Core's Opportunity—Chapter 8

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#8 of Core's Opportunity

Core wakes up to Millie having some quality alone time in the guest bedroom.

My original conception for this chapter didn't work out quite the way I wanted. So, I went back through it and changed it completely. This chapter could have been a bit of an ending for the series, but I decided it was too abrupt and there needed to be a bit more of a charcter arc. That's why there's 14 chapters of Core's Opportunity and not 9 or 10. They'll be posted every Saturday until completion.

This is a collaboration with Exvarn and I'm quite thankful for having the use of his character for all these years!

Are you surprised Core's held out this long with Millie in such close proximity? Let me know in the comments.

Core wakes up needing to use the restroom. Millie's tail is still across his side and he lifts it off carefully before getting out of bed. After he is out of the bathroom, he looks at the time. It's nine AM, but he's way too tired to just get up now. He gets back in bed and presses his back against Millie's. She turns around mumbling something and puts her arm over him while scootching closer. He smiles softly and presses against her front enjoying her cleavage against his back. Sleep takes him soon after.

When Core wakes up again, he notices that Millie is missing. He frowns, wondering if he overslept or something. Vague remnants of a sexy dream involving Millie are in his mind and his cock is so hard it hurts! He's denied himself for months and his balls and shaft are burning with need. As he thinks about pawing, he looks at the clock to make sure that he isn't going to be late for his class or something. To his surprise, it's only ten forty-eight. His class isn't until three. He really needs to take care of this before he does anything else.

His sharp canine ears pick up the sound of bedsprings squeaking in the guest room. Did he toss and turn too much and force her to sleep in the other bed or something? He walks out into the hallway. The bed springs are squeaking at regular intervals and he hears a muffled sound of distress that sounds like it's coming from Millie.

The pieces of this puzzle don't fit together in Core's groggy brain as he opens the door to the guest room. What he sees makes his knees weak. Millie is playing with a huge canine vibrator while biting a washcloth. Her moans are muffled by the cloth as she fucks herself silly. He can see her amazing pussy stretch around the thick knot at the base as she pops it in and out. His erection throbs even harder as he watches.

He stifles a whine as he wishes that his cock was inside her instead of that dildo. Looking away, he tries to think about something, anything else. He should get away from the door and stop all this temptation. As he tries to leave, her moans whisper to his instincts and he looks again.

As he watches, he starts panting softly. The scent of her sex is flooding his mind. He sniffs the air feeling his prick throb with need.

He grits his teeth thinking about how he shouldn't be spying on her like this, even if she likes being watched, he shouldn't do it without her knowing. She disrupts his thoughts with a sharp gasp. Her back arches, her legs shiver, and her free hand grabs desperately at her nice big breasts. He's never seen anyone cum in person. A sense of awe fills him that mixes with his need. He could do that to her? He could make her feel that good?

The thought brings his hands to his cock. He tries to get himself to walk away, but he can't stop stroking. She's continuing even though she just came. It's so hot! Now she's rubbing her clit with one hand while using the dildo with the other.

He pulls down his pajama bottoms and lets them fall to his feet. The feeling of being exposed just outside the door makes him even harder. A part of him yells at him for being a perv, but the part that needs to stroke his erection as he watches her is deafening. He moves his hands in time with the dildo controlling his breathing so he doesn't make more noise than she is.

What is he doing? Why can't he stop? He wonders as he keeps thrusting his hips over and over. Millie cums again and he tries to cum with her, but he feels so exposed in the hallway and can't believe what he's doing. When he realizes that she's going for a third orgasm, he has to stifle a moan. Her scaly body is still moving with so much energy. He can't look away and it's taking all his willpower not to walk into the room and take the place of the dildo.

As Millie nears her third orgasm, his hands are flying up and down his shaft. He is in too much pleasure to worry about whether she can hear him. She's probably busy to notice anyway. He tries to wait for her to cum before he lets himself go, but he reaches the point of no return before he can slow his hands. He gasps as he tries to stifle his cry of ecstasy. Cum spurts from his cock tip as his shaft lurches in his hands.

Rope after rope of cum covers the slate tiles. As he is finishing up with his last few spurts, Millie shoves the knot in and cries out, "Oh! Core!".

His heart starts racing as he realizes she's looking at the door and from that angle she can probably see the tip of his cock as it shoots yet another dollop of his seed. She cries out even louder as her orgasm reaches its most intense point. He moans despite himself as his knot inflates at the base of his cock. Part of him wants to be seen, wants her to know that she made him cum like this.

Having finally cum, he looks around and panics when he realizes his pants are around his ankles and his cum is on the floor. What has he done? His look of horror is broken by Millie saying, "Next time, you can just come in and take the spot next to me. I won't bite."

