The Seeker, Chapter 22, Demon in the Machine

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

** The Seeker, Chapter 22**

** Demon in the Machine**

** By William W. Kelso**

Varna chuckled to herself in anticipation, this was going to be fun! She thought as she booted up her Hellett-Packard computer. She was careful not to hit the keyboard too hard with her long sharp black claws; as it was she went through one about once a week anyway. She had hated the cursed thing at first as its magic was a mystery to her, but she'd had no choice when Central Admin. issued one of the damn things to every Demi-demonkind or above in the hierarchy. Hell, it had taken her two days to figure out how to turn the damn thing on! But once she got used to it she had to admit it had its uses, and when she found out one new one; that so far as she knew no one else had discovered yet; in Hell or anywhere else, she'd been having a blast ever since.

*Shortly after she got the computer she had mentioned it during a conversation with one of her followers who had summoned her. She'd ranted and raved about the stupid computer and how it was nothing but a unholy pain in the butt. To her surprise; and suspicion at first, her follower had suggested she might want to try upgrading her system with various applications he told her about. She hadn't understood a word she said, but hadn't let him know that as it wasn't a good idea to let mortals know they were smarter then you were. He'd "offered"; in exchange for certain powers and other considerations of course, to upgrade her system for her if she'd let him borrow her "tower" for a few days. Why not? She'd thought, so had given it to him. *

*He'd had it ready next time he summoned her, and she'd given him the new powers as agreed, and she'd taken the tower back to Hell with her to her domain. To her delight; it had been worth it after all, the computer had run much better and faster. But after awhile she started noticing something strange, she was getting a lot more results from her browser then before. It didn't take her long to realize she was not only on the Hellnet, but the mortal's internet as well!! And wasn't that interesting? She spent days having fun "surfing" the mortal internet, and had to admit they had some great porn and BDSM sites, even got a couple of ideas from them. She even registered at several "dating" sites, or so-called Furry or BDSM sites as "Hot-mama" or "Demoness15". It made her mad others; mortals, had dared to use the name demoness! She was the real one, thrice damned posers! She had NO idea how it worked, it certainly couldn't be by what they called "dish" as they didn't have that in Hell as radio or microwaves didn't work well down here. But she didn't care, it DID work, and that's all that counted. *

When one of her fellow site users had suggested she get a cam so he could see what she looked like; you have NO idea what you're asking for, she thought it might be fun to scare the crap out of him. So next time her follower summoned her she had asked him to buy her the "best cam gold could buy", and he had readily complied in exchange for a rather large bag of old gold coins. But she had tons of the junk. The truth is you can take it with you, it's just in Hell gold is worthless, except to numismatists, but they only do it to help pass the time, which demonkind have a lot of. Frankly she didn't see the appeal. When she got the cam she installed it, and then contacted her "friend". She looked at the young human female before turning on her own cam, and when she smiled at the girl the girl started to scream, then suddenly stopped and just stared at Varna with her mouth and eyes wide open, and to Varna's great surprise she made mental contact with the girl!! Quickly she completed the link, and then took possession of the girl. She blinked and looked down at herself and she WAS the girl! She looked at the PC and saw herself staring back, her eyes blank and confused. She found she still controlled her own body too; her mind was powerful enough to control both bodies. While she was in the girls mind the girls mind was in her body, but helpless. Standing up she took her new bodies clothes off and examined it. The girl was maybe nineteen or twenty, nice tits and tight little pussy, and a virgin! The "girl", a strange gleam in her eyes, thought, you know, this could be fun!

*Varna had never possessed a mortal before, but all demonkind had the capability, they just never had the chance as only the higher ups were allowed to do that. It used to be more common, but was fairly rare now. She knew she'd get in deep shit if her boss; Lord Tepes, found out. So, she'd just make sure he never did. But for now, some fun! She got her new body dressed and "went out" on the town. She was fascinated by the mortal world, she'd seen pictures and heard about it of course, but never been there, few demonkind had. Such visits; if unauthorized were greatly frowned upon. Had she visited physically it would have been noticed, but like this she was safe. As if drawn to it she soon found the worst part of the mortal town; she thought it was quaint, and soon found what she was looking for. It was a biker bar, and the large hairy leather and jeans clad denizens appealed to her. They gave her a hard time at first, until she got up on the bar and did a strip tease, and then their interest turned to other things. *

She moaned in pleasure as the bikers took turns fucking her, the human girl's body giving her much pleasure as its pussy and anus were rather brutally stretched by cock after cock. The girl was; or had been, a virgin, but she certainly wasn't now and Varna used all her thousands of years of expertise to get as much out of the ready and willing bikers as possible. Later as she rode one, another fucked her in the ass, and she sucked another's cock she knew she'd have to do this a lot! In the end twenty some odd bikers had pumped her stomach and womb full of cum and she was quite satisfied. Then she got a tattoo that said "Biker Slut" at the top of her pussy, and another that said "Butch's Bitch" on her arm. Butch being the biggest and nastiest of the bikers, and she'd told him she loved him and wanted to be his "bitch". Then she gave the girl's name, address, and phone number to the bikers and left. She made arrangements for Butch to meet "her" the next day and gave a key to the apartment and told him she had fantasies about being 'raped'. She had to go as she knew the possession would end at first light. Well, what a fun night!

*She returned to the girl's apartment, sat down in front of the computer, then released control of the girl and returned to her own body. Then she waved at the girl and broke the connection. Of course the girl would remember everything, which made it even better. She decided to contact to the girl again the next night just for fun, and when the camera activated was thrilled to see the girl lying on her bed while Butch fucked her and several of his buddies waited their turn. The girl, bruised and red, was crying and begging them to stop. Yes indeed, thought Varna, that had been tons of fun! She hoped the girl enjoyed being "Butch's bitch"! *

So she possessed other mortals on a regular basis; both female and male, young and old. She had a lot of fun having the males rape females, turning females into sluts, and even had a few she possessed commit murder or other crimes. Of course no one believed them when they claimed an "online devil" made them do it! Oh, it was so much fun!! She had another internet 'friend' lined up for tonight, some poor sex starved fool, she'd told him she really liked him and would contact him tonight and let him "have a look at her, maybe in the nude" and she could almost hear him drooling. She'd be nude of course, but not exactly what he would be expecting! She'd have so much fun!! But first she had to give her domain a quick inspection just to make sure those stupid Imps or lesser demonkind who were her slaves hadn't fucked things up too badly.

*"MAX!" she shrieked, and the lizard-goat demon appeared as if by magic, he knew better then to keep her waiting. *

"Yes Mistress?" he asked respectfully.

"How is that new order for the classic racks coming along?" she asked.

"Very nicely Mistress, Max replied, I assigned two extra crews of Imps to work on them. They'll be ready on schedule."

"Gooood, Good Max. Varna said, now come with me, I want to take a look around."

"Of course Mistress!" Max replied.

*Max watched as his Mistress walked past him, her hips swaying and her large firm breasts barely jiggling. She was bat demi-demoness, one of several different kinds. Her torso was human like with large full firm breasts, muscular abdomen, and pronounced mound with protruding labial lips. Her muscular legs had a permanent crouch and her feet were more like fingers the way they could grip and had long wicked claws. The arms were also muscular ending in hands whose fingers and thumbs also had long sharp claws, and a pair of truly huge bat wings were folded on her back, more claws at their main joint that could be used for gripping. A fairly short tail extended from her spine, and the membranes of her wings ended at its tip. Her head was entirely bestial, with a long blunt snout and mouth with truly horrendous fangs and she had the typical very large bat ears. Her face resembled that of the vampire bat she was, and she was definitely a carnivore and did in fact drink blood from the necks of victims, but she ate them too. Her eyes were mostly black with narrow green pupils, and more reptilian then mammal as were the eyes of all demonkind to varying degrees. She had short tufted black hair on her head and down her back to her small muscular rear, and the rest of her body was covered in varying thicknesses of dark reddish russet covered fur, being just a fine fuzz on her breasts and crotch. Max thought she was a complete and utter bitch, and loved her with all his dark heart. He hoped she would have him service her later. *

Varna inspected the rack the Imps were working on, and was overall satisfied. It was well made and the workmanship decent, she knew it would pass inspection and be accepted. The Imps and their demoness overseer let out sighs of relief after she left without ordering punishment for any of them. As she left the workshop the Imp entering with a load of fittings wasn't so lucky. His arms full he didn't see her and ran into her, and she shrieked in anger.

"MAX! Have this fool skinned alive in the morning, but wait until I'm up as I want to watch! Stupid animal!" She hissed as she kicked the terrified pleading Imp.

*Max sighed, and gestured for a couple of other Imps to take the unfortunate one to the punishment chamber and get him ready. They dragged the sobbing Imp off down the tunnel. *

"Mistress, Max carefully said, he's a good skilled worker, it will slow production down if he's gone."

"Max, replied Varna, he touched me without permission. I really wonder about you sometimes, sometimes you don't seem like a demon at all! Should I just say "Oh, no big deal"? NO, I think not! And just for that YOU get to skin him!"

Max thought, being a demonkind doesn't mean you have to be a total sadistic monster 24/7. But of course he didn't dare say it out loud; she could have him skinned as well.

