Review 6 - Ayanna Tries a New Game

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#6 of Reviews of the Treetop Inn

It had been quite a while since Ayanna had been back to the Inn. It wasn't for lack of desire. It was where her transformation occurred. And she was rather fond of this new figure of hers. When she finally made her way back, she happened to run into Ivory, one of the two who made her what she was now. And Ivory wanted to try out something new.

What could the dragoness have in mind? And what harm could it cause? The renamon-taur was already pretty willing to trust her.

This is a YCH story for Draconis Flamestrike, Ayanna belongs to them. Ivory of course belongs to Ivory. That card game that was Draconis' idea for the story... Ivory and I might have to take that and run with it.

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"Are you interested in trying something experimental?" Ivory grinned broadly as she sipped from a tall, broad stein.

"Experimental? Is this anything like what happened to me the first time I came here?" Ayanna raised an eyebrow, offering a smirk in return, even scooting closer to the dragoness.

"Yes," Ivory shot back bluntly, "Yes, it's a lot like that. Are you game?"

It had been quite a while since the violet renamon had returned to the Treetop Inn. The last time she had visited, she had walked in on two legs, then walked out on four. And with a considerable weight hanging under her. She could still feel the squirms of everyone that had been shoved in her if she remembered hard enough. She had come back at the request of the tall, legendarily busty dragoness towering over her. Ivory had even paid extra to make sure she had one of the higher-end rooms. And it had been a very luxurious upgrade.

Had Ayanna been the same girl she had been back during her first visit, she might have hesitated, even considered outright declining. But she was different now. Older, wiser, more mature, more composed, she was even a little more adventurous. She sipped from the narrow champagne flute in her paw, enjoying the fizzy spirit it housed.

"You know what? Let's go for it. How does it work?" the vulpine lady smirked, sitting her taur half comfortably under her, paws straddling the engorged sheath under her.

It was already beginning to swell and leak, just at the thought of what other horribly naughty things the black and white lady before her might have in store. Ivory set her stein down, then reached into her jacket, left open because it was far too small to close around her enormous chest, and retrieved a small deck of cards. She placed them on the bar, ignoring the stares of the onlookers before she reached forward, running a palm over one of Ayanna's own pert breasts. While she wasn't quite the size Ivory was, the renamon-taur was quite exceptionally endowed.

The contact made the violet girl moan happily and press into it. She returned the affection, but aimed a bit lower, running her paws over the dragon's rather generous scrotum. It was large enough that an ordinary sized adult could crouch on the ground and be covered entirely by it were Ivory to sit down just right. Of course, that often resulted in ending up inside her. The two continued to fondle one another casually, both rather pleased by such public--and intimate--affection.

"It's a game I've been developing. Smokey's got a pleasure demon working for him, and she's been wanting me to help her come up with games she can play with willing participants. We've been building on it together for a couple of weeks, and I think we've got a working beta. Here's how it works," Ivory's throat rumbled with a purr, "You pull a card, and whatever it says has to happen. You don't have a choice. It just happens, whether you make it happen or not."

Ayanna gasped as the dragoness pinched one of her nipples, giving it a soft twist.

"Ooo, okay. Sounds interesting. What sort of things happen?" the renamon pushed forward, aching for more of the tall, well curved lady's touch.

"All sorts of things, most of them lewd. Here, I'll show you." Ivory grinned, reaching over to take a card.

A large palm landed on the deck, then delicately pulled back, drawing away a single card and held it up for them both to have a look. On it was a picture of a generic figure, standing proud, pelvis pushed forward, an almost pained look on their face as their rather noticeable erection stood proudly out and away from them. The text below explained what was to happen, reading 'Power Poll Extend: Sudden, intense arousal, player has random chance of gaining mass as a result'. The card was even enchanted to animate, showing the action of what was happening. The man stood there, then his pants ripped open as his member sprung to life.

"Oh these -are- lewd!" Ayanna giggled, then blinked as the dragoness leaned back on the stool she was sitting on.

It was impressive that there was a stool there that could accommodate someone as tall as her, but then the exceptionally tall weren't uncommon. Her nearly three meter height and broad, motherly figure meant she was among the tallest they served, but not beyond their scope. Granted she tended to tone it down while actually in the Inn proper. Her usual height--closer to four and a half meters--had a habit of scaring the guests, the staff, and sometimes the owner. She thought it was cute he was so easily frightened by her sometimes.

As she leaned back, Ivory moaned and arched her spine. Her length, which was slowly firming up under Ayanna's attentions, quickly sprung to life, suddenly firm and drooling. As it pulsed there--almost painful in its rigidity--it expanded, gaining at least a hand's breadth in length as well as considerable girth. Her scrotum, already more capacious than most any male in the Inn, gurgled audibly and bloated, adding half again as much size to it. She hissed happily and reached down, stroking the newly engorged length, then groped at her swollen orbs.