"Umm, ah," he closes the door on impulse having no idea what to say.

He dashes over to the bathroom, grabs a towel, and then runs back and starts cleaning up his cum. As he's doing this, Millie opens the door and says, "I'm glad you got to enjoy watching me. Feel free to do it anytime. From the doorway, from next to me, from on top of me. However you like."

"S-sure," he says without having any idea what to say. He silently hopes she doesn't press him on this anymore. He's already blushing so much that he feels lightheaded.

"I'm going to go wash up. You're welcome to come with me, use the other shower, or wait until I'm done." She walks past him.

He takes a deep breath quietly thanking her for not making him feel any more awkward. A strange feeling wells up in him as he realizes that he can't control himself around her and that she doesn't seem to mind one bit.

What if he can't control himself and he loses his ability to balance his life between his studies and his lust? What if he gets addicted to using his magical item? What if he--he shakes his head pushing those thoughts out of his mind. It's not like avoiding sex has done him much good. He just lost control again. Maybe he's never actually been in control of himself.

He sighs as he gets the last bit of cum up and puts the towel in the hamper. At first, he goes toward the other shower, but his paws end up carrying him into the master bedroom. When he walks over to the shower and sees that Millie's inside, he gets an urge to watch her again.

He grits his teeth and forces himself to open the door and step into it with her. She makes room for him saying, "Nice to see you."

Looking at her gorgeous body, he says, "Nice to see you too." His heart is in his throat. He can't believe he's standing in the shower next to her naked body.

She says, "Do you want me to shampoo you?"

"Nah, I just have to wash off my, you know." He's once again thankful to her that she's not trying to seduce him right now. He knows he wouldn't be strong enough to resist it. Why she's not seducing him is a mystery, but he suspects it's because she's more aware of how nervous he is around sexual stuff.

She holds up the bottle of fine fur shampoo he used last night and when he puts his hand under it, she squirts a little onto his palm. She backs away to give him space as he washes off his cock and balls and the wetness from his pussy.

As she watches him wash, she asks, "Did you mean the things you said last night? Are you really okay being watched on stage? You seemed really nervous just now when you knew I could see. I'm surprised you even made it into the shower with me."

He sighs as he finishes cleaning himself and thinks about how to respond. "I-I don't think I can do it. Last night, after not dying, it felt like I could do anything. But should probably just drop me off at my apartment and forget about me."

Drawing him into a hug, she says, "Oh no! I couldn't do that..." Her eyes become distant for a while. "How about I find you another job at my club? Something where you're not on display."

He looks up at her, ears standing up and tail wagging. "Really?"

She lets go of him and then puts her hands on his shoulders. "Well, I can't guarantee that your job will not have a bunch of adult situations in it, like seeing most of our dancers without their clothes, but you wouldn't have to go up on stage. That sound good?"

Now his tail is really wagging. He thought he was going to have to bare it all to a crowd or end up in the same spot he was before she rescued him. Seeing dancers nude would be awkward, but he's with Millie after seeing her nude a few times and somehow it's not awkward... Is that how it works? When it's new it's awkward? I seeing her nude normal? He looks down at her scaly breasts and blushes fiercely--nope, not quite normal.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Sorry, just had to think." He smiles. "Yeah, sounds great!"

"Good." Her eyes trace over his body. "I hope to see you on stage someday, but right now I'm just happy to have you here."

As he turns to leave, he gives in to an impulse to kiss her on the cheek and says, "Thanks."

"You're welcome." She takes a step back and smiles wide. "And you look gorgeous sans clothing."

He tries to tell her that he feels the same about her, but his words get caught in his throat and he just gives her a little smile and nod before stepping out.

As he's drying off his crotch, Millie gets out of the shower. As she uses the drier, he tries not to look at her, but ends up watching her reflection in the mirror. He realizes that she knows he's watching when she lifts her tail and gives him a good look at her pussy. She giggles as he blushes and turns to walk out of the bathroom.

She nuzzles him from behind saying, "No need to feel embarrassed. I like getting that sort of attention from you."

He gulps having no idea what to say to that. Why does she like him so much? He's not that special, is he? "Oh, okay," he says before walking into the bedroom. She walks past him and starts grabbing some clothes.

She gets dressed in a short black pleated skirt, a black bra and panties, and a white blouse that she leaves unbuttoned enough that her bra is clearly visible. She pulls up thigh-high black socks to complete the outfit. He wonders if it's the sexiest thing he's seen her in and has to distract himself by getting dressed so that he doesn't get another boner. He puts on jeans they got last night that fit really nicely and a dark blue t-shirt.

