For Every Door that Closes -- Four

Story by Reserved Rodent on SoFurry

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#4 of For Every Door That Closes

_Once more, into the small print for this tale.

First, the characters, locations, and events in this story are fictional creations of Reserved Rodent. Occasionally, names of locations and entities from the real world are referenced in this work. These are all used to grant realism to the setting and should in no way be considered accurate representations of these places, events, things, or people in real life. Any other resemblances found within this work to other works are accidental as well as coincidental, and should not be considered monumental. In whole and part, original characters in this work belong to Reserved Rodent, so please make your own characters. This work was written with the intention of posting it and surrounding chapters on If you must take it and post it elsewhere, at least leave it fully intact, including these warnings to give credit (or blame) where it is due.

Second, this story has reached a point where there is some female nudity and suggestive actions made by female in that state. SO we have reached the point where I feel confident that I have included adult content. Sure, different folks have different levels of sensitivity, but I'm going to put it in the adult category without reservation for exactly that reason.

If full female nudity and suggestive actions done by such a figure is something you are not old enough to legally read about in your society, please obey the law and turn away. If this kind of subject matter will offend you, I know you can find something else that will not, so keep browsing. (Unless you want to be offended, then, read on, I suppose, just don't complain if you get what you're looking for.) For everyone else, it's not a huge jump into the deep end, but feet are at least getting figuratively wet. I hope you enjoy.

Future chapters are going to range from spotlessly clean to various levels of naughtiness. I do not foresee delving into extremes, but there will be various adult level activities, including M/F and M/M. I will make sure to tag such adult segments correctly, so make sure you pay attention, because they will also have similar warnings to the above. All this is mentioned here so you don't get surprised (not that I expect you will be if you're browsing this site.)

Special thanks to_

[Tengu the lynx](%5C) for proofreading this chapter for me. Anything less than perfect that remains is due to me being stubborn and ignoring his help.

For Every Door that Closes

by Reserved Rodent


When the darkness started fading, it slipped into a dream.

I was a nebulous fog, drifting softly through a deep forest.

With me, there were three, no, four individuals.

Somehow, I could clearly sense them despite having no body.

The most important one slowly stroked her soft, naked fur.

She circled her nipples lightly with the tips of the claws on her left hand. Her sharp teeth nibbled at her lips briefly, only to then be replaced by slow, soothing licks with her long tongue. Nimbly, her right paw stroked down from between her full breasts, weaving solidly under them both before sending her fingers prowling further to tease her sex between her thighs.

The reversed path to the start again was done just as slowly and sensually.

The scent of her pleasure filed me. Lights, in blues and greens, danced from her fingers, lips, and body, hypnotizing me even as the energy rippled from her to the figure the large male carried in his arms.

That sparking flow was the only reason I noticed those two. The male, like the naked goddess, was a humanoid hyena. There was too much of the vivid light around the figure he carried. I could tell it was a humanoid too, but nothing more.

The fourth individual appeared to be the spotted young male I had fought to save. He followed timidly just behind the large male - they were brothers, I suddenly decided.

The kid was worried.

I wanted to reach out and tell him he was safe now. His brother and the beautiful, magic filled female behind him would protect him. The youngster's tail wagged, but he remained worried, sending a look to the form being carried by his older sibling.

Disliking the fact I could not comfort the youth, my attention easily went back to the show the female was putting on. How could the older male ignore this?

As is often the case with dreams, time and location seemed alter without me noticing how it was accomplished.

I stopped starting at the luscious movements of the hyena goddess when I realized there were yapping, soft growls, and other noises surrounding me.

Where the scene of the forest had been eerily silent, the primitive hut I, still in my gaseous form, now filled was filled with arguing female hyena folk. The older brother was setting his still indistinguishable burden down on some fluffy hides in the middle of the room. The younger brother fidgeted from one foot to the other the lone door.

Again, I wanted to reassure the pup that everything was fine now that he was back with his people. He stopped worrying, as if my wish to give him a kind pat and scratch between his ears had actually touched him. At the same time, the room became instantly quiet.