Varna's domain designed, built, and tested torture and dungeon equipment for Level's 3 & 4 of Hell, and anyone else who wanted to buy them. They had a reputation for producing simple, basic, durable equipment. And each one was 'tested' before being delivered. So Varna decided to check the 'testing' department before having her online fun. She entered a room where souls, and unlucky Imps or beasts, were 'testing' new equipment by being tortured. She stopped at new rack design she liked, it was a rack with a timer, and every five minutes the cogged wheels moved up a notch thus stretching the "torturee" another half inch. It could be set for a few minutes to hours. The Imp had already had his arms and legs pulled out of their sockets, but they were going for the full quartering, so it would take awhile for him to be pulled into four large pieces. It was very promising, and already orders were pouring in. It would save valuable time and free up torturers for other activities at the same time. She stopped and inspected a bin of heavy crude iron manacles, and satisfied moved on. She had to yell at Max above the screams, howls, and other sounds of agony.

"Looks good Max, I'm going to get online for awhile, see that NOBODY disturbs me until I'm through. NO visitors, got that!?"

*"Yes Mistress" Max replied. *

Varna hadn't even told Max about her online exploits. Even by demonic standards she was a bit paranoid, and would not dare to trust this knowledge to anyone else. Chances are some big wig would find out and put a stop to her fun and games. Unlike most domains her personal office and quarters had a door, so she shut it after putting out the "Do Not Disturb, OR ELSE!" sign. She kicked some bones out of the way as she walked to her desk; the floor was strewn with the remains of her meals and other rubbish. Like many demonkind good housekeeping was very low on her list of standards. As the computer powered up and the soft glow of the screen lit her face she gave a horrendous smile full of fangs and thought, oh boy am I going to enjoy this!

*Edward P. (for Pascal) Bertram was really looking forward to chatting with his online friend tonight. She had a very deep; almost spooky, growly, kind of voice that he really liked. It sounded They'd corresponded via email, then on a chat room site for a few weeks. Now she told him she'd finally gotten a cam so they could finally see one another. He hoped she looked like she sounded. She'd told him she was a "big girl with big tits" and liked "kinky sex". They'd met at a BDSM site, and she listed herself as a dom, and since he was mainly a sub they had "clicked". Oh man, he could hardly wait to see her! She'd promised him a BIG surprise, maybe she'd be naked and/or wearing leather! He doubted he'd ever have the courage to meet her face to face, but the fantasy part was fun. He'd certainly never indulged any of his fantasies before; he was too scared for one thing. Some of those people were nuts! He sat down and turned on his PC, and then went to get a coke while it booted up. *

Varna typed "You there yet Eddie?", and sat back with a smile, and ran her long forked tongue over her fangs, drool dripping down her chest fur. Hmm, what would she have him do first? Rape someone for sure, she loved how good it felt to rape a woman with a man's body, it was exquisite! Maybe even two or three if his dick held up, human males were such wusses. Then maybe carve up some people with a butcher knife? Hmmm.

"Hi Demoness15, Eddie typed, how are you?"

"I'm fine Eddie, turn your camera on baby!" Varna typed, ohhh, she could hardly wait to see the look on his face!!

*Eddie turned his camera on, opened the link, and froze before he could even scream when he saw the THING staring at him with glowing eyes! *

*GOTCHA! Thought Varna in delight. Quickly she took possession of the young man's body, locking his own soul in her own. But he would be powerless to do anything other than sit and stare into the computer screen while he was trapped in her body. *

Oh God, Eddie thought, what just happened!?! He stared at the computer screen, but it wasn't his screen, and that was HIM looking back at HIM with a smile on HIS face! If I'm there, then where are am I now!?! He thought in total confusion. He watched as HE waved at the screen, then got up and walked out of sight, but HE wasn't doing anything, just staring. He tired to move his eyes, and found he could a little bit. What he saw confused him even more; and terrified him. He found himself looking down a large hair nose (?) with a raised tip on the end of it, and he could smell stuff he'd never smelt before. Sweet smells, nasty smells, rancid smells, a scent of sulfur, and the musk of many animals. He could also hear; and he heard faint screams, roars, and other very disturbing sounds. By raising his eyes he could see over the top of the PC screen and saw roughly hewn rock walls with some framed pictures hanging from them, and an old wooden door with a window in the upper half. The lighting was fairly low with a reddish tint to it. He couldn't see any lower as his nose; or whatever it was, was in the way. He could FEEL the body too, and it felt very strange. His chest felt heavy, and there was something on his back that he could feel, but the strangest feeling, and it was a disturbingly nice feeling, was between his legs, and it felt hot and wet down there too! Ohhh shit, what the hell is going on? He thought, rolling his eyes. And try as he could he couldn't move.

*Varna poked around "Eddies" apartment; only it was hers for tonight, but was disappointed. She hoped to find a gun or other weapon, but finally settled on a large butcher knife. She reached and fondled the erection between 'her' legs, time to go hunting! She'd find some sweet young thing and rape her brains out, making sure to leave 'her' wallet or some ID behind, then she stab a few people before returning to the new rapists and murderers apartment, probably just a few hours ahead of the police. Then she'd leave the man's bodies memories intact so he'd know what 'he'd' done. It was delicious to see the sudden horrible realization on their faces before she broke the link. She'd check the internet later to see what happened to him. So far thanks to her four men and one woman were on death row in various states, or doing life or lesser sentences in prison. She had similar successes in other countries, but liked Americans. *

Varna was so busy thinking about all the fun she was going to have she never noticed the city bus as she stepped out in front of it. As the horn blared and brakes screeched she had barely enough time to turn her head and think 'Oh Rat turds!' before the bus rolled the body she possessed under the front, and then double rear wheels. The body died instantly, and Varna died with it. Her dark evil twisted soul dissipating into nothingness with a fading wail as neither heaven nor Hell would have it.

Suddenly Eddie felt a ripping tearing agony in his head, and reaching up held his head between his hands and screeched in agony. Then he slumped back in the chair with a gasp as the pain faded. Something seemed to be screaming far away, but it faded in his mind and disappeared, and with it went the pain. Wow, that was weird he thought, and reached up to scratch his nose as it itched. And froze when he saw his hand. Large, reddish colored, hairy, with huge black claws!?! Since when did he have a, oh holy fucking crap, since when did he have tits!?! Or FUR!?! OR A PUSSY!?! He jumped up, opened his WINGS!?! And spun around in a circle giving short breathless high pitched shrieks of utter terror. This, this is crazy, insane! He stared in confusion at the drab stone chamber, the large ornate desk covered in strange carvings, the glowing crystals on the walls, and then almost stumbled over something on the floor. Looking down he saw bones, scraps of furry hide, and the grinning fanged skull he'd almost tripped over. With a loud shriek he jumped up on the desk with a flap of his WINGS!?! Since when did he have wings, or a PUSSY, and since when was he a fucking monster, and a CHICK!?! He/she crouched on the desk gibbering, his/her mind on the brink of insanity as it tried to cope with its new body, it's

Max sighed as he heard his Mistress bellowing. Alright already, he thought, I'm coming! Then he brightened up, maybe that meant she wanted him to service her. He knew it was just physical as far as she was concerned, any other demon or Imp would do, but he liked to pretend he was really making love to her when she had him fuck her. Opening the door he stepped inside, and said,

"You called Mistress?"

Eddied looked up as the door opened, and a monster came in. It was very large and looked like it was part human, part goat, and part lizard. It looked at him and hissed something, revealing nasty fangs.

"AAAAHHHHH! Screamed Eddie, a monster! Go away!"

Max spun around as his Mistress screamed something about a monster, ready to defend her if need be. It was rare, but even demonkind had enemies that could harm them. But he didn't see anything.

"Mistress, he asked, what monster!"

"YOU! Eddie squealed, go away, leave me alone! In that name of all that's Holy go away!! AAAAAAHH!"

Max's feelings were hurt, she'd never called him a monster before, in fact he thought he was rather handsome, at least the demoness's he mated with told him that. And she didn't have to use cusswords either. The "H" word was very rude. But she had given him an order, so away he'd go.

*"Yes Mistress." He said, and left shutting the door. *

*He was very disappointed, he'd hoped she'd want his services, but he guess she'd be satisfied with the slave tonight. *

It's gone, thank, thank Go, Guuu. Why can't I think that word, he wondered? What the Hell is going on? He spun around on the desk, then seeing another door in the wall behind him he/she hopped off the desk and cautiously entered the opening, hoping it would be an exit from this strange and terrifying place full of monsters. A short tunnel led to two other openings. He/she stuck his/her head in the first one and it was pretty much full of more rubbish, including more bones and half eaten bodies, he/she could smell them and felt used to the stench. With a squeal he/she pulled his/her heard out of the doorway and numbly walked to the next. It was a bedroom of some kind with a very large, very dirty, very disheveled bed against one wall. The bed was a strongly built old canopy bed, and as he/she looked closer there were chains and manacles attached to the bedpost and the tops of the posts, as well as assorted hooks, loops, and other attachments! AND there was a mirror on the ceiling! The place reeked AND his/her own musk!?! There were two openings in a wall, the first being a large closet containing little other then more chains and cuffs and The next opening led to a large fancy bathroom in disrepair, the shower and large tub were full of rubbish, the mirror so dirty it reflected only unrecognizable blurs. He/she looked down at his/her large clawed hands, jutting breasts with large nipples, and slowly, hesitantly, turned the sink on, and taking a filthy towel soaked it in the steaming water, and then rubbed at the mirror. The caked crud merely smeared at first, but the third time he/she rinsed the towel and rubbed again it finally began to clear. He/she turned the water off, and as the steam fog faded from the mirror he/she saw itself fully for the first time, and his/her eyes rolled up in his/her head as he/her collapsed and passed out in disbelieving horror, refusing to accept what he/she had seen staring back.