"How about we go get breakfast at Morty's," she says.

"Morty's?" he raises an eyebrow.

"It's a little diner up the street that has great breakfast stuff. I'll treat you," she smiles.

"You don't have to," he says.

"What's the fun in doing only the things I have to do?" she asks heading out of the bedroom.

The diner does indeed have good breakfast food. As they eat, he can't get over how good her cleavage looks in that outfit. He does a good job not staring, but not such a good job on keeping his mind out of the gutter. At one point, he imagines her sitting in his lap taking his cock while the entire diner watches. It makes him so hard that he has to distract Millie with conversation after they get the check.

Lucky for him, talking about the art supplies he bought this semester is enough to help him calm down. Keeping from getting hard around her is taking a lot of effort. He's actually looking forward to going to class today so he can get a break from the temptation. He wishes he could just pretend it's her fault, but the truth is that he hasn't outright told her "no" and she isn't being nearly as forceful as she was before.

A strange thought occurs to him. He feels sexier, desired even. She's making it impossible for him to ignore the fact that she actually likes being around him. He can't imagine what she sees in him, but it's nice to know at least someone appreciates him.

They go back to Millie's place and he catches up on emails as well as a couple of his favorite youtube channels before he studies for an upcoming quiz. When Millie sees that he's busy on his laptop, she sits at the kitchen table and works on hers until she says, "So, what would you like for lunch?"

It takes him a moment to stop reading in his textbook and look up. "A sandwich?"

"Sure, I'll get out some ingredients and you can come up and figure out what you want on yours," she says.

After they're done eating, they end up on the couch together watching "Up."

About an hour into the movie, Millie gets a call and says, "Sorry, I have to go help someone find something back at the club. I'll be gone for a while because I often get caught up in other stuff once I'm there. You can play my PS4 or watch more movies, if you like."

"Okay. I think I'll just study." Core kisses her on the cheek.

She goes to give him a kiss on the lips before realizing what she's doing and kissing the side of his muzzle instead.

He's forgetting something... "Can you drop me off at school on your way?"

"You have class today?" She tilts her head.

"Yeah, I almost forgot."

"Oh! I remember now, you told me last night," she says. "Let's get going."

They're out the door not ten minutes later and his time at school goes smoothly. When he gets out of class, he texts Millie. Forty minutes later, he's wondering if she's okay when his phone chimes.

Her response says, "So sorry, on my way."

He responds with, "It's okay, I got some reading done."

About twenty minutes later, he gets a text from her saying, "I'm here! Same entrance I dropped you off at."

Soon, he's in her car heading back to her place.

As she drives, he notices that her normal bright and optimistic attitude is missing. "What's wrong?"

Millie shakes her head. "Nothing too terrible or that hasn't happened before..." She gets off the highway. "I think I just need some quiet right now, sorry."

Core nods and looks out the window. They're almost back at her place. He recognizes some of the buildings. He tries to avoid thinking about whether something he did inconvenienced her and that's why she doesn't want to talk about it, but then he remembers that she's pretty blunt and manages to relax a bit.

After she pulls into her slot, he follows her up to her apartment and the moment they're inside she takes off her shoes and says, "Sorry, I was feeling snappy in the car and had to calm down."

He takes off his shoes. "It's okay."

She walks toward the couch shaking her head as she says, "Someone wants to sue me for an incident where one of my dancers accidentally hit them with a shoe that flew off during a performance. I spent an hour and a half talking to my lawyer."

"Did that person get hurt?" Core asks as Millie walks over to the couch.

She sits down and sighs. "There's no way to know for certain. He could be telling the truth for all I know and if that's the case, I don't mind paying out. The frustrating part is that I'll never know the truth."

When Core leans forward, Millie's tail makes it's way behind him. He takes the end of her tail and plays with it in his lap as he thinks. "Yeah, that sucks. It's like you don't even know if you want to win the case or not... Have you been sued a lot?"

"One of my friends once joked that you know you're running a successful business if people are suing you regularly." She moves the end of her tail through his fingers.

He chuckles. "That's one way to look at it." As he feels her warm scales move in is paws, he feels his crotch stir and tries to focus on something else.

"So, what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" She leans into him and licks his cheek.

"I know you took the day off for me, but I probably should study for a couple more hours. I'm sorry." He leans against her and his tail starts to wag. His body wants to do more, but just feeling her against him is quite satisfying.

She grabs the book that's sitting on the coffee table and opens it. "No need to apologize, how about I read a book right here while you study?"

"I'd like that." He lets go of her tail before getting out his notebook and looking through his notes. For a couple minutes, he's distracted by the fact that she left her tail in his lap, but after that he's so absorbed in his studying that he doesn't even notice.

