Unlikely Companion


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#1 of Asian Romance.


The follow story was meant to be a side story to the Snowdrift and Solarblaze tales, which involved a scientist who implanted a biotracking chip in Snowdrift's brain,

and subsequently, disintigrated and released a lethal genetic cancer to the brain. He was teleported fom the complex by Snowdrifts cubs Dawn and Dusk, (charcters I omited

from the timeline, due to complex issues and to many characters to keep track off.) I would have deleted this story, except that I feel there's a true character development

involvement in the tale that readers would enjoy. So, here is the story of the Human/Foxtaur relationship that might become a stand alone tale, once I figure out his reason for

being where he is at the moment.

Special Note: The names of the Aunt and Niece are from japanese names.

Part One.


By Malcolm Kebler.

The lone figure moved slowly through the wilderness, the 20 knot winds blowing the snow and cold against his face. His skin was already numb; his shirt and white jacket did little to keep out the cold. His shoes where unsuited for this type of terrain. But, it was all he had. His lab coat was situated for laboratory work, not this sub temperature barren wasteland.

He clutched his coat collar close around his face, as much as it could.

Damn those genetics freaks! He cursed, as he trudged through the ankle deep snow.

First they snatched him up from his job in Western Australia, to god knows where.

Made him do some tests on their female white tigertaur mate, which, now that he recalled, was the object of a full scale search by the military and scientists that he was apart of. And then they dumped him on one of the peaks of the Himalayas in Asia.

The only thing he could think of was, one of the chakats knew teleportation.

That was how they could snatch him from the heavily secured complex where he was working. And then dropped him off half way around the world in and instant.

He was told by the chakat that brought him here, that, if he wanted to survive, he was to head east, but now, he was unsure which way that was, since the storm turned up suddenly. He was hungry, cold and tired. If he didn't find shelter soon, he would die.

He wasn't a survivalist. All he knew was biology and chemicals in the animal body.

Thinking back to the conversation with the chakats, and one fox morph and human that was also present, he could understand the anger and contempt aimed at him.

The female tigertaur was dying, slowly and painfully, because of the locator device in her brain, something he did have a little bit of help in creating. But he didn't design the toxic cancer part, he only created the biochip that is integrated with her DNA.

The way he understood it, she was mates to 2 of the chakats, and mother to 3 of the cubs he had seen there. And the affection and love from the others were strong.

Hell, if anyone had done this to his beloved, he would do more than just dump him some place barren. He would kill them.

But the instructions given by the human, Stephan was his name, was not to harm him.

Which didn't help his current situation at the moment. He was going to die soon anyway.

Finally, after 20 minutes of walking, Malcolm succumbs to the cold, hunger and lack of energy. He collapsed, falling face first in the snow. Welcoming the darkness of sleep to take him, to maybe pass on, away from the pain and misery of this world.

Before he slipped into unconsciousness, his last thoughts were of his beloved wife Tasha, on life support at the military hospital.

"I'm sorry beloved, I have failed you. I hope to see you soon in the afterlife" was his last thoughts, as the darkness enveloped him.

Mmmmmm so warm. he thought, looking at the small light.

That light is so warm. I wish to be embraced by it. He thought again.

"Hello?" came a soft feminine voice, a faint Asian accent on it "Are you wake hun?"

Is that? Is that Tasha? Malcolm that, hope in his heart.

"Mermph" he tried to speak, but his tongue was swollen.

"Here, drink this, slowly." Came the soft voice again, as warm liquid was placed on his lips. Greedily he drank, like a dying man of thirst.

The warm liquid did wonders to his tongue, warming it up and easing the swelling.

Finally, when he couldn't drink no more, the female withdrew the cup that held the liquid.

"Tasha?" he said weakly.

There was a giggle, soft, gentle and musical, that lifted his spirit.

"No sweety, I'm not Tasha." The voice said. "My name is Yuki-Tenshi, it means Snow Angel."

Malcolm couldn't see clearly, his vision was a blur. "Where am I?" he asked.

"You're in a cave, my home." The voice said. "I found you out in the wilderness, nearly frozen stiff. I brought you back."

"Thank you" he said, "my name is Malcolm Kebler" he said, outstretching his hand.

