Slutcat and Sworddog #31

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#33 of Slutcat


In which a miner gives Lydia the clothes off her back, Sworddog returns and Slutcat and Lydia do what they do best. Sexytimes.


"Oh my!" said one of the villagers in the little settlement that Slutcat and Lydia emerged into from the river.

"Sorry," Slutcat said. "We... sort of went over the falls and don't have any clothes or anything."

"It's all back where we came from," Lydia continued.

"You went over the falls! And survived? Like that!?"

Slutcat looked at Lydia, who just shrugged.

"Um... yeah. We did!"

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"Well for heaven's sake, let me get the menfolk out of sight of you, and I'll get you some clothes! My name is Annekke. Annekke Crag-Jumper."

She then turned to another woman nearby, "Tormir, do me a favor and keep the men out of camp till I can get these ladies some clothes, would you?"

The other assented and was gone.

"Well, I'm no Lady, Annekke, but they call me Slutcat. And this is Lydia."

The woman scowled a bit at Slutcat, but her eyes grew wide when she heard Lydia's name.

"Lydia from Whiterun?! I met you once years ago at one of the Jarl's banquets! Do you remember me?"

"Sadly, no Annekke. But I met a lot of people when I was in Jarl Baalgruf's court. Please don't be offended."

"Offended?! I'm honored! Pardon me, but, if you don't mind me asking... what brings you out here? With... her?"

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"Looks can be deceiving, Annekke. You are in the presence of a Thane of Whiterun. This is Slutcat, dragonslayer, barrow-walker, and adventurer. She may be a bit... lusty shall we say? But her and her companion have already served the Jarl of Whiterun honorably and bravely!"

Annekke knelt in front of Slutcat. "I'm sorry Thane! I meant no disrespect!"

"Rise, Annekke of Darkwater Crossing. You didn't know me. But I tell you what. How about you just give Lydia your clothes? Right here. Right now. They look like they'd fit close enough."

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The woman began undressing immediately. Slutcat turned around to Lydia, who wore a scowl, but Slutcat could also see the smirk underneath it. She shrugged and turned back to the woman as she stripped naked.

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"Nice. Thank you Annekke!" Slutcat said as she handed the clothes to Lydia who put them on quickly.

"Any chance for some food? We've not eaten all day," Slutcat continued.

"I'll bring you something right away!" Annekke said, then scurried off to her house naked. Slutcat chuckled as she watched her bounce away.

Later, after they'd eaten, Slutcat and Lydia were lounging near the fire with Annekke.

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"Now, is there anywhere we can spend the night? It's getting late and I'd like to stay around here so my friend can find us."

"You're welcome to stay in my house! Right over there. It would be an honor!"

"Thanks, Annekke, but I think I'd prefer to stay out here really. Our freind may be searching for us, but she can't open doors. She can find us if we stay out here."

"Oh! Well you're certainly welcome to make use of our tents! How about these two?" Annekke offered, gesturing to a couple of the nearby tents.

Slutcat looked at Lydia, who was bent over putting some wood onto the fire. The sight was... stimulating.

"Just one will do fine," she said with a grin.

Annekke looked from her to Lydia, then back to Slutcat. "Oh! It's like that?"

Slutcat shrugged. "It's like that tonight. Ask again tomorrow. But yes. One will do."

Lydia slid close to Slutcat and whispered, "Slutcat. You're pushing too hard. These are poor miners. Let's not sponge too much off of them!"

"Oh, I know. What can I say? She pissed me off earlier. I'll let up on her though."

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It was then, just as the last light in the sky was fading, that a familiar form trotted up.

"SWORDDOG!" Slutcat cried and ran to embrace the bitch.

"Good to see you too! Both of you!" Sworddog said happily, her tail wagging unapologetically. "I didn't think you could have survived that!"

"Nearly didn't! But Lydia saved me at least a couple of times."

"Thank you Lydia! Slutcat, you may be a slut, but I'd be lost here without you!" the dog admitted.

"Well," Lydia said. "At least we can get our regular stuff back on. Already I'm tired of wearing normal clothes! I can't BREATHE in this thing!"

"I have a better idea," Slutcat grinned. "Let's check out the tent! You can breathe all over then."

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A few hours later, during a lull in the action, the two were relaxing within the rather airy pup tent.

"So, do you want to help them out with that mine business?" Lydia asked the khajiit.

"Naa. Maybe some other time. Right now I'd like to finish the Greybeards' quest and avoid getting sidetracked."

"Your wish is my command, Thane," Lydia nodded.

"And right now I have another wish. Get thee betweeneth my legs, Housecarl!"

"Again?! Slutcat, I don't know if my tongue can take anymore!"

"Think of it as endurance training!" she commanded.

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"Slutcat," Sworddog said.

"Mmmmmm... Hm? What?"

"I know you said you'd never let me out of your sight again... but..."

"OH! Yes! Justt like that Lydia! OHHHH! MMmmmmm... You were saying, Sworddog?"

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"I'm just not comfortable watching you two go at it like this," the dog whimpered.

"Oh, sorry. Go on. We'll be done... eventually."

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