"Ooo, yeah, I like that one. And the effect can stack. If I draw this card a second time, instead of just making me harder, it just makes me bigger. And the size-up is even stronger since it can't really make you harder." Ivory bared her teeth as she tilted her head back, hissing again when Ayanna returned her paws to fawn over the newly swollen features.

"Wow! That's really hot! How many people can play at a time?" the renamon asked.

"You add cards to the deck based on how many you have. And you can add or leave out certain types of cards if the people playing aren't interested in something or want more of a chance of something happening," the dragoness giggled, "I call it Cards Against Modesty. It's an ice breaker game."

"Well it's going to do that really well! My turn!" Ayanna reached over and drew a card, turning it over to find what she was going to experience.

The image was of a lady, straining to hold back her breasts as they grew right before her eyes. The animation showed her chest swelling until she was hunched over, leaking milk onto the ground, trying to pull her woefully inadequate blouse around her new bust. The caption read 'Chest Bump: Player receives a large -bump- in breast size and begins lactating, regardless of gender'. The renamon's eyes widened, not just at seeing what was to happen, but at how much was to come. Thankfully, she had opted to not bother with clothing. It only got in the way. A sharp gasp sounded, drawing a few more onlookers who weren't already staring, and the vulpine woman's chest began to grow. It was already quite large, but now it was expanding beyond that. And it did so rapidly, jumping in size so fast it stole the poor lady's breath away.

Ayanna cupped her arms around her breasts as they expanded with a sudden burst in mass, forcing her to lean forward under such grand weight. They were already comfortably soft, but now they yielded even more under her touch, and the more tightly she squeezed, the stronger the sensations radiating through them were. She was now as well endowed as Ivory, and leaking something terribly. Two sizable pools of rich, creamy milk formed on the floor, growing steadily larger as she dribbled from the dark nipples, which had expanded along with her freshly enlarged chest.

"Oh god! That... that feels... I... I think I nearly came!" Ayanna panted out.

"Mmm, good. That's the desired effect." Ivory reached forward, cupping one of her vast palms under the rena's new bust, giving it a gentle squeeze.

The result was an all too happy moan from the purple lady. She even pushed forward into the fondling, enjoying it far more now that the weighty swells were so much more tender. For a few brief moments, they remained like that, just appreciating one another's new swells, but then the dragoness pulled away, much to Ayanna's disappointment.

"Awww, why'd you stop?" she whined.

"The game's not over, dear. It's my turn to draw." the tall woman reached over and retrieved a new card.

She turned it over and watched as the animation showed a male figure, ridiculously endowed, grabbed another generic figure, not with his hands, but with his shaft, which then slurped the hapless fellow down. It read 'Manly Hunger: Player immediately devours a random person with their cock, if not equipped, player will grow one'. Ivory cackled and slapped the card down on the bar so hard it made Ayanna's champagne flute wobble. The dragoness then shuddered as her hips were suddenly jerked in a new direction, forcing her to turn.

A yelp came from nearby as one of the wait staff, a busboy, dropped his tub of dishes. He was dragged towards the dragoness by a magical force, finding his clothing ripped off as he flew. Ivory's rod, still painfully erect, pointed directly at the flying busboy; a poor, confused goat.

With a loud, wet, lewd squelch, he vanished into the dragon's shaft, bulging it tremendously as he was jerked down through it at great speed. In seconds, the winged lady's bloated scrotum was even larger and heavier, squirming about visibly as her occupant scrambled to make sense of what had just happened to him. A hearty spasm claimed the dragoness and she gripped her rod, making a sizable white stain on the floor of her own, only thicker and stickier.

"Ahhh, I love that card. And I mean I love it a -lot-," Ivory grinned, reaching down to pat the struggling goat in her sac, "Don't worry honey, you'll be fine. I'm sure The Promise will catch you if you stay in there too long. But don't you dare stop squirming. It feels way too damn good."

"Oh wow!" Ayanna gasped, giggling as she leaned in to massage the now occupied dragon bulge, "That was so fast! Almost not enough time to really enjoy it properly."

"Yeah, but then it's so sudden and forceful, it's a bit like a shotgun blast. Mmm, keep doing that. And it's your turn by the way." Ivory reached over and picked up her stein, taking a strong draft.

Though she was more interested in tending to the bulging, wriggling swells before her, Ayanna relented and did as she was told. She sat up, but only just long enough to pull a card. What she saw this time made her eyes go wide. It was a big one, one that she wasn't sure how she felt about.

"Oh my." Ayanna said quietly, then turned the card to show it to Ivory.

The dragoness leaned in to read and watch the little animation. She immediately cackled and waited for it to take effect. It was one of the special, extreme effects, and it read 'Snake Charmer: Player's lower half will become snake-like, turning them into a naga, all other effects remain in place if possible'. The animation showed a lady, standing there, seemingly unconcerned. Then she gasped and looked down to see her legs merging, growing longer and more flexible, and stretching out into a snake-like tail.

