the slave they bound was trying to worm his way out of it, though he had little chance against the guards.

Through the hall and up the stairs she went, moving now into the privately owned rooms of patrons and employees. Her own was reached, the door opened by her pawed hand. On the door was a small envelope, and within it patrons would put their requests, did they not again find her in the main chamber. Sure enough it was thicker than this morning, and so she reached within and extracted the four sheets of requests, stepping into her room to go over them and ponder who first she would bless with her body.

He had been tossed lightly upon a backless couch, hips set upon cushioned armrest, legs spread and drawn down, ankles secured to the legs of the sofa. His body bowed then, stomach fur brushing the main cushions in the center of the couch, chin rested upon the other cushioned arm, hands stretched forward, lashed down much like his legs. His back itself had a strap over it, so when he tried to shift he found he could barely move. A chill had golden fur standing on end as the cheetah realized that his prone position would offer no aid to a female.

Ah, and how right he was! The door before him opened, just as the one behind clicked shut, lock in place. Ursula's chuckles could be heard as she thudded down the hall, no doubt amused at his predicament. Teneis growled lowly, gaze uplifted, easily focused upon the opening door before him. Through the opening a lion moved, the same large male who had earlier obstructed his view of the mated rabbits. The lion wore nothing now, stank of sex, and Teneis growled yet again, angered that he was second choice.

"Well followed instructions." Came out a low rumble from the lion, who had moved forward by now, tuft end of his tail sweeping the carpeted floor as he walked about the prone cheetah, a large pawed hand falling to the furred back, running over it, petting, inspecting.

"They know who their masters are." Was the cheetah's annoyed reply, anger was expected. He had decided that anger could move the lion into making this quick, ending his torment as soon as possible. He got instead a deep chuckle and a soft swat on his rear.

"And you apparently do not. No worries, by the evenings end you will be begging me to possess you again." The cheetah's growl was met with yet another chuckle, and the tawny feline returned to stand before his spotted kin.

"You will suckle me willingly, that I promise you. Do you bite me I will be forced to muzzle you and force the act. In the end you will be taken, no matter your cooperation. Do you first suckle me, there will be the lubricant of your mouth, do you not, and well... a dry ride for your first time will be unpleasant." Teneis understood the threat, bristled with it. And watched, as the lion spoke, as the red head of his kittyhood poked out from the large sheath, already glistening at the tip with the apparent anticipation of what was to come.

"So, if I'm willing, you'll be gentle?" another chuckle, the lion's large left paw had dropped, to stroke his own sheath and coax himself the rest of the way. Teneis felt the widening of his eyes, the shudder of his body, though his mind was locked on the possibilities of what something that size could do to him.

"Indeed. You may, even, enjoy it." The cheetah's snort had another of those deep chuckles rumbling free, and the lion shrugged, stepping forward. The cheetah was a virgin, he'd been told such. A virgin in the matter of male play, that was. He would have no idea that the position he was tied in would allow maximum attention to his prostate once penetrated.

The best way to create a slave was to give him enough pleasure to have him begging for more.

"I will cooperate." Was music to the lions rounded ears, which now flickered back as he took that last step forward, wet tip of his length rubbing at the smaller feline's muzzle. Lips parted in a sneer, but soon that mouth opened, and the lion shut his eyes in the bliss of being accepted into the warmth of a willing mouth.

Teneis could taste the sweetness of a canine female, her juices in his mouth stirring him, tightening his own sheath. A game of the lion's, perhaps, but he didn't complain. His nose was near enough the lion that he could pick up the sweet scent that went with the smell of a willing canine. The lion had some skill; apparently, as it was the canine's pleasure the cheetah now tasted.

It was with skill that the rough feline tongue of the cheetah worked over the eight inches in his mouth, taking it into his throat as he had felt females do to himself, tongue playing over the portions he knew to be sensitive, pausing to tap and stroke lightly. He was unable to cup and fondled the sac hanging below, bouncing upon his chin occasionally, but he did not mind the lack, as still he did this now only for a gentle touch later. His body was too valuable to him to be destroyed by a maddened lion.

Meredith was lost in the pain of the moment, body throbbing with it, muscles clenching and causing more to streak through her, in time with her pulse. The clamps about nipples and labia shifted with each pulse, drew from her a groan every moment. From the tight ring of muscle between smooth cheeks came more pain, the string of beads lodged there, the very last bead even now being worked into her. It was only an inch in diameter, though to her it felt like much more, unlubricated and fighting its way into her abused rear.

Vaginal opening leaked her own fluids, as she'd been taken to the brink of pleasure, allowed to ride the waver of her climax, and then again set to suffering. She still quivered with the orgasm, and he was laughing as her teeth gritted and her body fought the poundings of pleasure that caused her pulse to soar, and the stretching of her anal cavity as she was pushed open.

His movements paused, and her head moved lightly to the side, just barely, as it was allowed. She groaned again, as his halted movement left the widest of the beads half within and half without, holding her open, gaping her. Did she clench her muscles it would be pushed out, and she feared his retribution.

"Already you are learned, my little slave." There was a soft touch upon her cheek, and she flinched with it. A bark of laughter came with her action, and then the hard burning sting as he slapped her.

"There. Now you have a reason to flinch."