"pleasure to meet you Malcolm Kebler." The voice responded again, and a hand took his, firmly shaking it. Soft, warm, and covered in fur. FUR! Panic took over his thoughts, what is this thing? Chakat? Wolftaur? Foxtaur? Or something else?

He quickly tried to back away, but pain made him wince and cry out.

Sensing his distress, Yuki-Tenshi quickly tried to hold him, but he swatted her hand away.

"Stay away from me, leave me alone!" he cried "Don't touch me, FREAK!" he snarled.

A gasp from the female made him regret his words, as he could hear her starting to cry.

Damn it! Why did he say that?, and after she saved his life too.

"Look, I'm sorry, sorry I said that" he said "But, I wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for a... a chakat!"

A sniffle, then the voice replied, "Apology accepted."

"Can I ask you, what species are you?" he asked, trying to see through the haze, but couldn't

"Well, I'm a Stellar Foxtaur, Tundra breed." Shi said

Malcolm had heard of these creatures before, they live in the arctic regions, white fur, hunters and hermaphrodites.

But that was all he knew.

"Where are the others? Out Hunting?" he asked.

A sadness came into hir voice, "I'm sorry, but, I am very much alone." Shi replied, sniffling.

Malcolm was surprised at this, foxtaurs and chakats were very socialable creatures, living in huge families, and to find one all on hir own, is, weird.

"Why is that?" he asked.

"Because, as you said before, I am a FREAK!" shi wailed.

Hearing hir start to cry again, Malcolm felt pity, and regret for calling hir a freak, he just wanted to hold hir, opening his arms, he said. "Come here."

Something warm, large and furry fell into his arms, hold his body as racking sobs came from this creature.

Feeling for hir face, he felt the ears and the top of hir head, and started stroking it, to calm hir down. Hir tears started to ease, as his tender petting made hir happy.

Then, shi gave him a lick on the cheek, and snuggled up to him more.

"What are you doing?" he asked, as he felt hir body shift and something large, furry and warm wrapped around his body, which he just realized, was naked.

"Mmmmm keeping you warm, it's freezing outside, and the fire will not last long. You'll freeze to death without my body heat." Shi said, hir upper arms around his body, hir head on his chest, hir breasts on his stomach and what he could guess to be hir lower body and tail, covered his legs.

His head was resting on something soft and warm.

He had to admit, shi was keeping him toasty warm.

Soon, he was feeling drowsy, and petting hir fur covered face and ears, which made her giggle and sigh, he fell back asleep.

Malcolm awoke to sunlight seeping in from the mouth of the cave.

His eyes had recovered slightly, and the sight that greeted him when he looked down filled him with peace and wonder.

The Stellar Foxtaur was still asleep, head on his chest, eyes closed, breathing slow and steady, warm air running over his right nipple, tickling him.

He giggled.

Shi opened hir eyes and yawned, exposing hir sharp pointy teeth. Teeth that could tear his throat out, if shi wanted to. He quickly shook those images out of his mind.

Then shi looked at him, and he gasped.

So Beautiful, hir eyes are like blue sapphires, glistening and sparkling.

He was mesmerized by them.

"Well, good morning hun," shi said, a hand running over his face slowly.

When shi saw his face go red with embarrassment, she asked, "What's wrong?"

"Um, it's... ah...." And he shifted slightly, and then shi gasped hirself.

Resting between hirself and him was the largest erection shi had ever felt.

And then shi was the one who was embarrassed, stifling a giggle.

"Well, looks like the cock is up and ready to crow." Shi laughed.

Malcolm couldn't help but laugh as well, then, he looked at this gorgeous creature laying on his body.

"Umm where are my clothes?" he asked, looking around.

"Oh, they were soaked through from the snow, ruined, I had to toss them away." Shi replied, then shi saw the look he had on his face.

"What am I going to wear?" he said, panic in his voice, "I'll freeze."

When shi smiled, Malcolm knew that shi wouldn't have left him naked.

"While you were asleep, I took the time to make you some new clothing and boots." Shi said, proudly, slowly rising up, seductively trailing hir fur across his body and his erection, bringing a moan from his throat. Shi gave a lil mischievous lil laugh at this.