The taur shuddered as a powerful--it wasn't quite a chill--ran up the length of her entire spine. Impressive given how long it was as a four-legged lady. Her legs all pulled in close to her form, seeming to melt into her lower chest and abdomen as her aleady long, fluffy tail grew even longer. The mass of her taur half began to fade, distributing itself down her lengthening lower self. The monstrous sheath and exceptionally generous sac all began to slide up her front, settling in place where they would on her were she an ordinary, two-legged lady. Her fur began to lay flat, matting down as if wet. As she reached down to feel over what was happening, she found the texture becoming very rubber-like, almost like latex. It even possessed a sheen similar to it, keeping the hue of her violet pelt.

From the waist up, she appeared to be an ordinary, massively endowed purple renamon. Below, she was turning into a naga. Instead of scales though, she was covered in a strange, alluring, shiny hide that mimicked the look and feel of latex rubber, and she was now easily at least seven meters long, and still growing. Thankfully, that growth was slowing down, reaching its limit. Ayanna moaned and reached down, finally able to run her hand-paws over her bulging sheath. The dark purple spire it contained had already begun to spill out, but the sensation of transformation had only hastened it. It drooled and dribbled, adding to the still growing milk lake she was making.

"Oh my god! Ivory! H-how did you... come up with that one!?" the rena-naga moaned.

"That was one of Celene's actually. The latex part was my idea. It's random. Some get scales, some get fur, some get latex. Lucky you!" the dragoness smirked, still running a heavy palm over her continuously writhing and gurgling scrotum.

That busboy goat was a fighter. Either he was terrified, or he was actually enjoying himself helping the dragon get off, and from what could be heard--semi-audible moans and cries, heavily muffled by the sloshing and over-filled chambers of dragon seed--it was very likely that he was having a grand time.

"Oh god... I... I love it! It feels so good! How long do I get to stay this way!?" Ayanna began coiling her tail up around herself, exploring this new form of hers, testing how to move and sense through it.

"The cards? Oh they're permanent," Ivory said casually, then took another strong pull from her stein, "The stakes have no teeth if it doesn't stick, right?"

"P-p-p-permanent!?" Ayanna stammered, almost overcome with glee.

"Sure. I mean, they won't go away on their own," Ivory rolled her eyes and grumbled, "Celene made me make sure there's a sort of 'back door' to each card that she can undo if the player's not happy with it. But I made it so that any card that gets cancelled out doesn't go away right away. You hit the 'undo button' and you're waiting anywhere from a day to a week for it to go away."

"Whatever you do, don't turn it off!" the renamon cried out, wrapping her arms around her coils, or as much of them as she could reach.

She clearly was in love with the new shape, marveling at how flexible it was and how it felt to the touch. She even began to wonder about that first night she spent at the Inn. She wondered how many more people she could fit in her now. It had to be nearly twice as many as that first time.

"Oh I don't plan to. All of this is great if you ask me. Anyway my turn. Let's see what happens to me next, and we'll say the one I pull after is the last one. You get one more, but that'll be your last." Ivory drew her card and looked down.

It was another extreme effect. Her eyes opened just as wide as Ayanna's, and her grin pulled into an enormous, tooth-filled smile as she read it and showed it to the rena-naga. The animation showed two people, a male and a female, standing next to one another. They were both the same generic canine species, both unconcerned. Then they were pulled together sharply, much to their surprise. The two figures seemed to melt into one another until one figure remained, a mixture of the two, panting and moaning as she fondled her chest and shaft. They had become one, and they had gone from one female and one male to one hermaphrodite, and the resulting hybrid seemed quite happy with it. The caption at the bottom read 'Meeting of Minds and Bodies: Player immediately merges with the nearest member of their species'.

"God I was hoping I'd pull this card! There's a limited range on it. It will only pull from within the room. And if it can't find an exact match, then it will make a 'best guess', or just pick at random." Ivory explained, wiggling on her stool as she sat, giddy, waiting for the spell to strike.

And strike it did. A loud cry sounded from across the room. Some poor dragon was being pulled away from their dinner. Those at the table affected stood in shock as a blue figure was dragged away in a streak across the dining hall. Ivory squinted a little to see who she had inconvenienced, finding a familiar white dragoness standing at the table, and the blue creature hurtling towards her was quite familiar as well. Her sister, Shayna, looked back at Ivory with an expression that transmitted not only her annoyance, but amusement as well. She wanted to have a nice, quiet dinner with her husband, Smokey, the Innkeeper. And now he was rocketing away from her at blinding speed, right towards the orca-colored lady that had a habit of interrupting them.

"You owe me a date night!" Shayna shouted to her sister.

