Sun Set Ch.1 The New Kids (finished)

Story by Vv36 on SoFurry

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This is my first story so please comment on what I should do to do make it any better.

Ch.1 The New Kids

I put my hand out of the car to feel the rain, I always loved how it felt, even though it messed up my fur. I looked back to see my fellow adopted siblings. A extremely beautiful labrador and a cute mouse. They both were looking at the scenery, it was all so new for us.

Let me tell you a little about me .My name is Alexander Vanseen, I am a bunny with very light brown fur with white on my stomach. I am sixteen years-old and a boy ( even though I have been mistaken for a girl a lot) I stand as average height and I am pretty good shape, strong but not big chest, flat abs and very typical big legs (most rabbits have big legs). My parents adopted me and my sister Rio and little brother Jonathon, we are quite wealthy since my parents both are succesful lawyers. Right now we are moving to Washington in a small town, I really didnt agree with the decision since I was very comfortable in California. Nice weather and great people, not fuckin cold and politicions every were like Washington.

We were driving in our sleek BMW to our new house. The trip was very boring. A couple of hours later we reached our house, a huge two story with a massive backyard and a pool, practically the perfect house.

"Okay kids were hear" said my father.

"Oh! Tom, it is so lovely" said my mother.

"Jonathon wake up son. Rio help your mother with the boxes in the trunk. Alex, help me with the other movers." he said.

"Yeah, no problem" I said "Tell me why we had to move again, It seems very odd we did" I asked.

"I told you already, California was to much, me and your mother hated defending those thugs and gang bangers. Here at least we can defend some more appropriate citizens then common thiefs"

"Yeah... more corrupt, hypocritical, fat citizens" I muttered.

"What was that?" he said suspicious



After we got all our stuff in, I choose my room which was on the second floor and quite large. I arranged my room the way i liked it and decided to rest for the day. Tomorrow will be the first day of school, for both my brother and sister. I toke of my shirt and left my shorts on, I started to drift away when suddenly a gentle knock on my door.


"Its your sister" she said smiling and peaking through the door.

"Oh, yeah? what you need?"

"Damn, can a sister get a hi from her brother"

"Why do you insist on calling me a brother, were not even related, or even look alike"

"Cause I love and treat you like one floppy ears" she said coming into my room only wearing a thin tank-top and her volleyball shorts. She has always called me floppy ears ever since we met. It was because I have always tucked my ears behind me, I just look better that way.

"Haha, very humorous" I replied.

"So whats the matter, you seem stressed"

"I... Its just the whole moving thing. I didnt mean anything offensive. Sorry"

"Heh, you always apologize to much. But to important things, you said you were stressed right?" she said with a slight grin.


" Let me help you get...unstressed" Rio said while walking over to me.

"Oh! shit we havent done this in a while"

" I know! and Its perfect since our parents left to get some school supplies for Jonathon"

"Great" I said very cheerfully.

Rio and I have always had a strong relationship, besides the whole brother sister thing. The first we did it was when we were twelve and man we were both nervous as hell, but it was such an unforgetable moment. We thought of even dating but then decided it would have been bad news to our parents and worse for there job. But back to the fun part.

She came over and sat on my lap looking so beautiful, she had such long blonde and gorgeous hair. Then we both locked our lips togerther and kissed each other passionetly, exploring each others mouths with our tongs. I pushed her closer to me and she moaned with pleasure

" Enough of that, I wanna taste something else" she whispered into my ear.

I was already hard so when she slid my pants down, my cock kinda hit her face.

" Heh, sorry" i said feeble.

"Damn, big and hard as a rock" she said while slowly stroking me.

"God damn that feels good"

She then grabbed the base of my big one and started to lick the head. Man she was so talented with her mouth, both kissing and other things as well. She then dove her muzzle into it, going up and down, savoring the muskey taste of the pre cum. " ohhhh" I moaned.

" ohhhh yeah, my brother loves his sister to suck his thick dick, huh" she said momentarily. She then wraped her impressive D cup breast around the shaft and slowly started to rub them against it. They were so soft and smooth, I looked down to see her face smiling at me, she wrapped her lips on the head and gentle sucked on it. " Ah! I...I gonna cum!" immediately after I said that I completely covered her face with my cum." Oh my, you havent gotten off in awhile, huh?" It felt great, but I was still very hard and very horny.

" Come here" I said pulling her up and getting her on all four and placed my dick in her soaking wet pussy. "Yes! fuck your sister like the dog she is" she said. I started to increase my pace, feeling the climax soon to come. "Ohhh brother! I-I gon-gonna cum"

"Uhh... me too"

"Come on, lets cum to-together" she moaned. "Ohhh here it comes" i said and cummed just as hard the first time in her pussy(she took pregnancy pills daily so dont worry) I pulled her up so we were both had our backs straight and she reached around to grab my head and pulled my head closer to hers. I could see she was smiling, so was I. We both put our original clothes on and gave each other a loving kiss and waved goodbye. I heard my parents come home with Jonathon as well, he seemend pretty happy with his new stuff.

"Alex! time for dinner" my Mother yelled.

"I am going to skip, Is that okay" I wasnt hungry that day. "Okay, goodnight sweaty". I watched a little TV before falling asleep.

