
Story by Reality_Reject on SoFurry

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Ignore the mistakes, or don't. I wanted to basically tell the community that I exist( Mostly )

No toil spent here. Just a simple single revision( I don't rough draft ) meaning maybe a few questionable grammer mistakes and a lack of 'word choice' since this was produced in a total of about and hour and a half.

I'll probably answer more in the journals if you feel like knowing or reading.

Standard rules: Please don't copy without permission If you can only say something hateful about it, you shouldn't have read it. Better sayings can be left in a comment since I enjoy input to help me improve. Warning to those under 18: Yes there is sex. I can't actually keep you from reading if you are, so I ask politely to hit alt+F4.


The mid-afternoon sun bleeded through the jungle canopy and came to a rest against the the coarse fur of a napping tiger, eagerly accepting the warmth. He enjoyed basking in the sunlight since it greatly contrasted against the rather chilly morning.

He stretched out his arms and legs and let out a roaring yawn, disturbing the assortment of birds roosting around him. They began to chirp angrily at him for the misconstrued message and he was forced to leave to avoid any more vocal resentment.

The day felt perfect, except that due to his lifestyle, meant that he often had nothing to do for the entire day. He decided that the best place to go for now was towards a small river to cool off. With his hands closed in front of him, he dove into the flowing stream and then quickly resurfaced. The water felt refreshing as it soaked into his fur and touched the soft skin beneath.

He pulled himself back up onto the shallow bank and shivered to fully dry himself off. He layed back down against the loose debris and closed his eyes again, realizing how quick it had taken him to consider swimming around boring again.

" How much farther?" A male voice echoed from the distance. The tiger's ears twitched and turned around to locate where he had heard it from. Although he couldn't tell exactly how far away it was, he found that it was heading straight towards him.

" Not much longer." A womanly voice replied as the tiger sat up and thought of a way to escape. He went back a few yards and took a running start, leaping over the river to climb the other side. He shortly dashed into a large area of bamboo thickets. He followed the paths forming a honeycomb pattern around each group of stalks and stopped inside a centrally open area.

The pandas seemed to pay no attention to him but glance behind themselves more often as they sat on their haunches and picked through the lesser stalks of bamboo to break off and chew." I'm glad you came with me today. I always enjoy company when I come out here to visit the-" Sabrina paused as she saw the tiger frozen in fear of being caught.

" What are you doing here Stripes?" She growled the best she could to him.

The tiger settled back down but was still rather nervous as he looked over at the unknown man following Sabrina." I was running away, until I found it was you."

" You always end up in the wrong place." She replied, running her hand over each shoulder to push her dark brown hair behind her tan explorer's shirt.

Stripes caught a light scent drifting around him as he stepped closer, only to have Sabrina stop her with an outreached palm." But I never get the wrong time." He grinned with a knowing look, able to tell that she was in heat.

" I hate how you can sense me that well." She whispered in a softer purr as she let him stand over her.

" It's just instincts." The tiger replied as he inhaled a stronger catch of her scent.

" Hehe. You mind scaring off the passenger first?"

" With gusto." Stripes replied as he took a deep breath and closed his throat. He let out a loud roar and Sabrina screamed and pretended to turn around and run away in fear. He pushed her down where she could catch her fall and he instantly closed the distance, carefully gripping her neck in his mouth. She gathered saliva in her throat and gargled it to sound as if she could no longer breath.

The man standing back at a distance watched in horror as he believed he had just watched someone being killed, and then the tiger looked up at him. The man quickly disappeared from the bamboo thicket along with the pandas that also saw the same scene and tried to escape.

" That was fun." Sabrina chuckled as she tried to pick herself back up, but the tiger's paw held her firmly against the ground." Okay now, you can let me up." But she knew the tiger was overtaken by his instincts by now. She struggled to roll over, pushing his paw aside as she did, but he immediately returned it after she had finished, pinning her to the hard dirt ground by her chest.