"Deal!" Ivory fired back, opening her arms as the smaller blue drake closed in, then slammed into her chest.

Thankfully, the black and white lady's legendary bosom provided a soft landing. Only Smokey didn't just strike and bounce off, he was quickly sinking in, like he as falling into a pool of water. The two dragons cried out as they were immediately connected. Ivory twitched, her shaft spasming hard as she added another hearty blast to the sticky puddle she had made earlier, and was already being cleaned up by one of the staff. They ended up catching a portion in the face and down their front.

The blue dragon disappeared into the bigger lady's chest and stomach and the entirety of Ivory's form shimmered. Ripples passed over her entire body as she morphed, taking on features from the Innkeeper. His necklace had been the only article of clothing that had remained on him. His vest and shorts drifted down to the floor seconds after he vanished into Ivory. Her chest expanded heavily. Her length twitched and grew significantly larger, as did the two swells below. Then her stomach bulged outward, developing a very motherly curve that squirmed softly. Someone was in there. Smokey's ongoing passenger had come with him, taking up residence in the new, larger womb the blue now shared with Ivory.

The hybrid gasped and quivered, possessing even broader curves than before, mirroring the very motherly shape that Ayanna possessed, even with her naga form. The dragoness worked her jaws for a moment, feeling the inside of her mouth with her tongue before finally speaking.

"Mmm... it's good to be back." she purred sweetly.

The renamon just watched in awe, seeing a now dark blue and white dragoness, thicker, softer, curvier, staring back at her with those same red eyes. Even Ivory's necklace was different. It had been a stylized skull, but now it had a silver dragon wrapping its wings around it as if grasping it in its talons.

"W-who are you?" Ayanna asked timidly.

"I'm Sikova. Nice to meet you, snaky!" the hybrid dragoness shoved a large paw forward.

Ayanna took the paw and shook it fondly, scooting closer as she began to coil around the big, blue lady. She could not help herself but want to stroke over every surface of this new beast.

"Hi Sikova... I'm Ayanna. Do you... do you know me?" the renamon asked, then moaned as one of the big dragon's palms cupped against her breast again.

"Of course I know you. I'm Ivory. But I'm also her brother-in-law. That blue guy you saw fly over the heads of everyone in the dining hall. We're both in here. We've done this before, but only for short periods of time. Now go on, it's your turn." Sikova curled her fingers, giving the vulpine's chest a very firm squeeze.

Ayanna melted in the big lady's grasp, leaning against her, and adoring the warm, exceptionally smooth hide. Ivory had been quite lovely to the touch, but now, it felt like warm, slick orca hide.

"Okay." was all she could muster.

The naga reached over weakly and took hold of the top of the deck, pulling her last card for the game. When she turned it over to read, she immediately began to giggle uncontrollably. Compared to what had happened already, it seemed fairly tame, but she was still eager to let it happen involuntarily. It showed two figures, a male and a female, both of them furiously pleasuring themselves. There was a line between the two, separating them to denote an either-or scenario. Just below was written the caption 'Public Pleasure: Player must immediately begin masturbating and cannot stop until another player says to stop, one orgasm minimum'.

"Gracious, so you could just leave someone writhing on the floor forever if you really wanted to, couldn't you? What if you're playing by yourself and you're too out of breath to give the command?" Ayanna grinned, setting the card down before she loosened her coils from around the big blue lady.

She gasped and groaned as an intense fire began burning away inside her. She grasped at her engorged shaft, too large for her to get both hands around, and began to pump with a fury she didn't know she had in her. Her length was already primed, dribbling a clear ooze quite freely, all while her chest leaked so readily.

"Then you keep masturbating until you are physically unable to keep going. It wears off if you pass out. If you use a spell or a stimulant to keep awake, you can last longer, but I wouldn't advise it. I should probably put an upper limit on it just to be safe. They're supposed to be fun and work as an ice breaker. You can't exactly get to know people if you're too busy on your back, jerking off all over yourself." Sikova laughed.

Ayanna wasn't listening at that point. She was too busy trying desperately to quench the fire inside her. She cried out as she quivered, her petals--hidden just behind the bloated, sloshing swell of her sac--were burning for use. The naga's coils turned about, writhing as her limbs worked of their own accord. It was all without command from her. She was about to add to the still sizable mess Ivory--and now Sikova--had made, which had finally met with her own puddle. Her shaft, dark purple and long enough to stand up above her head now that it was rooted to her hips, began to throb with an intense undulation.

Sikova saw this, finding her own loins burning away powerfully. She pushed the rena-naga onto her back and straddled her, pushing the rod threatening to erupt between her legs. It sank into her folds easily enough, making her hiss in a deep, guttural wave of satisfaction. It bulged her already round stomach, which while a lovely curve, was not large enough to approach the same distance as the expansive reach of her breasts. And then Ayanna screamed.