Next Morning

My alarm rang and I fell pretty hard on the floor, great way to start the day, I am suprised I didnt break my nose on the damn wooden floor. I recovered and went to the bathroom to take a shower, I warmed the water just right and stepped in the to the shower. I let the water fall on my hair then to my whole body, scrubbed my self clean. Got out and toweled dried myself, I brushed my teeth and then spiked my black hair, I pushed the front of my bangs up to the way liked It and then scruffed it up so it had that messy look. I put on a black T-shirt and some fitted blue jeans ( all my jeans kinda hug onto my legs) after that I went downstairs to see Rio and Jonathon eating some cereal.

"Hey, how did ya sleep" Rio said smiling, she is always smiling.

"Fine" I said pouring myself some cereal.

"Ready for the first day of school?"

"Yeah...should be interesting"

I realized I got to school pretty early but I still saw my best friend Maggie.

"Hey Eva! Wassup"

"Nothing much. KInda bummed that it is the first day of school"

"Yeah, hey did you hear about some new kids are coming to our school"

"No, you know who they are"

"Well people have told me they are some rich family with adopted kids and that they are from California"

"Oh great, we get some rich beach bums"

"Oh come on be nice, you never know. There might be a cute boy or somethin"

"I already have a boyfriend" I retorted

"Oh yeah, I almost forget. You have that muscle man George thats on the football team right"

"Yup" I said with pride. George was so handsome, tall and strong looking. He was a wolf and was the star quarterback on the team at Jefferson HIgh School.

"Alright, I gotta get to class" Maggie said and walked away, waving goodbye.

"Later" I said and walked to my first class. I looked at my schedule and saw that It was Chemistry, great I hated Chemistry. It was room 245 and I opened the door and saw that the class was already full. I greeted the teacher and walked over to George who saved a open seat for me right next to him. I walked over with my cutest smile I could make and we both gave each other a kiss. I sat in my seat and heard some guys making "OHHHHH" to George. The bell rang and the rest of the class got in there assigned seating, our short Chemistry walked in and greeted us.

"Hello class, welcome to Chemistry. My name is Mr. Dubosse and I am sure we will have a great year" said the old cat with wild white hair. "Today we are actually getting two new students but I am not sure were they are". Then two people walked into the class room. First was a beautiful labrador with long Blonde hair and who was very smiley. All the guys in the class had there mouths dropped and gazed at her with disbelief,even George was starring. Then next was a very handsome rabbit, his facial expression was one of a slightly pissed or a just fuck 'it type (maybe both). Both of them walked to the teachers desk and started talking, I couldnt hear what they were saying.

"Well... how about you introduce yourself" said Mr. Dubosse.

"I'll go first...My name is Rio Vanseen, It is a pleasure to meet you all" she said with a seductive smile, she also sounded very articulate for the way she looked, go figure.

"My name is Alexander Vanseen, but you can call me Alex" he said with a slight grin. His voice was noticebly smooth but strong with a hint of raspiness. They both walked over to there seats which was not very far from were I was sitting. I over heard some of the girls and guys in our class that period talking about the new kids and how they are both extremely hot, I tried not to get in the conversations since I didnt want any bad blood between me and George. But I kinda figured Maggie would bring it up and I wouldnt be able to sly my way out of the conversation.

"! Did you see that rabbit Alex, he is so hot!" she said fanning her face.

"Yeah, what about them" I said not trying to think about him.

"What about them! Have you seen his face, god damn I think every girl in Jefferson High will wanna have his hot bod. I know I do"


"What? Tell me honestly you didnt think about it"

"NO! I have George remeber"

"Yeah George is handsome and all but come on, with his grades he isnt going very far into the world. Unlike that boy Alex and his sister Rio". Thats right, during Chemistry the teacher asked the class a very difficult question for the more advanced students and Alex answered like it was nothing. The teacher even offered a position on the advanced Chemistry class but refused, said it would probably be to hard for him.

"Yeah well I am gonna see if I can hook up with him,or just fuck him, which ever comes first. Wish me luck"

"Heh... good luck" I laughed a little at Maggie's confidence to get that boy in bed

It was the end of school and I immediatly made my way to my house, just thinking about that boy and how he made such a great impression on everyone, even if he hardly talked.

I walked home with Rio, talking about how everything went.

"So how did your day go?" I said.

"Great, I made a couple friends. But mostly boys who just wanna get in my pants" she said proudly " What about you"

"Eh, didnt make any friends. Alot of jocks and guys in skinny jeans ya know, and hardly and cute girls"

"Really...not one?"

"Ye-...Well actually there was this one fox girl who was kinda short. I think her name was Eva"

"I didnt notice her"

"You never notice anything you blonde" I said kiddingly. But she really never noticed anything important, or I just notice everything.

"Whatever" she said flinging her long hair towards my face to slap me. It got me pretty good, I underestimate just how heavy it is. "But I think it will be fun. Dont you?" she said smiling and sliding her hands over my butt and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Why does everyone like my ass"

" Cuz its so damn cute!" she said and gave me a slap on the ass. I just smiled back at her approvingly.

"Anyways. I do think this school will be...interesting"

End of Ch. 1

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