
Story by lokidragon on SoFurry

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Hi-hi again all, I though I'd post this, please let me know your opinions and such, I love to hear any good or bad that you think [email protected]

Thanks for taking the time to read it, just to let you know in advance no spooge or yiff


Rainy day

Rain drops drip down from the edges of the reptilian dragon's snout. It seemd almost as if the sky's just opened and is now pouring down on the poor soaked creature. As he looks up, his tears become non-existent in the flood of rainwater that soaks him now to the scales.

T.J. had not had a very good night, just getting fired from his job a few hours before after being told to come in early for a meeting. His now, former employers gave him the usual excuse of the holidays are over, and they no longer needed him. "Why now? They could not have picked a worse time stop giving him a paycheck. You see he had just moved into his new apartment, and ironically enough it was in walking distance from his former job which he thought was going so well.

As T.J. rounds the corner of the city street walking towards his new, but soon to be old apartment he decides to stop at the local bar across the street the neon lights calling to him. He needed to forget the fact that he wasn't good enough for his job, that he wasn't good enough for his parents now that he was gay, and that he wasn't good enough for anyone else, single now for a few months. The bar seemed the right place to spend the time forgetting all of these thoughts and any others that wanted to creep up and trouble him.

T.J. reach's his claws inside his jacket to show the bouncer his I.D. and then he pulls on the bar of the door. As it opens he bumps into an exiting fox, causing them both to drop there wallets. He quickly picks them both up apologizing for the accident (which he declared was his fault, just easier TJ had long ago decided). The blue fox he bumped into just smiled and chirped "don't worry bout it" and ran off".

After a night of heavy drinking T.J. Walks across the street to his tall unpersonable multilevel apartment building. The dragon's chest heaving as he sighs wondering where he will get another job. Still in a drunken haze, TJ's attempt's at tapping the buttons next to the door for the security access, finally pay's off when he hears the familiar "buzz" sound and he reach's over to open the heavy secured door.

7 flights of stairs later, T.J. starts to walk towards his apartment. He looks down the hallway and notices the same fox that was at the bar. He recognized him because the fox had this unusual blue coat and very cute face. "Huh, he must live here too" the dragon muttered to himself. As he got closer and closer to his apartment he soon realized that the fox was at his apartment door, knocking. The fox looked over just as the dragon approached. "oh hello there, I was the one you bumped into earlier think we may have switched wallets" the fox said.

The dragon was mortified, at his mistake and probably overly so due to the large amount of drinking he had done at the bar. The fox put his arm around the distressed dragon's damp shoulder. "Don't worry about it was an honest mistake." The dragon nods, felling himself close to tears he looks up seeing that the fox wasn't angry, or upset with him. Tj sighs a bit "would you like to come in for a moment for some coffee?" the dragon offered as a retribution for his mistake?

The fox nods in acceptance, his blue ears twitching a bit. The dragon then smiles picking up his keys, fumbling with them in a drunken state, he finds the right key to his place after a bit of trouble. Pressing the key into the lock, he twist's the key the door almost bursting open from the weight of the dragon leaning on it.

The two walk into the apartment, though T.J.'s walk seemed to be more of a stumble. The dragon directs the Fox to a seat at his Ikea coffee table, a plane white thing that currently holds a vase of multicolored flowers.

The dragon sits at the table with the fox after pouring some coffee, shivering a bit from the damp cold that the rain brought him. The two talk about various things ranging from the fox's recent outing to his family, to the dragon's recent job loss among other things. After talking for what seems like hours, the dragon finally takes out his mistaken wallet and opens it to find the cute blue fox smiling at him from the drivers license photo. He had never actually seen a good looking drivers license photo, and right next to the photo was the fox's cute name Jural.

The two exchange wallets, the dragon looks sheepish up at the blue fox. You'll have to forgive me, I accidentally spend some of your money in the bar." The dragon's muzzle flaring more red then it usually looks. The fox sits up a bit inserting his wallet in his back pocket of his tight fitting jeans. "It's not a problem my dad owns the coffee shop down the street, money is never really a problem for me, besides if you hadn't done that, we wouldn't have met". T.J. could feel his jaws almost dropping. "you mean your dad is Java Joe?" Jural nods slowly his face reading like a book Jural embarrassed of hearing his dad called that. The fox's ear's twitch and a it almost looks a light bulb going off in his cute blue furry head. "My dad did just fire this pothead kid for stealing maybe I could talk to my dad and you could replace him" the dragon's eyes almost well up with tears. "oh that'd be so perfect". T.J. had always loved Java Joe's it always had the best coffee and had such a cool retro beatnik look to it. T.J. jumped up and hugged the fox without thinking. The fox hugged back and for a split second time stood still. But then as time resumed it's ways, the two blushed deeply then they gazed into each others eyes. Both eyes very emerald, and suddenly as if pre-ordained they brought there muzzle's together and kissed deeply, a kiss that would win wars if wars were won that way.

The dragon pulled back for a moment and bit his lower lip gently as his eyes drank in the sight of the blue fox, and his mind searched for words that his mind had not yet come up with.

The fox's muzzle opened and Jural broke the silence. "your still soaked we should get you out of those cloths". The dragon giggled, never being hit on by anyone like this ever. Never feeling attractive, wanted, desired as he did that very moment. T.J. nodded quickly and smiled as he lead the fox over to the small bedroom in his apartment.

The two bounced onto the queen sized mattress, as T.J. lead the fox by the hand. He looked around at his messy bachelor room. Containing his computer, TV, and various DVD's. This room had not seen another person besides it's owner in long time (T.J. would say too long).

The dragon lead the fox over to the bed and sat him down. After a few quick kiss's to the fox. The fox hooks his paws into the bottom of the dragon's shirt and pulls it up and over the dragon's head smiling "much better". The dragon's chest boasting red scales, with what seems to be a yellow underbelly. The fox's paws search all over the dragon's smooth scales. The dragon shivering a bit. The fox suddenly strips off his own tight black shirt and toss's it to the side of the bed.

Jural wraps his arms around the dragon, hugging him tight. T.J. Responding by pressing his muzzle into Jural's chest feeling the fox's soft blue fur as it press's adgenst his head. He listens to the fox's heartbeat, his mind relaxes his own heartbeat slows as he feels like this moment will forever be remembered. Suddenly he hears the beat quicken and the fox shifting to kiss him and the both of them lay on there sides facing one another. There lips not seeming to want to part..

T.J. eyes open suddenly as he feels his genitals grabbled and fondled. The fox looks up and smiles as the kiss is finally broken. Jural stroking the back of the dragons head as he push's the dragon on his back and unbuttons his pants. As Jural shuffles them off he kneels in front of T.J. and soft boxers and removes his own pants, and playfully pounces the dragon.

The two of them just lay there naked, exposed to each other. Jural's blue fur hiding his well toned, and somewhat muscular body. His fluffily tail flicks behind him as he holds T.J. in a protective manner.

The two sucking and kissing all during the night as they lay there together arm's, legs, and tongue tied around each other as they drift into a deep and powerful sleep, not even wanting, not even needing to paw off.

The next morning T.J. wakes up, his arms stretching out to the sides as his eyes flutter, coming back to reality from this listfull slumber. He looks out the window in his bedroom and sees the sun shining. He looks down and sees the fox sleeping and thinks to himself that things may just work out