Study Buddy [Patreon Commission]

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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for dear Lortian! This time he wanted his elf character giving his gryphon jock friend his first real homosexual experience. ;3This story was earned through my Patreon! I'd love it if you could check it out!

"Did you remember to read the study?"

One of the elf's tall ears gave a little twitch, picking up that deep voice from across the room. He lay back on the couch by the big window looking out over campus, one leg crossed over the other and textbook open and in his lap; after finishing the paragraph, he lifted his eyeline above the top edge of the book and in the same movement swung a lock of his sunlight-yellow hair out of his face. "Which one?"

Over in the kitchen area sat Greg, the gryphon that this elf had just so happened to sit next to on the first day of class. Now midterms were coming up, and throughout the semester so far the two had continued sitting next to each other, and quickly became study partners and then friends, though the latter of these titles quickly overcame the former.

With this question, though, Greg turned his head and looked at Lortian - the elf - with confusion evident on his beaked face. "What d'you mean, which one? The... the one?"

"We had three assigned last class." Lortian pulled himself up a little higher, and propped his legs up. Greg kept it pretty warm in his dorm, enough so that he'd had to take off his coat when he got here, and now relaxed in slim jeans and a t-shirt.

The gryphon, however, remained in the same pair of shorts and blue sleeveless shirt that he'd worn to class today, and then probably took to the gym after - that was all part of his routine. His interest in sports could be seen quite clearly in his choice of wall decor, and the channel that he always kept the main room TV on.

"Shit." He let go of his paper and slouched back in his chair, letting his arms drape limply at his sides. "I dunno how you're majoring in this, man. Half of the stuff puts me to sleep, and the half I'm awake for hardly makes sense to me."

Lortian rolled his eyes. "You say that every time we get together, and you also got a B on the first exam. You get it, but you just don't think you do." He looked down to his book. "Also, I can say the same about your major."

That made his feathers puff up a bit, and Lortian was glad for the book in front of his face to hide his grin. Greg half-turned in his set and rested one arm on the table, wing-feathers flaring out behind him. "Hey! Sports sciences is a vital field of study in today's entertainment world. Besides, you can't deny that it'll rake in the dough. That sweet, sweet green."

"And the ladies." Lortian looked up over his book again. "Right?"

That was also something that had made its way into their conversations over the semester. Greg hesitated, tripped over his words for a fraction of a second... but if the elf hadn't been looking for and expecting it, he certainly wouldn't have noticed.

The gryphon glanced away as soon as his eyes caught Lortian's. "Well - I mean... yeah, of course. Pffsh. Duh."

"Surrounding yourself with balls to pick up ladies."

This time, Greg stuck a taloned finger towards the elf across the room. "You can't tell me it doesn't work! You've done it yourself, haven't you?"

"What, pick up a girl?"

"At the gym, yeah."

His first reaction to that was to laugh, and then he closed his book and straightened. Boy, was that_a hell of a story. "I wouldn't really put it _that way..."

"Well, sure." Greg reached over for his drink, some kind of weird pastel-green protein shake, and took a sip. Lortian could see the effort it took for him to suck it up the straw. "There was something about her, right? Something odd."

The elf lifted an eyebrow. "You mean how she had a dick bigger than mine?"

"Was that it?"

That wasn't a detail that someone just forgot, especially after he'd gone over this in such detail last time they'd spoken about it. It had been over text, and Greg's responses had consisted mostly of What happened next? and What then? and that combined with the amount of time between each incoming message gave Lortian a pretty good idea of how he'd chosen to enjoy the story.

"Yeah." Sometimes he still liked to think about how it'd felt the first night they'd gone at it, with that solid wolf's weight bearing down on him from above and behind, heavy breasts against his back and thick cock sinking up into him. "She was my personal trainer, for a while."

"I fuckin' _bet_she was. How'd you meet her?"

"Through a friend." He held back how that 'friend' was something he'd also met at that gym, and with whom he'd exchanged favors... the taste of stallion had remained in the back of his throat for about a day and a half after.