"Peeeeet, said Vulva, where are you?"

*I opened one eye and looked around the office. I was officially sulking as she'd found my stash of urinal cakes and I missed Lydia, horribly. Even Lisa was gone, so I was stuck with the plant for company. Whoopee, thrills a minute. Its idea of a good time was sitting in its pot pretending to be a tree. *

*"I'm in the office Mistress" I finally answered in my "I'm in a bad mood so leave me alone" hiss of voice. *

"Are you staying away from the computer?" she hissed back.

*"Yes Mistress, I'm a being a good little dragon" I grumbled. And I was too, I hadn't touched it all day. Couldn't get in anyway, Lisa changed all the passwords. No more pallets of urinal cakes for me, grumble. *

Vulva walked into the office and looked at the large red & black dragon in the corner. He does look pretty dejected, she thought. She walked over and crouching down scratched him between his eyes and he gave a soft hiss of pleasure.

"Don't be so sad Pet, hisss, the grand opening is in a couple of days and we'll see everybody there, and Lydia will come back with us."

"I know Mistress, I replied, I just miss my mate so much, and Lisa too. She's so nice to me. But as long as you're here I'll be OK."

He says the sweetest things without even knowing it, Vulva thought. He lifted up his head gave him a lick of her tongue, and said,

"Want to go to the bath grotto later with me Pet? I'll need a good massage."

I perked up at that; that was her code word (everybody knew it) for a good long humping, at which I excel.

"Yes Mistress, I said, that would be nice." And I rubbed my head against her warm furry legs, hissing my love for my Mistress. She is so good to me.

*Vulva scratched Pet's head for a couple minutes longer as he rubbed against her. His hard slick warm scales always felt so nice against her body. Then she got up and went to the desk to check the hmails. The stupid computer worked so much better now since Lisa had fixed it, or cast spells on it, or whatever the Hell she had done. She had cost Vulva a pretty penny, but it had already paid off. Lydia was different, she'd paid more for Pet's mate when she evenr had for anything before, but as she looked at the morose lonely dragon she realized it had been worth it. Seeing the two of them together was quite a sight, she'd never seen two demonkind more in love. Of course Pet loved her too, and to her everlasting surprise she loved her familiar as well, but with Lydia it was different as they were the same species and life mates. Well, she'd try to take his mind off it for awhile at the bath grotto. *

*She turned on the PC and waited until it had booted up, which didn't take long as with everything else in Hell it was already pretty warm. She checked the red flagged hmails first, and as usual most of them were mislabeled as far as she was concerned. And she did NOT want a subscription to "Depraved" magazine; she already had a lifetime one! She hissed in annoyance, maybe she should go over to their circulation office and rip someone's head off; that might get their attention! One message was pretty important; it was from the head of security at the grand opening of her new domain. *

She had reluctantly hired Carl Bruckmann to be head of security at Pet's insistence. It was that or invite him; which she had adamantly refused to do. She knew what happened at parties that crazy kraut was invited too. He'd spiked the punch at Great Lord Ba'al's All Hallow's Eve party with 'Tears of the Damned' and half the demonkind that drank the stuff were still having flashbacks from the really bad trips they'd had. The Tears were to demonkind what LSD was to mortals, powerful shit. But as Pet had pointed out the former Waffen-SS officer; now a fellow demonkind, had backed them up with Pet took down the demon Brax in combat and won his domain for her, so they owed Bruckmann an "obligation", which in Hell was taken very seriously. So she and Pet had reached a compromise after several hours of arguing; and Pet rarely argued with her so she knew he was serious, and offered Bruckmann the job of "Chief Security Officer" and the demon had been delighted. She had to grudgingly admit he seemed to be doing a good job. But this was going too far, a checkpoint for guests was one thing, but she drew the line at a minefield. With a hiss she sent him a brief reply.

"Barbed wire OK, NO minefields!"

*There, that took care of that. Now she had to make sure the caterer's she'd hired would be using only top grade food and refreshments, this was going to be a high class first rate blowout. She missed having Lisa around, the little bat demoness was good at handling details she considered beneath her Mistress's notice, but she was with Vulva's brother to set up his computer system per their agreement when she bought Lydia. One of the biggest headaches of the day was one of the main bands might have to cancel, the Crypt Kicker Five's lead drummer was a zombie and he'd lost one of his hands and they hadn't found it yet. Great, now she had to find a back up group of some kind. She finally decided on a group of pole dancing fire salamanders, she'd seen them before and every dick in the place would be standing at attention while they did their act. Hissing she kept working; then looked up in surprise when Pet suddenly set down a large mug of green sulfur tea and a plate of brimstone cookies. She'd never even realized he'd left the office. *

"Why Pet, how thoughtful, I am pleased! Hiiiisss."

I lay there watching as my Mistress worked at the computer, and could see the worry lines on her lovely muzzle. With a hiss I'd gotten up, and going to the breakroom I got a mug of tea from the Samovar, fixed a plate of cookies, and took them to her. I hate to see her working so hard; I worry about her even though she's immortal. That doesn't mean she can't get stressed out, and she does, a lot. Being a demi-demoness is a stressful job. Plus she's got me to put up with, I usually manage to do something at least once a day that makes her freak out and whale on me, but at least that helps her blow off steam. I really don't mind it, I like the attention. But since Lydia and Lisa left I'd been moping too much to do much more than just lie around feeling sorry for myself. When she told me she was pleased I couldn't help but wag my tail a little bit, I do so love it when she praises me, usually she's screaming at me. She started sipping at the mug and crunching a cookie, so I took a few cookies and went back to my corner, tossing a couple to the plant who gave a pleased hiss as he grabbed them with his tentacles. He's not a bad sort, and I knew he missed Lisa too as they were lovers.

Eddie came to lying on the floor in an assortment of rubbish and other filth, and with a moan sat up and looked at his 'new' body again. He had no idea how he ended up in the body of a MONSTER, and a very female one at that. He/she pulled herself up using the sink and looked in the still dirty mirror again at the hideous reflection it showed. With a whine he/she reached up and touched his/her face, running claws over the muzzle, sensitive snout like nose, the long sharp fangs, and gave high pitched giggle. This was insane, it had to be a horrible dream, a sick nightmare, but it seemed so real! But the worst part was the strange emotionless eyes that stared back. They were black with narrow green colored vertical pupils. He/she blinked and so did the terrible eyes. Almost of its own accord his/her hand went to the large firm breasts on his/her chest and hefted one. It was a little hairy, but still a very nice breast with dark aureoles and large nipples. They almost looked out of place on such a bestial body. He/she looked down at the muscular torso, slightly bent thick muscular legs ending in almost hand-like paws, and the large mound with protruding fleshly pussy lips that glistened wetly. I have a pussy he/she thought, and tits! He/she reached down and rubbed his/her mound and gasped, I felt that! This is so real! And so sick! He/she looked in the mirror again, and at the huge wings protruding over his/her shoulders, at the hooked claws and membranes. He/she spread his/her wings partially open, and then folded them. Wings, I have wings too! What the FUCK am I supposed to be anyway? A damn bat, monster, both, WHAT??!!?? Still in shock the creature that had once been a demoness named Varna, but now had the soul of a terrified young man, walked back out into the bedroom.

The slave stirred as his Mistress entered the bedroom again. He hoped she would want his services, but was also terrified of her. He was a demonkind too, but a very minor one, a mere rat-demon. For whatever reason she had made him her sex slave, and chained him to the wall in her bedroom so he could service her anytime she felt the need, which was fairly often. The only thing that gave him relief and pleasure; the sex, was also the one thing he feared most for she was a brutal and demanding partner. She had his vocal cords removed so he couldn't beg for mercy, and had cast a spell on him giving him a permanent rampant erection, so he was in a state of constant full blown rut and it was driving him insane. His only relief came when he fucked her, she had wanted him hard so he could do it at a seconds notice as she didn't like to waste time with foreplay, but then she would usually tear at his body with her claws, and sometimes feed on him with her fangs and suck his blood as her kind did. As a result of that; and the fact he was never fed enough, he was rather pitiful looking demon. As she entered the bedroom he thought she would probably want his services so he threw off the filthy blankets that made up his "bed" and stood up, ready to mount her if she so desired.

