Gonz's Scrying

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#13 of Estrasa's Tower

Throughout last year, Patrons on my patreon had the option to get monthly commissions from me. Many of these commissions were actually used to set up the story for Estrasa's Tower. So, throughout this month, I will be releasing formerly patron-only stories to the public.

This story is about Gonz, a kobold cleric owned by GonztheKobold https://www.furaffinity.net/user/gonzthekobold/

Gonz had discovered that an old friend of hers had been transformed into a monstrous dragon. So, in order to figure out who and why he was transformed, she decides to take a trip to the astral plane. Problem is, the Dark Queen Estrasa has felt her presence, and wants to give the kobold a wild ride!

Check out my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tiktikkobold

Check out my discord Server: https://discord.gg/fA2NeqZ

Gonz, the kobold priestess of Xasandra, sits upon the stone, raised slightly above the rest of the cave chamber. Sitting before her is the large creature Kor, once a kobold himself. The two look into each other's eyes as the priestess takes a deep breath, holding her hands out before herself.

The draconic creature leans in, resting his muzzle against her palms, his warm breath feels so nice against her scales.

"Now, my dear, dear friend," Gonz says, running one hand over his muzzle. "We shall find out just what transformed you and how deep the power goes. I know you are in there, but are you still connected to the evil force which drove you earlier? Will some trigger turn you into a vile beast? That we must determine."

He closes his eyes, sighing as Gonz channels both her arcane sorcery and the divine miracles of her goddess through his body. She hums, attuning herself to the magical wavelengths. Surely, her mind is traveling beyond these caves, out of the mountain, beyond the township, and far, far away. She feels the whipping wind and pouring rain as she flies off beyond the mountains. The chill of snow upon her scales and the heat of the blazing sun as her mind's form traverses the world. It's a wonderful experience and one she thanks Xasandra for.

But her travels stop abruptly. Here, rising up from a deep valley and thrusting itself into the sky, is a dark, imposing edifice. All around it, black clouds blot out the sun, and the chill is no longer of the brisk white snow, but of the permeating darkness all around, the lack of light, the lack of hope.

"I've found it," Gonz whispers. "It's a journey from here, yes, but it is not insurmountable. If we can... wait..."

Kor furrows his brow and pets his friend and partner on the head. "Gonz, isss everything alright? What do you-" A sudden flash of realization comes before him as he can feel the presence, the one that had come to him after he had transformed. He grabs his head and stumbles back away from Gonz, his form repulsed by her own. "No... she's my friend. You can't!"

"I can do whatever I wish to her," the voice responds. "And what I wish is to punish you for your incompetence. You were to bed her, impregnate her, and make her your bitch. Now, this cleric is free to invoke her goddess's name against me. That, I cannot allow, not without the proper motivation."

Gonz sits up on her knees. She rubs her horn, shaking her head. "Uhh... what happened? First I see the location and the-aah!?'

Suddenly, the feeling of fingers around her breasts fill the matronly kobold. She pants as she feels the masterful digits massage her mounds. "W... what is this?" she asks, panting. "Who's... who's touching me?"

"Estrasssa..." Kor says, whimpering as he is stuck away from his lover. "Sssshe hasss found usss."

Gonz squirms underneath the touch of the sorceress, the feeling of fingers going down her scales, rubbing over her belly and running between her legs. Her tongue rolls out as her legs spread slightly to the touch. "Aah, I can't... I can't stop her. The feeling is in my mind and in my body at once. My astral form... it's... it's in her grasp!"

Meanwhile, in the sorceress's lair, the Dark Queen herself sits upon her throne. In her mind's eye, she sees the astral form of the kobold before her, but she herself doesn't move. Instead, a ghostly figure, a projection of herself, plays with the kobold's spiritual body.

"How perfect is it that a priestess of a goddess presumed dead graces my doorstep," the lounging sorceress says. "And, you're a sorceress yourself. So, you understand exactly what I'm doing to you, don't you?"

The astral copy of Estrasa scoops up one of the kobold's breasts and brings it to her lips. The copy suckles upon the tit, causing Gonz to arch her back and cry out.

Her priestly robes stain from the expulsion of her milk. She fumbles at her outfit, tearing the buttons off and letting her body free as she cries out. Milk trickles down her scales, staining her clothes where they still rest on her. Meanwhile, she feels something else, something powerful, leaking out of her astral form.

"W... what is this?" Gonz asks as she looks down to see the lips of the ethereal construct supping from her breast.

The Dark Queen licks her lips and smiles, giggling with a sense of accomplishment. "Oh, that is just your divine energy. It tastes so good, Gonz. I must thank Kor for leading you to me, where I can get the latent abilities of your goddess. This will surely be useful for my newest spells."

"Ahh... you can't... you can't steal my magic!" Gonz says, shaking her head.

Fingers press inside of her slit, flicking back and forth and spreading. "I can do anything that I want. Are you going to tell me you're not aroused?"

The sorceress pulls her fingers free. Sex glistens between her digits, which the sorceress then brushes up along Gonz's body. Once up to her chin, she then flicks up, pushing the fingers into Gonz's spiritual mouth.

The kobold groans, tasting the metaphorical discharge, her own lewd fluids. When the Dark Queen pulls her fingers free, Gonz pants, only to shake her head, putting her tail between her legs. "You can't do this anymore... I... I can defeat you!"

"I'd love to see you try," the Dark Queen says.

"B.... By the power of Xasandra.... Evil spirit, begone!"