A mighty, sticky, heated gush flowed out of the naga, flooding the dragon's womb. The passenger within, a mix of fox and drake, squirmed about, suddenly getting a thick, viscous bath in the stuff. And that seemed to only entice them to writhe more. Alex rather enjoyed it when there was a 'guest' in there to play with. The big blue dragon began to bounce her hips on top of the renamon, not letting her stop with just one climax, even when her belly surged outward after the first good, long-lasting series of splashes that flooded her. After a few moments of pause, at least on Ayanna's part, she felt the fire grow again, demanding more.

And more was given. Minutes passed as she rocked her hips up into the dragon on top of her, quickly learning how to use her new snake half to curl around and take hold of her partner for greater leverage. Another sticky burst came, doubling the lake filling Sikova's middle. And then the naga realized that while her shaft was tended to by the warm, inviting lips of the dragon's folds, her own were in need. She shoved her hands down, trying to work them under the heavy scrotum that now appeared to have no end of essence to provide, and shoved her fingers into herself.

It eased the fire, but only a little. A hot splash of honey coated her hands and the back of her weighty sac, making her tremble all over. As soon as the initial wave of pleasure ended, she was back to work, feeling about inside that delicate, sensitive tunnel to try and make herself scream. And scream she did. Sikova threw her head back and roared as she added a good soaking splash from her own well-stretched flower. Her shaft bobbed in Ayanna's face, the head of it well past range for her to lick and suckle on. One more strong surge of sticky seed ran through the two of them, from rena-naga to dragon, filling Sikova out until her gut was so vast it obscured not just her view of Ayanna, but much of the ground under her.

The dragon's rod erupted one more time, making a mess in a new direction. At least this time, the poor staffer that had been working to clean up the earlier stickiness wasn't in the way. It did however knock over a couple of bar stools, and threw a couple of guests to the floor, coated in the powerfully strong-smelling stuff.

"Enough!" Sikova bellowed at the top of her lungs.

And with that, the fire burning in the poor renamon died away, leaving her to pant. And to cling to the heavy belly and shaft pushing down on her from above. It was all Ayanna could see.

"Oh god... wh-why did you stop us?" she moaned, running her fingers over the dragon's flesh.

"Because this isn't the best place to do this. I'm happy to get all kinds of ridiculously messy, but I'm an Innkeeper, not just a hedonist. And I'm making things uncomfortable for my guests." Sikova waved to the couple of diners she had sent to the floor.

"Awww, but... but I bet... they're enjoying the show." Ayanna giggled drunkenly, high off the potent mixture of hormones her brain was now soaked in.

"Maybe, but I think it might be better for us to relocate if we're gonna keep going with the stickiness." the dragoness snickered as she stood up, slowly pulling off the naga's impressive, person-sized member.

As she watched staffers approach to assist the poor diners she had knocked to the floor with the force of her orgasm, she blushed as they both began to slowly swell. Their clothing ripped open as they both sprouted stomachs that were too large for a typical pregnancy. They moaned and knelt on the floor, suddenly needing similar release.

Ayanna sat herself up and took note of the strange reaction to being splattered with the big blue dragon lady's seed. She hadn't even penetrated either of them, and yet they were suddenly pregnant. Massively so.

"Wow, I didn't know you could do that." the rena-naga grinned, suddenly wishing she had been on the receiving end of the drake's member.

"Yeah, it's um... it's a quirk of the merging. Smokey's not nearly that fertile, and while Ivory's a good bit more than him, I'm several orders of magnitude beyond that. There's a weird sort of resonance that happens. It makes me strong enough to knock someone up at a distance," the dragoness snickered sheepishly, "Ranged fertility."

"Damn, how do I get that? Either to hit others with or to get hit with myself?" the violet woman huffed, only just beginning to breathe more normally.

"We'll talk later. For now, just take a breather. And give me a moment. I'll come back and pull my last card, then we can go somewhere else. I need to handle this." Sikova stepped over the naga to approach the two patrons who had ended up writhing on their knees.

She began trying to express her sincerest apologies for the incident and that she would happily pay for not just their meals, but their rooms. She was met with vehement rebuttal. They wouldn't have it. Apparently they were enjoying it too much to take it as a strike against their experience. If anything, they wanted to know how much it cost to enjoy that kind of 'treatment' and if it was a regular offering.

Ayanna sat herself up, leaning heavily against the bar, and waited for a moment, trying to center herself. The bartender, a jackal of tawny brown was rubbing down a glass with a rag as she stared at the naga.

"You okay, honey? You need anything?" Layla asked.

"I'm... I'm good. I just... I need to finish my drink." Ayanna replied, the collected her champagne flute.

She lifted the glass to her lips and downed the bubbly liquid in one big gulp, as if it were a shot glass. She let out a gasp, then wiped her mouth with the back of her arm and set the glass down.