Her blindfold had long ago been soaked with her tears, and now rested wet across her eyes, chilling her occasionally when the room cooled further. The temperature had been triggered to change occasionally, from stifling warmth to a true chill. She suffered it by sweating or shivering, the later worse than the former.

Labia stirred and pain flared from the clamps there, through her body it traveled, back arching as she felt thick fingers prodding her. He had not actually penetrated her before, not vaginally, merely toyed with the small nub that had brought her to the height of pleasure.

Pain was a friend now, a familiar figure, and so as those thick fingers pressed into her and pleasure stirred slightly, she gasped, afraid now, more than before. Two fingers, and she knew them to be roughly padded and tipped in a manicured black nail, moved past the swollen lips, into her lubricated depths, and slowly began to squirm, rubbing at her inner walls and triggering the same pleasure as before.

Meredith felt the soft moan leave her as her body tried to arch itself, though with legs in the air upon the stirrups it was difficult. Her muscles shifted, clenched, and she gasped as she felt the bead pop from her, leave her. Another moan escaped her, this now of her failure. His laughter promised retribution.

"I give you pleasure and you disobey." A soft tsking noise and she imagined the jackal shaking his head and grinning.

"You will now learn the sort of reward you deserve."

Pressure was upon the string of beads, and without warning they were jerked from her. The sensation disgusted and thrilled her at once, a soft groan escaping in time with the removal. Body was left quivering, and a light clink across the room was the beads falling where they had been tossed.

A hiss came from the tormented girl next, as light reached her eyes, the blindfold torn from her. And then cries as the clamps were also taken with a vicious tug, from nipples and labia alike. Blinking in confusion, she barely registered that he was untying her, removing her from the seat, drawing her to him.

Tah'me held his prize a moment, his arms firm about her, though gentle, comforting. And he felt the human's stiff body begin to relax in the hold, so gullible, humans, so easily worked and read. He smiled to himself, a jaw parting grin, and then shifted her in his arms, tossing her over his lap and throwing an arm over her back lazily, though it served to hold her in place.

Meredith was crying again, before the first blow of the studded flogger to her smooth rear. Though once it hit she was screaming, flailing and fighting with renewed strength. Each stinging blow sent pain down into her, to her core, to the tormented ring of muscle he had trained today. And she shook in his hold as she cried, wanting an end to it, promising in garbled words that she would obey him, would do whatever it was she wished of him, so long as he would hold her again, and comfort her.

Yaerna lay in languid sprawl, legs entwined with that of an otter, body undulating against the slender fingers within her, hips grinding into the wrist of that hand, forcing her clit against it, enjoying the spark of sensation.

The otter female wore a lazy smile, her own body already sated, and her wish to do the same to the new escort already being fulfilled. This could be the beginning of a new relationship; co-workers often shared pleasure, though the otter already found herself more than just casually attracted to the kitten moaning her name. Ah, and how well the kitten moaned it.

She would dance for her later, had promised, and Yaerna had promised to teach her the talents of that wonderfully skilled tongue. Felicia was in heaven, fingers lost in the soft warmth of her new conquest, feeling the flow of juices as she provided the ultimate pleasure, and the soft firmness of the feline body suddenly pressed tightly to her own. Thoughts were lost just then, as her mouth was captured and her tongue raped by one too skilled for words.

Teneis could still taste the lion's seed, licked it from where it had drizzled down his muzzle, though most had been sent directly down his sore throat. He had know of feline barbs, though had forgotten that they did more than tickle in the heat of passion. Still, the lion had not tried to thrust into him, had, in fact, held himself still as Teneis swallowed his load and accepted it. Once he had withdrawn the cheetah felt the large paw caress his head, shift his braids and scratch behind his ears.

The lion was behind him now, stroking him, his rear. Lifting his tail high, grasping it and drawing thick paw down it. Teneis had closed his eyes, was imagining that paw around his own member, which now stood erect, tip brushing the cushions of the couch. He was relaxed, ready waiting... and enjoying the foreplay. And why should he not? If he fought it he would be hurt, and pain had never been something the cheetah enjoyed, well, at least not his own pain.

The wet tip of the lion was suddenly working between his cheeks. There was no need of the lion to spread them, as his position held them parted just slightly, though now the thickness between them parted them further.

He felt the pressure now against his tail hole. Breathing was forced to remain steady as large paws situated themselves upon his hips. There was an increase of pressure, and then a soft pop as the tapered head slid into him, fairly easily, as it was soaked with spunk and saliva.

The lion was easing into him, and while it was somewhat smooth, Teneis felt the flare of pain at his tail hole, groaning as he was filled. Slowly but surely that entire eight inches of thickness filled him, and he felt stretched and stirred. The lion had paused, held him by the hips, and strokes his back gently. Teneis shifted as he could, rear switched from side to side, less than an inch of movement allowed by his restraints. He felt the pulse of that thickness throbbing in him, the light quiver as the lion forced himself to stillness.

The pain was ended; a dull ache in him, as there was something more there, waiting to be discovered. The lion was waiting for his movements to end, and finally Teneis took a deep breath and stilled himself, waiting.

"You will enjoy this." Was more of a command than statement as the lion swiftly withdrew himself, then thrust forward, quick and hard, at a perfect angle to hit and rub the cheetah's prostate. Teneis felt himself believing as his body fought to arch into the feeling.