"Why you lil vixen," he growled in mock anger, trying to smack hir rump.

Shi pulled away and laughed when he couldn't reach hir.

"Maybe next time hun." Shi said, winking before going to the back of the cave.

Malcolm shivered at the sudden absence of warmth from hir body, so he curled up into a ball.

When shi did returned, shi was carrying a large bundle of clothing, made from leather with fur lining.

Placing the items on the ground, shi proceeded to sort through them. Malcolm was amazed. "Where... how did you get these?" he asked.

"I made them, do you like them?" shi asked, smiling.

"Yes, yes." He said, taking one article, which look like pants, and tried to put them on, then stopped. He hadn't noticed it before, but his left leg was bandaged, where his ankle was.

"What happened to my foot?" he cried, now noticing the dull throbbing.

Yuki-Tenshi looked down in sorrow.

"I'm sorry, but, frostbite had set in, I couldn't save your foot. I had to amputate it." Tears started to flow, from both human and foxtaur.

Shi then held him, stroking his hair softly, like he had down to calm hir down.

And before they knew it, they were kissing, hir tongue was mating with his, hir warm breath mingling with his.

Then he suddenly stopped, mortified at what he had done, ashamed at his sudden passions.

What am I doing? Cheating on my beloved!

As he pulled away suddenly, Yuki-Tenshi looked at him with a questioning stare.

"What, don't you like that?" shi asked, rejection in hir voice.

"Oh, no, no, it is wonderful. You're beautiful" He replied, softly stroking hir fur covered face, making hir smile.

Looking at him again when he stopped, shi asked, "Then what's wrong? Don't wanna do it with a freak? Is that it?" shi said, accusingly.

Malcolm felt guilt. And passion, and love. Oh god, those eyes. So sincere, so beautiful. He had to tell hir the truth.

"Oh god no my dear, it's not that, if my situation was different, I'll take you in my arms and make love to you." He smiled, holding hir hands in his, gasping from the effort.

"Then, what's wrong?" shi thought for a second, and added. "Is there another?"

Reluctantly he nodded his head, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Is it this Tahsa you spoke of?" shi said, the sound of jealously in hir voice.

Once again, he nodded. Choking back the tears.

"Why are you crying?, you should be happy to have found someone to share you life with." Shi said, hearing the human's unhappiness in his voice.

"Because she's in hospital, on life support ." and broke down and cried again.

Yuki-Tenshi came up and held him again. Shi understood his pain and suffering, for when shi was at one of the hospitals due to hir problems, shi had seen some of the humans hooked up to machines, motionless, unconscious, almost dead, the only thing keeping them alive were artificial respirators.

The loved ones holding their hands and talking to them. Tears in their eyes, pain in their voices as they spoke about what is happening in there lives with out them.

Yuki also started crying, while shi was alone due to hir medical plight, Malcolm was alone in body, but not in love or spirit.

"2 souls, alone but never apart from their loved ones." Shi replied, then, cradling Malcolm in hir arms, shi started to sing, a soft soothing melody.

Hir voice echoing in the confines of the small cave. Almost adding a choir to hir singing.

If you feel the chill, I shall keep you warm.

If you feel alone, I shall hold you close.

If you feel the pain, I shall share it with you.

If you feel lost, I shall take you home.

For no-one is cold when 2 hearts are one.

For no-one is alone when 2 bodies are one.

For no-one is in pain when 2 souls are one.

For no-one is lost when 2 homes are one.

So, take my hand and walk with me.

Join with my soul for the life you need.

I shall be yours and you will be mine.

So feel my love, my joy and sorrow.

As I feel yours now and tomorrow.

Yuki's voice was so soothing, that Malcolm was momentarily smitten, hir blue eyes, hir angelic voice, hir soft stroking hand. He didn't know why he felt so at calm and complete with this vixen.

Finally, when he was calm enough, he asked the question that he dreaded to ask.

But, he had to know.

"My dear, may I ask you something?" he asked, snuggling into hir chest, feeling the steady rhythmic heart beats of hir body.

"Sure", she said, hir eyes closed, as shi breathed in his male fragrance.