"Lemme know if you want another one. Or something stronger." Layla raised an eyebrow as she watched.

"Maybe in a minute. I dunno. It depends on what's coming up next," she watched Sikova play 'damage control' which turned out to be less that and more salesman, "Does that sort of thing happen a lot around here?"

"What? A giant, hyper-endowed dragon cumming so hard she knocks people over and knocks them up? Not a lot, no. But it does happen sometimes. They'll probably go down to The Roost and lay a huge clutch of eggs. They'll be fine." the jackal answered, sounding very casual about it, as if it were no serious concern.

"Well, so long as I haven't made things unpleasant for anyone." Ayanna blushed hard, then looked around the dining hall.

Plenty of people were watching. Some were applauding. Some didn't seem to notice or care and were just going about their meals as if nothing had happened.

"I'd say you served well as tonight's entertainment. I know what I'm gonna need to do when I go on break." Layla smirked and stepped back, revealing a sizable bulge in her trousers, along with a dark stain of moisture at the point where it made the peak of the 'tent'.

Ayanna blushed and giggled, covering her mouth with a paw.

"Well, I guess... so long as I was entertaining." the naga coiled herself back up, but quickly found she could not stop rubbing her still leaking chest, or the still powerfully stiff rod she could actually reach now.

"Entertaining is an understatement," Sikova said as she returned with a huge grin, her belly sloshing audibly, "I think these cards are going to be a big hit, and I think I've just come up with a couple more to add to the deck. Those two were actually trying to get me to agree to blast them one more time. They wanted to see how big they could get. I told them I might see about testing their limits later, that I had a prior engagement. You ready?"

The renamon nodded, steeling herself for one more round. She was deeply enjoying this game.

"Ready." Ayanna turned her face stern and serious.

Sikova laughed and gave her a pat on the shoulder, then leaned in to perhaps calm her with a sweet, loving kiss.

"Take it easy honey. It might be something as simple as digesting this guy," Sikova reached down around her intensely swollen belly to pat her bloated scrotum, amazingly still writhing and squirming from the busboy she had slurped up, "You okay in there Jeff?"

A moan sounded from a location she couldn't see. Her stomach was just too big. But after a moment, the moan turned to a coherent voice.

"Am... am I... getting... overtime... for this?" the goat bleated tiredly as he writhed.

"Oh honey, that and a big bonus for being such a good sport. You okay to stay put for now? The card that put you there means you have to stay for a pretty good while." the dragoness cupped her paw against the wriggling orbs.

"Wh-whatever... you need... boss lady." he panted.

"That's my boy," she smirked, then drew the final card of the game, blinked, then placed it on the bar, face up, "Well, not what I had expected, but this ought to be fun!"

The card showed a figure approaching another, prying their mouth open, then climbing their way in, leaving the other figure with a huge, satisfied-looking stomach. Ayanna's eyes widened as she read the caption 'Snackrifice: Player must select another player and let themselves be eaten by them, regardless of size difference'. She suddenly realized she was going to be putting that capacity she had wondered about to the test.

"Well... there's only two of us." the naga said quietly.

"That's right. You think you're up to it?" Sikova grinned, wrapping her arms around the motherly figure of the renamon.

"I... I'm not sure. You're so big. I know I had a lot in me last time, and I'm pretty sure I could hold a lot now but... well... you really are big. Especially because of this." Ayanna let her paws roam over the huge, gravid, squishy tummy she had given the dragoness, even able to feel the occupant inside squirming about under the lady's hide.

It stirred something in her, making her loins re-light.

"Well if you don't think you can, then I guess I can just call it off. I have to pick someone. If I don't, then that's that. It's just a shame that you can't handle me." Sikova teased her snake-like lover, hoping it would have the desired effect.

Ayanna frowned, deciding she wasn't going to be stopped by a little fear. If she couldn't fit all of the dragon in her... well, she'd just make all of her fit.

"No, I can! I'll prove it! C'mon! We've put on a good show so far, let's finish on a high note!" the rena-naga insisted.

"That's my girl. Alright," Sikova released the purple lady and stepped back, "Go on then, eat me!"

The card took effect in that instant. A very loud, very hungry-sounding growl rose up from Ayanna's stomach. She suddenly felt quite weak, like she had not eaten in days. She looked down at herself, unable to see her stomach, at least the one that was above he waist, thanks to her chest. But her snake half was easy to see. She had a lot of body to fill, and it felt like the whole of it was growling at her hungrily. As soon as she laid eyes back on the dragoness, her mouth began to water, imagining how delicious she must be.

The renamon slithered her way towards the big blue lady and pressed against her form, coiling around her quickly, just as a snake might when attempting to catch a meal. She mashed her lips to Sikova's in a deep, powerful kiss, tightening her grasp on the azure drake. Then, she opened her mouth wide, far wider than she thought possible, and slammed her jaws down over the other girl's head. The dragoness laughed loudly as she saw the gaping maw barreling towards her, then her laughter turned to a delighted coo.