*As Eddie entered the bedroom again he halted as pile of what he'd thought was garbage in one corner suddenly stirred, and his eyes bulged as a large rat like creature stood up, a male rat like creature with a very large jutting erection. Oh shit, he/she thought, this is the part of the dream where I get raped by a monster! *

"AAAAHHHH" Eddie screamed in a deep growling voice that sounded more like a threat then fear, and ran out of the bedroom.

The slave let out a "Eeeeeek!" and dived back into his filthy nest. The Mistress was being freaky again; best not to be seen if at all possible.

Eddie went back to the other room next to the bedroom, at least it didn't have some horny monster running around in it, and there were no mirrors where he/she could see him/herself. Crouching in a corner he/she wrapped his/her wings around him/herself and started crying. He didn't want to be, this, this THING!

Max lay on his bed and looked up at the ceiling of his small so-called room, really more of a niche in the tunnel wall. At least he DID have a bed, it a moss filled bag could be called that. Beat the floor though. He was dreading the morning when he'd have to skin that poor Imp alive, but he had no choice. If he refused he'd join the Imp on the skinning frame, but unlike the Imp he wouldn't die. He doubted he'd get much sleep tonight. He didn't even feel like grabbing a female Imp to keep him company.

Vulva sat back with a sigh, done! At least for now, time for a trip to the bath grotto to unwind and get a...massage. She looked over at Pet, and the large beast was lying on his back sound asleep, hissing softly. How he could look so comfortable lying on his wings she had no idea. She got up quietly and went over to him. She thought about scaring the crap out of him at first; she loved to do that, but he looked so sad even asleep she found she just couldn't. He's having a bad influence on me, she thought. She squatted and gently rubbed his belly bands, and he gave a soft squeal, kicked a hind leg, and said,

"Hiiis, Mmmmm Lydia, oh yes please! Grrrrwwlll, snort."

*She started rubbing and stroking his vent, and he gave a long low moan of pleasure and kicked his leg again. As his penis started to slide from his vent she bent over and sucked on the head as she kept stroking the hide around his now larger softer vent. His nether tongue snaked out into her mouth and down her throat and she gagged a little in surprise, but then swallowed it smiling around the cock in her mouth, that damn nether tongue of his was something very special. It was like he had one penis inside another, and boy did he know how to use the thing. His taste and the scent of his growing arousal was causing her to get hot and wet as her own lust kindled; or at least increased as she was always at least partially aroused all the time since she was a sex demoness-and it didn't take much to set Pet off either. She opened her mouth and swallowed several more inches of his still growing erection and gave a muffle growl of pleasure. He tasted so good! She climbed up on his belly and straddled him, and began to slide her crotch against his warm slick scales. Oh yesss, she thought, that felt so good against the increasingly wet lips of her sex. Pet gave a snarl in his sleep, and reaching up with one hind leg grasped her head in his powerful paw and gave a guttural hiss as he forced himself deeper into her mouth and she grunted in pleasure. She could feel his body heat increasing, and he gave a loud chuff as his fireflux organ ignited. *

*I woke up with a squeal of pleasure, and didn't know what the Hell was going on. My cock! What!? Ohhh, that felt sooo good! Who, Mistress!? I raised my head on my long neck and looked at myself, and there was no mistaking that lovely rump. It was definitely my Mistress, and from the feel she'd swallowed almost the whole length of my now painfully rampant erection. It was incredible to wake up like that, I'd never been seduced in my sleep before and it was fantastically pleasurable. My Mistress is always finding new ways to turn me on; not that it takes much, but she keeps doing it. Of course I have my moments too. Like that time I arranged for her to be 'kidnapped' and 'gang-raped' for a whole day by half a dozen demons, boy had she enjoyed that! She paid me back by making me service half a dozen demoness's in one afternoon, oh momma! *

*I kept my hind paw gripping her head, and snaking my head down I gently nipped at the base of her long scaly tail, and she lifted it out of the way for me. My scales were wet where she'd been humping me and the strong smell of her sexual juices and pheromones set me off like you wouldn't believe. I have no choice but to respond as an animal to certain chemical signals, and with a deep snarl I grabbed her rump with my front paws, and digging my claws in I spread her cheeks and plunged my tongue into her wet dripping sex and she gave a loud muffled squealing growl around my cock as she kept sucking it, and bit me gently with her fangs and it was my turn to roar. I love to tongue fuck my Mistress; and she loves to have me do it, and I'm exceptionally good at it as my forked snake like tongue is about twenty-four inches long so the end was well into her womb. And she kept sucking me and I kept tonguing her until we both went into full demonic rut and then it got really intense. I began to make guttural hissing noises as I approached release, but I was bound and determined to make her cum first, so we compromised and came at the exact same time and I roared into her as her juices washed over my tongue and the tip of my snout, and she yowled as my cock filled her stomach with cum, then I threw my head back and bellowed in sheer ecstasy as she sucked me dry. *

Vulva smiled as she felt Pet nipping demandingly at the base of her tail, he'd finally woken up and was doing exactly what she'd hoped; and known, he would. He loved to 'eat' her pussy, and oh was he good at it. She raised her rump and lifted her tail; and he didn't hesitate to start tongue fucking her to the best of his ability, and he excelled at it. She squealed around the cock in her mouth as his tongue slid deep into her, she could feel it in her womb as it explored and licked and it felt incredible. She started squeezing the base of his penis and swallowed even more of it until her lips were pressed against his vent and his whole body shuddered, his other hind legs paw clenching. She felt him start to cum, and slacked off for awhile, and could feel him doing the same to her. So; she thought, it's a fuck-off, he wants to make me cum first does he? Well he can try, but I'm the Mistress! A few minutes later she wasn't so sure of victory though, oh, ohhhh, what WAS he doing with his tongue!?! Oh, Pet, oh, urrrrrr, "RAAAAWWWRRRR!" she roared as her climax exploded, and at the same exact moment felt his hot cum pouring into her stomach which caused her to cum again and it went on for the most amazingly long time, and the whole room shook from his roars. When it over she let his cock slide from her mouth, and rocked back on her hooves with a happy sigh. Oh yes, her Pet was the best, he never failed to satisfy her very well indeed. To him sex was an art form, and he was a master. She felt his paws close around her waist, and hissed as he pulled her into an embrace, his large powerful arms felt so nice around her.

I pulled My Mistress onto my chest and hugged her close, and lowering my head licked her muzzle and breasts, hissing softly, and she licked me back.

"Mistress, I said, promise me you'll never leave me alone. Promise, hissss."

"Oh no Pet, not for eternity. Hiss, I couldn't live without my little jelly bean."

"Don't call me that!" I said softly, and you wonder why I love her? She's the only one who ever gave me a home, whoever cared for me, wretched thing that I am.

Eddie moaned, it was getting worse, almost unbearable. It was a horrible aching need, and he/she knew what it was, and it terrified him/her. He/she reached down and rubbed his/her increasingly sensitive vagina, his/her whole crotch was soaking with his/her juices and he/she could smell his/her own lust, their own growing need. It had started hours ago in the bedroom when the rat monster with the rampant erection had reared up, and he/she couldn't get his/her mind off the memory of that huge strangely shaped penis. Somehow the monster's scent seemed to be familiar, intimately so, and was associated with...pleasure. He/she tried to fight the growing need, sliding fingers into his/her pussy and trying to reach the desperately needed release that way; grunting and moaning, but it only seemed to make it worse. It was inevitable that Eddie would have to give in to the needs of his new body as it wasn't human; and neither was he anymore, and it had needs that had to be satisfied. So the beast took over and sought out that which could give it the release it needed so badly.

The slave woke up as he heard his Mistress enter the room, and the scent of her arousal washed over him and he gave a deep growl of lust, his aching penis growing even harder. He had not smelled her in such a state of extreme arousal in a long time, and knew he was in for a long night. He threw off the blankets he had pulled over himself; not for warmth but for the illusion of safety they gave him, and standing faced his Mistress, ready to do her bidding. She stood framed in the doorway, and he flared his nostrils at her scent again, and gave a moan reflecting his own aching need. Please Mistress, he thought, don't torment me. I need you, I want you, please.

Eddie braced his/herself in the doorway and stared as the large rat monster stood up, and he was still rampant. He/she flared her nostrils at the creature's strong male scent, and felt his/her own sex grow even wetter. No, he thought, I can't do this, it's wrong, it's obscene! But even as he/she thought that they were slowly approaching the aroused monster. As he/she got closer the monster dropped to all fours and cringed, almost as if it expected to be hit. It's afraid of me, he/she realized. He/she dropped into a crouch in front of the cowering rat monster, and turned around. No, no, no! Eddie thought, this is WRONG! But he/she couldn't stop themselves from presenting him/herself to the beast for its sexual services.

The demon cowered, looking up in fear as his Mistress loomed over him. She seemed to be hesitant, almost reluctant, and he sensed something was different. As she dropped into a crouch he closed his eyes in anticipation of feeling her fangs sink into his throat, but when he heard her moving around he opened his eyes to find she had presented herself to him for him to mount her from behind, her sex wet and inviting. With a hiss of lust he moved to obey his Mistress.