He took his time, not wanting to spoil the special tender moment, but, giving a sigh, he broke away from the embrace, and looked hir in the eyes, so blue and stunning.

Taking a deep breath, he asked the question, waiting for the outcome, what ever it may be.

"Yuki, why do you think that you're a freak?" he said.

Hir sudden intake of breath filled him with worry, afraid he had upset hir.

Finally, shi let out a long sigh, and sat down in front of him, hir front taur hands nervously fidgeted.

"Do you really want to know?" shi asked, concern and worry in hir voice.

"Yes, please do tell me." He said, struggling to sit up.

"Ok." Shi said, wiping tears from hir eyes.

Then Yuki-Tenshi told Malcolm about hir falling in love with a human when shi was young, how he wanted to have children with hir, but was unwilling to undergo the procedure to change his semen DNA from human to taur.

Shi then told him about how shi offered to undergo the operation to change hir ability to conceive human offspring instead of taur.

Shi had blindly fallen in love with him, he seemed so sincere and eager to sire children with hir, that shi went through with the operation, without the Clans approval, and as such, was shunned and ridiculed.

The only one who stood by hir discussion was hir Aunt, who raised the money for the operation.

Before the doctors started, they had informed hir about it being irreversible, once done, it couldn't be undone.

Shi thought long and hard, and decided that it was a small sacrifice for life of happiness with the one shi loved.

The man shi loved was away, but he kept in touch via messages.

Telling hir that he loved hir, and looked forward to having kids.

So, shi went ahead with the operation.

Afterwards, shi sent word that the procedure was done, and that shi could have human offspring, she was ecstatic and anticipating his reply with heart felt joy.

Only to be crushed by the responding letter from hir loved one.

He had met and fallen in love with someone else, and that he now thought of hir as a freak and that shi was nothing to him.

Hir soul was crushed, shi spent weeks crying and howling in hir aunts spare room.

The only one of hir village that would support hir and love hir was hir aunt.

If it wasn't for hir, shi would have committed suicide long ago.

Instead, shi took it upon hirself to be self exiled and live a life of solitude.

Hir only company was hir aunt, who would visit twice a week to check up on hir.

Malcolm was horrified and saddened by the story shi told hir.

When shi had finished, he asked hir what about hir parents.

Sadly, shi told him that they had perished when shi was a kit, only 2 weeks old.

They apparently were crossing a frozen lake, when they both fell through the ice.

They both died of hyperthermia shortly after pulling themselves out of the water. The soaked fur and sub-zero temperatures were a killer.

Malcolm hugged hir tightly, crying.

Then, shi asked him about his life, and his wife.

He stiffened up, and became very quiet.

Sensing his nervousness, shi asked what's wrong.

"Ummm If I tell you, you'll hate me..." he said, looking down, unable to look hir in hir eyes.

"Why? Is it really that terrible?" shi asked.

He nodded, still unable to look hir in the eyes.

"I promise, I won't pass judgement." Shi said, in a soft even voice.

He looked up, seeing concern in hir eyes.

He shuddered, swallowing the lump in his throat.

Yuki got up, walked over to a knapsack and took out a bottle of liquid, then returned back to him.

"Here, take a sip, it'll steady your nerves." Shi said, pouring a small portion into a steel cup and handed it to him.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Whisky." She said.

He drank it down, and fluid warmed his throat as well as making him relax.

"Ok, now tell me everything hun, bare you soul to me." Shi said, stroking his hair.

Taking a deep breath, Malcolm did just that.

He told about his wives accident, how the medical expenses were too much.

The offer to work for the Russians in a secret military complex, in exchange for paying his wife's medical costs.

The project in creating genetically engineered taurs, his part in the locator chip.

Yuki gasped at that, mortified that any living being could be owned and tracked like property, but shi didn't leave, or make any malicious comments.

Then shi smiled when he told about the time he helped cared for the cubs as they were growing up.

Even though he was directly responsible in a small part in the project, he didn't see the subjects as test animals, but beings with personalities.

Then he told about the escape, the panic, the accusations directed at staff for their bungling.

Then the recent abduction of him to some place he never been before, and the examination and realization of the tampering of his locator device to kill.

