To Claim A Boy 5 by Rekhit & Griz Sylverwing

Story by Rekhit on SoFurry

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(This story is set within the Fallout universe. Paid commission for TKD DBull.)

To Claim A Boy Epilogue by Rekhit Redstripe & Griz Sylverwing

Torrin lowed in content as he sank back in the softly padded sofa, stretching out his legs. There was a slight twinge from his right calf but he ignored it. The pain from the damaged muscle was tolerable now and working out at the gym was helping re-build it. It would never be the same; it would always cause some level of discomfort, and he would always walk with a slight limp. But it didn't matter really, not anymore. A log fire blazed in a few feet away, the heat soothing the damaged muscle.

It had been 6 months since the fight in the alley, and 5 months since Torrin had finally been allowed out of the hospital; Kevin had made sure Torrin's insurance was covered so he could get the care he needed. Thankfully the DCPD decided not to file charges against the bull, seeing as he saved Kevin at great personal cost, and how Kreegor and his gang had a rap sheet several pages long. The surviving members of the pack were looking at the death sentence.

But on top of that, Torrin and Kevin had begun the slow path to reconciling their relationship. It was still on rocky ground but Torrin was adamant to prove his loyalty to the human. He even joined in with the rights movement, becoming head of their internal security. Well, after another attempted assassination on Kevin by the Human Purity movement, Torrin all but insisted. It was also rumoured that the anti-human/anthro group had also hired Kreegor to take out Kevin, but there was no proof and the surviving members of the pack didn't know anything.

They took it slowly, gently. Both still lived apart, Torrin in his townhouse and Kevin remained renting a room with Sarah. But they saw each other regularly outside of the rights movement meetings. Torrin explained everything to Kevin, what he had done to Reggie and what Reggie had done to him in turn. Kevin admitted to knowing Reggie from a while before and how Reggie helped him to control his gag reflex but that nothing else had happened. Torrin believed him.

Over the past few months Torrin had tried to locate Reggie and it was only in recent weeks he found out his fate; Reggie's body had been pulled from the river, a bullet hole in his head. The cops believed it was a drug deal gone bad, though they were unable to discover who had performed the deed. Torrin wasn't bothered and was glad the stallion had gotten what he deserved.

It had been a long few months and it was clear the strain was showing with Kevin. He hardly slept, he barely ate, his entire attention focused on getting equal rights for everyone like himself. It was then that Torrin put his hoof down and ordered Kevin to take a break. So here they were in a rented log cabin a little north of Point Lookout.

Kevin stirred and pressed against Torrin's side, the bull's large arm wrapped around him. "I'm glad you talked me into this," he said softly, cuddling the bull. "I didn't realise how stressed out I was."

Torrin nuzzled the human's head. "Well what do you expect? Yer takin' on Capitol Hill, rather you then me babe."

Letting out a groan, Kevin replied "Don't remind me! I have to see the President in two weeks. The President. As in the Commonwealth of America President. Do you know how nervous I am even thinking about that?"

"You'll be fine babe, you always are." They sat staring at the log fire. "We cool now babe?"

"What?" Kevin asked, looking up at the bull.

"You n' me. We put the past behind us right?"

"Sure," Kevin replied a little too quickly.

"I ain't convinced. You still don't trust me?"

Kevin sat up, turning to look at the bull in the eyes. "Torrin... please. I know what happened wasn't your fault, you weren't thinking straight. It's just..." He trailed off, not finding the right words.

"You don't trust me," Torrin answered for him.

"I want to. I want to be able to trust you like I did before."

The bull nodded. It was the main problem between them. Torrin loved Kevin deeply, and he suspected the human loved him back as much. But there was the air of mistrust between them. How would he be able to prove to his boy that he was the only one? There was only one way, and Torrin knew that he would have to do it.

He snaked his large paw around Kevin's hand. "Come on." He pulled the human to his feet and led him towards the bedroom. It was the perfect symbol of how divided they were; they had rented a cabin with two single beds. With a grunt Torrin pushed them together.