It was not the complete absence of sound, like the dream of the forest, I could still hear the heavy breathing of the older brother as he backed up from where he set the humanoid he had carried. He was not tired, but on the edge of feeling winded, as if the journey had been long and the weight he had carried not insignificant.

He gave a questioning wine at the sudden stillness of the five females.

The youngest female, a skinny gray with rows of black spots and a stance that suggested middle to late teenager, gave a short yip; I could feel and smell the fear from her. Another of the newer hyenas, slightly older and a redder brown than the one who I had followed here, snarled in anger at the scared youth. The gray cringed in shame at displeasing one she respected more than anyone else, which should have angered me, but in the dream, it only pulled at my heart.

I reached out to try and comfort the younger female like I just had the kid. At the same time, I wished I had a physical hand so I could run it softly down the angry red's shoulder and arm fur, to let her know she could release her frustration without frightening someone who obviously respected her.

The youth's eyes widened as her fear slipped away. I was not sure what replaced it, but it gave her an intense calm. The anger spilled just as quickly from the older and her posture changed to one of apology, staring at the ground as she softly growled something.

My beautiful, hot smelling goddess yapped something softly as well, and I turned back to look at her. She was still doing the same motions, but looked tired, almost panting. Her fur was damp, sweaty. The light from her strokes not as brightly colored, but I could feel her determination. Whatever she was doing, it was important to her.

Before I managed to fully form a desire to let her know I believed in her, I was suddenly distracted by the first feeling of touch in this odd dream.

Though I still seemed to be a fog throughout the hut, my vision of the place vanished as I felt fingers caress my ears. Lightly tracing through the fur on the back, thumb pads slipping smoothly over the bare skin inside. I had never realized how sensitive my ears were.

The fingers ran down below my ears, massaging tension out of my neck to softly squeeze my shoulders. It was so hard to focus on anything but the sensations. After digging the strain out of my shoulders for a few seconds, the fingers danced up to grip the sides of my muzzle firmly. Lips touched mine for the briefest of kisses, teasing. Then they and the hands disappeared, though my skin still tingled where they had roamed.

I tried to look around the room I occupied, but now I felt thinner than before. The dream no longer allowed me to sense the room. But I still heard the hyenas chattering. And somehow, I now understood the meaning of their language. It was not like they spoke English, but rather that I now understood Hyena.

"I have given the visitor our language," a nearby voice, soft and feminine, confidently stated.

"Can you understand us, traveler?" This asked by an older female voice, her tone expecting an answer.

I tried to say yes, but without a body, my dream self remained silent.

"Good, we need you to focus." The elder responded as if she heard me. "You received deadly wounds defending our young one. We wish to heal you, but your energy is conflicted and scattered. Without your energy focused, we could easily fail to repair your internal injuries. So please, pull your energy into who and what you are. We will ensure your flesh follows."

This confused me. It seemed like she had spoken to me, but I had no idea what she meant. What did she mean about energy conflicting? I remembered the crack just before everything went black, so sure, I was wounded, probably pretty bad.

Was this some weird dying dream?

Should I be trying to wake up here?

Several of the females started muttering things to each other. They seemed confused at my reaction. I wished I could see who was saying what.

One voice, sounding shaken, softly murmured, "Please, if this is some joke on your part, stranger, end it. I can not keep your body in stasis much longer. Once my magic fails, I don't know how much time you will have left. Something is eating away at your health even within my spell."

The nearest voice spoke up again, still as confident as last time, though she sounded young. "I do not believe the visitor knows magic. Yes, he performed some simple connections with the energy Mira is generating to keep his body in stasis, but I believe those were untrained, perhaps instinctual efforts. The spell I gave him so he could understand our language was only the second spell ever placed on him. The stasis was the first."

Silence filled the blackness of my vision for what seemed like minutes. I was just about to abort my attempts to wake up and start calling out when the elder female's voice spoke again.

"Shala is correct. Mira's magic was the first to touch him. He has no disease cleansing field applied. We must remedy that immediately, for his natural immunities seem trained on completely alien maladies."

"He's an adult, not a newborn!" growled the exhausted woman's voice. Was this the beautiful Mira? "The ritual will knock his mind back to infancy if we apply it to him in his unfocused state!"

