Winter Moon

Story by Gypsy Cross on SoFurry

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Winter Moon

Dedicated to Jack-Jack Every Writer Needs Her Muse. As Every Female needs Her Male, Night needs Dawn, Lover needs her Love. To me you are this, and much more. I love you.

"K-Kiiro?" I, Cross, backed into the wall, I was only human for god's sake. "K-Kiiroooo!" I whisper, more like hiss, I wanted this, but now wasn't the time for him to be messing around. "Woah.." I gasped as he crushed me against his chest.

"Cross, that was just so cute! Dork!" he laughed, that dark masculine chuckle coming from his wolf maw, fangs that I know wouldn't hurt me revealing themselves, claws that would never slice my flesh in malice, but I was afraid. He presses his lips into mine. It's always so strange kissing him in half-wolf form. The black fur making his lips much softer than they were. As always I melted into the fur of the muscular, warm, velvety body of the man closest to me. My golden hues close, his lips slip down my skin, feather-like fur tingling my neck just above my pulse. He wanted my flesh right now, in ways other than food. Strangely, that scared me more than being eaten.

The whiskers tickle down to my breasts, my nipples already peaked, "Yes, god yes!" I sighed as his velvet tongue slid over the pinkness of the left mound, licking up the sweat of my skin, my gym shirt torn underneath, shreds of the cloth stuck in the claws of mine, my mate. He dug his wolf fangs into the soft sensitive flesh around my nipple, delicately yet enough to make me cry out, "Please!"

He smiles, "Good girl, I don't think that tight pussy is ready yet though.."

Kiiro knew it was ready for him, but he was trying to torture me, I was already eager. I am in heat. My mate, my wolf with the pelt of eternal night rolled his blue-ish eyes up to me, watching my face as it contorted in pleasure, his mouth nipping, sucking, and pulling my nipple. "Kiiro.."

"Yes?" His head cocked to the side, one ear tilted back, his lips parted in the familiar smirk I've seen thousands of times in his human face and loved just as much here.

"In.." His hand entered my shorts, tore the cloth with that animal strength, my lace panties underneath snapped also.

"With what shall I penetrate you first?" He put a furred finger to his lips, head tilted to the side, an almost contemplative look upon his face, as if demons think before they do nefarious things. "Do you want my furry cock knotting inside you?"

I whimpered silently, not wanting my voice to betray my heat-induced eagerness as he slipped himself from the skin-sheath. "Or maybe you want my furry fingers shoved deep?"

Another whimper from my throat as he brushed his fingers over my swollen clit.

"God, Cross, you're so wet..." He shoved a finger deep inside me then pulled it out and pressed it to his lips, "My wolf tongue?" he smirks and slipped that extremely long tongue over his fingers, lapping up my love-nectar. "Mm... Cross..."

"Like that baby?" He growls, head tilted to the side, slave to my lust. Mine. He shoved me into the wall. I can't escape, not like I ever wanted to. He used one hand.. Paw.. whatever you would call it to hold my hands behind my head, the other slipped in between my legs, fingers searched over the wet folds of the outside to find a way inside. He pushed a single finger in and I constricted around it, so tight around him, he shoved that finger in, pressed the leathery pads against my g-spot.

He withdrew the finger after my release spilled from me, grabbing my hips and tossing me across the living room onto the couch, I squeaked upon contact with the leather, which is way easier to clean lest he be to rough. My body tensing with the coldness of the couch.

"Babe, on your back and spread your legs." He commanded and I had to listen. Doing as was told I bared myself to his inspection, "Mm.. Good.." He bent over the couch, licking down my body. I arched my back as he trailed down and nipped below my belly button, he slipped his snout between my legs, whiskers tickling my inner thighs, "I love a woman with curves." He bit the left then the right, his claws digging into my hips to still me.

"Kiiro!" I cried as he lashed that soft tongue into me, he dug his muzzle into my lower lips his tongue sinking deeper, his nostrils flaring as he huffed air against my clit. I screamed as I came yet again for him, but he wasn't done yet. Lashing his tongue against me, inside me, running his tongue over my g-spots over and over I came again and only then did he come up, black fur of his snout glistening with my liquid, he smirked and chuckled, pressing his lips to mine, I tasted my juices and my blood in the kiss, closing my eyes yet again as I pant, his hardness pressed against my thigh.

He was hard and bigger than normal, I was wet, but not wet enough for him as he thrust himself inside me quickly, forcing himself as far as he could go. "Kiiro! It hurts!" I cried, he smiled, knowing I was almost as much a masochist as he.

"Cross!" He grunts my name, his claws bloodying my hips as he shoved himself against my end again and again, sheathed fully inside me. His breathing becomes pants as he knotted inside me, the mound his knot created visible under my stomach, I was so tiny compared to this wolf.

His climax was close, he pushed himself faster, trying to work the knot deeper in, then came, thrusting harder and faster, wild like the wolf. Our liquids flowed out of me, onto the couch. Underneath my stomach was the perfect mold of his knot, still holding us together. I rested my face against his wolf-chest, panting in sync with him.

In between pants I heard my favorite words, "I love you." almost a growl but too tired. The salty scent of his sweat and the spice of his musk stuck in my nostrils as the silver of our fluids poured onto the white leather.

I knew only one truth in this world and that was that he loved me and I loved him equally. I said the most natural thing to me, "I love you too." As natural of the feel of being in his arms, and the feel of his seed blossoming in my belly, his child growing. In his arms I fell asleep, my safe haven, his love, my love, our love; the true miracle.