*Eddie snarled in agonizing ecstasy as the monsters weight settled on his/her back and its huge erection penetrated his/her horrible new sex. He/she was no virgin but had never experienced anything like this. He/she could feel every inch and every raised ridge on the huge penis penetrating him/her, could feel his/her vaginal muscles clenching tight around the hard organ, stroking and caressing it as it was rammed in, pulled partially out, and rammed in again and again until the monsters furry thighs were slamming into his/hers rump. He/she had no control over his/her body. The monster dug its clawed paws into Eddies shoulders and started fucking him/her with powerful lunges, grunting and growling its lust and pleasure, and Eddie responded helplessly with his/her own sounds of bestial pleasure. Eddie could hardly stand the agonizing pleasure as it increased, and felt something building up deep in his/her loins, every thrust bringing him/her closer to something that terrified him/her at how badly they wanted it, needed it. No, no, noooooo, this can't be happening he/she screamed in his/her mind, and when the orgasm exploded Eddie gave a high shrill almost hypersonic screech and sparks flew as he/she dug his/her claws into the stone floor leaving deep gouges. Grunting and slobbering he/she collapsed forward onto the floor, the monster coming with him/her. It paused, then lifted Eddies rump in to the air and started fucking him/her again. Eddie just moaned and didn't struggle, only wanting more of the incredible pleasure, the agonizing release his/her body craved. He/she had never felt anything like it, never known such incredible pleasure, and was horrified that it had, still felt, so good, so very good. It was his/her first experience at sex in a body more animal then human, and female. *

*The demon slobbered in pleasure as he serviced his Mistress, she was almost submissive this time though she was quite vocal. Normally she preferred to be on top and would savage him as he coupled with her; his body was covered with healed; and partially healed, scars. So for once he was experiencing the pleasure without the pain, and made the most of it. So long as his Mistress did not order him to dismount he kept servicing her as he knew better then to stop without permission. He gave a deep squeal of pleasure as he came for the first time, and receiving no orders to the contrary started fucking his Mistress again, and again. But even he gave out after he came for the tenth time. With a sob he dismounted, expecting to be punished for failing to satisfy her, but his Mistress just dragged herself to the huge bed and collapsed into it. The demon, satisfied for once even though he confused, settled down in his 'bed' until his Mistress would want him again. *

Eddie couldn't believe what had just happened, how many hours had the monster fucker him/her? How many times had it; and he/she cum? And he/she knew he/she would need; would have to have, that pleasure again soon. And that influx of agonizingly painful pleasure had changed something in Eddie, in some way it had bonded him with his/her new body, made him/her realize this was no dream, that this was very real. And that somehow; and for whatever reason, he/she was now a female monster of some kind, an inhuman thing of horrible unnatural lusts, a thing of nightmares, and while he/she now accepted that it didn't make the horror and terror any less real. When the monster finally dismounted all he/she could do was stagger to the huge dirty bed and collapse into it. Sobbing he/she pulled the filthy sheets over his/her head and tried to cope with this new reality.

The slave; equally exhausted, went back to his corner and lay down, his penis still hard and rampant, but his lust temporarily slaked. He heard a strange sound from his Mistress's bed, and sat up in surprise. Was she crying? He had never heard her do that before, it was something demonkind seldom did, they weren't really wired for it. But it did happen, and he knew what it was. The fact that his Mistress; of all demonkind, was crying shocked him, and for the first time since she had enslaved him he felt...concern. He stared at the bed for awhile, then with a whimper laid back down and finally went to sleep.

Max knocked, then when he received no answer stuck his head into his Mistress's office, ready to duck if anything was thrown at him. To his surprise it was empty; usually she was up and at work by now. For all her faults she took care of business. Well, she'd slept in before, so it wasn't that unusual. He decided he'd better hang around until she got up, if she came in and he wasn't at hand she might get upset. Seeing the computer running he curiously moved around behind the desk and looked at the screen. He was puzzled when he saw what appeared to be a room of some kind, and what was even more puzzling was it appeared to be a mortal's room. He'd never been to that world, but recognized the furnishings from pictures he'd seen, and of course he'd been taught about that realm and the history of Hell's relations with it, plus had seen plenty of damn souls. But what in Hell was his Mistress doing with in contact with mortal world? Nervously he backed away, those mortals could be tricky. He didn't hear the slow shuffling footsteps coming down the hall.

*Eddie actually fell asleep for a little while, despite his broiling mind his/her body was tired. But the dreams he had were as bad; or worse, then what he had already thought was a horrible dream, at least at first. But when he/she woke up he/she remembered everything with crystal clarity. He/she remembered the first time he/she had seen the horrible face that was now his/hers. It had to have something to do with the computer. Somehow he/she had become the thing he/she had known as "Demoness15" on the internet. And I'm female now, so need to accept and realize that, and stop thinking like a man; or a male, at least for now until I can figure out what the FUCK happened. She had the impression that this was one major FUBAR of some kind. If she had been changed into this...this whatever she was, then it should be possible to change back, shouldn't it? She got up, refusing to look at her body, and moved towards the door. She paused when she saw the rat monster looking at her and felt a tingle in her...her pussy, but the thing ducked back under its nest when it saw her looking at it. It still seemed to be terrified of her. She didn't blame it, she was hideous. She walked down the tunnel or hallway; being careful not to trip over anything, and paused at the doorway to the room the computer was in. Another monster was in the room bent over the desk looking at the PC screen. It was as bestial as she was, but didn't have wings. For some reason its scent was familiar, as the rat monsters had also been. Licking her fangs she worked up her courage, and asked, *

"Who are you? What are you? What am I? And where the HELL are we?"

Max jumped about five feet straight up and spun around to face his Mistress. Oh by Ba'al's Balls he thought, she caught me! He should have know better than to mess with the computer thing, it was his Mistress's orders that only she use it.

"Mistress, he quailed, I was just...I mean...I didn't touch anything!"

"What are you, Eddie said again, and where the HELL are we?"

Max blinked, "Um, eerrrr, uh, what Mistress?"


*Max almost fainted, she'd been at the Tears of the Damned again, and if she was bad sober she was an unholy terror stoned. *

*"Mistress, he wailed, I'm you loyal and humble slave Max, and we're in your office, in your domain, in Hell!" *

Eddie had no idea what the monster meant, so his name was Max, but what the Hell was a domain? And what did it mean 'in Hell'?"

*"NO, Eddie growled, where ARE we? What state, what fucking planet!? And what are you, WHAT am I?" *

Max leaned back against the desk, ohhhh boy this was a bad one. At least she didn't think she was the pope again. THAT had been a doozy. Working up his courage; he knew he had to patronize her very carefully until she came down, he replied,

"Mistress, I'm your favorite slave Max, I'm a demon and you're a demoness, and this is Hell, of course."

HELL? Thought Eddie, and had to hold onto the doorframe to remain upright. Max is a demon, and he/she was a, a demoness?? Well, it would certainly explain why they looked like this. At least he's kind of; well, handsome in a scaly way. But she wasn't dead; at least she didn't think she was. And if you got to Hell do you become a monster? It didn't make any sense!

"Are you the Devil?", Eddie asked.

Max did a double take, "Oh I should hope not, he replied, I'm just your slave Mistress. And Mistress, the Imp is ready to be skinned alive."

"What's an Imp? Asked Eddie, and why the Hell do you want to skin it alive? That sounds horrible!"

"I don't want to, Max replied, you want me to. Remember Mistress, he touched you without permission."

Eddie thought for a second, the thing he was now had ordered some poor slob to be skinned alive? How terrible, what kind of monster had she been?

"Well don't! Eddie said, let the poor thing go!"

For the first time Max felt a stirring of real worry, his Mistress could get pretty whacky at times, but she'd never let anyone off the hook before.

"Mistress, Max said, are you OK, you're scaring me."

"YOU'RE scared? Eddie almost gibbered. My name is Eddie Bertram, last night I was sitting in my apartment, and now I'm a fucking monster in Hell! A GIRL monster! And a giant rat fucked me last night! I want to go home!" And started crying.

Oh crap, crappity crap crap, thought Max. This was a bad one, he needed help with this. And the crying scared the heaven out of him; he'd never seen her cry before. But who?? Who was that cousin that came to visit once, the one with the weird dragon familiar that ate all the urinal cakes and caused the Mistress to have a tantrum? Vulva, Mistress Vulva, that was it! He'd send her a hmail, maybe she could snap Mistress Varna out of it. If anyone was still alive by the time she got here.

Vulva woke with a start when she heard the computer hiss to let her know a priority hmail had come in. At first she was a little confused, she was lying on top of Pet and he was holding her and was sound asleep. Oh, right, she must have dozed off. That had been one tiring 'massage'. She tried to get up, but Pet pulled her back close to his chest. She hugged him back enjoying his strong male scent and warm body, and then gently she rubbed his chest bands and said,

"Peeet, let me go, hisss, I need to get on the computer."

"Ummm, hisss, Pet muttured, never, hiss, never let you go. Ummm."

Vulva smiled, he was still asleep, the big softie. She gave his snout a gentle smack, and said in a louder voice,

"PET! HISSSS, Let me go, NOW!"

"HUH?! Snorted Pet, then lifted up his head and looked at her. "Mistress, what...?"

She licked his snout, and said,

"Pet, let go of me, have to, hisss, answer the stupid computer."