"He will die if we do not, child." replied the elder.

"But he can focus!" yipped a young voice that had not spoken in the room yet. "I know he can. I saw him do it when he saved me! He used a command voice like yours, Gran Lisa, that calmed me and told me I was safe. I was shocked by a male using it, but he was from a tribe I didn't know."

This had to be the kid I saved.

"Then I saw him use great skill and focus to fight. He leapt so high into the tree tops I couldn't see him any more. But it was real quick, because he came right back down. SLAM! Right on the porsect."

Stupid dream. They'd have a different name for a local predator than my silly attempt.

"Then he rode it around as it tried to fling him off! It was slamming into trees and shaking like the air during a thunderstorm, but he stayed on for hours and hours wearing it out and slowly ripping the armor off it's eye so he could rip out the thing's brain!"

That's not how it went at all!

"Finally, he flipped it over on its back so he could finish it, but the thing played dead, tricking him! So he had to grab its jaws with his bare hands and push it back towards the big pit that he must have dug during the day, cause that's where he climbed out of to save me! But he didn't have to throw the porsect in because he ripped it's head open first!"

I was flabbergasted.

If I had a body, my jaw would be flat on the ground.

"So don't say he can't focus - he can focus perfectly fine, Gran." From the tone of his voice, any who disagreed with him had to be horribly stupid. From the general feeling I was getting wherever I floated in the dark, he had amused almost everyone else greatly with his version of the encounter.

Me, I was embarrassed by such claims. I barely kept from getting killed several times before finally finishing the thing off. Well, my survival, as far as I knew, was still up in the air.

Sounding like a barely contained hyena chuckle, the elder responded lightly, "You raise an interesting point, Gregr. Why don't you hold our patient's left hand, so he feels how much you believe in him." Before she finished her sentence, I felt a small pair of paws grip my left hand. It felt like they had no intention of letting go.

"Vargr," the same voice continued, "please step up and hold his right hand."

"Yes, Gran," a deeper male voice replied to the elder. Shortly thereafter, I felt the bottom of that hand being firmly gripped in a large paw, quickly followed by the pads of a different paw resting softly on the top of mine.

"Traveler, do you remember your name?"

I had one of those awful moments when a simple question is asked and you know the answer, but it does not come to mind. I tried to relax and not feel so much pressure from the elder hyena's inquiry. In doing so, I started to feel the heartbeats of the two brothers holding my hands. Somehow, that natural rhythm was enough for me to collect myself.

Randolf, I answered, followed by habit with, but my friends call me Randy.

"Randy," The elder said with a very strict tone. "It is vital that you focus in on your name. By doing so, it will guide your energy back into its true form as we heal your wounds. You must do this, because we have not seen one of your kind before, so must rely on the inherent knowledge of your own body to guide the magic. Stray thoughts could cause irreparable harm."

I could feel concern trying to worm its way into my thoughts. I had changed into a different species within the past day. What was I now? A soft squeeze to my left hand pulled my thoughts away from that worry.

Randy. Remember I'm Randy, I thought briefly, struggling against a chuckle as thoughts of the first hyena woman I had seen tried to creep in.

She certainly made me randy.

"Gregr is there to help you remember yourself at your strongest," The elder continued, washing away distracting thoughts. "Vargr will be the guideline for us to apply a modified cleansing field to you. You put yourself at great risk to save his brother. Now he will share his strength with you so you may survive in our lands."

The top of my right hand was patted lightly. "We'll be like brothers, then," the deep voice murmured. "Between the two of us, we might be able to keep Gregr out of trouble."

Doubt lingered somewhere nearby. Its source seemed separated from me, so I decided that there was nothing I could do to remedy that problem. I needed to stay focused on my name, on who I was. Randy.

I could not describe how I knew, it was just part of the dream, but suddenly, Mira's power started to fail. Pain shot through my back, making me clench down on the hands holding mine. I could feel a wrongness in my intestines. My breath sounded wet.

Everything started slipping away.

Randy, I thought, desperate to do what I had been asked.

Darkness and oblivion were sweeping over me.

My friends... call... me...