He burst into tears at this point, and Yuki hugged him.

Then he finished of with him being teleported on the Himalayas.

Afterwards, he looked down, afraid to look in hir eyes, afraid of what he'll see there.

Rage, hurt, pain, anger.

When hir hand lifted his head to be level with hirs', he saw, no hate, but love.

Then, shi surprised him by kissing him again. This time, a long sensual kiss.

Perplexed, he relished in the affection for awhile, then reluctantly broke it off.

"Aren't you angry? Horrified?" he asked

"What for?" shi said.

"For being apart of that scientific project?"

"Did you do it out of greed of money?" shi asked

"Um, well. No!' he said

"Did you do it for power?" shi said, running hir hands along his shoulders.

"No." he replied, relaxing to the gentle touch.

"Was it for your loved one?" shi asked, running hir hand down his chest.

"Mmmm yes it was." He murmured, feeling more relaxed and at peace.

"Did you care for the cubs?" she enquired, lightly lick kissing his neck.

"Yes....." Oh god, why? Why do I feel these strong urges for this beast person?

What is it about hir? Why do I feel so akin to hir?

Is it..... could it be that shi reminds me of Tasha?

Try as he might, he couldn't stop, he should, but, the touch, the smell, his pent up sexual urges of being without love and companionship for 10 years, just finally burst forth.

He leaned back, and gave Yuki the deepest passionate kiss he had ever given since his wife.

Oh God, this is so beautiful, Shi is so beautiful, He thought, as his erection that he had before re-emerged, stronger and harder than ever.

Yuki responded back, hir tongue mating with his, then shi gasped when his hands started cupping hir breasts, massaging them lovingly. His fingers moved through the thick white fur, and found hir sensitive mounds of flesh, pinching them, sending shivers of pleasure down hir body.

Shi let out a lil yip of pleasure, as he plucked at hir buds.

Hir hands reached down, over his shoulders and lightly played with his own patch of hair, until shi found his own little sensitive nipples. Gently, shi rubbed them, causing him to giggle then sigh with lust.

Smiling, Yuki moved hir hands lower, over his stomach, tracing lil circles as shi went.

Malcolm's hand's were not idle as well, after playing with hir heaving breasts for a while, his hands moved lower, through hir fur, until he found the sheath, then his fingers touched something coarse and rough on the skin.

Curious, he stopped, wondering what it was.

Breaking away from the kiss, he asked, "What is this?" gently stroking the unusual rough lumpy bit of skin.

Yuki stopped moving hir hands on his body, and let out a sudden sob of anguish, as hir eyes darted away from his face.

Judging from hir ears sudden change to redness, he knew that shi was ashamed of that particular subject.

Gently holding hir face in his hands, he looked hir in the eyes, so blue, so filled with hurt and sorrow.

"You can tell me, my love." He said, stroking hir fur.

Shi rubbed hir head against his fingers, enjoying the touch.

"Ok, I'll tell you, but you're not going to like it." Shi replied, shuddering a little.

"Try me" he said.

"Well, when word got around about my... problem. I was treated so coldly, so indifferent. But that wasn't the worst. Some of the local humans that we did business with, also heard about my situation, and they were cold and cruel as well.

I was walking home one night, when I found myself surrounded by the humans, they jeered and taunted me, I was so scared, I called for help. But no-one came, even though I knew they could hear me. Apparently, they thought I deserved what I was getting at the hands of these Fiends."

Malcolm was in shock, he could understand human's callousness and cruelty to animals, and even to each other, but the idea that a fellow foxtaur would let one of their own be victimised like this, was unbearable.

Anger started to build.

"They finally grabbed me, held me down, then, using a portable welding torch that one had with him, they branded me!" tears and uncontrollable sobbing caused hir body to shake, shi had grabbed hir tail and covered hir face, soaking the fur with hir tears.

Malcolm was stunned, blinded by rage.

How could they? Those bastards? And.... And... those foxtaurs. Why would they let one of their own be tormented like this?

Shaking uncontrollably, Malcolm let out a cry of primeval rage that startled Yuki, and shi cringed away from him, as he repeatedly pounded the cave floor with his clenched fist. Pain was numbed by his fury. After what seemed like minutes, his anger and rage vented, he noticed Yuki curled up, away from him, eyes filled with fear.