I let my Mistress go; reluctantly, she'd been so nice and warm, so soft and smelled so good. "OK Mistress, sorry."

"For what Pet?" hissed Vulva, I don't know about you but I had a very nice nap. You're much more comfortable the bed."

"You can sleep on top of me anytime you want to Mistress" I said sleepily.

Hmm, thought Vulva, I might just take him up on that. We'd certainly have a lot of fun during the night. But now to see what that damn computer wants. She wished she could just have Pet throw it in the central cauldron, or just eat the damn thing like he did with the first one. But unfortunately she needed the stupid thing, and last time it took her hours go get all the melted plastic out from between his fangs. No more plastic for him!

When Vulva saw who the hmail was from she almost didn't open it. Cousin Varna, what did that psycho nutcase want!? Well; damn it, she IS family so I guess I'd better answer. Vulva read the hmail, blinked, and read it again. It wasn't from Varna, but her head slave. The demon sounded really worried, and from what he said Varna was doing it WAS pretty weird. Her cousin had freaked out before; she tended to over indulge in the Tears every now and then, but nothing this bad, or strange before. According to the slave she thought she was some guy named Eddie from Jersey who drove a cab part time, whatever that was. And she was crying! Vulva sat back and held her head in her hands; she did NOT need this right now! And only three, no, two more days until the grand opening! Well, at least Varna's domain was only about an hour away as the dragon flies, so Vulva figured she could spare the time for a quick visit, and a nice flight would do Pet some good. She sent a short reply to the email, "On my way, sit on her until I get there."

"PET!" yelled Vulva.

"WHAT! I didn't do it!" yelled Pet, who had fallen back asleep.

"Didn't do what?" asked Vulva suspiciously. If he acted guilty it usually meant he was.

"Nothing Mistress, you just startled me." I hissed, as long as I didn't know what "what" was I wasn't admitting to anything. Besides, I'd been pretty good lately, and couldn't think of anything anyway.

"Very well, said Vulva, but if I find out you've been up to something later you'd better watch out. Now come on, we're going for a short flight."

*Gulp, I thought, "Where we going Mistress, I asked, I thought we were going to the bath grotto." *

"We were until we fell asleep for three hours, hiss, hiss, hiss, not that I'm complaining. Vulva said, and we're going to visit my cousin Varna."

I had been following My Mistress down the tunnel, but I sat down when she mentioned where we were going, and said, "Ohh Mistress, gross, not her! She's creepy, and her domain stinks. Come to think of it, so does she. Do I have to go?"

Vulva stopped and said "Pet, I ought to smack you for that, but I won't because it's true, she does have lousy personal hygiene. And we're ALL creepy, hissss, you're creepy, I'm, oh forget it! Now come on, I'm not going there by myself!"

Don't blame you, I thought, that bat demoness is cuckoo. She wanted to skin me just because I ate a few boxes of urinal cakes last time we visited. No sense of humor. They were stale anyway. Besides all Vampire bat-demonkind were a little weird, that blood drinking thing is just wrong. And they didn't even turn into good looking counts or countesses. Only Lord Tepes did that. Well, I thought, I'll go since My Mistress has commanded me, but I won't be happy about it.

*Max stepped back from the computer in relief, Mistress Vulva was coming. Maybe she could snap Mistress Varna out of her current fantasy. It was getting downright creepy. She'd never been this bad before, but at least she'd finally shut the Hell up! And he sure as Hell wasn't going to sit on her, though the idea was appealing. *

*Eddie had been blithering for awhile; and she knew it, but couldn't stop. She thought maybe talking about it, trying to reason it out, would help somehow. But she shut up when she started feeling a little weak, and hungry. And she was really hungry now. The other monster; no-according to him he's a demon, was bent over the computer screen. Eddie found herself staring at him hungrily. She could smell his warm scent, could see a vein pumping in his neck, and could hear his heartbeat. Unable to stop herself she moved closer, her fangs drooling. When he stood up she struck before she even realized what she was doing, and wrapping him in her wings sank her fangs into his neck and began greedily feeding with loud wet slurping sounds. And as she fed she felt the horrible lust returning and growing, and with a growl she knocked his feet out from under him, and straddling him lowered herself onto his rock hard erection and started riding and fucking him even as she kept feeding. Oh NO, what am I DOING? Eddie thought in horror, but couldn't stop until a massive orgasm made her throw back her head and shriek in pleasure, blood dripping from her fangs. The demon gave a loud moaning squeal and didn't move. *

Max gave a little squeak as he suddenly felt his Mistress's wings fold him in a tight embrace, and bleated as he felt her fangs sink into his neck. When she dragged him to the floor he was rampant and waiting for what he knew came next. Ohhh, what a rush, he thought as her pussy swallowed his aching cock. Now that's more like the Mistress I know, he thought, as he gave himself over to the wonderful feeling as his Mistress coupled with him and fed off of him at the same time. He just loved it when she did that, it made the sex incredibly intense. When she finished and shrieked her ecstasy he squealed from his own euphoric release. Ohhhhh, he'd needed that! Then passed out.

In horror Eddie got up from the demon who lay on the floor unmoving. I've killed him she thought, and with another shriek ran from the room, down the hallway, and into the bedroom where she dived under the bed and huddled in disbelief at what she'd done. I, I sucked his blood and raped him to death, what kind of monster AM I??

Vulva landed followed closely by Pet, and walked over to the portal to Varna's domain. It stood wide open and the rather emaciated Imp on guard bowed to them. She did not approve of such sloppy security, one guard and not even armed? What kind of so-called security was that? She wrinkled her muzzle as she entered the poorly lit tunnel, Pet was right, it did stink. She heard Pet make a rather disapproving sound as he followed her, and agreed 100%. Even by Hell's somewhat variable standards it reeked.

Eyuck, I thought as I followed My Mistress into the gaping opening. One great gate was hanging my one hinge and the poor guard looked like she was about to drop dead. And P-U, wish I'd brought some urinal cakes to stick up my nose. It was nowhere near as bad as the Shit Demonkind level, but a shit demon would have felt right at home. Distastefully I lifted my paw out of something squishy that I think used to be alive, don't they ever take out the trash!? I dutifully followed My Mistress though, after all I'm the first line of defense, and cover the rear in a retreat, and I'm good at retreating.

*Vulva gave a loud hiss of disgust as her hoof became stuck in a ribcage, and had to bend over and pull it off. This was evens worse than the last time she'd paid a visit to her cousin. Cousin was kind of a loose term in Hell as most demonkind are distantly related at some point, but they're not much on keeping up with family trees. When you pretty much live forever, what's the point? If you wanted to know anything about your great-grandfather just fly over and ask him. But a cousin was a cousin; and demonkind are anything if not loyal to relatives. But this was pushing it. It not only stank it crawled as well, there were vermin everywhere. First thing when they got back to Vulva's domain was a hot sulfur bath, no fleas or lice for her or Pet. *

She knocked on the door to the office, and it was instantly opened by a rather skinny scraggly looking specimen of a goat-lizard demon. Doesn't she feed her slaves? Vulva thought. The demon bowed, and said,

"Mistress, welcome, Praise be to Dis you came! I'm worried about the Mistress, something isn't right. She's never been this bad before; even after knocking back a bottle of Tears of the Damned."

"You did well to call me slave, said Vulva. I will make sure you Mistress is aware of your loyalty."

*"Thank you Mistress" Max said as he bowed again. More than likely Varna would beat the crap out of him for daring to call for help without her permission, the fact she was totally out of it at the time would make no difference to her. But still, she was his Mistress. *

"Ummm, hissss, speaking of your Mistress, said Vulva, where is she?"

"In the bedroom hiding under the bed Mistress, she just screams at me every time I try to get her to come out. She'd just fed on me; we'd had a lovely fuck, and then she freaked out."

Vulva took a deep breath, well, she thought; this is going to be fun. She took a look around the office and wrinkled her muzzle, "Pet, if anything moves fry it."

*"Yes Mistress" I replied, was already gonna do that anyway, I thought. I was lifting my legs trying to keep as few paws on the ground as possible, it was NASTY! *

Vulva went down the hallway to the bedroom and looked around. Not quite as bad as the rest, but still pretty bad. A slave chained to the wall looked back at her over a barricade he'd built of debris, and seeing her pointed at the bed then ducked back down out of sight. Vulva walked over the bed, and squatting down, said,

"Varna dear, its cousin Vulva. Hisss, come on out and let's have a nice little talk."

"GO AWAY! Eddie screamed, if you don't I'll probably suck out your blood and kill you! I'm a monster!"

"Well of course you are, said Vulva, I am too, we all are." And you can try to suck my blood, but I wouldn't recommend it.

"But I'm hideous, Eddie replied, and I don't want to be a girl monster! I'm a guy, I wanna go home!" And started bawling again.

This, thought Vulva, IS serious. She'd handled Varna a couple of times before when she'd binged, but it had never been this...weird before. That demon was right to call me.

"Look, said Vulva, I'm pretty hideous too, we all are, but down here that means we're hot. Now why don't you come out and we'll have a nice little talk. I promise, hisss, I won't hurt you and if you get hungry we'll get you an Imp."