"Heh." Greg had turned back to his paper, but even from here Lortian could tell he wasn't seeing the words on it. The gryphon rolled his pen idly between those fingers. "Y'oughtta introduce me sometime."

That caused a little spark to ignite in the middle of Lortian's chest, as well as his lower abdomen beneath the waist of his jeans. This gryphon and him had spent quite a bit of time together throughout the semester, with Lortian sometimes waiting around for him to finish his workout at the gym, or hanging around late at night and leaving after he'd fallen asleep at that table right there... and then Greg had started to ask him for relationship advice and about his own experiences. At first he'd been reluctant to reveal all of his - escapades to someone like this, who had a ring and four shirts bearing his fraternity's logo, sports posters framed near his trophy display case, and who often had to postpone their study arrangements so he could go "hang out with the boys" or "hit up the club" or whatever...

...but the first time Lortian had mentioned that he'd had (considerable) sexual experience with other males, Greg had actually turned his head and looked at him with greater attention and interest, and perhaps even relief. It'd been a small thing, but enough for him to notice, so the elf started... curating his stories, so to say. Whether in person or through text, or one time over a Skype call wherein Greg had conspicuously left his webcam off.

All of that, combined with their more intimate talks ("so, like, what does it... feel like? Havin' a dick in your ass? I mean, that's gotta hurt, right? It's a lot wider around than a finger - hopefully...") and how he'd pretty much shown Lortian what he carried between his legs ("haha, hey Lori, look, you can see the outline of my wang in these shorts"... which had been the text attached to a series of three photo messages) meant the elf now felt comfortable enough to reach over, slide his textbook onto the coffee table, then straighten up and say:

"If you want to know what it feels like to go with another guy, I could show you."

Greg actually let his jaw drop when he glanced at the elf this time, and Lortian, too, could feel the resultant pounding in his chest - did I really just say that? Just look at how far he'd come: when he first arrived in this city all those months ago a thought like that wouldn't have even entered his head, much less make its way out of his mouth. And, thing was, even after he'd said it the idea still rolled around in his mind, bounced off the walls of different possibilities, resounded down through him... and gave the slightest of stirs beneath the front of his pants. Absentmindedly, he reached down and adjusted himself, knowing full well that the gryphon noticed and watched.

A moment later it looked like he caught himself, though, and clamped his beak shut. Then, he flicked his tongue out over his... lips? - and turned a little further in his seat. "Are you... are you, like, serious?"

"Um... pssh..." ...and then_his usual self started to squeeze in around his confidence. Okay, maybe he'd... _once or twice thought about Greg in that kind of way, when settling back at night to sleep. He did look pretty damn well-endowed, just judging by those few pictures of his form-fitting shorts he'd sent. "I mean... well, when's your roommate getting home?"

The fact that the gryphon hadn't laughed it off or kicked him out of his dorm told Lortian more than enough. Greg swallowed, and tapped his pen against the table. He looked as if he were ready to spring up out of that seat at any moment. "Two 'r three hours. He stays out late drinking 'cause he regrets his choice to be a physics major, but the scholarship money is too good for him to change his mind."

Lortian sat up, then, and swung his legs out over the side of the couch. "Well, d'you... maybe wanna..."

Silence. Still, though, there was nothing showing that the gryphon didn't. Hell, another few seconds, and then there was the scraping of that chair's feet across the tile floor, followed by the quiet clicking of foot-talons, then silent as the tile turned to carpet... and the elf looked up, meeting Greg's fire-yellow hawk's eyes.

"Do I..." His tongue flicked out over his beak again, and he pointed down to the ground. Right beneath Lortian's partially-spread legs. "Just, like... go for it?"

Hell, he reminded him of himself. Shy, nervous, unsure what to do... but definitely sure he wanted to do it. And honestly, there was some kind of enjoyment coming across from being on the other end of that, now, from being the one who spread his legs further and reached down to idly pop the button of his fly through, as if it was no big deal. Couldn't hide the slowly-growing tent beneath that fly, though, and Lortian could see the same beneath the revealing fabric of Greg's shorts.