Ayanna began working those jaws, twisting herself one way, then the other, using her coils to push the dragoness towards her mouth. Her tongue lashed about this way and that, drawing away a glorious, wondrous flavor. Smokey had a taste that was akin to his namesake, a smoked meaty zest that reminded her of bacon. But Ivory's constant use of coconut oil mingled with it. Together, the mixture was tropical, like eating at a bonfire on the beach. It was divine.

The naga's hunger deepened and she growled on her own, fighting to stuff herself silly. In moments, she reached those giant, impossibly grand breasts and began to squeeze them in. The dragoness writhed and cried out in need, rubbing her legs together. The more pressure Ayanna put on that magnificent bust, the harder Sikova wriggled, and that made her entry all the easier. The rena's throat stretched so very wide to house the dragon's chest, soaking it in her drool then seeing it massaged powerfully by the muscles of the greedy gullet working to tug her inward.

What Ayanna was too busy and too distracted to notice was how impressively easy it was to get that far. Not only did she have the lower half of a snake, she had the articulating jaws of one, and the ability to stretch far greater than she imagined she could. And that ability was about to be tested. The expansive mountain of a belly she had provided her azure companion with now lay before her. Slowly, Ayanna crept up over the dome, gulping noisily as her meal fought, not to get away, not to slow or stop her, but to contend with heat between her legs. And that scent was reaching the renamon's nose, driving her to a deep, animalistic lust.

She slurped noisily and hungrily, taking at least fifteen minutes just to reach the peak of that squirming globe. As soon as she did, her progress quickened. Sikova was now halfway inside her, bulging her form, stretching her so much that it was easy to make out the lady's features through the naga's rubbery hide. And still Ayanna needed more. She slid down over the rest of the bloated womb housing the unwitting fox-dragon, still able to feel those squirms. Then came another bulge that held similar movement. Sikova's shaft had slid into the naga's maw along with her stomach, mashing against it, drooling strongly, threatening to erupt once again.

As soon as Ayanna reached the blue dragon's sac, the threatening eruption came to be. It gushed down her throat, pooling in her stomach and filling her out, but not in the way she expected. Instead of one, big, round bulge against her hips, it flowed down through her lower half, making her swell and giving her a softly squishy feel. That felt rather lovely. She wanted more of that. She would need to make Sikova climax again, but later, after she had finished devouring the dragon.

The wriggling orbs that housed the intensely eager busboy glided into the renamon's throat, bulging her neck and then her chest easily and comically. Something about feeling all of this mass passing through her was far too marvelous. She was going to be a serious danger. She would be hungry for others after Sikova's presence passed. She felt like she could eat half the Inn with how easily she was consuming three--technically four--all at once.

The very matronly blue drake's thick, strong thighs glided smoothly in past Ayanna's lips, seeing them licked just as liberally as everything else she could find in range of her tongue. Then came the drake's knees. And then, at long last, Sikova's enormous paws. They had to be big if they were to hold up all that mass, not just the dragon herself, but the weight she would inevitably end up carrying from whatever she did to pass the time; devouring people, getting herself pregnant, adding to her scrotum or chest, anything that resulted in making her curves heavier.

Ayanna ran her tongue across the smooth pads, enjoying the wiggling that came from her tasting, then shoved them in out of sight. She clapped her jaws shut and gulped hard one last time. The sensation of the last of the big blue lady passing down her gullet left her breathless. She could feel those paws slip deeper and deeper, falling past her hips. Her stomach was trim and flat, just as it had been prior to the game, but her new naga half was very much not. The dragoness inside was squirming, turning about, and stretching out.

Somehow, Sikova and spun around so that her head was pointed up towards the renamon's upper half. She did not curl up in a ball, though. She was stretched out, as if she were standing, or rather laying down. The rena-naga's elastic figure was stretched so tightly around the dragoness that many of her features were plainly visible. Her face, her breasts--including the two weighted nipple piercing, her enormous, wobbling belly, her shaft, her still churning scrotum with the goat busboy writhing away inside, and her legs and feet; it was all perfectly easy to pick out.

Ayanna sighed and slouched against the bar, seeing that her azure meal took up the majority of her lower half. She was incredibly stuffed. Part of her felt like she couldn't swallow anything else, lest she explode. And yet her upper stomach was still empty, and it growled quietly. She gasped and cried out, "What!? I'm still hungry!?"

Before she could say anything more, she belched. The volume was loud enough that it shook the wine glasses on every table. Ayanna covered her mouth and blushed powerfully, before squeaking out a pitiful little 'excuse me', as if that would be enough to pardon such a noise.

"Well, it looks like I'm going to have to wait for my date night." Shayna said, crossing her arms as she stared at the wriggling, moaning swell of the naga's tail.