Realizing that his anger and outburst had frightened hir, he tried to quell hir fears.

"It's alright babe, I'm not angry at you. It's just that my rage for the humans and your kin overtook me, that's all" he said, arms outstretched.

Slowly, Yuki moved closer, and shi let out a deep sigh of relief when he held hir close, and started petting hir head again.

Then shi noticed the cuts and bruises on his hands.

"Oh, you sweet poor thing, you went and hurt yourself." Shi exclaimed, "You know, unlike foxtaurs, who can regenerate injuries, humans are more fragile and take longer to heal."

Shi moved back to hir knapsack and came out with bandages and antiseptic.

Gingerly, shi applied the antiseptic then bandaged the hands.

Malcolm smiled at this caring nursing taur.

Just then, his stomach started growling.

Yuki just giggled, "I think you have a beast in your belly, that wants a feed?" and with that, shi left the cave.

Realizing how cold it was, Malcolm proceeded to cloth himself. First the pants, which, surprisingly, fitted him well. He took awhile putting it on, as, his left leg was stiff and sore, but he managed to wiggle himself into them.

He instantly felt really warm, the outer fur insulated him from the cold.

He then tried the jacket, which also fitted him well, a little bit bigger, but the design was so that one side overlaid the other, and it was held by clasps. He suddenly felt very warm and comfortable.

He noticed that there was only one boot, leather on the outside, and fur on the inside, similar to ugg boots that he use to wear in Australia.

He slipped it on his right foot, tight fit, until he realized that there were clasps on it as well.

Laughing, he undid them and the boot slipped easily onto his foot, then he did the clasps one by one.

Tight, but not too tight, and there's room for the toes to move.

Looking back at his other foot, he grimaced, and placed the other article of clothing, a hoodlike cap, over it.

Now clothed and warm, Malcolm waited for Yuki's return.

While he waited, he leaned back and thought about his plight. The Himalayas. Another continent, thousands maybe tens of thousands miles away from Australia.

Geez, how will I get back, I don't have any money, or I.D. plus the fact that I'm in another country illegally. Shit, I'm right in pickle at the moment. What am I too do?

If I get in touch with the authorities, god knows how long it would take to get home, if they don't throw me in prison for being an illegal alien first.

And, what about Yuki? As much as I love hir, I still love my wife.

Even though she's in hospital, an invalid, I still love her, with my heart and soul.

And yet, here is a loving beautiful soul, who found me, cared for me, nursed me back to health, and despite my past transgressions, never altered hir feeling for me.

What am I going to do? Malcolm thought, then was interrupted by Yuki re-entering the cave, dragging a dead carcass behind hir.

It was a mountain yak, medium size, with an arrow protruding from it's eye socket.

A one shot kill.

Yuki smiled when shi saw him dressed, and dragged the dead yak to the rear of the cave, where shi proceeded to gut and skin the beast.

Then, shi started a fire, which warmed the cave a bit more, so Malcolm had to take off the coat, as he was sweltering with it on.

After cutting large slices of meat from the carcass, Yuki stuck them on a large steel, and placed them over the fire, rest each end on the surrounding rocks.

The meat quickly cooked, and the aroma filled Malcolm's nostrils, and he started to water at the mouth.

Yuki saw this and laughed with pleasure.

Shi was pleased with the hungry look Malcolm was giving, as he eyed the meat.

When she was satisfied with how the meat was cooked, shi placed them on separate plates, and handed one to Malcolm, who eagerly grabbed it.

"Um, knives and forks?" he asked.

Stifling a giggle, shi responded by saying, "Just use your fingers, I do, saves on cleaning up." He laughed at this, and proceeded picking small portions from the hot meat, and tasted it.

Well done! Just the way he liked it. Malcolm thought with pleasure, taking a bite.

Soon, both human and foxtaur finished their meal, and then Yuki snuggled up again with him, hir fingers playing with his chest hair.

Smiling, full and happy, Malcolm drifted off to sleep again, in the arms of this beautiful white furred vixen. All worries and troubles faded from his mind for the time being.

To be continued....