"I'm not gonna stop you," he drawled, and then moved on down to his pants zipper. However, this led Greg to give a bit of a questioning, unsure look, and Lortian fumbled to catch himself: "But - yeah... first time?"

Gentle nod, hardly noticeable at first. The gryphon reached back to steady himself against the table, and then gradually dropped to his knees. Lortian licked his lips; this'd be a nice way to unwind after an evening of reading and studying.

"I'm not gonna ask whether you've thought about doing this before." That made the other male blink, blush beneath his feathers, and half-turn away. Lortian knew that feeling; he'd encountered a few guys before who thought that just because they'd watched a thousand pornos, that they would be expert cocksuckers. "But, you just need to remember... it's just a dick, I'm not gonna hate you if you... if you..."

...he was going to say 'change your mind', but it was only when the tip of that beak poked into the skin of his lower body through the fabric of his boxers that a thought popped into his head. Beak. What am I getting myself into? This would be new for him, too, and for a moment he felt a whisper of nervousness... but then Greg let a smooth exhalation of breath out over that fabric, followed from him taking in the elf's scent just a moment earlier. That hungry, wet heat spread out along his skin beneath, held in and magnified by the closeness... and, of course, gave his half-hard cock another twitch.

"Uh... do..." Greg looked unsure of himself, hands held a few inches above the waistband of those boxers. He avoided eye contact. "Does every guy... smell different?"

"In my experience." And as he'd gathered more experience under his belt (as well as under his belt), "yeah. Whether it's a middle-aged German shepherd, or a slim young otter, or an African wild dog..." The elf rolled his head on his shoulders. Greg sat right there in front of him, talons hooked around the V of his open fly and slowly pulling those pants down his legs further, eyes fixed on the bulge beneath his boxers. If not for the warm currents of air arythmically flowing out across his front, Lortian might not have thought he cared for his scent; usually he had a muzzle, a nose, or whisker movements to go off of. "... or his twin brother... or the wolf who's supposed to be your personal trainer..."

There was that glimmer in those eyes again, and the hint of a smile. Greg wetted his beak again, swallowed... and then dove in, pressing the smooth, rounded top of that - protrusion? What else could he call it? - up between the elf's sack, still hidden beneath his boxers. Then he carefully drew himself up along the bulge of Lortian's shaft, close to its full size and stiffness, all the while taking slow drawls of his scent and then letting it out through his just-opened mouth.

And, then, he brought those talons up - they scratched gently in the skin of the elf's lower belly, giving him a weird sweet shiver - and hesitated for a moment, before giving in and pulling his underwear far down. Quiet thmp of his cock briefly catching on the waistband and then slapping back against his belly, followed by a half-murmured "ooh..." from the gryphon above. It was all Lortian could do not to reach down, take that hand in his own, and squeeze it around himself to show him the proper movements.

Greg seemed like he had enough confidence to kick himself into action, though. The gryphon reached forward, paused, continued reaching... and closed a hand around Lortian's cock, first just touching, just feeling, and only after a few seconds gave him a few strokes. His eyes remained fixed on the way the elf's foreskin moved slick and easy over his pink head, and just by looking at that face he could tell he still hadn't has his fill of his scent.

"So I... just..." And here he leaned in, eyes briefly flicking up to the elf and then back down. He opened his beak a little further, brought out that slim pink point of his tongue... and touched it lightly against the underside of the elf's cock, careful, testing the waters. Exploring.

Exploring all over, within a few seconds. He kept his mouth opened like that, moving and tilting his head back and forth, learning the contours and little bumps, the ridges of veins or wrinkles of skin or little slick spots where the excitement, the anticipation had made him drool a drip of pre. The first time he drew his tongue over that, Greg moved back and grimaced.

"Salty," he said, and shook his head... but then got right back into it, now moving further down towards the elf's hanging sack, nosing and touching his tongue where he could. It felt as if he were afraid of doing everything he wanted to, like he didn't want to accidentally nip the elf in his beak (side note, Lortian thought, do birds have teeth?), but even that careful, gentle consideration had its good side.