*"WHAT is an Imp? Eddie screamed, and I AM hungry, that's the PROBLEM!" *

"Look Varna, Vulva said, I'm getting sick of this shit, you come out from under there or I'll have my dragon Pet drag you out, and you can try to bite him all you want, he has molten blood."

"My name isn't Varna, it's Eddie", Eddie replied. He thought for a minute, and added, "You promise you won't hurt me?, then "You have a WHAT for a pet??"

"Yes, Vulva hissed, I won't hurt you. And you've met Pet, he ate those urinal cakes last time we were here." In fact I won't even touch you, Vulva thought, you probably have lice, but she didn't say that out loud.

There was a scrambling sound, and the large bat demoness dragged herself out from under the bed, stood up, and stared at Vulva.

"Wow, Eddie said, you really are a monster too."

"Thanks a lot gruesome, Vulva said, now what's the problem Varna? Have you been hitting the bottle again?" To her surprise the bat demoness started crying silently, big tears rolling down her muzzle, and said in a scared voice,

"Please help me; I don't know who I am, what I am, or where I am!"

Vulva took a closer look at the bat demoness and frowned. There was something different about her; she seemed to be really scared for one thing, as in almost terrified. Even her voice sounded strange, usually she just snarled or growled half the time, and her vocabulary wasn't usually this good.

"Sit down, said Vulva, let's have a little talk and see what we can figure out."

*Eddied hopped up on the bed and perched on the edge as her wings made it a little hard for her to sit down due to the membranes that went all the way down to the tip of her tail. So perching was more comfortable. Her strong hand like feet made it easy. *

Vulva spent over an hour talking to Varna; or at least to her body, as she quickly realized Varna was gone. Whoever; or whatever, was in her body now was an entirely different being. She felt some fear at first; whatever could possess a demonkind had to be powerful, but the being in the demoness's body was scared and confused and seemed to be telling the truth. It obviously just wanted to go home to its own body, whatever and wherever that might be. Varna, wherever you are, thought Vulva, what have you got yourself into? Finally Vulva said, "Wait here for a minute, umm, Eddie, hissss." The morose demoness just nodded at her and started picking at its feet claws.

Vulva went out into the office and sat down at the desk. Pet and the slave demon just looked at her expectantly. Finally the slave demon started to say something,

"Mistress, what...." Then he stopped as Vulva held up a hand.

Frankly Vulva wasn't sure what to do; she'd never encountered anything like this in her 3000+ years of existence. It was one thing for a demonkind to possess a mortal, but for a mortal to possess a demonkind?? It was totally unheard of. Mortals could become demonkind, but she had never known one to possess one. And it went beyond mere possession, so far as she could tell it was a total body swap. Now the main problem was, were he in the HELL was Varna? Evidently she was running around loose in a mortal's body which could cause all sorts of problems. She was half way tempted to turn the whole mess over to Great Lord Ba'al, or Varna's own Lord Tepes. But for now the most important thing was to keep it quiet.

"Listen, said Vulva, Varna is sick. I'm taking her back with me to my domain to...take care of her for while, hissss. You, Max isn't it?, you're in charge until we get back. You have my full authority to anything you need to in order to keep the domain running. If you run into any problems call me."

"Yes Mistress!" Max replied, then asked "Mistress, will she be OK? Can I do anything to help?"

"Max, Vulva said, just keep the place running. And keep this quiet, tell NO one!"

"Yes Mistress." Max said.

"Wait here Pet, Vulva said, I'll be right back." Then she went back to the bedroom.

I just shifted my feet again, and looking at Max asked, "Got any urinal cakes?"

Vulva paused in the door of the bedroom. The bat demoness was still sitting on the edge of the bed and looked totally dejected, and when she scented Vulva she raised her head, her eyes hopeful. Vulva walked over and sat down next to her, the bat demoness was larger than Vulva, but seemed shrunken and timid. Vulva said,

"Varna, Eddie, or whoever you are. I'll do my best to help you figure out what happened. I want my cousin back, and I know you're not happy. You need to come with me for now, we can't do anything here. It's not far to my domain, is that OK with you?"

Eddie just nodded, and said "You really think you can help me? That's awful, well, nice of you."

"Come on cousin, I'll try my best." Vulva said.

Vulva gave one last order to Max as they left, "Max, clean up this dump!"

"Yes Mistress!" Max hissed back, that was one order he'd enjoy obeying. And if his Mistress bitched about it later he'd have an iron tight excuse. He went to the door and watched as his Mistress followed Mistress Vulva and the large dragon down the tunnel. He really was worried.

As we walked down the tunnel I muttered to myself "They're creepy and they're kooky, mysterious and spooky, they're altogether ooky, Vulva's family" and snapped my fingers a couple of times.

"I HEARD that!", hissed Vulva, and smacked Pet on his snout with her tail.

"Yipe, Owww, hissss!" I squealed as I bit my tongue.

Eddie didn't know what to think about that little exchange, but it made the two monsters, or whatever they were, seem more...human somehow.

As they exited the domain's portal Eddie stopped and stared at the painfully bright sky until her eye's adjusted, and she felt nictitating membranes snap down over her eyes to protect them from the blowing sand. At first she thought the sky was clear, but then realized it was actually fairly hazy in places. But there were no real clouds, and the countryside looked blasted and scorched, like photos she'd seen of Death Valley or the badlands. But there was life out there, she could sense it somehow. She also realized it smelled better out here, a LOT better, and sneezed to clear her sinuses. As she watched the demoness and the dragon suddenly flapped their wings and took off, heading out over the desert. She just stood there and gaped.

Vulva paused, then did a slow roll, turned, and flew back to land beside Varna. Pet went into a holding pattern over head, circling slowly.

"What's wrong Varna?" Vulva asked.

"I, I don't know how to fly!" Eddie stammered.

Oh crap, thought Vulva, she hadn't thought of that. If Varna really was possessed by a mortal of course it never would have flown, except with machines. But the natural instincts of Varna's body would still be intact.

"Look, Vulva said, you're a bat now, you have wings too. Just let your body do it naturally. Hisss. It will know what to do. We have to fly to my domain, there is no direct road. Walking would take days."

*"Um, OK, said Eddie, I'll try." *

Eddie watched as the demoness called Vulva took off again, and did look pretty easy. She looked over her shoulders at her own wings, and spread them experimentally. They're really big, she realized, as she stretched them to their full lengths. There was a sudden eddy of wind, and with a surprised squeal she took off! And hovered about ten feet off the ground, her wings cupped to catch the wind and provide lift. The wind died and she sank gently back to the ground. Wow, that

Circling, Vulva yelled down, "That's it, but flap next time, find a thermal and ride it!"

Instinctively Eddie turned to face into the steady wind, and spreading her wings lifted off again, flapping this time. At first she just rose pretty much straight up, but then angled into the wind and narrowed the profile of her wings and started going forward. She could feel the incredibly powerful muscles in her back and shoulders flexing as she flapped, and gave a loud screech of delight. This was wonderful! Vulva flapped up next to her, and smiling, said,

"It's fun, isn't it? Hisssss."

Eddie just gave another loud screech of pleasure, and angled to follow Vulva as they tried to catch up with the red dragon who was already some ways ahead of them. This might not be so bad after all, she thought, she was flying!

Vulva kept the pace fairly steady as the bat demoness was still a little clumsy in the air, but was doing OK overall. No fancy aerobatics though. If she tired anything fancy Varna would probably do a nose dive into the desert sands. They caught up with Pet who dutifully fell into his to one side and slightly below and to the rear position as was proper for a slave following a Master or Mistress in the air. Despite Varna being all over the sky they made good progress, and arrived at Mistress Vulva's domain without any problems. Vulva set down, followed a second later by Pet. They stretched and folded their wings while Varna/Eddie circled overhead.

Eddie was a little worried, taking off was one thing, landing was another. She circled a few times, then flying as low as possible flared her wings and tried to stop. She hit a little hard and had to bend over and use her wing claws to help keep from going over on her face, but overall she didn't think she'd done that bad, for a first time anyway. She walked over to Vulva; still walking on her feet and wing claws, it felt perfectly natural and she could move faster, then stood up and smiled.

*"That was great!" Eddie said. *

"Yes, Vulva said, you're a little wobbly, but you'll catch on fast. Now come, we need to do some research. But first, a bath! No offense, hisss, Varna, I mean Eddie, but you stink."

Eddie raised a wing and sniffed his armpit, "Whew! You're right, a bath sounds lovely."

*"NO, NO, NOO, I'll die!" Shrieked Eddie as the big dragon dropped her into a pool of boiling sulfur. As she hit the bubbling liquid she screamed, then her scream died into a confused whimper. It felt good! When they told her she needed to bathe in boiling sulfur she thought they were crazy and tried to run away, but that big red lizard caught her. "Asshole, lemme go!" she'd shrieked and clawed at the floor as he dragged her to the pool and then dropped her in. But they were right, it DID feel good, in fact it felt downright wonderful. She joined Vulva on the edge where there was a kind of carved bench or ledge to sit on; it was even cut out to allow for wings. She settled into the pleasant smelling bubbling yellow fluid up to her neck and hissed in pleasure. *

"Hiss, hiss, hisss, not so bad, is it?" Vulva asked.