"Torrin, please, we've been over this," Kevin protested, folding his arms. "I'm just not..."

"Hush," the bull replied. He striped off quickly, revealing his massive frame, large arms and legs and bulging cock. A snort escaped his nose as he saw Kevin's eyes travel downwards. "Been givin' this a lot of though babe. You need to be able to trust me again, and I want you to trust me. So, there really ain't any other way." The bull climbed on to the beds so he was on all fours, his bare ass pointing towards Kevin. He lifted his tail, looked back his boy and said "I want you to take my virginity."

Kevin blinked hard a few times. "Come again," he managed to say.

"Fuck me babe, I want you ta bust my anal virginity. I wanna show you that you're the only one for me by bein' the only male ever to fuck me in my ass."

It took a few seconds for Kevin to realise what the bull was asking of him. Shortly after they got together Torrin made it clear that while he loved ass play, he didn't want it on himself. Licking was fine, a tongue his hole was horny, but penetration by a finger, toy or cock was out. He was a total top; he did all the fucking.

And for him to be offering his virginity as proof of his loyalty... it was a gesture that went far deeper then wanting simply to go back to how things had been before. Torrin was making it clear he wanted it to go much deeper. Slowly Kevin came over and ran a hand over the soft furry rump of the bull. His tongue was no stranger to the large bovine anus.

"Are you sure?" Kevin asked quietly.

"Do it boy. Fuck me and plant your seed inside me. I wanna have a piece of you in me forever."

Kevin removed his clothes and pressed his face between the bull's firm cheeks. The taste of the bull's anus covered his tongue and both bull and human moaned. It had been so long, Kevin had missed being so intimate with his Daddy bull. He groped the cheeks roughly as he slid his tongue inside. Deep lows erupted from the bull's mouth, the long tail swishing from side to side.

They didn't have any lube, Kevin didn't expect them to have any sex, so he tongued the bull's hole as much as he could. Fucking using spit was never a good idea, but it was all he had. Kevin climbed the bed and licked his hand, rubbing his engorged cock. "Are you sure?" he asked again.

"Yes babe, do it." Torrin gripped the sheets as the pierced head of Kevin's cock rubbed across his sensitive hole. It sent tingles along his spine and he shuddered a little.

As slowly as he could, Kevin pressed forward, the bull's anus resisting but very slowly parted to allow the invader in. Kevin's cock was no where as big as the bull's but even so, for someone who had never had anything larger then a tongue probed inside it wouldn't be easy. There was resistance as the bull's anus clamped down on reflex and Kevin rubbed the large back, whispering reassuring words to his lover.

Slowly the tight black anus relaxed some and Kevin pushed inwards again. While mainly submissive he was no stranger to topping, though it had been years. In a way he felt as much a virgin as Torrin did. He grunted as the tight flesh pressed against his pierced cock and with a gentle thrust popped inside the bull's rectum.

Torrin let out a strained moo. It didn't hurt but felt very strange and very comfortable. He was thankful that Kevin had stopped, letting him get used to the object in his ass. It felt foreign, alien and Torrin's muscles clamped down, trying to do what came natural and expel the intruder. But Torrin forced his ass to stop and told his boy to carry on.

Gently Kevin's cock pushed inside the bull until he was buried to the hilt. "Are you okay Daddy?" he asked.

Torrin felt his chest swell, hearing Kevin use that word. A word he never thought he'd hear again. "Yes boy. Fuck your Daddy bull."

And so he did. Gently at first, he thrust his hips back and forth, almost mechanically. It was strange for Kevin to have his cock buried in someone's ass, but it wasn't an uncomfortable feeling. Torrin's ass and rectum pressed around his member tightly, squeezing and pushing on it, relaxing some as Kevin pushed inwards.

The uncomfortable feeling started to dissipate and Torrin grunted, pushing backwards to meet the inward thrust. Without realising his tail curled around Kevin, wrapping itself around him to keep his lover where he was. As Kevin thrust inward the ring of the piercing pressed hard against something inside Torrin that made him grunt loudly, a gentle pressure that made his balls contract.

