Crossed the desert

Story by Kazy0008 on SoFurry

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#6 of joke for furry campfire or relax in good mood

Kazy meets a wyvern rather ... determined

The four jokes to be read are independent;

-Scam in Hell -Lost Paradise -The Gold of Paradise -Crossed the desert

Reading in the timeline give the thread of a small... Little story

---- Crossed the desert ----

Do you know "DRAGON EXPRESS", the transport of mail in the continent of thousand deserts, it is me that it created it.

The beginnings were not easy without money ( I'm still waiting for the gold of paradise;) see ).

In fact I started with a Wyvern one long term rental of second choice, it was cheap, and because he had problems overheating, every three hours I had to ... well ... the masturbate for to make him lower the pressure otherwise he refused to take off,

... ( fortunately I was in the desert, imagined the embarrassment! )

One day, the three hours of flight was nearing the end, Venih my wyvern plunged to desert and land abruptly on the sand, I was unseated and projected forward on ... on the only cactus to places and places to the horizon.

Venih had done that willingly!

When I get up, he was already there, sat on his hips, his cock stretched eagerness.

I was there! lost in the middle of the desert, hands covered with thorns like hedgehogs in the company of a wyvern in heat.

" I can not do anything, you do not see that I can not do anything, " I said to him, holding out both of my spiked hands.

There, he lowered his head to my height, his eyes in his eyes,

He simulated a fish that bubbles with his swollen cheeks and then straightened his neck high, simulating the swallowing reflex by movement and noise.

He comes back to my height, his eyes in his eyes, his intelligent and interrogator look.

I was certain to see an amused smile on his snout.

He had me at his mercy! YIKES !!!