That just meant he used his tongue more. Before long Lortian couldn't resist squirming and lifting his hips up, the gryphon's inexperience evident in how he focused a little too much on some parts of him and outright ignored others, but he tried to guide him with his noises and movements. He caught himself right before he reached down and settled his hand against the side of the gryphon's head - that'd be weird, wouldn't it? - but then... shrugged, and decided to do it anyway. Through his half-closed eyes he could see the steady, rhythmic movement of Greg's other arm between his legs, showing that he, too, was enjoying this.

Sharp eyes flicked up once more, met his, fluttered closed... and the gryphon moved up towards the head of the elf's length, drew his tongue up the underside again, and then gently closed his beak around it. The first feeling gave him a bit of a start, and it took a while to get used to it as he gradually descended, then came back up, but... well, it was something. Kind of sharp, kind of rough, especially at the edges; not as tight or comfortable a fit as a pair of lips in a muzzle, but the inside of the gryphon's mouth had a kind of moist, silky warmth to it that he hadn't felt before, soft flesh that gripped and slid and made him moan a little more.

Except when the point of that beak poked into his lower belly near the base of his cock. Then he jumped a little bit at the prickling pain, and Greg glanced apologetically up at him.

After some time on that, he moved back, swallowed down the elf's taste, and resumed slowly stroking him, seemingly unsure if he should keep eye contact or just focus on what he had in front of him. "Sorry," he breathed, and leaned forward to lick again. "I... haven't really done that before... my, uh, beak," and he rubbed it, "got sore..."

"Well, I mean..." Lortian shrugged, and shifted again. Now he reached down to slowly stroke himself, and couldn't help but smile at the change in Greg's expression. Guess he liked to watch. "There's still a month and a half left in the semester. You'll have plenty of time to practice."

If it were possible to see someone blush beneath thick feathers, just then he could. Greg seemed unsure of himself (again) for a moment, and adjusted uneasily; then he rose to his feet, and Lortian looked up at him - and then down. He certainly _had_been busy, gym shorts tugged halfway down his thighs and his own hard cock twitching, throbbing in front of him.

And, admittedly, it was_something to marvel at. Good length, good size around - the kind of size that Lortian knew he'd be able to feel for a good couple of hours after sitting back on it - and just a good _look to it. He licked his lips and swallowed, and glanced back up at the gryphon standing before him: had he not known better, he almost would have thought that he'd been given a wordless command to repay the favor. And, hell, he gladly would have, had the gryphon not started to turn around and look back over his shoulder at him, firm muscular rump remaining there for a second before starting to lower down.

"O-oh," Lortian panted, and adjusted again. He wasn't expecting this.

"Yeah," Greg replied, and nodded. He reached down, gripped the elf's thigh, continued to move down... and then tensed up all over as soon as the saliva-slickened tip of that cock touched against his tailhole. Lortian could feel the clenching in that ridged pucker, and wanted so badly to lift himself and sink slowly up into it. But, the important thing was to let the gryphon go at his own pace.

His own pace, however slow and unsteady that might be. Again and again that grip tightened around the elf's thigh, talons pricking into his skin through his jeans, just as that tight, wet heat squeezed around the end of his cock, moved back up, squeezed down again, back and forth, again and again. Like everything else, it was as if he really wanted to but just couldn't quite get himself there.

"Kind of..." The more he tried, the more he went on - the further he sank down onto the elf's cock, tight pucker sliding his foreskin back and squeezing around his head, making him dig his fingers into the couch in turn. Hot, intense pressure, tight, delicious... "kind of - painful..."

Lortian's throat felt dry, not out of nervousness but rather because of the low, long breaths he took, almost in rhythm with the gryphon's unsteady movements. He traced his fingers gently over the taut thighs slowly working their way down above his. "You'll get used to it, just - just go slow, be careful... are you sure you wanna do this?"

The affirmation came between fervent nods - "yeah, yeah... I- I do..." and it was that determination and desire that pushed him through, just like Lortian's first time. _That_time, however, had been with him on all fours with a rather large, rather well-endowed German shepherd driving down into him, squeezing him down against the floor. He remembered the way he'd felt then, the intense pleasure mixed with a deeper, heavier pain and discomfort, which slowly melted away...