Both groaned as they took pleasure in the other. Torrin's hole relaxed, allowing his boy deeper access. He snorted every time the pierced head pressed against his swollen prostate. The hands of Kevin gripped the soft fur on the bull's ass, sweat dripping of his smooth skin. The warmth of the bull's inner ass was amazing as it gripped his length. It was too much...

"I'm gonna cum Daddy," Kevin panted, thrusting harder.

"Do it boy, fill yer Daddy," Torrin grunted back.

Kevin peeked and let out a small cry, thrusting in hard. His cock jerked and sprayed cum deep into the bull's hole, spurt after heavy spurt. Torrin could feel the hot ejaculate pumping into him. Now he knew what Kevin liked it so much. The feel, knowing what was happening, was so intimate, so passionate. He didn't want it to end.

They lay on the beds together, Kevin stroking the bull's massive chest. He'd offered to suck the bull's cock but Torrin said no; tonight was about Kevin. Deep inside he could feel his boy's cum and it oozed out of his hole. "Thank you babe," he said softly, stroking Kevin's head. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Daddy," Kevin murmured softly.

They lay together for a few moments, both revelling in the afterglow of a renewed trust until the bull leaned over to the bedside cabinet that had been next to his single bed and rooted around, closing the drawer and hiding something from Kevin's view. "I wanna ask you somethin', somethin' really important." Torrin pulled Kevin up so they say facing each other. "Now, what I got to say is this; I love you. It took all that time apart for me to realise that the one thing I was missing was you. I'm sorry I messed up and there is one way I can promise you that I won't ever do it again." From behind his back he moved his paw and in it was a rectangular box. The bull faced the opening edge to his boy and with a thick digit he lifted the lid so it opened up.

Kevin gasped aloud and put a hand over his open mouth. In the box, set side by side, were two rings, one bigger than the other, but identical in design. Each was made up of three intertwining bands of material. One was gold, the other silver but Kevin wasn't sure about the third. It looked ivory...

Torrin was beaming at Kevin's reaction and lifted the smaller of the two rings out of its placement in the box. Putting it on the bed he held out his paw and Kevin slowly held out his left hand, dwarfed by Torrin's right paw as he placed it into the bull's palm. Torrin took the ring between his thumb and forefinger and gently slid it onto Kevin's ring finger. It was a perfect fit. The human lifted up his hand and took a closer look at the ring.

"Is that...?"

"A few days after I woke up, when Scott had come to take over from you and sit by my bed so you could rest, I asked him a favour. He returned to the alleyway and managed to find pieces of my broken horn. He gave them ta me and when I got out of hospital I went to a jeweller and asked him to make somethin' for me. Somethin' special and one of a kind so that if you accepted, you would know you would always have me with you even when we are apart. A ring to show that when you are victorious and the President passes a law to say that we can do it" the bull grasped Kevin's ringed hand between his two big paws and looked at Kevin, the bulls eyes showing pure sincerity of his words "That I will meet you down the isle of a church and I will vow to look after you, to care for you, to provide for you. You. My boy... My husband. Will you marry me... when we're able?"

Kevin's cheeks were flushed red and for the last minute or so he'd either been staring at the ring on his finger or into Torrin's eyes. Now for the first time since they were apart he cried in happiness and practically threw himself onto the Bull who gave a short surprised moo and fell back with Kevin resting on him and hugging him tightly and kissing his cheeks and neck.

"Yes! Yes I will!" They hugged tightly. "Now I have a sudden urge to get our rights bill passed as soon as possible!" They both chuckled, knowing that, for once, the future was a bright.


"Stop fidgeting," Scott whispered, leaning close to Torrin. "Ya look like ya got fleas."

"Yeah, well, I'm nervous." Torrin tugged on the sleeves of his jacket, then on the bottom of his waist coat.

"What's there to be nervous about," Scott asked, looking back at the room that was filled with people. "You just say the words an' that's it right?"

