Running In The Rain Part 4

Story by Ca8Pom on SoFurry

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She had her white pajama's pooled on the tiled floor at her feet. Her fur being set free from confines of clothing relaxed lazily about her luscious curves in brilliant blonde, yellow, and pastel yellow/white shades. She opened up the dark blue painted locker with her name taped on it, reached in for her bright red scrubs, and kicked in her white pajama's before closing the locker gently. The top of her scrubs was just tugged in to place when her boss, the main nurse in the maternity ward, walked up to her with the usual clipboard and paper she usually had.

Kate looked up at her boss expectantly waiting for her first assignment of the day. Uneasiness settled in her belly, however, when her boss wasn't smiling but looking down at her seriously. Her boss was a well fed white tigress who didn't take shit in any way shape or form. But Kate had always been a good worker and was excellent with all the young ones no matter what race they were...

"You have to go back home until this cycle has ended." Her boss's voice was deep for a female but extremely sensuous. Or at least Kate assumed it was sensuous sounding to males.

Kate cocked her head to the side and scowled curiously because she didn't understand what she had done wrong to make her be expelled for a week. Her boss sighed and rolled her blue eyes as if Kate were completely stupid and explained it to her;

"You just started your heat cycle for the year. Most females would have noticed such a thing, but apparently you haven't yet. Anyway, that's not the point, the point is that you can't be here while you're in your cycle."

Kate about started to cry. Tears welled up in to her big brown eyes. Her boss started to smile and laughed a little despite herself. She placed a big feline paw on her little shoulder and lightened her tone considerably.

"I'm not mad at you, Kate. It's just a precaution all the females of breeding age that work here must take. Some males go wild when a female is in heat around them, even if they're generally good guys. So to keep everyone happy and safe we send you home for a week with full pay. Just think of it as an extra vacation every year."

Kate sniffled and rubbed the extra moisture from her eyes and nodded. What else could she do? Her boss gave her another pat on the shoulder before telling her to take it easy and walking out of the locker room. Kate turned back to her locker and opened it up, pulling her purse off the hook and gathered up her white pajama's from the bottom of it. She closed the locker again and sighed, resting her forehead against the cold metal. Flashes and visions of earlier replayed in her minds eye about Jaye and his reaction to her. He must have been able to tell she was beginning her heat cycle even before she herself realized it. She sighed again and pushed herself off the locker.

She felt so awkward walking home but she didn't want to torture another male taxi driver if she didn't have to. Still wearing her bright red scrubs probably didn't make her appear any less inconspicuous either. She tried to walk down the congested sidewalk, clutching her purse and her white pajama's close to her chest, praying someone wouldn't try to steal it. Her small stature and size meant that she was constantly getting pushed over and her paws stepped on without so much as an apology. It made her hate cities all the more.

But Wren, her best friend's son, was better off in a city in case he ended up sick dr's would know how to treat him. Not that he was sickly or a feeble child at all, no, he was quite robust. He was just a hybrid, like Jaye, so his parents were just being extra cautious by moving closer to specialists just in case. They also home schooled him to protect him from the harsh racist society of the city. This gave Kate the opportunity to apply for a job dealing with infants. She got the job, more easily than she thought it would happen, and had been happy in her new job ever since.

Kate stopped and stepped in to an alley with no one in it to catch her breath. As she stood in the shadow of the two buildings and watched everyone cross in either direction it was as if she didn't exist. It depressed her and relieved her all the same. She turned to look down the alley and could see another, less crowded, sidewalk. Despite her best instincts and the horror stories she'd been told she started down the alley. Who would attack her where everyone could see her? She was half way down the alley when it happened.

A growling-chirruping sound sprung out of nowhere as well as a tall lanky cheetah male. He jumped out from behind two large green dumpsters and snagged her, first try, around the neck with his paw. Without slowing his pace he kept his paw around her neck until her back connected with the opposite building and he lifted her up to eye level. Kate screamed when it happened and dropped her purse and her pajama's, but she was already caught, and all she could do was try to remain breathing as she kicked and tried to pry his paw off her throat.

She could smell alcohol on his breath as he neared his face towards hers and sniffed. Through the panic she could see that he was wearing a shirt, but as she continued to flail to try to get away, she realized he had no bottoms on of any sort.

"P-lease..." She cried, half choked.

"Please?" Purred the cheetah as he maneuvered his tall thin body closer to hers.

She tried to shake her head or kick him, to say no, she didn't want this and this couldn't happen. But he tightened his paw around her throat so that she had to fight to breathe let alone scream. He chuckled and pressed his body up to hers, pressing his pelvis up in to hers, and resting the flat of his head against the wall, all the while breathing in her scent as she struggled. She could feel the wetness of his barbed penis through the bottoms of her scrubs, could feel the barbs pinching her delicate skin through clothing and fur. He made it so that she couldn't even kick anymore, spreading her legs with his body rudely, so much so that she couldn't even let them dangle down.

Kate cried, knowing what was going to happen and powerless to stop it. She could feel him ripping at the bottoms of her scrubs to get them out of the way. Heard as well as felt the thin fabric give way with a tearing protest. She closed her eyes tightly against the inevitable and when she assumed she would feel the painful entry of her captor--nothing happened.

Before she could open her eyes to see what had happened the paw around her throat let go and disappeared, his body was pulled away from hers, and she fell down against the concrete of the alley painfully on her backside. She opened her eyes and stared up in horror as Jaye, the hybrid from this morning, had the cheetah by the throat and lifted off the ground.

Jaye was shorter than the cheetah but much better built, easily lifting the lithe male from his feet, almost above his own head. His usual glowing yellow eyes were shining a cruel and psychedelic orange. The cheetah was clawing futilely against Jaye's hand around his throat and kicked his feet to try to connect with the stronger male.

Kate was transfixed in terror as she watched what happened. She tried to rationalize it in her mind when she heard a cracking and then a gurgle. Felt that she would vomit when she watched the brown-amber eyes roll back in the cheetah's head and watched his body spasm one last time before going limp.

Jaye tossed the dead cheetah in to the trash against the building and looked down at Kate. The orange in his eyes faded as he bent down and offered a hand to help her up. However, it was the same hand he had just murdered with and Kate wanted to part of it. With a choked cry she scrambled to her feet and ran as fast as she could out of the alley. She got the occasional stare as she passed by without any bottoms but it wasn't illegal so no one paid too much attention.

Jaye watched her run off and lowered his hands to his sides. Would she ever not be afraid of him? Probably not.

(Sorry this one took so long to make was having issues ;) But I am back now and tell everyone you know to follow along with the story!)