The rush of divine power shoots out from Gonz's astral body. The spiritual Dark Queen flies back just a bit, but giggles in its mischief.

"Oh, you poor, poor dear. I've already absorbed enough power from you for my purposes. But if you really do wish to play with me still, I'll indulge you until you are a quivering mess!"

After making that proclamation, the manifestation of the Dark Queen's power curls up into a fetal position, the divine energy she supped from the breast of the cleric thrumming throughout her ethereal form. Gonz now has more control of herself, her astral projection floating gently away from the figure, heading back towards her home if she can.

Suddenly, the astral queen screams in power as she uncurls, launching magical energy throughout the entire plane. It sends Gonz tumbling back, flying through the vast nothingness. No longer are their forms projected in a place that resembles the material realm. Now, their minds truly are in the astral plane. And the being that flies towards the kobold no longer resembles a human fully, for it has long clawed hands and impressive dragon wings on its back. And between her legs a massive dragon dong.

She grabs Gonz from behind, pulling her in close and groping her with abandon. "Look at you," the Dark Queen whispers. "You claim to be the priestess of fertility, yet here you are, handled by me." She rocks her hips, rubbing the dick up against the kobold's slit. "You're no real priestess. You are a sad little man who wanted to get laid, and it's all thanks to me you're here where you are in the first place."

Gonz gasps when she hears this, more of her divine connection leaking out as those clawed fingers grope and squeeze at her chest. "Y... you?"

"I'm the foremost authority on transfiguration in the land," Estrasa says, whispering into the kobold's ear. "If you were here before me, I could turn you into a newt in a second and gobble you up." She reaches up, grabbing the kobold by the head. "But, where's the fun in that!" she laughs as she pushes Gonz down forward, grabbing her tail and lifting it up. "Now, then, oh great breeder, what happens when your soul is impregnated by my own? Let's find out!"

She pushes forward, spreading Gonz's slit with her thick cock and leaning forward, her own breasts pressed against the kobold's back. "I feel it. I feel how much this excites you. I can't believe you actually like this," she teases, pushing her cock in a rhythm already.

Gonz moans, her whole body shuddering. It's true. This all started because she was a horny male looking to dick some girlbolds. Never, in her wildest dreams would she thinks he'd be so metaphorically and metaphysically fucked by a powerful spellcaster. She's a bitch, but damn if Estrasa isn't an amazing lay!

"Now, then..." the sorceress says, her hands moving up over Gonz's shoulders, grabbing her arms, running down them, lacing through her fingers. "Swear your fealty to me and only me, and I shall grant you pleasure beyond even this we feel right now. I need someone as lewd as you, Gonz--someone who could be the broodmother of so many wonderful creations. Imagine all the cocks, Gonz, all the children you'll be a mother to, starting with my own!" she grunts as she pushes further than before.

"Y... you stole from me..." Gonz hisses.

"What's that?" the dark queen asks, thrusting deep into the kobold's metaphorical womb.

Gonz tilts her head back, her eyes rolling back as she cries to that. By Xasandra, this sorceress is good. But she must fight back. She must commit to herself. "You... tricked me and Kor. Caused so much distress.

"All in the name of this moment," she says, rocking in and out of her. "Can't you see that you will be the mother of something this world has never seen before? Thanks to your divine connection to Xasandra, you will give birth to something wonderful. My child" She breathes out into Gonz's ear as she lets go of the kobold's hands. She wraps her arms around Gonz's body, pulling her up against her back. She bounces Gonz onto her pole, grunting as her words continue to echo in Gonz's mind. "This need not be taken from you in force. You can join me and be mine and have as many children with as many of my creatures as I can see fit. Together, we will spread Xasandra's word and bring fertility everywhere! You need not be confined to your warren!" she squeezes the kobold close, her tongue running along her neck. "Let me have this." Her voice becomes more and more feral, more desperate. "Let me take you, make you mine! Come to me, Gonz, and let us bring new greater life!"

"It is a parody of great life!" Gonz says, closing her eyes shut, but despite her conviction, those words, that divine mission of hers, it overwhelms her.

"Su... such a shaaaaame!" the queen shouts, throwing her head back, rolling her tongue out as she shoots off into Gonz's thoughtform. Meanwhile, Gonz herself climaxes, feeling her very soul rocked by the most amazing fuck she had felt in her time as a cleric. Her eyes open, and she feels herself returned fully to the material plane.

Kor whimpers as he crawls up to her, nuzzling against his lover and friend. "G... Gonz, bro, er, my love, are you okay and stuff?"

Gonz sits up, her whole body stained with sweat, milk and her excitement. She shudders, her muscles feeling weak as if she had faced a full on workout, despite just laying there this whole time. "The Dark Queen, Estrasa..." she pants, gulping. "Her power is great... greater than I feared, and I just... I just gave her some of my clerical powers." She clasps her hands together, leaning down, and murmuring in prayer.

Kor frowns. "Is... is that a bad thing...?"

She wails, grabbing onto her vestments, rending her clothes as she laments. "My goddess. I can no longer feel you! The fiend. She's taken you from me!"

Meanwhile, the Dark Queen collapses onto her throne, panting, her robes disheveled. She snaps her fingers and an cephalopodic creature slaps its tentacles around, rolling on the ground and pouring her a glass of wine. She downs it with abandon, letting some of the drink dribble down her body. She gasps, tosses the glass asaie and says, "hot damn!"