...and just as it had for him, it seemed to do the same for Greg. There was the familiar bump of his head slipping in past the tense rim of the gryphon's tailhole, and then that same hot wet pressure around him - and instead of a tight, shaky back-and-forth, what came then was a slower, smoother slide down along his length, saliva easing his entry deeper into the gryphon. Greg squirmed all over, a breathy moan hanging off the tip of his tongue.

Of course there was still some discomfort in him, though: he still dug his talons into Lortian's thigh, still shivered and shook as he lowered himself down, still sucked in a few little gasps through his parted beak. But, when his rump settled back against the elf's hips, and the tension in his rear relaxed. The two of them remained like that for a moment, both breathing a bit heavily, both deeply wanting to go on but needing to take a moment to themselves.

Lortian leaned forward, wrapped his arms around the gryphon's lower body - even when relaxed like this, he could still feel the firm ridges of his muscles - and... brushed the back of his hand against that cock, still hard, still throbbing, now with the underside slightly wet with pre. He swallowed, and wrapped his hand around that shaft; Greg squirmed, but did not resist the touch.

"You okay?"

No words this time. Just another tense of that hand on his thigh, then release... and then he pressed down against Lortian's leg, at the same time slowly lifting himself up. He started slowly, carefully, testing his limits and what was comfortable for him... and quickly overcame those limits, each time pulling himself further up along the elf's cock and pressing back down with more force, more urgency, more desire. Lortian squeezed his hand tighter around the gryphon's length, taking care not to stroke him too fast or hard. That would ruin things. Every push back down against him, he responded with a similar but lighter lift upwards, pressing himself deeper into the gryphon's rump.

Felt good. Really good. Greg thought the same, too: his beak hung open as he rode, working his hips forward and back at the same time as he bounced, faster, harder. His knee bumped against the table in front of them and slid it across the carpet; he leaned forward a bit, pushed down against Lortian's leg, grinded back against him every time he pressed back down-

-and before too long the elf rode into the movement and the rhythm, and ended up pushing the gryphon down to the floor in front of him, Greg taking it upon himself to push the table away and make room. The angle here was a bit weird what with this being a slim, slight elf behind a bigger, firmer gryphon jock. _Slap, slap, slap_of hips against rump, interspersed with both of their panting, both of their moaning. Lortian gritted his teeth, hands tight on the gryphon's hips; Greg bounced forward and back with the rhythm, one hand down between his legs working at himself just as fast and hard, while every thrust in pushed another breathy moan out of him.

"God..." Greg panted. Lortian could feel him tensing and clenching around him, pulling him closer and closer to his own peak. "Feels... good..."

Just how good, though, wouldn't quite come across for another... about two minutes. Between all the panting and moaning and rustling of clothing and slapping of the rhythm, Lortian could feel Greg's growing pleasure and arousal, especially in the way he squeezed around him and pressed back against him. And, then... louder, breathier punctuated moans, a full-body tensing, tight squeezing around the base of the elf's cock - and Greg jerked back against him, the pulse of his orgasm rippling throughout his entire body as he spurted his load out across his own hand the carpet beneath him.

Of course, that tension and clenching was actually what pushed Lortian over the edge, too - but instead of giving voice to his peak, he bit his lip and unloaded deep into the gryphon's rump, bucking his hips forward before each heavy throb. Greg would definitely be able to feel that later.

Even after he'd come down from his orgasm, the gryphon continued to pant and moan, letting out a gentle "haa... haa... haa..." as he caught his breath. Lortian remained buried in him for a moment longer, then... slid out, and chuckled quietly to himself as the gryphon twitched with the feeling. A thick drip of white cum rolled down from his tailhole, remaining slightly open between his clenching.

"So," the elf managed, panting. His thigh ached where the waist of his jeans had cut into it during his thrusting; topping wasn't something he had a lot of experience with. "What did you think?"

It took Greg a little bit longer before he could turn his head and look at the elf. That blush still lingered beneath his feathers. "You - said we'd have time to practice?"

Lortian smiled. That was as good of an answer as he needed.