An hour later, Millie gets up and cleans the kitchen before pulling a recumbent exercise bike out of the closet and unfolding it. She goes into the other room and changes into a tight-fitting exercise outfit before strapping an old iPod Nano Touch to her arm and putting in her ear buds. She sits on the bike and starts exercising.

He's very surprised at how hard she rides. Twenty minutes later, she pants heavily as she puts the bike away. After that she takes a very quick shower before sitting down next to him dressed in the same clothes she was wearing earlier. She starts reading again.

Just before two hours have passed, he puts all his school stuff away. She closes her book and sets it down the moment he's done. Looking at him with a faint smile on her face, she says, "Want to make dinner together?"

"Sure, what are we making?" His stomach growls.

She chuckles. "Pulled pork tacos. I have some slow roasted pork that I need to use up and I've got all the other ingredients. That sound good?"

"Yeah, what do you want me to do?" He gets off of the couch wincing from how sore his thighs are from all that thrusting he did while masturbating this morning.

"I want you to heat up the pork and the tortilla's. I'll chop up the other ingredients." She walks over to the kitchen and starts getting stuff out.

They somehow manage not to run into each other while making dinner and the food is so good he has trouble turning down a fourth taco. While Millie puts away the leftovers, he wipes down the counter with a smile on his face.

To thank her for going to all this trouble, he starts wiping down the oven and cleaning up the crumbs in front of the toaster. As she puts dishes in the dishwasher, he tries not to stare at her back end whenever she bends over. Her short skirt just gets lifted out of the way by her tail each time revealing that she never put her panties back on when she got dressed after exercising. He has to look away to avoid a raging erection.

When everything is cleaned up, she hugs him from behind. "So, what do you want to do now?"

"Could we finish watching 'Up?'" he asks.

She presses her breasts against his back hugging him tighter. "While we cuddle?"

He gulps. Can he control himself if they cuddle right now? It feels so nice to be in someone's arms, though. If he says no, he might hurt her feelings and he's going to have to sit awkwardly next to her when they both want to be cuddling. "Sure."

She gives him a squeeze that makes him go, "Gah!" and then she lets go laughing.

He can't help but laugh with her before they go to the couch and sit down. After she gets the movie going, she puts her legs across his lap and moves her tail so it's going up and over his shoulders. His eyes go wide when he realizes her skirt is pushed up a bit and she's still naked down there. He can almost see what's between her thighs.

Is it possible she forgot to put panties on? Oh how he wants her to spread her legs so he can get a better look...he blushes under his fur. He could just ask her. No! That would definitely lead to other things he's not ready for.

As his cock hardens under her legs, he squirms. He thinks about reminding her that her bottom is uncovered, but part of him really likes this. Plus, she seems so comfortable. And she's not moving her legs or doing anything to make it even more awkward. He sighs at how nice it feels to have pressure against his prick and leans back against the couch trying to relax.

Yes, it's very weird, yes he's a bit nervous, but her not pushing things by trying to stimulate him makes things less overwhelming. He can feel the warmth of her bare ass against his thigh. He tries to tell himself it's okay. That they're both adults. That he slept in her bed last night and watched her masturbate this morning, so this is not nearly as big a deal. It actually works and he's able to watch the movie until she lifts her legs off him and switches to leaning on him.

He puts his arm around her and pulls her close. She sighs and puts her head on his shoulder. When the movie's over, she gets up and stretches. "I'm going to go masturbate again. Just letting you know so you aren't caught by surprise this time."

"Again?" he blurts out while still trying to process what she just said.

She laughs, "My day got pretty stressful earlier and twice in a day is pretty normal for me."

When he realizes he himself has done it twice, or more, times a day many many times, it seems far less odd. Though, he's still not sure what to say other than, "Have fun!"

"I will!" She dashes off to the bedroom and then looks back before she closes the door. "Do you want me to close the door?" Her face is not grinning or suggestive in any way, which surprises him.

"Sure," he says not sure if he means it.

"Okay, if you need anything from the bedroom, don't worry about interrupting me." She goes in and closes the door.

The moment the door's closed, he wants to go open it. Why is he so indecisive? This is getting him nowhere. He's tired of thinking about this today. He pulls out his headphones and puts them in before taking his sketchbook and a pencil out of his backpack.

A half-hour later, he has a very nice drawing of Millie's back end. He must have stared at it a lot to get a drawing this good... it's practically etched in his mind. He shakes his head at his drawing. He's hopeless. Part of him wants to laugh, part of him wants to bury his head under a pillow in embarrassment.