Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - A Brief Rest
"Ow! H-Hey, that hurts" Anon said, wincing as Lucky bandaged arm, while Chai was disinfecting his scraped knees with some disinfecting alcohol. "Hold still Anon! You're hurting yourself even more" Chai chastised him. "You weren't hurt this...
**"Reports are coming in of an incident on the southbound side of the East Mersea Parkway Bridge. Two lanes are currently closed as police and medical teams try to reach a young man who is threatening to jump from the bridge into Safeharbour Bay....
He picked up a bolder then saw the cross on the walker. he tossed the bolder away. he decided not to deal with that walker since it got impaled on the way down. starmon took one final look back.
Her friend crossed the room. "secondly, have you realized we're speaking imperial for the past few minutes? not galatean?" "i don't speak imperial.
Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Ruby
Anon, after making it past the bedroom, passed the doorway into the next room... Or would have been the next room thanks to the castle's magic. He was in the castle courtyard this time, in a square area surrounded in the middle by the interior...
Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Lucky
"Dizzy? Curt? Anyone?" Anon called out to for everybody that he could think of, but the houses that were in the vicinity of the castle, the ones that the villagers used to live in, were all practically abandoned. Anon hoped that at least one of...
Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Vivian
After having freed Margie from the demonic possession and rescuing his friend Dizzy, Anon headed further inside through the backstage door of the theater. "What..." When he emerged from the other end of the door, Anon was outside again, this time,...
Can't Pick and Choose
It feels like it's been a while, but here's another exercise for writers' crossing. we had to take a paragraph and rewrite it so that we're showing and not telling, with a few bullet points in there for guidance.
2021-08-30 Writing in 3D Exercise
#2 of writer's crossing this is godzilla's point of view from what i (mis)remember of the beginning of gojira. writing in 3d is always a blast. this week's exercise was to write a scene from a movie from the perspective of a different character.
2021-08-09 Writing in 3D Exercise
#1 of writer's crossing this was a writing exercise for a writing in 3d lecture on the writer's crossing discord server, which is a fantastic place to get creativity flowing.
Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Chai
Anon walked over toward the castle, and looked at the gates of the very vicinity of the dark lady herself. Too tall to climb over stealthily, and had barbed wiring on the top, so there was only one option for him to go for, and that was to come...
Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Charlise
We'll be together~" tammy said, crossing her legs while she sipped on some wine, her tanuki tail swaying in the air. ...