"No, Eddie said sleepily, not bad at all. I'm sorry I freaked out like that."

"Hiss, hiss, hisss, Vulva laughed, you should have seen Pet the first time I gave him a bath, he squealed like a little hatchling."

Did not!, I thought. Well, maybe a little. But now it was time for some fun. Quietly I submerged except for the tip of my tail, which cut through the thick liquid like a periscope. U-Boote schicken nach! Wir segeln zu Ruhm!

Eddie stretched luxuriously, letting the heat soak into her bones. Leaning back she let her lower body kind of float in the sulfur, resting her arms on the edge of the pool. Suddenly she felt something grab her leg, and with a surprised shriek was pulled into; and under the surface, of the pool.

*Ziele sichteten! Bereiten Sie alle Rohre vor! The poor Schweinehunde will never know what hit them! Fire all tubes! Flankieren Sie Geschwindigkeit! *

"PET! Vulva yelled, you knock that o...urrrggllee!" Then gargled as she was pulled under.

Eddie stood up, spitting sulfur out of her mouth and nose, and wiping her eyes looked around. What the HELL? Then gave another shriek as she was pulled under again.

"PET!" Screeched Vulva, I am going to.....arrggllee!" Then went under for the second time. She surfaced with a roar, "PEEEETTTTTT!!"

Sieg! Schweigsames Laufen! I thought, run away and live to strike another day! Time to get the Hell out of Dodge; the natives are getting pissed off.

I managed to get out of the sulfur pool while they still had their eyes full of sulfur. Scratch one flattop and her escort, wir haben einen Schlag für das Vaterland gestreikt! As I slid into the boiling mud pool I noticed several demonkind taking it easy in the shallow end. Oh goodie! Auf pericope! Laden Sie alle Rohre nach!

"What was THAT all about!?!" Eddie gurgled as she spit out more sulfur; it tasted kind of good, and wiped her muzzle off.

"THAT was Pet playing U-Boat commander, and I am going to, hiss, give the little Kapitan such a pain when he surfaces! Be careful, he might come back!"

Suddenly some shrieks came from another pool, and Vulva relaxed. "We're OK for now; he's found some other poor slobs to mess with."

"No offense, Eddie said, but you're, um, not exactly what I would have expected for a, er, demoness. And Pet; is that really his name?, is, um, a little strange."

"Yessss, Vulva replied, that is the little miscreant's name. He likes it. And he is not your typical demon; that much is true, he is...special. Before I got him he was rather mistreated, I think it...affected him. Hisss. And as to what to you expected in a demoness, you haven't seen my bad side yet." And Vulva gave a truly evil smile.

Eddie shuddered, then said, "Am I really a demoness too, I just don't, well, feel particularity evil."

"Neither do I, Vulva said, but then I'm in a fairly good mood. Even Pet can be quite, um, demonic at times. His main function is to collect wayward souls for his Masters and Mistress's, he is quite good at it. Hissss."

"Er, Eddie said, how does he do that?"

"We send him to the mortal realm, Vulva replied, he hunts them down and rips their souls out of their bodies and drags them down to Hell and gives them to their owners."

Ugh, thought Eddie, time to change the subject. His ears flicked towards the other pool as there were more enraged shouts and yells. About that time a demon caked entirely in mud came clopping up with wet squishy sounds, and said,

"Mistress Vulva, please, can't you do anything! We were having such a nice bathing party! I just got off a 72 hour watch, and that damn dragon is spoiling everything!"

"Hiss, hiss, hisss, he just wants to play. Vulva said, you need to, hiss, fight back."

"What does that mean?" The demon replied.

"Depth charge his scaly butt! Use your imagination!" Vulva hissed.

The demon blinked through the mud caking his muzzle, and turned and left. A minute later the sounds of mayhem increased, then there was a loud bellowing and squealing sound.

"Sounds like the caught him." Vulva said smugly.

"Um, good, Eddie said. Mistress Vulva, that place I was, it was...nasty, your domain is so nice."

"Why thank you, Vulva, said. And yes, you, that is Varna, was always something of a slob. Even by our standards she was pretty bad, but she had a good business sense. You seem like a, hisss, nice enough, er, person. Tell me about yourself."

Eddie told Vulva everything he thought was pertinent, and then some. He found the rather intimidating demoness amazingly easy to talk to as her interest was genuine.

"Hmmm, Vulva said. So it appears my demented cousin has indeed managed to switch bodies with a mortal male, through her computer no less. How very odd. Hissss. Well, we need to find out what she is up to in your body. I have a feeling something has happened, otherwise you would still be paralyzed. I doubt she would give up control of her body on purpose. And, this is very important, do NOT tell anyone else about this. You would not like what might happen to you; this is not a nice place."

Eddie gulped, and said, "Yes Ma'am." She turned her head and looked as she heard a sudden loud screech followed by a metallic banging, and then watched as Pet came running down the walkway, he was covered in mud and the front half of his body had been crammed into a large metal garbage can. He ran into a large stalagmite with a loud 'wham' and a ringing sound, and fell over on his back, his hind legs kicking feebly. She heard a muffled,

*"Ah bid muh tong! Owooooo!" *

Vulva sighed, "Well, I guess we better save the big sissy. But first let's rinse off and comb out our fur. He'll be OK until then, at least he can't get into, hiss, anymore trouble.

"Mistress, heeeelp! SNORT!" I yelled as I tried to push the garbage can off my head. I got my hind legs on the edge, but it was really wedged on tight. It was half full of garbage and me, and stank. I shrieked when I suddenly felt several pairs of hands grab me, and they rolled me across the floor and into the mud pool again. "Assholes!" I roared as I sank out of sight with a loud bubbling gurgle. "Missttrreesss!"

Vulva sighed in pleasure as she sank into the pool of boiling mineral water. Ah, that felt good. She ignored all the screaming and bellowing, and waved at several demonkind who came by with big grins on their faces and muzzles. She looked at Eddie, and seeing her worried expression, said,

*"Don't worry about Pet, he's, hissss, as tough as he looks. Hopefully he'll learn something out of this, but I, hiss, hiss, hiss, doubt it." *

How mean, I thought, as I rested on the bottom of the pool in my iron coffin. I even surrendered, haven't they heard of the Geneva Convention!? Oh Miiisstreesss! I called in her mind. She answered me and told me to shut up and she'd come get me when she felt like it. How rude. So I went to sleep until she fished me out later. We had fun getting the trashcan off, it was on really tight. She and Varna pulled one way and I pulled the other. When it came off they both flew backwards into the mud bath, and with a loud roar I ended up in a sulfur bath with a very upset boar demoness that I landed on top off. I ended up sitting on her, and didn't even know she was there until she started wiggling. After I helped her out she called me some rather inventive; but very rude, things and ran off yelling. It wasn't my fault!

Eddie followed bemusedly as Vulva chased Pet down the tunnel smacking him with her tail every time she got the chance, and he disappeared into the office one step ahead of them.

"Yipe, yipe, hissss, snort!" Scrabbling on the rock floor I made it to the office first, and running through the office ran into the breakroom and dived behind the huge old bar. The bed was out; I was too big to get all the way under it anymore. Besides the tunnel lizards lived under it now, and the babies would be napping with the nanny Imps.

As Vulva entered the office Pets tail was disappearing into the breakroom, but she let him go for now. She'd get the little cretin later. She'd just finished getting cleaned up when she and Varna; no Eddie, got dumped into the mud pool again, all that lovely combing for nothing. But for now there were more important things to attend to.

She sat down at her desk and booted up the computer. While she waited for it to warm up she asked Eddie,

"What was; is, you full mortal name, and where are you from?"

After Eddied told her she sent an inquiry to Hell's Records of Mortals data base. It was how they kept track of mortals most likely to end up in Hell whether they liked it or not. He wasn't listed under the "Damned" section, so she tried a 'General Search', and ah-ha! There he was. She read the file and then double checked. Oh crap, he was listed as "Deceased, Soul unaccounted for." Oh crap indeed. She felt a moment of sadness for Varna, her own soul must have dissipated when the body she was possessing died. She hadn't exactly been a close friend, but Vulva had known her for thousands of years. But it was Varna's own damn fault.

Eddie watched nervously, and hopefully, as Vulva typed on the keyboard, then stopped and looked at the screen. She watched as satisfaction, dismay, and then sadness crossed Vulva's muzzle one after the other. Finally Vulva closed the connection and sat back, her eyes closed.

"My cousin's gone." Vulva said softly.

"I'm, I, uh." Eddie started to say, but Vulva cut him off.

"Eddie, we have an even bigger problem then we, hisss, thought. I have good news, and bad news. Or maybe all bad news depending on how, hiss, you look at it."

"I, er, eek, ah, er" Eddie stammered.

Vulva gave a loud sigh, and said, "Here's what the facts are Eddie. You're dead, or at least your human body is. My cousin is gone forever. Her body is yours now, forever. Congratulations Eddie, you're an immortal bat demoness for good, whether you want to be or not. Welcome to Hell.

** The End**

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