He wordlessly demanded that she stay put as he drug his rough paw down her light brown linen shirt, breaking the buttons that held it together. He continued lower, pulling apart the seams that held her shorts together since they happened to be made of the same fabric, the common clothes that nature observers often wore.

Her pink underwear were already stained with the juices of her expected excitement and she couldn't help but moan quietly as Stripes slipped his claw underneath the lacy cloth to tear it off, the smooth outside curve rubbing closely against her sex.

He lowered himself closer to her, breaking the clip holding her bra together with two of his sharp canines in the corner of his mouth, exposing her soft breasts. He licked around each areola, exciting her even more as his rough tongue dragged against her sensitive nerves. He didn't stay long though, knowing that he didn't want her to finish before him, even if it was more important that she did.

" Please be gentle this time." Sabrina purred with anticipation, but she knew her body didn't want it that way. Stripes smiled with a wicked reassurance as he placed his hands and feet on both sides of her and held himself above her.

He was immediate with his preperations and with one swift thrust, he pushed himself into her. Sabrina screamed out in pain as his member practically split her open and continued farther. It wasn't long before he was most of the way inside of her and he began to pull back out.

She sighed from the relieved tension before he pushed back into her, making her shout again as he set the expected rythm they were both supposed to follow. She growled with a loving hatred for him not acting as she asked, instead as if he didn't care for her wellbeing at all.Her hands and feet slowly wrapped around his body to reduce the excessive force just as he began to thrust harder.

Again, he pulled back out and with greater vigorosity, cuntinued his long motion with a steady force. He followed her growl with a loving purr rising and falling as his body did, slowly picking up in speed as his pleasure increased. His paws moved up to her shoulders, holding her back from sliding everytime he dug himself into her. A loud whimper escaped her lips as her excitement quickly grew, even though she didn't want him to stop.

They stayed that way for several minutes, Stripes panting heavily as he pleased Sabrina who continued to whimper and moan as she floated somewhere between his body and the edge of bliss. Stripes finally broke the repetition as he felt his orgasm slowly approaching, just as he could sense Sabrina begin to pant as well. Her walls closed even tighter around him, milking him of his pre-cum as he could feel his balls grow heavy in preperation.

Their moment grew closer as she began to spill her own fluid, giving the tiger easier motion to move with as he felt the base of his shaft begin to swell. Sabrina's breath grew heavier to the point that it would often include her vocal chords in short, toneless moans. Through the clouded excitement in her mind, she could feel his knot pulse as it pushed its way into her, making it harder for Stripes to continue.

Finally, the swelling grew to be too much, and with one final thrust, he buried himself as far as he could reach before he tied them together. Sabrina screamed out in pain and ecstacy as Stripes reached the place only he had touched before and began to rapidly fill it with his seed, roaring dominantly as he did so.

Sabrina felt herself floating in a state of pure bliss, unaware that without her mind's supervision, she had let her arms and legs lose their grip and she shortly landed back against the ground. Everything else around them was a blurr they didn't want to recognize as reality slowly settled back in.

Stripes was finally able to pull back out, leaving their mixed fluids to trickle out onto the ground and soak into the dirt." I feel full. Thanks." Sabrina purred with contentment.

" You better be." Stripes growled back as his ears perked up to several distant but rushed footsteps." Sounds like your passenger brought company back."

" You better get out of here before they mess you up something terrible." She said to him with the tone of an already missed longing to see him. He still had the energy to leave her alone as the man and two vigilantes returned to find her already regaining her calm composure despite the mess she looked." He heard you come back. I couldn't tell which direction he left since these bamboo thickets are too vast."

The tiger quickly made his way away from the otherwise eminent danger and ran back towards the river he came from. He dove in to cool off, wash the sweat out of his fur, and remove Sabrina's prominent scent from his loins. He wanted to consider himself promiscuous except for the hated fact that he had rarely seen another female, let alone been granted the possibility to mate with her.

He sighed, unable to force the thoughts back out of his head. Drifting lazily in the water, he finished cleansing himself of any encounters with Sabrina and then pulled himself back up onto the shore, where he disdainfully fell asleep.