Ayanna's eyes widened and she shrank a little, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I... I couldn't... I mean... It was the cards!" the renamon pointed quickly to the short deck still waiting for more to be drawn from.

The angelic lady waved a hand in a dismissive gesture.

"I know, I know honey. It's not your fault. But it was a pretty impressive show. How are you feeling?" Shayna asked as she stepped closer, leaning down to stroke over the lumpy swell that was Sikova under that rubbery hide.

Ayanna shivered feeling that delicate touch, enjoying the caress as well as the squirms it brought out of her trapped lover.

"So full I might explode... but... what's weird is... I'm still hungry." she grumbled.

"That's not unusual. You have two stomachs. You've filled one. You need to fill the other. Do you want something squirmy? Or something that'll just sit there and digest?" the snowy-hued lady asked.

"I dunno. I... kinda want both." the renamon replied bashfully.

"Well, I'll see what the kitchen can come up with. You just lay there and relax. And make sure you make her wriggle really good. Tease the hell out of her. Make her moan. It's her punishment for making me wait for date night." Shayna called out over her shoulder as she turned to walk away.

Ayanna nodded, looking down at the Sikova-shaped swell in her form. She loved how it felt, more than words could express. She coiled up next to the great dragon bulge and kissed the drake's nose through her skin, then began caressing over the devoured lady's chest. Not only did Sikova moan and squirm, but the very act of caressing her own rubbery hide stretched around those beyond ample breasts felt tremendously satisfying. She couldn't stop.

Soon, Ayanna was laying on top of her own belly, rocking against it, humping the imprisoned dragoness, groping whatever sensitive bulges she could reach. A warm explosion flooded her deepest interior, then spread through her lower half, making her shudder. She had just made Sikova cum. And it satisfied part of that hunger she had been fighting against. She groaned and yowled as she continued to pleasure herself against her delicious meal, constantly trying to make the concealed woman climax again.

And climax the dragoness did. She was writhing uncontrollably, panting and gasping as she continued to contribute load after load directly into the rena-snake's belly. Ayanna was quickly lost to her own pleasure, painting her own wiggling stomach in a sticky blast of seed. And when she felt the fire finally go out, she just collapsed there, landing in the sticky coating she had given herself, hugging the never-still feast she had managed to devour.

"Still feel like eating?" Shayna asked, returning with a couple of waiters behind her.

"I suppose so." Ayanna said tiredly.

"Good. Come on. Let's get you to bed. You can eat there. It'll be more comfortable than the dining hall floor." the angelic lady cooed, leaning down to help the naga 'sit up'.

With a little effort, Ayanna began to slither her way towards the door. She ended up forcing her belly over, pressing Sikova's chest and stomach onto the ground. As she took her leave, the constant muscular motions of her effort to make an exit squeezed and massaged the dragoness inside her, as well as the drox and goat deeper inside. After only a few meters of travel, Ayanna shuddered, feeling another warm splash inside her. She moaned a little, suddenly realizing that Sikova was probably going to just keep being struck by orgasm over and over until she crawled into bed and could finally lie still.

That didn't bother her. If anything, it made her want to take her time, perhaps go on another tour of the Inn. That first one Ivory had taken her on before they arrived at the dining hall had been fairly short. As she slithered on, that was when she noticed that her tail was considerably bigger than it had been. Not because of Sikova's wriggling form, at least not directly. She was broader, thicker, heavier, all while the dragoness was still visibly pressed into the floor under her. She felt an odd motion inside her, like several hard objects were slipping around against one another, making a soft clacking sensation.

She was growing eggs! Just like the two guests Sikova had blasted with seed. She giggled and grinned, running a hand over her upper tummy. It had started to swell and push up against her breasts. 'Ranged fertility' she thought to herself with a giggle, wondering how much bigger she was going to get. And how many more times she could get the dragon in her stomach to orgasm.

"Hey, Shayna... would it be okay if they dropped the food off in my room... and you helped me... walk this off?" Ayanna reached back to stroke over the still groaning bulge in her tail.

Two weeks passed. Ayanna was absolutely enormous. It had become difficult for her to move, but any efforts she made only made her swell bigger still. Several times she had made her way down to The Roost to drop off an enormous clutch of eggs, providing enough to keep the entire Inn stocked all by herself. It wasn't until those two weeks passed before the rena-naga took up her phone and tapped out a quick review, as was requested by the blue lady still wiggling away in her belly.

--Ivory wanted me to test out a card game she's working on. It was a lot of fun, but now she... well, Sikova is still wiggling around inside me and won't digest. I don't know how long she's going to want to stick around. I'm okay with that. She's been giving me plenty of eggs to enjoy being swollen with. Shayna's been helping me with all the 'tension relief' since all that wiggling around gets me so worked up. I guess I'll just have to extend my stay. Lucky me! - Five stars--