Torrin turned his head and glared at the canine. "When you get married remind me to tell ya the same thing." All he got was a chuckle from the Doberman.

The bull had always prided himself on being able to handle any situation. But standing at the altar, knowing there was room full of people behind him, made his stomach churn. He'd been unable to eat anything that morning. It was a day he never thought would happen, and after proposing to Kevin, thought would never come.

3 long years it had taken to finally win the right to marry, and for every human and anthro around America to do the same. Theirs would be the first; Kevin had insisted and that privilege was his to take. Already the name Kevin Stone was being written along side the names of other civil rights activist; Martin Luther King jr, Rosa Parks and so many others.

But it didn't matter to Torrin how famous Kevin was now. He was marrying his boy, not a legend.

The priest entered and the music began. The familiar strains of the wedding march blared out of the organ and Torrin turned. He felt his heart swell as he saw Kevin coming down in the aisle dressed in the same cream coloured tuxedo as the bull was wearing. He walked with Sarah, the rabbit in a long flowing white dress and flowers curled around her long ears. He felt Scott's eyes looking at the dainty lapin and inwardly he chuckled; maybe there would be another marriage soon.

Kevin reached the altar and smiled up at his bull. Torrin smiled down, holding out his large paw. Taking it, the two turned to face the priest.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness not only the joining in the bonds of loving matrimony, but also an historical occasion. For until recently, this blessed union would not have been possible. Had it not been for the hard work and dedication of so many, this day would never have come to pass. Let us give thanks to God for showing us the true way." He looked at Torrin and Kevin, then at the assembled crowd, human and anthro alike. "Torrin and Kevin have chosen to say a few words before taking their vows."

Torrin cleared his throat. "From the day I first met ya, there was something that attracted me. It didn't matter that you were human or anythin'. There was somethin' about ya that I was drawn to. I had to have you. And now... now I couldn't bare a single second of my life without ya."

Kevin smiled, squeezing the bull's huge paw. "When I first met you I thought you were rude and arrogant... but then I came to know you, the real you, and found something that was missing in my life. Looking back, I don't know how I ever did without in my life. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

There was a muffled sob from somewhere in the crowd and Kevin smiled. The priest looked first at Torrin. "Now the vows. Do you, Torrin O'Terroroar, take this man to be your life mate. Do you promise to love and cherish him, protect and serve him, to be with him until the end of your days?"

"I do," Torrin rumbled, staring intently into the eyes of his boy.

"Do you, Kevin Albert Joseph Stone, take this bull to be your life mate. Do you promise to love and cherish him, to protect and serve him, to be with him until the end of your days?"

"I do," Kevin replied. Scott stepped forward and gave Torrin a ring, the same ring he had proposed with so many year ago.

"With this ring, I thee wed," the bull said, slipping it onto Kevin's ring finger. Sarah handed an identical but larger king to Kevin and he slipped it onto Torrin's ring finger.

"With this ring, I thee wed," he said softly, feeling his throat choking a little.

"With the powers invested in me by the City of Washington DC and of the Commonwealth of America, I hereby pronounce you... life mates."

A cheer rang up from the crowd as Torrin and Kevin kissed gently, pressing against each other. Even Scott wiped away a tear.

They arrived at the reception hall to the sound of cheers and applause and surrounded by their friends and family, the happy couple danced and partied the night away. It didn't matter that the food was scarce or that the spectre of war hung over them. Tonight was a happy occasion and Torrin and Kevin forgot about everything except themselves. Their first dance together, surrounded by the wedding guests, was so loving and intimate that the world around them melted away, their only thoughts were on each other.

That evening the newly married couple arrived at Fiddler's Green, one of the most luxurious hotels outside of DC and led them up to the honeymoon suite. Before Kevin could get close to the door, Torrin swept him up in his arms. "We're married now," he said. "Gotta do this right!"

Kevin laughed. "You silly bull," but didn't protest. He was carried into the room and laid on the bed. "Take me husband, show me how much you love me." And so Torrin did. That night and every night, for the rest of their lives.

The End